1 ' '' ' nnAM OTniirDnTDi in am. j VOL. 3, NO. 13. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1872. WHOLE NO. 117. ff f$fayh jjffR publi ran Is Issued Every Saturday Morning, at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY 11. If. TYSON. OFFICE Mill street, opposite the Court ;Hoase. " SUBSCRIPTION SATES. SINGLE COriRS-One Year, $2 00. Six Months, Si S3 Three Month?, II (Hi For Clubs often or uuro.$l Jo isr annum. JSbcrJpiion mut be pjttd ttrlctltf iu udeattc ADVERTISING RATES. One square (1ft lines or less), f.rst in.-ert'n, $3 00 Each sub.-eiutnt insertion 1 00 A liberal deduction will be made to ijuar .terly an J yearly advertiser. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Tr&nsier.t advertisements must be paid for tin advance to injure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid iuarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. i&itra SHciuccim'saiM lor DEHORESTT, ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY A splendid offer t our Subscribe,:? : We will .send the above Pupu!ar and Valuable M;ig: .ine, for one year with the $S ort Ohr-.tno. to gether with cr pa-'cr f-r only ?.' : or. tr 1 ot: extra, Hiawatha's Wo jt, or br $.' 5 we wib send bomorest's Monthly for nc yiu bi.fh Chromoj. and the Ohkios Rkim i.:-n. t .for St50 we v ill send the ( i ui.it' x n and Deraoret'a Monthly for one yi-ar. This is a Splendid Chnnec to secure the bet Magazine, Elegunt Chrjio., ;t:i 1 a t'od County Paper for n-arly hs:lf" the vnlue. Svid the amount to this otV-re, and the M:;ar.ine and (Chrouios will be promptly forwarded. W. J K N N I N G S IKM01i::.ST, THE ILLUSTRATED PHR'EXOLOGICAL JOURNAL, is in every resjK-rt a I"irt .Cla9 Magaaine. Its nrtielw; are of the hi jh-st ntcrest to all. It teaches what we are and how to make the most of ourselves. The informa tion it contains u the Laws of Lift in i Health is well worth the price of the Mtgaiuet. every family. It is published at ?i '0 a year. l!y ji special nrrangement we are ert;:b!.-d to .R't-r the I'UKZloLbuu'Al. Jos i.nal as a Pretiiioni ir .0 nevr f cb.eribers to the Oi:km-v K;:i'i ki.k an. or will CurnisL the PiK.vot.,x;u'.M. J"!'I'ai. and Okeoo.v Kxrrri ican together f -r i' I ( 0. .We commend the Jcrr.NAL t alt who vant n good M.iazine. Anecdotes oi Public .Tit 21. Congressional habits and manner.- have changed with the times, and the change is marvelous. In fact, social life at the nation's capitol has itself been revolutionized. If you look down from the galleries of the two Houses, or step into the Senate Chamber, now the Supreme Court room, you will see how thorough ia the revolution. Col ored men in Congress, colored men before the highest tribunal, also col ored men in the local courts, deliberate and practice without insult or interrup tion. In 1858-50 a white man could not safely advocate ordinary justice to a black man. He was subjected to in conceivable obloquy, not alone in the Legislatures, but in society. Nothing but illustrious services or great moral courage secured decent tolaration to guch an offender. The Southern leaders were models of politeness until their peculiar institution was touched. Then the mask was dropped, and arrogance expelled all coutcsy. Nobody who did pot agree with thetn were invited to their houses, and, as they controlled the Administration, of whatever party, the few anti-slavery men had to live among themselves. Now all is changed. Men meet together and discuss politics like philosophers. Go to one of Farnando Wood's great parties, aud you will find people of all opinions. Look in upon one of Charles Sumner's unequaled dinners, and you see him surrounded by Democrats like Thurman, of Ohio, and Casserly, of California. Call on 33rave lien. liutler at one of his recept ions and, uote among his