Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, April 06, 1872, Image 1

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    i J n?TT.V i.JLJJL.!'. '-CP
p im o
5 ""
WHOLE NO. 109.
m i -m tn i i;i i. . j vi r:i i 1 1 vi
hi M S S -L NJ
. XT i f I
j j
ls Issued Every Saturday Ilorcmg, at
Dallas, Polk Couaty, Oregon.
OFFICE Mill street, opposite the Ciurt
SINGLE COPIE3 One Year. ?2 00
. Muaths, $1 2i Jhroe Month?, $1 0
for Clubs of ton or more $1 7a per annum.
&btcriptin tnt ? o.i tteictlj in mlcqnre
One s janre (10 line orles-). first in.-crfn. 3 i 00
1 ( ( j
Ejcii S'ibscqrtciit insertion
A liber il l'l:ol ion will be waJn to q-.iar-tarlr
anl yearly a.Ht-rtist'rs.
Profsi.nal cards will be inserted at $! 2 00 J
per annum.
Transient advertisement' nnt be paid for j
in advance to . injure vubt'cation. ,dl other
advertisiu-bias must be ud quarter.
Lc-al tenlers'talicn at tboir current vnlue.
Blanks and Job Work of every tlvscription
furnished at low rat.?s on shrt iu tut.
JCxU'ii Ezn5nrcicsslj fior
DsnonEST's iltjjstp.atzd
Containf Orig'nal Stor es. N w Mnsi", Hotti
fcold Matter. J'iuerl and Artistie Literature,
and the only lv. liablc l-'a-bioa.-", with Full fin
Patterns. Yearly, only $:' 00, web tao ? dm-
lid Cbr-no, " Isn't nib Pui TTV." ti.e, L.ixl.v
worth $S 00, ?nt pot free ta caeh niberrlT :
or the Larjre and Klcant Ciiromo, after dc
romk Thomi'S s. HiawatW Wooing, si.o, 15
x 25; price, it 5 00. f r $1 00 extra, or b-.th
: Chromos with the Ma-a.'uio, f r $.) tH) p.,.-a-fiee.
Tubtirbed by
i 83S, JiiwiUrng. AVtr Y-k.
A splendid offer to our Fubrrib-u : We
send the above Popular ard Vi.u!h M;;jri
n, for one year wish the $-5 00 Thr :io.
p;etLcr with our paper fur only ?5 ; or, f.-r $1 0 1
extra. Hiaw itha Wo-dtt?, or for 5 r,ft wt-wij!
send D.Muaret'i XJ-mtUly for one year, !
lLromos. and tb Ok::os P.k i t r.t.tcAN. Or
' lor io 50 we vill fci v! the larriii.KM!;
i pnd Demorest'a Monthly for one year.
Thi 13 a Fpkndid Char. e to Feco.ro the Wt
Jlazatine, Eiesnt Chroojosiuid a goo !
i County Paper for nearly Iia.!f the v .loe. hend
I the ainount to tbi fii ";, and toe Maazluoasid
1 hromod v.'lir he pr iapt5y forw irde 1.
Tub n.Tr?TfiAT bi pmiKyoi.ofirr.u.
JOVI.XAL, i? in every r -p. "t a lhrt
fas 3!a?aine. Its arlifie? te of i';.-e ht.-li.t
ntcrest to all. It :!.: wlsat ;?e and ! t ,-.
o Bixke th? in oi t of oarsr!vv?. The i;.f re::.
lion it eontaii . the Lav. -3 ..f L;'V and iit-eii,
ii well worth the yirie of tii" .Va.-.7iaeto t-x.-rs
Family. It is puh'i-bed at ?.J en vo ir. Ky
n pp-oia! nrrarro -ineni we nr o!.;. ?. to f.. r
h o P II a k 5 f i.r.'i; i r r. Jot i: if- k.s a Pr-o.-'o.-ot f"T
if. new nibHribvr to tbo Harao I; j : ; ; u .
r.r will fnrhi'h the i'acr.N f no u J.n ;-vi
m! i..i. -,, l'rii-pi iiom 1. (;!. -r fiir ."' I Cii.
