Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 03, 1872, Image 2

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v i r
Ifc.E P U B 11 C
For President,
For VJ.ec-PresIdent,
A. H.MeacHaja. of Umatilla .County,
W. D. Haie. of Washington County
J as. V. Gazley, of Douglas County.
Tfoe First Gun-
On fast Thursday; tbe North Carc
Una election transpired. The result vra
Bate be&n unable to obtain 10 time ftr
this issue, TJijs is the rst State elec
tion piape tjie peeling of the National
Conyentions, and the result isanxious
1 tooted ibr. There have te 3D many
able speakers, of both parties, .stump.
ing thaA State, and bv the majority oi
them the stand taken by that State on
last yji.ursda, wH bo considered a
criterion by which other States, having
elections before the Presidential, will
be, in a manner , guided. Senator Wil
son has boldly pxocjaioietj As goes the
State of North Carolina, so goes the
Union' aud as this gigantic political
fight is waxing warm, the result will
be hailed as an omen for the success or
defeat of Gen. Grant. Now, the old
eaw pay? " that there is nothing im
possible," and we think it is not im pos
sible fori North Carolina to ; roll up a
rousing Republican majority for her
State officers, this time and a larger one
for Grant b November. From the S.
F. Ckrqjxlcle we take the following
figures wjlch will enable onr readers to
see the situation and calculute the
probitities for themselves;
zltf 1360,1 the Presidential c inteat
was between Douglas and Bell- Lin
cpln paving no electoral ticket. The
Democratic majority was ,260.
ft 15 Wortjj, D. beat Iloldcn,
R.r 'Q.X30 votes.
Ifl the Gubernatorial election of
1866, tte Dxnpcratic majority was 23,
506. In 1867, when the blacks were for
the first time registered they numbered
jo Jj66$, the , Gubernatorial election
rcsnte.4 in a Republican triumph by a
wimh f 18,641.
In U868, Genqral jQrant's majority
was 12,136. "
?iin 870Mwhen an Attort?eyQen
eral was elected in North "Carolina, the
whole vote was 171,075. Shipp, D.,
waa elected , oyer Phillips, IX. , by a
majority of 4,221.
L. F. Lane, who was nominated a
Presidential elector on the Democratic
ticket, has withdrawn. Another point
in favpr of the adage. " as a twig is bent
so it will grow." L. F. L. has always
beer an uncompromising Democrat, as
was his father before him, and he can
not stand to a the mark and stump for
Greeley, even though he were positive
that he, and he alone, would have the
honor to travel .three thousand miles
fftd deposite the electoral vote of Ore
gon for his party and Horace Greeley.
No Greeley or Lane. Let jVJatlock
take his place, 'tis the only .opening.
iJeioVis the letter written by tane to
Drj;f Oiaprnln r t
, v -- . Rosebcro, July 12, 1872. ,
Dr. f. A. Chapman, Chairman Dem
ocratic Central Committee ; Dear Sir
Believing it would contribute some
what to, the success, in this State, ' of
the Presidential uotuioatioDi made at
Cincinnati and J)aUimore, that the Lib
ttal Kepublicapg, pf whom lam con
vinced there are many, should be rep
resjtnted on the 'elecfqral ticket, -1 re
spectfully Under niy resignation as a
candidate for elector.
In this connection it may not be
ImpjrapejrJforJ me to.say that in the
' choice bet ween Greeley and Grant I ap
prebend Democrats of Oregon caoDot
hesiute. It is quite evident that the
'pjjpplei'r without distinction of party,
demand a change, and a statesman and
ap hpnest civilian,. wnatever his former
political affiliations may have been, ,is
surely preferable to General Grant.
I am truly grateful to tho Democracy
of Oregon for the honor their late Con
tcotjoij v conferred! upon me. Yours
igpgctfnHv i '7i. u V. LANK.
ijstnesoti s building uipe ae w rail
All Aroiincl.
Brick Ppmerov says his copperheads
cant be petted into liberal ltepubli-can-Democracy
wth Cappaqua cab
bages. J ' v i ' .
Stearns duplex instrument.by which
the .capacity , of telegraph wire is
doubled, has been adopted by the West
ern Union Telegraph Company.
A complete new passeuger train
sleeping car, parlor car, coaches,' and
baggage car, has just been finished at
the Union Pacific car shops at Omaha.