guests many whom ho has most steadily antagonized. "When Thaddeus Stevens lived his most intimate companion at whist and euchre was the venerable John Law, the dis- tinguished Democrat from the Indianap olis district. Due in nothing is the change more marked than in the man ners of the two Houses. First, is the evident absence of public dissipation that frutful source of evil during the old felave regime. You do not see men inflamed by bad whisky seeking quar rels with their associates. The night 13 no longer made hideous by personal ailtercation. The bowicnife, the pistol, the bluedgeon, lie buried in the grave with secession and State rights. There are lively disputes of course ; Dutlcr and Sunset Cox induglcinan occasional passage; Schrurz and Carpcuter ex change repartee; and low and then Mr. Yourhces flies Lis eagles with anjjiy and fervid declamation ; but there are no hostile messages, no clandestine con sultations, no summonses to Bladens burg or Canada. The shots that are lired are hurtJess ; the swords are air drawn; the iieree charges ixpiodvd in fruitless investigations. A colored member is listened to by respectful houses, and silent if not responsive auditors j uud the extremes! Democrat, eveu from the South, yields a hearing and reply to a man like JJenjamiu Sierliug Turner, the Hepreseutative in Congress From Selema, Ala., who was born a slave and is now a freeman. How wonderful is the decay of prejud ices that seemed to be eternal '! Is this the capitol where Sumner fell under the blow of Urooks ' From which John Quincy Adinis was sought to bo expelled for words spoken iu debate. lu which looms thundered, Keitt flashed, and Wigfall theatened. JO And as I turn from this profound lesson, and look over the fair city as it stretches lefore me from the west windows of th-e Congressional Library in which I noticed colored men and Women reading iu the quiet aeiove I And other and even better manners. Cars traversing streets us clean as those of Paris in her best days, and carrying both races without protest, even from delicate ox-rebel ladies who are coming back to us ..ri their silken wings, ready to sell guns or carry claim, as opportunity otters ; the same school tor the education ot black and white; coilegefif.tr the education of -the freed men ; a greuf savings bank, in which the miliun-i of former slave are hoarded and increax'd ; and above all, a irce press, that prints words ard u-tributes thoughts which would three years ago raise a mob and Mm rig the writer to a lamp post in front of hi- burning dwell ing. And this soeh.l, poiitieal and in tellectual revolution i vindicated by re.-ult which, like the gnu-ion.- v.4i"kr f nature, y,ive jy to all and real sor row to none. The flowers and verdure of early spri:;g, that bloom and grow all aiound us, are not more truly the pnols d' the provid -nee of (lod than ail tlue changes iu maimers at the nation V eapitol. Do3iutt to J!ip;iif;j iit From the Illinois State Journal. The Pernoeratk l.oi-es of success next November, Lv means of Ke:ub!i can aid, remind us of a negro sermon which we one'.' beard, lej orfed by a clerical friend in this city. We u not remember ever to have seen it in print. The colored pn-acher, in the course of a iry animated discourse, related a a dream which he had dreamed u few nights before, lie aid : " My brcthring and mistering. Ah d roamed a dream, ah. An' I dreamed dat I had de berry identikul dream dat Jacob went up to saw de Lord on. An' I put it up to heben ah, and by the help oh faith 1 mounted a-w-a-y u-p- t-o d-c t-o-p ; ail it tnrx tuo short ah. An' I took it down, an' I spliced it; an' I put it up to heben de second time ah ; and by de help of faith I mounted away up to de top de second time; an' tl was (o) uliortftth. An' I took it down, an' I