Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 03, 1872, Image 3

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Moitey Market,
Latest New York Gold Qnot&tiona.. ...... .111
Xegal Tenders in Portland:
Buying...,. :......oq Sllinj...-.8l
Dallas Produce and Commission Market.
Corrected Weekly, by G. B. Stiles, People's
Merchant, Mats Street, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT 5f&80 bush.
OATS-65 e.
FLOUR U $6 50 bbL
" Sks$l 37 $150
CORN MEAL 4e. ia lb.
BEAXS 8c.a lb. ? V
BACON Sides. IS 15o fIb.
I ' Shoulders. So. to i2e. $1 lb. -
HAMS U lo lb. 1" :
PORK Dressed, 6(7cta ; -
i " Pickled, 8o. to tO.e. R. ? '-;
BUTTER Firkins 20 25o lb.
" Ralls. 20 to 2ic. lb. J
"EGGS 24o$ doi.
LARD Bolklc; tin,20,
POTATOES From Wagon, $1 25 bushel.
' ONIONS $2 bushel. Z
APPLES Ureen, 60c bhL
Dried, 6e $ B.
CIIEESE Now Oregon. 20 23o ft lb.
cji nitfhtj; V" ..';":
Days shorten' ' 5 '
Sao Kiooaid's a I
VT C Wills has returned
Rer E A Sears wil holdl divine services in
the ME Church, South, at II o'clock to-morrow
morning. . .
The host preparation in the market f ir re-
loring gray hair t its original color is Hall's
VegeUblo Sicilian Hair Kunowrr. Try it! Try
By referring to our advertising columns it
will be seen that J. II. Kiucaid has reduced
the pric of photographs to the small sum of
$t 50, or $2 50 per half dozen. Mr K. is
wull knowa in. this vicinity, and thus desiring
pictures should give him a call. Gallery op
posite W II Rubell's office, main street.
Oj Tuesday forenoon, Mr. Berry Itig
csiaj t tW4 on horseback, and hitched tho
animal in front of Jthe store oi Messrs. N. tfc
J. D. Lee, to a ring. A passing team fright
ened the bors e, causing bioi to pull back, nheu
the plunk gave way, and lie Inlanders stop
pod the horse in time to save that portiou of
ibj sidewalk which he had concluded to take
away with him.
Bugs ma-ij a cabbage plant in this vieiuity
is cuuipletely ruined by the bugs. These in
sects ii.o to small tbat they luok like "blue
lunjj," tiitiy rest ou the piauts. Evcrythu g
has bjon triod io kill tbtiu, but it ectuu an
iuQpossib.niy. some advise oue thing und some
a jollier. Lut in a week ailer the application ut
tuo remedy the plauts are agaiu covered with the
pests. Will somebody send us a pair of pinebers
to draw tht'f teetL ?
Our Need. S:veral times we have given a
gvutlo niut to tne edoct that wj desired tbuse
iu arrears iJt sub uriii ju, j o work, or ad-vcrti.-iugi
to call aud selt.e their bills. It is
U 1 pteaoant fur us to remiud those indebted
t- us tit it we waut m aey, but when a man
allows his i'ri liter's bills to stand two aud three
y eaia Le must expect be called ou for it. These
kuuwi;ig tbemselves injected to ibis otl.co lor
tLe )at three years, will toufiravery great
lavor by cailiug and settling. A newspaper
may successfully give its subscribers the bene
fit of one year's ittdit ; Lut is hardly fair lor
our- "J atrens" to expect us to iu until they
dirjust to f ratify them in a little whim that
of leaving us the little amount in their wills
A Correfpondcnt, writing frcm Athens, cu
riously confrasts the mixtures tu be found there
of ancient and modern civdizatiooa. Railroads
spin Ibeir trains amid ttuiples of 3100 tars
steamers dash their swells wjon thePireu, and
b i imiii of their whistles resourds from
Athos, I'cntoucus and Cytheroa to Olympus
and the be tfeoa beyond their gods. Dr. Ayci's
world-renowned m- did e.'( those consuinations
o. modern science, are posted on the Acropolis,
the Parthenon, tie Aieoj auc and theTbesiot.'
