tz Hit dfr00tt'$jjtt.iHtan. . d all Saturday, may is, NOMINATIONS FOIt 1872. t?or President, U. S. GRANT. tor Vice-President teCHUYLEH COLFAX. Presidential electors At tLMeacbam, of Umatilla Comity, W. D. Hate of Washington County tit. F. Gazley, of DouglaB County. Vur Coiigress, jocsru o. wilsckv, Of Wasco County. DfcSTRICT ATTORNEY. 31 A w fc U. Humphrey Linn. Hotiec! b!e ToWltfee f the two contending parties Will discuss foo political issues of the day at bo foHng times and places ; fyfekitf. Time. Wlas . May 2 1st Jackson 22 Salt Lake . ... ..... Bethel Xola,.. ..... n 24 " 35 " 27" 25 " 2 a 30 " LaCreole ......-. ... f, fefonmooth .. Buena Vista Lnckiamute Bridgeport 7.......... ... f Dallaa ...... ....... .June State Democratic Record How !i You Like ltf It has been guilty of favoritism in giving 8200,000'to a favorite " company for building trie canal' arid locks at Oregon City, when another company offered to do it for $125,000. It has favored monopolies ia passing a Swamp Land Law in such a manner ma to give a few land grabbers an op portnnity to gobble np the entire tract. It has passed a Litigant Law which support! Democratic newspapers in af fluence, at the expense of persons who are leaki able to stand it, by allowing nch papers to charge more than double the usual rates for such advertising. It 1)33 spent thousands of dollars of the people's money for an Investigating Commission,' to examine the records of the Republican party of the State, in order tb prove the Republican party guiliy of swindling the people, and upon imaginary 'charges had Sam May ar rested and brought from Salt Iake un der'indi'ctments' for larceny amounting inal'i to over $14,000.' These indict ments were all quashed by the Courts, mrir), instead of letting May return to his business, it put the people to still I further expense by swearing out other j inrlintmonta in th.A tnsto-ntflmnf. Jinui'irir ' '. e . ".. : ! oi vpiiv. linus showing that they j were determined to vent their spite let the copseqiicnce be what it would. It has cteatcd new offices of State, at good salaries, simply to fill the pockets of party favorites. It ids pardoned convicts from the Penitentiary, and turned them loose among the good people of our State only because they were party pets. It 'has availed itself of every oppor tunity to evince its utter abhorrence of justice where a Itepubliean was pitted against a Democrat, as was evidenced in the case of jClarke vs. Watkinds. And now it is trying to blind the eyes of the people to the enormity of its' crimes, by sending its' etui? snries over the State to Rinooth over its record, J .' to induce the honest voters of this State to perpetuate this party in power, and send jGrovcr to the United gtates Sen- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr sWikTll? Get the Loaves and Fishes t Ilorace Greeley is now be- ore the country as a nominee for the Presidency. That he cannot he elected without the combined efforts of both jOomocrats and so-called Liberal Republicans is evident. That the lead ers of the Democracy will not support -htm without a guarantee that they get good phare of the appointments, is veil understood. I'hat the liberal lie- ; publicans wiu not rally to his sitanaara without some such guarantee is equally evident, What is Greeley t do; prora- ise both f This may do if he can act his part well enough before the election, to tnake each party believe that ho is going to give them all. In case fie is unable to act this role successfully his hopes re vain, or, takiug an improbable sup poeition, suppose he elected, who'll get the loaves and fishes? v Greeley's next work will evidently be relating what he knows about ''beats." The Lock Swindle. This little item of Democratic legist lation is attracting much attention at present, and