put on a sunt shiny big splice; an' I put it up to heben de third time ah, an' by de helpob faith, I mounted away up to de top de third time ah; an it wax ti short de third time ah." Democratic experience, precisely. Here the preacher paused a moment for breath, then resumed, more loudly and excitedly than ever ' So I spread my wings, an' I gave an almighty jump!" Then his voice dropped to a confi dential whisper, aud he concluded by saying, 44 An' I got do t-a-r-n-a-t-i-o-n-c-s-t fall datebber you sec on God's yearth I" Moral in November. According the Cincinnati Times, tho Reunion and Reform Convention, which J met in Cincinnati at the same time with the Liberals, was a very sick affair. Nine States only were represented, and those principally by residents of other State manifestly carpet-baggers. The Reunion ami reform affair was only a small side show, completely eclipsed by the Democratic Liberal-Re publican Iligh.TarifT F ree-Trade me nagerie. A number of curious phenomena were connected with the late earthquakes in California. Miners at work three hun dred feet or more under the ground were entirely unconscious of any physical dis turbance at the surface. While wooden buildings stood against the shocks well, adobe and brick structures are report ed to have gone down like banks of dry earth. The Foreign Vote. A curious series of calculations has recently been mado from the census by a Vashingtou correspondent with re gard to the possible political votes, largely controlled by sentiment of race or nationality may have on the coming Presidential election. He Bays that the colored population, numbering in the States 4,835,100, is the first in point of importance. Calculating one in fix as the average voting ratio, we shall have a total of 808 .000 voters, Of thene over 55,000 are the Northern or former free States, and nearly 0 000 in the lormer i.oruer states oi jeia- r ware, Marylaud, Missouri and Wett irgsuia. In tho States on which the j! political arithmeticians regard that the contot probably hangs, the colored vote is thus divided: iew lork JS, 1 New .Jersey 5.1 00, Ohio 10.W5, Penn sylvania 10,88'JI, Illinois 4,7i:j, ludiaoa 4,003, Missouri, 10,078. The Irish vote is another element always carefully 'looked alter. Theirtotal population is 1,848,078, which will give 30G 44G vo ters. The Sfati.- a'reidy named liave about 18,000, of whom New York has 88,000, Pennsylvania 40,000, Naw Jersey 14,000, Ohio J2.O0U, and Illi nois 20,010. Any nerious change which shall seriously aflect this rwpula tion wilt be surprising in character. The total (iermao born population of the States is stated at 1.070,025, giving a noting population of 270. K.37. In the Mates named they will give the follow ing votes: 1 lliuois :i 1. 125, Indiana 13, 011, Missouri 20,5, New .Jersey 0,-i 13S. New York, ;2,184. Ohio, :l,0.4-1 1 Pennsylvania 20,7 OS, West Yirgmsaji l.Ul'K 'the Weleh population 7MbJ4,j with 11. US I votes. Illinois has 3.li. of tlo ir votes, Nw York 7.855, Pe?u- svlvania 27.033. Ohio 12.030. JIith-4 erto they have been strongly Uepu .i eatis. The Scandinavian population! number U'0'.55i, will ;ive3t.420 oteJ divide! as follows: Illinois 0,1 12, and the other large portions are scattered its Wi-eoo.-iu and 'Minnesota. The SwissJ population nuiiiWrH 73.054, or 12,027 voters. Illinois hah ot toe I , I'm , -ew York l.fllS, Ohio 2,121. while Penns -yivania has 1,111 voters of the ilk The significance of these figures will bi under.