4 1 ..., - ,3 ;,."i;v. - :,- ' v. c She (Orrgun Tifyu b li r it n. DALLAS, SATURDAY, JULY 20. "lathe Pot-cli. Ah i sweet, in the sutnm r cvonings Whfn the day's fierce beat are done, Whew 4he strifes , and the fit res of labor, e.. .llave flown with the sin ting sun-, J.: Just to sit in the leafy shadow, With the darkness drooping down ; Till tho Night, lifc a queenly matron, Sits crowned with hor starry cruwii. Just changing our gold far silver, ; i 7-. " The sua fur the pUtil moot), WJjen the nights are soft with slumber, ' Aad tweet with the rcent- of .Tunc Till our tninkinjj i naiiirht lu? tlroatiiiii. , ? And, far from all sordid t'iiti, We soar from a world of sorrow Viiid tho shiuiiner of anttl'i wings. While the rutdle of loaves nhovj uv Just stirred by the breathing air-, Falls sweet through t!io solemn silence, . " As the wh sp r of saintly prayers, But stilt with u touch of sadness; Jut dream of the din day. Or sound of the voice, lnuj Silent, ; ' tfrotn one that has pasted away. When over the j t.B:rritne-pet l, i . And over the woadame -blooms, t All he loving airs that linr, Are laden with a wee: perfumes ; ' Half drowning the drov-y - Till the grasses, uad r our feed, 1 r Sigh. treatbiijf I ho scents of the roses And driukui the dews so sivoet. Calm, the Queen of Night, up yn.ler,J . , Looks down through the droy air, Ai she pines in her lonely .-pleudor, " And envies a wt. rid s fair Bo fair with its buds and brightness, So rieh wilh its golden utoiv, So great in the grand hereaf ter, So proud iu the days of jure. Then give tne the golden sen-inn These nights in the ausutuer' priori When the stars are the poet's tea.-hei.s, And the world seem wrapped in rbyme ! Sweet, sweet is their stilly siu-ncey That peaks to the spirit biet; Still bearing its burden of blessings And the boon which it brings is rest. Ah! fair are the skies above us, And lair is the earth beneath ; While she gathers her garlands of roses, And fashions her royal wreath ; For the roie of the golden Summer Float far through tho skies above, As she iugs in her queenly garden And the soDg that she tings is love. Han Him Out. The moral io the following, toUI hy the sufferer, is too a pa re tit to mention. Young ladies will hereafter ruu their brothers out when the gentlemen call : Im certain that I wished sotnetody would spank the youn; rascal. We talked of hills, mountains, vales and cataracts I believe I said waterfalls, when the boy spoke up atid said : ' Why, sister's ot a trunk full of 'era up stairs : pap savs they are made of horse hair." This revelation struck lerref 1'nto me and blushes into the cheek of my fair companion. It began to be very apparent to ne that I must be very gmrded in what I said, lest said boy nihrht slip in his r marks at uncalled tor places. I tinned f oay conversation to him and told him he ought to go home with me, and see 'hat nice chickens vc hud in th COUDtry. Unluckily, 1 mentiuned a ; joke of calve.