Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, May 25, 1872, Image 2

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Dominations for iskz.
For President,
For Vice-president,
A rt.Mea'cham, of Umatilla Cnifniy
W. I). Ilaae. of Washington County
ias. Caziey, of Douglas Couuty.
For Confess,
tft Wasco County.
' N. B. Humphrey, of Linn.
" The Nominees of the two contending parties
trill discuss the political issues of the day at
the following times and places :
Precincts. Tin.
LuCreofe..;:;.......:..'.".." ... .,, -
Monmouth 2.s
Buena Vista..... 2'J "
.Luckiamute .7.7,....'.' .. '
l 4. j
.Tune I 4 j
JJ.niocrnf ie Hi story ile
lc;Uin? It sel t.
Tho excitement of the present can
vas in Oregon seems to bo a counter
part of that which took place hi Well
ington Territory in 1SG9 on the ce
CaSion of Seclucius Garfield's first elec
ts tion to Congress, At that time the
center of attraction was Vancouver,
aha now th'o same center is at the Locks
at Oragcn City. At that time the light
was knoifn to be between Fortland !
Cipitalists and the indepeh debt, honest
voters of Washington Territory: at the
present time the fight is as well kucvn
to hh between (f rover k Co., (can - true
tors oi'the Lock and Dam Swindle),
and the honest voters of Oregon Hi
Excellency , which is G rover, in his
public speaking has made assertions
that chnnot be proven, and told many a
fable (lies is the proper word), that can
tbt be cleared away.
llis speech at this place was the same
tnat he makes every place, it being the
only cfhe he possesses, contained noth
ing but attempted vindication of the
atrocious and damnable, frauds nerr)p
tiated upon this State through him and j
. ...
. - I i i
. .... ,
hiS party, and in his attempt to ciear 1
Tub Tut name (Cod save the mark) he i
. , , , , - r,M 1
oniy maue nau rnairers worse. j.nepeo-
pie have heard both sides of the ques
tion. Ndw how shouid the intelligent
people of, Oregon view a man who, as a
Candidate for their suffrages, has so
little opinion of their intelligence ns to
presume to influence thern by such false
and UQerouoded assertions? Grover
and nis party would be sent headlong to
distinction but for the strength they ex
edito wieJd iiir the pfesent ca4avass On
election day, through the voting ele
Jnent employed at the Locks.
In 1800, one S. M. Fletcher, of Van
couver, came near losing his life for at
tempting to pursue a course which he
thought to his interest and that of his
country. Others have been similatly
situated, Now we learn from the Dort
Jaml dailies that J. L. Ilallett, contrac
tor on the North Pacific Kailroad, in
duced by a call froth several men who
were at work on the canal at Oregon
City, but were satisfied neither with
their situation nor wages, to torn-, there
to hire hands to work for him. The
Jo Teal-Miller-Grover party refused to
pdy off the hands when pay-day came
in order to keep thd men from leaving
and a notice wan put under the door of
3fr. 'Hallelt's room notifying him that
if hodid tiot leave Oregon City Wi thin
bix' hours death would be the .penalty.
TheDeinocracy are determined to hold
those tnen there until after election at
all hazards; They are determined to
override all law justice, and humanity
to gratify their insatiable greed for of
ficii; Under the scare-Cry of monopo
lies, which every one ' understands to
mean Ben Ilolladay, they aro attempt
ing' tb ' perpetuate the power of Teal,
Miller j Grover & Co., as contemptible a
xnonopely as that of flolladay's, if they
oqfyhid the brains to make it as pow
erful; ' It la hoped that the honest voters of
Oregon will rise in their might and
hurl from power those who would over
. ride and trample under foot the sacred
rights and privileges which are claimed
and so highly prized by every Amcri-
can. Bury beneath the shades of ob
livion any man or set of men who will
attempt to thwart the' will, or injure
the interests of the general public. Af
ter this1 is done, and we reach a poirit
where we may safely Say we are a free
people,let us carefully guard that free
dom, and, pointing to' the fate of those
who have attempted to overthow it, Sic
Semper Tyrannis shall be the implied
if not the expressed sentiment of every
- ( - " " - ' '
liot An UK pliant.
now seems that the May enibroglio
is about to be a more serious uft'air for
the Democracy than they at first antici.
pated. The little trick which they
wished to play lor, political effect, is
about to get tfif better of them, and
the dilemma is too to serious be a joke,
to them ; the great and all absorbing
question is, how can they get out of it?
