Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, July 27, 1872, Image 3

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Money MarkeU
Latest New York Gold Quotations
11 1
Legal Tenders in Portland:
Buying... ,...,w.80 . Selling.
9i ;
Dallas Produce and Commission Market.
Corrected Weekly, by Q. B. Stiles, People's
Merchant, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT- 7580 bush.
OATS 65 c.
FLOUR $6 $6 50 bbl.
" Sks$l 37 $1 50
CORN MEAL 4o. B lb.
.BEANS 6c. rb.
JJACON Sides. 13 15c rb.
" Shoulders, so. lo 12c. J.K.
JIAMS U 16c tbj
PORK Dressed, 67ctt
" Pickled, 8e. to I (Mr. & lb.
JJUTTER Firkins 20 (250; lb.
" Ralls, 20 toJio. fl
EGOS 24a doi
LARD Bu!kl6c ; tin?,20,
POTATOES From Wagon, $1 25 1 bushel.
-ONIONS $2 $1 bushel.
APPLES (Jreon, 50c p bbl.
" Orie l. 6c lb.
CIIEBR Now Oregon, 20 0 25c lb.
CUH,KHNrS-2 50 0 $3 p doz.
TURKEYS 75 0 $1 each.
Items scarce.
Grub scarcer.
Money scarcest,
Threshing has conrnncad in tliis county.
II. P. Shriver is euija i ia painting a Louse
in Spring valley.
W. II. Teal has had a new cellar constructed
on his premises.
Mr. Lon. Parker, of YaniYiIl county, is can
va.3ing these parts for the galo oi' a p it en t
pruniog shears. It is cheap, light and durable
and a bi. improvement upon the tM niylo of j
innrusaaut uvjl Tr t!iit parp is.
As a portion of taj p irty who went fri ia t!i;
tttra t Fish Like, wcr? l.Vni at thatpirt
of t'aa cvaatry, by goin-3 means ha 1 I'.cir i. ; m
upet, throwinj; the occupants to the pruuad.
Jatio, a little daughter of Mr. Frank Xi chuls
was stunned by the shock, bat Qoao of iho pmiv
tuitaiavsl sjr'ua inj-arijj.
ChanJS. Aan tbs tinny charjj:$ one has
t) unl;rg' ia ' this worl i ant : fortunate
chajes, uafortua its eh.i a chan- of miii I.
c'jn,')! of hiirt, changes of moify; ha;
above all thje, th.it whi?h U tin highest, j-i
t-h inges of shirt. Nw to get a go.. .1 at ti -!e of
1. 1 it ujful girment you shuubl call j U jlur
1 .Vortloy, v'a hs theui for sale.
Stout Wheel. A fow days taace Rjv. N.
Jj ? l.a 1 ; I a waga with hay, u-i-itartjl ti
t 'u, Aftjr gt ing s-ane di.-t.ineo one oi' tte
bind w-uels met with an accident, the tiro and
fellti l'm?ilvi ng partnership witii the fp(kes
nad i4 Alter taking a g!ance at tho fitua
tion, Mr. Ie concluded to drive to twon on
three whceU and a halt, which feat be ace ui
I!jh'?!l succe-sn'uWy. We do not knt.w Low
mil the waon is, but are infoiiucd that it h.i
li.sen riiiiuui ruatiy jcaw The wheels inu.-t
Jitive been jut up to lust, or that one wni i
have broken completely do.vn under such a
b ;ary loaJi
T t1. V;nf fhn V.irr. J.nd DtroSf cd. A
few dayi a, while iu Salem, we slopped at the
Ca:u:ujrj5.t IL'tel, and found cver.ythin a
neat a3 anew pin. M.J8-r.s. Riiey A Ljppincotl
Lave leased this papular house, end iiitaid run
inn it for the bentf t of the traveling public.