Wisconsin sportsmen and" epicures
are congratulating each other on the
fact that the crop of prairie chickens
promises to be very large this year.
Twenty-one thousand bankers, mer
chants, aud tradesmen of England,
have signed a petition against thp pro
posed abolition of imprisonment for
The people of North Maine had a
snow picnic on the the 4th ult. They
have a drift there that promises to lust
all summer. It was origiually 75 feet
D. M, Hay has sued the city of Osh
kosh, Wisconsin, for the burning of his
store, some time since, which he claims
was caised by one of the fire engines.
Lord Chief Justice Cockburn has
been elevated by the British Govern
ment to an earldom oq account of his
services in respect to the Geneva Con
George Francis Tram will lecture in
St. Louis next wok on the subject:
The Lawyers, Doctors aud the Cler
gy ; or, the World, the Flesh aud tho
The Snoqualmie road leading to Kit
titas valley is still iui pass-bit', being
Jiterally covered with logs.
Heury Goldmyer severely cut his foot
ut Portage while slashing timber ou his
The Seattle Coal Company have been
improving the condition of the road
bed to their railrord track. Thry bring
120 tons of coal per day to be hippd.
Four hundred acres of. wheat will
be harvested ou the Swiuouiish flats
this season.
The Bcliingham By Coal C jcnpiny
have not yet gone to work in thiir
mine The water is all pumped out,
but the mine is jijlled with obuox"nu.s
gases which prevent them tfrom do:nj;
Colonel Lamb has sent to San Fran
cisco for telegraph cable enough to con
nect the two Ulauds of Lopez aud San
Juan, where the present gap in com
munication between the ouud uiid
Victoria now exists.
At Lammish, near La Conner, on
the 17th inst., Patrick .Mahoy attempt
ed a rape on the wife of Wm. Uen.-pn,
who caught and shot him. lie died
in a few hours, au2 Benson U under ar
rest. Juarez had obtained from the Mexi
can jCongxess a subscription of 20,000
to assist in the erection of an Italian
opera house in the capital of Mexico.
The jSympathiziog ladies of Augusta,
Ga, assist the early closing movement
by agreeing to make no purchase after
four o'clock during the summer mouths
The Chattanoga Herald, a Tennessee
Republican paper, is furnishing sub
scribers with that papor, payable af'rer
the election of Gr'aut aud Wilson ,
The Boston Traveller has discovered
a prediction in Shakespeare on the re
election of Grant. Thu great pod
says; " A tanner shall last you eight
Senator Trumbull declared a few
days ago that he hoped, desired, and
believed that the election of Greeley
woulsd be the death of the Democratic
party, and he hoped of the Republican
party aUo.
Gen. Allan Rutherford, third audi
tor of the Treasury, states that the
number of Greeley men in North Caro
lina is so insignificant that thev are not
worth reckoning as i a political power.
It appears, he says, as if the people of
that State desire anything to beat
Qrpelcy. They have no faith in him.
A Florida correspondent of the
Savannah Republican says that the
Indians in the Everglades refuse to
free their slaves, and swear that Sheri
dan will have to M ride the tail off ev
ery horse in the army, before they will
give up a single nigger."
Game is abundant in the vicinityof
Ellsworth. Buffalo, draw poker, ante
lope, old sledge venison, faro quail,
biljiards, rabbits, euchre, elk and keno
are the prevailing varieties.
The 2rie company will institute a
suit against'Jay Gould for the recovery
of a large amount of real estate.
A, tooth of the Emperor Napoleon I
was recently sold in Brussells for I65f.
Several affidavits atesed the- genuine
ness of the relic, ( .
Mosby, will support Grant iq pref
erence to Qreeley. ; ,
The French Assembly has passed a
bill taxing raw materials.
The July report of the Department
of Agricilture shows that; the corn
crop is a little below tho average.
The prices of coal have advanced (to
such figures in Great liritain .that im
portations from Belgium ore being ,
xa&de, " ; 4
State Itcuis.
Gleanings from Stato ExcjbangeF.I
, A band of Cashmere goats will soon
arrive in Oregon from California
A hunting party of four persons re
cently killed 80 sago hens in one day,
hear Baker City.