They advertised the fact that they
were goini: to arrest him ; This was
done in order to give coloring to the af
fair, thinking that May would become
cognizant of their movements and es-
cape, thus leaving them to gloTy over
i.j.. . t 1 'i ( 1 1 ii 1 1 iti.1 JniHifrurn ti'tffi t I. i
it i. ui iiutiunMin titjfi mi nh iijt i; iv lilt i .
people's money, and make political cap
ital out Of the entire transaction. This
he did not see fit to do, and they wjto
compelled to arrest him and bring him
from his olliee to Oregon at a co-t of
several thousand dollars of the people's
Alter he was brought to alem he
, . i. - ,i .1 1. i
preferred to lie m jail lather than ak
r. . . .
his menus to go lit oau to insure tin j
Iit.crty. 1 he Hetnocrney, i.oweei, j
took pity (?) on him, spite of his many j
traiisc nions, and gave surety in order ;
to let himtro. Dot ho didn't .go
yet remains to see the last t
Last week a move was initde fo h. -: ( u ?
his hotels, so as to allow him to go homo !
and attend to his bu-itie.-.s.
Query Does the Democracy s?e that j
this foolishness m senUinz Ur
;im on
.such flimsy charges is about to react to
their own detriment, and are for that
reason anxious to get rid ul him 'f
Do they sen tbatihiir r.-;-h act in
tiiis matter is about to' rring them i:it?
disrepute, that they are thus anxious to
change the, tirogr.nuinie t i
Do they see that tlo ir litt'e c!;cni"
which they corcteted for political el-
,- i . . t . ! . .. I . . 1
TcC' ls at""n 10 m
1 111 . : 1 t- 1
ana are uouiy anxious to get n i 01 1
t J 1
h,m ' I n
There are elephants in p'.,;iei! lot-j
t.i.i-.T ii .iii tt r rt'.-. .. . . ... .
opine the Dernucnii-y will find they
have drawn one in this in-t,inre.
I'oliliial V4tc.
The licpuh-ican t'"'nveution of Neb
raska, endorses (jrant.
Sumner has expressod his d'tcrmi-
nation tostinnort (Jreelev in ' nfi-frrt'iuv !
tofJrnnt. "
Gov. Walter 6f Virgir.ta has aspi
rations hr the Pemocraiic nomination
for th o Vresiflency.
The Republicans of Texas have in
structed lor G rant.
To nominate, or not to nominate
That's the question. With the ,'cm
oeracy. Grover is reported to have jsaitl that
he would pardon any man sentenced for
killing whoever might undertake to hire
men to leave the Canal works at Orcgoa
Where, Oh where is Horace Gree
ley? On the Tariff queston.
O, Siiaw! Wo learn by private
letter that Mr. Shaw, nominee for
Prosecuting Attorney on the Democratic
ticket, lor this district, has been in
Albany ' subsidizing the saloons, and
patronizing them very liberally to get
their influence, A man who will resort
to that to get votes is not fit to receive
the support of a respeetablo constitu
ency. COIt H lis IM ) X I ) 14 Si C 15.
. Mo.NMot'Tt?, Mfly 17, 1872.
Kj. uefurlican :
The County Lodge of Tolk County,
No. 8, met in the Good Tchiplar Hall,
and was called to order by Asa Shreve,
WCT. ' Tho WS and hi record being
both absent, calling the roll and read
ing the minutes of the last meeting was
dispensed with. Ti Pearce, A L
Chitwood, G. W. TelMr,,J. Long, It. 0.
W arriner, Mary A Teller, and A But
ler were admitted to membership.
T Pearce was appotuted WS, pro
The following Lodges were represent
ed : Val Montis, Dethel, Dallas, Kola,
and Rosa, '
The following resolution was offered,
and on motion adopted.
