Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, April 13, 1872, Image 1

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    111 J"
Z '
VOL. 3, NO. 0.
WHOLE 'UO. 110.
r c jgau 3f BubH can
- - i
la Issued Every Saturday Horning, at
' Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE Mill street, opposite tho Court
SINGLE COPIES One Year, $2 00. Six
Months, $1 2i Xhroe Months, $1 CO
For.Ciubi of ten or more $1 7a per annum.
Subscription must be jnid strictly in adeuuee
Onesqiaro(l01inesor1esa),firstin:?ert'n,?."? 00
Each subsequent insertion 1 00 (
A liber.il deduction will be made to quar
terly ami yearly adrcrtisi-rs.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
in advance to injure publieaiiou. All other
sdvcrusiug bills must be paid quarterly.
hig; tenders taken at their current value.
Bl inks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice.
Extra IsidHCCKiesifs
Contains Orig:nal Sb.ries. Now Man. House
hold Matters. tJener.il and Artistic Literature,
aud the only Reliable Fashion?, with Full Si.e
Patterns. Yearly, only t0, with tho splen
did Chromo, Isn't Siik I'iikttv." . size, LUIS,
worth $3 00, sent pot free to each ul.serthr ;
or the Larjre ad Kit (runt Chromo, afar Jk
nojiB Thomps s, Hiawatha's Wooiog, t-ize 1.
x 25; price, J15 00, f.r St 00 extra, .r both
Chrouios with the Mn'ai'me, f.r ?j ( 0 post
free. Published by
W. J E N N I N G 3 D E M 0 R E T,
bvSp Urvadtfiiy, Atc oi7.
A fplendid offer to our Subscriber : We vill
end the above Popular ai d Valuable M i-
hie, for one year with tho $S 10 Cbrm-. to
gether with our paver fi r only $5 ; or, for Jt l'et
extr.t. Hiawuha'a Wo inir, or IV. r $ 50 we wi.l
send Do ruo rent's M-uith.lv fr one .year, Loth
Chromo. and tb Okbc .v Hev i r.MCA s. Or
tor $3 M1 we v ill .-etd the 1'n i euc.n
and Detnorest's Monthly for one year.
This is a Splendid Chance to secure the be 4
Magazine, Eietnt Chromo. and a go;.
County Paper hr nearly half the value. Send
tho amount to this tli ;;, and the Magazine aiid
hromoi will be prou.plly forwarded.
L JOLKNAL, is in every re? peer a Firt
Clays Ma?xne. Its nrtkdrt sire ' t!.o h:h.st
i teres t to ail. It teachc what wo are and how
I" make the unt of urs'dv,:?. The i'if rrn i
tion it contains on the Liw. of Life and llciltb
i w-!l worth the pri'-tf of the Matty.inot even,
F-uiiiy. It i. pubii-h d at ? ; tK a year., i'.y
. rpec.al nrrautuiiint we are tnabled to i.fJSr
tha l'ii;:K.otof;!CAi. Joi'vr. a rrcm'.'Hii jm
C new i Bbr;bers to the Diikg'jx 1: i: rTiu.ic.4v,
rr will furnish the Phkk.vlim;im:. J.i j r.
and Oukgox Hki'I fci.w'AN tuyt'l.tr fjr ?'4;0.
V.'k commend the Ju uriAL to all who wigt a
giod Magazine.
Ilviiiiiiiceiircs l" hx
I was hatpy then, and why should I
not have been. 1 had left L'ocky liar,
..where I had toiled day after day, night
after night, through a long and sultry
summer. I had made something, c,
haps enough to get away on. Snap,
away we go. Uere we are at Syrup
Creek. There stands the old house
where Updyke was hung; there is the
old bridge above the road where John
ny Wilson was murdered and robbed.
See the old door swing on its hinges,
throwing a phantom-like shadow across
the old, ruined bridge. Did you see
that ? There 1 as the door swings wide
fcpart, there is the old rope dangling
to the old pine joists. Poor Updyke !
