TOYN & COUNTY NEWS. DALLAS, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1872. Money Market. Latest New York (Jold Quotations ...... ...n & hi Legal Tenders In Portland: Buying...... ....... 90 Selling ,...91 JpaTjiaj .Produce and Commission Market. Cfcrfdcled Weekly, by O. B. Stiles, People's j Ilereha,nt, Main Street, Dallas, Oreg6n. WlflJAT $0.S5 $ bushij :UA I S fi5 C. J1ARLEY-$1 FLOyR $6 $6 50 "B bbl, ' Sks $1 62 $1 75 . CORN MEAL 4c. lb. . BEANS 6c. ft. ,J)A CON Sides. 13 15c fPlb. " Shoulders. 8c. to 12e. ) lb. ..It AMS 14 16c lb. PORK Dressed, 6(Yt)7cts " Pickled, 8c. to llLc. "pH lb. r BUTTER Firkins 25 30c ft. " Rolls, 20 to 25c, Uh. . EaOS--20ci dot. LARD Bulkloc; tin,20, , POTATOES From Wagon, $1 25 bushel. ONIONS $2 bushel. ' APPLES Ureen, 50c bbl. " Dried. 6c "-3 lb. CHEESE New Oregon. 20 ft) 25c f -' CHICKENS 2 50 $.5 do. TURKEYS 75 (ft $1 eaeli. "A chiel's among you tilling n-ites, And faith he'll pront 'em." i Heavy frosts those m mting. Wild rose are in full bloom Many complaints of ill health . Right-soourt-spriukliag of rain Thursday , The County Candidates hold forth at Evla ts-day. Matrimonial market favorable but few sales . reported. Lite Insurers everywhere Plenty as .cater piller. " Greeley Peini-Grati is the name of .the new party men. " Murphy a Croasman hate all the latent style of gent's clothing Notice the "Portland Directory," compiled by L Samuel, agent lor KErirucAX, Small pox has made its appearance on the Siletz Reservation. For first-elass work in the blacksmith line Call on A Shreve at the. old corner. County C ourt proceeding tSrj- Cl out our ,trp around town,' as promised last week. Many are beginning to make prepar-tionsfir trip to tLe t-oabt That is they're talking about "it. The whitest, worst .Peking hair, resumes its .youthlUl beauty, by using llall's A'cgi-tablc 'S.cillini liiir Heie-ver Try t. Misses K 1't-i! and "Joaiina Kennedy and sv- 1 eral other ladies graced our occe with their presence lui ing the week Called Dili in j th Week. Mr. IIo'. r. o I.uckiamute ; N, Conner, of Jacksou; T. J. irier, of Bethel, and Kvtru' others. j Remember. IIiti! Geo II Wilii im-" and J F Cpl will addrea the citueu ot DaKaa an.l 1 (viciiiity ou th political Ls-ues. nt-xt Mon.lay. Mr. Thoinai" MrrH o! Ilcilvue, Vatuhill rounty called on Wtiliic.-day. He rt-pt.rtH crops promising, and f.vurx'hiu flourishing ia that section. New Ad's. Siik-m "Overland" S'ore, JIurphy i Croa.-in oi, -litt ivrs. Jones A Patterson, lUutl Estate Agents J. W. Van Oen Hprh, V orm Poctor. Bignor T. II. O. Mancat, a ctlehrated hurt ton, who has heen giving free eonccrti in our town for some nights past, and whoso ability a an Rttrncter f public attention is evidenced by fthe many Itnrjh he has received, was veverely injured the other Jght by a brickbat which, intentionally or unintentionally, had been thrown to him as a token of regard. If he should recover, we hoar it tbat he will change his base. The Canvass. Tuesday morning at an early hour, we noticed considerable stir upon our streets, horsemen, single aud in pair, camo filing into town from different directions until we began to fear that the Ku Klux or some other dreadful calamity was about to befall ns Upon making inquiry breathless haste, however, we learned that the " candidates' were assembling to Ptart out upon the county campaign. They soon got under way, and as they marched out of town in all their elory, it Jilled us with patriotic (we mean political) emotion, and we almost wished ouraelf an afl. pirant for pol it;al honors. That is, if we could Te srre of being on the winning side. The can vass opened at louglas precinet. The Taylor Family. This amusing troupe gave two entertainments in tho Court House -during the week. Mart's jokes were