Jtesolved, That each subordinate
Lodge in this county shall be required
to report to the County Lodge, at each
meeting, their condition, giving num
ber of members in good standing, num
ber initiated since the last meeting jJ
the County Lodge, number suspended,
reprimanded and expelled", together
with their condition as to prosperijy
and prospects, and any other business
which the Lodge may recommend fr
the action of the County Lodge, aifd
that each Lodge sh'alf be entitled jto
one representative for its charter, and
and one for each ten members, ami
one for each fraction of ten not ex
ceeding five, to be elected one monjh
previous to the meeting of the County
Lodge. j
On motion, tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock, was designated for the election
of officers for the ensuing year.
It Wan also resolved that each Lodge
in the couuty be instructed to appoint
one member from their number upjin
the Committee on Extension of the Or
der," the County WCT to designate the
Chairman o"' said Committee. The .Sec-
retary or each JLouge to report the
name of the member so appointed to
the County WCT within one month.
A motion, prevailed directing t
WS to furnish a copy of (he proceed
ings of this meeting to each Lodge jin
the county.
On mutton, a Committee cn:istiji
oi J. C. Cooper, O. Butler, and . jS.
Johnson was appointed to report to
morrow morning at i oYioek, as to tie
piopiiety of electing representatives to
represent this Lodge in thj Grand
Lo.lue. ". 1
On motion .a Committee consisting iof
r.ros.l. C. Conn, j, i Xnox, . K.
i Tt. C ' ... 1. 1 .... I. .... - ... 1 i
1 I I'll l, .MVi- i ."(in yiijn.--i; ami
. , . J, , ,
A. 11 iguins, v.is atp.lttt! u t take into
tlr,iu tie- propriety of e-lebr
tlo lu,irth id .July, and report, ac-j
conlitigly to-o.ot M.w morning
uti oi tiiunK- w retfjereu
I the Monmouth ri" t'lub fur mufic
lur.-ii--!:?'! durii.g tiu-.-e.-- n.
Adjourned until S A M.
Jubmitt'd in P. U . i C.
T. 1'i:a: ri, .S, pro l.
.s O.ir l.iy,
t-rir-H oil
L'.iug His
to ;jI loitljll
nienc. , 1 in nu
'.hair. MinuE-s
IileceiliM'i ltfff ilir rciet l sjf tifv
o. ;
i t
.1 . C. i 'uu. jit ii, Aliiilo 13ume:t,
Holmaii, tlviiruii' tir.tven and t'orto tii .
ru th v,ri- .(diiii'te l to vm hi t r -i ; i ;.
The t iiiiUiit Je a j.pointi-tt r- i-n
to th- propin-ty f diM-Miig trim ,-ei:s -
tivts io the (ii.tno Lodge, re-'teoietiU'0
'li.it Liu: t bounty J dg ''i t -otie rc fe
veuUtjvc I'.'i ' -s og iu. ill ot, ntiti t-j-:c
h.r e;ch one hundred e ib rs. njo.l
one t-r eat h liacr-'O n! o?o- ht.nui
cX.-ced.ng liUv, and fie roxy hr e.s
lr!'ft''!:tjtlH', ;ttnl li.,l V.'.' ri! .'O'Stl
th tir,iiii. L"tl.-4 t- admit mi
r.-.-i u .; iv es ; t ; u t : o i v.
.our m
u;.!;;'3 h.iv:n
H I iV
,! 1
;e ptof l ilt 1 to tin
of i
..'eer- . luea m.-jur-t ooow- . j j
, I
.1. T. r -.- o, V(:i ; !m!;i J.hm! - -j
..v WW T P.-iM-,. W.-t
m ; f. !
ft t.
1 1 i ! T ; i : 1 , 4,
inn 1-t !!. V. i ;
il. L
i-.-y. WC; .1 Mont:. W M ; l
St..-. , -.. 1 1
i; ; J. 1'. Mn WO ;
ti veur, WlUiS ; (tcrtrude i l : v
WLH ; . A. lli-iims, WAS;
iJidweii. WAM.
'1 hr,
ir. oui.'cts uere t hoi turv lnsirini
by W CT, C. 11 . Walker.
The looovviog rei-oiutioiH were adi:j!'t-
JirvJt'i'J. I hat we nr. ;n faor of Mif-
taining a live we(-l;lv Gr;tt:d ModoO
gan, and that we earnestly invite ,-U j
irieiids of Tempoiancc to aid us in sus
taining the sain.;, and that thtF secret ajry
bo m.-t ruefed to lurward a copy of this
rei-olution to the Grand Secretary.