while the inodc-n catds of Cherry Pectoral,
Ajcr's fcari-urilla, Ague Cure and Pills look
from the windows of the sLopa in the streets
cf 'Athens, ..e w tLey are sold. J. Y, Sunday
To the Faint, the Weary, aud Distregfed. A
few days ago, while in Ba etn we stopped at the
Commercial Hotel, and found everything as
neat as anew pin. Messrs. Riley A Lippincott
bate leased this popular house, aud iutend run
ning it lor the benefit of the traveling public.
The building i of brick, and large enough to
accommodate all that ein get inside,an no two
in bed id fact it is like an omnibus, always
room for one more. There is a fino commodi
ous dining hall, neat aad clean, and well ar
janged. , Good co..ks and accommodating
waiters, is' a pleaVaht feature of this bouse. The
jiroprietors are poi.ta ana obning, and one
may feel certain of having every attention paid
to his comfort, should he favor them with his
patronage. The table if always furnished with
every luxury the market affords, and they fur
nish their patrons three square' meals a day
A back will convey passengers ond luggage'
free ef charge, to or from the boats or cars.
Th trarelere will appreciate this, as they
know how it is themselves, to arrive in si strange
rlaee. aad be compelled to foot it to a board
ing hooae through beet of fomraer, or wet of
winter, aod we art cvtaia the effort or toe
proprietors ia thia particular r will be highly
applauded by tbosa baviog the "misfortune", to
travel this hot weather. In fact the Commer
ceieial ranks as one of the finest hotels in
Oregon, and the names of Riley k Lippencott
will briog many natro-is to the bouse, as they
are both well known to the traveling publio.
To tbe people of Polk and surrounding
counties, who visit Salem, we would say, for
comfort, elean beds, good grab, and everything
that makes life pleasant, be sure to M put op"
. a f a .
. t ise voupicrciaj &oti,
- A Perllooa Season.
; : Glorious and delightful as the Summer wea
ther Is, its tropical beat is a severe trial to the
vital powers. Even the strongest are some
times prostrated by its effects. The common
phrase applied to this condition of the body is
."general debility," Now, , general debility
arises from, and includes a variety of ailments
The liver is more or less affected, the bowels
are either constipated or to much relaxed, the
stomach but half performs the work of digestion
the appetite is poor, and the spirits depressed.
This is what is called general debility. It is a
general disarrangement of the physical func
tiens, and requires as a remedy a medicine that
will regulate them all. Ilustetter's Stomach
Bitiera is specially adapted to this purpose.
Its general operation i not eoufined to a sin
gle organ. It the liver is affected, it restores
its tone. ' If the stomach id torpid, it regener
ates it. If the neves are tremulous and weak
it braoea ana reinforces thcur If the wind,
which ever sympathises with the body, is
gUuiny and despoodout, it relieves the difficulty,
and toon brings tbe wholo mechanism of tbo
body into harmony with the laws of lile and
There is no civilized nation in the Western
Hemisphere iu which the utility of Hosteller's
Stomach liiters as a tonic, corrective, aud anti
bilious tneuiciue, is not known and appreciated.'
Throughout the Tropics it is considered both by
the people and by the profession, the standard
specific. While it is a medicine fur all seasons
and ail climato?, it is especially suited to the
com pi aints generated by the weather, being the
purest aud lest vegetable utiuiulaut in the
Beware of the Bitters mad of acrid and
dangerous materials, which unscrupulous per
son a4 endeavoring to toist upon the people.
Their name is legion, and - the public has uo
guarcotte that they aro uot poisonous. Ad
here to tne tried remedy, II -.sutler's Hitters,
sold only iu'giasa, aad luvur iu keg vr bar-
rels. .