highly appreciated by the crowd, his local songs con tained some excellent hits, and the performance ot Mr.Mills on the violin was wV executed . but to our potion, the recitations by Mrs Tay lor were more in keeping with the tastes and inclinations of the age. Her selections were excellent; her voice, although weakened by ill toess, wa clear and expressive. Mrs. Taylor "will always draw out an appreciative feeling from the better clas of people, which cannot t reached by the nonsensical, though mirth roroking, jokes of Taylor himself. Took His Own Way. As Frank Simpson started out last Tuesday morning with the Al e mail, the bridle bits broke, leaving the hone at liberty to take bis own Way. lie went down Main street on double quick, Frank's hat flying in the air and leaving his hair float ing gracefully In the breeze. Frank, however, kept his seat in the sulky and held to the reins thereby keeping the horse in the rnlddle of the street, until he was finally stopped on the bridge below town on the Salem road. The bits were soon replaced and Frank returned through town and went his way. Tom Richmond seeing the situation, mounted his grey, and started in hot pursuit, but was too late, the show being over before he caught up. A little excitement was created, bnt no damage done. Mr. Austin informs us that a convict named Simpson, on his way down the Colombia river en route to the Penitentiary, leaped off the boat and was drowned, Tuesday Emigrants are constantly arriving from the East and California. Mr Nelson , informs us that several families have recently como into his neighborhood, near Independence, from Illinois. All staunch .Republicans Remember . the Sunday School picnic to-day The band will call the people together at the M. E. Church, at 10 f!efock A. m., when the precession, will form and take up their line of inarch to the ground selected. William and Levi Conner were hold to , bfil, in tbe8um of .$1,000 to answer before the Grand Jury, by T. L. Butler, J. P., on a charge of assauit with a deadly weapon upon William llolcomb, committed In Jacksou precinct on Wednesday last. Now a bonnet of gettuioe beauty and grace JTorn on the head in its proper place Shadowing faintly tht wearer's face, Is the thing for a song or a sonnet. Miss Mary Lee has them of all conceivable stylet. Eola While at that thriving town Wednes day, we could hut notiee the ;plcnJid stock of goods displayed on the bheives of Mr Bay's store. The quality of the selection is unsurpassed and the variety js sufficient to enable you to go there with a certaiuty of lauding what you wact. The Steamer Alice caught fire last Tues day, between Lincoln and Salem. The Gre was extinguished before any damage was done Improving We notice friend CI irk of Dixie m improving to health. Ho is rotating the store building formerly oee upied by Mr Butler ud prepsuiu to put iu au iuerea.,J stock of goods. Dkmohset'm Yuimj Amkimc.v fur June, is on o'ir table; it is I udget-tull f entertainment of the riirht sta.'p fr o ur juvei il. s. "Mice at," by Neil Kujst, and " Jo-t My Lues." are continued and becmo ui-ro iutere-tin g. $1 per year; or with a valuable premium. $l.5o-Publi.-hed at S3S Broadway, N'ew Y-.rk. Every buy anl girl should have this valuable juvenile mazarue. The xtri ifs at the svh.-5 in' Friday - very interesting, and coinj iui.ntiry t tho tvarhe i- as well us schohir. 1 he school. U'!-!- r tin- v an;!. M iuct of M-s ;,ir Wat, a-..;-!'! t.y .Mi.-ses Aia 'lm K, Scti r and S.: rat. M.r, s j n.vii.g a deewi-d s''"--s. 1 ; l:uii - lie (lii t-i! )uai:fl to UA th- ir pi-ii :.n. and Mlln Ji.-pfed to make good U.e ot M,-t. During tti .ti.-a.ied tirni, .Mr. M"rri. th -i liiii.-ihiiin and k nti.-inatily htidh.-ro! D..lh.. wdi uuiko w-, kiy trip- liirmigh t?