The new gymnastic institution, or
Turn Verein Hall, at Salem, is a very
popular concern. , ,
The Eugene papers say that genuine
small pox has broken out on Long Tom,
near the Renton county lino.
J J. Whitneyj of Albany, and J II.
Frusli, of East Portland, have been
appointed Notaries Public
! A number of emigrauts direct from
Germany, have lately arrived in Jackson
county, and will settle there.
The feneral sermou in memory of the
late Jas. B. New by was preached at
McMinuville ou the 21st of July.
I The suit ofjlendersou vs. Dent for
the possession of the office of Lane Co.
Treasurer, has been diismissed by the
A Mr. Hale, of Jackson county, had
a fiht with a bear last week, in which
the bear was killed and Hale seriously
JVo men, arrested for stealing horses
in Jackson county, have pofcsed the
crimes, aud their coo fession implicates
a number of others.
The Christian denomination is erect
ii g a church edifice at Springfield.
'J here are alto several other buildings
goinjup iu that thriving little vil
lage. i A special term of the Circuit Court,
beginning August Pith, at Lafayette,
has been ordered by Jud;e Bonham
fur the trial of Leroy and Thomas for
Silas Kelly, the young man reported
mis!i:g from Portluud, last week, has
Geo. .B aldron will open East
Portland Park, ou the 5tU of this
S- A. Clarke, and I. W. Craig, have
purch:ietf the Furmer and will conduct
as an orgau devuted exclusively to ag
riculture. Crops are reported as looking well on
the Santiam.
Eggs, and orher fodder" reported
scarce in the Silcm maikctg. !
Ou lat Wednesday the prisoners
took foimal poiscssiuu ol the new Pen-:
Considerable talk is being made con
cerning the reoj ening of the Chemckcta
Hotel at Suleur j
The Salem tapers say that b"t rrc
bctu made on t iis btate, giving Orant
1,200 majority.
Mrs. Joseph Perkins died near Eu
gene list week.
Crystal Palace Circus is en route to
Oregon. j
Eugene has a movement ou foot tb
improve the South Salt Springs. j
Haying and harvesting is iu full blat
m Eastern Oregon.
Raker county reduced her indebted
ness about $1,U00 last year. j
The Rurut river ditch, in Raker
is aJvcrtLicd fot sale by the S heri 11 for
SSOO taxes. j
One of the prisoner- confined in the
Lane county j til deeiMiptd for better
quarters last Saturday night. j
Cornelius has to fire cisterns alj
completed and ready to be filled by the
new fire engine which is expected to ar j
rive soon. j
I Two citizens of Eugene had a bit of
a fight with glass tumblers the other
n'ght. The first one that throw paid
for the fun before a Court.
The Gazette urges tho City Fathers
of Corvallis to provide a pest-house, and
says there are good reasons why sm;ilU
pox patieuts shouldn not be put in the
Tho editor of the Journal, at Eu
geno, has been presented with a plum
seven inches in circumference, a timo-
thy stalk six feet high, aud a turnip
weighing 10 pounds. j
The Plaindealer, says the gradiog on
the railroad is completed to the river,
25 miles north of llof-eburg, and the
track will be laid to that point iu a few
days. ;! j
A correspondent at Eugene City
says farmers in the country around are
busy harvesting and business in town
is dull, so that all who can get ' away
are gone huuting game and berries or
fishing. . ' . j
The Raker City Academy building
which about a ybar ago wan burnt to
the ground- is now up, weather-boarded
paintcd,;etc. and will he completed on
or before the next term of school coin
menscs. ' '. ' -
D. Newsom, writing to the Farrntr
pays the gardens in Marion county,
since the late heavy rains, , are dping
well, but the fruit crop is nearly a fail
ure, though the abundance of wild ber
ries will partially supply the deficicpey
of fruit. . ; -
A few persons only have vUited the
McKcnaie Falls this summer. These
falls are about fifteen miles above the
Hot Springs; ire three in number, the
highest about loU led,
How. He Will Reel. Some are
of the opinion that Greeley will carry
the State of Oregon. ; In the eveut he
does, we can imagine that the elector
who carries the result to College, will
feel about' as mean as did a certain mad
who went oa: the same mission a tew
years ago, Meeting! this elector after
his return, a friend accosted him :
'.' Hello, old boy ! How do you feel ?J'
To which he replied j ' "WelCl1 leel
very much relieved now: but, I tell
you, I never in ray fife felt so small and
mean, as when I crossed the hall and
deposited a Democratic voto for Ore
gon." That man couldn't be hired to
go again, aqd that is the way tLe Gree
ley elector would feel.