-tood on examining the majorities) cast in the ejection of 1808 What Si.fkp will Ci?rk. Th j cry for rest has alwas been louder thari ! the cry for food. Not that it is m re important, but if is often harder to get'. The best rest comes from sound slefp. Of two men or women, otherwise equa) thr one who sleeps best will be ui-s moral healthy and efficient. Sleep will do much to cure irritability of temper, peevishness. It will cure inf sanity. It will bui'd and make strong a weary body. It will do much to curj-1 dyspepsia. It will relieve a languojr ind prostration felt by consumptive?! It will cure Hypochondria. It will cure headache It will cure neuroglial. It will cure a broken spirit. It will cure sorrow. Indeed we might make ti long list of maladies that it will cur. The cure of hlecplessness, however, w not so easy, particularly in those who cary grave responsibilities. The habit of sleeninir well is one which, if broken for any length of time, it in not so e.isilv regaineu. unen nn tiieness treated by powerful drugs, ko derauges tho nerv ous system that sleep is never sweet after. Or perhaps long continued vatchf ilne.ps produces the panic effect!: or hard study; or tea or whisky drink ing, and tobacco using. To break up the habit, are reouired. 1. A gooil clean bed. "I. Sufficient exercise to produce wearing and pleasant ocoupa tion. .'3. (lood pure air and not to warm a room. 4. Freedom from too much care. f. A clear stomach. 0. A clear conscience. 7. Avoidance of stimulants. j The True Newspaper that whicti would rcpresont the true mission of thie press of this wonderful age of progress must have a great heart in it, aud ;a never-sleeping conscience. It must be magnanimous and gxlly " with chaf ity toward all, and malice toward none" It must speak the truth boldly for tllo truth's sake, and cherish justice as the apple of its eye. It must seek by t lie prosperity of right principles and right thoughtsto be useful as well as iionU' iar to ouiiu up too truth and tear down error in short, to improve and enab as well as toeuhghtcn mankind. A New England paper calls attention to the fact' that the Cotton mills in the Southern States how have 150,000 spindles in operation, and are payirj" from ten to twenty per cent: dividends on capitals ranging Irom Sl'JO.OOO to 1,L'5U,000. Subscribe for the Hepuulican:. The QUNtom of Treitlnsr. If I could persuade all the young people never to treat each other, nor bo treated, 1 think one half of tho jdangor from strong drink would be gone, If I cannot get you to feign the jtotal abstinence pledge, binding until ou are twenty five, 1 would he glad to j have you promise three thimrs : First, jnever to arinK on the sly, alone . 8ec ond, never to drink socially, treating or Ihidmr treated. ad third, when vmi i drink, do it openly, and in the presence j!0f somc Iuali or W0luau wliom y0ll jlre!Specr w. ,ovs. if vou want to he fnr. ous and treat each other, why not se- , j - j(.ct h01ue ol,cr jp besides the liquor shop Suppose, as you io by the post-office, you say, " Come, boys, come iu and take some stamps." These stamps w ill do your friends a real good uud wiU cost you no more than drinks all round. Or g& to the tailor's hhop and say, ''come in, boys, and take a box of collars." Walk up to the counter, free aud generous, and hay, ' What is your etylu Why not treat to collars as well as drink;' ' Or go by a con leof ioiitr's shop and propose to treat to chocolate diops all round, or say "boys, take a newspaper," or, " I'll staud a iaek'kiufe all .round '(" How does it happen that we have fallen into a habit, almost compulsory of serial drinking? You drink many a time when akcd to. when really yu do not want to. When a man has treated Vou, vou feel mean and indebted and keep a sort of aeciwint current iu vour head and treat him. And so ia ,j,e Ufe f ju,t th it agent, which at the Vt.rj. -w.st i, a daugerous one. vou join h....(j ., he!n eurh it her t ruin. instead of hand in hand Jo help each -i other to temperance. 7. A iUtcher. 