The building is of briek, and lare enough to
ceotumodate all that cm gtt iti.ii le,an I no two
in a bed in fact it ii like an omnibus, always
room for one more. There '13 a fine commodi
ous dining hall, neat and clean, and well ar
range 1. Good cooks aud accommodating
waiters, is apbjaiant feature of this house. The
proprietors are polite and obliging, and one
may feel certain isS having every attention p ii 1
to bis comfort, should ho favor th-itu with h'n
patronage. The table ia afwajs furnished with
tvisry luxury the market cCTord, and they fur
nish their patrons three "equara' meals a day
A hack will convey passengers and hie,
free of charge, to or from the boats or cajs.
Tbe travelers will appreciate this, as they
know how it is themselves, to arrive in a string",
place, and ba compel ltd to foot it to a board
ing houe through heat of summer, or wt of
winter, and vo are certain the flFrt3 of the
proprietors in this particular will bo highly
applauded by those having the "misfortune" to
travel this hot weather. Intact the Co miner
cercial ranks as one of the finest hotels in
Orogon, and the namos of Riley A Lippcneott
wul bring many patron to the house, as they
are both well known to the traveling public
To the people f Folk and impounding
cenntien, who visit Salem, we would say, for
comfort, clean bods, good grub, and everything
that makes life pleasant, be sure to " put up"
at tho Commercial hotel,
CO It It ISS P C ) M l: N C 12.
: ". Salt Lake, July 22. 1872.
Ed. Rr.rcBMCAW. Don't let me hurt your
- feelingH hope I won't. I am going to tell
you of tbe gooji times we Salt Creekcrs have
on all occasions when we go for it. We started
on Friday on a berry trip up the Williminia.
That resort is proverbial for berricfi, deer and
unakes. We killed two rattle snakes, and it
wa no time for snaking either. They have no
St. Patrick Up there. We baited at our old
friend's, Newt Branson. He is a fat, red-faced
fellow, with k fo" turn, aod alway
trim tub unt, tails, or play tbe fiddle. W had
o dance. He is a old-time fiddler, heavy on,
Over the River to Charley," and " Molly Put
the Kettle Oo." Next day we settled down to
pur work. Tbe folks picked twenty, gallons of
berrirs, and I killed deer. Now comes the
fun. Three bottUs of cream, to eat with the
berries, aud a bottle of the ' laddie," better
known as ' tangle-foot, which taken together
it makes one fed as though this world was full
of davs, and fiw of trouble. If anybody d
lrei a good time, go to Newt'a, He lives tho
highest up on the Williminia. on a very eleva
ted spot I thought it was, at least, (not having
any instruments to ascertain the altitude) about
fourteen thousand five hundred and forty-five
et above the level of Salt Creek, always tak
og that place as our stand point.
Salt Checker.
j Yesterday Judge Boise's team ran away. No
jdamage done.
Upton who edit the CuvrUr d Lafayette
was in town this week.
R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo., V." Y., will
send bis book on Chronic Dissabs ireo to any
address. " "
Try If air a Vegetable Siiifian Hair Jleneio
er if you would huvo a luxuriant growth of
The logging camp of E. Y. Ila'.leck, is ro
ported on fire. Dense columns of smoke were
seen in that direction, Thursday evening. We
were unable to learn the extent of the data-
News Summary.
St. Louis, July 22. Senator Sehurz
delivered a lotijj; and elaborate speech
to-night ;it a Liberal llcpublienti meet
ing held at the Temple. In re fere nee
to hist supprrt of Greeley, Sehurz said
he was not his choice as a eandidate.