well it may. The Locks are being constructed, the canal dug, and everything seems to be moving for ward like clock-work toward comple tion. All at once, however, it is dis covered that the company is supplying large quantities of lumber, and the sup position is that it is to be used in con struction of theno works. Wheu the contract was first let it was paid by the Democratic press that the reason the present company got the coutiact, in preference to the P. T. Company, was that the latter company would ouly build on. tb3 cast side of the river, and would use large quantities of wood in their construction. To the first, there Could be no reasonable objection. It the farmer wished to take his produce and go to Portland, it would make no differenee on which side of the river he went through the falls. The people . t wanted tue navigation ot ttio river opened and were willing to pay a reas onable price for such opening, but it the question had been put to them, we opine the answer would have been a perfect indifference as to which side ol the river they passed. The other reason for. letting the contract to the present company was, that they proposed to construct the works of " stone, ccineut andiron;" while the I. T. Company included the word "wood" in their bid. The readiug of the law, as may be seen by reference to the bill which passed the Legislature, is, that the works shall be constructed ihiejly of stone, cerueut and iron. This leaves the company at liberty to use a large amount of wo.d in their work, and yet come within the strict confines of the law. The com pany knew full well the latitude al lowed them by law, and now .e:m dis posed, if we may judge by indications to take all advantage of the license. Try as they may, the Democratic press eanuot make the people see it in any other light than that ihoy have been swindled by this transaction, both as re gards the works, and the price to be al lowed for the passage of freight . the 1. T. Company proposing to pa.s freight through for twenty cents per ton, while the prescut company are allowed fifty cents. Fourth of 4 uly. The Good Templars of Salem are preparing to have a mammoth celebra tion on the coming Fourth of July. The growing interest manifested tn this h:n induced the friends of the Order to take this step and every one is expected to do the best they can to make the occasion one long to be remembered- The Mercury t in speaking of this matter, says : " It is expected toburn more powder, have a finer display of fire-works, big ger bon-fires, better nnih gayer ban ners, finer speaking, taller dinners, and more interesting exercises generally, than have ever before been attempted in any town or city in the beautiful valley of the 'Willamette," The following Committees have been appointed, who will arrange programme, etc., which will be announced in due time : Committee cf Armugcmenti Messrs. Syl. C. Simpson, Tillmon Ford and L, Skiff. Cw millet on Ground. Messrs..!. D. MeCurdy, JasJ Coffey and .). L. Williams. ' Commit Ire on Finance. Messrs. .T. D.McCtane.C. M. Miller, and C. O. Seriber. Committee on Public Exercises. Messrs. T. II Cann, J. M. Garrison, and M. M. Milbr. CQtnmitlee on Printing. Messrs. L L. llogers, S. M. Cook, J. Quiuu Thorn ton. Committee on Music. Messrs. M. L. Chamberlain, L. Loughary, Misses Kllen Chamberlain, Gertrudo Moores, and Angie Ford. Mr Helm stated in his speech hero, that the P. T. Company included the word "slide" in their description of the works to be built at Oregon City. The tvlinlo thinf looks liko a slide." To slide it from one company into the hands of of another, which hap pened to be a favorite, at a cpst of $7V 000, on the work, and thirty cents ex tra per ton on running frtight, is rather a heavy slide, we should say. " i So far as known by