Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, July 27, 1872, Image 2

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... . .. .
It E P ii ii x a C A I
IT, 8, G KANT.
Wr Vice-President,
A. IU Meach&ra, of Umatilla Comity,
W. JL, Ifaie. :of Washington County
Jas. V'. Gazley, of Douglas County.
One ,o the aTostcontcinptlble nets
bne .can be guilty of is envy. Uut
ho chiti do we see men envisasof an
other's success ? How often do we find
.tiuo..iaUtifyiDgi his neighbor through
invy ? VThe simple reason that a man,
instead of turning out a thief, as was
predicted by: wiseacres, proves him self
an industrious, Useful citizen, is all the
envious nail desires to know. The
path dsfopen, and spite, envy and hate
is hurled at the character ci the yod
citizen. Many times have ws heard
men I frpeak of others iu a slurring way
- -i fe : 4 That man won't do to be
trusted ;" 4 He is a hard egg," .and
inany other remarks of similar iwport-r
of men they knew nothing, pro or con,
and whenihe fuCU concerciiig the one
so slandered were,, found out, he proved
to be'mtseh more of a gentleman thai)
theoo! srlip, throngh envy, vil.Ced
hini. Too, many such instances tran
spire daily, in this little world of ours,
li&lwfio'gtsvtfie worst in the end--in
that day of all dajs, the Day of
Judgment, tho envious or the envied Y
Many men, some professing Chris
tiapity,r are guilty of this sin, and' to
sqcfan extent do they indulge in it
that it becomes a second nature, and
tljey ure never known to speak well of
their acqnintances. It ia common to
hear language like this, from tho?c eu
tous'of another" success : " O, if he
hadn't obtained assistance from Mr.;
- ' V "u - l l t . . .. ; W
v11 nuuiu nut. navt: uc-cu wuiui a
dollar to day ; " If he had his ji4t de
bfirts, instead ' of being wealthy, he
'ouMbe iti the Penitentiary VWcll,
1 fcsin't ' for the life of me, see how
bp pjakes living, and do it honestly."
$$fjh;ssions like the above are too
ireqyently 'Uttered 'againt a man by
persons who know nothing of the re
sourper ability at his command; all
they know h ttat he successfully rides
through vthe ptormspf adversity, which
fact niakes tljem envious. The mau
wLfQ allows himself to envy another, is
guity of sin in the Jsight of God, and
by exhibiting - envy breaks two of the
express commands given to Closes on
the 3Iount "Ihou shalt not covet j"
" Thou shall love thy neighbor a.4 thy
self." A man caunot envy without
being cqvetpos. ; envy begets hate j and
thpre is no man of an. envious disposi
tion, but will be found a hater of mau.
kind, po matter how much he may
prpfc33 to be a friend to others. One
enf ious man in any community is capa
ble of doing more harm, for, the time
being, than a midnight prowler, for the
lattel' -ill deprive yod ? of worldly
goods ildne ;, the : fornier assails your
character stabs your reputation, and
JikpjhQ coward ho is, leaves you to
regain your standing, if you can, by
proving him a vilifyer, for which he
wilj again assail you with moo coward
ly slander. , . r
he ,(ollowiug cotntnou ideas arc
frpui the gen of pue Horace Greeley :
I hold our Government bound by its
j :dpty;pf protecting our citizens in tttdr
, -fuprJanipnal rights, to pass and enforce
laws for tho eztripaticn of the Ku
Klux jpqpfpiraey J. and i( it has not the
fowcVtt do it, then I cay our Govern
meet i'0 no Government but a sham.
I; t here fore, n e v ef y ' p r o per occa si o n ,
djocatcd and "justified the Ku Klux
J act. J nold it especially desirable for
kit South ; nod if it does not prove
troRg enough to effect its purpose I
hope it wl bo mad? btr ongcr aoi
8troujp;;4 Vr W V il
Grant and ht.4 policy deserves the
'bthe8t CTedit. H .0.
