DALLAS, SATURDAY, APlt. G liEPtBLICAIV NOMINATIONS FOli I8T2. For President; For Vice-President, SCIIUYtEtt COLFAX. t - v ' : j i ,. RESIDENTIAL ELECTORS A. II. Meaclam, of Umatillal County, W. D. Haie. of Washington County, ,Ja,8. F Gazley, of Douglas County. For Congress, j JTOESPil . .WlLSOIV, Of Wasco County. DISTRICT ATTORN IEJ3. lt District, " -2d .' , F. A. Chenoweih, of Bento. 3d N. U. Humphrey, oft Linn. 4th (1. II. Durhu. of Multnomah. &th' F. C. Hyde, of Grant. Pushed lor Capital. Anyone in reading the Democratic journals of the day, can easily detect their -utter .want of political capital, upon which to base their claims to the suffrages of the people. F rom the time of their adoption of the principle of secession, their tendency ha been downward ajad their influence in the decline. ' Their last great cry U, that Mr. Iloladay is dictating tor and .also lutely running the lit r ubliean Tarry; and that it is being run in the int rists of- monopolies. Any one conversant Uh the history of the Republican party fcoovrs full well that it has ever favored the principle of internal iui provemcnt. The great trans-contjueu-tal'railroatj, and all the vast improve- meats of the day are attributable to the If A V I V J VA J A. A S t W V I t may be said of the bad policy of grant ing large tracts of the public domatu f jr construction of railroads, none "Would ba willing to place the Pacific coast back iuto the condition in which fcttM nririr to thft construction of tho r - 1 Overland road, and take the chances of its being built on a different bais. The Watiy advantages derived therefrom arc bo apparent to our citizens that they are willing to accept the situation. The great cry made by our opponents against the Republicans, that they favor idODOpolies, and that the late Slate - -Cnrention was in the interest of Ben vlXo'laday, bpcause they favored a land crant for tie construction of certain railroads in the State, is offset by an other clause in the platform which re strict the sale of all granted lands, and ; stipulates that proceed, only, of the sales shall pass into the hands of the companies. In striking contrast with this, "is the act of the last Legislature, which allowed thousands ofjacres of the so-called swamp lands to pass without competition into the hands of a fnv land-grabbers, who stood ready the moment the act was passed to filo their applications aud gobble up the entire area of such lands, and leave th.e actual settler, for whom the Democrats pretend to have so much sympathy, to purchase of those speculators or remain hmncles?. It is yery evident that if Mr. Iloladay had had the control of the Republican St$te Convention, those grants would have been required without any stipule tjqn or reservation, instead of being re stricted tp the proceeds only of the 'sales. This, in common with many other claims of the opposition, shows the strait they ar pushed to for capital upon which to operate. 4 , Anotijeu Gun. The pews from Connecticut are certainly cheering to the ' Republicans. The straight Re publican ticket was elected by a major e ity ctyor all oppontnts by 5300; a, plurali ty of 1,940 for Jewell, the Republican candidate. Thus, one by one the stars are being added to the Republican ban ner. This election following so closely in tbo wake of that of New Hampshire taking up the shout before the echoes of the latter Ha died away, will inspire the Republican party to renewed en ergy, to: secure, if possible, a victory . wjiicl shall cover the eutire country, bo that the notes of triuuiph which were sounded in New Kngland shall be echoed across the Rocky Mpuntaius,;md reverberate along the shores of the Pa o'fic ocean. The ball is smarted, keep it rolling. The latest novelty in IJugiish sport ing, is a blapjf i sow, so trained that she will track game, point pheasants aud partridges, and evinces great fjclight at eight of a gun. ' Monopolies. One would almost come to the con clusion, by reading the democratic journals