VOL. NO. 3. .11 rA ',.1 DALLAS, OREGOJSr,; SATURDAY; APRIL 27. 1872. WHOLE KO. 112: i j. i : -It. ;rt fl0u ? jltfiiilrlijta'n I Isaata Every Saturday Horning,, at s Dallas, Polk County, Oregon-1 BY R- H. TYSON. OFFICS Mill Utreet, oppoaito th Court House. ."v;i i- i' : x- v rffBsdrxPTioir bates.- urNaLB'COPlESOne Ye&r$2 j0. Six loaths,l 3a Three Mth,a a. . For Clubs of ten ef more $1 75 per annum. attrit mttttbe jttil rUrictlg w la uwtce ADVERTISING RATES.' arVnOUnoserlcasi.firstinsbrfn,! S 00 tjach eah-8aant insertion - 1 00 A liberal' deduction will be piade to quar terly and yearly advertisers. Professional eard will bo Inserted at $12 00 pcr.aaauai. ,:"- , Transient advertisements must be paid for 2 a advaftee t insure publication. All other .dreriisin bill must be paid quarterly. Legal teadere taken at their current value. Blanks aad Jeb Work of every description fjernisbed at low rates on short notice. xtra inducements lor Clubbing! 33E3IOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY A splendid offer to our Subscribers :j We will end the above PopuTar ami Valuable Mag:i wine,' for one year with the Oft Chromo. to gether with tr paper fr orh'$5 ; or.for $1 0 extra, Hiawatha's Wo i, cr for $5 50 we will end Pjmoreft's Monthly for one year, both Chroa. si4 th Oukc jx r spibUhx. Or for $3 fx we v U mm d the Rkvibucah and Dcworcst's Monthly for one year. .Thif is a Pylon did Cbaare t- rccure the best lagaiMie, Ele-irit Cbrrn and a good 'our.ty Paper lT nearly l-.alf the value, Seud the amvtt 'Li 5-tv, -and the Majraxineand Jhroui will Ha Tvutjtf'y forwar U'd. W. JENKINS'S DBVOP.tfSJ, ii.'iJ, L'vvi. ''tvif, A cir Font. alllE tLLl'STKATEH PHUEN0LO3ICAL . JOlMiX b in v!sry .vespect a , First Class - Mcnck;e. l ; rti. h Rre of the 1 igbc!l liters to aSi. - ! -he what, s ure an d bow fv wtuke ike of arrive . The informa tion t roWUiiwai i&e Laws of Li!' and 11 calth is wet I wi-rtb lite rii' f ihe Mijrm'stxiio evry 3'amiiy- lit p.rVuued at 0 a year. Uy at special iwi-'.ii.''t e ro cbled to ol ror the i'anKMiKK'ii, sat. a. a Premium t -r A - . . i . l. ......... . f a new tcru;ji w ine i'iiiu utn u(,A:n, ? cc wiil iurnUh the . PaKKSoixws vau Jorus it. ni Onwxv i'.mBi.u'AV iogctber fr $4 00. j. Vct1nirwli5it JoiuiiJ. to Ji who want a jf Otd Xlitth.t;. BcniiicciicK ol" by gone in Idaho. UY )!OX MOX. " Wei!, Snowball," said our new pas senger, as be took It in .eat clave to the XVtb, how do you like the looks of ttieT '"Now, sah, le not gwioe to Iass a 'pinion 'on v. "How much lave you gt?" That is a pointed tfjuestion, and the negro hustled to tlve extreme outer edge ui the stage, aud although it way eetu impossible, Uiat larkey turned pule. Here we are at Farewell I5end, where I meet some old sicouaiutaoees. who are hound on a prospecting tour in -tire Salmon Uivcr country. Here I leave the stage, and we take the trail down the north side of smoky river until we reach the mouth of Salmon. Our course now lays .up Salmon, over one of the most magnifi cent mountain countries that ever eye beheld ; on one hand, towering away tip among the tight, fleecing elouds, rises ; mountain rugged, scored and matchless; away below, like a monster Mrpent writhing in mortal agooy,mshes, eeths, swirl. bmlxaad struggles Salm on river. On its banks grow the fir, pine and spruce, and it seems, that al though they had to start at the bottom of the gorge, they were determined to reach out to God's b!cftd sunshine, and hence we find them not over three fect at "the base and some over three hundred feet high, and even higher. Down, down we go to a lcautiful, green meadow that nestles at the foot of the mountain, aud on the bank of the river which is here calm and placid. Thank goodness wc are onee more on level ground, our horsca' picketed on the sweetest, fresh grjen grass, and uow frith hook baited temptingly with a licaltby grasshopper 1 tip it into the wabei,and out it comes with a trout, 'that would doyoursouj good to see, and joar stomach good to