Ever since the art of Ukii g pictures was
firt introduced, by means ofchemicals.it has
fsteadily imptuved, uutil now it has becomo as
it wire, perfect, It has Cost those cngagud in
this ai t litany ears ot patieut study, uuiil now
ibey gite tu tLv wcild that pwaer o much de
iie u lie poet, aud the "gltt'a been us ;
we o ourselves us others seo us." Fur further
arucu.ai call ut li.o ItL.1," wLvrc iiruco A
Atiams will abetter all qutiious aud demou-.-Usie
ih iLtuty t-y takti:g your picture.
NOTIC E. H iving returned from Ocboco,
1 aui uow doioruiiuod to sed out my suit.
stock nl turuilure at greatly reduced prices.
Uiug to t euiliiUcd Ul Lcaliu, I u'esire to sell
LoOiieiely uut, mcluJiog luacLiuer, sb"p fix
tures etc., etc. Hero is a pleudil ehaoee lor
any pe.soa desiring to loiiovr ealiuet maaing
A v "rr j r I- e jiiutcl-jJ u tlu Lo,
which can be rented ii.'uuo.ii,) at a Ijw prit..
Fr further particulars apply to
U. c. WILLS.
Dull js, Pol a Co., Uicou-
IMtssn.l are tli'jy that ?ec reht-f frm ' l.irti
ouij.lauit. liiUioU.nt , iSad Cold, Piinplef,
tiiotcoe., Empti tis, Kxjgb r k in, Salt Ithcunj,
nrysiia, and Scrifulus dircaif s, y the use
f Dr. l'i-ri's Alt. tSit or iold.n Medical
Iisoverv; fur tbey shall be happy in knuwing
that the cure is complete. Soli by all drug-
News Nummary.
Clticago, July 20 The liberal Ke
lU'iIiiuns lie id their first ma luee in;
of the cuti.paigrj iu tha city this cvt'
uing. Speeches wero nude Senator
Trumtiull aud others. u
Washington, July 29 Telegrams
i'rotu North Crolina this morning says
the campaign now drawing to a close,
will certainly be a Republican Kucce.s.
Democrats are alarmed and are trying
to create tho impres-ion that large
numbers of negroes have been imported
from Virginia ty vote the Republican
Philadelphia, July 29. 1 he Japan
ese KmbaAsy, was hamdsomely enter
tained by the c ty this evening. Iwa
kura and others made .speeches.
New York, July 30. The PresU
dent arrived at Utica this morning,
where he will de given a public recep
tion, and be the guest of Senator
Couklin untiljThnradjy, when he Ieav s
for Thousand -Islands.
A public dinner, tendered by the
Chamber of Commerce to the Japan'
ese Kmbassy, ha been declined, owing
to the departure of the Lmbaasy ou
the 1st ot August.
Chicago, July 30. It is reported
that li. Steiner, the manager of the
Ledger course in this city, and lately
associated with Charles Wydham iu the
management of tha rrench band con
certs in this city and elsewhere, de
camped with a large amount of fundi,
receipts of concerts in this city and
Cincinnati i -" , ; s
The -weather throughout the West
has been hot for thVpast few day. j
The latest crop reports are favorable
showing that the yield of wheat will be
an average one, while the oat crop Will
be unusually large, and corn promises
io be as good as ever before known.
A Ilaleigh dispatoh says it is an
nounced that last Saturday the names
of two hundred Uepublicauj haxt been
marked for challenge there.. Yester
day nine hundred and eighty-three
names out of the voting population of
one thousand one hundied and thirty,
were niarkeu ior cnanenge in tne town
of Kingston. In this number were in
eluded Democrats. r Tho object of
challendugseeuja to bo to prevents full
vote. The Republican Committee sent
messages throughout the State calling
upon Hepubjicans to appear ud exer
cue their "rights to vote.
The documents in tho case of Chas.
Thicrte, an American resident ia Mex
ico imprisoned four . months by the au
thorities and subjected to other out
rages, have been forwarded to Wash
ington. i i ;
. Washington, July 29,The Secre
tary in charge of, the Colombian Lega
tion unexpectedly sent to the Depart
ment of State a large part of the bal
ance due for claims according to the
awards of tbo Joint Commissioners'.