- my brother owned. The wora calves ruined all. lhu little unt? looked op and said : Shtcr'it got a dozen of thcni, W alic don't wear 'em only when she j;oc.' up town of windv d v' -jLrtjavu me room ynn unninnnci ay little wretch !"n exclaimed Kn.ilv, leave uiMiietiiitely. . ti 1 . " t Know wnat y' wnnt me to h ive . the room lor, -replied he, 44 you fan 1 foul ue, you want to set in that m .n'. Jap and kiss him like you did Unl Si:n auons the other day ; you can't f ad mc, I jest tell you. Gitu mo some e r dy, like he did, andi'll j;o. You thiilk becuue vou've got the Grecian hi nd that you're smart. Grss I know a Vj-i-or two. I'm mad at you nnylonv, 1 c- 'Cause pap would a ho iht v, 5 would a tio'i'Mit n,. a ton yesterday, if it hadn't been for vu eettintjr thern curls, do" on vcr ! Von Jieedo't turn sored in tho face, chhc I j Jmhii j bo'i;- ar always a hrairiiiu ih d nee (ho paint. There ain't no uve of'ja kae'kiin; what they tire g-dn to Co winking at me with that il.s ?o yourn cause I ain't g'Hit ouiin heie, now that's what's tho matter with the purps. I don't care if you aro twenty eight years, old, you ain't no boss o mice. - Spanish Elkctidn. It is an noun- I f tl ' .1 . I . T . t;ca iroin Ofnin tnai Vcrtes or NauoriMi Oonfire8S has been dissolved ; and an election ordered for, a new one; the election to be held ou Aumt 2 1th. The clcctioQ'Was but a short ttm a-o. Itiesiilfcd in tho cbioc of a decided majority of what we shduld here call M administration Jtuen," b;it the fact oon alter came out, that, the Govern xaeot had interfered with thctlcetions to an extent that left them little better than a farce carrying them iu riurn berless instances by the votes of 'soldiers Mid other drilled employes. The coming election, under a new in it) is t r y ri d w i t h th e f a c t in Ve pa r d to the other fresh in the public mind, will ' give the Government a new opportunity to 'manifest ita disposition for a fair elec4io.n; and if-that is allowed, we ftbatl daabtWs have a new demonstra- : iion by the .Republican patty of Spain whirh will tonith outsiders. Kepub Jicanism claimed to be strong enough In Sjain to mike a close contest for the possession ol the Government, if al'ow- d a fair vote. This elect ion may show bow Car that claim is well founded. i i.i - . W t furnish the JRepubttmn and DtmamC jMonthly fojr.?l a ear, Tad ami rasicics The close line -'The End " . Inn-dolitodness Hotel bills. Tho larL'ot ant.Khpli-ant. A cowardly a-siult- To heat a retreat. Spiritual sickness Cholera-in-phan torn. I"" ' ' T. brine up c.,ry pras Turn the ohifki ns io the garden. A thing .easily lotind Fault. Two th intra easily n'tiicnibered. The first eiuar and the first HWietheu r. When are women likcisailur'a ? when they command a'smackj' To make hens lay Tie ' their l-v together s they can't stand up. Unf imiliar jito atioti A n -' ly any other name wmjld snieHUis well. Prof Flu to is an ludia'u mu'iesan, and Caj.t. Fiddler is a Konta-ky il iti, A rrfleetiv reporter df.s.-rihed a h ire as "a sp'endid lliOuga sad V-hi- cle " ' ' : j Why U a grave-digger h;e an ine Iriire,? iieciuso he Ul!i a drunLaids grave. Aduji.' nativity has at l-t been d:s eovf i i-il. Uj vvjs, according .o iurwiu. a gerra-tiMu. 1'iitMF,. i,,ve, like all i.ther tiHiie, is very I'V -iiiog, and bhouid be taken lu.iii cepiiatically. What, is the easiest way for a bad ri der to show httnaclf , olf i' To get oj b ( :ti:ed horse. Men and women differ. Voti in iv peroaps, e nv;ece a man but uu tuut peru uj a wom.ii). How is it a s'orni looi heavy when it keep-i lightning' ;.ud the daikei it gctg the mute it Jigutens. When a h.iy has the f-v?r and agu in Ijnburv Cl , they m ike him useful