cat. It has now . Iecn two weeks since we started from Farewell Bend. The nights are sharp rand frosty, prospects poor. On, on we go, mcciing more ujaguiuccm. cvmn;, grand salt, alumf and sulphur springs, pome hot and some cold, enow is raii iny, the wolf is prowling upon our track and the ntL'ht broken bv his doleful howl; tne rrcat firs s,and wrapt fn their heavenly vesture limbs drooping ; fxill nature is in rthe' acre and yellow Jeai t our horses , ore thinntocr down aod we arc out of provisions, except as tlie uoerriDg rifle ; of, one of .the boys brings dow the red deer, which, half in wonder half in fright, stands with its great ears thrown forward, aud its soft, dark, almost hubuan- eye wild", in awe, hardly knowing in its wild innocence whether to run from us or not. Here we are, in camp aain, near a great, boiliog ring j the? Jo water rum log oS tttakW'a jdac6Tu"'t!'ic8ii6w' f6t our horses to graze j we build a fire, roast our venison,1 faugh and taFlr anUT take the world easy.- I stumble over some thing in the-snow ; why, it is the ribs of a deer. .No; a man, boyst the skel eton of a man. There he lay, on an old blanket, all that is left of what ouce had been a poweiful man, judging from the eizo of the frame, dead j but did ever mortal have a grander tomb ? At his head raised a mountain whose head was bathed in eternal sun, so far as it shone in day; around about its top hung heavy clouds that seemed to cling there and rest; on its sides, , moving with all the grace o a field of ripened grain, stood the magnificent fir, pine aud evergreens of various kinds: at his feet, chanting his everlasting lulla by, ran the '-mountain gorge; on his left, rambled away a broken evergreen woodland, grander than ever the inge nuity of mau can ever place in the most tuagnificeut parks uf the world. Iteider, wouM you not like to rest for ever there I 1 would. Of course he h id a history. Once a f.nd mothor ha kissed her boy, and prayed that he might grow up an honor to his kiu. IVrhap she is. praying now for Ii'h re turn ; mayhap little children arc prat tiing his uatne around bin wife's kne, and with wide eyes listening to her str .if papj's return. We mike a f-huliow srave and place him in it, stick Ui .shovel at the bead, and pick and p in at his feet, and cover hiui up. Snow com mences falling, soon his new made grave wears a shroud white as the livery of heaven. The pirge moans on, dark" nes.s sets in, the owl waits out a dismal cry, the panther vcreauH, the night bird whistles low and Mtuthiiigiy ; we spread our blankets, and arc coon ob Uvious to the troubles of this world. To be continued. Henry Clay. In the long disputes between the States of Virginia and Kentucky, growing out of what was termed the "occupying claimant laws," Mr. Clay was re'ained by Kentucky to maintain her rights before that tri bunal in the last resort," the Supreme Court of the United States. The then Speaker of the House of Representa tives was to appear fur tho first time before that elevated, dignified and ven- t.-iiblc body ; and a large concourse of spectators was attracted by a natural curi"kity to determine whether the ora tor of the West would be able to sustain his high reputation upon this high and untried theater. When he rose, it was with some agitation of manner ; but he soon recovered his wonted composure, and held hi auditors in admiring at tention, whi le he pronounced a most beautiful euhvziutn upon the character of tkeftons of Kentucky. The Judge's sat in their black robes sedate and utten tiv. The late Jud:e Washington,' who was in the habit of indulging himself in an occasional pinch of suufT, had taken out his snuff box for a Itttle ol that titUating restorative; and Mr. Clay on bserviog it instantly stopped, aqd advancing grace! iiliy to the bench with his thumb and linger extended, par ticipated with the Judge in the refresh ment of his nasal organs. As ho ap plied the pinch, he observed, "I per- ceivo that - your . Honor .bucks to me