The Committee appointed in refer
ence to celebrating tho Fourth of duly,
recommended that arrangements (e
made for a County Temperance Celo--bration
on that day,and that a Commit
tee of arrangements be appropriated
(onsisting of one member lrom cafh
Lodge in the county, to .pfrvi-e mnrjio
from their rtsjicctive Lidges. Miss
Mattie Campbell, T. Pearce', A. ShreVe,
Miss Mary Steven, Mc. Kennedy, l.
K. Thomas, Mis Audio Vandervott,
and M. M. Kllis were appointed such
Committee. j
Also that, a Committee of three he
appointed to secure tho sorviccs of) a
gtiod speaker as orator of tho day. jV.
Shrcve, II. Liud ey and A. Stevens
were appoiuted. The Camp Ground jof
tho Christian Church was selected ias
the point for the celebration. A basket
dinner was deemed the most convenient
method for refreshments,, and all per
sons attending will provide accordingly.
Ou motion, tin) next meeting of tbe
County Lodge was determined, to ho
held with Ros Lodge, o n the Ffidny
preceding the fourth Sunday in Octo
ber, lfcOli, at 10 a. m. 1
A resolution was adopted directing
the WS. to furnish the Christian Jfx
e tiger, Good Templar, and OrtKUON
Rkfrhlican with a copy of the pro
ceedings ot this meeting ot the Couuty
Lodge. , '
Ou motion, adjourned.
Submitted iu F. II. '& C
T. Pf.arck, WS
Rir Thomas f)akin ftxiMnvor of
London was atiiene the arrivals in New
York May 20th. -
Slate Stems.
"Gleanings' from State Exchangefl
Corvallis is to have a fire engine.
Cirit Court for Baker Co is in ses
sion. Miles M. .Miller is local editot of
the Mercury.
The nig'ht police at Roseburg has
been discharged.
Dr. SaiTarrens of Oregon City is dan
gerously ill.
Grand Lodge I. O. G. T. fnect3 in
Salfcm June 11th.
The Ensign reports two Greeley men
m l jo tig
! county.
Albany is to celebrate the Fourth of
July in trie style.
The State Sunday school Convention
meets at Albany next Tuesday.
A large number of new books have
been added to tho Portland library.
The Democrats of Multnomah county
have endorsed tho peoples ticket.
The Statesman complains of the scar
city of dwelling houses iu Salem.
The winter wheat in many fields
up the valicy is said to be six inches
high. t
Preliminary surveys are being made
for a bridge across the Willamette at
The Congregational Sunday School
of Saltan will have a picnic next Mou
The Beaver Hosiery Manufactory at
dcflcrsou is to commence operations
Mrs. W. S. Moore of Marion county
lei! and injured herself htriously, la.t
M. S. Hart, who was on trial in Port-
l:l lnl . t .ir lulilin !: -i tiein :i i 1 1 !1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I . V
- t J J f I J
l'0 Jii.
I, ,J. Kvcs, of C-imas Vallev h a
j-luug e ii.aelnno winch makes IU,O0t
jungles per Uay.
,J. X. Mathtny. S-MieriiF of .Marion
j county injured his hand iu kssolt: a
i wjnl 'oSt l-a.-t ! t iday.
A ,-e county man na S'Hie--t ..)
k tttiKs, thl.H M'.iS'HI, '1 Ins 4,.k Utik?
uoy kt hog we've he-.iri ot.
I'iUv n !mndr d ca; s oi S";sIt!-on. se
i.t-r.-tU iu I'ortlitid the L.it nioiiiii -1
'Jit- iuuk.i tather sva y.
Hon. A. 1 Meacht-ui !r - b n notoi-
e tit
the K', t'liit; it.s ul I n.oii
county, ior the L tsiatui
i !u'o art s-.ii-'i to
! tt; tt in 1 1tW .t
IvJr UU'i liuu Ice a Hi
un.;foa '! crr.tt ry.
Vf'in.' as to h? ir rest -on- -;-
ihtt- it "it burnt to t!,c .emiioi'i n
Ii- -it Ck oi e u.i, 1 st ivit'K.