Grant has never hucn beaten, and
be never will be by H. G,
A writer once said that ' every man"
has a certain position to occupy ; and,
yet, at first sight, it ns hard to place
him in his proper sphere."! Now there
resides in every hamlet or villagcmen
of this class who " cannot be at once
placed in their proper sphere." Somv
follow one thing, some another but the
lowest of this class aro those who, sell-
imposed, act as critics upon the actions
of their neighbors. A man who has
nothing to do, is a dangerous man;
and it is umon' that class that critics
are found Go to them any time a day
and they will commence boring you
with criticisms of their neighbors, for
they are big bores, and will tell you the
whys and wherefores of every mau's
actions. Such men are not themselves
above reproach, but, yet, they ieeui to
loe sight of the ohl adge those who
live in glass houses should not throw
stones. The critics are very annoying,
and at times insulting. Alter keeping
one two or three hours listening to
their abuivc criticism of different
men, they will wind up with a bi oS
advice to you,Ie?t they be j ut to the pain-
ful task of boring jour friends with u j
a criticism-of your actions. To show
how much these critics damage a town,
the following authenticated incident
may not be out of place : '
In a flourishing little village, not
many Years ago, there lived six critic-,
who, for nearly ten years, met daily at
the village store, ynd bored the in
habitants of the town with their ciiti;
cisms. Jijred beyond endurance, the
inhabitants beirm to move away, until
none were left, save the six critics. The
only reason they did not "tune alter
Uhe inhabitants left, was, that the ston -
keeper ;waa jo badly bored by thyir
criticisms that he left in a hurrir, aiol
forgot to return for his goods, so they
subsisted upon their ill-gotten giius.
After the last man had left, these six !
usid to conorette at the stoc and i
..." , .
c iucteracit otner, at iit thetr c-n-
labs ixsiinir sixteen hour. In a lew 1
iausiasuog sixteen nour.. in a lew j the u. .;;; way atui man lUime itite
weeks, one sickened au l died. Another ! tracks f .r Ch .ppaipia, calling at New
sou 0 foliuwed-eriticiscd to death bv ! rcrt xl' w t'- S w!.JV did he ca'l
. . . . I at that ancient and u not -watering
his companion
uvnoii.er aim unotror
went until only two rematiird. hach ;
in innnpr the two met ; at first they re- !
main d' together all dy; -raduiliy they !
akencd, until at bst they couldn t
' J .
criticise but half an hour a day. Ostf! ;, Uonee iind'tMiief .Iuiei Ilatma
morning found them so feeble that thy ; ker t'h v W'lvil th nr: a' vf metif.
had to crawl on their handu aud knees j "' oorifidei.cts that Were ma le and
f , ,1 " .1 r . , 1 .1 ? exchange 1 we ate only left to im
to their pbee 0! meeting, and as they . . , , . ,!.,.
1 , t . . . . ? ; I nuiiK?. Uut in the h-1 t .if sulrquent
commenced their criticism Vne fell over niII.jrill. t.V(.u.,( Wl, n.;k, a very
and breathed hia last. The surviving I .,,1 .mios's. It is well known that the
critic duLT a jrravc and ut his com rem-
i in into if ns best he could, and cov
ered him up. After which he tuck a
look around him ; criticised
n; cruiei-ed ttiu u. ,
graves of his com
unp.mions, thw twnf !
the storeand ever thing hh eye could
sec, fell back and expired.
Thus we see the effect nf usch es
criticism A beautiful and flout Uh
ing village completly annihilated, wept
out of cxislenco by -criticism. This
may be the fate of sonic Oiegou vil
lages, unless the critics die first.
How 0011 1
For nearly two years, the cry has
been thst by 1873 a railroad would be
completed from Portland to (Jorvallis,
running through tho West Side coun
ties. 'ih West Side Drives it as an
opiuion that work will not progress fur
a time, and that the O. C. 11. U,. will
not cross the Yamhill river th"t3 year.
This is no more than we have ex
pected, and we har lly feci sr.fe to pre
dict that Holladay will ever build a
road beyond the limits of his land
grants. It is not unlikely that the next
two years will be devoted to the con
struction of the Astoria branch of the
road, and if so it will bt several years
before a road taps this valley. Many
will bo disappointed at the prospects,
but it hardly looks rcasonablo that n
company will build a road through a
county without a grant when they have
one iu onothcr.
Drownld Ulad.- Uu the 9th day
of the present month) the National-Democratic
Fishing for-Prertideut Party, em
barked on their rotten old hulk "Time
Honored Principles," and started on
their trip. -About the middle of the
time allotted them tostay out,, the
craft struck on the Mock of Division and
the entire Democratic Party were
drowned, except 38.
Death of Democracy.