of the day, that everybody, save a few Democratic editors, had lost their common sense and were, conse quently, in danger of losing their en tire liberty. Wo can .hardly pickup a paper of that ilk but it prates about the danger to be feared from monopolies. If, when a law was upon our statutes, it was like the laws of the Medes and Persians, there might be some sense in such prating. It cannot, however, be denied that the Americans of to-day are a reading, thinking people, able to discuss matters which require their at tcntion, think for themselves and can be reached only through their judg ment. When, therefore, we talk of any great evil, it is not only necessary to denounqc it as an evil but to prove it to be such. Some of our Democratic papers have eudeavored to carry the impression that the late Republican State Convention was run in the in terest of monopolies, without showing any one point to prove that such was the ca:e. That railroads are demanded by the people, is evident ; that these roads have to be, in the very nature of things, assisted by the people is also evident; that the roads when first built are to a great, extent monopolies, nc ... no demonstration; nnd that th-v are eventually run in the interests of the people is equally apparent. It is si id that Mr. lluluday is gaining entire con trol of the earning trade id" Oregon, and that he is charging more thau for merly for both freight and passage The question, therefore, arise, can Mr. llolad iy if he wishes, retain the entire Carrying trade of Oregon ? No ret. sonabie mind would for a moment con tend that he oould, unit ss ho was dis posed to carry Lr reasonable prices, and to tint no one could object. Already is the N. P. R- R. Co. u aklng atrange ments to put a line of steamers on the route between the Columbia river and San Francisco, aud whenever there is a grinding monopoly there always will be some men or company of meu to com bine against it. The Democratic party of Oregon is the last that should complain of monop olies, after throwing the entire wamp lands of the State iuto the hands of a few men who urc disposed to spend lit tle, if anything, to further the interests of ihc State or develop its resources, uftcr giving a few party favorites $ -000 extra for doing the work on the Canal and Locks at Oreg n City, and in addition to this extra allowing tlo m to charge three liutn as much fur freight.-; as was required by am. flu r company; aud after passing the Liti gant Act, allowing a low journals in the State to mannp'd'ize the public printing, at more lima iltuhle the u.-u 1 rates. ' hose who live in glass houses should never throw stones, and certainly iu the matter of monopolies no charge can be brought against the Repub'icin party of Oregon which would bear the least comparison with gigantic monopo lies fostered by tho Democrats during the last two years. Something In It. We, last week, published a smalt notice in our local columns, designed to apply toa class of persons well under stood by journalists, persons who are always desirous of getting their names in a paper without any cost to them selves, under the plea that it helps to fill up. The Herald, which, by the way, is edited by a fresh import, who uufortunately lacks both wit and wis. dom, attempts in its last issue to make a point on it. This comes with bad grace from a metropolitan journal, with an imported editor, who is expected to iufoim the benighted of Oregon how they should do instead of burlesqueing what they do. If the editor would take his advice to. himself he. would doubt less get up a paper alive to the issues of the day, jnd one which would take a front lank among the journals of the State, instead of following in leading strings and failing to sustain a single point; even when coming in contact with journals far less pretending. Follow your own counsel, Mr. Jerald, and we'll see how it works, and then, per haps, we will be wdling to admit there is something in it. Garvey. the "plasterer" of Tammany has sued Tweed for $20,000 for fresco worlf . The Public Debt. Hon. Henry Snapp in an able speech iu the House of Representatives Mar. ?, made the following fiummary of the National Debt. He saya : j "On the 1st day of August, 1865, the recognized indebtedness of the nation was 82,757,000,000. In addition to this sum, State war claims were pre sented aud paid to the amount of $50, 000.000 more. J'hen came tens of thousauds of unsettled claims to con tractors, and other expenses, the whole aggregating more than 250,000,000 all of which laat named sum has been paid, making the whole debt, as I have said, at Ieast$3 000,000.000. This im menso debt has been reduced below $2, 280,000,000. 700,000,000 havin been paid in the brief period of bix years ; almost one fourth of the cost of the entire war has b?en paid off, and not in greenbacks either, but in good old Democratic gold. The Govern ment is now able to sell five per cent, bend' t"i par in gold both iu Kurope and the United States." Liijkl Law. The Legislature of California has a bill, which has recei ved the signature of the Coy., and be come a law, requiring plaintiffs in libel suits, to give security iu the sum of 55)1) for costs accruing from such suits. California ueed d a law of this kind, as it had become too common for persons of no res m lability of eharae ter to commence suit against newspapers, for merely mentioning their names in connection with some seandilus ope rations, and also ngiinst persons who had connected their names with mn Iters of that nature. Th:s law will have a beneficial effect by putting ast.-p to ac tions of this kind :is tmne w ill be able to L'ive theeeurity required unless their charges are well sustained. The law w.ts demanded by the entire press of i lie State. Another Xi.w Ticket. The N. V. Sun like many of our Dem cratic contemporaries is willing to support nnb ly to defeat Crant. In its i-sire of March '.). it hoists tho names of Lyman Trumbull and Horace (Jreehy as the most available candidates for Presidential honors. Rut a few weeks since, the Sun had the name of Greeley at the ma.t-head, but now keetr.s to have far le-s regard for the ' Sage of Chappaqua," and now gives him a sec ondary place on tho ticket. Vain is the effort. Tho edict has gone forth, Mr. Greeley has declared his intention to support the nominee of the Republi can Convention, whoever ho may be, and has clearly intimated that he ex pects "Mr. Grant to bj the man. KxcrustoN. Arrangements are beif;g projected for an excursien by rai road and .steamer, either to the Cascades and Dalles or to Astoria, some time in May. Passengers are to be taken on at any station, and allowed to take the n.'upd trip at very low figures. This will al low the pcop'c to enjoy a holiday and see many sights which, perhaps, will be new to them. Favoua Djffuu;nt Puuev. We hope that the Democratic platform to be. announced by the Convention which will be held at. the Dalles on the 19th proximo, will favor u. different policy iu regard to the Portland and Dalles Wagon Road than is expressed by the Radical platform. Democratic Lnt, The Jra, doubtless, favors another raid on the school lauds. It is said that Gov , Grover, in his bite speech in Salem, gave the reasons why the 1'. T. Co., did not get the contract for building the Canal and Locks, at Oregon City. Ho needn't have done it, everybody knows the why-They were not Democratic enough. Curan Revolution. Late advices from Cuba indicate a more flattering prospect for the revolution. The Cubans are gaining ground and arc compelling the Spaniards in many instances to either leave tho Island, or jotik tlie insurgents Mr. Shoemaker of Pennsylvania has introduced in Congress a hill providing that regular publi.