J TDM ; COUflTY MEWS. DALLAS, SATURDAY, A Pit. .6, 1872. Money Market. 'Latest NewTork Gold Quotation. 111 .Legal Tender! in Portland: Buyiog.-......Q0 Selling in Dallas Produce and Commission Market. Correeted Weekly, by 6. B. Stiles, People's Merchant, Alain Street, Dallas, Oregon. WHEAT $0 80 1$ bush. OATS 62 75o. RARLEY $1 Jb'LOUR-SB $6 50 bbl. " Rka$t 62 $1 75 CORN MEAL 4o. "B lb. UEANS 6o. ft. BACON Sides, 1.1 15o lb. Shoulders. 8c. to 12c. "ft tb. HAMS 14 too ft tb. -POKK Dressed, 67cts Tickled, 8c. to 10. c. B lb. BUTTER Firkins 25 30e lb. " Rolls, 35 to 37c. B R. EGOS--20c-$ doi. . vLARD Bulkl5, c ; tins, 16 POTATOES From Wagon, $1 bushel. ONIONS $2 bushel. APPLES Green, 50c bbl. Dried, 6c $ lb. CHEESE New Oregon, 20 25o lb. CHICKENS 2 50 $ $5 dire. TURKEYS 75 $1 eaelt. DRIED PLUMS 16 Ub. WOOL lie. lb Whittling. Weather lovely. Oil Fellow's HoKlny the 2tb. Good Templars progressing. Groceries cboap, at At. C. Brown's. Brass Band tooting muchly. The great ery of the week " Taxes." Best of tin war a at T. B. Newman's. The singing schools are well attended. Prayer meetings Thursday evening. Photographs, good and cheap, at Kincaid's Hubert Bros, have tLeir Horse Collar aia chine nearly completed. - Dan Richardson has a new wagon shop on Alain olree. Repnblican County Convention the first Saturday in May. G. B. Stile is on hand with a full supply ot garden aeu U and groceries. Circuit Court will meet oue week from next 31 on Jay. . -Communications. Several correspondences have come in this week too late for publication. G. B. Stiles will be receiving new goods to day. Bring on your produce; he will taLe anything you have to spare. Wool, Wool is the great cry dow. Thoe who Lave a Urge clip, will get a "clipping" price. Fifty cents i? being offered. That Ox" has still t bo jorel by tbu Couuty Co art, but whit will they do Willi it? Taat' the qa.'stiou. Wool. Those wbbiug to dipoo of Wool to the best advantage, are requvtued to notice tbe card of A. 0. YaU-s and give him a call. Our hunting party spoken of lut week, did sot prove as successful as might have boon. Twenty aicn and forty bounds out several days, and only captured two deer. Tbis is splendid weather for taking Ren Iraiidts or photographs, and J. If. KitiCiiu unds ready at any moment to accommodate all, in the most artistic manner. JUany of oar legal friuuds win be absent the coming week, attending Circuit Cturt in Yam hill. We uu Jeritaud there is a lengthy docket, coutaiuing cases of iinjrUoca. The Club dance at the Court House was well attended and gave gtncral sattstactioa. Under the leadership of Mr. McCann, these dances are becoming frequent and popular. Lively. A lively discussion occurred at the school meeting as the voje was bting taken on the question of a tax. Warm words were passed, only this, aud nothing more. We have received from Hunter A Co. a email apparatus for making buttou-hole s. It is light and convenient, and what no lady who has work of that kind to do should be without. County Court This Court has been in ses. siou this week. The business of the Court was not finished in time for us to get tbo proceed ings tuis week, but will plaee them before our readers next issue Prof. Pilling gave an Elocutionary exercise at the Christian Church, on Thursday evening. The audience was small, but the exercises were auch as would have interested any on who ap preciates such an entertainment. While in Portland we had tho pleasure of a visit to the Dry Goods establishment of C. S. Silver. He is preparia g for the Spring traio in good earnest, and those visiting that city to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will do well to give bim a call. The Prospects. From all parts of the county we hear cheering reports of the prospects of the Republican party in the coming contest. The acts of the State Convention give general sat Is faction, and if we can get a good county ticket success is certain. Independence. We learn that at tbis place a new saw mill and grist mill are being erected, a good hotel is running and business gen erally good. J. C. Bell, has purchased one of the large warehouses, and is preparing to pur chase a large amount of wheat tho present sea