- ' i . . r .. 1 . county, caiu.ig r..'.ariy rm-v-, .-vr TtH-.-d.iy at Eohi. Wed. i v 1 ty at Suit ,-. h. Thor-i .yat iMhcl and Fnd.iy at I.ucki .1:10?.-. The d.y if f-rh..n calh. and MArrn ti.e tati-.t the uurk. r uiT-.r-l". A ne kiln whole b. ! at -m.v. t!r i-4 .?-d to fV-ar tiut Wlat tl ell? If tior. ir--"i. m:nty i ,.rt. MAY TFKM. II. HVI I'i, .11 IO.K. .1 .K 1)7, u.l. mutt appointed cointnHM ' I to dr;iit plan and -pecitieation for a hri l1 aerofis Miil Creek, to be reported at iet term of Court. Itond ordered open from Louisville to M n inonth and Corva!!i.. J 15 Stump and Hclmich appointed com mis ion;rs to draft plans and sspecifications, and also toeeeivc bid to be submitted t- thin Court at its regular scFsion, for repairing bridge across the Luckiainutc nt Helmich's Lumber ordered furnished to road' district; li.t II, l,(pH) ft ; diet !. 3,H-0 ; dint 2H. .",.(10(1. dUt 1, 2.;0ii ; ii r.. 1,000; dit 17, 2.000; dit C, 450 ; di.-t 2.5, f..H'0. Petition of Frank 'McCann to gnll spirituous Is'ju-irs in quantities Ies than a quart, dis. misted nt petitioner's cost. To change place of voting in Luckiutuute precinct, tlismissed. For opening road in district 2'J Supervisor ordered to open said road. Tho following accounts were allowed; I) J Holmes, Clerk fees, $102,7" ; J K DXashrnntf Commissioner, fees, $14 80 j W C llrown 1 '0 for stationery : T J Lovelady $12 00 for board" "ng jurymen; T J Savery I'lffin Cirent Court,. $1S 00; KM May $4 50 lor advertising; N U IJutler, for Pros -Jlemhree and I'.urnett, $j 00 . N L Ilutlcr Pros Att'y fees in April term Of Circuit Court, $'.i2 :0 ; A Stephen's Juntiec Court, $1 50 ; T J Jcilison, $?, 00. !VlAHH!i:n. At the residence of Win, Conner, in Polk county, May 10th, bv He v. J II Allyn, Mr. Job Conner and Mr. Martha Jarnts, all of polk County. LEE WITT EN. At the residence of tho bride's parents, at Lincoln, Polk county, May IU, lbiz, bv Hev. L. L. Hogers, .losph 1). Lee, ot ivallas, and Mijs Ida Witten, of Lin coln. The "sweetened" compliments received at this office, Monday, indicate that Miss Ida has yielded to the seductive smiles and persuasive language of Joseph, and concluded to embark with him for life. May the sea of life ever be calm, is our wish but should storms ari.e may tho qualities indicated by her name console him, and during all life's ill may she. always drift Lec-ward. At the residenco of J.S. Holnian, near Mon mouth, Polk county, May 19th, of Consump tion, Mr. Andrew II. Carter, in the ?,6th year of his age. He. leaves a wife, five children and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. At the residence of Mrs. Ir. Iioyle. May 24 Mrs. Mary Jefferies, daughter' of Mrs. Itoyle J'uneral services to-day .-aLj.waUIIJX News Summary. The population of Boston is 250,250, divided into 102,540 native and 87.085 foreign. John McMara, a youth of 10, of Tarrvtown, New Jersey, shot his father last Monday night, lor reprjuianding him. Voorheeft' speech in opposition to Greeley is exciting, much comment iu Washington. N, J. Sanford, of Montana, has been Appointed Hupertntendeut of the Yellow-Stone National Parks. Mr. Iluesonof Baltimore, Md., has sned the Hultimore American for libel. Damages laid at 100.000. The total reduction mudeby the new Tariff bill, amounts to 20,055,778 an no !illy. Vaslun;ton, May 20. -The deficiency bill, signed by the President, contains the following section as ottered bv Sen- if ator Curbutt : " All persons born in the district of country formerly known an the Territory of Oregon but uow tinder thj jurisdiction of the United States are the citizens of the United States in the same manner as if burn elsewhere in the United States " The strike among the trade organiza tions of New Y'ork fur the 8 hour law was a success- The Imperial army band, of Berlin is to be at the Boston .Jubilee. Geo. Bushton of Santa Clara county California, has ten years in the Peni tentiary fur, murder in the secyud de gree. An advance of 4 p:r cent on discount is, reported in the Bank f England, during the month of April. Ten thousand emigrants arrived in New York the 20th. The controlling inteiett in the New York H 'tin''! i.