-diers and dealers iu newspapers and periodicals may rccieve by mail such quantities of either nsthcy may require in bulk, whether wholly or in part printed, and pay the postage thereon ns rel ieved at the game pro rata as regular subscribers to publications weighing four ounces who pay quarterly in advance. This bill is probably intcn ded for the benefit not only of news dealers who prefer to use the mails rath er than the express companies for the transmission of their wares, but also of country newspaper publishers who wish to recieve their patcut outsides through the I'ost office. State Hem. Gleanings from State Exchange?. Wheat splendid everywhere. Raker City wants a Fire Company Bouquets are selling in Portland at $1 eieh. A heavy paper mail came up on the Ajax. The Wnldron Troupe has left Salera for Portland. A dredger is at work on Swan Is land Rar. Stitzel & Co. sold last month 14,000 worth of real estate. The Democracy of Linn county is reported desponding. Multnomah county reports 9,407 voters, and 3,730 pupils. Hail fell in tho northern part of this valley Mouday afternoou. The Democrat reports wool . 53 Jets per pound in Corvallis. The funeral of Dr. Prettymau, in Portland, was largely attended. T. R. Oueneal has taken his place as Superintendent of Indian affairs. George Ritchie, aged ninety years, died at Monmouth, 'March 28th. Many Liun county farmers are rais ing large quantities, of flax this year. About 200 (Democratic) "imports" are at vork ou the canal at Oregou City. A mn of W. Hall of North Yamhill was accidentally thot in the arm last Saturday. r C. A. Dolph of Portland has a bill of Xew Jersey colony currency as old as 1770. T. Patterson, State Printer, has gone L ist to dispose of Rights in Leonard's Ralance Wrench, The Statesman has information that the Ch tnehcta Hotel will be opened be fore J u .e 1st. Mr. Katon, of Raicer. county, killed au eagle measuring seven and a half feet from tip to tip. The steamhip Paeifi , with a caro of freight, arrived at Portland at 12 o'clock on .Monday night. The brass fouadiy owned by Nation Si Rodgers, at Portland was burned Monday nignt. Loss, 1,000. The man MeCoraiick, w ho broke jail at Oregon (.'ity. a .-hurt time since, has been arrested at Seattle, W. Tho Memcajer siys Mr Simmons tell from the stairway of the new Col lege building, injuring him severely. The V.r gives nu account of some young ladies who d. Mined male at tire and went fishing. they " took," of course. An itinerant pedagr-gne was arrested in Dotigki county, and lined tfJO fo uumciciluliy beating a oung I.ely pi. ,'1 Mill No 4, near Milwaukee, b 1 nc ing to the O. A; C. II. R. Cu , h Im mg re t oved to a point a little below Port land. Thirteen out of fortv-nine di-trt ts tu Yamhill county failed to make th neeoarv report, to entitle (hem I their schiH.J money. Mary Weston of Portland ou being charged with drunkencss and disorder ly conduct,' took au urpeal to a higher ( ourt She suicided. The workmen on th-" canal at Oregon City, one day la-t week, found a can non ball embedded in the solid, carlh, about six feet below the surface. Tho State Horticultural Society will hold an adjourned meeting at Poitlai.d on Thursday next, April 4th, to make arraugemt-nts for a Fair iu June. Salem has a youngs man 1G years of age who is agreeable at home, who was never known to pass a word with a si ranger. An anomaly pure. ('heap Shooting. H. A. Clarke got one (tailor allowed by the generous (?) Cir cuit Court of Linn county, tor the privilege of being shot at by Rill at kinds. What justice. Yamhill has a man who ues his Fa ther and Mothor-iu law lor S.1,000 dam ages for inducing him to nnrry a girl wh tn they knew, as he alleges, was not physically sound. Post offices have bcym established at North Rend, Coos county, and Knappa, Clatsop county. Those at Ilermanville, Coos Co., and Salt Creek Polk Co have been discontinued. The question of a daily mail between Lafayette and Salem is being agitated. This is much needed. This mail would run through a' section of country thick ly populated, and which is now almost destitute of mail facilities. The Jiedroek Democrat says : Hay is 10 per ton, delivered, in this Yalley. There is a large