4 A ..... ..""j 1 ' VOL. 3, NO. 15. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1872. WHOLE W. 119. I i i 1 V 4 1 ' 2Flu Drejg0n JJyubUran Is Issued Every Saturday Morning, at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY R. II. TYSON". etricE Mm House. street, opposite the Court INSCRIPTION RATES. SINGLE COPIES-One Year, $2 00. Six Heaths, $t 25 Three Months, $1 00 For Clubs of ten or more $1 75 per annum. Sbcription mut be paid ttrutlt in advance ADVERTISING RATES. 6ne square (10 lines or less), first ituert'n, $3 Each subsequent insertion.. 1 00 00 A liberal deduction will be made to .qaar Jterly and yearly advertisers. , Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient advertisements mnat be paid fox Jn advance to injure publication. All other advertising bills roust be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furo,tsbed at low rates on short notice. Extra Imiii cements ClHhoiiig! lor DEdOREST'3 ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY A splendid oflfer tf our Subscribers : We will lend the toye Popular ard Valuable Maga zine, fur one year with the $S OH Chonio. to gether with our paper fr ouly $5 ; or. for $1 00 pxlr. Hiawitha's Wooing, or tor $j 50 we will ttmi Ucmuru't'i Monthly for one year, both Chromo. and th Oiikcon Rkitblican. Ox for $:t 50 we will fend the It eiTBUCAX nnd Deiuoresi's Monthly for one year. This is a Splendid Chance to svure the be.-t Magazine, Kle.iut Chrotno., and a good County Paper (or nearly half the value. Send the amount to thia offi.'-e, and the Magaiiooand Chrouiog vil be promptly forwarded. W. JENNINGS P EM OR EST, V rati tlir nt jSac )'oit. THE ILLUSTRATED FHRENOLOGICAI JOlIiNAL, i in every respect a Frt Cbis Magmiue. Its articles lire of the highest fUerest to nil. If teaches what we are and how to make the iimni of ourselves. The inform, i tion it contains on the Laws of Life nnd Health ifi well worth the firire of the Magaxiueto every Family. It i puliihed at $.5 0t a er. I'y n special arrangement we re enabled to ofTer hc Piirkxo logical Joi rnal n a Premium lor a new uWi Uiero to the Okkoon Ri:im blicax. or will furnish the Piihkj.ouh:icai. Joirnai. Ulld ORkUUM PiKI'l DIM AN together fr $ I 00. We commend lie Jul us A l. to all who want a good Magazine. gaved h v i 5 c Hcrsc. Wrong The October election r.f 18GS was one of uuiibual ititcrtst in Indiana. It was geucral'y conceded that the result of the contest would be eloe, and so it proved to be, the Republican candidate .'or Governor only receiving a little over uine hundred majority. Ou the vote for Congressmen, tho Democrats ob tained a majority in the State of 0, 012. In the fourth district Wilson, Republican, was elected by four votes. At this time I resided at Osceola, a small village e'fcx miles from Elkhart. The latter was then a thriving business town, about the eize of the former vil lage of Kingston. It was also a railroad junction, and the largest place in the county, consequently it possessed great er telegraphic facilities than any other place within a radius of twenty miles. Being Bomewhat anxious to learn the result that evening, 1 saddled my horse, pfter the polls had been closed, and rode over to Elkhart. On arriving there, I iound an excited crowd sui rounding the telegraph office, commenting on the" returns which had just begun to come in. There were three candidates run ning for Congress in -this district, which fact was undoubtedly the cause of the jjproar. I waited until 1 o'clock in the morn ing, and the figures obtained up to that time on the vote for Governor were to nearly equal that it was evident the of ficial returns pnly wqu14 tell the tale". There was just enough light to make darkness visible wheu I started for Itome. While on the road " 1 fell among thieves." I stopped at a little country tavern in the woods abqut two piles out, to get a cigar; for when a person is as hungry as I was just then, nothing except a good square meal will allay hunger like a cigar. Even af that late hour the bar room was filled with a eet of noisy roughs, and liquor was being dealt out to them with an unstinted liand. I entered, leaving my horse standing with several others in front of the tavern. The cigar was purchased and lit, and I started to go, when the proprietor of the " shebang," seeing that 1 had just come from Elkhart, asked me who was elected Governor according to the latest dispatches. I replied that the result was yet in doubt, when suddenly a thick fret, raaeally looking fellow stepped up, - o, and informed me, in no very choice language, that I lied. After picking himself up