-t said to have been bought by Kepubl.cuu. Wa-dlintftO!) .1. BtTO of MtHtagon eaH'nrul f Tint Kiib-ri i an 1 wi Mich Shot his wif-i, who was attempt- j ter, (ii"t- if c.itvf nUtiM and then I ,t't fr-cly g fo uet a divorce, and then kilied i tmiith and )..n. ! with th I in Killer i , u ' rirar, it''. ihttdrmrhiC r r tinut nuriioe lilm-eit. ... i i r"pat tot d'-r every ' or ?iteeu ?inHe tin. V:ihili'jton, May 21. AltliOU 'h the ; '! paie? t i rc!i-' l. Isi -tr-mo m-i", liuu-e bus p;ued the Senate r.-.rul I '" Vufu:. way be jrlten at a to a-ij . urn on the 2'.th of May, xume j The liin K-l?r. af a r.-mclv, hfi n,,e.,o .1. inrliiiH l-, together with S tiator., f;iv ! In of Cbol.-rn. Sii!iinir '"irip!:iia', Iv- tll .t l!u- tim- Will have to b- extended, r ' ": lylry. A'hma it -.ire in ..,. ,,, ;,. ... ; I'V tit mi!. it ififcrfiitU v, an I hi'htti; w!!i it in ..(.it-r that ttie ." enate may transact ; t,'e,lv. 1 xfW-u i lik- ut i. h ;' -rnl , 115 tp ;. , y lMli tie-.-. i .... ., . , , , ... , ; ' 1 '" ,lt "''l t.url.ll to . lUttuJ! ;. ti l.1 i i. n '. d arm- lv 'if 1 .-i.ithori.i.-- ia tt..- 'IVnitorv ot .M.m.Viu.i : i . , , , , ' j to n ihl' the i-!y i "lrtiv r to pinch t't-rf.ttii l:inl- in I uiaiju a ri'iiui- j iciy ; to raur Ano iicui ry -tT toth j 1 1 aWililii. l.ili. J ".nl Otlci; ; to r'ulft : the Ui'd .d innkll JU; Ci, I r H'?- , i.mi -n-f .... i: ihimt im' iiikii? j th-' imiifu! y t v-.r valioli at Ftt Stun- j New I X c. j 'J',., C-,r;ifV i.,vj:m?.nUou, in flio t r.i- , yiiitv of ilciv S:Hli, uii t- bf t-0t (derfiy ;u nihil iti'l. .t . i . ....... I t . .. . . i I . . ...... I ....-.. I , . ....... 1 v., -!il; Hi I.ittl.- r.iCfinwM...l C.-itiv-'tiJ t ill , May L'":h : n one -i rintj-ly injur-! . A majority nt tho teachers of S in ; Fi'ani'1-..-.i ;tt"" ).'l to be otoii.-'J to cor- jton-al j:iii-.-hrucri:. ivirthijuakv .-li 'i-k aro still hoiti ft-It I iu the iieiuhh-tthooil nl Atiflo.s ! t i l V " A cojh'i'tinn i.t'J7." -pocitncn'. of t.ost ' j .i-i- Miiiiip vva- i-iiciv ,oiu in iiituuiMi, 1 i zi nr C-'."J, li, li I. A five-cent ('n :tte stamp, ntiueti, and very M'lrce, bro'i;ht t. Hi oik hit !-. This is nn irritation or mil itninatjon of the tifi in-Il i I h.1.!! .vf.i.ilt ....- ,li. ..r w.i l.rn-.tlki. i j,,,.,, , ' i, i i ,.i i ... ! Info llU' hiii-. If iiri-iH Ir.oo it ..!. I mtitt'A l!l I the throjif, ir-'Ui Catarrh e. tetoling t the-e p-irt. from ero'ii!oiis nlf'-etions, and from ce vere use of the voice. The irritation from this latter eatie commences in the ftirju r and rftti wbieh are the organs of the voice, and extend ing downwards, produce' hoar-enc, coughing and spjtting mocoii inatter, foinetimes inixtd with blood. It is chiefly dangerous from its tendency to spead to the lung, and terminate in consumption, it i in the cure of severe and ob,;inat; diea?es that lr. Pierce's (loldeii Med ical lMseovcry has achieved unparalleled success and won tho loiniest praise from all who have used it. It is sold by all respectable druggists. J. W ,VA slKKC'ill, M. I. (worm DOCTOR.) IATK OF SAN FRANCISCO IlAVINVr J made the cnto.a which infest tho human svwtetu a lilo-long study, and adopted this branch of medicine as a speciality, idler his Mirviees to tho citizens of Salem and "Vicinity. OFFl0rUOO.lS 28 and ."9, over the Post Office. The celebrated Worm Syrup can be had at his office. lln-ts CJE,0. H. JONES J. M. fATTKIlHON. JONi:s A ATTi:itON, INtalc, Iiiur.incc AND Cslencrnl AciiIm, SALKM, OKRdON. Prompt attention given to the fiencral Agency Rusiness. 