Ilere is what the Chicago Tim?s,
a Democratic organ, paid of the- norai-
nation of Greeley at Baltimore; '
The nomination of Greeley at Balti
more -wilt terminate the organic exis
tence of the Democratic party. In that
act the party organization will abdicate
its functions, aid, of course, with
soeh abdication the idea of party alle
giance will cease ; for' there is no such
thing as party allegiance to tneu, to
candidates or conventions; Ruch alle
fiance is due only to principles. Party
organizations are nothitg but instru
mentalities by which some aggregate
number of persons seek to earryj cer
tain principles into effect. When: the
intrmnentulity ceases o act for j that
pin pose, or perverted by scheming in.
dividual to a different purpose, ;j the
nomination for oiliue of a declared en
emy of the principles of the party, it
eeaes to exi-t a a party authority!
The nomination or endorsement of
Greeley at Udtiuioru will, therefore,
pi tee no one holding Democratic jpriu
ciples under the slightest obligations
to oast a vote for Greeley. It will be
the disbandmetit of the party and the
surrender of all its delegated authority
to the members who delegated it to be
ued by each and alt of thetnj as iu
their judgment m iy aevui proper, thu
leaving the Demovrats wholly without
f,,rm ;;, p.-rfeetly free In act as each
individual may st e fit. Fhe eneUiH-s ol
Democratic principles have captured
the I)euuor.tic orao'uatioti in order to
wield it for the destruction of the De
nioeraey. Th.j hope fur the Utter i
in the formation of a new party that
will resurrect Democratic principles
The resurrection of those piincip es
under the banner of an ent-iny is tin
ttble The Diinoer.its Uiiht
u,ll .'..1.1 the tiraat i.irtv. as I to tl,0
I tlreei. v t.artv iusueh a heoe. A one is !
as protfouueed a n enemy to Deuioeiulle j
i tr;iif'iii!r4 :ts tln r! tnr
MY Old Horace.
From the iii-uii iJuSU-tin,
Th'Vc who think that the C'haj pa- j
iu f.rtner dun't know a ihin ur two)
in t.ulitieil wire pullin; aro v;ry ver j
dent iniVcd. Greei'v went to the groat
'"J ''"' "t l,s" otuervix- j
k"!! aS.,hc M ' ' '"
ulit r li-tenii! to a lew ol rat jiiiniore s ;
UK j; aiJll Ulm.hef h slipped u
the b.cU wav atul mali lUiine lute
... mi . .1..,. 1,,;
M tee.
hid a
itlle pa'eh of i.olif ieal h iy to cut, and
that b a sitohiny day he! thought
W '-ht'"r tUl iM.j A meet
' , , , , , , , . - j , tt
h tt uuCtcu htv II I Lot-.', ecu loo m
Ohio aiid many otlier Western Dtno-
erats were in lavor t; 1 nointnino
Chase at I)a!t;uiore. Hut the Hm
urjre Convention has. convened i'v-n
tVvi.llui thy, and never a mention
wis maue tl the name oi Jvihnon 1 .
Cha.-o. it was Mintlv then and there
I'M-, ed. that Horace should harvest the
liay crop, whatever it might am ;iut tt).
and Salmon J'. would be iu at the
llarvc.-t Home'
A C aiitot nljii on Oveg i.
The following
is interesting, by a
Californian, to a San Frauci-co paper,
on Oregon :
Oregotfis growing so rapidly that
the capital available is insulfieient for
its bu-iness, though the rates of inter
est have lisen considerably A usury
law limits the leal interest to twelve
per cent, annually, and for the sake of
securing loans, the borrowers pay a
bofus of five per cent., (quival-Mit to
seventeen per cent. A quarter of a
million could be loaned in thirty days
at that rate, as w are informed on
good authority. The influence of rail
roads, iui migration, good cropland high
prices of grain, has induced the farm
ers to purchase large stocks of agricul
tural implements, and the merchants of
Portland have erected fine buildings.
That town has doubled its population in
six yyars, and has thirteen thousand
inhabitants. There is not an empty
busiucssdiouse in the place, and its
banks, with an aggregate capital of
$250,000, are not able to accommodate
the hanking demands of the State.
Chief Dirt J2ater Horace Gree
ley lias been excelled in his magnificent
feat of dirt eating, by a man of French
airs and foreign accent, whoso name is
Dan Voorhees. Dan made a Bpeech a
short time since, in which he abused
Greeley for all that was out; but for
the sake of a re-nomination for Con
gress, has eaten his words and now
quietly lays across Grandma Greeley's
lap aud recciVcs his dose of bitters with
out a murmur.