by ?cttiUcr him to ehake carpf.s. It less bei-n found that iu to ;n!v every civibzed country the tree that b-ar- the most fruit for market is the ax!e-tree. If you d n't luuk car ful'y after the bit: of )otir boiSf, you in ay one day bt looking alter the bi of your catri..ge. What is the d i ilVrenee bet wen a .so ft audits fair oi cupnn's '! A!ut the difference between an ottvumn atid knot o woman. Spotted tail having been pursu i dc ! that the . Leghh t fju iva! t.t. I'or I in ann t 44 Holly Vardeti," bus cuust uted fo b (ad) dreed uccoiding y. A minister, not long ngi, preached from the text, ' Ibr ye, then .fore, f d fast," but the printer nit do him ex pound, lie yu iheie fr break faa. Atl editor p.iys that the only reoi he kti(Js of why Id;, hous-,! was no' i luwu aw-iy the other day. during a severe - brcanse' theto was a lied vy nioi t ".ajXc uji oi tr. A jroi'Ji n ruL fur a yours-.; .-. y is t o.nv r-e always with her f tin!.: Iiiemi. a if a p ntlcni .n v;ts ot ih put y. ami -vith joun-; iuhi a.- if tluit female cotu- pan ions were present. ThoCeJ-ir U ipid-i IV1 1cm Potnf.!.-nn that thuiois' i-n sidi.-vul!i h-.a.Ku t the C( m ctery i ho t .aftr c rt 1 1 i it ? ' a-t,rr ( hem f h;.t If thrv l! "Waif ( r t! it! w;t- ; .u, hv II onii l av n hs ta-tr. j" -p.- , rt ' . . (. I ( ,, . . , ,,, 1 i , , 1 1 1 1 i 1 u. " A nun n inn d 1 ift ! n - .'!. r, and .i i". 1 .; 1;;: ' i a 1-; ivn.i-r on i r l'eiifj-viv i 11 ;: ciiuj. Mr. tatnp ! ;i t;'i- i in a uly pit'-JKi i.nu v.,j-. ,i m 'i-.i-.Hi.;. 11 l!" ami;' to thii country without a d ...... . .. r . .'.... lar in Ids p(ck'.:f ti .d ijidliinu in I Ii wol Id iul an tnpty trunk and, af. ll.c tit':'.' t.-'f Ilia dt ulh llC V..l W-U lh t'lt.'.- 00'). I oere u one nunL: aoout a tu n mat There Vl one thini; ahoilt a lu n that j look- like wisdom, h-v d"u't k u k h i much until a?tti they hav Ltd their i tefon.-hat.d. A man at a enn!p-mpe'toff"'hi asled j tna' h.i had ho 'i married I u i-iify-Il j Jl'iir. 'till ill- Wlilfll time lH! iKlii 11 v t uivcii h'n w;io a cloys wonl or hmk Jlo omitted lo fell his hearers that he dared not do the one nor thu oilier. A traveler, n rctuwiio homo fo Wailiii iMoii a bHt tmio no, lit-nimlit. a uiuuitiiy wilh hint, and, it is alleged that ;i eoioii'o' insisted on oohiiri"- an inrjtiet on tho deceased, to asncttain the e.ui'-u and cir JLtustaiice of his death. A New York journal in pje:ikin of the itiaptc strains of u hind oran says: When he played 40!d Do Triiy' we noticed eleven puns sitting in front d the machine on their haunches, 'brush ing away the tcais lmm their eyes with their foro jiaas." J nines Mahin, of the Muscatine Jour nalt ha?i made a lour of Europo for three hundred dollars and teu cents, without a single dead' beat ticket. He thinks it cheaper on the whole than publishing u newspaper. The continen tal hotels should pet out an injunction against this unit of thing. At the opening of u breach of promise case in Kentucky, the court a&kcd the council lor tho plaintiff how long the trial would probably last. "X cati'tsay exactly," replied the council, 'but will mention as one item that I have three hundred and cigtvfour love-letters. taf rifrrtr la sVA rl.ifAiii'lnn f yv it a.. I to read." NOTICE. 