They had been delayed in consequence
of the failure of the Panama Railroad
Company to pry their liabilities to the
Colombian Government. The company
having resumed payments the Govern
uieut has resumed payments to the
United States.
' A special says that acting Secretary
Richardson estimate the damage to the
Government in tho matter of paying
for captured cotton wlonc durin the re
bellion aud by the purchase of Confed
erated archives, will not be less than
two or three millions of dollars. Sev
eral claimants before the Southern
Claims Commission tor large sums of
money, and whose loyalty hcemed fu'Iy
estubliahed, are now found to have been
in the employ of the rebel Government
which, of course, ends their claims. .
San Francisco, July 29. No confir
mation of the report ot President Juarez
having been received prominent Mexi
cans are betting he is not dead.
Advices from Gautemaia state that
the friars uow io this city were exiled
under a law of the Republic closing all
convents aud monasteries aud devoting
the buildings and property not necessary
for church ue to the State. San Sal
vador has tuken the same action, T hi
is exactly the same course, pursued by
the late Juarez in Mexico. The exiled
friars are allowd $25 a mouth pension
from the Government for one year.
Kighr Apache, Pimoand Pa;o chief
who have hceu Kast ou a visit to the
great father under the management of
Gen. Howard, arrived here last night
overlaud en route to Arizona.
The Superintendent of Streets is en
gaged to day fencing various public
places, school and engine lots iu the
western ptrt of the city, to preveu
t'eir beiug sqirtttcd ou by jumpers,
who are actively prospecting lor such
property in all parts of the city
San Fruneico Ju'y Z') Jas. K
Dix u is on trial in the Munieiph
C urt, charged with grand larceny l
appropriating to his own u-e S10.OUO
placed in his hand. by G. II. Whitney,
stock broker, who anticipated bcinu at
tached by his creditors. '1 he !ii.ih
was nculy all recovered froin Ches?nit.
to whom Dixon had xiven Dixon
was arreten it Crinne.
It is runrtred hre that the title to
the to n ship of Suelburn, Nevada, i
to be claimed by Ueu Holliday. uudei
tho act of Congros giving him ol'
acres at each station cuustructcd on tin
o'li tiverunu liXpress ami Ktage line
n aget.t has been sent up there to
take itossessHiu. No mining property
falls within the .'KM' acres.
A smaller dividened than any had
for a month will probably be paul by
Crown Point this month, oud this ex
pectation somewhat effects the whole
The standard remedy for Couhe, In
fluenza, More Throat, V hooping
Cough. Croup, l.lver Complaint,
llrouchltis, Illeedlu ut .the
l.unge, and every affertlou of the
Throat. L.mi$re and C'heatt liiclnd
incj Comptlon
Wletars) llalsam does not dry up
a Cough, but loosen a it, cleatiKea
tbe I'Uiiga allays Irritation, thus
removing the rausc of the com
jlaint. otie genuine unless algti
ed I. HUTTs. Prepared by HliT I!
W. FCHVI.H k WIN, lloslon.
Hold by RlilllDI NfHTf IN, IIOM.
TliTTUIt dc CO.. Stan Fraiieiro,
and by dealers geucrally. 10-ly
Has on band and for 8ale, RADDLE
TREES of all aiaes and the ht quality.
Shop near Waymire's Mill, Dallas, Orecon.
fluff) i ;IRew(irl !
The undersigned will pay tbe abore reward
to any ptrson returning the following animals
to him at his reiiideaee, ia Independence. Ono
white mare, heavy set, harness ' marked ; no
other msrks visible. About ten years old.
shoes on fore feet. Also, ono one dark dunn,
or claybank mare, with black tail and wane;
large white spot in forehead ; saddle marks on
left side; shoes on ,foa feet ; about ten year
old. J4. C. HUSSEtU
Buena Vista.