Nothing attaehe-i him to his fortunes
but his belief in It honesty uud his
jjreat ability and opportunity to da what
h. declared. Nobody need be .afraid
he (hehurz) would lead them into the
Democratic party, for he did not no
there himself, and unless he mistook
th.- .-in-? i f the times, there would be
no 1'im leiafie camp t. 'i to. In re
o.anJ to llie iu' of tin; campaign, he
ui'uoJ th. mci-ity oi' the ioi ev of re
cou! i ueii'M towards the South whitdi j pressed hU earnest de.siro that Sehuu
ivt;;i'.i restore a true union to t lie Slates will at once publish the btti-r which h(
and the ure.it need of civil service re J claims to have iu relation to this .joe!
form. In the latter conm ;r;i oa he read tended pro fie r in order that it may lead
a letter Irtrn h.ni cll to O'" ' o'y a-!;in' i ti) a lull i xpoj.ure of the d sh neat
an (: rovsMn'i
of his
v i e vv s
on the civil j
j se'rviee rciorui, wish ijiieeoy s lepiy.
i in' latter sas that his opiniou of thf
!t:iu-r it sdi-MiiJ coiumcc-.- by li:nit
the Pie-ideut tonne term, m ikin
iiim its 1 ( en i.Mit of p iitiei m in plae- j
iiiai hi -y.r 1 tL.ir ic.ieh, and pio-uei
him in a f 'l.-itioii whole he wi'.l nectl tm
u:td'.2.'d MJpport and no hired orgaiH,
wht.-re he can an.! nut ua'iy will select
iFi't rs, an l eounsellors fio;n thoe bcit
ijiiadtied for th" p s-.itions
Wilhamsr-.trt, Pa., Jli'v 22. A s
tio'is strike is itj progress a'tr-tig the
out wot km-"i ol tl.ts titv. 1 le c ri
i .i . "i: . . k. . I
nCIS OK I tiiwrioi l"C i imo;- i;m ii'.i'm. i
I ' ;
t; tnol-Wi.o.-c W'.t kin-'ti i) id not 't ',J-.v f
and c'.j.scd the r.'jiii- ur.. Scvera
ployees were injured, a'o several po!
New York, .Iti'y 22
Fred 1oM'-
Jno M. Litist on ami other v h r
cil stiealiCts. will
!l! .timoiid, on We 1 o'-1 iy . ift beli i'.t
of 1 1 r,i ii t and WiUa. Th -y after. vard
'J,'t North on atiiiiii .r i:i
A slight fro.t oceurred in some parts
of Nu.v V'k list uig lit.
Kostoo. Julv 22.--.V snc-i tl frotu
U'ashiesg'ou to the Imrchr s.iys S im
tier h is rtiir'cu a letter to tjardnei
lirewcr, of Ufton, coming out in fivot
of (ireeicy and Brown aud against
1 tn,.,.ijf
. .
Montu'oui-ry, Aki...July 22. An im
mense (Jreidey and Uiown meeting wis
held S itu.-day. -Many colored persons
New York, July 22. The Celebr is
tion of S wiss independence was largely
at tndi-d by a number of ::u'.-.U from
other cities, 'i he festivities were htid
at Jones' Woods.
Saratoga, July 22. Jomc M insfield.
who wis In re te testify in the litruare'
impeachiU'Mit case, wis refused admits
tanee to the (jrund Union atid Congress
" Washington. July 22 F. II is.
titles, CoiumisH'oner for t'adfornia, has
jut eonelu led faking evidence for the
ileiei. 1 ants rccentl brought in the
District Court of (Jalilorni i, bv Mefiir
ralian, f r tlto recovery of the New Idra
mine. Kvidencc taken noes to show
that the patent was never executed but
Cenerul Smith arrived to day having
in cli-irge twenty-sis Indi ins, I ncluding
Spotted Tail, who will interview the
Secretary of the Interior, and probably
the l'rcsideni, within a day or two.
The President will be at the Cabinet
meeting at noon. Notices have been
gent to members of the Cabinet anuoun
cing the fact.
London, July 22. Excessive beat
for the past three or four weeks was
succeeded last night by a heavy thun
der storm whieh greatly cooled the
The potatoe disease has again made
its appearance.