from the floor, he drew Jrom one of his boots an enlarged addition of an Arkansas toothpick, and then this benighted Iloosier " went for" mo. As ho had a 41 flush hand," I thought 4 discretion the better part of valor," and passed out of the door. Hurriedly mounting my horse, I Ktartcd off for home oil a gallop, bt ntt a moment too soon, for tho bloodthirsty mancarver threw himself on another horse aud immediately pursued. A stern chase is proverbially a long chase, and in a very few minutes I fonnd I wa3 gradually gaining. While leaning over the neck of my pony, to keep from being brushed ofi my sent by project ing branches, I passed a small clearing, where it was not quite so dark, and was astonished to find that circumstances had made me a horse thief. The ani mal on which I as riding had a white face, while, iny own pony, which was probably carrying my pursuer. ws a splendid sorrel. However, I had made an excellent trade, and although the half crazy de mon behind me n-cd his Howie knife in place ot a spur to urge on his beast, he gained but little. I tiow discovered two pistols in the holsters on either side of the saddle, ;md quickly drawing them out, fired twice at the ruffian, who was only aoout fifty yards behind. Ow ing to the darkne-s, neither shot had any effect, except, to bring out a whole broadside of useless profanity, aud we stdl rod.e at the top of our pecd. lu a little while vc were out of the woods, but it came near being in my ease out of the frying-pan into the fire." Jual as I uatne to a turn in the road on the outskirts of the forest, from behind a low stone w.ll, directly in Irunt. rose the bcarcelv distinguished tonus of four men with lire -units. They immediately " drew bead" on me. 1 thought I would have to "go under', but endjavorrd to da.h pat, leaning over i la Couanehe,ns touch as possible. A gentleman who was saved from drowning, after going down fur the third time, once told tne th.it, in the few ee utit's occupied in swikintr, all the more prominent deeds of his life passed in quick (succession lefore his mind. At that moment I also seemed to be looking into the mirror of tlui past, yet I did not lose my sell posession. The very ucxt in tint (it seemed at least five minutes to mej one of the myfctert ous four called out, 44 Don't tire! It's Jim! Don't you know that horse? Some one's a Iter hint." 1 saw that it was too d.nk for him to discover my identity, he recognized the horse, and supposed the rider was hi- comrade. So imitating the Iloosier's coarse voice us well as I could, 1 grunted, 44 Stop that ft How behind!" aud rode on as fast as possible, nt desitous of waiting for the denouement wh eh I knew must soon take place, All thi happened in otio-tcuth of the time 1 have taken to relate. It was a lucky mistake for me, for iu another moment t heard the re port of several rifles, but as no bullets whistled in my neighborhood I rightly conjectured that the cold lead had been administered to Jim. A snarling yell soon announced that this 44 Tragedy of Errors," had been discovered, but no further pursuit was made. When I reached Osceola, I put 44 white face" in the stable, and went to bed. lieing a little excited over my peculiar horse trade, I was of course visited with a night mare. In the morning, I called at the office of the near est Justice, and stated the facts of the case as I have related them. Before niuc o'clock a large party visited the scene of the shooting. My poor pony was found dead, having evi dently been killed outright, aud a pro fusion of blood on the leaves at tho side of the road left no doubt that Jim had been severely wounded. The entire gang had disappeared, no one could tell whither, carrying their disabled 44 pal" with them. They had been well and unfavorably known in Pulaski and Cass counties as unmitigated scoundrels; cutthroats of the first water. They lived much in the same style as the celcbrattd Lowry gang in North Carolina. They had but lately changed their base of opera tions having lost one of their number in an unsuccessful night attack on a stage poaph, which event made matters unpleasantly warm in that region for 44 road agents." Ab noqe pf tle gapg was afterward heard from, I kppt the 44 wrong horee" as a trophv. The pistols are in the ol fico of the Sheriff of St. Joseph county, where Jim or any of his murderaqs crew may identify and claim them it they think it expedient. I ; ; Subscribe for thp Kepubucak The 44 World" on Greeley The New York World of May 15th, is particularly savage on Greeley. It has a long editorial on the election prospects, io which it says : 'f It would