. -
A t , - ; '. 1 -' . i i . a - he n e -htied
I'rt weeu iJaktr t dty and ,ui.4,
:n t h . Magic Cn k mittiiig di.-n let.
f . s-t . 'iO' 's-i.ty a i o ,
titjll.li! '
ralit't'-ol it
:s ,i,-.- d thi uUgh iui-t. hi.) g f
gollir stUth to coliJUiiVtiC' VtOtk. ' Ii l he
ia:iio.;d gra .e
- .... . .
i to; i irgcst larmcr oi jmn Coutry i
J . M . i v ,unv. He
vXpcet.-t to hat
' . . i . , , . , l , : . 1. . t
ve a..ollt -UA'uu u.- icis oi -lain, il
tf. v,. ;iM,u i tdjr.
i iou-dy n juted. w!ul-' turning lod'sey ;
ioo.-e Horn Kititrs .-tabic, during t.'ie itue i
rr;i?rk nn opi v: run over au i
lire in Coryaiiis.
A Ciirre-ponden11. of the AH'any Krg'
is! i r writing Jiom.Johti I.iy aii y pio-
ti ounces thut as irmid a wool coutillV as-i
tin: V liiatirette V alley.
G - V H.nvcy, oi the Kenton Avo, j
Ctitf has io .(jr. to the aultiua UaV to 1
reeuj crate his at-ti energies. Might
mg itVpubheaiis im very trviug
Mast week a panther in Camas Valley
which undertook to coattst t fie right oi
wuy with a traveler, was ' bought, oil."
lie took his pay iu ammunition.
Colo's Valley is one of the finest in
Douglas county , its soil is of the most
productive quality, and is skirted on ci
ther side by magnificent forests.
Attorney General Williams addressed
the people of Lam? county at Eugene
Monday. A private dispatch says
the meeting was the largest of a politic
al nature ever assembled in tho county.
Mr (ieorge M. Prior of Camas Val
ley says the past winter in that valley
has been unusually severe; the price of
grain and feed has generally ruled high.
A large amouut of grain has been sown,
and the farmers are hopeful of a good
yield, and anticipate uood prices lor
their grain.
Tho Willamette Farmer has been
shown by Capt. John F. M iller, samples I
of wool trom Leicester sheep brought
from New Zealand to this State by
Messrs. Cameron & Goodwyn. The
samples were from lambs fifteen mouths
old, were an average of tho lot, and
measured Jiteen inches in length. The
ilelces forty seven in all, averaged thir
teen pounds each, and were bought by
the Willamette Manulacturing Com
pany at 55 cents.
From the West Side wo learn that
tho Oregon Central Railroad is progress
ing rapidly towards tho Yamhdl river.
The Good Tempters are preparing for
a grand picnic the 25th. Father Ilar
tnon is doing good work in tho temper
ance cause. A town .is being laid off
ou the Martiu place, at the railroad
viu.-fiuj vi ihu i amiiin. -'jny ion is;
taKing steps to put a tree bridge across
tnc laihlllll at tuat place.
Published by L. Samuel.
General Advertising Ag't. 1)3 Front it,
Merman's Dollar Store,
No. 09
Klrst &t
) Import!
era of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, etc., etc
" 1 1 1 " 1 ' ' i i . , , , , v I,
4 stor Jluuxe, Firwtt t. Iiet Oak Pino. Ev
yrvttiin!r,;'it B. Lon-trfwHow Proprietor.
bLH)K. ti'l'A 1 1 OjS hJi y 4 i'i;iiiUDlUAL,
Agents for Mul.ic. Todd, and Co's celebrated
Ivison, Blakcman, Taylor ft Co's School Books
Junt 1'ahlinlitd, ujull Htii f Leyitl tilanka for
'I'h in Still f .
B-mnan, tiin only ciiret-t iniporitr ot Ciottiiog
Ac, cor. Front a Was'iingtun ftnMifi.
Oil ii w073 a H Te rtt
I2ookcIler c stationer,
So. 7'J Frmt oti'f Xd. 5 YiHhhiijt-ri xtret ti.
IXK, WILLIAM MLV.y Front street,
I niix.rt -rs and Lt-uliT' in
of ever description.