V. (j eooaoeiid the JolUNAI. t aliV..o nant a
rowl ila .'Mini'.
... -
-T n "i a
Dloroinfrton (lh'? Panta-r?p.h
r.t n ff,r.rl Lv !
tebraph, tint the Mmp-rir of i e r -
' 1
....,.- 'u loir.'rn L.'vi'i r. (Sr.-.t 1!-.! :
and America in thy dispute red ilivc to j
h3 title to the Island or.IsI-tids d H.t: !
Juan, had river hU decision in favor of I
the United Sta?c?. The ropoif proved j
" i.i. M t.. lu-exofefed i.re.inatnrn. !
tlic cate not yet uctn u.-c;ued etti.ci
... ., v . - . , .
U.iy, Jits l;ow mo'iuju ni :i r-'pou
that he is cxj'iclut to d.cide it in our
f he question at. iuc Jiris'
. .." IUI
. ..i
readers jreneraily know, under too trcay
of 18KI, vvhieb fettlol, ir was sunpos:d
tu have settled, an ancit nt. controversy
as to the Tiohtful teuiiorial j-o-scssio-is
of the two nations (;ri the I'aeifie CaciM1.
That controversy bad existed about us
long as our nsfmn had. and bud its. roots
in treaties negotiated latwccn i'lurop.ean
powers a life time previous to our Pce
laratiori of I ndopendence, and :-till ear.
Jicr in . the early h'pani-h and Pomli-h
illsCOverics oiiiiut; x aemu l-m,..,.. ..:
claimed the country up to " lifiv fe-ur-Ifrt7
or fight (Jreat liritain claimed
it down to the Columbia river, and was
willing to take it ail, down to the Mex
ican boundary of (then) forty-two dg
After being the subject of a vast
ileal f diphnnatic palaver, and of a
wonderful . amount of eloquence in
Congress and elsewhere, and after se
riously threatening a war through the
intemperate handling of it, by Presd
" dent Polk and Ids backers, the matter
was arranged by the treaty of 18PJ,
adopting the parallel of forty-nine as the
boundary to the Straits-'of Sun Juan
de Fuca, thence following said rt raits
to the occaG.
It must have been some twclveyears,
more or less, after this supposed final
e tlemcnt, when wm'c of the officers of
the two countries in that far away cor
ner of the earth kicked up a fresh
row, by attempting to occupy the little
island of Sn Jauu, which lies iu the
paid straits," and about which it Was con
sequently possible to get up a discus-
1- -r i.... :r: ...... f ',.
main chau-
IIIOIV so til 0
ml nn on. J hero wa-i on ee
bloudy talk, but the matter was arranged
by permitting a joint occupancy.
the . Colfax ptrty," when they
went 11 across the coutiiuuit " in 1805,
f mud mi the part of each government
" a captain's and corporal's guard of sol
dier;; on the tviu J.tuu, -only disting
uishable, probably, one J'roni the other
by the blue and red of t lieir uuiloiiiis,
and fraternizing daily, doubtless, over a
Hani!! of cards and a whiskey buttle."
And that state of affairs continued, .c
suppose, even to the present day.
Py the treaty of Washington (of list
y. :ir)tho Emperor of Germ any is ap-
pointed atbitrator lo decide whn ij
channel shall be eotisidered the bonn-
cat y,-
Ui ction to ho llual an.l
without appeal. Kverybidy ( innn
A t . -. 1 I 1
America, tif ica.ft) who uua seen tlic
uruUi;J ;Vs tint our claim is m iuil'cj.1
, Ci,V)((;t t j ((
' , .... .-. . i
lu-isoii io ii u nnai ioe iuoiuauu v. n
.-a tii-ci-ie JJut tiie matter in cutitro
versy is too. small f-r either party to
ph ve ovt r, let the de-ci.su. n bens it
may 'i he only important point is to
have it decided. The little ish-md, for
its aeea! value, is i l';ir counterpart ot
Jie territory which f-utiu d t !ic td j,ct uf
contention in the raid upon " the Po
ll ck " b " tiie nephew tj old Nor
way, rtinl ras";
" We jfo to sain a liit'e patch t.f graua J,
Thiit b Oh i.i il lii r..'if but the li.too .