be contrary to all precedents for the Democratic party to adopt 31 r. Greeley as its candidate in unreflecting haste, without inquiry iuto his strength or fit tie4. If we indorse him, it roust be intelligently, not blindly. (The only reason for nominating Greeley is the Republican re-in force me nt he is expeet ed to bring to the Democratic party. He could not get a single vote in our convention if it were understood that he would join us alone without a strong body of Republican followers. It i a match whose only recommendation is the expected marriage portion. If it should appear on examination that it is in fact a mere seductive fiction, the proposed nuptial would certainly be broken off, for no Democrat even affects to regard it otherwise than as a mar riage of interest and not of inclination Greeley Us the very antithesis of a Democrat. He has strenuously fought the Ueiaacratic party all his life. There is no one q ucstioo, cither of principle or policy, ou which he agrees with us, except the transient question of am nesty. By nominating him1 we would stultify ourselves as Free-traders stub tify ourselves as opponents to the pa ternal theory of government stultify ourselves as champions of State Hights stultify ourselves as antagonists of the Ku Klux law, the odious bayonet election law, martial law in the South ern States, and the whole series ot sub jogating measures, which Greeley has championed aud the Democratic party has unanimously opposed withiu the last two or three years. j 44 Wo do not believe he can control or even divide the nejrro vote of the South. Within the last few days we have had an opportunity ot j conversing with intelligent Southern J meu axtti Northern men who have recently returned from the South, and they all concur in the opinion that the blacks will go solid for Grant Thi is intrinsically probable enough, and is confirmed by the fact thot Fred Doug las and all the captivating colored ora tors are committed to Grant, and ready to stump the South in his favor. Most of the blacks are organized! into politi cal leagues or association, which have long been under the control of Grant's friends. We do not believe that Mr. Greeley can make any impression on the ucgro vote. A good j Democratic candidate would probably receive more white Southern votes than Mr. Greeley 44 In the next place. Greeley has no strong running qualities as a Republi can candidate in the North, lie is popular, hut it is not the kind of popu larity that coutrois votes. jWe may be mistaken, but, at any rate this seems to be the estimate which has always been put upon him by his Republican associ ates. Mr. Greeley has never shown any disinclination to be a candidate for clcctivo offices, but the Republican party has seldom had suflicientj trust in his popular strength to make him a candi date." The World then cites stances in which Greeley several in run behind his ticket, and closes the article as fol lows : ! ; 44 The expediency of nominating Mr. Greeley, self-respect, principles, and political consistency apart, depends upon this simplo consideration, whether more Republican votes will be gained than Democratic votes ropellcd. There are Democrats who will not vote fur him in an event, not even under the constraint of the Baltimore nomination, if he should get it. The Irish religious influence will never be reconciled to him ; more important than all, multi tudes of Democrats who prefer princi pies to expediency have already made up their minds to bolt the Baltimore ticket if the convention nominates him. With our present data for forecasting the situation, we have no doubt that Greeley's nomination at Baltimore would drive away two Democrats for every Republican that will follow Mr, Greeley into a Democratic alliance." " Well David," said a poor but worthy citizen, to one of the City Hall mag nates, 44 the world has prospered with you, and they 'gay you are immensly rich." 44 Well, replied David, " perhaps it ia true ; but we cannot take our gold with us when we go." 44 It would melt if you did." was the riuicK retort. Greeley agree to support tho Demo cratic nominee for Governor of .New York. ! The Itobesou Investigation. From the Philadelphia Prea. Mr. Robeon's bearing throughout this protracted investigation was admir able. He appeared as his own volun tary attorney, and did not, as is the cus tom, appoint another to represent him Wo recollect no example like it, and certainly none in which on assailed of ficer has shown moreeooluess, courage, steadiness and perseverance. Oppressed bjthe daily cares of his office, he. at ktided for hour, night