A good fellow, everybody thought,
V'beu he kept a lively stable in lioi-e
City; in fact was elected Sheriff, or
peputy, or at least he had of the pub
lie moneys, He started to go away and
was found dangling t that old pine
beam, with a scrap of paper pinned to
bis fiftyvdollar coat, marked "X XX."
His watch, worth 8-50 or SoUO, was
found on him. His body bore marks
of a severe struggle. The county money
was returned to the Treasury, that is
part of it. Things were hushed up,
and the wheels ol Justice greased.
Whew, snap ! Here we are again !
JIow WC have traveled. Twelve tni!e:,
fcir.ee we first saw that old house. Hel
lo, there's tho old camp, where Mike
Htump and IJill Ilugha fought; not a
fisticulf, not with piitols, but hand-to-hand,
with dull butcher knives. See
that Kink there? That, was once a
mound; the squirrels are burrowing in
it now; there is where we left Mike.
Jlill went to Sun Iliver, and noma fellow
shot him, I heard. The law know
nothing about it.
Whoa. Here we arc again.
See that
laying out before us like a map T That
is Boise City. Don't it beat the world 't
When wc were here in '02 the Indians
lived here. How changed it ia now.
Sec that Church spire, 150 feet high,
poltr-Innl till it glitters in the miu ?
And win a sun is this Autumn mui ;
how well Miller's netu wou J apply to
this scone
" The hills were brown, tho heavens wero blue,"
There is not only one church spire, hut
wo or three; seethe "Overland If
t.el" a house that is e(jitul to any in
San-Francisco. Uirch's ht(re s a per
fect vhirr atii rush of' buinesH. ' We
will stop here lor the niht, as it is now
Ye have a firt-class supper a, the
" Overland rested awhile, uud now
propose to stroll down th street. .:n,
uhirr, whiz, biz, Mjuenk, s(tiall, tMJlo .
te tie de-de. What is it? An earih
iju tke, tiie smindinn if the last Trutnp,
and it cracked ? Not touch ; we hap
pen to know just what it Is; we have
-eeu some f the same pet t'cinianccs at
the "Bir." "Hurdy tfurdy" every
body can take in the situation, on read
ing th it name. Here is where you see
the. sneak-thief ; here is where you see
the prnfes-innai gambler ; here is where
you m'C good, honest men, by the bun
dreds- men that Were deacons at home
yuu see tlnuu baking in the smiles
of Caroline (jottsinchidr. totally i!)Sie
ious to Sally and the twelve little mod
ern editions at home ; it only co-t 5L
cents to dance with Caroline price re
duc.d do that for one tH:'ht on'vai; !
they, with a true feeling lor the folks at j
home, and a desire to practice economy,
i ke advaut a.:-' of the situ it ion. i S.v
that youug to ut there, not over -J'd,
bending over the moule ta'-de? It" not
f tie lirt tune he was ever there: lie is
not (lu-hcd. his h ind is slip atj I steadv
lie has i ul vear-4 oJ r oei o in e in ,j . i
itoiniii. Ho kept a sab-m there. See
he bets a l''h Li u ; calls for whi.-ky, ami
bets -LJ, lost ; mote whisky, and bet.
HU, lost ; in .re whi.-ky ami at the sain
t i tn sinking " Who wWi cite for Mjtthei
Now," changes his cigar from one side
of his nn.u:h to the o'her, bets LiU.
and lost. Uc'ieve i am out of luck ;
Aid try it again, more whi-kv, arkeep
Here go. s ; Ja-k and Ieuee lay out
Let's see how tue.eb I b.avc. Four and
a hail, all to'. 1. L's i 'o ; bet on the
jeuce, draw 'en.', oil ni 'ii. Oil, h., I
thought so, I Wou it. iUes-: Lb fetch
tins in.-t'n utiou. Yv'hat is.Mie limit '.