To pay live duc.os, live, I w.uoi lo.t irtu it ;
N-.r w:il it. yi .td to .V.rw.iy or ihi V .:e,
, rt.k r rate, lonl 1 it oj i in tee."
S o m :: r i h n i A n 1 1; r T t: i:x 1 1 . h v ,
says Vititmher $ JinrnmL do some pcu
p e"s tce-h coiiic out more liadily than
others ' Tiis reason:- 1 jV this are prob
ably many. About th" middle d" t'.ie
la.-t ceiiiury IV ur iv.dui, a r'.v d.-.
viitcd AiiiCi.i'i, and wrote se;..-io!v
ah'out who t lm ?a7. II ub ert d a fre
tjeonl loss t f teeth a tnon t-ct?h is i'lom
iV.u ope, ( : ps ctai y Wcrn m At! r di--cusi;
and fojecti-i many mod s oi
exp'a'jation, he.atti ihttied it to l ot ten
it,d other ii -t
hv' vei'a ji-s ; an d came to
; ho eoneki -inu tin?
hot teedev.s f
their tt it hi more rea illy tli ta coll b:ed
- is." ' .Mr CatKn, who oiu. years .!
had Ml ii.! ree tT exhl itioa ii" I rl. :t,
that ' n A m re-i t
I ud ; i !)- iri vo hi-!
1 1
i 4 I . t 1 Ml III MIJ !. . I - ili.il'..-
f;r the ditj''.'r.:;ee in this Mr nt.-.te way
i"i:at the re ls keop iho in oil h tho
a hcrcf the' white k.-e; it o(--;,i. T.t
tcclli, h says, iiij lire m nature to ko -
!ir face's in '.: i wufk 04 or i r
heo i:-
m 'i ; a is I.-
11, i n.
n.'i 'a-
iry up, t he
of ill
1 to. r . t i n.
J 1. 1 t ti !o- ; t le or n.'
t 11 r !! !l d I tr "I'l'l
i.tit. - .it'iA - . .. i i. .
" ,
I iia':he. ti - 1 do
2 f i ' , tl I V . h im
( ' - , i i a - .
'. 'a'h.; -e .:-! tl
i.i-s if t - - r i
iiUM.au rae-- 'retir rail
; r 1 : 1
I r O'UI:'' ?r(lU(iJ
t oan t n hi ute
1 ?
t, and toe w ote 10
1' I i ' 111 e.iOij.al ir'Ol V.
V ,,ir "l-fti lar tea muen-
f" Indian - warrior .h.-j-s, fun's an
''-h his m-oiih -h".t.an-1 re-po-e-
thr-u-h his n.-tn! Amoti- tie vir
tu-s attni.UM-d by bin, to eie-; d lij.s.
i-- t xc . hen!- when yon arc aniy.
Pot: r ;tC'osi?.
v t
montii s
.m:w Pi.ws
i no
' ! , , . t- il.' .... I
I " "I M . -! .1 I ' I IIU
.. . : , or ... . .1 !
M I.-. I O '..M i
1 vopii If
Leans are juet no.v cn'-ed in the.
j j oir:t; rch'ai-il of a new t-a-rio eomie
drama, called f . ;tr, fp n 'JWi mid
Ot'.ti in tin' H'lHo'i1, wbicdi they wi!
' J " ;:: i.i ( Copperhead Pcmoer.lt.
(Xon ..rtd !.;! fl'-Tsuhlicail.
The JI
loUou ohl
'ihis -day will keep tlm I eirds all the
summer, a. id w'di ho fo'doweii Jn No
vcmt;er iy a tragedy, entitled L'jtl i
the Win tils.