after hrg4tt; examining every witness, controverted every charge, and we feel assured will be sustaiucd by the majority of thp committee, as he must be by every fair minded man of every party. And now we trust we have had an end to iuvestigati jus. Here have been ten or twelve committed mousing, smelling; questioning, quarrelling, which have been at work for mouths and months, aud what conspicuous, striking, tangible fact lias been proved showing fraud or incapacity on the part of President Grant aud his Cabinet? Certainly, if there were frauds, astound, ing, gigantic, palpable, inconceivable, as wo have beau told time and again, the evidence would have been produced long before this time. As it is, Geo. Grant's administration grows whiter and whiter with cverv investigation. Tho fact that the investigation has! proceeded agaiust Secretary Robeson is our first source of congratulation. There is a higher t-ource in the circumstance that the evidence shows a perfect ex oneration of the Secretary from the charges against him, as well as the possession on his part of unusual ad ministrative qualities. There ia not only do evidence upon which to im peach Mr. Robeson's iutegrity, but nothing t justify suspicion. And the examination finally dissolved into piti ful questions and answers as to how much Mr. Robeson was worth and whether he lived beyoud his income, and did he really send bricks to San Francisco by way of Cape Horn. Who rcallv cares how much Mr. Robeson is worth ? Because a man u Cabinet Minister, must he become a social out law ? Is it not rather a presumption that the elevation to high office indicates apparent qualities of honesty, capacity and experience? It would be the worst cou.tnentary possible upon our iu-titu-tions if the appointment of a man such as Mr. Dana has described Mr. Robeson to be were in anyway probable. We may look back with pride upon the whole array of Cabinet officers who have served since the time of Washington, and find few instances where the incum bent was not a man of honor aud capac ity. We dwell upon the fact as a cir cumstance doing credit to our institu tions. The examples of those who served the State in positions of trust and honor, are many. Most of our pub lic men retired from office poor, nnd only a few years have passed since a great War .Minister, who had controlled the expenditures of thousands of mil lions of dollars, died in a condition of poverty, actually spending in the public service the income he had amassed at the bar. We dare not think that pub lic virtue and self denial have passed from our statesmen when we remember how Stanton and Rawlins lived aud died. Gone. The following dispatch in forms us that James Gordon Bennett, Senior, founder of the New York Herald has gone to his rest. He left a large property, which, by his will, is bequeathed as follows: New York, June il. James Gordon Rennet died of old age. His lower limbs were paralyzed for several months, and he was fully impressed with the idea that he could not long survive. His estate is said to be about 810,000, 000 tho Herald with buildings and real estate connected with it he leaves to his son, and in his will ho provides that he is never to sell it, but it must remain in the family. His Fifth Ave nue mansion ho leaves to his wife, and his Washington Heights property to his daughter Jean nctte. A Washington special of June 3d,says out of the delegates at largo elected to tho Raltimore Convention from Penn sylvania eight are in favor of endorsing Greeley. Tho delegation is led by Con gressmen Randall and Win. A. Walker. The delegates are uninstructed aud not directed to vote as a unit. A Jaocsville (Wisconsin) paper says the girls ot that town sleep with their corsets ou. When those Wisconsin girls take a notion to bo squeezed they are going to be, even if they have to have it done by machinery, says a con temporary, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, d-C UJ U D II D C I I lift III II U J b It k) DENTIST, iITa located in Dallas, and is ready to attend to all thosa requiring his asfUtance. Artificial Teeth of the ery finest and best kind. Satiitfaction guaranteed, or no charges made. Now is the time to call on th Iirrti.r Office, opposite Kincajd's PitutocrariJuJe Qal lerv. JOII. J. IIAIY1Y XWy & Counsel! cr at-Lair. DALLAS, OKKGON. Will practice in the Courts of Record and In feiior Courts. Collections attended to promptly. OFFICE In the Court Huuse. - 4I-tt GEO- K. I SlVAIi, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, DALLAS, OREGON. OFFICB In Rkpubucaw Build ing, Mill street. Order eolkked. AU busi-3 nes promptly attended to. M J. C. GRUBBS, M. D.v PHYSICIAN AND SUKC;iON, Offers his Services te the Citizens Dallas and Vicinity. OFFICE l NICHOLS' Drug Store. 