Hain't gof none; bet f r till that's in
:ght. King and tray ; g iod, oes or;
the tray. Oh, I tbi. tight fo. 1L v.
u m H
ave voti
T'ij i?
Let i.'.e
m i he e i o ; oil,
I he tiigLt. Tho dealer arose as une.m- j
eeiT.e l as if h ; bad been getting up
from the table afti r breakfast. This
JO-year old b-y took his p! ice, and be
fore we left the house that night he
had between IS and 1'.) thou-ind fiul
iars. As we start the next morning,
we hear som' one say that hi? bid iost
i very do lar of it before d tylight, an-1
that he went to bed bind drunk, "and
that lie will be arrested this morning for
shooting at; a man. dn the street, and
wounding him. This is the end uf it,
is it ? We shall see in our next.
To l.e continued.
Nf.w Piiockss of Making SrKF.r,.
The Cleveland Ltmfrr gives nu in
teresting accunt of the uiseoxcry id' ;i
new I'roeiss of making steel by the
union of pig-iron with an ore called
'siilicom ore." The latter is mined in
York county, Pennsylvania, hear (Jet
'yshurg, on the line of the Northern
Central Ibnlroad. This article, to make
steel, requires only pig iron, while the
old process requires the finer grades of
charcoal pig. This result is seemed with
unvarying certainty, in a common pud
diiug furnace, producing steel by the
ton in an hour as easily ftid as cheaply
as common bar iron. This Filiicom steel
is said to be superior to all others j its
tensile strength is greater ; it tempers
and hardens at. a "lower temperature; if
is more malleable than the best Lngli-h
steel ; finally, it never deteriorates by
heating. If the ffalf that is &iid in its
favor be true it is destined to rcvolu-
lionize the stce1. industry of the country.
Concerning the nomination of .Judge
Davis by the Columbia Convention, the
Pax ton (111) Record has this item :
" The labor reformers showed a sing
ular disregard for the fitness of things
in choosing one to lead the agrarian
hosts who has become immensely
wealthy from real estate, and whose
notions of property rights and labor but
illy accord with theirs. Judge Davis
ha- never b 'en tin eight hour man cither
in practice or theory. His hours of
labor have been and now art nearer
sixteen hours a day than eight. Had
it been otherwise, he might to day have
been both financially and intellectually
a poor man, Their theories of little
Lbor and much recreation arc not his."
have I he eaios. I wi ileal the ic-t otto.nan. atel vit'iin hearing oi i.o
'Jflie Suitay South,
From tho Lancaster Express.
You asked inc for a letter from Flo
rida. Wi 11. the period that has elapsed
since I left Lancaster county, h as been
one oi' the richest in my experience;
and with the exception ol a lew days'
stay in Charleston, might be termed a
season of enjoyment. In a Word, I
wa t."l:d ith Oh U'ie;.m ; it
seemed to be cursed- dec iy is stamped
everywhere, and houses that mihf once
have been palaces lor slaveholders, are
now old and smoky, and covered with
greenish moss like poisonous verdigris
on rusty copper. Iit here, under the
beguiling -iuHuencc of Florida clime, it
is easy jo forget everything unpleasint.
We-of the North tifteti talk about
u orange groves, utid tropical loveliness'
hut the reality far exceeds my expecta
tion. The charming weather, with the
odor of summer in the air ; the beauti
ful orange tree, hanging with golden
fruit-, the St. Julius river, with its
white shores glistening in the sunlight ;
and. tn- re beautiful still, the gl-irioti-avenues
of water osk-s cypress -and
iue.'teiSias festooned with gray wreaths
of Spani.-h moss, which Hotter in the
hreeze, and dro p in graceful hv dim s
to the earth. Indeed, the spiiit ol
tieaty is here everywhere.