tho Navy Depart ment, ths recent rumors of a disaster having befallen Captain Hall's Arctic expedition are entirely without founda W hy la ItJ fit is unfortunately truo that since Grant has been President, this Opv- ernmenthas become the lauahing stock i. .,. i .... n i oi civuizea men." Mercury. If this be truo, why 'is it that kng land is so seriously canvassing the propriety of paying the consequential damages presented by the American Commissioners 1 If our Government U such a laughing stock, why do0s not Great Dritain refuse to pay thesej dam ages, and faugh at tin United States for presenting them ? If this bo true, why is it that the most iufluential powers of the world, powers that have always treated the United States with indifference, are now willing and anxious to form treaties conferring upon each nation thoj bene fits of commercial intercourse ? J Wfhy was it that France withdrew her forces from Mexico at the slightest hint that our Government would not permit Mexico to bo overrun, and Max- imillian established upon a throne on North American soil ? Why was it that the Spanish author Hies in Cuba faltered in their course, when defied by the American Consul to shoot through the American flag nt persons already arraigned for execution? Why is it that thousands of foreign crs are flocking to our shores monthly, to avail themselves of the advantages offered by our form of Government, as well as our soil and climate? Why is it that Canada is so anxious to unite her destiny with thaj of the United State?, waiting only fur our na tional debt to he paid before they ap ply for the annexation ? Why all these favorable signs, and scores of others which might lie named, if America is such a latihinf stock as the Marmaduke of the Mercery would attempt to kiddy trie jeopldiuto be- iieving The truth is, never since t ie history of the United States first clinnenm1, has the Government stood better in the eyes of the world, and sopVims and assertions of the Democratic press c n- not mnke the people of the country tce it in any other light. Sw'EtfTN Wastkw The young i . " Lion" from the jangles of ltnn gave us a " roaring" la.-t MonI.iv. The crowd which turned outj to hear him numbered twenty-six all toid, souse staunch KepublicanH anions the number. The speaker Kiid, ' duubtlesjt the rea son no more had turned tjut to hear, was, that the community haJ been bored with public speaking.j' Speaker looked like he was too. j He didn't feci like making a speech. "-f-We didn't wonder at it. " lie would, however, talk a little while," whichjhc did, and left. It was refreshing to he.r him talk after being bored by such speakers as Durnett and G rover, yet his speech was mjific, and so few there to hear it that it was pweetnrs wasted. i The Pittsburg Gozttte (saya : " Mr. Greeley will bo known "to hi.-tory as the great American co operator He co operated with the South to dissolve tho Union; with the rebels, to win Dull llun ; with Lincoln, to take Richmond; with ('base, to beat Lincoln ; with Jell. Iavis, to escape punishment; with Tammany, to, isrve Oakuy Hall ; with American manufacturers, to secure protection ; with free-traders to ruin American manufacturers ; with Trum bu'l, against the Republicans. He is now co operating with the; Democrats to beat Grant,and by July will probably be co operating with (Jrant to beat the Democrat. Great is Greeley, of the Tribune." K VI hence. Lat Sunday as Mr. M i D. Lewis was driving a Valuable horse i and sulky across a bridge near Bridge port, in this county, the bridge broke down,hurting tho driver somewhat, ins juring the horse severely, aud breaking the sulky. We understand a bill is to be presented to the County. This sub stantiates what we said last week about our bridges not befngj safe. . Many others will bo injured