Cincinnati, July 23. By a fall of
hoisting machinery at MoNeale & No
bun's safe factory, this morning, Julius
Noban, brother of the proprietor, vvaf
killed, and three others seriously in
jured. East Port. July 23. Tho Steamer
New England, which struck a ledge
yesterday, was valued at $40,000.
Judge Griffith of Jersey City died on
Washington, July 23 The Presi
dent arrived this morning. He will
return to Long Branch to-morrow
Spotted Tail and party will have an
interview tomorrow. They received a
largo nnmbgc of victors to day.
London, July 23 Porters in Liver
pool are on the strike, and business is
thus seriously interfered with.
It is understood that the proceedings
of the Geneva Arbitration will bo laid
before Parliament before vacation
time. : . ' !;
The English correspondent, from
Geneva, Warne, died from an accident.
He was not murdered.
San Francisco July 23 The steamer
Montana, from the Gulf of California,
is coming in ahead of time.
The Hoard of Regents spent some
time to-day trying to elect a President'
of the State University, without suc
cess. The contest is hetween Professor
Giimom and Hon. Kd. Tompkius. Af
ter electing a number of Assistant Pro
fi'ssors, they adj jui ued' for the rest of
the week. .,
Washington. July 23. The charge
made last eveniuu by Senator Sehruz
in his Loui specclt, to the elfeet tlu.t
he h id been olio red umeial patronage
by President Grant and his friends, to
bolt against his couvietjoiis, officially,;
in regard to the annexation ol ban
Domingo, was laid before the President;
by Secretary Helkuap, on hw arrival;
here thus morning 1 he President pro-j
, , , 7 r '
nouneed the Wiioie statt int'lit, s(5 Jar as; j
it attemprt to rc-UeCt Upon him, a.s- abso- i coated, you r iiffnii Itom T"rpi i Liver or
lutely unfounded in fact. In no Way Hli..." In w-iuy cases of Liver Com
J 11 i 1 i plaint only : part ol these symptoms are ex
Was any one ever authorized to tender ( .M.rietiet.f. As a remedv for ail sti -h irues. l)r
to Sehtuz or any
other Senator thfj t
rontto! or use of the patrotm-e for his
nppioV il of the Sati Do'ir.ugo annexa
tiou poliev, or any orh -r measure o
the administration. The President
motives and character of the peuon,
A let ter of Jacob Tuoiiip.-on to 1'. V.
Jeitjim;n, Secretary til' Slate of the
la'e Southern Confederacy, funnd
am mg the Contcdcrale aiehive, wliich
h v? r-eeutly been sold to tins ijoveni-
mciit, .-!iovs (hit Thompson wis a re
uiar atit'ioi iZ-d agent of the Confeder
acy lor the tiurtio-c of proe-Jianr the
i i v ... V .1- im ;s'. ! '. l.:U ;
ourtan i,i -.vv i o. n, ;, una.u i
St. Louis, and C neinuati. and throwing j
he con a try into a revolution at tic
North, atid. for ihc.se purposes Thomj! j
son an i ht nssaeiutt-s, tiay, J I . oi-iu '),
nod Sanders. w ic mjj plied with 1
I'J )') in i'.iih erauee t.tthce schem.js.
. . ..
'11 .t I i. ... .!. r..Ji.
, . v . it i . i
jdeiil at tin' Nut ih, and ili'Koti.'o pe:f
ly at .Niag
i ; a a
Aihan.-, aj.d
il l th attempt to t free
the Co'iujil-
i irate j r is oi t . al J oh. .si u s l.aa J were'
i lie soic I - i -
4Ji A i osu;ti.
't riuus re :? a way tepaU 1 at Olym-
, ., ..... , , , , j i f
!i ii. mteii ue ii. i uveu ficceu , ;
May ,v f K ii ana.
IMliais: Votit; lias 1. rtjf tiaU-iitfTf
an 1 l v,e:it v eijht ,il.