A lew days ago I had a delight !il
sail up the St. .Johns a river in many
re.vp ct. suri.is.'ing the lia ison. Fvery
i!i,v and then we t i.reted a broad lake
like !heef Water. at:d agii;i into a
narrow eh it ? el, wlo re bo. vers of fi w
eri.M" i -s-in. m and f-ms of ivi i yreen
a :;n i-
i:e. K veiling
earn up u u- in the ini-.Lt of leatfy,;
tni the sm'i vtretit oowti IUC a
g! be of lice, f'i'o'iitg the landscape
Aith l;o!.1 n liglit. At length we reached
f Enterprise, a ss'tt lenient of a dozen
house- oo L ike Monroe. Here is much
to intciet visiters; sulphur spr.n jstan .1
lately pbu tries, while an orange
grove extends far along the shore,
bearing the finest fruit L have ever
tasted. Alter a day's rr-t, our steamer
-';!! a led "return ;" and in an h;ur we
'.viri' gliding pa-t tropical scenery,
startling abigit s from . their Mitiuj
s!: vp an.; cb ing piropiets from tree
to ire-, until a siuiii whi-j'e au!io:n;eett
our excuiston .nJe;.at the wi: :tf of I'o
e n, fifteeii miu s frotu St. A ug i-t inc.
This is the oldest eify iu the l'o!i. ;
States. It i.H built on a nauow strip til
land, between the St. Seha-tiati river
and M itar.i.i b th.r ia sight of til
SU !
The principal bud -lings are d C qo na j
rock, a stone composed of mini o! J
fragments of shells. Frame h.ou-e ,
however, ar' nijiii'-tous. Tie'-e are two 1
story, with balconies, and high peaked!
roof.-; they are, moreover, set back IroMi
the river and surrounded by beautiful
date trees and fl.wering shrubbery. In
the center of the town is a monumi nJ
eighteen feet high, erected in 18LJ, to
commemorate the constitutional form of
government then instituted in Spain.
Dire- tly opposite stand the old Cath
olio Church," a striking edifice o' great
antiquity, but built in the worst possible
taste. Another feature, of interest is
Fort Marion, formerly St.. Maik. a de
cayed Spanish .Fortress as grand as
Moro castle. Iiut more plea-a.it than
all looms op the " treat sea wall," four
feet wide, and extending a half a mile
along tho sea, affording the most in
viting promenade I have ever seen.
Think of it, orange groves and antique
dwellings on one side, and on the
other, Matatizi harbor, the ocean foam
ing and roaring beyond it, while the air
seems laden with the fragrance of jes
samine and roses. Two-thir.'s of the
population of St. Augustine (1,700
Northern people; the remainder are of
Spanish origin. Everybody is sociable
and it would be easy to spend a lifetime
. .
" 1 organized the first Sunday School
in this county, aud ran it myself," said
a shrewd but dissipated Wisconsin law
yer. " A tew oi us Americans came
, ,erc cavv. yv wantcd to Kct decent
industrious settlers, and keep,. tho row
dies out. So I said a Sunday School
will draw the folks wo want. It wilt
bo the best and cheapest way to blow
for the settlement. They all agreed to
it. There wasn't a soul of us that pre
tended to have a grain of piety. So
they pitched upon inc to carry out the
plan, and I did. it; sending to Mr. Iliee
of the American Sunday School Union
for a library, aud ran tho School all
Summer, it did the blowing for us
splendidly. Several Christian families
came in, ami as they had a better stock
of picy, I handed the Sunday School
over to them, it was a grand thing
for us. Wo secured a good moral set
tlcment, In fact, sir, it got to be so
pious that I couldn't live there myself."
Subscribe for tho Kepuhlican.
lintie u Vie.
From tho New York Herald
The antiouncrmeot that Mrs. Untie
Iliv.,!r, si-ler of Victoria C. Wood
hull, would hold forth last evening in
Cooper Institute, in opposition to Mrs.