1A11TU3S WHO WEIS OCCUPYINO liMids in ihvi (Jrdnde Hondo and SileU licM-rves," in tho Stale of Oregon, in .the year 1 G "5 "ft, and had to i ban don the eanieiu ennso qiieiire of ?aid Ue-eiven having been Sek-cteil by Ihe U. S. I"r ih' neitli-mrt f the Itouo ltiver .IikIiuiis. will plcuso send their addrecnes, for futlo-r e rrt:.p.ji. dc.ro. to it.' V . flOWMAN, Alt'y Hex l5, WHsbmjjtuii q'ity, D. C. 13-Sm. , . ; of The 1 Hin.-ui Jlacc, H I- YAXV. XCK3 OF Ol IXrON, ETC., it,, will bo euinii 'rtcd iu a week or two in ihia paper, showing how IXKASCV can bo elaborately rupri?seuto, Loy ( mi.miooi) nouns can be maJhajiiiy, j CUUtlTdllli made easy, j VI WlloOl) YEAIIS made profKai, and oi.; ;i in di eonvf'rt:ihle, bow t iit and Vo healthy. Si'pply oif taldo viiti' the U- -, .1, windi ! i!?i. mi .! the llutii; n i nt w u t iit tho l-i-st piieo, nt:i!..io )'iiir own ( in i tv tho )ii-t ,l'i-!il,ii'U:. Tliia sUli' i Wil 'icii Uy a lir;l iM: U i - t mi li the el..s ai.t he i". a rel mie wn iM.-o in I .Oi l t'i pvi li ti.,H. v ioie. O V"0 can't w oi l'r ibc ;ib.. e t app-.-nr u piiot, e,,l ui M. M. 1. i.I.tH, l. i CJido, and all the ubof-uie:!:on;d poiots will b: lutly e:-!.ioed and t.appt- i:luti.tU -i. vou li n ) Vv" ik;;v. I V 9T.N!i;!, AtJKN $1 t.i p-t 7 Ui' toli. ui i'e atid einj'Je. to io r l-ae.,- the ,M-nu,iu- i-iiptova t ,M AK.-ll A I.I. I.U i.Nti .MAl'M t.N 11 'i'iiis iuaehii: A lit i-tith, Uain, iill, lock, brai l, Lui I, t-.t i,' tjaiit, and tiu i roidcr iii a iiio-t u ri r oi m-)cr. li acr, m'.y l j. hiKy iieti.Ml .ui I warrauo ii for li v year. We wiil pay S1,H'U" any mai.in', l.i iti:- er low, tbrtl will a juoeg..t. u e L a nihil r more t-i,i?iie eiin tn in oare.i it uaak' tho K LACTIC LucK SI ITCH, j Kvary .-ceof-d '!;li r hi be cut. and !iit li; t-tb cuoo.t he ulie I aprfit without n uii it.'We pa) AeaN ilO i to per in "i,ib, mi.1 lexpetiM. -r a i oiui:i:H,iii J'r-.to liu U iviee t! it uuiouut can ln- in t lo. For circulars and tc.!irii, app y to or address . M W'.-l! U.I. A t'O . i-'i .Ni.--.iu strait. New York. CAUliON. Uo not be iuud upu by other paiti-! tr.ixflmg through tint ciiiiitry pa min :! W'irthU-i cat-ir' n' luaehine nu. dt-r tli; haue name or ottu-rwisf. Our i t!ic 'nly -i.-iine and really cheap machine iu tn ui.i. i i:.- I. l iu S PLANTATION Sliders. ryim woxni:r.n:L vi:;r,TARi.r re. JL i- ra.ave ii tl.c hcet bik h-r jof :he fvb'-e and dehi!it.tt-d. Ai a tonic and e r JUl for she asre I un l languid it ha no mon- tt.iiia bicJ. A remc 1 f r j tho i:r'ui w?kre t wli h wui?u ire ejee'lt ub cc, it is ?ujcuii cvtrr otbji r f titauUnt In "ail !i;nt'. Ir -pictl, tcmpcraiif or frii I, it jk ro i a pvifi3 in ciery pfl' iet of di.ur leri which uncUmvlrcs tho bodily ttrvngth r, ! hithAt d'tf. ti. ej nt U bI ilit. HpantiCul Voiii.iii ! HAGANH Ml;MI,I II to the Complexion the l-'riNautM ofi You III. TTCas'i IVf t5f.-.m V.Kft o.v'ir tb I a., . cd. ::-;,u;h, h;v,:i: a1 s jot.m"nt. i'm.utul,W,-,f p -r.r ar! -ar l-nt twonty, nnd s -a natural a.-.d f.-rit-t t',r,r ,,, '"-!mn',M'iri p. imjIi-Vi .-i. y,y its uo i ,i0 r,,.fi,,f $, , t , riv d i .t Mir rn - . l. r nr, !!; .trho nu ! ptmn'os. It Contaim ts'.i r V;V' tV.s ril! iri.i'f", t'ti iti tO lf-MS .!! i trnli! MA'Tn-oi i Hai .ii i urd by all ladi in Kor V rlc.-T.r-odrn and r.