C II A N o D . The Farmer has been
purchased by Messrs Clarke & Craig.
They promise to make a first clagp ag
ricultural journal of it, and it surely
ought to be liberally patronized by those
whose interests they advocate. Some
particular idea may not meet the ap
probation of one farmer, and yet be just
the thing his neighbor desires; and to
it goes. A p;iper conducted in the in
terest of agriculture, caunot fail to be
replete with ideas and suggestions suited
to every -class of farming. The sub
scription price is only S2 50 per year,
in advance, which brings it within the
reach of every farmer, and should be
found in every farm house in Oregon.
Fkouu Famine. TheOlympia Tri
bune of the 25th says : Of flour there
is none in the" market. The stores are
without a single sack, and the Turn
water mills have peither grain nor
flour J All were relying on the arrival
of the steamer from Portland for sup
plies! of j;rain and flour. A tin
steamer has failed to com, as expected,
the market u bare and prices are up
This morning, unable to gtt more, wc
purchased a ten-pound sack of gruhauj
flour, f or which we had to pay seventy -five
ctuts. As it would take twenty
of these little sacks to make one bar
rel, at that rate, the flour is bringing
815 per barrel In Portland the saim
uticte is selling for ?5 50. 'It isn't ad
visnble, we think, t the present price-,
to lay in more t ha n a tt it-iuml i-t-jct
Possibly, in another week, the steamer
may be in, and the stor g and ware
houses filled again with l.re.d-tufT.
Subscribe tor the Repuu.ic.aN'
C II i: A VI S3 i: A !!!
C lira pi r than liter!:!
no jlt u it, v o n r 1. 1; y a c.,
H ive rem rcl tbrir STOCK OF CJOOIjS to
Ih!U, an I are o.iMtiintl.v rec-fiiiig NEW itnd
WKI.L iKLKCTED UUUDS, cuti.tstiog of
I.adk' Dress and h'ancy Good,
3Ieii and Itojh Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Hoots and S&ocs.ji
Ladle' and Chlldicu' Soe ul every
ttle and size.
A fall Stock of Cirocerie coitantIy
on haud,abo Hardware and Crockery.
Woolen floodi Manufactured at the
Ullcitdale Mill, euch a
Ocarers, Cassimcres, Hard Thnr,
! Tweeds, Flannels and lllankets,
Which w offer at Wholesale and lUtail.
HiivinR a dcxira to locate prrroaneally in
Dallas, wo will dral falrlr and justly with alt
who may favor u with tbir patronage. We
will cxchan'tj (i.oU lor Country Produce, for
which we will pay the Higbeet Price.
Bring on your Egg and Butter.
ATcw Goods! .Icw fjoocls!!
for TiiK present 'Season."
W respectfully call the attention of the
Public to our Well Selected Stock of
Lkdles' Dress Goods,
j Ladles and Misses Hats,
Gents' Furii!shIiigGoods,
. Gloyes, Galterp. Etc.
' School Rooks, '
Stationery, Ac.,
In 7 fact Everything: Found to a .First
i" Class Retail Store. : - r
We can assure our Patrons that we will be
t i..1 7 UP wlD tbe times. "' 1
Come and Examine 'our Stock before pur
I ehaetng elsewhere.
Gauntry Produce taken In exchange t r
i . Goodi !
i N. A. J. D. LEE
Dallas, April 22, 1871. Ml
rjp s ii c
the nnder signed, w-r practical painters
have located in Dallf-Jllas. They know
their business ' atdM.il.mean it. Qirethein
a call and - they fe,el frm oonlident the can I
,V!7aTP ; ICBaw A RiTMtM
UJa-tf -9b0w ssMTaaWf
1'OK'IX A N UUVM S kC9H Hi it fciC I Oit Y
J Fubllthed by L. Bamuei,
General Advertising Ag't. 93 Front el,
Men Dollar Store,
No. 09
First ut.
) Import
ers of Fancy Pood. Toys. Crockery, etc. fete.