Yood hull's free love leeture," delivered
en the 20th of February, at the Acade
my, cilaeted to the Institute la.-t even
i'l.', ah Ait twa or three hundred curious
people. Mrs. lirooker, in obedience to
deaomstratioirs, appeared on the daS
iorm a few minutes r.f er eight, dressed
in a becoming suit of black, and was in
troduced by a gray-haired admirer,
II arhnv Hoys. Stepping up to the
stand she drew from under her arm a
roll of manuscript, and commenced
her address by explaining-that she was
prompted to do it by the errors into
hieli a dear sister h id been drawn by
a ring of vilo free h.vcrs, headed by
his imperial Littleness, the Jong haired
Messiah of the .h.b n Ae. tShe then
hurled her bolts of wrath again-t Theo ;
d te Tiltofl. whom she f'h:il:i.Oi ,'r...l j !
! milk aud wafer phil.M Sp!lcr, ho is j
.. . ..:... i ... t i !
, oc.cy u-u vwio i,a rmu-.a
ncr i,jmi-y. ti -he was going to wine
io. bi-'grajoiv .-lie would
ieie is I
a fool' who has written Vtcrmii's lect
ur s. ()f Viet. oia she spoke in teims
uf sytr.iuthv, declaring she was ios.me
a:,d did not believe in the dir put able
doctrine -he advocated, but merely act
ed us the mouthpi'.-ce of the free love
-camps who throw fice love chestnut.-
into the lire brpoor Victoria to t.ull i
out. She denounced the doctrines ofj
itce love as a religion that is tearing t
down the stnng-i .n f mrfi:,ge and j
purity, aiid the met. who advocate it a-j
too dissolute to love the in irrbge. state!
, . , . .1
tni to m?-.fyto pay the price ul
their liee;jti"it-ue-s. The lee! u res j
brought her di.-eoutse to a su-bie t. r j
tni'ulion. after -peuking lt minuies and i
') see-teL. The aud'enee at ot.ee be-!
erne detn mstr itive, and di 1 rot seem!
to think thee ha S received their li!';y I
cents worth until Untie It ad coma tul
and bowed her acknowledge mcnts. i
U fieii iie rohrt-l the light were put
ut. and the venerable father of the
Ci-.lliu chin fid-ded his rolls of green
(nicks, and bkc the Arabs, silently stole j
j I
iwav, leaning upon the arms of Untie I
.a;l ll.c a.,ul c.f ,!,.- fami:.v.
i.t. iit:i t ni.tCAN :
While taking a walk the other day I j
heard one mm tell an ui.der one dat the !
i' ot H mbivrs and Sons ot I ? mbcr .nee J
were going to j-du in de p dittkul light J
o:t the llehijidie j: billy, ami tnake!
ohro jl.h--. lust t'oc L-i r 'a ir men uud
tdaek Idetmkratx. Veil. I dink, 'dati.-h ;
ii'-l mi jad nu idea, from one stand
it .int. List I dinks I tell mine feJh-w !
cituens. d,t I dinks ,ht ,ie (Joot !,..
biers are not all Itebaldicans. but dat j
soioe . biaek Ii-mikrats have ereeoed in!
.! T.wi. -,,,!.. ) r .t:..t. . .) . ,..'
"-I lil-lli IIIVIIHH, IHI.I li t il ( S V 1 1. 1 tl - I
pest vay for b in I u-tit wo-luins to do j
i-h U-t to keep a sharp look oat. Turn
ail dc Hack Demikrats nut, und keen
, , . . . i. , ,. '
de honest ). nunrats und IJepubiic ins
, . , , . , ,' ,. ,
Will SI" it., , IIIIH i UllKS UJ nil !
m ay fe n" i.-h uotin. J u-t so much :e!
ever vas two ear ago dat dey couhl
beat us. 1 dells dem black Demikrats
dat Lb a game vot two can blay, and
you Id ayed it two year ago, und you
took one drick. Now we blay you di-h
i- . i ....
uime next .nine ami you tion t can t took
van liddle drick, for de Uebnbiican bar
lv i-!i bound t,a vin nnvlimv .! 5-1. A
reason what makes d?. dhrouhlcs mil
you black Demikrats. us ish what
pes do matter mit Hannah.