The Lrt A poor, starving, old
'Possum, and a poor, little orphan Conn.
i TnhiefUf. The old 'Possum eats, up tire
poar little Coon. Applause in the. gal
lories. Curtain drops. (Jkicti'jn Jour
nal. The average expense of students of
the clas.--.es of PS7U and 1871 in Yale
College was a trifle over -SI.0 JU, and the
rango from to 2,5!J0. Tli it ex.
tra cipher on tho cash spent will no
doubt add an extra cipher to the com
munity where dhe young spendthrift
finally settles down. Of all the nuis
an ees a profligate, profuse, college bum
mer is the most dctcstihle. Yet the
young ladies are apt to think him
naught but so nice."
Th?: Language of Fuuits. Ap
ple, discord ; pear, marriage j p um,
wealth; gooseberry, simplicity; elder
berry, seniority j fig, dollauce ; sloo,
tardiness ; ' crab, sour temper; date,
chronology; plautiiu, grewtb; prune,
lief u I ''osi-t?li.ce
From the earliest nenod of recol'ec-!
tion I've had a dere to keep" a lVist-Mut "''her capacity to be recognized
offee, or have the P. O. keep me. pi)r ' which : to be n.uea in every rpokcn
yoas i have toiled for the "pih" of l;"-uj;e. T ft p VM.nd cliaracter uf
1 M., and Un wr'-k 1 Mte-eeded. 5ut j v'" i r tlisphiys itnilf in the wulk
now i write alter my j;ame, ex V. M. I (i(':t rtat nip.er as ditiuei!y as th .-e
1 11 tell you how it came about.
'he postm an r here resigned, and. wish !
he :dd yf a raveyard recomuH'tid ition, !
! Mieei-edrd him. If is ,!tih.,hi' Lui.1
iiess it l 'did rob
th; tombstpiies for
mnues f.ir my f.f,:itiou ; tmd'I e.in't bte
a by the relatives of he delunet eh. q s
won't ijnit throwing ii up t a lelhw
Well, I wrote 1 M. alter my r v.
Mrs ivipnoti k ciiitdaet il me witli the
tendei si! ?s ( t a hhe-bcar when 1 rn-hc 3
into the. ro,in waving my pentam over
my 1 ea t, ami my appointment hru-uht i 1 ,il ,!i "" ...uu m ..i-..in, ,uu u
Mitidry other hu-s. I was. a': hapj.yj bu' l'r"ulihl'Jst iu ! u n 1 1 i v t r I ! v - - i ft -,;,.,
1 id I'od I, who, even in hi ht:htt
-Mrs. L. and I sat up till midnight n-' :i --'oof force
kvntln- mv mme v illi P. M. aficr" it. i mi Ivcr- ll i'ye-m, p.uhips, a
Oh, it locked -rau lly. I Won'd::' have I whim-ieai notion ; hut y I it is hardly
-w .ppod it for J'res, Ll,. h or A. R j t xira .1-iit to add lhat. in Hand,!, as
The next day I enteied npot the nU- ' hak-pearc, we h-ch tube in con
t har-e of my duties and cstcr hiv : P'sn) uU a I r"-1:,'"'ll,i n"U- 'i'1"' lUl'
Uncle rtmnefdbch-ir-od me. '.! o met, were prosperous in the I nolo
1 , , . . i
immediate v in on nis su 0f syor
ot n was mt'i :i mui 1 1 1 . Nn ex
h i-,-. L.i.i ..o.liil 1 ,1... .v !
P. M. left, and I was U-lV aloae. The !
mail caimr. and I dl-lnbuU-d it ihie !
wise. .My motto has always h,-ci - li r.-t
, 11, n ;! 'im I 'to ,d 11 ft,. ,4 If '
, ami t acti u tipou it
knowbd-', : I -ave a
!i-r as ion' a- thev i
to t lie hi s ; d m y
i- tti-r to i ' h i
'a.stcd. ami then f co:nm,need on t lui
t,.j;i,,r i
W1fc5.i l the thinf w al l ;n-t like a
charm. I n b r the obi r. .'istie s me
p. opio m-vcr r't a U Her, whdr now the
liisl 'i ron in the id'ii e ah-r th' d;-ti i-
ute.T, of the mail, would iet tho hi '
The idea w ,s ci-ln d, and I prid. d I
m-elf on its invent, n. Tho Ln muek
'c-r. ia if . , i r t , i can.'.
or ;o W t.s v' r h i ti e.