Asior liouwe, first st. iiet Oak Pine, k v -erytbin
Dtat B. Longfellow Proprietor.
Agents for Mubie. Todd, and Co's celebrated
Blaketnan, Tylor a Co'a School Bookt.
Jiut Pblihdt u JuU liu f Legal Mlank for
Thu State.
arman, tb only direct importer ot Clothing
Ao.; mr. Front a Wastngti)rt ytreeM. .
Bookseller & Slationer,
BlTuK7vViLLlAM Tt3UiS, I2 t rout t!e
luiporura and Liculera in
of every deacriptiou.
Fishing Tackle, Faucy Uooai., beads, Bird cages
liMkma, Croquet Uauivs.and baby carriages
Agents tor the "California Powder Vorks," also
for the 'VVueler A UiUou bewiog uiachiots."
Beck, John A. 129 Front st, practical Watch
maker & Jeweler. Work done for the Trade
-,,r ""lr '
ajUUK AlSUJOil PlU.Me.Al3. IilJi
JJ liACisfciL.SJttK, Q3 t'runt Xtreet.
j rtguuui &. UcioUurt, irit. at, bti. Uak t Pine
Jtj lui Wis ot btoveo Uangca, Kilchen Uleu'ei.
a a ucii-uu, w. A.,s.w. cor. tun & Taylor sU.
13 Cheapest Furuituiu Home iu Puruaiid.
b'J trout at.
C1.ara liemlviWu CooK, 01 4 60 first Ol.
lieaiera iu Iry 0iod.Kan-v Millinery, Ac.
tubU X iOtt.i.UctU, lS rii'l.t til COLuuilln
) Mer b.iiilH V Utr'iie in Ut" A Cat. Produce
lougle, J. ii. iu ult. 4. u.itii.riij sadaiv, lijr
u3is, & !uitJury liar i are, 'JO Froul at.
Clurrier, U'. d Co., 1U3 root tl. Mvrcbui.t
) lailori Cloibiv-iir, U.4i., Furnishing good.
DeLasbuiuU 4 Uatmao, VI' k rout m. liel
!ale Agebte, luofny l iaucd, liuUHi renlelj
a h iuSi'A I. iiiHti, C. 11 WoodAri 4 Cj
M ft t4CU. C. ii. Uu.do.ia
A Co.
UJ, lul 1 rout at rett, r
Otuvrs irmu ty poniou f tha St'ite or Territo
ue carttuiiy btleJ l$ win .raTrfj.
ti.11. l.uwu:Uni A Co. Fuiuiiurc auur
Jptt do Irs ft;it tr u 1 11 lo l'.',6 tir.-t .t
Etiiplu u.cit AeUt-v. Huuvi.nl k llj.iuau,
i0 Ir.i.t t. 1 urnisli hIi kind ol Leip
1. v.rUio iiii-ue, lo t rubi siriet. cVuiiui.--iiu
Mtrc'iaaiKi dv'irs to liiiutif lnlVe.
I.AaUIwU iiCl Su jh, cwf. tifili D'ui U ii
Ia. Cwfl;lt I'r, tioo l luro-out ou UjiiO
iabet A ItUurt--, '" r rt A Ybgiu si
1 Uiiikit 4 Aiauul. Cifiotijg Furu'g (ivodit
I.roiaud. lr., lieutid. tltlive, No. 2, Utkuui
t ill A ?tctrl, 7i AUi 'tl First M. Dealer io
J iiooka, MiiiumT), k Aiu-Kai luiruui.oU
Tbo largest Music Uoure on t be Coast.
G. L. IhPKAXS, Manager,
siiMi At;i:xcv THE
;ISowe" .Seuinj? .Tinchiue.
yrAgiit waijted.'tS.'S'.
nafkhey A Str-ujine. (Jrooer ju- i iKaUrs in
all kind! f Mfd. ir rirrt .ti d ,i.iin Me.
tiuihurir, 1J. l;.U Flint m.. ino"ittr and
dr;N'r in Staidr Vhhc l,..!. Ml)ioerr
Hrftde l. II , rbultigrajiinr Ailix,
Firft 4 M.rnr'ii m I'biid' - .
; .
Hviu n-liwn, L. C A C., lou s im .uu
fat' and do'lvrs io Jewelry, Watt bo Av
ihbrd tl. 1... OM Fr iot :., wh -Us ilc iea!er
in 'lr""'rie. 1) r W-iron ,t ie'ia'. A"..