Y A CO It Autvio.
Glue which will unit : i.ven
I'oLisnnn SrKKL A Turkish recipe
used to fasten diamonds and other pre
cioua stones to metallic surfaces, and
which is said to strongly unite even sur
faces of polished steel, although cxpo-ed
to moisture, is as follows: Dissolve five
or six tuts of gum mastic, each of the
size of a large pica, in as much spirits of
wine as will suffice to render it liquid.
In another vessel dissolve in brandy as
much isinglass, previously softened in
water, as will make a two ounce vial ol
strong glue, adding two bits of glue am
moniac, which must he rubbed until
dissolved. Then mix the whole, with
heat. Keep it in a vial closely stopped"
When it is to be used, set the vial in
boiling water.
Tbe Buflalo tifprexs, rclerring to tbe
downl'ilt of tho " Erio Riti,M Kays : " It
is joncrally conceded tiaro were not'.
less than o0,UU0, illegal votca cast m
New York City at the election, aud it is
ujually well known that Tammany Hall
and Erie railway wero insti uniental in
jierpetrali:! tho Laud These powers
are now dethroned, and tbe vote ol New
York is as sure for CI rant at the next;
elcctioa as is tual ot iuassachuscttu.
sfg W, li. R U D E L I,
D E N T I S T,
Has located in Dallas, and is ready to
ntn-ud to all th'it'o liOjuirin bis aiM.-aanee.
ArtiHtial Tttth of tho very finest uud best
Sali.-faetiou fruurifnteed, or no har;;eg made.
N"W iho tiiiic, t. call i,n the iKet r.
or.icn, o.i.ti5Hc Kincaid'a Photographic Gal
lery. .jr-tf
.UCKl .3. DAff-Y,
.tV cl- C:iii.fIf er a I-Law.
Will prar tit-c in th Courts of llecord and Iu
ftiii.r Courts. Cdk-rti aiK nUcudc-d to prmptly.
Oah-e in Ir. J. E. l.t i Jsr4's Eulblii.,
main .M-i-:i-:rf ixiJi:ia:xi!-;xc;n.
iAl.I,.s, tmiums.
OPI.'J.M.' r l-.,,, ,,,,,.. n..:ti
; " . i i.i.n . D'llKi-
it;', Mill Mred. Oi.l,r. t'.h.-if.t Ail l.,..;
no-s pr.mpt.iy attended to.
J Gt GallODcj Li, Dt,
OCVrs Li .erviee! t . the Ci-jens of Dallas
nr.d Viciui'y.
OFFICE - at NICJP L.S Dm- Store.
S. ViP ZauA ;xa5
attorney and Cour.scIbr-at-Law.
Dallas, Oregon.
c. , . ,; n. ,
. l--'!.v. attention jjiven to I i.lbvttom and to
matu-i pertaining u. Ital 111.-. tc. 1
.1? . A, .t fL BUi.-VTIJ,
iOti:S,'!I()r at .
ornci: ix co cut nor si:,
D.LL.1S. T0LZ COUNTY, 02033.
v. 3L.V e: i:,
No. 33::, First Street,
1 ,,IW,'NIb - - - - i:ON
it . .. .....
" " l'vl - "T; 4 u':t ,;l " -'ih T ,Ti
h ! l! v ' , fi !'
- - s. f 'j iiU i III.IUl
LAunr uin:ss (;uo:s,
i:tMrs ami snoi, isatsa caps,
anocKRixs ,( pro vsoxs,
H'.?'b' H Cali rneepai l f..r n!i I.iad of
Ootllltl-' atl-OillKM?.
If. tf
iv 1 ".'? ?
ft? 4 1f .t." I
m i , ,
fl. vv"ul 1 t--.v t'uat 1 l.ae ic-tuiit n.y SL.-p
"a Ui"
SOU ti1U
) J, r"1 V?" kiadi of
mioi:i(; tN siitiitr Noiici:.