A f.Mive - il !; of SI sarij; iu
e!inni4 at tl.e jubiK-e.
i I
A !)dr.;t wo. nan leiz struck jby
li-Jitc:inz. yolL-J "i'oliee !'':
On tbe ti -ht of the 12th they hai
more s!i ik.e.-i iti Inyo eoiinry. j
Tiny h ive a l )u' in -riiiiie. Utah,
with Uu t )ne un eueh eic.
Several "aelive
vo.."itfiues ii ivi
, 1
been ilisi-'ow rel in M?mJ -eiiM eontitV.
The c unty jo'isan- i s in j ill at Oljiu
pia ar5 to In? etuplnyed in inaking i.iol.-
Kai.ser Wiihtlw h isivt-n the r-rihee
ly h'liii I to lcl.tive the .MilLjin
! of l oheuiia. j
l 'tetters art; fthmhrerin-jf fchcep! on
iiiin oi (5e:i. II. Stephen;, iti Wih
io-foii Territory, j
Ve.""t:ihlef are not to !:e hal in Kf
I.nn:i ni irket for lo e or money, irt-rr v
lot the poor Ivitamitiea. j
Miehdel Flool, a well known citizen
of S ieraniento, lieI at that city on 1'iU
day of heart di.sea.-sc.
Harvest hind in JJerryessa-v.'illey
have struck for higher waes. Tiny
have been getting irom 0-i to 8- rjU
a day.
The venerable colored lady who ofli-j
ciated as nurse in the family of J 'resi
dent. Malison ha.s just died at the: ago
of 107. i j !
Alamcd t and Butte counties have set
tled : with the State, the IVnuier paying
the s'lin oi 8-1170, and the latter,
310,090 73. i
The corner-stone of the new public
school building on Tel 'graph lliil, at
Los An go' es, was laid with public-cere"
monies yesterday. j I
During the three months last past it
is fiid that only three plural marriages
have taken place within tin Uuiits )'
Utah Tern itory. i j
.Henry Smith, the ferrhian oh the
Dnwatnish, near Seattle, burst a blood
veHael and died while 'crossing that riv
er on the 1 1th inst. j , !
Judging, from the delinquent tax Ii.it
in the Seattle papers ueaily the whole
property of that town must be up for
sale foF delintjuent taxes, .
Threofourths interest in the Fordwil
placer mill, nudthc San Gabriel, lias
been sold for 610,000, to be used! in de
veloping the mines by hydraulic.
Clark ill.s, the sculptor ia at bin
country home, Stutuo lale,' near New
York, and has there erected a t new
foundry for casting his statues in
Isaac IHewitt, a machinist working
at Mare Island Navy Yard, -was found
Idead'itia rear yard at Vallejo on Fri
day. H lie is supposed to have died of
! Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's silver
;weddi(.g occurs October 10th. It will
bis celebrated by a four days' meeting
by the congregation of Plymouth
i Church. ,
The Stockton and Capital lioat
Clubs have agreed upon a race in the
Sacramento waters for 6500 a Mile, to
come off after the Capital shaft "have
received their new bout.
According to the Courier the hotels
in Oiympia scarcely rate. as first class
lush houses. That paper says they "are
all so badly kept that the proprietors
are ashamed of them.."
Preliminary tep have been taken
towards the formation of a Miciety to be
coMipoii.'d tjkf officers, and men .. of the
Union army, who are residing at Se
attle and ether Sound ports.
If you fc l dull drowsy, detiiitat d. dearw-n-
d'Mtt, have lr ttunit heailiivlie, mouth ta-tts
lj:ll!v iu 11Iorriitr. irroiular at.i.ctite mi.Uon-ue
l'ier- luen Meiical Discovery has no nju.il
il Vcr!f eres, leaving the liver
dt uggists.