son. The Academy closed the winter session last Wednesday. There will be a vacation untij Monday, April I5th , when the District shool wi!J commence under the management of Miss Clara Watt and Miss Amelia Sc'ribcr. Under tiie management of these two ladies, wo predict a aaxked euccesi (at lit ichooL For sash, doors and Minds, and all kinds of carpenter and joiners' work, picture frames, etc, all of the best style of finish, call on Camp bell A Ripley. R. P. Hall A Co., 'Nashua, N. II., proprietor of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, pub lish a treatise on the Hair, which they will end f ree to any one on application . This is a valuable little book, send for it. For Rent. A farm on upper Salt Creek. A good, responsible party, applying soon, can secure this farm on reasonable terms; There is in the barn a quantity of good hay, whieh can be bought at a fair price. Apply to H. Uagood, Dallas. At the school meeting - last Monday, B. F Nichols was chosen Director, and J. A. Apple gate, Clark. A tax was voted, by a handsome majority, fur the support of a free school six months. Our people take the proper view of these matters and support the froe school sys tem. Messrs. N. A J. D. Lee are now receiving and opening a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer goods. With a well established repu tation this firm is moving forward in tbeirlUio keeping up with the demands of the trade, and offering inducements which need only to be seen to be realized. Give thoau a call at the Post-Office building. Mr. J. Cooper, f Monmouth, lost a valuable horse ou WednesJay night. He had worked the horse, as usual, all day, aud had noticed nothing wrong with him, but on goitig to tho stable Thursday morning found him dead. This is the secoud horie he has lost withiu two weeks without being ublo to asccruiu the cause of their death. Mr. Chas. Moore, a former t uivnsuiun, but now a resident of Letitou county, favored us with a call ou Wedues lay. Ilo says thj luruicrs of Benton are on the alert to get us much grain as possible sovvu this spring. Tlio Republicans fully alive to the necesif of carrying tin com ing election. Business of ail kinds Lufc, and everything generally lively. Razing Corns. Mr. Woodward, af t.t fi.-rlr. E. M. Pane's llbt uiuati.-iu , Ci rn m.ii (.'ha!. lain Remedy, has been canvassing our vkiuity l-r a few d.iys for tbis celebrated rtmcdy. .Mr. Woodward left euougU iu our ollice to demolish all our corns, and suio t spare. 'lho.-e i-. h iug this valuablo remedy ciu be aecoinmud.Ue'i by calling ou -Mr. Woodward. li i-., ."0 citts per bottle. Mr. Tibbctts, uiit !tr ibis dii:on tT lite West isilc lu.iil rutc, in'- rius us tout ucu.tir aro being taken to ci t;iM.it a thn uU n.o. fruia Portland to Ctivniii? Mttl.iu twuitv-four hour.-t. Ti.is uc bupu w.U Vc doac. ar l.rt Iriiid daisies ure tw aud !winUKucs thro d .iv old wben we git tiitiu, and ic would certaiuiy b an advuitt.'ige to all bujirjes men along lbr rout, if tbe tmtVs could be carried tLrou'u in one dy. As a family journal n'no Las rcvbel a higher gr.vlo than Fur EreryU't'lg. The Marrh number coms to ui fully up to, and pi rh.ti). excel., former ni'tuher3. II i!!jn lalf, a cuii titiiied story, ratiku aruong its best literary pro duction, whilo it i replctt with valu.tblij arti cles upon matter of general interest t every body. The illurtCratioas are numorUJ, aad many of them would, if nieely framed, make a fine p.ir!r ornament. Price, 12 U0 per annum. Addrens II. II. Sage, 27 Allen itreet, RuGalo, New York.- Tiie WiuoOkesk do not regarJ Ir. Ayer wimdorn in migrating north ench immense number of them as are flying over m now while his Alnvui-ic s.iy: " Bleak and bluster ing about thij titu3, with Ifjavy snow." Cedar Rapid ( In) Tiires march 3. We,weie too fast last week ia oar item on the conflict between Dr. Ayer and the wild geeae. Tho iJoctor" neience beat their intinrt tb ia time. Not for year have hal such a enow-storm a that of last Sunday. The now lies three feet an a level in Minne ta an 1 tw i feet in Wisconsin, while the ttorm has swept from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountain. Snew fell at various depth as far south as Denver, Fort