Scotch," n1 ini mediately resuming his stand, he proceetled with his argu ment without the legist embarrassment. So extraordinary a f top over the usual barrier which separates this court and the barristers, excited; not a little aston ishment and adnnr.vfion among the spectators, and it was afterward aptly remarked by Judge S., in relating the circumstance to a friend, that "he did not believe thcra was an other man in the United States who c ould have done that but Henry Clay." . I From the New York li WW of April 2d we copy this: George Ormi&ton, a prio tcr, died in the Consumptives' Homi3, in Boston, last week, at the age of 0 years Many years ago ho was fowtnan of the New York Journal of Commerce, als, of the New York Sun, and s' abscquently of the Boston Daily Advertiser. Ormiston was known am eng. prin ters as Walk-in the-Wat sr." He was employed on the Alia in ban Fran cisco early in 1850. He was foreman of the New York Sun for yc.rs when the paper was owned by ftiTses Y. Beacu, Senior. - : x Subscribe for the REruiiLicAi t. HOME. It is a well known fact that-many , persons have very fine aud orderly houses, but have, after all, no home, f ' ' ,: r. :;V. "Jlome'a not merely for.your qnare walls, Though with picture hang and gilded;. Home is where affection calln, 1 , t Filled with sbriues the heart hath builJed. a A housekeeper is one 'who wakes all the ways and conveniences of the house conduce to the comfort of the iamatts She will always allow the., members of her househou'd to build each, a fihrioe, and will trcat it as; sacred, because it is a shrine to the one who has buildedjit, The daughter is uot called an idle thing because she wishes to know " her tuue, and gazes" wistfully toward the hcrtzon; nor is the son reproved if he slams around and wish if he was any. where but idling at homo. Gradually the housekeeper will quietly aid the first to search for beauty this tide the horizon, and that boy will find a vent fur his activity without seeing he was ueutly led to it by an overseeing love. A house that is blessed with a hous keeper has an influence that even strangers feel. They receive that rest which comes from the "fitting of self to a sphere." The order of a house may be mechanical like that of a loom or a harp; but like these mechanical things, it conducts to results, and justifies itsrif by tissues of more than silken fineness and' music- sweeter than that of the spheres. If there is a home keeper, the house work i uot in utter con fusion, if perchance one rises an hour too late, l'eople are not expected to perform miracles, and keep Colfeo aud toast hot and fresh for an hour. A breakfjt, such as lata risers should expect, i. eaten in peace, and not in a hurry d excuses for not having a meal that it was impossible to furnish with out inconvenience and discord in the kitchen for the whole day. It is foolish to attempt to keep a icsturaot with only the arrangements suited to a small family. The peace of miny a family i destroyed by attempting impossibil ities. Th breakf ist of the late riser need not have an added tirade against women. ilealtzini; that the truest regrets his tardiness, she lets the cold breakfast suffice, but docs what she can a a a tiv wont, look ana act. to make the best t f what cannot be helped, aud really so cails out th gratitude of the late n.-er, that ever after that break fast is a bright aud pleasant memory; for he feared he was a nuisance, yet without direct word he felt that his act did not discommode the arrangements of the hou?o. His best thought wa called out, and the house will stand to biro in after life as a home; for "there i where the heart can bloom." Home keeping can be well done by an ener getic wonnn. Home-keeping requires that the woman's heart and wisdom be greater than her house, and that sha keeps the house only that in it life can be lived with love and truthfulness. Cold Barns What showing would the cost of winter feed of his animals make on the account-bonk, if the