and bills brought in for damages unless these matters are quickly attended to. FlUE IN CORVALLlA. Just as W0 go o press we learn that a destructive firo occurred in Corvajlb, Wednesday night, which destroyed an entire block in the business part oi town. The fire is said to havo originated in a beer sa loon. We have not been able to learn who aro losers by tho casualty, nor the extent oi the loss. Stale Items. Gleaning from State ExchangeeI Portland is to have City Gardens. The Santiam Lead andiron mines give rich promises. The Oregon City Free School num bers 300 pupils. The Taylor family are amusing the citizens of Lafayette. The West Side denies that Yamhill is infested with Caterpillars. Miss Anna 3Iehlig, the celebrated pianist is to visit Portland soon. Caterpillars are doing much damage in Denton county, so says tho Democrat. Twenty five hundred acres of flax seed have been sown in the State this year. The Oregon & California 'Railroad is completed to lvstcs' forty miles south of Eugene. The Columbia river is lower than it has been at this season of the year for several years. Dr. Renfrew an old and respected citizen of Kugene, has been sent to the Insane Asylum. The Kra says the late frosts have killed the fruit in the vicinity ot East Portland. The Courier says that swarms of Cana ry birds, wild and free are in and about Lafayette. Attorney-General Williams will ad dress the people at S ilem, next Satur day. Parties near Salem have made liberal offers of land, for the eretti r of a deaf mute school. The Mercury says the two saw mills of Salem will cut 3)U0,UU0 feet of lum ber this seasou. The Linn Co. Democracy have nomi nated a man who can't write to repre sent them in the Legislatuie. The V.nlktln states that the N. P. R R Co. have .-eeored the controlling in terest in the O S X. C. Mr;?. M. M Miller has been compelled to potpnno her trip to lvt.-tcrn On -gou, on account of her mothers health. The Jacksonvil'e Sentinel has infor matioii that no danger need be apple fu nded !nm the M l e Indians. Salem i rai-ing a fund t induce tin Meat TeUil erauce It etui er J . l. (iuuh. to visit S.ilem the fourth 1 July. A lot nf (ahmre $'Mt ha been shipped from St!emf P;ih-. 'I he first shipment f this kind hum Orc- Jotcph Adktn-', of Salem, had the I riirht Side of h"t4 f-iey p:u lZed l.i-t J m i ii .. . .. . . . ... e l. , .Uuii'j.'y. lie vi- f t'i n ,- eyes. Mr. En hart informs th: S.' i.'r??ti that several fiiniiies fioio lilu.ois nod hid ..n-i ill migrate to Oiegon thi Spring. The ceremony of la) ing the e rn r stone of the t'uth die Aea'eniy, in Sa lem, i said to have been very interest ing. Mr. Hunker, living nrnr Cornelius has lot quite a number t sheep lately lie finds them with their throats e'j'. and no other mark! ;ibout them. A gentleman from Three Mi'e (Treek Wasc county informs the Oregon inn that snow lav on tiie ground in that vicinity, last winter for a period of nine weeks. More snow fell than has been known for several winters. Tho Ortgoninn says : Portland is at j res ent enjoying a season of unprecedent ed morality. There are now confined in the county Jail only seven criminals, nearly all ot whom are held for trivial offenses. This is unparalleled in the memory of the 4 olden inhabitant.' " The following is the Republican tick et ot Multnomah county, nominated last Saturday ; Senator, J. N. Dolph : Rep resentatives, J. R.'Congle, J. D. Riles J. F .Caples, and S. Hirsch; Sheriff, J. M. Caywood ; Clerk, W. II . Harris; Treasurer, Win. Masters ; Assessor, John Duncan : Commissioners, Messrs. MeCormick and Silver; School Super intendent, Mr. Elliot; Coroner, D. J. Dryer ; Surgeon, G W. Rurroughs. Two hundred pounds of Nehalem sil ver ore has been sent to San Francisco to be assayed. The miners ol that dis trict aro jubilant with