LooU Out for the Loco mo
live When the Bell Itingsl
Since the O. C. Railroad bae been completed
to Cornelius, and prospects of its speedy
approach to Dallas and thenee to Buena Vista,
ba up with the times by patronizing borne .
Why send yonr money out of the State, and
uce inferior articlwa, wheu you can get tho
genuine " Home Manufactured" article by call
ing on ..
at DALLAS or BUKVA VISI'A. in Polk Co
Manufacturers of Superior Wool faced, long
and tihort
and all other
house i: quip n i: i t s
made of leather, which they offer at reasonable
Orders for Carrine trimming, Repairing,
etc., will be promptly atUaded to, aod dne
q the most approved tyle.
16 if . GEO. W. 110 BART A CO.
jroad Company, Land Department. lrt
UndJ Oregon, April 5, 1872. Notice ia hereby
j;i veil, th.it a vigorous proaeeutiou will be insti
tuted againut any and every persc who tref
parses upon any Railroad Land, by cotiinjc and
reiiiovinr timber thorefrom before tie aiae i
UOUtlflT ot the Cumf.any AND 1'AI1 FOR.
All vacant Laud iu odd numbered Miction
whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a dis
tance of thirty mile from the line of the road,
belong to the Company
6-tf Land A-cnt
Da. Sack's (Catarrh RKVRtT. $")00 reward
for an incurable caiMr. Sold !y dru?)?i.tii, ir
by mail, 70 cent., l'umphh t free AJJieas R.
V. Poarce.M. D., Buffab.X., Y.
For tbe rery be.t photographs p ti RrJ
ley A. RuloffaWs tlailery wilt -ut STAIRS.
.Mvjutoitcr, .treet, San Francisco.
I Otllce, No. Ul front street,
! roll rLAND OUKiiuN.
i R Y. t ESTATE in hi CITY and
KT I'OltTt.ANh in ih m -t lirM U
p..t.Mf: ..f LOTS, HALF IU.OCKS
itut llLOCKS, Hi) USE- and .r)Ri;S; ! u,
! IMPROVED FARMS, and val.iabl.
inri(l'i el LAN US. located in ALL purl i
hl'ATE for SALE.
LEAL I-STATE and other Pr -pern
'urhaed f'r Correspondents, in th'm L"IT
in I ihr ouhout the STATE" and TERRI
roRIKS. wjb r.t r,r aad on the inot
M..-C! Il'Ii NS IMtttMlM.Y f!..
.KTEI. An I a i?ner..l FINANCIAL auo
VOilSOY BUSINESS traa tcl.
A'SEVIX ..fiVn OFFICE, in aM t
MTIES-and ToU'NS in tbe STATE. i'
, ir d ).4 -rifMi..n of FARM FHOlM.l'. Y
. I ' i I r i ? i ti ! i io" I dr '.
M'! ' ,rl i " V
- Twx
I -
tv S :. . .-
SE1 W I'N'
lie owe
,r .ft. -
J. W. GILBERT, Agett,
Dallas j
WA BE,'.
i '
H A IN E'S II EA DERS, with extra heary drapers
And many other improvements exclusively
Vod., Hubtkitrd, Clipper.Bttrkeye.Pprnpue
Excelsior, New York, E.terly. Durte, Eagle, and
ki:api;u and sioVRns.
Nia nerWl in prfprtin and finish, all
boiled in oil, and fully warranted'
I and Mrl.inerv in the State, at tbe lowest
.itt1 pru'ea. anl fie plven when desired.
Uetiirtnber, we put tu. man's nota in the Bank.
itber i't S item. Portfand r San Francico.
w ii:. iihou x & to..
Saltftn. Inn" 1 , 1 f 7 1 . II
1840 m 18 70
c ii o 1. 1: u a .'
At the commencement of the Diaribn?, whieb
ilwys precede an ataek .f the Cholera, take
i tap-inful of Pain Killer in sajT and wa-
r. (not- if enrenient,) and then batbe freely
e toina,ch and bnwels with the Pain Killer
nr. Should tbe diairhce orerjmps continu
jH-at tli2 Anf every ten or fifteen minute un
it tbe patient i relieved. In extreme? rae.