farmer kept one ? lie wou'd find that a large portion of his feed had become dissipa ted in the frozen air of the north wind ; that a good portion of hay or corn had gone to melt ice or snow and evaporate cold rain water, and what was left after these things had been done, had barely sufficed to keep life n his beasts. For in this case, phi1osophy,science,or book learning, call it whatever you will, is thoroughly corroborated by practice. If two beasts arc fed alike, except that one is kept well stabled and the other out of doors exposed to the co'd, the ore thus exposed will consume just double the amount that the other will, and will bo in a worse condition beside. Every man who keeps a cow knows this to some extent, though may not know the exact figures. Here we give the cxavt figures they arc the result of a careful experiment made by a careful feeder : Two lots of sheep (of five each) were selected, of equal weight and con ditions. One lot was kept out of doors and unsheltered, the other kept in a close pen. The lot unsheltered ate 1912 pounds of turnips against 88G pounds eaten by the other lot. Tho gain in weight was 23 pounds per head in the first, 28 pounds per head in the "second. The profit can be figured out by any man who knows what turnips and mutton arc worth. Had not the feeding been very abundant somo of the exposed sheep would have died. And yet sheep will stand more exnosure than calves or luifers, or even full grown cattle. Not withstanding all this, every winter's day one may see young calves humped up and stiffened with cold, shaking in the keen breeze, and their owners knowing at the same time that a year's growth is thus frozen out of them. This comes of not figuring up profit and loss. Toe General and Ills Friends. tron Scribncr'g for April. There was once a brave and tatriotie general who risked his iifo in his coun try's cause, and so successfully led his couutry s armies and fought his couo- trys battles, that a great political cartv saw that it could retain power by mak ing him Fresideat of the United States. Hits party availed itself to the Gener al's popularity,.: and achieved its object. Nobody in the country ever supposed that he was a great statesman, or a great politician, or that he was remark ably wise in any respect, except in mat ters relating to feather and war. We do not know that lie ever pretended to be wise in any thing but leather and war. He thcught aa greater men have thought, that it would be a nice thing to be Presideut of the United States ; and he has done as well in that office, we doubt not, as he has known how to do. Oa the whole he has done nrettv well. The couutry is fairly prosperous, and both home and foreign affairs have been managed wisely. If ho has shown any weakness, he has done exactly what every national aian expected he would do. The men who used him to advance their property interests knew his faults just as well four years ago as they do now, aou morally responsible for every impolitic aod unstatcsmaulike act of his administration, if any such act has been committed. Indeed, they cannot W to know, that the experience of the last three years has done more to fit him for the ptuce he holds than all his life had doue previously. Now, some of the politicians who were so ready to twe the General (who was entirely ready to be used) ure com ing to entertain a very coutemptous opin iou of him, when in order to set. ure a second term of office, and to serve his owu interest, he proposes to ue them ! to these very virtuous'aud high minded person) tho General is now belter than a heathen man and a publican. Sue! a corrupt, weak, unwise, incompetent horse-loving, gift-rceicving. undignified, jttuptd man a the General has become ! We believe it wa the elder Adams who was called " a hcary-headed incen diary' in his last political days, and A bra ham Lincoln, who was almost apotheo sized amid the slanders of mankind. It is that the fame of .General Grant, the soldier, will outlast