The1! tui.lTfigtic-d vill pay t!ie aV.ove rtwar 1
tj u3iV pir.'ti returning t:.c tollowing ouito i!
to him at LLi rcidt -net, in Iudeptl:tirnre. Ol.C
tt ijtt.- mare. Lenvy n t, harm1- marked ; n
1'thvr u irk virtblc Abut l-n year old.
h'lioi i on 1'jro ftet. Alf", otie one l.itk 'liuoi,
elaylianW tnar, with black ta.i an 1 mane ;
Iarj;e white .pjt in !wr.ln-ad ; ;tdd!e marhs on
K-lln.dj; hot' uu iiiiV tett abul trfi :ir
old; M. C. Itl'IiLL,
For the very bet photograph go to Ural-
kv Kaltsfj-u t .i.!-rv witimut
,:tym AS1.KN1 1N TK KLHVATOU. 12J
.M Jtlt-uer , j!net, San FraneifO.
Sl'KClAL A"(7C7..V.
iltttre. No. CI Tn.nt Street,
r. i:-tat:: in city and
KT PJI,: TLANU i ib:i--i .bira!.!.- I.
-.i:!i-.'c-i.i!i.,ff f LOTS. It A h-7 Kl.O' KS j
h-.i-i 1! LOOMS, UOl'-sK- and SToIlivS; i .,
I JLV1'- a;Vt''!f
uniMiIf!-. afe I LA N ls, l'icat- i hi .A p. iris of
ilitMATi: iVr PALtt.
J'.T.AL i'STATK and other Prprrty
ir ): 1 r.tr (.'rr" .n ifit. ia t'u'. t:ll"
nn I ihr.o-hut tio '.SfATK-i and TLKKI-
r.Mlll'S, u-'!ii sre it -.irj uu I uu thtf tu st
a b v a x r . " i r. i; s t i: n m s.
loan M-,i n t::i. una i lai.ms ur
I LKl'TKli. Ar,.l a Ucrrril FINANCIAL aud
1 AUli.NCV D'Jdl.'! ESS tr.ma-;tc i.
AO TINTS ..f tUb OITICn. in all t
CtTn:-? an. I TOWNS in ihj ST A TL. will
e-iv: 1 M-r pti.ii5 of FAUM I'KOPKRTY
ri I ;'i-.v i - i tho . saino to th ul've a. hire.
it . '. -v. ov ix c ? ' ,
V c . . ... . .
J. W. GILBERT, Apent,
17. mC fcaltnij Oregon.
'-- , , ", v . jr - . w v
v " . v oi 3 A-
. X-:- Z?trjt mix
HAINFS HEADERS, with extra heavy drapers
And many other improvements exclusively
OVil ow.,
Wood. Hubbard, Clippfr,Ruckye,SprMjenc
xve!rior, New York, Ehttrly. RurU, Eale, and
iti:AIi:itS and MU1VCAS.
N pvfect in yn.pr.rt!oo arJ finish, all
Li!cd in oil, anJ fa'lljr warranted'
( i , ,, . . o. . . . ,"
n i ,i;iciuiii-Tr ni iuc. a!c, ai ice mwfFi
! p-iil- piic, !jil time pivu when de.irtd.
i hemtmhrr, we put n tnsn's nU in the Tank
cither in S.th-ui. !rt!n.l er Ssn Fri)cj.ico.
u a i i into s & t ..
Falcm. June 1,'1j7T. 14 m3
& 1840 Mi 1870 1
c ii o I i: it a
At the commencement of the Diirihw, which
nlweys precedes an aitackof tbe Cholera, take
a teaspionful uf liin Killer in sug tr and w.i
ter, (hot. if convenient,) nnl then bathe freely
the stomich nl howrelj with th Fnin Killer
clear. Should tho lfarrhoe orerimps continue
repent th (Iom every fen or fll'leen niinute? un
til the patient is relieved. In extreme cases,
two or mote tciupoobf al may te given at a
The Pain Killer, ns a remedy, hns no equal.