'. r unirc teaHoiiful may ba given at a
The Vain Killer, as a remedy, has no equal.
neaae f Cb-dera, Sanim-r Complaints, Dys
''v.. Dyttitery. Aarhma it ettreajn nc niitbt
v takitiff it internally, and bathing with it
r.tdy. Ita aetim if like majrie, when external
r applied t Old Srea. Unrna, Sealda, ant
-iiratna. For Sick Headaeba and Towthaehe
l-jti't fail to try it. In short, it is a Pais Kill
Direction accompany eaeb bottle,
Jhc Pain Killet is sold by all dealers in Mcd
cineS. Price. 2r cents. 50 eentand tl per bottle
Midsummer Maladies,
The hot fdor rays that ripen tbe barveats gen
erate many distressing discnyes. If tbe liver
be at all preditpoact tu iereRularities, this is
he seftsnn in which bilious attacks may be an
ieipated. A weak stomach, too, ia weakest in
he summer months, and the Ions of vitality
ib rough the pores by etcesflve perspiration is
jrroit, that a wlidenme tonic, contbininj;
(be projrtie of a dilTui-ire atimulant and
r-ntle exbilarant, ic in many carca necessary to
health, and under no cireuinstatiees should be
-liii .f nct-d with by the sickly and dilapidated
Of all tbe preparation intended thus torefre?h
ustain. aiid tortify tbe buuian frame, there i
uono that will compare wilh H-itetters Csle
'trated Stomach Hitters. They have bcej
w iabed it. the blaare of experience and not
found wanting 5 bave been rcenromended from
the first as a jtreat mcdieal rpeciQc, rot as a
bevi-rage, and in ite of intcrurtod opposition
from Innumerable quarters, Hand, after a twenty
years triad, at the bead of all proprietary taed
ieinos intended for the prevention of all ordi
nary complaints uf the etntDacb. tbe liver, the i
l.owols, and the nerves. Ic toe unnMitliT iia
irifta tr.lerioj tb' ffc-'at rivers of California,
Ho-tetter'a Stuiah Uilters may tie elacaed as
tbe rtandard oue frvt:j-y apeeiaa of intermit
tint and remittent fever. Tbe people, who in
habit those diatrieta. p'a- the nn.t implicit
confidence in the prparati. i a conflclcneti that
increased every ar by tbo reealts of its op
. s
As bitters, so called, d tbe tnort pernidons
ehnraetfr, are spriagina; up like fund no every
tide, tbe pubtie tshcroy rorewrnd as;aiftsttbe
.iraniHshop frauds. Ask tor lloetettar's Hitters.
eo that the laoel etc.. ere correct, and remem
ber that the gcnjaliUF artieb 1 fitter soldinVUkt
bet Ic bottles nly.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation ;
which is due to merit alone. We cah
assure our old patrons that it ih kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring Gray or Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making it
soil, lustrous, and silken. The calp
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonic properties, preyenu
the hair from falling out, as It rftimu
kites and nourishes the hair-glanda.
By its use, tho hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economical Hair Dressing ever used
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glofisy sfp
pcarance. A. A. Haye, M.D., Slate
Assayer of Mxssacjiusetts, says, uTXhe
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and!
consider it the Best Frepaeatiox
for its intended purposes." 1
Sold by all Druggist, and Dealers in 2fediciU
Price Ono Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Kencwer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in o;i
preparation; which will xpucklyAnd
effectually accomplish this results It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash oft
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Cents. . j
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO
Ayers Cathartic Pills,
For; all
purpasea of Xax&Ur
Perhaps tvj orw'VneJt .