Unian and Santa Fa. Learned as we believed Dr. Ayer in the arcana of nature, and wonderful as we know bis medeeines to be, we were not prepared for so signal an instance of bis superiority, not only over the wise men, but tbe widest of animals whose instinct is con sidered unfailing. We drive up the peg, more firmly tnan ever, over our hearth for Ayer's American Almanac. Cedar Rapids Times Mureb 10. A Valit ails An to Business Mem anh to Litkary PcoPte. Tbe publishing house of L. Prang A Co., Boston, hitherto known to the public only through their celebrated chroinos, have entered an entirely newfi'dd by bringing out Schem'$ Ut!vcrml Statistical Table," a publication containing the uio.t important sta tistical facts relating to all the OHHtrin of the world, each as the area of each country, form of government and bead of the same, popula tion, expense, debt, paper money, amount of circulation, standing army, navy, merchant ves sels, imports, exports, chief products, coins and their value in gold, wcii?ht ami measures, rail roads, telegraphs, capitols and principal cities, together with number of inhabitants, etc. The amcunt of interesting and noteworthy facts condensed here iu so Mnall a compass is almost incredible, and their arrangement on the table, when this is mounted on two sides of a sheet of card board, as dire 'ted, is moat con venient for reference and comparison. Jivery man of intelligence will welcome this now practical aid to oar knowledge of tho world's doings, and, wo have no doubt, will ac cord it a prominent place near his writing 'desk. A similar German production, edited by Dr. Otto Hubuer, in Frankfort, and upon which this is based, has run already through twenty yeurly editions proof eviduut of its already great practioal value. Too name of Prof, bchein, tho Atuciican editor, is a stitiicietit guarantee that tho work has boon done most thoroughly and conseioutiously. Tho price of the table is merely nominal 25cts. All news and took-dealcr keep it fyr tuio. I 1ST OF L12TT1SHS -IlKMAININC A in the Post Office at Dallas, April 1st 1S72: Blanchard, S B Riggs, Miss E E Benzer, F Kitpp, Jacob P Moore, Jas F (2) Sebring, Wm Mowery.Abe Stanley, Martha J (2) Pirtle, B F Smoot Geo. J. D.LEE, P.M. Suicide Coninittiod. As the result of an inactive t:ite of liver and stomach, prndacing headache, obtuse intellect, dullness, despondency, dementia.uad finalry in sanity, is no uncommon occurrence. All these disagreeable symptom and bad feelings are most certainly dieoelled by the use of Dr. Pierce' Gulden Medical Discovery. It revi talises and builds up the whole system. A lit tle book en Chronic Diseases sent free- Ad dress R.V.Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N'Y. Golden Medioa' Discovery sold by all druggists. Telegraphic Summary Rome, March 31. A. special Con vention was concluded ou the 20th lust, between Russia and Ituly. Negotiations with the Peninsula and oriental Steamship Company for the es tablishment of a line of steamers be t wet u Italy and Aia are progressing to a satisfactory conclusion, Uerl'n. March 21. I'rince Freder ick William leaves JJcrliu to-uight for Iludcn, to visit Queen Victoria. New Orleans, March 31. Mctamoras news from Cotuargo to the 2Uth reports Lien. I'revino at thut place preparing iu conjunction wilh (Jeueral Qurcga, to move to Metatnons with 2,000 men and six batteries of artillery. Gen. Cortiuas, after his defeat at Ruujueria, being un able to reach Reyro.sa, attempted to join the Government troops in the interior, but with what success is unknown. The rumored cajduie ol .General It icha by R "jlutioiii-t near Za-utooj.", is fctill without continuation. Il.vana, March 31. The Spanish t.amir lYrmdo arrived to-day from Asjiiuwull and reports ail quiet there I'uarro was watehuig the btueko .? mo rn r Virinm-. Th. rumors of the x i tefed lilit proved uuw invntud. 'i Ie ) "irgiuiu wus aoiiiiUs to escape. ! Kewer, Mareh3l. Xe .v 1) n b-.ton j recii.vej here that the Meaner Virgin j ii-.s MitCi if!ci iu ese.tt iug ffoui the bar- i bor of A.-'i!i.v-li and is on her w.iv i i. ... in re. on, March tl, The Pre' i'leiit will to tiiorto'.v jend to the IIoU-m OS il ! r - it.itiv( ;i r lily to residution J iriil'rw t"..r itilof foati iii leiiUve to thi' ! 