A I Viv lo.-t my pr.pcrtv by Fire, tho
j-'-'-ted o m;, t.,r w-.rk will cJafcr a fvi
1 '.v I'-'i t'eg 'p uiiin.- hitolv.
. , . , . , .
a ui'-i-i in lice t, is a lr;enl m lacl.
a.a .iiiti:vi:.
Ft i In p. tbo.-c that have experience can till,
and perhaps it would ho to yur interest to a-k
yomcoie? that hncivs, whfrctho Kirh and Kare
Dress Goo-Is. Ih.-a Ladie3 Hats that arc the
fashion direct, lrau Mis. C. Levy's those
Kleimf S. ts of Ladies' Fare, and those Xcw
1 s-tvle Skirt that ; reared t- sm-li iranta-c
our those Huh lennr I Indies' Boots. ma:iu-
oiotore 1 at frogman. loiovan A li illahatiX
I'urtland. Oregon, uf all .f which von had Fuh
a l ivish display by tho llk County l.tdies at
the Oregon Stiitt Fair, tlr pci b;ip, jrtntlotucn,
ym would like to call and xat:iitiu b-r yowr
aclvcs those Elegant Fitting Suits of Gent's
Clot'liiig. while I fdi.-w yu Pino As?.rt-
mcjit ot Ucn'.'s Purnishiitff Goods. And when
it comes 1 1 Yank. o Notions, Fancy Good, .
jewelry, Jtnio i oacco3 and Cigars. Gr-
C.rio, of all Dis iipti.ui!. U-st-nauicd strictly
at I'urtland prices my customers bear witness
of tho lixcelleiioy and Cheapness.
Sole Aircnt for Polk Comity for the Boot and
Shoo Manufactory of Portland, Oregon, the
excellent quality uf whoso goods are creating
such an excitement all over the State and Pa
cific Territories. Trade, increasing every day
at La Clcdo (formerly ClufT'a Store).
M. M. ELMS, Proprietor.
ttAiTlFREMjrj fc RIPIjEY
j Wo havo constantly on hand and for Salo
as?d C'csEazri!.
All of the Lest Material and Manufacture).
11. tf
For everything in the GROCERY LINE
lie has on hand a full sopply, which ba
olTv-r cheap ;r than any other Store in Dll&.
All Styles of Pictures ot the best finish,
f hr ttfkinjr pictures, I invito tho patrn
ef the public l'lcae call at tbe photo
graphic Galtt r3 Main ttrrut, ojijiOsite Ilr. l!d
bellV office, Ia!ias. Jtf
(Gr ro e cries,
Cigars and Tobacco,.'
Our. 31 a hi and Court Streets,
Thos. Q. Richmond, Proprietor.
Stand of Mr A. II. Whillet, we bar re
'iitud and rc stocked it in such a manner at
vill fatisfaetorily meet every want of tbe coin.
auioty. ?
Huggics, tingle or double, Hacks, Con-
ford lVigons, etc., etc.,
Fursjishcd at all hours, day or night, OA
short notice.
uprrir Saddle IIors.cs, let by .the
Day or V-ck.
Carrine5 Waon, Sign,
Done in the most Workmanlike manner by
Shop upstairs over llobart JL Co's Harness
M complete Stock of GENERAL MER
CHANDIZE, consisting in'part ol
(Mla. Queens ware.
Tobacco, Cigars,'
And all article? found in a GENERAL VAR1-.
ETY STORE, I would re.pcctruliy fall that
attention of the Public to my Establishment.
Highest Cash price paid for
It. A. RAY,
Eola, Polk Co., Ojn. '
1 (S-tf
03 Front Street, Portland, Oregon..
Circuit, County, and Justices' Court, con
stantly on band. Also, Ponds, Deed, Mortgage
and Blanks for uso in Bankruptcy ascsfc
. Advertise, . :
Ry usin Irt tfcrhead., RillUcad., Cards, Circu
lars, Printed Envelopes, etc. Uivc us a call, or
leud in your orders,