Fishing TaeUle, Fancy Good., licndrt, IJIt-I cages
Baskets, (Jroiu;t (iaiiii 4,and baby carriaged
Agent.'' !r the "Clif'irnia PowtU.-r Work."," also
for the Wln !er a Wilson Ht-wing tnachint'."
tt S eck, .I"hn A. lL".t Front t, practical Watch-
E 3 iiiiikcr .t .fewdcr. Work loiic for the Trad
l At Ili:i.lH;i. !.1 Frt Strr.t.
p p rignaui .t lo uiiiini, 1-1 1. m. -!. u.ik & L'uie,
g J itn'trf of Sifiivt'- K an '(, KeduMi t'teri'ets
o li.iii,i;i . . .i , . . w. oil. i ,'ftt k idi-if
npeft Fortntiirc Hoii' in Portland
H ni.i t.it iivU,
" sy fr.Tnt t..
i .' l lsl ft i.
A Oulni: III ii'HI.-,.i a. luus.
J r' ir lrv iooas,h ,uoy Miilinery, &,
tohii A Rohtii 'i I I, LVS Fr!it st ('outIlii.ioa
J Murch.-inT" t "b-'ir.- i'''Mi A '":!- 1'roduce
1oiij;i.-, j. ii. in 101. t i',.ii r 111 i-Sdiait:, llar
yit -h. A Saddlery Jl.rdare. 1.4. Front st.
luiiu-r, W. A v,'o., Isi.; Front M. Alert-hart
h - U.l-iiio.HI A '.(l:u..u, .1.' i l't;Ul rl. tivt i-f-f
fate A''"i't-, ll.oiti v i'i:iKe'i. liru-ct rcilti.
I.N t A I. .1, O. il U uo.i.ira .t Cm
Ii y i.M Fr rv
t Y. 1. 1 .. i ; 4 .,. ji.
II I Front Street,
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sti.!: AtdAcv Fort xur:
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t i-v A S' H:!i!i-. fircii'i-t' ro d tl.-aicrs in
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g j ,i ..." ... i. v.. .v ....., v.' l'li.-i.l. Ai ii. u
5 jjj tio-r' nti I .ie'ier i'i .Jewelry, W'a'elH' Ac.
I I; it ..(-;.i4 ii !... . l',.i,i Ii.h !.i u- ilea iff
v. n . . . ... ......
il ..(-;.i4 ii I... : t i nil ii.n
g )!! t,i fit eti( !'i-tr. ;iI Ml
atvrtal.-, Ac.
H 3 .!.;. Caet. i Co.. 'i; Fntit St., vh..U'fr.lc
g J ty r,,,.,,.." l..cK Mio-h. Can
ne.1u.4u eltii.i. it;. M.I' Travcr. I !2 Fr-itit it
fi g Uliiliai .k .-l.Ui.li4t. .Num. lot. I Ii. t'O.-t 4,
M.M Inij'i.r-crji Fnrnituiv. Renhjr c.
no rio.tti'tiu) H tci. cr. f runl a .M.a i .-. ai M
M. Ru.it I. h, Fr. FreV r.u.-att.'i(i, iteaiucrs.
IT" ulin, .'.A Co., si Front M., wholesale ami
retail liel'r Vv.w dotturvjr. Furn'ir !o"i.
aisou io.ti c m .-t-oM.it.t , -i u uie room tor
X V M Families, cor l.t, A, Fine istx. (K Yi. Fr.
jirtin, R. arid Co. dcalerp in Wfacn and Li
i,ii"r. t. S. N. Co'." Rloek.aioi soi Frnn
ititr .V, ,-ch:nccr, ill Front si., wholes mo
Jj nl retail fonfectiont-r!,
j nit r. .It. on R., FirM tclmiakcr
i, - Jm1 Jcwolcr, ntTcr.4 to tho ymhlic a fine
HKMorttneiit of Watches. Clocks and Jevrelry .
tsCj oeiir. ,v Co., Frtmtwar C. st, tlcalers in
Q native nml foreitrn Wines mol Lienor.
I oi i ul t! i.. a., itaru ware, ilvii, oitiv., iiu...
Sjiokcs, UartlwM.i Lumber, A,.'-. Fortlainl.
A kcciJt-ntal
ccidtntal Hotel, corner of First A Morrison
ooth Cook Proprietors.