Inca?e of Cholera, Summer Ooiaplaints, Dys
pepsia, Dysentery. Affthina it eurt in oie niaht
ly taking it internally, and bathing iih it
freely. Its neti'Xi is like tnajrie, when external
ly applied to Old Soref, liuriis, SealJ, ho1
Sprains. For Sick IJeadaeho and Toothache
dou't fail to try it. Iu short, it is a I'ais Kill
er. Direction accompany each lotth.
The Fain Killer is sold by all dealers in Med
icines. Trice, 25 canta. 50 eontsand $1 per bottle
Midsummer Maladies.
Tho hot noiar ray that ripen the harvests gen
era to many disdrcusinjj diseafes. If the liicr
bo at all prcdisposo.i to irregularitiw, this is
tho cn.on in which lilious attacks may bo nn
tieipated. A weak rlomaeh, too, in weakest in
tho summer month?, and the loss of vitality
through the pores by eseeFive perspiration ia
to greut, that a hol ?ina tonic, combining
alo ihe properties of a diffu.-ivo Httmulant nnd
gentle exhilarant, is in many ea?ei.neeef.ary to
health, and uuder no circumitaces fhould be
dispensed with by tho iickly and dilapidated.
Of all the preparations intended thus toreTrch,
sustain, and tortify the huiuin frame, there i
n.ne that will eompira with Hoxtctter'. Cele
brated Stomach Hitters. They have beoi
weighed i the balai.eo of experience and not
found wanting ; have been recommended from
the fut uf a jcrtat uudical ppeeifie, rot as a
beverage, and in fpito of tnlercstod opposition
from innumerable quarters, stand, after a twenty
years trial, at the head of all proprietary med
icines intended for the prevention of all ordi
nary complaints of tho stomach, Ihe liver, the
bowels, and tho nerves, lr. lha unhealthy di
triets bordering the great rivers of California.
Hwstetter's Stomach lliters may bo classed as
the standard one f r every species of intennit
t,nt and remit tent lever. Tho peoplo who In
habit those districts, p a e the uust implicit
confidctieo in the prepiiration- a confhlunco that
is increased every year by tho rcults of its op
eration ,
As bitters, so called, of tho mint pernicious
chanu'ter, are springing up like lungi on every
sile, the public is hereby loiewaroed ngint the
dram-shop IrauJs. Ak tor iloflt-tter'a Hiltets,
sco that the label etc., are correct, and reuem
her that tho genuine article is never euld ia hulk,
but in bottles ouly. " . j
Ayer's Cherry ctoral
JFor Diseaaes of th Throat and Xitmcv
auoh a Ctoaghs, Colda, Whooping r
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Coxummption.
-Probably never before ia the vvbdlB Mltflry'of
medicine, has anythinj? won o widely and m deeply
uiK)ii the coniMenee of mankind, a this excttlMo
remedv lor pulmonary complaiuU. 'Hiroub lonr
series "of years, and amouic inobt of th raeeof .
men it has risen higher and higher ia their estjma
tion, as it lias become better known: Its uniform
character and power to cure the various affections
of the lungs and throat, have made it knows s a re
liable protector againtt them. While adapted t
aiildcr forms of disease and to young children, it is
at the same time the most -ffeetual i wmedy that caa
i, a riun im- in-iitunit cousiunution. aua the oan
crcrous aOtetions of the throat and lungs.- As a pro
vision against siuhlen attacks of Croup, it should
be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as alt
arc sometimes subject to colds aud coughs, ail
fchould be provided with this antidote for them-
Although settled Consumption is thougtiC U
curable, btill great numbers of cases where tbe dis
ease seemed settled, have been completely rured,
and the patient restored to sound health by the
Cherry J'cctoral. Ho complete is its mastery
over the disorders of the Lung and Throat, thai
the most obstinate of them yield to UV Who noth
ing ele emild reach them, under the Cherry reo
to'ral they eubside and disappear. ' ' ' , '
Singer and l'ublic Upcakvj' find gTCSt( pro
tection from it. ; . ' '
Aftthma is always relieved aud often wholly
cured by it. .u-
ltronchltls Is generally enred by taking the
Cherry perioral m small ami Crouent-doses.