surplus. We have not heard of a solitary horse, cow, ox or other domestic animal dying, for want of provcuder, in all Powder River Valley. It is reported that when the Legis lature wa in session iu Salem two years ago a preacher in one of the churches one Sunday took for his text the com mandment, "thou shalt not steal." Several members of the Legislature who happened to he present, took it as a di ivct personal insult, and got up and left, severely condemning what they called " political preaching." REAL EST A IE. U. fl. TYSO JV, REAL ESTATE & GEMR'L AGEflT, "REPUBLICAN' OFFICE. Dallas, Oregon Special attention given to Sales or Purchase of lteul Estate, Collection of Claims, tie. Agent Union Mutual Lifo Insurance Co. For Sale, TEX ACRES OF LAND, with good House and Barn, all feneed and under good Ii provement, situated in the Town of Dallas, Pwlk County, an extraordinary opportunity. riWO JIUNDhED AND FORTY SIX 1 Acres of Land one Mile North of Kola, Polk County, good Jloufe, good Double Darn, and other Ucildings. All under fence, with Cue Orchard, and iq, biyh fctate of cultivation. V HOUSE AND LOT IN CENTRAL Salem, neir the two Central School HoUHeH. The Ilouo contains E'n;ht Room?, ull Plastered, with Hard Finish, Darn, Wood Ilnurif, and all conveniences to mukj it desirable. A FARM OF 1T,0 ACRES. 25 ACRES IN cultivation, Hi acres of full wheat, 5 acres of meadow, good on-hard, and well supplied with water. Situated ibrue miles suut!iwet of Simpson's brfdge on Uij Luckiamutu. For sale at a bargain if sold soon. V FIN H MILL SITE IN SOUTH SALEM, on Wiilametto Mough. A block of Six Lots, enclosed with JJyard Feuce, good House, Ram, Lc. A CiOOD STOCK FARM, CONTAINING 40 Acre?, good House, two 1'urns, Orchard, Sec, Mtuatcd ou Upper Salt Cictk, 7 mik'S from Dallas. 4 FAliM CONTAINING 2i0 ACRES, 100 j acres under fenee, (J acres under the plow ; g od Ifou.-c, Ram, and fine Orchard, Mtualcd li liii'cJ west of Dallas. rcHIREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRKS fi of lurid, 2('0 aers under fence. 25 acres eultivatud, good log burn, with lumber for li?ue, g!ioi orchaid, living water near all the year round. '.I miles t.uth-wcst of Siatpson's Riidge, p,ig Luekirfiiiute. - I GOOD E US I NESS LOCATION AT J. Eaenft YK-t.i, Polk county. Warehouse with rpHi'ity of 4i00li buhe!s ; trade already ! established wj: h the interior, and connection j with the W' ill a mei to Transportation LVtupariy. (food dwelling houe, and everything ready tor occupation. A fpicudid t pening for hufiucss. For ealc cheap. 4 SPLENDID FARM A DJ O I N I N G DAL 2 la, good ilotte. liarn, and othtr lluiid ing M'u.tte.t in Town. Tw-j hjicirt-'l n:ii f..rty f hit nrp'. tK btin!red fieri-s g.od plow land. t n acre of F-.il t wticat. about MXty aer . n ady plowed, an I everything in line e-ihti-ii fr f.tnnmg. Call "ti II" McCartcr, on thi pr.iiiie, or the un b rrigne 1. VGOD DAIRY-RANCH t)N NETART. Ray, cpab:tr if Mi.-i4ti.iiig one huudrv-) t',tws, with ai the i I'c'nif v apput finances for Duityit g. A . ' n'iid h ce is here otren for. ary rc v i i 1 1 ;- ' iu i!.ii !ju.ir.-- is t'ver.i thin is rea Jy to ii and for carrying it cu. FA t M. ONE AND ONE IILF MILES N. rt'n at of D i"i!.f. Hni. btru and "iinj'il : To hiiii i.i-i ut.ii t riy aer a! ..! r iotice ; F- r!y mr-.i unlr t'ii p' i.v. A ' oj.p.,Ttui.iy tor any i.iu wiUi:i'; a fn. Jfi'l cheap. rB;V( AND A QUXRTEU APRES U li land iu the t!.w:io! Rthe!. Il.ie, bat n n .irk-h p, and c'-'l oreh ird. A gi id thatscc ( ir any t g niin iU-r. wh wi-h.s to iocati nhcrsr Wi-rk of ih.it Kind plenty. roc GOOD O'MFORTARLE HUSE AND Jti'fit, wi:h ( r.ty of fjrrt-wa.t cn veriienf lUiitC 41. Ut MV' tuiie. toUtil-WC'l ol i.jl.lS. Ft l'.it ti.iilirs cinjuin of R. II. Tyson, lU-rt :u,ii n Oihi LUftlBERi LUMBER. rnilE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY X calls the attention of Mechanics and Ruibi-c-rs toth; fact that tbey have refuted their Mil) on the Little Ltii kiiiinute, and arc now prcp-tred to (iirni-h lumber at the lowest CASH t'RICKS. and in ipiantity and quality to mit. Having better f.o ilitics than any other Mill in the coun ty for the in iiifaeture of a SUPLIUOR QUALITY of LUMEER, it is our intention at an early d.iy to add to the .Mill aa A No. I MATCH Ell AND PLANEK" After which timo wo will be prepared to fur iiifh lumber dressed and matched. An excellent MOUNTAIN ROAD lends di rect to the Mill. A liberal tdiure- of natrouatt solicited, SHRADER Jt CO. :itf. EYE, EAR, THROAT A?JD Wm 3. 