1 iie lo o ;:ii! i ' '
.vwtiT " m nl O ey
i ,...! .1 ."
i I'.-.. i:i, U"U-v; ioi i;e :o.-,-o ii -uu
. traiuiiH-!. ot looj t le ri.-: "d r'aute'lori
As I t .i o I tie- e er f di-ovi tet
two W';iiKfue.vn cstix-ns ao.;ut to us
a i
;he v rtu in cSenehe l hands.
' I j. v r write u letter to your wife,'
;' f i ?'i ra ! " ! i)ii(
V ;i ;io.' - 1-1 tl.o , ,r . u y0,.
i., :?. r e t 1 I . v w is !, r
v,;i'.: i iu P i ; ; :: a: 1
oi I to me.' Mv I
i .
... )
-v, . t letter to yo:i. iJp?n'i. ks tudde
;!o'fo u! j " -me fir-', served," phi e
it i mv h it, and a ri out n! alter
;t. it tl. "y v.-.-nt.
I hlltsie l o'l.
1 i. i i io t 4-ntf red th; P, (). wb-ti
a v. .0.0 h-Ik-I iu'.. th. huildu.u'. :r 1 wellin-tiuctei. Ait. th,r it
- You virdn!" : j.dhd, kmekiuir U'-- wto m-' as impo.sdde toileny to .f
my bat to th; i! vi I her, in- hr i ma de .1 -emd is a v.. ce spakm- irm
eiitle talons jn mv hdr. " You t vv j t h- mind, s the written styiesut Ad
mv I -tier to M IVton:.".!.-', the Uv- di.-ui and Macauhiy, m the pd;et
4..U -'-llcl 0.
iu town. A t d ,-he''s
ti !'.i: evi rywisere that I've been wtit
to a m in led ma" . '
Well. I now can't ba.st of lirio'i
: ., - T
i n - i
o a
iwe irc'-'v had to
r-eeuf or Jeff wh ;i
a ev'-o ro-h d into hr1 fd'i
1 o
M- tlo-i'st pre ich'T ho ,1 1 it. I think
rr d t'jo ihreslod I.
" Yii!,rn !" h y i I i
yon i'lve my
letter to id Lyre cut b-'s !!'
evt rv heie iit.it i ve 'rot a uie m .w
'oii. ;m 1 ami'lor in M aii.e."
4- K i i him '. kill him!" yelled tho
? 1 ' '
j -.i.v j i alii a m t M.i uii.i,,
. . ....
1 ...... .1 .. .. ..!.',.- ,.'.P!1-.-
me and I re eate I.
' Haii; the .e ujiidrol !'' crie d tho
w oim n. and I feared that tlie command
vouid he CKeented.
J went th:o;:h (h.e window, and now
I ntu in Mio'lo r town
I am .n ex-lh M now, r.nd a c'iij
who-' mnHo ain't " Pir-t onu; host
vsorved" stands ai tiie j;oal of my lite
.My I. net i . el. Mop has not L-vn
unprndiirfive of re-ultH That Metho
di-t preacher has left his hat;;e, and a
New York .woman is huntinjr him.
Twenty six divorces stare our next, court
iu the face, and, through my brief of-
.. .i
n nai career, nine men waiu on eruteiios,
ti r 1 (,,iip ifAiii-in 1 1 ia t - 1 1 . . i i r. f 1 ( itou
' "" ii r i'mimi i-y.K.
And I f Why, my craneum is hair-
sand I bre not p back to Skull -
town on pain of death.