1 1 m:i v ictioji and st ntU'Ct" f Pr. lloW.trd b tie S("at)ii!l jiU'bot if ii ;sf C iha. 'i he iloeu;n-tirs re v.Mtt'iiiitous, teititi'ui in lK:cembtr,l70, they d.ow tiiueli intiTo-t o;j th.j art ofour (.lo trriiU'eut in the matter, ar.J that i;ot;i little deulty eailed . to deUtti.ii e whether the Ih ctor was really a eitizc it of the. United States or t.t, and that our (ivivertiiiijrit has aked ftir, but not yet receive 1, a cojiy ot the vruce .dintrs of the Courtmurtial before whieh Dr. IIo.vard ;s.s tried. The S;:uiili M it i!er here .as tint t.t ii.J'n m f ion iVom I'uba has been reeeuel. Howard did not enter himself there as a foreigner as reju:r:d by the bw of 1 w70. Tiiere are, however, other ;.( rs ft tulit: t .show his American citizenship, but it is evident that the Secretary of State i not entirely clear on that point. He instructed our Charge d'Atfasr at Mad rid to brin; this eae to the attention of the SpanUh Governmerit and point tint the fact that Howard U a native of the. United Slates, and to remonstrate ; tint the proceedings of the Spanish authori ties in Cuba in his casa as a violation of the treaty of P05 between the Uni ted States and Spain, and to ukk for an immediate release. It is rumored amon politicians here that Jutle Davis will not decline to run a the Presidential candidate if he is not endorsed by the Cincinnati Conven tion. The Secretary of the Treasury has au thorited the Assistant Treasurer at New York to purchase $1,000,000 of bonds on each Wedenesday aud to sell S1,000, 000 in gold on each Thursday during the mouth of April It is slated in official circles that when General Sides' present leave of absence shall expire ho will return to Madrid. General Mtncry sent to the War De partment a letter from Lieutenant and Aid de-Camp King, dated New Orleans, March 5th, saying that great lawless ness exists throtigout the entire State of Mississippi. It cannot all be ascribed to Ku-Klux organizations. The ttial of several prominent members of a gan-x and the trrcst of several persons near Corinth and their confinement in the post guard house at Holly-Springs, has done much toward their treneral disband ment. Nevertheless, there is a bitter, resentful spirit in every portion of the Stac against the Federal Government. There can be no doubt of the fact that even when well supported by regular troops tho authorities are defied and their lives threatened by desperadoes whom they are called upon constantly to arrest. Messrs Perio and Shavvagins, United States Marshals fo- the Northern and Southern District ot Mississippi re spectively, nnd Wiley Wells, District Attorney, are given na authority for statement;. General Kiiiery nslts for another company of cavalry to be placed on duty in Mississippi. Tho Supreme Court will to-morrow j render a decision a u tUfae coining uu- dcr the Civil Righta law. The decisiou in tho Utah case, involviag tho legality of Judgo McKean's action in the draw ing of jurors, will not be rendered until to-morrow week. New York, April 2. Professor Morse died this evening at seven 6?clock and thirty minutes. Hartford, April 2. the Tevised table of the Courant office with rctnrna from, every town, give Jewell, 46.38G; Hub ard; 44,44G, Gillette, 1.5(12 ; Harris, 384. Jewell's plurality, 1,910 major-' ity over all, 300. The Senate stands 13 Republican and 6 Democrats. The IIoue stands 131 Republicans and 110 Democrats. Republican majority on joint ballot, 30. Last year it was 24. yln the course of his address yesterday, before a Committee of ,the Assembly, Thiers defined the position of France! toward the Spunish Crown. He dcj clarnl that it was the iuteut of France': to keep Aaindeus on the throue, because i his overthrow would lead to a revival of the candidatures of Montpenzier or the Hohenzolern. The time is near when tho inhab tints of Mull u e t : nd Alsace must choohe a French or German na-! tionality. It is said that nearly all arc determined to adhere to the Freuch ua-ttouality. Fi r Ibe ry t b-t prn) Jih j; to lirad ley A. Rub ff.on'j Gull-ry witl...ut r.AIllS, ,rrr-ASl'KND IN TIIK KLKVATOR, 4-J Mt. utguuit-ry, street, Frantlci.. SPECIAL NOTJCLS. REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office, o. ;i I'Yunt Street, roUTLAND OHI'GOX. UKL i:-"TTr: in 'his CITY and i:ST POUTf.AXli i th tn-Mt d.ir;th!e bo , ,.. ...M.ji,, ,.f LtTs If Al.F I'.l.tX KS anl 11 LOCKS, lloHSKs and hToRJv.S; a! , IMI'UhVKI) V. RMS, and valuable u'irulrUn'.