"if, Caiel, A C , yf Frmit ci., v iitvi,il
dfalrri in Iru.f. Paint. tV. fj 's. Ac.
I 1 4 fl IT Jewin;; .Msi'hint. j-irailit
I I vJItI VA nwdW, " l.u k ,.11'ch. J. m
feiiiion t-haiu iitfid M. K Trav r. 1 1 2 Frnt t.
urriu A bintiier, us. KWi 17-' Fust t.
Iiupcrtrr Furniture, Hcddnii c
ntcrnatioiml 11 .tel. cur. Front a .Mri inu di
M Rudolph. Pr. Free 15u.'tl-ndii Htrnmcr.
"ff obn, J.A Co.. M Front d., whuWsale and
retail dtTr Fine Cloihinqr. Forn'jt )oml.
ai.oii ltree Rtaorant, private rxtna for
1TA F;
"amine, cor 1st A Pine.ts.. Q. Voos Pr.
artin. E and Co. dealers in Wine and Li
quor. O. S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran
a tllr A buieer. III rront st, wuoieaiie
y ami retail Confectioner. '
ititr, Jouu B., V'.i First ft. Watebtuaker
IyJI and Jeweler, offer the rubtie a fine
assortment f Watelms, Clocks and Jewelry.
Moeiur. A Co., rront near C. st, dealers iu
native and foreign Win? and Liquor.
oriuruo, J.,liruare, lrou, divoi, iluoa
Jj Spoke, Hardwood Lumber, Portland.
Occidental Hotel, corner of First a Morrison
tro-t. Smith a Cook Proprietors.
)atrt.b, WalktnsiCoruidl, Real Estate Agts.
- 0 Front St. bet Aldr a Wahinffton.
Ijiiii i t Hi it" aVii i U 'u6iiiSru?'ww
. ward A Co., 101 Front Street.
Rico, J. M. 127 Front street, wholesale deal
er in Tinware and stores.
Riebtcr, Pnnl 105 First street impt'rof Ber
lin wooden earring parlor ernaoienu, ao.'
1 idcr. O. C. Real Estate and Moeey Broker
02 Front street. Portland.
Rosenhsntn, I. S ! A Co., Tobacconists.
porters of Foreign and Domestie Liquors.
K ass House, Front st. On First Class Prin.
ciples., Thomas Ryan Proprietor.
SberWk.& 61 Front a 2 First sts. dealer
in Harness A Saddlery, a Saddlery ware.
Simon, J.. oft Front st, dealerlrTDoors.Sasn
and Blinds. Window and Plate Glass.
Sin.belmer. II. 1&7 Firat St. imp'ter of Pianos
Organs, Sheet Music. Musical Instruments.
STONR. D. 1, No. IOT Front Street.
Watehmakar and Manufacturing Jeweler, is
appointed Agent for Waltb am, Elgin, E. How
srd ACo. Cbas. E. Jaeot and California Watchas
also for all the production and imports of the
California Jowelry Company, San Francisco.
Send for circular. Watches repaired in the rery
best manner, WARRANTED to give eatisfaen
' ' r.rutrvTrlvlr-zi!
GkJaore QlU Ilt Druggist a Apotbt
Oeeryv ParCnsoerajitl Jollft arUelas
Snow k Roos, 73 First St., Pictures, frame
Moldlnrs. art material! 1 drawing instrutn't
4tnitb,Put Broker, 90 Front st. Dealer in
O Legal Tenders, Uor. Bonds and Quid Dost
1 mith A Darts 71 Front st wholesale, Drugs
O Faints, Oils, Window Glass, etc. .
Terry Bros. N. 178 First street, tnsoufact'rs
aud dealers bi Furniture, Bedding Ao.
The Clothing HUtr; ; 113 Front st, Clotbinf
Fu'ng good Boots, Shoes. Harris a Prager.
f Ilultle, II. II. 142144 Front atreet. Dealer in
Wagons an Agricultural Implements.
f ilyiie E. D. n w ccr. 1st a Vk sta. dealer in
fine Brandies, Wines. Eng. Ale a Porter.
f 1 Vyler J. A HI Frout st. wuoioaaie dealer iu
J. Butter. Egat, Cbeesc, i.ard, Bacon etc.
a f illiams A Aiyers. b Umral Block ront,
Y t., CummUsion Merchants, deal' in tr He .