Subscribe for the ltouBLiCAM'
State Items.
Qleaninga from Statd Exchanger ."J
Body'snatching has become a past
tinie in Salem.
Up the valley the grain harvest has
fairly begun.; .
The Insane Asylum received two new
patients last week.
Wasco county is now sending green
corn to the Willamette valley.
John Thomas has been appointed
Mayor of Oregon City.
Several families have recently left
Benton county to settle in Goose Lake
Some thief attempted to rob the Cor
vallis post-office last Tuesday but mad'-
a failure.
Charles B"urke was arrested in Sa
lem last Wcdne.-day for selling Ihjuur
to Indians. ,
.-Fifty-tight marriage liseenses were
Msiucd in Clackamas county during the
year ending July 1st 1872.
Senator Corbett's frh-nds had a meet
ing at Portland, Tuesday evening, 2od,
to arrange for a public leceptton.
Seven persons received the rite of
coulit tnitiiu from 1 i 1 1 . i Morns, at
Trinity Church Portland, last Sunday
liev. Thos. ('on ion, the geoluj:it ,
ha found in the .John Day rrgi'-n,
new fosil which he calls the KSother
iutu. Kev. Th'-mis Cojdor has declined
the invitation to deliver the addrrss at
the Au'.uiuuil
Agi ieulturai
Fa r.
The Oron City Eittcrprhe says
.!... ..r..... I.. - I.-' I
oenerally oood, and it, many caes ix-
Ctllctlt. I
1 i.irt.or. n nooerrcr inn 1 ort
Kbi:i:th. uwaits the action if th(
if lira;.. j
, r w t
-ry J-Cksou couniy. i.ircen) oi a
ll-'ljr' riue
lV-rtlaud ho MS ,f a cherry tree in
the -itde.i ol 11. Uh.eh whi- h
!!.-ais a fiesh etep ef fruit every n.onh j
TuUirh sturv.
The lied Mock D mcratzy : "The
reported kiihtitf ot Wilis aid ttooUWUt
by the Indian, vii the Malheur, is a
ful.e repot t."
The Cour:tr ?as : ''b'ome of ti e new
pttoe crop in amhi.it ..libel, d with
so.ne sort ui erapii n, w h.eh s-ttlcs into
a ttiitliiuttle of 'sets." j
Yamhill county w.-.n??. a -p ei.l t,iru j
of court f.;rthc purpose t tiin,4 a
e.ejp'.. of prison. -r f.r itiigti: i;i a j
bit id ro:d a'OMU'V btl0li
A new L le of in i'd ToMifiU-r.
eh ii" er tii . iuhers.
li'j W . li .Men-
alVe. a?. W. t '. T . lu 1 i-i or iti i-eel
on Fifteen Mile t'r.. k, Vi'jmm e in.ty
i he Xotui Unnri r s;"-
tt.it . I Oi
from the S ri als. ttte ai' e i.io .
rrrtve cv.:ry iay. s m ly :.e t
lia river ui.d othtis eei the
. .-i i :.-ii.-
The publication of the Ibwrbnrg Ea
5071 has. been su.-pended indi lioiie'v.
Tlic publ.sher hopts to be ahh tt.
ie-uuie alter awhile, aud we hope
James G. FIoAerdcT, a pro:.iuct:i
wh c-ale nieichant, tlttd at I'oillaiol,
Alondav evening, from inj.iries received
j mcr sjj . f,u: beiu thrown
! j(
in a hoi-e.
Some ot tlic st:.let of jokes l ave
.ceenlly fmnd thetr Way into the eol
j jiins of the Sf ifcsrn i.t, as "ioea's!"
Frank we have a nice "s r ip book" with
new jekts, Mdigs etc., will you but row X
Two hundred and twenty-two Appli
cations for appointments as Notary
kublic, have been made to Govcrm r
Grover during his term of office. Six
ty -five of these were from Multnomah
SheifilT i?hutz of Wasco county ar-j
rived at Portland Monday eeni;g
with three men who ore charged with
the robbery of the mails on the Canyon
City road, duly 12th. Their names
are Tomr.kins, White aud Hanson.
A squib has been p;oing the rounds
of the Oreiion pipers to the effect that
Hev. Joab Powell of Linn county, was
a raving maniac, and had been sent to
the Insane Asylum. lUv, Mr. P. at
tended a campmeeting last Sal. hath, iu
in his right mind, and has never teen
in tho A sly urn.