12. tf ltljllHAll i tm WOMAN'S ItH.IUM nA V'l N O FOUND MY KNITTING again I would say to tho Ladies and citi '"ciiB of Dallas and surrounding country, that I haye the best machine in use, and am prepared to fill all orders with promptness and satisfac tion, or no pay. 1 moan what I say; Il.w2 Lkwis ""Si'EwnY. ATTENTION fllllE OVERLAND STORK, SALEM, HAS 1 received a large lot of nice, fashionable dry goods, together with a well selected stock 1 of Domestics, etc. (live them a call, llighost price paid for produce. 7tf j For the very best photographs gi to Brad ley A. RjjlorrWs Gallerv without, STAIRS, jr-a-AfcCflND' IN THE ELEVATOR, Montgomery, street, San Francisco, i SPECIAL NO TICK 8. REAL ESTATE DEALER, I j . Officii, No. 1 Front Street, PORTLAND OREGON. JIT.A1 EST AT K in hi CITY and EAST PORTLAND in tho most de'irahlo lo caltien. e. n.MHtinj-; of LOTS, HALF li LOCK'S arjdRLOCKS, HOUSES and KTuRKSj al'o, I IMPROVED .FARMS, and valuaUe nncuItivHted LANDS, located ia ALL i-artu of the STTK for SALE. RKAL ESTATE and ther Property pnrehid for Corr?ondtnis, in this CITY nid throuh.ut the STATUS snul TEItltl TOI11K.. with ;it earn mid 'ou the moat A D V A N T A ( j E ( J U S TERMS. HOUSES and STOKES LEASED. I.rNS Nf:r,fTIATi:i), nod CLAIMS OF ALL DESCHPTIONS I'll OM PLY COL LECTED. And a Oeneral FINANCIAL and AtlENCY BUSINESS traa.acto 1. A;F.NtTS of tl.H OFFICE. 5n all t. CITIES and TOWNS in tiro STATE, will rectve dpfrription (,r FARM PROPERTY und forward the eame to the ahove uddrefs. 1840 W 11)70 r-.f V Z2 O L CI K A . nor to cure it. At th- oii"n"ri''fMi''r)t of t'i- Di irlh r. ttho-h a!way j.rfre an attack of the fhd-ra. take l.v apt'icl . 'il S.r.-. !iri;, S--'d-. and i 'i r!iio. F'.r - - k ID-id .-h- an-! T-.f!:aeh.- f ,,,, t Uy lU ln pUiin , H f,A Kl(l . ; m. ! I!''""'"f - cu-h ,'. , The P.i;i. KiMi-t ii.!dhv all dea!-rin Med- j(.jn,s S l'ri''f. '2't . .V) cimiii I l kt hooif Ilovr Ul! ti IMiysirkerf. Vh' d'if . nt rcuieuiher tht tiio- wImmi "orir:- ; .,ur,ra.,(,n oll1, j,i,.r indin;,!.!.. t-. -inn ; iu,r h,.4'fh ? N". tisntt.r f r wrv fa, the iftwv- ' it ,itt, al ,, ,rnni,t rhnh.,rh, .-r cuh.oo-! and i n.t-t W - admini'fo.rpd. Thcc pr;n- ' if-ludii.," the y..ur,s:!.fir wr t .1-1. wer.?t. ' "'p t!.c-n h i:i!c und 1 -ir? v duri-i. thf Wt. 4!l know n.,w that this a fal.t.'v ; that : n,.w ti.. .r. t f!.i.b-ti..n. what i r.:ti'-r, t j tli cu'i.M-in.riit the nmiifr .Ufi. A. j n -preparation fr th- eiH-rvat :rti .-IT.-ct of .-pprs- uf 'ititofr iri'Bta r. a conrfe i n.rTn-r s St"inti 5t Hitters i highly cspc Hent. Thi fa- ) III u n n"''i;ii'.! i r n i ion u i i o ri-t- j mii i in-n i prpcrti : It rcnovitc j-oritiec. and rej-iilate;. fj i lie functions if the body. It i crmp"-d liiiv.1v r.f ruirn ti-.'i la!t! rirmliir llitnn vi I " ' I - , the cfsenUal pr'mcip'.t of M.none el.t e :n 1 'h" V) '-t , iVi t"'u'i ,,nic "d aUerat.vo rooT, 'ark' and j;m known fo medieal bntan- iwt. Iletiee, it an ahioilu'el v :ife luedeeine. atoi .ni iiiieturo of ih Pharuiacfpii.ln can com pare wiili it either in purity, or in the variety i of if. ibj.-eis; and if. e uipr-dicn'ive results. ! Happily tor mankind, tho theory that it w; ii (,-: ry to proftr.ite a p.itient in order to cure hiiii, is forever exploded, and the trtio philo-op-j.'.il doctrine, that vior i one great antagonist of disease, has titken it place. Hi.