My ambition is satiated now, and I
have discarded that motto, ' First como
first served." It don't work in a post-
I wouldn't he a P. M. again for all
the benzine in the world.
penceful conscience and a contcn -
ed mind are the pnnc.p lo cdemcnts of
happiness. ,I hc cross ol Crist, and
tlie promise of (iod, these and no chris -
., ' ,, , . .
ttan should ros-t short of them. Anxi-
e'yabottt life sometimes leads from the
L'ird of life ; live near Jesus and cast
your anxieties upon him,
Subscribe for the Kepuulican.
n rr.i.-r.,
.cvcry musical school, toa. there is
"1 !i v'lUl ,,lu,ry F' '',!
hc, 1 rcnliatiti.-s of the man Mezurt aie
s fh':.rly reveal, d in iwiU: as in
hi h'itM and in th n cords of his liH-
It is the Kme with Jeethuve:i ; the
.same r, ith Mrii.b Ushuti ; the sai.ie with
1 1 y 1 n In Hand Is writing there 's
to be tosiild the ex;.re-siMi d" evrr,
hum tu pasi..ti ; but it vouh! be lidie
itb u u pref', mi that tie' trmlen e.s.
thi! swt ethess, mingled jyousiK s and
sa iiS' t-s, uhieii are alinu-f a1 ways pre-
. .. ;.. ... ...1.;.. :.. t: ., .. t ..
of Uiotu'Vv ! t mir. and Wo'i.loi ! til to ad a.
a llieaincl m;nuer, is a lact Whieb
1 !;u k" 'v
and whieh otiht cvi-r
1 ' '-'niorced on llo' attention of ih".r
IfI'h- wlu. itn iiue that there i-
-i tilt. J-J. w Ut't V. Id, lj uu
' ",v J't i.. ....
Z" and a eapHty for bu-i
ne-s. However, this rnueh, I think.
fvaui.ot be denied, lhat as trjbody ever
would itn tun', frotii their wot L, thai
eilh- r Shikii. aie or Il tndei wcic tin
hninnate. m;'anviio!y
m ...ii - t . . i '
it' i j
SO T:ob't lV
Would evet im iiue 1 hat lb elhoveu v;..s
the reverse; or, aaiti, that Wt hb; r
n l!rvm. jovial iinn .oi me w:m i i,
I !... i?,.t,.; r. .... .. i ., I .
'' i,,r hrc ,si :U!,i ior "':tl U' Iu t!i,
WAi ba,tian lUch's wntm to',
j e thq revel Usan d the p o u.. mti
ais uis'orv a.s uiu!ij'.iiii 1 jtoni ini
I ! ! ... . . ' . .... I'.
oi iits? jjreat conicmp.'r tr . 1 e.-iy p f
i -n-. with their f -inH cts, find m ex
pia -i Mi iu any id the Wtisks d" th"
piiet, c nitcutid, diimcstiit nraieal di
rector of J.eipMC. lv. ni in the most
jubdat and t! iu.liphan?. buTs and
climixvs it, his Mass in r.ism.r h
n ihlest m is ever wi ittn, and by a
to , the
I c
clear, bright.
: ) iwt
-ell r a -e
d nature of the
n. tn is -till iuaniie-f; and he p on
! oariivjr f.irtli his streams of bvimor.
laterl-acinix harmooies with a fertility
an 1 a . fise. ot enj ivuint th it b.
at oaee a moot at case ami an tin lmi 1
lii.: us exuberant a- it vi- ro vorfe
styli? of .John-. in, wtt" the na'.nrd pro.
ilus ..f the p . culi u ities id' th ir sev
eral charactr is. Fo-I ,tijh I' ' j AVrV".
II It: It XoTi-o. In the Mauie
Piute," t'hri-'itei Xii-son f. i ".d ove
the stall The youngest of .the M.-rs.
S. -i.v'ilb a ctmpa-s ef three oetave
f ;5!lt lrdf, reacho d the saoie note
(.,.;,', ;r, !:sd th s ime w eidoii'ul com-
but t 'tch' d u third lower. Tim
i.ih. st vo
ce en record is that of Lu
fctelii Ai'trn-i, whom M7ttt lv-ad at
P;r:m, With a voice as pure a Lute
j j-he ascends d to liiple r. trilli r Oil the
t( ii,,n'(i.