their prospect The Re publicans of Umatilla county havo nominated the following ticket : Representatives, A. R. Meaclfem and Augustus Mallory; -County Judge, J. S. White; County Commissioners, G. Rees and I. O. Thompson ; Sheriff, J. P. Rushee; Clerk, J. Dean ; Treas , L. Livcrmore ; Assessor, A. G. Tagor ; School Superintendant, John Pruett, Surveyor, J H. Sharon; Coroner, J. Teal. D. D. Garrisson writes to the Salem Farmer from Arizona as follows : ' This is one of the poorest farming countries we have ever been in since I entered the United States service. There is nothing but stings of tho worst class tnd thorns on almost every tree, and even on the grass. There is little of the Rctto valley that ts worth a sixpence. In Tucson the Capital of the Territory, there are not two hundred whito people ouly the military officers and troops. You would be surprised to see what they call a farm hero. They have to irrigate all tho land in this section to raiso grain, and the farming ia carried on by Mcxi. cans. . ; - h 1M ) UTI, V N I ) I H S I N liSS I) I It I3C TO It Y Published by L. Samuel, General Advertising AgU. 93 Front si, Ackerman's TollarStore.SS ers of Fancy floodg, Toya, Crockery, etc., etc, VBtor iiouxe, Jj'irBt t. Hot Oak k Pine. Ev frything newt U. Longfellow Proprietor. Agents for il a bio. ToM, aid Co'g culd raleJ Iviion, BlakcMitn. Taylor A Go's School Hooka Jimt I'uhl'mhtd, (t full Hue uf Ljnl liloiiki fur l Inn Hifte. iriaan, the only direct importer of Clotbing Ac, cor. Front & Was'iinsrton ircvl. OUa.H. CJ. IJsti'i'ett, WHOLESALE Rooltscllcr & .Stationer, LAItflEST STOCK IN PORTLAND. AV. 79 Froht mid X. H Vnhiiiitm tttrtrt. jjV LCK, W jTTilTM'TON, t TJ i rout ut, ImporUri ail Dealer in lUXS, ItII-M:S Al IU:V()LVHIt of fTcrv ijfscriritioi). Fishing TckIi-,Faruy Ooods, H. nih?,Bir.l cages UitrketK, Oofji'i t iatn s,nl baby carriages Agents for the California Powder Work?," alf for the '-Wheeler Wilson hewing mahmen. IH c k, John A. l'2'J Front n. practical Wateh- in:ker .1 Jeweler. Work t"iie fur the Trado k(JOIv AS It JtllS I'KIAlfcKS. IP flAtrill'.I.IMIIt. !).t Fn.ut Stmt. If ntiaiii A Kt inliart, In. et, tet. Oak Jt Pine, g f im'trs of Stof'H Banger, Kitchen I'tenVU. Ji ut'tiunaii, U . A ., ts. w. cor. first & luyior i Chrai-it FurniturB Ihue in Portland. M lurhv lleit.K-rftoii ,t mik, .1 4M l rl ."u lt-al-r in !ry (. Fancy MilliuVry, c. (I0L11 tt l.V Fr -rtt ft. t'omiatxcioit J Merchant A di-'lrm iiiO g" A t'al. l'ruluc A otitic, J. It. in mi. A iKulcr hi ai iter, llar Jnt'!'i', A J-adtJlciy I! ar l are, Front ft. 4 lurru-r, W. A Co., 10;5 Front t. Merebant Taiiorx a 'lothier. Mat. Furriibing gmid.. yel.a.-iiiiiutl k Uattnaii, '.'2 Front kI. tical tat Agetit-, money loaned, hou ? rented. I VI A I ; C7 il ooTtard & Co XT ,,-iI Front Ktrctt. y i .i..- I c. 11. ooUitra .ti Co. 101 Front Street, UMim licin any portion of the State or Territa-rii-s frel'n'lv iiiiei by in --tit "r -X!.r-. t.i Utl. ' V U r it, ill X t. 11. 1 Ulhl.i.t- .l.i'l J -xt tl'-'ir.- --t - re from l.Jl t J:;" l ut, M. j nij-i' ijivit At u'-y. Wit Uv rail x lioaiiii.11, I J f-i-t tt. t (iri(h nii i. in i-i oj lit! ft. i 2 " -M- 1- '-- .!.4ti'!.r in K-HM-Si.- P,..i" M.t i.i--n j.nt ry .-t;i-o. 1 .,r. j-ji-S .v 'ii'm H l 1 fi t !! I f, .. ! Him-fti? iti'r h.;itl A H -i t t i -, l't- . l'll-t A ...-n it rm. ! ui r A Main.!, t'i' il.irg l'urii'g 'it.o U. fj r Ir., iKntift. t:';.-. , N lu I u u"s L Bl k. e-i . r 11 rt ai.i W.t.-i,tt.g f' r. 0 1 ill A St-t.-i. '. ' at i ", 7 Fitet yt. Iu-hSvI!- in H l.;.t,fc. MulV-lHM, A MuMt'tii Il,.irt;t;i:lit.-. Tic Iarpct Mimic iUnt ti the Ca..L , STICIN i'AV PI AN J, BJRDETT ORGANS , L. .' I A X. .Manner. sou: a?;i;nc i-tis i s i : ' - A giT ' iM'.l'l'l""' :nkt' A Hi ttif. 1 r.i t'i . itii'l iJi-a't-r-i in nil k in l !i m il. cr 2 irt and M-iin .t.. n 9 ,m,I .it 1 r. I: I ;:i St.. nnrorlvr ai'd it ;i t !' Ui ; ! K.ilit'V. iootj.