Ihe Democrat says on Monday last
a little child ol'Mr. A. H. Perhatn, of
Corvuliis, was given a phial, containing
laudanum, to play with. JJy some
means it extracted the cork, and swal
lowed a 'quantity of the medicine, from
from the effects of which he never re
covered Mart Brown, of the Democrat t dun
ning his -subscribers says : " This thing
of us wanting money is no joke, but a
horrible reality, eating like a canker
worm into our very soul, aud causing
us to have dreams whose hidcousufiss
would appal the chief btokcr in the land
of Hades."
The State Association of Spiritual
ists will hold a grand catiip meeting in
September next at the old camp grounds
in Powell valley, commencing on the
12th and continuing for several days or
a. week, when a corporation will be
formed under the laws of the State
with a stated capital, for the purpose of
n.Au T..:iA: er.:.
i Published by L. BamHel,
General Advertising Af t, 93 front it,
Herman's DolIarStore,
So. 09
) Import
ers of Pgncy Ooodg, Toy, Crockery, etc.. etc.
ai.r liouHe, uirHt m. litl UuK , nue.
erytbinK neat li. Longfellow Pr'-frietor.
Agent for Mubie, Todd, and Co's celebrated
niakeiuan. Tvlor k Co's School Book
Jat I'ablthed, a nil line of lejal JJlk for
Jhti Stole.
i ' ' 1 r1 ' 1 ' " "
truian, lliw only direct unorttr of Clotbinp
Ac ror. Front a Vh inton ctroett". -
Cookeller & Stationer,
,Vo. TO Fon t nd .V.i. 5 tHhi,ittn atretln.
I.CK, WILLIAM SON, 120 Front fctreet.i
I B Importtrn and Ut-iiluru in
t.UNS, llll' I.i: AM Hi;voi.vcit
of f.very ih-stiriptioiu
Fishing Ta kU.Farxy tfoud, Ueuds.Bird eages
l.t.-Kvtt, Cri'.jiut liamv.o-.aitd baby carriases
Ari.ts ). r the "California Powder Works," a!s
f.r the '-Whtelfr & VVilsou hewing mactiiutfJ."
leek, John A. 120 Jmut j.ra.-ii.-al Waffh
JnoUr A.!vi-I'T. Work tb.tie for the Trado
s uo W a u J ei 1 ; 1 ill .n l nisi. Hi -
I s. i it t in :i.im:h. !);t Vo.it stwt.
, -t'u mm rniai. "i
y n Ui.m A l!-i:.l.;irt. l-'ri. xt, b.-t. Uik A Pino
y P ini!ri.. Sti-Vi- I'. ;oo-. Kio'h" I'teriVi.
M f ii. I.atiun. A., . W. en'. I Hal JL I l-,r ftf.
Cl: ajcfl Furi.itur ll uo-e in Portland.
WAinnt i:no,
Sl Fr -t. t t.
l.irk: Jicn ii-!t.- ts v e"ok, f l A ;.i r ira
) 1 1.-al. r- :.i lifV (.'.-'- Fi!i"V 1 i"i''TV. t-.
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) t;ion ci'rftu n. -l M E Trav r. t 1 ' Front ft.
8 Vj urtrt'.i .t Moii.ior, X. r. Dio i,Z i ittt (,
5 2 1 ti. p. Tiers For is i. ere, I'. A.
f tOeriottiKii.o II iKi, e.r. Froi.t a .M tiifs ai si
M. Pud. !h. Pr. i'r.e l'.tj? lOt-n Is sl.antets.
-'" id. ii, J A Co.. ;-l Freiit ti , Hii.iUtstU' utid
H retail .I. i r Fine Plothito;
Fern'c I.o.hI...
i ioti li- n 11. I.oirniit. Ti. tf rooms tor
Ftoi'ilie.e, (..r 1st A Pint- fts Q Voo? Pr.
"fc f ailin, E ami P.v d.alr.s in Wines and Li
u -s- 1 c i-
.in.irt II S !'.. !!.,.. U ni,I .San l ran
m ................................................
vttr v .Si lotiver, 111 V rout el, W UvUttiiie
ind n t iii 1 'n fort i :u r.