15. ilkin!oii, !., LATE OF SAN FRANCISCO Has established himself in Portland, Oregon. Offices, Nos. U and 4 II (times.' Ruildlngs, First Street, three doors fr :m Ladd .1 Tilton's Bank, where ho may bo consulted daily, and will treat diseases of tho above-named organs as his specialities. AU operations on the Kyo and Ear mad in the most scientific nnd caieful manner. Arti'lrinl Kyrn, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers for his professional standing to L. C. Lane, M. D., Prof, of Surgery, and Edwin Ilenth y, M. D., Prof, of Anatomj, University of tho Pacific, and for his success in treating patients to oyer 1,500 eases treated by him iu San Francisco also to Levi Estes, Esq., Portland, Wm, l. Tilton, Esq., Vancouver, joim Aloxandar, Esq., Conpertllo, W, J., and minv nttiArn nn tVii VnriV, n.,u.. .... 2S6ia THE HOUSE W Mi 1,1 VE lit AND TUB Inhabitants of the Human Body. WORMS. The cause of a great many diseases that have been pronounced incurable by the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the cause, and as Dr. Van Den ISergh has made the Entoza a lifelong study, be would inform the sick generally that by close observation and great experiments ho has come to the conclusion that there are more acute and chronic disea-tea caused by Worms, Hydatids, Animalculae or other species of En toia. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of pa tients who are treated by eminent physicians for this, that, or such a complaint, without any relief. If the disease had been underjitoud, a few doses of Dr. V's Soccreiin IForw llemnlif would have immedi itely cured the complaint and have save l a great many lives. Inhabitants of tho Humm Bodj J What think you, reader, of your body being a planet, inhabited by living races, as we in habit tho earth ? Whatever may be your thoughts on tho subject, it is even so. Your body u.;y be but u home for parasites that crasd over the surface, burrow beneath the hkin. ncrtie iu iU en trail.-, and riot and propa gate their kind in every corner of its f.aiue. The following is fjom the San Francij' liutlttiii, ff Jauuary 2Cth, 1872 a reueut date: Carl Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eMing meat affected with the Ovu uf Tanatu Solium. At the Coroner's Inquest, uu Tuesday, January 2d, it was shown that three weeks before Christmas, Martins purchased a carcass of pork. Some of the meat was eaten the s me day, and some was made into sausage. About ten days later some of the sausage was eaten, and in a short time the whole family were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday Dec. 31ft, 1S71. Mrs. Martins and her two children, are now very sick, and the former is not likely to recover. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further particulars, see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of the ab ve date. A Coroner's Ifquest brought this fact to light. Now I would ask bow many more such deaths an inquest would bring to light ? Pondr well, reader, upon this, aud think of the thousands that die every year and no caaso can be assiguel for their death. Now th qucMi-in that would naturally inter the mind of tho reader is, what shall I d-t ? The ad vice of the Doctor would be to go t some one that is competent of treating such complaints. i,d who is there more competent than the one that has made Worms a specialty. Tkmis. Yesterday, Dr. Van Den Bergh exhibited to u- a r uu.Wr -f j araf-ites wbicli had U en removed frm persons eClictcd. I'lo-re were ' several diiL-rent species, one of ahieh appear to bo entirely unknown t the n:e. Heal pr.fcMoti. This new Tahenia. is -hai.e l M:itK thing like an orange seed, but per fectly tJ.t. or rather like a cnc'imb.