'Uneasy i$ the head," etc. A New York paper of the lib ijsl. thus re cite the trials and tribu ation of ran didate Greely ; When the very Hon Horace Greely left the Tribune offiee yesterday wftermHn he was greatly ex cited, and yet evidently felt better than he ever did in his life. All thoughts of "pig iron." "deep soil plowing." had evidently departed from his mind, and "early seed potatoes-" trouble him not. He looked blandly at the statue of Franklin and smiled, and when a small newsboy darted through his legs ho swore not ; but when he saw the report ers his countenance lowered. He had in his younger diys attacked hornets, those tenacious and lively insects which conic baek every time after you strike at them ; but these fellow didn't go away at all. "'Go away ; go away from me now," said the great philospher; but they stuck closer to him than a brother stuck their elbows into his rib, and whispered in his ear, "What are you going to do about it : A thousand men and boys congregratcd around him, a thousand hurrahs went up, and then Horace went up in a Fourth avenue car, with a reporter on each knee, and a dozen clinging to the platform. Sii.f.nt Mrn. Washington never made, a speech. Iu the icnith of his j fame he once attempted it, failed, and I eivn it un confused and abashed. In framing the K onstitution ot the Foiled Slates, the labor was almost wholly performed in a Committee of the Whole,of which Hecrge Washington was day after day tho Chairman, and he made but two speeches during the Convention, of a very few words each, pomcthing like one of Grants speeches. The Convention, however, acknowledged the master spirit, and historians affirm that had it not been for his pcrsonaal popularity and the thirty words of his first speech, pronouncing it the best that could be united upon, the Consti tution would have been rejected by tho people. Thomas Jefferson never made a speech. He couldn't do it. Napoleon, whose executive ability is almost with out a parallel said that his greatest dif ficulty was in finding men of deeds rather than words. When asked how he maintained his inlluenco over his superiors in age and experience when Commander-in-Chief of an army in Italy, he said by reserve. The great ness of a man is not measured by the length of thier speeches aud their num ber. Tho Mobile Register quotes from the recent speeches of Schruz, Trum bull, Oratz Rrown, and says : They enunciate doctrines that Troupe, of Georgia, and Chlhoun, of South Cali fornia, if they were in tho flesh, would endorse doctorincs for holding which men in these days are nicknamed ' l. W hoJ thinned out of nriuci- pic, integrity and honor." lay what you owe. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, it C. E;iS52X ?. M. n II ti 2" L 1 . ) E N T I S T, Has located in Dalian, and ia ready to attend to all thog requiring his assistance. Artificial Teeth of the very finest and best kind. 8atifuction guaranteed, or no charges made. Now is the time to coll on the Doctor. Ouice,onponitKjncaur Pfcotograpbic Oal lerv. 37-tf A 1 1 ' y & o u t i c 1 1 v v - a t - ILa i v . DALLAS, OKIICON. Will pra-tiee in the Courts of Record and In feiior Courts. Collection attended to nrouiptly. OFFICE In the C-urt House. 4l-t GENERAL AUCTIONEER DALLAS, ouc(;nx. orriOK In Ukpculicak Duild- ir.'. Mill street. Orders lolkitud. All buid r. s )rotaitly attended to. PHYSICIAN A XI) SUUC; LU. Offer hi Service V the Citizen Dallas end Vicinity. OFFICEM NICHOLS Drag Stor. 24-tf Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. special attfRtwin jjiven to Colketiwns and to tnaiter pertaining to Keal Estate. 1 jTXTa a pi-si u a t A try A: CoiiiisfIlor at I,.mv, OFFICE IX COURT HOLSK, DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, 0BZO0N. 2-tf Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law, Dallam, Oregon Will practice in all the Coort of the Stat. 1 K. K riSKK. c. II. II ALL. DH. FISKB k HALL. i OFFICE-No 1 MOURES BLOCK, Salem -tf ,-.....