"1 a.irt.Mt, uit.f.riii!ii, iicut i.eOt.o Au".
I ill) Front .St. bet Alder . Wa.MinKton.
F'iicmc;HAriiic"tso'ou. c Wood
wnnl A Co., H'l Front 8trect. ,
ice, J. M. 127 Front street, whulosale deal
er in Tinware and stoves.
T ichtcr, Paul 105 Firnt street, impt'r of Bcr
falin wooden enrvingfl parlor ornarnentj, c.
M ider" U. C. ttcal Estate and Money Broker,
, Ml Front street, Portland. '
j osenhaunt, I. iS. A Co., Tobacconists. Im
f. porters of Foreign and Domestic LFjuors.
Ml ns. House. Front et. On First Cine Frin-
tdplefl. Thomas Ryan Proprietor.
1 herloek. S. 01 Front 02 First sts. dealer
in Durness A Saddlery, A Saddlery ware.
Simon, .., .j0 rmntst., dcalfflr In Doors.Sash
and Blinds. Window and. Plate (HaM.
insheimer, II. 1 ft 7 First st, imp'tetc of Pianos
Organs, Sheet Music, Musical Itistrumcnta.
STOPi 11,11. I... No. KH 1'roiit Street
Watcbwaksr and Manufacturing Jeweler, is
appointed Agent for Walt ham. Elgin, K. How
ard ACo. Chas. E.'.dacot and California Watchos
ulso for nil the production and imports of (he
California Jewelry Company, San Francisco.
Sond for circular. Watches repaired in the very
best manner, WARRANTED to give satisfac'u
i 0 uimore.S. G., 123 1st st. Druggist Apotho-
O enry. rcrfumery and loiiet arncits
Snow Roos, 73 First st., Pictures', frames
Moldings, art tnjjXJ'
8inith,Put., Broker, 00 Pmrit et. Dealer i
Letfal Tenders, (lor. Bonds and Gold Past.
S- mUFAl)avis 71 Front: st. wholesale, Drug'
Paints, Oils, Window" Glass, etc.
ff iTrry Bros. Nj. ffS First street, manuract'rs'
X and dealers in FurnituiJBedrUng Ac.
he Clothit7g Sfe.re, 113 Front st, ClotUn
Fn'ng good' Boots, Shoes. Harris t Pragw.-
fllnttle, II. II. 142144 Front -treet. Dealer in.
I Wagons an AgritiTfnrartnlplemenUC. ....
ffllyne li D. n w c r. 1st Oak sts. dealer in
1 fine Brandies. WTincs. .Eng. Al ft -Port"-.
f JpvferJ. rXl'V Front st wtMK-salo fltaler iu
I Butter. Eggs. Checufr, lard. Bacon ete.
lilsyniiams'.rMvers. 5 Central Block Front
? V ft.. Commisron Merchant dPi" rtr'1
Whallev A Feclieimer, Attorney au. .t;
itors in Bankmptey. Offiee 0. F. Temle
Dallas, Oregon.
Special attention given to Sales or Purchase of
Real Kstate, Collection of Claims, Ac.
Agent Union Mutual Life Insurance Co.
For S:iIe.
ffinX A CRT'S OF LAND, ith good Ilonsa'
and Barn, all fenced and under good Iihv
provement, Mtuatel in the Town of Dallas,
Folk County, an extraordinary opportunity.
Acres of Land -ne Mi!f North of Eola,'
Folk County, u; l IIoue, pood Double Barn,
and ithcr l!,.i!iin. All dnJ;r fence, with fie"
Orchard, and in high state df cultivation.
j Salem. ner the fio CcntVat SdiooF
U -iiv-s. The limine c.niins Kiirht Itooms,
a!i Fiast-r:d. with IUrd Finish, Barn, Wool
I lo.e. and alt ton Vcnicnets to mak itf
;ti.-n-ii!i!c. '""
4 FARM OI 160 ACftEB. 25 ACRES IN"
iV cti'tivattoit, 1" acres of fall wheat, 5 acres
a an a low, w orchard'. aid well surdicd'
vi;.t!i water, r :u.jt d three inlie :-onth W'o'st of
Sinii'M.n's brf-f'. on Ri Lutkiatnutu. For sals
a' a b.irz.iiii it sold .