-r need, with i t.iil about a quartrr of an inch in lengtis. Another was a tape worm S7 feet iu Icng'.h, i.i I onsi.-ted of 9.0! "0 j .int.. Among medical seen there c .i-t no little difference of npini.otl relative to the ori.'ili of thes-c Eutoza. One :l.tss of writers believe that these p ira.ites, or it leat m.ijy of them, t riginatc in the endow ment of h.hj1 uijlceulca v.i:h vi;a!ity from she parent b-. ly, favorc 1 by certain States of he vital P.rcc of that body; the states uriin itiiif their organir.i'ion and promoting their jt tnth and prostration. That all descriptions f nt t i ;irc un-t with far more frequently bore n il f.rd i ued in greatest abun. dar.re i an ii: !i;)iilab'c fact, especially where i!'ct..- l is the fic.-h d the " uuclt-au b asts," hieh the Jews and M'"ha:uuicdans are fr o i lei t pirt.ike of. lint our intention is not wit' n ttfj-is ors this Milject; we only wish chr .t u ie the fact that Dr. J. W. Van Dcu C rg!i h i found a medicine a t-imole vegeta ble, which grws iu abundance in California, which is a deal sh to all entoxa. f whatever iescriplion, generally accomplishing its object in from an hour aui a half 1j six hours 'ijiui.trf Call. Hid we spnct, here, hundreds oftcstimonials ciiui l be produced testifying to the truth of the a.-scrti .s that have been mi le, but it would, be useless, and would occupy tho reader's time. Thofdlowing arc some of the diseases that Worms are often mbuken for: Dyspepsia. Chronic Affection of the Liver an. 5 Kidneys, Consumption, White Swelling, Palsy. Spermatorrhoea or Local weakness. Nervous Debility, Epileptic Fits, Rheuinntiara, Neuralgia; Diarrhoea, Incontinence of Uriuo, (Jrael, Fior Albus, Diabetes, Dropsy, etc. Dr. ". iroubl adyie those Li lies troubled: with oy Irregularities uf the Uterus to try his new remedies and get cured. Dr. Van Den Ilergh's Infallible Worm Syrup for children. Warranted to expel the worms. Pi ice $1. Scut everywhere upon receipt of price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Rergh's Hair Tonic a sure cure to desttoy all animalculae of the hair follicles, prevents fallinout. and promotes tho growth of the hair. Price. $1 50. Warrauted. lly Consult Itijf; atnl Underolug1 a S 3 .75 I, E E X A .12 ii X A TIOIV The aPvlicted can Icurn if their disease is eaMed by V. rms or not ; at all events, Dr. Van Den Pergh can tell them from what dis. oaso they are suQcriug. Symptoms of Worms, Alternate paleness and flushing of the coun. tcuance, dull expression of the eyes, drowii. ness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper lip tongue whitcly furred and thickly speckeled with red points, foetid breath, an enlarged ab dnneu, a partial or general swelling or pufg. ness of the skin, a starting in the sleep and grinding of the teeth, a seusation as if some thing was lodged in tho throat, a gradual wasting of tho flesh, sickne-s of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite sometimes voracious, at other times feeble bowels sometimes costive, at other times loose great frotfulness and irritability of temper', pains in the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convulsions ami palsy. If tho Worm Syrup is not te be had in your t6wn, Fend orders to tho manufacturers, and it will bo sent to any address. Direct orders to Dr. J, W. Van Den Bcrgb, P. 0. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. Letters describing tha symptoms will bo promptly answered, and persons living at distance will bo saved the expense and trouble of calling upon tho Doctor. Cousultatloits and Examinations Free of Charge. OFFICE EQOIUS,. 33 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE. Address, Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh, U T. 0. BOS 172, SALEM, OREGON,