-f ni.iifa v tv U c ?. niv 75 rms v- l''-di, nod ii i.ld by al' ?rS; -i- and ivtfouo-Ts fnn-exper'eri-ed men Loafer. The ; originator of this wondcrfnl mcdi'iino rbvimxi to havo dicovei-od and conShiutd ' hirm'y inf ro of Xnfm c mo. iwrpiyn M d. r" jrojyr(kt thsn wa vrr bt-ioro cjaiibin -d in oim nu'di'dntt. ' Tluv ovideiico of tl;is fact foiin 1 in the variety of timet ob(i)i.ite discusrs illicit it bus bpn found to i'onrptr. In tho euro of JifOittlu'ti'tf'Si.tere Vun-jhn, ni.d the early st.ifft;? i Ci"tiJ',,'"'t l -ha ntohihed tlio medical facnlt , add huudrodi of -tbd host phy sicians ronoiii4i o"ir th "jrcttitit ojlic i' ffvrry ; lk nff$. VVi'ile it Cut tli ' nevcrcst CoUk'Ii, it sii-ou'thtn tbf pystein and pnrifu s tlio i)lo)d. llj its grti and thnrtiurfh Hood rfjfii,!li,rtPri','t4 'l fi'Hioit from tho wofst ;njitli to a ootnliioti Utnteh f'iinp'c or ErupHuH. !.tr-nrial I'enscp, Mineral, poison?, jihilitic ami VeiuM-ial Iiiscasus, and thir cf feobi -ur criidb-alasd and vigorous health anl a $oum co"'","n established. k'niifyela, Suit Rhlu'h Si-nhl JUadf Freer AW, j Cecity or Jtoufh a&lnl ",rt Dw numerous dkenKt-s caused by fn4 blood Wo conquered bj this powerful, pnrilj injr ana invigorulitig.meaicino, Pot ''Liver Conpl"intt" Hi! tout Disorder and IJubiluul Conifition, it has -f reduced hun dreds of perfetst. and ' permanent curet Jwhero other medicine bad failed. " " i 1 The proprietor offers $100, reword for a modi cine that will e qual it in tho euro of tho dhvsases for which it -is rocomra ended. Rjirare tf counter feitt and woi thtett imitation. See tbatjtojr Qov ernuionttatop, whiyh is a ptin4 gmtraute oj fjenniutHtti, is upon the outsido wrapper. Tbia medicinois Sold lyDntyiintt uton Hollar pr hottli. Prenured by R. V. PIERCE M7T?., Bole ; Proprietor, at bis cbemioal Laborfttory, IS3 ' . DH,U V Tun. 34 19 Irn. UvUUvl. lUvel, uku.iv w v v, w wimw PMEER TIN AXD STOVE STORE, Front Street, one Door South of Post Office, Dallas - - - - - m m Oregon KNOW I Nil TIIRRE IS A MARKED diflerenco between articles of TINWAKK iniiinilncUired by me, and tbftt made by inanu facturerfl in Portland and other lurgo eitifc, for sbiiunnt, 1 huvu on hand both my own make and nl.o that of factory umk, go that people may tke their choice. My toek cwiiKiat in part, of Stoves of all kinds, Copper, ltru4 and Iron IVarc, Vlre work of all dcfcci Iptlonn, Sheet ami fal vaulted Iron, htovr Itidlct m.'I ca Ktltkot, Milk l'aii, Dipper. J.urd and lluHi r Cans, I!g HcatiriM, Japtnacd Waro a gcncrol AsortraPiit, Cooking- Spoatn, A variety of Gem Pan, rrc lain liuod Mew Pans for Fruit, 2roiliu Fixtures of New and tho Mos Improved Pattern, And in f ed everything that ran b; found in a fit.-t e a." Tin and Slave Htwre. 'Iiilll3 orii Xeatly I)(iD-j and Promptly Attended to. 60- tt T. I!. Mi W.MAX. roil the Pitii:xr i:aso.." Wo respectfully call tho nttentiou of the Puldie t( ur Well Selected Stuck of, Ladle fc' Ores Goods, Ladies an I Jlisse-' Ifat, CJenU -uriiMiIn;;c:..od, C!ovt, Caltci. Etc. Hardware, Groceries, Stationer, fcc, In fact Everything Found In a kl'lrt Clas Hi tall Store. We can OMure our Patron that we will be up wilh the timet. Come ni JExarnino Jour Stock 'before pur chttin elsewhere. Country Produce taken ia exchange t i Goods ! N. 4. J. IK LKK Dallai. April 22, 1971. I ts 1' If I rf II B" ff kj . m m i mat a j . m Clicnper flinn liver! I! II (1 1, T E W l R r L E Y A Cl., ELLEMDALB ST0R7!. j ' j Hrr rumored their OF