()rt g-oii J. JAPIES, Jeweler, irOt'LD KKSPIiC'i' FULLY ANNOUNCE f T to the citiens ol DallAa and tirinit,) thrtt he is now prepared to clean sd repair CLOCK'S, WATCH KS and JKWKLHY, etc. Satirtaction guaranteed. OFFICE At llubart'g corner, opposite the DriiR Sture. P. S. Work i" my absence left with Mr Hobnrt, will be attended to 7 tf" i t:s !;LV PATKOiizs: HOME INDUSTRY. millSIS THE ONLY WAY TO INSURE JL the permanent growth of any community. In supplying our homes with 1'U KNITl'It 15, an well a other things, it should b practiced. I tun e on hand a full ayynrtment of everything in this line. Shop near Way mi re's mill, Dallas, Oregon. W. C. WILLS. 1 1 If fllO MY FHIF.NDS AND PATRONS I A would say that I havo re-built my 5hop ou tho HAM 12 OLD COKXI2K, Where I ata prepared to do all kind of J OBI) I Nil. WAGON WORK AND IIORSB SllOKIXt; ON SIIOHT NOTICE. A I bava lost all my property by Fire, thoeo indebted to mo for work will confer a favor by paying up immediately. A frinnd in need, ia a friend indeed. ASA SliREVE. 12-tf CEO. II. JON ES I J. M. I'ATTEH SOIf JONKS A PATTF.RSON, Ileal i:tatc, Iiasiii'aucc AND General AsciiIh, SALEM, OREOOX. Trompt attenlion given to the General Agency Dusincw. 12.tf HURRAH FOR WOMAN'S KKJHTSf HAVING FOUND MY KNITTING again. I would fay to the Lrtdtet anil citi zens of Dallas and surrounding country, that I have the best innchino in uoe, and nm prepared to fill all order-? with promptness and satisfac tion, or no pay. I uiouu what I gay. Il.w2 Lewis Sceuuy-. it Tor everything ia tU GUOCERV T-INK go to JUL C. BR0VJIF8 MAIN STUEIiT, DALLAS He h oiU hid a full tupply, blcta b . . ; uet tbaA any olUet Store ia llallaK 2-tf . PHOTOGRAPHS, A5LBROTrPES ANr .'''.' '-' All Style f Picture ot the best fluisla, , TAKEN BY !5 - i j. n. k i jvca'i HA VINO ALL LATE IM PROVES NT r . . for tlrinp picture", I iovlt the yitr- , a$;e of the f ubfic Please call at fbe pbotr irraphi?Jallerv. Main ttrret, cfpoUe Pf. Ro . bell's oCee, Dallas. Hf . . . . . - . ii i : I i G. IB. STIILES DEALKU IN 1 Groceries1'--' PROVISIONS, i Cigars and Tobacco, " V30D AHD WILLOW WABE t& DALLAS. OREGON. DALLAS LIVERY) FEED & GALE feSTABLE,: Cr. Main and Court Streets, . . Thos. Q. Richxaocd Proprietor. ' HAVING PURCIIASKr TBS A BOYS Stand of Mr. A. II. Wbirtey, we hmw fitted and ro-ntocked ft iu. wch a MMr k4 will s&titfaciorily Btt tvty want of the com j ui unity. Ituggle. single or double. Hacks, C '"' cord Wftni, etc. etc, ' ' r' Faxnif-hod at all hours, day or aigl .: fhort nok. Superior 8artdl Horse, let by th Day r Week J TERMS, RCASONARZ.X2. -4 T. O. RICHMOND - ie:v pAiit shop, Carriage, Wason, Sign ORiXAMEXTAL PAI1TLT6 GRAINING & GLAZING! PAPER HANGING, &C, Done in the most Workmanlike nunnai by ZX. P. SUKIVCR. Shop mpstaira over Ilobrt A ' HaraMt Bhop. ? DALLAS, POLK CO OR ECO W. 37-tf HAVING PURCHASED A LARGS AND, complete Stock of GENERAL AIER CllANDIZE, onsUting fapart of lry Good, Groceries Glass, lucensirare, Tobacco, Cigars, And all articles foBd in a GENERAL VABl- 1 ETY bTOREj I woabi wpectfully tall tb i attention of the Pubis U mj EilablUhmenW ; . Highest Cash price pa hi for 1-UKS AND PELTRY. ? R. A, RAY, EoU, Folk Co., 0-rtu ; ' f BEST ' V OF WORK AT THE LOWEST LTVINO PRICKS. CAN' BE HAD 1Y CALLING OX. EIEIT8r,N & ItACnEfiDEUy STEAM JOB PRINTERS, 3 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. ' A LARGE ASSORTMENT of BLANKS Circuit, ftnonty, and Justices Courts, con stantly onhonI. Also, Bondr, Deeds, Mortgages.' and L'lanks for use in Bankruptcy cases. Advertise By using Letterheads, Billheads. Cards, Cimr lars, Printed Envelope, etc. Ga usacnli or sud ia jour orders- 4m-ll PROFESSIONAL CARDSd'C NEW ROCEIOf.