-tetfer's Hit- fers i an irvi(oratit, and hence it is the proi. r ' ineileeine tor ine ieeo;c ai mi iiiom trying c.'is-n rtf th vear. I 1'e -aire that you obtain thti genuine article, a there are inn imerlde ile imitation in the market. Look to the ornamental stamp, the engraved label, an I f he name blown into the glass. Hostetter's Siomach Hitlers is sold in bottles only. i ... r ii. ..i- . i s: if I-1 a n I T I 12 OF The C5i!B2inn, BIFFERKNCES OP OPINION. ETC., etc., will be commenced in a week or two in ih's paper, showing how infamy can he elaborately represented, bow childhood hours can bi made happy, courtship made easy, ninn boot years made profitable, and old age com fortable, how to live and be healthy, how to supply your table with the least cost, where to dispose of the things you don't want at the best price, making your own industry the most profitable. This story is written by a first class author, and one who eiideretanda the ease in hand to perfection. Meanwhile, if you can't waij for the above to appear in print, call on M. M. ELMS, at La Clede, and nil the above-mentioned points will be fully explained aud happtlv illustrated. YOU KNOW 1KEY. aTANTED, AO E NTS $100 to $250 per : J month, male and female, to introduce the genuine improved MARSHALL SEWING MACHINE. This machine, will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, braid, bind, cord, quilt, and em broider In a most superior manner. Price, only $1 6, fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay t 1,000 for any machine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger. more beautiful or more clastic soam than ours. It makes the ELASTIC LOCK-STITCH. Every second htitch can bo cut, and still tho vloth Cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents $100 to $250 per month, and expenses, or a jommission from which twice that amount can be made. For circulars and terms, apply to or address, tJ, MARSHALL A CO., ! 102 Nassau street, New York. I CAUTION. Do not be imposed upon by other parties traveling through tho country palming ofl worthies cast-iron machines un der the same name or otherwise. Ours is tho only genuine and really cheap machine man ufactured. 10-in.I r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X A T I O IV A Bi D U, S I N E S COL L K O E, P 0 R T L A N D, . 0 It E G 0 N . A MODEL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE !! Tllli EDUCATION FUIt T1IHTIMI. The Iaiportiince of a Practical Education Was never more Appawnt than Now I I T IS -UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED 1 that as we grow in prosperity wejjprow more practical, ami thitt it i reijuired t nn;n tbut they eduent thtfinHelve! practically !lu:at theinelres iruhe hct'cr pofMe to meet tlu; dfinan Is of th tinn;H. When Air'5-ilMUf. King of Sparta, was orbed what tiarig-i ho thought lrioct proper for hoyn to learn, he replied : Thoi; thitign ivhich they huld irttrtiee when they heroine in-n." Deliver ait things .in numher and weight, ami put all in writing thatfhou givest ont or re ceiveM in," is a prjr pt of uni verbal applieation ; and there irf afpecia! neeerttity for its strict oh nervance in alt hi;.4inefi tranyactiorn. Young rtren tin; fiituro welfare of tliis Coa-t look to YOU ! Are YOU prepared to meet its demands ? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION to meet the DI'MI A IVDV Ol TH K Ai;E l The mo't thorough, ami eotnprvJiefcfive COURSE OF UUSINESS TRAINING ever introduced by any c o ji n 3 i a ii OR ' V S I X K S C 0 L L E G Et combining TIIKOIi AS I) ISIACTICE, hy Ku-ani" of I! ASKS JSD HVS1SESS UFrlCES. The f'o'ir i m arranged an-I Taught to ttiahle tin? Siu lviit t-i iu;it-r it in the hl-Mrtet Ttfiif! po.-t'Io Eaeh .-t ;t, after pafinjcJJ throu-h tho TUKonv roi;usKf If'Tnfi an acfuJ HOOK KFEVEli ASH MERCltAjST wlirr?. in ttM fKi' if a fw WI'KKt. ri oh. t i,. the fp-rk-ji--i d iiuoUDl.N'AUY LII'K TI.MK. The TnMVMtAW! IM-ir-AWTMKVT i.-w ! fi'tcd op i.h th l t of in Mruitrcnts, and i. in i'..ii'i' !' rn i !i -. or..