G0f (o lIU. o.l re r.ot.iif! rreemnjr .M-.n or,l l.afllc' Irc aud I'aticy f;ood, .Men and lluy' i'tothliijj, Hats and t ap. Hoot aud Shr r.J I.adlrV and lllldrell, Shoes of cter tle and ?ir.e. A full Stock of Clroccrie r omtaiitly 011 hand,a!o Hardware and Crurkcry. Woden Oood Matiutarturrd nt lh lllcadlc Mill, jitioh ni Ilcavf , C"aimerp. Haul 'l lnir, Tweeds, riamicN and ItlanLct. Which we oSTcr at Wh!o?ab- nnd IV fai'. Having deir? t- b4te p"' msntniW in t;:;m dV;,,,,iVivd,jn;t,;with.H : ..J fitp (.(,;rT p.,,,., ,r , tth:cli we ,,.iV , uhc-t i'rio,:. I I ! 1 Bring on your Eggs ana1 Batter. 3-tf 7 t-:rr Th ftandard -remedy for Cotljrhs, Tn fliirn,a, Stre Throat, Whooping Cmh. C'roui, I. Ivor Complaint, Itrmirliitix, lilecdhi of tlie Lung, and every alieetinii of tho TSiioat, l.uiitr id Chest, iurlud inif Co'sumptioii. Wltnr a llalsam does not dry up a Cuj;li, hut loosens it, cleanses tho I.uiis, allays iri ltation, thus removing the rause of the com plaint. oiie Xfiiulne miles' alin ed I. IJU I TS. IMepai edby SII I1I w. ri)vi,r, & sns, iioston. sold by itimmxc; TON, II OS- TIlTTi'.n & CO., San I''iancisco, and by dealers generally. IO-ly C. II. COX . Has on hand and for Sale, SADDLE TREKS of all uirei and the best quality. Ebop near Wajmire's Mill, Dallas, Orepon. 43tf Dr. Sage's Catabrb Rept. $500 reward for an ioeurable case. Bold by druggiita, or by mailt 70 eeots. Pamphlet free Address R. V. Fesree,M. D., Buffalo. N., Y. IV A T I O IV A 1 11 U 8 I N E S S C O L LEG E, PORTLAND, OREGON. A MODEL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!! THE EDUCATION I'OH TIIETIME.S. The Importance of a Practical Education Was never moro Apparent than Now ! T TS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED 1 that as we grow in prosperity we grow more tir:tniirul. ami flint H i reouired of men that they educate thtuiaelves practically educate. theiimel ves in tho bet manner poufiiblo to meet j th'i demands of the times. I When AKf'"iliiu,, Kin or bparfa, was arked what thing ho thought most proper for boy to learn, he replied! Those ihingH whi'di they kJiould pnii tue w hen they become men." " beliveV ud things in number and weight, and put all iu writing that thou givent ont or re ceivtBt in." ii a piectpt of universal application : ii ud there in a special nectowily for U dtriet ob servance in all huftiiM-A) traimuetioiii. Young nun the lulore wt-lliire of lbi Cnt look to VUU 1 Are YOU prepared tu rutet ita demands ? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION to meet the ih;ji,iivis oi riai: ac;e i The most thorough, and compreheniiive COUKFK OF BUSINESS TRAINING crer introduced by my v o .11 n 5; tt v 1 a ii OR ; U S 1 E S S COL L E G E, eomhininsj Tm:n an i) wiACTicn, by lu aiiS of luxKs am) i;usim:ss ornci:i. The C'iire '. fo arranged arid Tktiht a t enable the StudriiH to um'ter it in the Ktwb .StuJi.t, afttr Ia'.2 through the TiiKonv cornsi:, becoaiei an actual HOOK KEEVEi: AS I) MEllClUSl litre, in the pafe f a f w WEEKS, be ! -tain the ii.j rjiiue of anOK D I N A R V LIFE HMK. The TI l.r.iillAiMl !rt. RTMKN'T i n fun d uj with th" bt-t f aifti uini!iit., and s ii N-mplvlc im.nlr.s order. Fur Ft-I.L INI Ul;.MATHX.enJ for.COL l.KiilJ TAfKH. Ad ir : Ui.FHA.Nfi: .t JAVFv. t'2y l' riland, Oregon. V. II. ti;ai. V C o., V:iii A:- C'arri.ie Maker main sthi:i:t, Dallas, tii hard with ihrir W.ii;0N and V,l't tJlL.S nt tbvir dd .Mand tli .Hptin a hmu' and intrnd t !"