A Mi liam. ih;"t'r. woo a-
?Miu-.hed St.. Petii-shurg in Iv-d reaehe
lb.- .eiiue not - hy 'neeident.
We find, says the Spring field (lib
j"ifnit, the aiiovc in an c
HiL'C ;
an 1 we
O'l reio
vid a hi th it the high -t
id is m
t, tne one
inent lone 1
ll.. II . . L ; l.tj " il.M,,.!-.! Mo.'iei! hi.
'" 1'u,s;; '.. , . ' .
sta ueliou, tr.-tilies to having heard a
of f-vclve ears reach tin; " triple"
four lined e, the seventh spar1; above
( ,,... u.He.f--n tnajor third nb vo the r
j ,,K.nt joned, witli ele-irness :iml purity
j ot intoti atin ; and her lowest note was
j the little r fourth .space behnv the
; tdei" making a con pas Mf lour octaves.
dennv Liud's bi diet note was the
? .....
three-lintd the same as .Nilssou ,
l. 1 t ' ' I S i .-. . . . - rft
ami .uaaami; lUiunran inarc aj :in"
j sharp. Put.it must be remembered
j tint the pitch has risen since tho days
of those great singers. The Folio.
The Wisconsin Legislature Ins passed
a law miking election day a legal holi
day. This is a good thing. If there
is any one day in tho year when good
citizens ought to forget their ordinary
F 1 fin rv
l . nf ... , ,ltvntiu rt iiwdr
r that tlay is ,10 ono 0u
wlijch (ho t"ulcrs nro tJ bo choson. pur.
; . , tn ,.c t,, i;
therniore, Americans have too low noli
! nir en. , im l1(,vnfn .i!lv
j ,0e:ln.c .d recreation, if it is not
dovoted lo those uses by liw. Hence it
is desirable that legal holidays should be
C,i h VJiB. BOBElt,
1) E N T I" S T,
ILk lorat-1 in Dalbi. an I is rca ly to
atfi'ii'l t u'l tbo; rt 'I'lirio i i.-f ;iiM-e
A rlui.-i.-tl Tcwl'n of tbo vtry llnt;t utid bcBt
S.tti.Fiif ion pn ararMcod, or no rli-are made.
N"W i. t?u? lioic . call mi tho I). J r.
Ofa. y, .;.;. oitc Kiticaid'a Photo-raj. hie Oul
lery. t
5 Ij l2 . tS. Ei. ",jsr,
.1 tr.v Co vs.- e 5 2 v v a 1 - Z.: v.
Wi'i ( i .i. i h ;t i:. (!,.' (hiurtu of Ilc r 1 and la
fcii o' Coo;, (h.ii. i ati'oide'l to promptly.
t)T . in Ir. J. 1'. H.iv i Nou. iJuiidio-,
MAIN STi!j;3iT, I N'nill'tl.VIM'N'CS.
On-TCM In Pt:.i't:injrAN IJuihl-
r. Mill strict. Orhr.- itd.eitcd. All bu;i
pr ui., :ly !M:enJ..d to.
ii Ot GFiOSOSy f.l. Oh
nivsin A N' a no s;H;I;f)',
refer his Scrviee? to the Chizcns of Dallas
and Vicioiiy.
(rnci:&i xic:i.ls' m-a- store.
f ' i rt n
ij m J at
ittorncy and CocnsoIlor-at-Law.
Dallas. Oreiroii.
Sp-eial attention jriien ty Culleetioofl and to
oi.iitcr!1 pertaining to Ileal K.late. 1
c n r ro i r a
tTy aV C:iaxck2or aldLaw,
s. s a it. v k k;
Ko. X3U, Fint S tract,
ioKTi,.x;, - - . . oitncspx,
Who;e:ile and Ittail Dealer ia
lli'h. t-t thi'h I'licojod 1 f.r ull Uiads of ,
i('. tf
U Z. 4 9
' ::!
i i
rpo mv fp.ii:n': axu patuon; i
B. w "ild say ' thai I have re built my 5 imp
on the
s :ir; (li cons Kit,
V,! fr" I ;m prepared to do ud kinds of
v.u;rr ivo'.ik am) nonsr.
siifit.iNt; o: s::itT Noncii,
I ieiv- ! h
n'i ray r pcrt by Tire, t !...
e. i ". . i ! ia i.-r v.'--:-K wi.i toaicr a jav.r
by p.-.yi j up iiiiin'.'di.stcly.