34-tf J. is. OLM YS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas, Oregon. Special attention giTen to Collections and to matters pertaining to Ileal Estate. 1 J A. A PP LEti ATI2, Att'y & Counsellor a I Law, OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, DALLAS, POLE COUNTY, OREGON. 2tMf P. C. SULLIVAN, Attorney & Counsellor-At-LaW, Dalian, Oregon, Will practice in all tlie Courts of the State. 1 K. RFtSKK. c. it. I1ALL. DllS. FISKK & HALL, OFFICE No 1 MOOKES' BLOCK, Salem. lo-tf ....Oregon Tim; is hioaev! J. JAKES, Jeweler, rOULI RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE f ? to the citizens ot Dallas anl vicinity that he in now prepared to clean and repair CLOCK'S, WATCHES and JEWELRY, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. OFFICE At llobart's corner, opposite the Drug Store. P. S. Work i" my ahjenco left with Mr Ilohart, will be attended to 7 tf. fki:i;i,y PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. millSIS THE ONLY WAY TO INSURE X the permanent growth of any community. In supplying our homes with FUHNITUKE, u well as other things, it rhould be practiced. I have on hand a full aexortiuent of everything in this line. Shop near Way mire's mill, Dallas. Oregon. W.C.WILLS, ll-tf 1TUE!! FIRE!!! fpO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS I I would eny that I have re-built uiy Shop on the SAME OLD CORNER, Where I am prepared to do all kinds of JOBBING. WAGON WORK AND HORSE SHOEING ON SHORT NOTICE. As I have lost all my propertv by Fire, those . indebted to me for work will confer a favor by paying up immediately. ' A friend in need, is a friend indeed. ASA 6HREVE. 12-tf CEO. II. JONES I J, M. rATTKRSOW JONES A PATTERSON, Real Estate, Insurance AND General Agents, SALEM, OREGON. Prompt attention given to tho General Agency Business. 12. tf HURRAH fc'Olt WOMAN'S RIGHTS! HAVING FOUND MY KNITTING again I would say to the Ladies and citi seus of Pallas and surrounding country, that I have the best machine in use, and aui prepared to fill all orders with promptness and satisfac tion, or no pay. I mean what I say. 11. "2 Lkwis SrKunr. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, NEW EtOCEHY, Por everything in tho GROCERY LINE go to M. C. BROWN'S,-.-- MAIN 8TRE12T, DALLAS. ' lie has on band a full supply, which tie offers cheaper than any other Store in Dianas. 2-tf , - .:-. ' ' ' ,,!:-. UEMBflAftDTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBUOTITES, AND ' All Style of Pictures oi inelrest liulfch, TAKEN BY J. II. KINCAID, j HAVING ALL LATE IMPROVEMENTS for tsking pictures, I ii.vite the patron age of the public Please call at the jibota graphic GaUery, Main stmtt, opposite Dr.' No bell's office, Dalla. itr G. B. STMLIES DEALER IN Groceries, PROVISIONS,;; Cigars and Tobacco WOOD AMD WILLOW WAR$f DALLAS, OUF.CON. , ; DALLAS LIVERY. FEED & SALE r.i-i Aj taint Cor. ftlalu and Court StreeU, Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE Stand of Mr. A. II. Whitley, w Jiave re fitted and re stocked it in such a maanetvaa It - a- L . V. wiu f aiisiacioru meet ever waui vi iu com munity. tluggles, single or double Harks, Con cord ' gons, etc. etc., f Furnished at all hovr. day or night, on short notice. - .- Superior Saddle Ilarees, let by the Day or Week. TERMS, RCASONAHLC. 4 T. G. RICHMOND IEW PAINT SHOP,1 Carriage, Wagon, Sigh, AND MMEXTAL PAINTING GRAINING & GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, &cM ' Done in the most Workmanlike manner by XX. P. SIIKIVCK. Shop upstairs orcr Ilohart k C's Harness Shop. , DALLAS, POLK CO., OREGON. 27-tf EOEA STOtlE. i HAVING PURCHASED A LARGE AND complete Broc k of GENERAL ilK 1U CIIANDIZE, consisting in part or, ( Dry Goods, :( Groceries Glass, Qnecnswarc, Tobacco, Cigars, And all articles found in a GENERAL VA1U ETY bTORE, I wonld respectfully tall Jth attention of the Public to my Establishment. Highest Cash price paid for ' j ; Jl 1 URS AND PilLTRV. It. A. RAY, .: . , Eola, Po'.k Co., Ogn. . lMf . . -.it OP WORK AT THE LOWEST LIVING PIUOKS, CAN BK HAD BY CALLING ON. , v U; IIIMEK & BACIIEI.DEU, STEAM JOB riUNTERS;-'; 03 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. A LARGE ASSORTMENT rf BLANKS Circuit, Oontv. nn fn-c Vimttv, con stantly on hand. ANo. Bond. DjM-d. Mortgages and Blanks for time in Bankruptcy cftti. ;i. : o j Byusins Lett erbead?. LU' hind . erd. circu lar, printed envelop,., tic. Uive iu m1 or send in your order. 4u12. -i Y