-, Miiilllt rt. ii . 1 1. . . 1. 11 , l'ii. t i'rii',iiu' Artitt. f. w: cr. i rt . M t-;-. ti t't.itdV li-t. irt-i-;tv. a nf i.M-i.. n. .. . a i '., ii1'.1 tiii.-i. Miiiiii- ;,i.-r ; i"t tU 'iti. i( .( ii". Walfhi.ii Xc. I'.i iii i i I... '. riitns ; ., w ti ! . i ie ttf iiit-r in (irit ii 'S. 1 i r , Vain Materials, Ac. R J ..-U-f. C.iU i. A C'o , Vt Front St.. wh-.Uatc g lU-au-r& ia htll'S I'atiii.. Oi',. tl'as.l. .If. C g d" Ti r ? S. wi: g Machine, ftraig'.it I 1 V.ViTfi M i ncidlc." hick !itteh. Cm jit uii'u c!iiiii'i..l M. F Tr;vor. 112 Front t. 11 ru re 11 A Mtu. iu i , ,. loo IT- i irt t, I HtjtorN-rs 1 urrtiturt.- Ileilding ic. iiii riiiitiuiia! 11 .ivi.cor. 1-roiit . Morri..ou st M. Buleldi. I'r. Free Int.-xattciidsi s!eaiiuri. - ..I,., f r '.. VI l.-.,r, .t lil..t.l, ilthl . t.lfll, M .it ..., 1 , 1 "i-i t , " i "'v. .. ! retail dcl'r Fine t'h. thing. Fnrn'g Jo F-. Maifon licrec ;.-t;iurant . ytl ate roninn tor Fatnihcs, cor 1st A Fine .-ts. 1). Voo? Pr. artin, E. and ('. dealers in Wine? and Li fii r.. O. S. N. Co" Block, and San Fran vier A -tiiiicvr. HI Front St., whoie.-aio and retail t'onfeetioner?. 1 Milter, .Ji-nn B., tM Fir.-t t. Wutclnnaker and Jeweler, offers t the public a fiuo assortment of Watebss. Clocks and Jewelry . oeiu-r. x k ., Front near C. ft, dealer m native nnd forei-rn Wines anl Linuor. oiiiuu, 1.. llaiMMaie, 1 ron, mwi, linos Spoke, Hardwood Lumber, Ac, Portland. ccidt-utal Hotel, corner of l'irs t A Morrison trcct. South Cook Proprietor. f yaii't.-n, V iimuiJ-A Vjmi nuil, neat bMaie Agl. Jl Front St. bet Alder A Washington. j 1 1 oto . it A c c ; 0 i 1 cf v CuT- I warl A Co., llll Front Street. ) ice, J. M. 127 Front street, wholesale deal ,er in Tin ware and stuvos. R ichter, Paul 1U5 First street itnpt'rof Ber lin wooden carving parlor ornaments. Ac. ) idcr, (1. C. Heal Estate and Money Broker, , V2 rront struct, Portland. I nsenhaum, I. S. A Co., Tobacconists, im J.Vporter ot Foreign and Donieslic Liijuors. 1 uss House. Front st. On First Class Prin s ciple. Thomas Ityan Proprietor. Sherlock, S. '1 From k 02 virst ts. dealer k'11 Harncp A Saddlery, A Saddlery ware. noon, o., o croii L ei., dea!eruTl3onr,Sasb kj and Blind. Window and PtAto ttta&t. O insheimer, II. 157 First nt. imp'ter of r i'Tan kj Organ, Sheet Music, Musical Instruments. J TON II, II. JL., No. till I'ront street. OW'atchniakar and Manufacturing Jeweler, is Hppointcd Agent for Waltham, Elgin, K. How ard ACo. Cbas. K.tJncot and California Watch as rU. for all tho production and imports of tho California Jewelry Company, San Francisco. Send for circular. Watchoa repaired tn tho very best manner, W A Kit AN TED to give satisfac n -C Skidmoro.R. O., 123 1st ft. Druggist Apotbo cary. Perfumery and Toilet articloa. ri now Roos, n Firnt Pfetoreff, frame Moldincs. art materials drawing inrtrom'ta. ii mith, Put., Broker, SO Front st. Dealer in O Legal Tenders, Gor. Bonds and Gold Dust. S'mithDavisTl Front ft. wboleale, Drugi Paint, Oils, Window fllaf, etc. ritrrv T?rn 1ST... 17S First etreet. mannfart'ra X a"' dealers in Furniture, Bedling Ac. FTpbe Clothing Stre, 113 Front t, Clothing, X Fo'ng good BootaShoea. llarrig k Prager. rilottlc, II. H. 112144 Front treet. Dealer in JL Wajrona an Agricultural iianlement. T lyne E. D. n w c .r. lei Oak ta. dealer in A' IM vw m c v w vw. fino Brandies, Wines. Eng. Ale Porter. Fllyler J. A 117 Front ft. wiiuicnaiw dealer in r A. . ti . JJutlcr, Kgttf, Cbeewe. uaru, u aeon etc. llliams & .Myers, b Central Block Front rt., Coramifion Merchant deal' in or'd f naOey t Fcetieiuier, Aitornej auu Dvno- ;. ir . i .... rir. L' T.. 