cine ia o univeraaJiy ro
quiretl by everybody aa
a cathartic, nor was ever
anv Iwfore so universal
ly 'adopted into use. In
every country and amonr
all cl.VHsea, aa thia mild
but "efficient purfative
i'ilt. The obvious reap,
aon is, that it U a more rt
habla and far more cffec
tnal remndy than any
oiiisr. Thoe who have)
tried it, know tint it curcl Uiom; those who bar)
not, know that it cures Ihidr neijrtiwra and rrtenIs
and all kn jw Uiat what it otise it doca aJwaya
th .it it never fails through any fault or neflectof
it comtxxitioa. We have thou.ands upon thou
s.i tv U of ccrtiQ.Tatea of their remarkable cures of the
folio hiir cumptainU, but such cures are known it
everv n.tsrii''rh-jl, a?id we nvl not publwu thciu,
Adait?d t .ill ae ant conditions in all climates;
cont.iiiiuu noiuier culo.o-d or auy deleterious dru-jv
thev m tr tc ttken with aarety ty anyuouy. ancir
iiiic'.ir cu'ttinx preserve thetn ever fresh and make
Uie.u plewaat to tAe, while bttin purely vegetable
no htnn ca ariae from their use m any quantity.
They operate by their owerful influence on the
internal viera to purify-tho blood and stimulate ft
into h.ilt:iv action remove the obstructions of th
t.nn.vih, bvel, liver, .ana otnor onrans ox u
boly, rctinntr their irre,rmar acuou io- neaiui. ana
by correctiniT. wherever they e&ift, ach derange-'
njents aa are the llr-t ork'in of disease. I
Miuuto Uirivlio.H are pven in fan wrapper on
th box, fr tho following coinpxainu, wmca mesa
IVi rapidly cure: ...
V.,r lirnla or In ttifreattoM, Clatle
4e. Linuanr a-id T Appestse, they
hout. hi taken nodoratelj V stiinulato tbeatoui
ach and rcntm its healthy tone and action, j
For LHrr Complaint ant its vanotw symp
tom, Ilitiaua liej'iacdP.aica aaeainacraai
Jaimaics r lirren MlcUtaeea, csillon
foUc and lIHIoua Irrr, they thould be ju
lictouly t ikeu for each cae, to correct the diseased
actioti or icinovo the obstructions which canso it.
For I9.rae ut err or Iiarrhoea, but one mild
lose i fffterailv required. -
For llhriniiatlam. Wont. rT'I. Palpi
ration of cht Heart, Iala la tbo Mi4e,
Iliack and E.in. they shouM be COntinoouMr
tak u, at rvjuimt, t chansre the di-ieased action T
the ayatetn. With such change those complabts
For Iro par and Itropalcal SweHlajfa they
should bo tikcn in laro and frequent doses to pro
di ' th e0"o :t of a drastic pu.xe.
For Musitreaalna a larrft tloae should be taken
aa it produ-'c tiic de?iivd effect by sympathy.
Aa a t?iuer I'UI, ttke one or two I'if to pro
mote' ditfetion aud relieve tho stomach.
An occasion il loo atimulatna the atomaeh avcl
towela into healthy acfltion, reitoree the appetite,
anil invigorates the system, llonce it is often ad
rantasreom where no scrion deraniretnent exits
One who ftjets tolerably welk ofWn finds that It dote
of thete Vill make him feel decidedly better, from
their clcanainj and renovating effect on the diges
tive apparatus.' - - 1
JR. J. C. A YE II t CO., Practical Chemists,
WJH tew tverrtliln needed la a family, fro
tie heaviest to tie Hgbteat fabric
noszE iirDs of worst, '
Than war other machtn.
aaataarataaa ' i
If there is a Florence Setrinff Mi
chine within one thousand miles -of
Bon Fraiirisco not working well and
giving entire satisfaction, tf I am in
formed of it, it t iU be Attended to
without expense of any kind to tha
owner. t . -.
19 Nw Meatgemery Strf
urtnd Hotel Building, Saa Francisco.
fend or Circular and samples
ths erorlv. 4cfir Agrnts 4ci 4a
wry flat. m
r via vt-i . mr