-.t l..MS. located in ALL p-rts of the cTATi: f.r .'ALL. liV.Ms I'STATE bb.I otbrr Pr.-tnv I ur h:f i for Corr" ...1 l.-tit. in thi riTV n l throughout t!. STATK nd TKI. L I TOHIKS, with -r.Mt er iaJ ot tha woft A L V A X 1 A t ; Eo I S T L KM S. HOt'lS ml STonTC? T.T-! AFKO, L'NS Nl'tiiin.V'l Mil, atol fJ.tlMS up ALL JUX.'l U'TI'J.VS r;;M!'t.V I'oJ. LiVTl'li. Atel fj, ,.,r:!l FINANCIAL and Aii KNOT !t'IWC.SS iriia-teJ.. AUKN'TS of n;- F!CK. in all tl,. CITIKS sn.1 ToW.VS in t!.. ST ATI. wi!l re. iv irf ?T)! arm u( FA I'M IMtOFl'ltTY a;td fvrwrard lL iaino tn the ahy, e aUdrcs. .'r;i W io4o Wis 7 iv-t. c 23 is a: n a HOT TO CURE IT. At the rommencement of the Purihf, wliSch alwpjs jirccedc an a'ta-'k of the Chlra, ttke a trnp'onful of Pain KiUorin sngar an 1 a t?r, (hot if conrcnirnt.) and then bathe freely the Mom rh and bowels witlr the l'iiin Killer clear. , Should the diarrhe reramp continue rtrat the !o?e every fen r fifteen minute un til the patient relieved. In extrmie twu or juiho teavpuonfulsi may be given at a d a. The Tain Killer, as a remedy, ha nr equal. Inezes of Cholera. Summer Comrd.-tinta, lyg pepjtia, Dynentery, Aothma it ruresi in one niifbt by tkinjr it internnlly, and Hathin with it freely. Ita action is like majic, when external ly applied t Old Sores, Hum?, Scald, and Sprain. For Hiek Headaeh and Toothache don't fail to try it. In short, it is a Fais Kn.i- KK. Direetion accompany eaca Votte, Tho Tain Killer is told ey all dealers in Med icines. Friers 25 cent, 50 centsand $1 per bottle The Tru tiroanda 1 Cunfidencc. Whence comes that firm reliance, that abso lute, undoubting faith in the efficacy of HoMct ter's Stomach Hitters as a remedy for inilies Hon. bilious disorders, intermittent and remit, tent fevers, which notoriously prevail in all parts of tho United States ? This confidence has been growing for twenty years, and it is still x. tending. It is not the result of credulity ; it has not been engendered by any human device, but is tho spontaneous and natuml consequence of experience. U'hat 'people tee daily going n under their own eyes they cannot question When f onirics in unhealthy districts that re.or to this wholesome, vegetable tonic, a$ a prcventa. tivc, ocapo periodical fevers, nnTl their imme diate -neighbors, who negloot thH precaution, nro prostatcd by the disease, how is it pojsitde that the phenomenon should bo without its les son ? In like, innninr when it is seen that obsti nate csisetf of dyspepsia, i f liver compiling of constipation, of nervous wenkiies, and of gen eral debility, yield to the operation of the ta mous remedy, how can even incredulity itself withhold its endorsement? F.yc witnesses of tie salutary effects of tho Bitters are t bo found in every civilized settlement on this continent. Tho thousand upon thousands who owo their restoration to health and strength, or their pres ervati n from tiekness, to its extraordinary medicinal properties, aro enthusiastic in Us ptai-c. Tho multitudts who recoiuniend it in a neighborly WMy to toeir friends and Hcqu.iint ances, a well as thosu who make public their tetiuialo of its viitucs, m always ready to statu thvir reasons fur tho faith that is in thi-m. They h.iyo all eithi r Iclt or witnessed its btuo ticetit optra tit us. Attorney fi Counsellor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon, Will pracUco Ja all tb Cvurti of the gtatc. 