-r. For If I.I. IFiRMATroN. send fCOI.. I.KiiE 1A 1'EK. AddrVr IM FRAM K .1 JAM F,?. '-yl Portland, Ortg n. J. W. HOB A I! f . MA SKIVE? l: North-East Corner of Mala and .Mill Mrects. Ia!la. GE0H0E W. K0B ART & CO. Will Manufa-turc and keep CONSTANTLY ON HAND a large As.-orf meiit of SADDLERY, HARNESS, AND COLLARS, Consisting of all tho Usually kept in a FIRST CLASS SADDLERY SS3DP, All of which will be made of THE F EST MATERIAL. AI-... CWUUAUi; TRIMMING and RE PAIRING dona to order rn the shortest not ice. Call anil examine our Work before purchas ing elsewhere. 41 -tf GEO. W. II OP, A RT A CO. W. II. TKAL v ;., MAIN STItftHT. DALLAS, Arc on hand with their WAGGONS and RUG tJlES at thtdr old Stand this Spring as usual, and intend to sell 'them very che ip for Ca.-h : tho Prices ranging from ?1.!0 to $ 1 SO. They have nl?i on hand for sale plenty of wagon materials. Give him a call and see them All kinds of work in their line done o order. All kind." of Utack.-tnltblli;- di;tie tn s!nn notice, and in a workmanlike mauncr. Horse Shoeing $2 , cash down. Thankful for past patronago, thry solicit continuance of tho same. 9-tf Dallas. Mav fi. isri. f0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. j and in particular Albion Powell : I hereby give notice that I have taken up and fled an application to pre-empt the S. E. quartern! See. 8, T. 7 S. ft W. of the Willam ette Meridian, said land is vituateii in the County of Polk, and Stato of Oregon, in the Land Office at Oregon City. Snid land was formerly taken up by said Albion' Powoll. on the I'lth day of March, A. D. ISfiS, and after ward abandoned by him, more than thrco years ago. WOODEN ELLIS. A OTIC l. OKKRON A CAMIeimXIA IlAIIi foad Company, Ln ml Department, Port land, Oregon, April .r, 1S72. Notice is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be insti tuted against any and every persoc who tres passes upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and removing timber therefrom before tho same i? ltOUUHT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd nutnhernd sections whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a dis tance of thirty miles from tho line of the road, bolungk to thi Company I. R. MOO RES, 6-tf Lapd Agent T7T' I NEW AD VE11T1SEVENT8. JEAU1S VEGETABLE. SICILIAN HAIR I RENEWEE Every year increases tl in popularity of this v:iliinTlo. Hair Prepuratioii ; whieli is due to merit aJone. Vo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its lilili standard and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration f r restoring Gbay.oi: 'Faded Haiu to its youthful color, mating it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and' clean. It removes all eruptlons.and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevent tlie hair from falling out, as it vtimu lntes and nourislies the hair-glands Hy its use, t!e hair grows-, thicker and Btronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their nonnal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing overused, as it rcuuires fewer aiiiillcatioius, and gives the hair a sidejidid, glossy ap- pcarance. A. A. Hayes, Al.Ubtato As.sayer ol Alassacliusetts, Fays,." iiks constituents are pure, and ; carefully select fd for excellent mialityjjand I consider it the 15 est Preparation for iu intended jiurjjoses." ' - Sold ly all Drujrjisi$, onl Dealers It jJediiintit. Vxico One Dollar. ' ' Buckingliam's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Henewcr in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or ftded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one prfpirttion which will quickly and eiiet'tually aeeompli-h thiis result. It is easily applied, and produces" a color which will neither rub nor v.ash olK Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, Aycrs Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throct and Xmna, such ks Cough, Cel ls, Wfaoopiu Cough, Jironciiiliii, A3tuna and Consun.ptioa. -p'roV-ahlv never before in the whole history ff i -divine, I anything w.oi k widely and sorteoply upon the coiiini. to v l mankind, an tni excrlieul rimed)- ih' coiiioUitiu. 