So generally are its virtues known that wo need
not publish tho certillcateH of them here, or do moar
than assure the public that iu qualities are XullJ
mauiiaiucu. ...
Ayer's Ague Cure,
For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever,
Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb
Atrae, Periodical or Bilious Fover, ; ftc,
and indeed all tho affections which anso
from malarious, marsh, or miasmauo
poisons. , " '
As it nnmc impl'ie''. It does Care., and does no
fail. Containing neither A r.-enie, Quinine, IJismutK,
Zinc, nor anv other minernl or poisonons Krfbstsr a
whatever, it in nowise inhufs any patient. T
number and importance ff it cures in the agr h
trict?, .ire literal v hcvond account, and we Inhere
without a parnlb l in th IiWoit of Acue mcdicme.
Our pride ii gratified bv ho.acknevleynnci'.ts rm
receive of the radical c?:re? elTected in bfin ate
caes, nnd where other rcmedios had wholly jailed.
I'nacclimntwl rer!h, either ' Ti?rnt '-m
trnvcllin? thromrh mia.miti" locnliti", will be pro
te -ted bv trtkins the AlVE C.VJtr. daily.
For l inr Complaint. arimjr frc-m torpidity
of the Liver, it is rn excellent remedy, sUmulatmr
thf Liver Into healthy nctivitv. " ;
For liilious rioixlcrs ami Liver Complaints, Y1
an excellent remfdv, prrvp.i-ine many tnily v
markfible cures, wiier e-ihcr medicine hfld Tale.t
Prepared bv Da. Ji C AVER A Ct., Pract I
and Analvtical ciiembts, Lowell, Mass., aads4
all round the world. . . .ur
xiiice. $i.oo- rxit hottzjs.
air Vigor,
For restoring Cray Hair; to
ils natural Vitality and Color.
A dressitogwliich
i.s at bu'W agi-ecrflde,
healthy, and effectual
for preserving tho
hair. Faded or gray
hair is soon restored
to ils original- folor
xcith the glouizattj
M5Z!. Tfciu hair ic tloVk-
enetl, falling hair cbeckesd. midjMd-
ncs3 ofien, though not always cured
by its use. Nothiog can restore the
hair where the follicles arc destroyed,
or the glaad atrophied . and decayed. '
But such as remain can bc"-saved for
usefulness by this application. Inst end
of fouling the hair with a pa?ty sedi
ment, it will keep it clcau aud Vigorous
Its occasional use will prevent th hair
from turning gray or falling 'off; and
consequently prevent baldnessC Free
from those deleterious substances vhi h
make some preparations dangertfua nud
injurious to the hair, the Vigor caa
only benefit but not harm it. IT wanted
merely for a .;4
.... ... t , 4.
nothing else can bo found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor .dye, it does
not Foil vhito cambric, a ml. el lasts
long on the hair, giviug it aVich closs
lustre ana a gratciui penumc.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A)'er 2t,Co.f
Practical and Akalttical Chemists,
Will sew everything needed in a family, rcia
tha heaviost to tho lightest fabric ' ;
Thau any other xxxaehine.
If there is a Florence SenrixJe 31a-'
chine within one thousand miles of
San Fraiifiaco not working well and
Riving entire satisfaction, if X ani? in
formed of it, il will be attended t
without expense of any kind jUMhe
owner. v
' 19 New Montgomery StrtclU
Grand Hotel Building; San FrancitcV IT
.. ' ' ! i t$
Send for Circular nI 0atpl0 nf
th work, Actlre Agcnlt tcanUd
Wry rlace ,t'"'