1 NEW AD VEUT1SEMENTS. IV A T I O IV A IV BUSINESS -COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. A MODEL C05IKEBC1A1, 'COLLEGE ! ! THE EDUCATION IO It TIIE TIM CS. The 'Importance of a Practical Education Was never more Apparent than Mow! 1 T IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED J. that as we grow in prosperity we gro'W more practical, and that it is required of men tbat they educate themselves practically educate themselves in the best manner possible to meet the demands of the times. When Agesilaus,; King of Pparta, was afked what things be thought most proper for boys to learn he replied: Those things which they fchould practice when they become men." Deliver all things in number and weight, and pet all in writing that thou gi vest ont or re ceived in," is a precept of universal application ; and there is a upecia! necessity fur its strict ob servance in all business transactions. Young men, tho futurn welfare of this Coa-t look to YirU ! Are YOU prepared Co mtet its demands ? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION to meet the DEMAND ofTHE ACE ! The .most thorough, and comprehensive COURFK OF BUSINESS TRAINING ever introduced by tny c o n M E IS C I A E OR 11 U S I X E S S C O L L E G ;, -corubiuing TJIKORY AND PRACTICE, by means of HASKS JS1) JW SIX ESS OFFICES. The Course is so arranged and Taojjht as to cluLIj th Sta K-fiH t mafter it iu the fcborUct i i:ue poiaiblo Fach Studcttt, afft r pa?ing" through the TIIKOKV COUItSK, becoajes an actual nuoK Ki:i:vi:i: axd mkiicuaxt wb'T". in tb. spa-e of f . w WEEKS, be d) t u u the tij iruuee of an ' ORDINARY LIFE TIM K. The TELEORA1MI DEPARTMENT is tK.w fitted up with th Ih.M k, ii.ftrumcutf, and is iu ? ! ruiHiirnr order. 1 or FI LL INFORM ATION, send fer COL LEGE I'AFE it. Address: D.lliANCK A JAMES. M'vl For tlan d, Oregon. o. w. hob a nr. J. W. HOB ACT. SA toDZ11, HARNESS A: COLL.IK SHOP! North-Fast Corner of Mala and Mill Streets. Dallas. GEORGE W. H0BART & CO. Will Maufrtrc and keep CONSTANTLY ON HAND a large .ortmeiit of SADDLERY, HARNESS, AND COLLARS, Consisting of all the EIOfilSE EQIJIIMIEXT Usually kept in a FIRST CLASS SADDLERY SHOP, All of which will be made ot THE BEST MATERIAL. Also. CARRlAdK TRIM MINO and UE I'AllUNd doue ti ordt-r on the shortest notice. Call and exainire or Work before purchas ing elsewhere. 41-tf OEO. W. II0H ART A CO. SADDLE TREES. C. II. COX Has on hand and for Sale, SADDLE TREKS of all sir.es and the I est quality. Shop near Wnyinire's Mill, Dlla, Oregon. 4:tf V. II. TEAS, iV lo., Va?;oii& Earrinc Makers' MAIN STKEI2T, DALLAS Are on hand with their WACOONS and BtJO tllES at their old Stand this Spring ns usual, and intend to sell them very chc.ip lot Cash; tho Frices ranging from Jl.'IO to lS3. They have also on hand for sale plenty of wagon ir.au Vials. Hive htm a call and see them All kinds of work iu their line done to order. Ail kind? of !llurk.mihi! done it short notice., and in workmanlike manner. Horse Shoeing $2 60, cash down. Thankful for pos-t patronage they rcliiit continuance of tho rattle. If Dallaf, May 5, 1871. The City Hoof SroitE has long been Head quarters f r tho St.tto of TuutEtM Cklk puatki Roots, of whivh I have Kxclnnivc Sale. Parties aio cautioned to exatuii.e and find my name on them, ns tho country is Hooded With a H.ttten liaut, in imitation of tho genuine article. .Very pair of Tli rel's Roots sold at my establishment is guaranteed to give perfect, eatiffuotion. Rkm i: mh mt that tho above houso sells no buff or split go lds. No shoddy palmed off upon his eustomeis for a superior article ol French Cnlf. All rips, returned in a reason able time, repaired free ot charge. 37. tf J. V. (JIL15KRT, Saltm. WOOD ! WOOL ! WOOL! mm: iiniiiKsr cash fiuch raid for 1 Wool, by ALBERT O. YATES. Office iu Dallas, :.f NE IV AD VEiiTliSEME TS. VEGEtABlt SICIUAh REITEWEIl. Every, year increases'tlife djiularity of tHis valaablo Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. 'VVe caii assure our old patrons that it is kept Tally op to its high standard; and it -is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray oe Faded Hair to its youthfarcolor, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white arid clean. It removes all eruptions andlandrufl and, by its tonic properties, yt even t the hair from falling out, as it stimti latcs and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker anil stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a nw growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossY ap pearancc. A. A. Ilayes, 3LDn State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, 44 Thfc j constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent ouality ; and I consider it the Best Prepajbatioic for its intended purposes.'' Sold by all Drugijittt, and Dealcri in Jledieimm, 5?rico One Dollatv Buckingham's Dye POB THE WHISKERS. As our Ilcnewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded 'tVhisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in ons preparation; which Will quiekly ani ellectually accomplish this result. It Is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash otX Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured !y "ft. P. HAUL & CO K ASHTJA, N JL Ayer's Cathartic Pills For all tho purposes of I&xatirt LIcdiciao. rcrnaps no one medi cine is to urfreruUly re quired by everybody m a eatharttc, nor was erer any before ao universal ly adopted into nae, ia every couutryand anonf ail classes, a tha mild but efficient purgratire J'ilt. The obvious res eon is, that it is a more r- "rZV y--'S lia,ile n1 rarinoreenec ttWfr tual remedy . thaa any otner. inose wno nare tried It, know thai it enretl tlrem; tlioeewho have atuL, know tfcU U eunu t Mi r ttcticli lxr AI WeoUs, ant all know that wltat it does once it does at way Ui.it it never fail- UirougU any fault or ncglecto'f hi coniito.-ition. We hare thou4anU upoa tiioo fs.tndi orcortiUcates of their remarkable cure of the f.)IIoriu? complaints, but such cures are known 1& everv nci.i(hboruood, and we neel not publish themw Adapte 1 t- all ages aud conditions in all climates; cum.iinin neither calomel or any deleterious druf, tl(n may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sufir eoating presctve them ever fresh and makes ihe.n pU.vaut to t ike, while Wing pnrely vcrckbl no harm can arise from their ue in any quantity. They operate bv their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to pttrifv tho blocxl and atiraalate ii into heilthy a rtiun rc.hve the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of th body, rctorinj? their irregrnlar action to health, and bv con-emus, wherercr they exist, such derange nients as are the Urst orim of disease. Minute directions aro jriven ia the wrapper ou the box, f r tho foil jwia complaints whieu these . Vills mp'uHv enre"- For yjteiMla or adltloa, aess, Laaxasr and & ef lppt jLlakltee Annelid, the hoHlJ bo taken moderately to stimulate tho fttom ach and re-tore its healthy tone and action. For tlvrr ConspltalMC and its various symp toms, ISilious IloiaJaclap, Mick llrltach JtsuNdlc or Urrn lckes, Illllost Colic and Ilillous JFvers, they should be tlicioasl v taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For I5yet mry or Ilirrbceia, but oue mill doso is irenerallv required. ' For Ithoumatlam, Ciont, Gravel. Palftl tatloa of tkD llearC, lala la tlta Hark ami JLotaa, they should be continiiouslr taken, as reinireii, to change the diseased action o'f tha y.stem. WiUt euca change tfioao coiuplaiuts disappear. For Ilroisyand 1roMlral ffwe11la(t tey shouM be tiWcu in larjro nud freiueat doses to pre dace the effect of a drastic purfffs For upjrla a lire lose should le taken as it produces the !eire 1 erfect bv sympathv. As a Dinner Vi(l. take one or two I'M to pre mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An ceasio:ial los stiuuilntes tho rtomfp-h and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite and invigorates the system. li?nee it is often ach vantajceotM where no serious derangement exists One who feels tolorablv well, often finds thatadosd of these Pill makes him ftol deeideilly better, frort their cleaniti aud rcuovatiu effect ou the dijfcr tivc apparatus. 1R. J. C. AYER Jt CO., Vractlcitt Chemists LOWELL. MASSsy V, 8. A rJ?2B5 Will sew everything ufteded ia a family, froqi tho heaviest te the lightest fahria T JDOES MORE WOItK, moms hinds of vomr, ASO ltTTER AVOKir Than any other machine. If there is a Florence Seeing M fchine within one thousand miles ot San Francisco not working well And giving entire witisfaction, if I am in formed of it, it will be attended to without expense of any kind to the) owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent 19 New Montgomery Street fcirand Hotel Building, San Francisco. Send for Clrtufar ami saiAptem of th0 work Active AffeM iehfel ii trcrJace,