his political associ ations, but it eems a pity that our he roes must for a purposes be forced into false positions, and have their gow; names draggel through the mire of po litical strife. Let us at least admit that the motive of the President in using the party which elected hitn for securing a re-election is as good as that which in duced that party to usa him at first, to advance its own interests, when no study or experience of his life had helped to prepare him for the duties of his high office. Still his friends follow the way of the world ; and the man who consents to be a tool, must expect to be tossed aside when no longer needed for use, or when a change of tools may seem desir able. Grc.it Britain lias followed up her annexation of the African gold fields with that of the Dutch possessions in Guinea The treaty, by which the king of the Netherlands gives up tbi colony, has just been signed, despite the earnest objection of the people and press of Holland and the people of Guiuea, who sent a deputation to protest against it, all the way to l-athei land, ror its acquisition England pays a small sum ol money, and annuls some treaty stip ulations, by which the Netherlands were prevented from occupying the great 31 ay luyan Island of bumatra, so that it is a mutually advantageous bariin. This treaty makes England the first of Euro pean nations in African colonies. Her foreign subjects number 187,000, GOO, and they occupy 0,000,000 square miles of the globe ; but they are uot, on the whole a source of strength to the mo ther couutry. Chicago Tribune, The South Arkansas Journal sajs that it will bo a terrible blow to the 'lost causeites" to learn that J fferson Davis, the President of tho late "so called," is uot a native of tho sunny south at alt, but simply a Massachu setts Yankee, having, as an exchange informs uV'becn born in old Stock bridge in that State, in the year 18'J8, aud removed to Kentucky wbeu a child with his fatner, who was an honest, hard-working whecl-wright by trade. To think of the President of the late "so called" being a Vaukco is awful. But, not only that, but a Massachusetts Yankee; horror of horrors. ; 4lOno thing," said an old toper, "was never seen coming through tho rye, an' that's tho kind oV whiskey ono gets novr-adays." PROFESSIONAL CARDS, d-C. LXlxxny 1 n U D C L L DEN T I S T, tr . i . x a . naa locaiea in Dal as. and ia rrl Ia requiring his assistance. Artificial Teeth of the verr t n.l H..t kind. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charges made. .itm'w is iae iimc io can on tne Doctor. Office, opposite Kincsid'a Photographic Oal- ery. ' r - -L Z . ' ',. - .- 3T-tM .1011. J. DALY1, MVy & CounscIler-at-sLaw. w ill practice in the Courts of Record ana tn. feiior Courts. Collections attended to promMlv. I Office in Dr. J. E. I)iv..iu.n'a i.,n,i;,. mm AIAIV jstuim't nvnri'P.iii.rr I ft f I p - m m u M j mm I-W GEO- It. F. 8V AliV, GEfJhRALAUCTinriPFR.n a vino all late improvements , DALLAM, OREGON. OFFICE In Republican Build- ng, 31 ill street. Orders tolicitcd. AH buei- nesa promptly attended to. J. C. GRUBBS, Til. D., IMIVSICIAV AND SURGEON, Offers his Services to the CitUeos Dallas and Vicinity. OFFICE-at NICHOLS' Drug Store. ' , 34-tf I . Ii. COIiLli, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas, Oregon. Special attention eiren to Collections and to matters pertaining to Ileal Estate. 1 J.A.APPLECATE, A U?y fc Counsellor at Law, OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, DALLAS, POLS COUNTY, OEEOOW. 2-tf C. . ILVfiR, Ha. 130, First Street, PORTLAND, - a . OREGON, Whoe?ale and Retail Dealer la DRY. GOODS, CLOTIIIXB, LADIES' DltKSS GOODS, HOOTS AND SHOES HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES it- PROVISIONS, Highest Cah Price paid for all kinds of Oottiiti-y JProcltiee. S 18 tf T 10 MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS I would say that I have re-built my Shop on tbe SAME OLD CORNER, Where I am prepared to do all kinds of JOUMKU. WAGON WORK AND HORSE- SHOEING ON SHORT NOTICE. As T have lost nil my properU by Fire, those tndebteJ to mi for work will confer a favor by pnying up immediately. A frind in need, s a friend indeed. ASA SHREVE. 