-'l ihm m ry in-ip lor t'ukh the Tru-ii. rjngin fraii jl.l'J t if 10. They Lav1 al. on hand f r " iV plenty f w,isi malt rial"'. liUchim u '.til an I ?cotln:ii All kinds cd work ir, thir lino d nc o or li r. All kind" fT!:af-Mfroilii d rer.n flmr noiiv, nr. 1 in a w-tr mur.liku ii.nHitr. IIoi Sbofing $2 Ml, Cih ;.,wo. Thai.kfui f -r piit p.Vron.-is". tboj folidl -, -ti u.i!' -i i t" the sr.n,. Tn !- t. I and O'Vo. nt Oregon City. or7rm ..f ,h i? i. hn I of the m. ari.-i -..nd J' ' Hnd J of 1 ' 1 V ,P-,rJ ,,f ,h- I,'il',,,n Lau,i Claiia of ,Iys, ; h button. v UW.TS .I'iNKS vf. JAMF-F. I.tKJA To the a'vt e ruiaud pm nrd to whir. it ni-iv r.ii cero : m rc hs-n-t y nolificd that !'. uhiivv f i.liih d o a " .-ot f ir trial at thi 01 lif ok J ( fi. i iv tbo 2.1d iny of July. 1 S72, at U1? iiVlo- k A. m, Mian all rnrtus in .rost-l ii! ho U d an oj-jiortntiity f r a hearing and I" j rt.fiit th-:r roj i ft i ve 'htim. .Tutu. 1:5, l72. OWI-: v.'ADK. Rcetstor UlINHV WAllHKN.ltcr Onr.r.oN cai.ifouma raii. road t'ompan v. hnnd t ( arttnent. Tort l.nd, Oteirot., April b. 1K72. Nti is hertby eivoti, lhat avii roiK prosecution will he insti ut-d n;un!t any nr.d every persnr who trer pati.i'? upon any 1! .ail road Land. bycutting and r.n. intr timber t bore I mm bbro tie fame in OOFtillT of the Company AND PAID Full. All vacant Land iu odd numbered section whether surveyed or unsurveed, within a dis tnnee of thirty miles from the lino of the road, heloti;r to the Company I. It. MOORED, fi.tf Land Agent o. w. ttonArtT. Dallas J. W. IIO 8 ART. j Bucna Vista. Looli Out lor Ilic Locouio live When Ilic Kcll Rings! Since tho 0. C. Railroad has been completed to Cornelius, and prospects of its speedy approach to Dallas and thence to Buena Vista, be up with tho times by patronizing home INDUSTRY AND UNTKKPRISE. Why send your money out of the State, nnd use inferior articles, when you can get the ccnuine " Homo Manufactured" article by call ing on GEORGE V. HOBART & CO. at DALLAS or BUENA VISTA, in Polk Co Manufacturers of Superior Wool faced, long nnd short ST1VAW COLLARS, HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES and all other HORSE EQUIPMENTS made of leather, which they offer at reasonable rates. . . , Ordori for Carriage trimming, Repairing, ete., etc., will be promptly attonded to, aud dane Id the most approved style. 15 tf GEO. W. H0BARX 4 CO. TO TIIK PUBLIC. V A Tw ?INI)S 0P "VYORK, SEWlNd V Washing and Ironing, Ac, done br Mri Kurnett on bort notice and on reasonable termi. All orders left at the house, south west part of Dallas, will be immediately attended to. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA S VINEGAR BITTERS, 24 HundrecU of Thousands ' Bear testimony to their Wonder- 3 cV. ful Curative Effects. IpWHAT ARE THEY?f H 7 1? 