W' liaiiey A Feebetuier,Alturn! J omtM-J
itors iu Bankruptcy. Office O. F. Teio'le
Justice o f t h e Peace,
DALLAS PRGClNCr - -Polk Couafy
lori.ey, and oioer lega.1 apr drawn aud
ucfciiow lodged, on auort notice. Oifitfe in th
C-iurt liouae. 15'.1
Dallas, Oregen.
Special attention given to Sales or Purchase of
Real Estate, Collection of Claims, Ae.
Agent Union Mutual Life Insurance Co.
For Sale.
mEN ACRES OF LAND, with gOJ il
X and Ba.ru, ail fenced and uudcr good Im
;,rovtrueiit, aitiiattfi iu the Twwu of Dallaa,
Volk County, ao extraordinary opportunity.
Acres of Land one Mile North of Eola,
1'oik County, god House, gxi Doabte Barn,
tnd other B&ildiOiS. All under fence, with fiao
Jrcbard, and in high state of cultivation,
one and one-haif wiUs aouth of Dallas. A ?
jwd barn, hose, orchard, and other improve
1. acres of prairie, two and a biif wiles
it of Bethel. t
.a!etn, netr the two Central cbowl
. I.,u..-h. The Hou4e rontaiot Kibt Kuurn,
.11 ruter:d, with Hard Finih, Baru, Wool
Ioimo, aud all eonveuiencea to make il
l. cu tivatin, Id acr of fall wheat, 5 acres
t meadow, gol orebrd. and well supplied)
riib water. Situated three miiea south wast of
.iupt"na brfdgw on Big Luckiauiute. For sale
ft a burgaiu if Sold aoou.;
on Willamette Motigb. A bbck of Sit
.., euciwscd with 11 litrd Jtnce, god llouu,
H.irn, Ar.
J. 4S0 Acres, good IIoue, two Baros.
Orchard, Ac, tituaud on Uppet Salt Creek, 7
miles from Dallas.
acre tKlr f'ic, ti(t uertt under tba
wlow : ic' iiA H.u.. Brn. and due Orchard,
-iluatod 1J utiles west of Dallas.
g f land, 1'OU acrm under fence. 2i acres
'u!iv.ited. ouI i burn, with luiutcr for
tion-e, cii.d orebnid, livin water near all tho
ar round Z oiiles scutb-weat of Siuipsoa's
Bridge, Uig LuekUuiaie.
V Bucnn YiHta. Pdk county. WarebouA
i;h capacity of 1 0,000 bubcls ; trad, already
etabtiiUed wirb the interior, and eonocctiaw
with tho Willamette Transportation Company.
Good dwelling house, and everything ready for
occupation. A spleudid cpeoiug for business.
F-r sule cheap.
N'..rtliest of DaUaf. House, baru and
n-brrd : Tw hundred and frtj fou. acrea.all
ouder fence; Forty acres uuder the plow. A
rimkI opportunity for any one wishing a fin
tarin cheap.
Ja Und in the town ot Bethel. House, barn,
wurkfhop, and good orchard. A go-J chance
for any wagonmakcr, who wishes to locate
where work of that kind is pjenty.
Southwest part of Dallas, for sale cheap
tor cash, or in exchange lor country property.
Iuquire of C. Hughe, or the undersigned,
am, with plenty of fire-wood convenient.
Situate about two miles south-west of Dallas.
For Particulars enquire of R, U. Tyson,
IisprsufAi Grrira.
g' 1 " -' - ' '" ' '
calls the attention of Mechanics and Duik ers
to the fact that they have refitted their Mill
on the Little Lockiamute, and an now prepared
te furnish lumber at the lowest CASH PRICKS,
and in quantity and quality to suit. Having
better facilities than any other Mill In the com.
'tj for the maufacture of a
of LUMBER, it is our Intention at an easlj
day to add to the Mill an A No 1 , , (. , 1
After which time we will be prepared to fr
nish lumber dressed and matobed
An f excellent MOUNTAIN ROAD leads 41.
reet to the MiU.; A liberal share of patronaa
solicited. 6HRADER CO.