12-tf Perhaps tho?e that have experience can tell, anil perhaps it wouM e to your interest to ask someone that know?, where the Rich and Rare Dress Goods, ibocc Ladies' Hats that are the fa.hion direct from Mrs. C. Levy's those Elegant Si ts of Ladies' Fart, and those New Style Skirt that appeared to such advantage over those Huh Laced Ladies Boots, tuanu factured at Protrrnan. Donovan A Uillabau's, Portland, Oreeon, of all of which you bad such a lavish display by the Polk County ladies at the Orecn State Fair. r peihap?, gentlemen, you would like ti cull and examine for your st Iron those Kleptnt Fitting Suits of Gent's Clothing, while I fthow you a Fine Assort inent of Uea' Fumishilif' Goods. And when it romes t Yankeo Notions, Fancy Goods, i Jewelry, Fine Tobaccos and Cigars, Gro ceries of all Descriptions last-nuiucd strictly at Portland prices my customers bear witness of the Excolloucy and Cheapness. ALSO. Sole Agent for Polk County for the Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Portland, Oregon, the excellent quality of whose goods are creating such an excitement all over the State and Pa cific Territories. Trado increasing every day at La Clede (formerly duff's Store). M. M. ELLIS, Proprietor. 20-6ia 1. M. CAMPBELL. A. B. SIPLkT sisii; door m BUND FACTORY, MAIN STREET, DALLAS. Wc bare constantly on band and for Sale WINDOW S isii, Glazed and Unglazccl. BOOBS OF ALL SIZES. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, All of the Best Material and Manufacture. 11-tf CAMPBELL A RIPLEX, PROFESSIONAL CARDSyhkC. NEW ftltOCEKY. For everything ia the GROCERY. LINS go to .. IX C. BHOWfrS, MAIN STREET, DALLAS. z lie has on hand a full supply, which lia offers cheaper than, any other Jtore ia, Pallia i-tr , RF its n tikhm!'f& mm i PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPE3 AJJ1) A O A ... WW m ' ij o fjciuraa oi iae oesi uuuai TAKES HV J. U. K IIVC AID, ii for Ukinr pictures, I invite the ratron age of the publie Please call at the phote.r7, graphic Gallery, Main strret, oppoeite Dr. Bo, bell's office, Dallas. lit i G. IB. DEALER IK (Grr o eerie 8r : j .3 : J 1 PROVISIONS,,: Cigars and To Da ceo WOOD AND WILLOW.. WARE fi DALLAS. O a EGO DALLA8 LIVERYr FEED & SALS Car. Main and Caart slircwiai . - :'- -v r ..... ' -1 Thos. G. Richmond, - Proprietefs 1 HAVING PURCHASED TK8. ADOVS Stand of Mr. A. n. Whitley, we hare r.v fitted and re-stocked it ia toeh a aaaaaar asT h will satisfactorily meet every waat of the com munity, t ' Duggtcs, alngle ar dauBte ITacka Ct0 cord Wagons, ete.. etc. ,.t Furnished at al! hours, day er alf ht, oa , ' short notice. . - ' Superior Saddle Horses, let by ut uay or wrei. , , , TBRX3S, nEASOriAnLtL f I . s , T. 0. RICHMOND new pAiist p9aV Carriage, Wagon, &i AND niirrxntJfi GRAimnc & GLAZING. PAPER HANGING, &C, DoBjjin the most Workmanlike manner by XI. P. SI1R1VER. , Shop apstairi over IIoi)art A Co's HarnaJS DALLAS, POLK. CO,, OREGON, : , 51-uV aAVINO PURCHASED A LARnB ANl complete Stock of GENERAL MER. CHANDIZE, consisting injart of ' n Dry Ciootls, CJroccrlcn, Glass, Queens warCf I Tobacco, Ciffarci? And all articles found in a GENERAL VARi-' ETY bTORK, I would roapectf all fall attention of the Public to my EstaUUhmeal,r Highest Cash price paid for f, ; . ? IUHS AND PELTY,;(qn:i4 . T . It. A; RAV' t T uup-X r Eola, P-lk Co., OgnX 1 r. - f OF WORK- AT THE IA1WEST? LIVING PRICES. CAN BE HAW BY CALLING ON. STEAM JOB PRINTERS, 03 I'ront Street, Portland; Oreganff) A LARGE ASSORTMENT or ULAKfeb Circnit, County, and Justices' Coarti, aoa Untly on band. Also, Bonds. Deeds, Murtearff ana uiaQKi lor use in iiantruptcy cafes,. -'7 its By using Letterheads, BfUheatls. Carl.c lrea lart. Printed Kn vel! eta. QUaai aaall er send in your orders ,, iualt 134 ;: i IT 4ii