1 fine mill srn: rN ?oftii salkm,-
; on U i;; ,.-4 -tt- ,-!.. nji: A b.ck f Six-
1, -t-'. t. i i... -c i vt itu t;.,ar-i ;eite, jjua uouse,
!;iru, Ac.
'. 'ii Acre-, 1I--HM!. two !!arn,
t'n iiiird. Ac. i;u,ttcd u I'cl'cr Salt Ctvif 7
i-i.:.'.- lo-ui Dalln-. '
M !Ct4-!l 'IU ii'T ! t.'-C. ?0 jn-o-H UMiltr tllC
s , tv : . 'i i i HJ.-4-. I. ir' :u fine Orthartl,-
, - .I - i.l 5 1; I I lutic- 4s! ! la.l.t!J.
i Fjuium: I! V 1 R E! A N I SI XT VaCRE.
-....i l-.iiii. wi?1i. JutnWr fr
t i: -) i i, itijr vi;ii4.-r near all th
!. 3 riii:- i:lh-w.-,ft tf tfiuijiduii-a"
y-.,T r"i'..
Hi . 1 . Ri.
4 t;o.i ?,:
1Y Rnrn.1 Vtm. 1'i.ik conritv, Warcbou,o
i. h j'.tn v 1. 1 .in.Ot'tl t't-hti s trade alra fj
v-'.t iiii-tit a wit.i t!te oitct i-r. att'l co!iri4ctin
nfjr.ii i he Vi'ri .hh to- Trin-..rtati4in C"niitany.
! .it ti t I'.ui.; !-., i.ih'i v-rvt:iH ren.lyt.-r'
i44ii-ur.-itii.il. A .!.. k'tidid i cniii fur buine!.
r f .Oc cit?r4
"5V da. ? di . ... Ram. His-t othiv-r Ruild
L milk' ."i!at.'! in Town. Tw h in-lreil n-l
i f,,iv f.i.ir ucn:, m: luen'rcd acres" jfHi pt
I t t. n acre i.f Fall wheat, nln.iit sixty acrts
j ri a-iy f.ti-l, hii v. rytionr l" n ac cunaUK-it
f"r fareit.is; til on ( McCarter, on the
i ... : .... ... ,i i
l . 111 ,'l? , lilt. Wl 1 1 l.T.'S'l. V.
S .
t fiiwiTi iiuiiv it vcir or rtarts
t' Ray. cHvaloo of -itaininjr on hundretl
Com. wish ah ti t- i ( i-eMiry appurtenances for
I;nry!ni. A -"i(-( , i.l cliancts . here offered
tor ny one vaio. t. eecio in this huane.4,
as i-very tiling Ls ivaily to tiaud for carrying
it "i..
V ... 1 ..." t .:l . , ....... ..,J!
oreh fd : Tvo liiodrcd litid forty acres, IT
under fence ; Forty acres und.iT the iIomC. A
jjivod opportunity Lr any one wLshing a Cn
farm cheap.
rjpwo and a Qtfxr.tun acr'gs of;
g lan-l in the town vf Rcthcl. House, barn,
rorkshop, ami poo.i ore b aril. A jjo-id chanco'
for any waoiimaker. who wishes to locate
wiit re work of that kind is plenty.
- 'I 1 ( 4 4 , t . 4 Hi t'.l.iit-T). ll'MI'.-, llliU Olll.
Barn, with plenty of lire-wood convenient,
situate about two miles south-west of Dallas.
For Particulars enquire of It. II, Tyson,
ItErt ntacAN Ofimce.
to miaft.s.
calls tho attention of Mechanics and Build
ers to the fact that they hate refitted their Milt
on the Little Luckiamute, and are now prepred
to furnish lumber at the lowest CASH PKICES
and in quantity and quality to suit. Having
better facilities than any other Mill in the cbttfc--'
ty for tho maufacturo of a
of LUMBER, it is our intention at an early
day to add to tho Mill an A No, 1
After which time we will be prepared to fUr,.
nish lumber dressed and matched.
An excellent MOUNTAIN HOAD leads d..
rcct to tbe Mill. A liberal share of patronae
solicited, . SUKADER & CO. 1