'I o czssxs&s&aL, REAL ESTATE. REAL FSTATE & GEKRI AGEMT, " UEPU KMC A X V IWV1 C Dallas, Oregon Sjrtjcial attention given to Sale or Purchase off Ileal Kitate, Collection of Claims, Ac. Agent Urjon Mutual Life Insurance Co. For Sale. fllEX ACRES OF LAND, witb good IIoaa X and Barn, all fenced and under good Im pruvement, situated in the Town of Dalian, Ptlk County, ajj ejtraordinary opportuniiy. mwo IlUXDhED AND FORTY SLX ' Acre, of Lnd oia Mile North f Eofa, Polk County, good JIoue, gol Duuhlo Barn, an 1 other linrsl All anderfence, with fiu Orchard, and in hij;b ttato of cultivation. 1 HOUSE AND LOT IN CENTRAL V Salem, neir the two Central S-hool House. The House contains Eight Rooms, all Plastered, witb Hard Finish, Barn, Wood House, and all convenience! to uak it desirable. 4 FARM OF IfiO ACRES. 23 ACRES IN i. cultivation, 1ft acre of fall wheat, 5 acres of luctd .w, goo 1 on-hard, and well fupplieJ wish Wiiir. Situ jted three iirile iouihwait o Simpson's br? !ge "n BJ Luekianiute. For aala at a b.irgulii if sihi Stoin. 1 FINE MIL"!. SITE IN SOUTH SALEM, j on Wiilam-tte 'Slough. A block of Sis I, its, enclosed with Board Ftuce, good House, Barn, Ac. VC.OOD STOCK FARM. CONTAINING 4-0 Acre. JIf.i-c two Barns', i-;;a'-5. .Ic. M' on Fpptr SaI, Creek, J :;,lk. fit lit Dallas. 4 FA KM OiNTATNIN'I. 2; ACRES. 10t) i acre n ier f Ct sK-re undr tho ;.. 'v : g o I lluf. U.i r ti. and fine Orchard -i!uii;.i 1 mile, vivjtt d Da la. I 'pilHEK I! !"NDB Kl AN I SIXTY ACUKS 2 t f F:) I, -.'" in-re- nndvr fenre, 2- acre '-ai'i v.itcf. srttd Fj h.irn, with lumber for tioi-c, j-tid ir hiid, living w.iter near all tho car r mud. "J mile 'ith-wext of Simpson Uridgr, Big Lu ki-irmitf. tjoou nrsiXEs.s location at iii-ua Vista, Polk county, Wan-boii- with e:ta iv tHj'i-'f) bu-hcl ; tr.itle already r-tahlithed wi'h tl.e interior, a-nd .connection with tht WUbtMiette Transportation Cuipany. J.ntd dwt liing h use, aiol everything ready tor i-eiinatioti. A splendid tjciiing for business. F-r iie vbecp. VPLHNDIIF.RM ADJOINING DAL las. fto-l ll-oie. Barn, nl thr Build ing Minuted in Town. Two hundred wl forty f ur aer-.s. ne hundred acre good plow !and. ten acre of FaU Vrhtut, a!xnt sixty acre ready plo?., and evfrything in tine condition ( r lartnitig. Call nn II- McCarter, on (bo promi-os, or tbeuu Icrsigned. V tlOOD D.IKY RANCH ON NETARJS Bay. capable of sustaining one hundred Cos, with ail the neressary appirrtctiance for Dairying. A splendid chance i here offer it for any one wi-hVug to engage in this business', as everything is ready to iiand for carrying; it nil. ' A FARM. ONE AND ONE HALF MILES 2, Northeast of pa 11 a. House, barn and ordia'-d j Two hrr-dred and forty acres, all under fence j Forty acres under the plow. A good opportunity for any oiie wishing a fino farm chet.p fEVvVO AND A QUARTER ACRES 0E land in the town of Bethel. House, barn, workshop, and giwd orchard. A go'wl chance for any wagonmaker. who wishes to localo where work of that kind is pleuty. VOOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Barn, with plenty of'fire-nood convenient. Siiuato about two miles aontb-west f Dallas. For Particulars enuirf of R. II, Tyson, Rkitblicax Orncti. TO BUILDERS. LUMBER, LUMBER LUulOER. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFLLT calls the attrntion of Mechanics and Buird CTs to the fact that they have refilled their Mill on tho Little Luckiamute, and are now prep-iretl to furnish lumber nt tho lowost CASH PRICES, and in quantity and quality to nuit. Having latter facilities than any other Mil) in the coun ty for tbo maufacture of a SUPERIOR QUALITY t of LUMBER, it is our Intention at an earlj day to add to the Mill an A No 1 1 ' UATCUKK AND PLANER :P ; After which time wo w'UV bo prcpar4 to fait nisb lumber dressed and matched. An excellent MO ITNTA.IN ROAD leal di rect to tbo Milt A liberal' share of patron ago solicited SURADEil A CO. atx.