1 hrooh n lour (ri nf wmih, and anions ioot of tie races ot men it h.i- i i-mi higher a:el hificrin their etiina. ti.jn.4i" it has in-come Ik-u. r known. lis onilurnj rh.ti .'o i r ;md poucr to cure the various afletuoua of the'i aod throat, 1m c maUe it knw uan Ii ihU' iro?'ctnr them. hil adapted t tijii' l.-r iori u'ti'-caM and to rouug childrt-n, it w tit Uie -.aloe titiu" the iik1 v-Vetual i tauoty Uint can Im given I r in-ipi'.'iit cou-umtiiion, ajid Uie ttan-genm- .lire, tn ol the throat xnd lungs. Asa pro vi-4 n .lif.tin-t Midden atta- ks of Crvnp, it tioulit ! kept on ti.tixl in cvrty l.iiiiily , f.nd iod-d an ull me Monetiiiics -iilije r "to c-iJ aud oou, ail t-in-old he pruviU;l M:h Ihi.t fiulklote for Uiua. Although j-eith-d fttrntitmutimt tliourht lt ciii-.ii'li, utiit gre.'t ni'.inhet s or asc where the dn-ca-e M cnu'tl M-U led. have lu -4impletcly niivd, .-iiul the ' utieiit ic-lored to fo'iiset healui by Uio urn I'irtnrnl. -.i .ompl.-to U iu mastery oriT the di-'T'l 'is of v.! l.u;.v and 1, that the ino.-t !.( 1 1 1 ; 1 1 of (hent v icld to it. When notli inr ;l-c coui t reach them. ihidiT the C Ik fry i'ro t fin I they Uo-i le Jtxi 1ik. pjt'ar. infer. mid i'uhlic Huirt Cud great pro Uction froiu it. Aihtut i always rcliovetl find often wholly c tired bv it. .'ituV- i general! v cured by taking UiA Chrrt-u frrtnrttl i'.i small and frequent hee. .- tmnrrally fire its viitm known thnt we need nt juiii!i ttie certificate-, of iliom lu'it'.or b mo w th.-m a--urc tini public Uinf, its qualities ar fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, F" Tovrr and A tip. Interrrttttnt Fever. Ch;ll Frrer, Ilarnittr'-it Ferrr, Dumb Asrto, P-Hov"cI or P:!ou8 Fover, &o., xnd indeed nil t he affect ions which arisa from malarious, marsh, or miasmatta poioTi3. As it? mmo imnl', it ilftc Ctir, nd !( not f-'il. Con: renins neither A r--f'n'?, Quinine, lUsmnth. 7Mv nor nny other ni' i r poi-onnns su!ttr O v.hrtcvor. it In nriwisr i-,!nre anv p:lor.t. V nnmher .-rid intrortnncp of it enrcs In the ."nif il. -tri -t-i. nvo litei- iilv bevond f-eotint, and wt noliev n i'hnnt n p.trl'"l in 'he hi rory of Actio medicine tur pride i" .trra titled by t-o .v knowlcdflrmcnts w receive ef the vmlierd niro etTc"trd I'l ohst1nftt cae. md ivbere other rennnV-'s bad wholly failed. I'meeJimated t'r'on. i?her rei.'ont in, or tri'-ellintr t'o-oti-rh min -Miai loelitie, wi!l W pro te -rcn-v T-ikinLr the JfiTT crili: dnilv. For irrr CimnZiirttt, nrising fnn torpidity of the T.ivi'r. it N nn exee'hvit reitiody, stlmnl.itinir the Liver into benllhv ncfiv'tv. For p.ioif pUonlet oi-f Liver Complaint', It H nn ex'-ellent reniedv, prodneine mnnr tnilv ni.i'-knble cures, ivUere ether uie-licine had fallci Pre p. trod bv On. .T. ('. Avnt Co., Practical nod rhemis-ts, Lowell, Mass., and old all round the world. ' r rmrr, St.oo vnt jiottlh. THE WiU sew everything needed ln a family, trtsa the heaviest to tho lightest fabric IT IHHX MOKE WOltK, MOKE KINDS F WORK, AXE 11ETTCK W'ORlSri Than any other machine. If thoro is n Florence Sewing Ma chine within one thousand miles of San Francisco Hot working well and Riving entire satisfaction, if I am in formed of it, it will be attended to without expenso of any kind to tha owner, SAMUEL HILL, Agent, 19 New Montgomery Street, Grand Hotel Building, San Francisco, ( v Smd for Ctmitar and aamplrg ttf the uot k. Apfive Agents leant ed t vcry jlttcr, rt.'r'r 1 1 ' - 'J