Miner, loon II., li.; FiiM t. U atebtnaker
and Jewoler. ifura t, the '.il!u' u tino
.. 1 tment of W:tch?i, Clucks and Jewelry.
en tu r. A Co., Front near C. s-t, dealers in
n.Htive !Om1 fir..i.l Wit ! Mi'il Rin'O'T.
lilltilUI.., 1'.. .)., IUOMH.UC, llv.U, Otv.Ci, Hulls
Sj-okes, Hardwood Luniher, .., Portuvd.
A h ocideiittil Hotel, corner if First Mornsun
T .itrepts. Smith A Took Prurietors.
Jiitti.-h, iitkinsAUorindl. Uosil Ejitntc Agl?.
110 Front St hct Alder Washinton.
Iltti Ai'iut; -i.ul". c. iiuua.
ward A Co., 101 Front Street
TI ieo, J. M. 12" Front street, wholcsalo deal'
ftlj er in Tinware and Moves.
Bielitcr, Paul U'5 First Ptreet. init'rcf P.cr
tin wooden rarvinjr Tnrl r ornafDcuUi, c.
g ider, 5. C Rial Kutate and Money Broker,
Ji, 92 Front street, Portland.
' onenhaunt, I. S A Co., Ttibaeetinistd. ira
l.prters ' Foreign and Dotoe6tio Luiuors.
ft u? House, Front et. On First Class Prin
ciples. Thouins Ryan Proprietor.
2 berlovk, S. GlFrotu tt2 Firt.1 bt. dealer
in Harness A Saddlery, , Saddlery ware.
i iiuon, J., oli Front St., deafer iu Door.i,Sash
jiind Rlinds. W indow atxl Plate Olass.
O insbeiiucr, II. .157 First t, iiup'ter of Pianos
fij Organs, Sheet Muste, Musical Instruments
QITOMMI. 1M, No. iOT lropt xtreet.
lo Watchmaker aud Manufacturing Jeweler, is
appointed Agent for Walthatn, Elgin, E- How
ard ACo. Chas. B. Jaeot and California Watchas
also for all the production aud imports of the
California Jewelry Company, San Francisco.
Send for circular. Watch m repaired in tho very
boBt manner, WARRANTED to givo eatisfaon
SkydiaorS. 0., 123 lstst. Druggist A potho
cary. YnHmuy kad IviUt tuticlfif, '
Snow t Rooi, 73 Firet it., Pictures, frames
Molding, art mate rial a drawing instrnm't,
ti mith Put., Broker, 90 front st. Dealer in
Q Legal Tnderf, lior. Bon da and Gold Past,
Sufith St Daria 71 Front $L wholesale, Drugs
Paintg, Oils, Window (3183, etc.
Terry Bros. No. 178 First street, manufact'rs
and dealers in Furniture, Bedding &o.
Tbe Clothing sUr, 113 Front at, Clotting
Fo'ng good Boots, Shoes. Harris k Prager
Fliuttle, H. 11. 142144 Front atreet. Dealer iq.
Wagons an Agricultural Implements.
flyne E. D. n w cur. 1st Oak eta. dealer in
J fine Brand k-s, Wift-. Eng. Ao k Ports r.f
f I yler J. A 147" Front st. wboleaale dealer iu
J Butter. Egns. Cheese, tard, Paeon etc.
Wiuiaiua Jt Mera. if Central liJock. Front .
ft.. Commission Merchants, dfal'in rr'c
Mf tiaOey fc l?fcheiiuer, Attorney s and Dolie-f
f f itorsin Bahkruptcy. Otfice 0. F. Tem'le'
"j7Tj7blt it x kit; -
Justice o f the- Peace,
DALLAS ntCCIXCT - - Polk County
JLjl ln.ey, and other legal paper drawn an.l
at hiii lodged, on aiiorr. notice. 'Office in tbe
Curt llouoe. 19-1.
lialas, Oregon.
.Special attention given to Sales or Purchase of
Heal Estate, Collection of Claims, Ac. ie
Agent Union Mutual Lifo Insurance Co.
For Kale.
r:s ACllKS OF LAND, with good Hcus
JL u. all ic.K-ed and under .,d ft,-
......,.. w.Tlj Ut'il III I t.ll U lil iriliirf.--
" .
... ! 1. if on f - r. ..r.il i. :i r if oi.in.rt 11 n i . v .