1 1 Tfld t m THEY AP.B KOT A VILE t . " ear ANCY DRINK.?? Ma-ls ct Poor Xinni, WliUUer, Irof Hpirirn and Ilrfuse I.laiior doctored, spiced aa 1 sweetened t plc.i3 tl.3 taxte, called "Ton l;6,,"Apetlz(3,, Hestorcrs," c, that lead tlio t'pplcr rn to drenkeauess and rain, but aro a tra'j Medicine, malo from t tie Native Roots ani Hereof California, free Irani oil Alcoholic SllMinlaniw. Thcrarc the ii It CAT II LOO I) iti:i rii::c nod life jivix filin. CI I'I.E a ptr'ct Ilcnovator andlnvlorator o tUc Syst rn. carrying oa"all pol6onoas matter acd rc-itorlu tlic LJood to a licaitlijr condition. No person can taVo these Bitters according to dlrcc ti m otul rs:nair lou unwell. j I'r IiiOuuim-.tf or jr nnd Chronic KhenW tn:itf!i nnd .otit, Djaprpnia r Indl uosiiou, Itiliutif, Iteuiitteut and Intcr uiilt.'Dl FeK ri., Dlaraitr of tho Itlwod, livT, KUUieyn, nnd IlKdder. these nit lci l av : bec-x moit sacccssfu!. Huch DI! cnxi i tr - canned by Vilintrd Hlood. wUlcU W tfciifra:' j-radaceJ by d.rancmcnt of Um I'vi'tiiu'tlira!!. Ii;:i,SIAR INDlfJESTIOX. j i.-.-vdachc. 1'al.i la th j frhoalders, Coombs, Tl-ht! .em f tac Ciiest.Iir,ii)es,oi;r Eructation of i the fi-t tm:.ch, I!ad last ; la IUj JloatU Il.lioas At- j t-cl;, ra'p:t:.tlon cf the Heart, Inftatniuatlon of; ttit; I.nr-sr.r.i.i !a thercK'ions of the Kidncrs.and'j ahu :ir, d etl.er paiufnl symptoms, ara the off- prlnjof Dyspepsia. i Tti' j-l:ivl;ortj the Rtomaeli and stimulate tb trpMl:rrad lowtW, Mc!i render tbcsu of ua fjua'U J cUrary la cluaabln; t!io 11 'od of all !n;;'iu.-:ti.'s, aaJ iinoariio; new life audTiorto V.-.o vr!io;e tyoteni. I It SKIN DISEASES, EruptionsTetter. P!t i:ii?nni, Dioiclics. $tts, llinples. runiulei. Hols, ("arbuaclcj, i:iu;-'.Yorm ScaUdlcad. Soro Fycs, I-"yip-l-,,,ltc!i, Furfs, Discoloration! of tho Humors and Diseases of the 6 kin. of whaterer naaia or nature, arc lltcralty da( np aiUcarrU l ontof the sjnteiuiaa chort t:nc by, t;. inj of ttitsj Uitirr. One bottle? In snclt tisi-i h It! convince the mutt iucredulous of tlieir curative effects. Ci -aasa la: Vitiated Blood whenever you find j Its impurities bursting through the skin Inrini- j f!i-;, Eruptions cr iorcs ; cleanse It when you 1ml tt cbctriTctcd and slugidsh la the veins; clean" U wi.cu it i f ul, and your feelings will, ; tt'.l you w!;c.i. Keep the blood pure and tu heaMUcf the system will fidl-JW. TIN, TA tE a i 1 other WORMS, larktmr In .! the syst em of s- many tiiounaads. are cflTcctuaJl UcfrtroyeJ an 1 removed. 1'or fall directions, read caa fally tle circular around each bottle. J. WALKETt, Proprietor. K. n. McDOVALD & CO-. DruiTls's aid Osn. Afirenu. Saa Francloco. Cal., and Si an 1 Sf Commerce Street, Xew l"orl SOLD DY ALL DRf'r.filTS AXD DE.1LEE3. THE NEW POOD. - a i - A . Jnv i For a few cents you can buy of ycer Grocer or Prnggist a package of SKA 31 OSS FARINE, made from pure Irish 3Ioss, or Carrageen, which will maka sixteen quads of illanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud-(ling-, Custards, Cteams, Char lotte Ilusse, Ac. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious ChanffO ! ! THE GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC r, . t J-'f 1 - - isjf : '. V, - ' 1 ----- W 'r-t Z.ii- . v Plantation Bitters. Tliis wonder Ail vegetable rcslorativc is Ilic shect-nn chor of the feeble nnd debili tated. As it tonic mad cordial for the aged nnd lnngiiid, it lias no equal onions' stom ncltics. As a remedy for tlio nervous weakness to which women urc especially sub-, jeet, it Is superseding every other stimulant. In nil Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it nets ns n specific in every species of disorder which undermines tho bodily strength nnd breaks down ihe animal spirits For salts by all Druggists. r- ' .-.