Aires .f Lj-cJ one Milt
e Nutth of IJola,
P.ok .ou:i:y, ;" "'u ?'" "'u-"e '"irn
,in-l other ll.i:dtvis. AU uador fetif-;, with fiae
i -. ir 1 i., 1 in l:i"L tife of cuilivation.
one an-t onc-ha:t mtlfS s uth of Dallas. A
; . '.. i t . .1 .
Oi.li! liuuii, eii;.iuiJ, io inuii luijiiuts'
1 -.-.e. .d r r-mte, two and a hi.f mile
w.t cl lk-ti.ii.
i ll'H'SE
1 1 The II..USO e.;I)t;i!fj3 Liilt Routii,
..II Pi.t: r -1. with 11 tr i Fiui-h, liara, Wnu.l
I.,ii.. and all touveuieiices to make it
n i ;s; i .;. If iter. ;. f lall h.:at. 5 acres ''
.it iue-viovrf yivi ot.rh.-tid. and well Fiiy.j.Jini
i.h water. Sit iit-1 ihr-e ir.iies .v.urtiwo't of
-.i'lui'.-oaVhrfJv n Po Luckiuuiute. For sal
it a bt.M'oi if m.1 i S )'...
! ; Wi.l.'.isi. tli Si u;ih. A tlock of "si
j !,!., i iiv'. Sv' l wilh li ar i Fcucc, goo4 llouse
.'.tru, A
1 1: sop -T ('K FARM. COXTAININ.;
! & i !! er.v. tr"o 1 U Mt-l'. 1'Vu Ran
'ti! ;ii .. .if. t?u.;:cd oil l oer Salt Crtk, T
I;iief f. ola i
: f '' H R .rn. and (ine Ure'u,irdx
.iiu;.le i 1 n.t'e v.i.M ot hall.).
S .-f I o; l, -TO :!.-r-.- lii dcr fon-v, 2.) iwres
v. -i.Mt.'d. .. i 1'.' 1-rrn. with lninl cr for
' i e, ; I iiici.i!!'!. ii itij; water iie.ir all tho
v. -.r p !i. I. .'i s seuta wvst e.f Simpson's
Rri4t-, I'd.? l.niV.i.M:u?o.
j rt.v v. !.. ,.....
C.ium lil siX i;.-'.-? LOCATION AT
L' a Vis-ta, P. ok eounty," Warehouse
i;h i;.;e iiy ot in.iM'O l.i-he! : trade already
.-.-t i'i-!.e I wi:h the interior, and connecttoa
with t)": .Wiilaao tic Ti:nsprliiti'in C mpaay.
liool ilwtiUtijc lfu?e. ami everything ready 1- r
e.e. ti.;it i.'ii. A ypKudid i Jk.Ii'i.1 for liuiues
!' -r .-:i!e ct.oap.
A "s.
t!n;.t of t tail as. II hi so, baru uitd
oreti toi: i v.o iiun.nevl at:'l 1 rn l. u; aerei,aii ;
v tuler tenee ; Forty actes ut.der t ha ' plow. A i
...m l oppot lu'.ii'y for any one wishing a linn j
lrtti el.iiip.
laud in the town ot. Li the!. House, barn, ;
wt.ikshop, and pood orchard,' A g. d chance,
for any w.t n.tn.iker, who wishes to locate !
where worh of tliit hind is plenty. j
Southwest purl of Dallas, for sale cheap. ;
lor eas-h, or in exchange lor country 'proper; tjr.j
IiKiuirc vf C. 11111:110., or the undvrMciiua.
1 e ' 0
V P.arn, with plenty nf tire- wood ewnrenient.
Minute about two miles, south-we?! of flail. is.
For Particulars enquire of li. U. Tysou,
RiiriBi.icAS OtfFK'i:.
X calls the attention, of Mechanics and UuiK
ers to the fait that they have refitted their MM
on the Little Luekiamuuvand are now prepared
to furnish lumber at the lowest CASH FKlCKi?,
and in quantity and quality to suit. Having
better facilities than any other Mill in the coun
ty for the tuaufacture of a
of LUMRER.it is our intention at an ear!
day to add totheJHH an A No. 1
" . -- ' -.t' -
After which time we will be prepared to . furV
cish lumber dreused and matched
An fcxccllent MOUNTAIN 3tOADjcaa di
rect to the Mill. A liberal share ot patron
eolicited, SURADER4C0,
dtr. " ' . ' : . i
4 .
ml. I " 1 . iIhh . , W i , WMMnMWI - ' If f
-a .