A f i- a 1 ia i.e.-1, . a hiend ia l--'ed.
a .-"A nnr.vn.
1 ? tf
th"-e th ii h ive ex lerienee er.n tell,
it '-o 1 te t vo-ir iat.-r!t to k
r,.!, v r
.;..5."-oo js , n n 'e r.' loe Ili. 'i .m l Hare
D""-5 Ito? h. ih '-r LaJiC3 Il.Vt3 ih.it ;ue lie'
;' t.i.m -eh-:.'! r-'o M O. V t'msi
I-.!.- ;it- ' is ..f JLlllCi FarS. aud tie.s.j New
f, !. Pktt t th.t a,-j.eared I., fv.rl, i. l v,mt:i.:e
ov, r t'a.i-e (li;U lio-c t Ja.i:.C3' Bocts. maou-o-"ir"l
t Pri'tvmm. I'e.ivuo .t il iih-iiein,
l'l'vUi'-.d. Dj-.-ori. .if a!) which yiU had fil-h
.. Itvi.-h I o- : ;iy by iho J ' ! k iheaoiy holies at
the !r.'nii stnt.'' Piiir. Or J etliap' . r . o'lemeii,
v U weald h: t eiil an d i x ioiife;' ..r your-
h- - lie's. r,i.--iTit Kitii'i Sa'es .f Gca'.'s
Clotiiittf. wlnlo I pi .. v u a Fi A-.ut-
! ta-ot "I i.n'H' ii' UVIil.nHC baoits. Are! wl-.en
I i .-.o-m n Yi-ilwo Kotioa?, Fancy Goo.,
i j..,vcir,. ri0 v ,h Ccc3 aad Cigars. Gro-!
C l'K' '' ad 1 b'Ki i ipti uf i it-nitiH'-'l stru-tly
:it Pi iti oi l rie.'i iiiy eu.'-tivmfrs bear nitnoo
of the Lxctlier.ey and t'.o apncos.
sole Asrmt f.r P.dk County for the T5ot and
Slice .Muunta. lory of Pcrt'ont l, Oregon, tho
exeelhoit .pi ltity of wheso ;:iods are erealiii-f
:'ii !. nn evfiu iiieot, all over the State and Pu.
ritie Territories. Trad.) ioercasinj every day
at La L'ledc (formerly ClntT's Stre).
M. M. LLLIS, Proprietor.
'20 Cm
. . ' . i
j. m. eiMrr.nia.. 4. s. r.ti'i.KV
1 havo constantly on hand and for Sale
arsiJ BlaiiaKCil.
All cf tho P.cst Mutrrial and. Mnnnfacture.
' For everything in the GROCERY LIXS
go to
M. C. BROW, ;!
lie has on hand a full mppty, whfeh,.fcfi
oflern c heaper thau any other Store in Dallas
2 tf ,
All Styles of Pictures ol the Lest fiuis&
I iJ for tkin pictures, I invite the patron-mr-
f the publie Pltac call at the hoto
s;r.ij hie Ua'kry, Main atrret, oppoite Dr. Uar
Kll'M ufliee, Dalian. ltf
, , hi i - Ttf i .mi
r o eerie 8
Cigars and Tobacco,
Cor. Main and Court Streets,
Thcs. G. Richmond, Proprietor.
Stand of Mr. A.-II. Whitley, we have r
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner a
will ftisfactoritj meet ever want of th cam
canity; :-' - -s.w.ti;;;y-i..'.-:,e..
IluSgles, single r douWe, llacks, Cob
cord Wagona, etc, etc
Furnbhcd at all hours, day or night, oa
short notire.
Superior Saddle Iforsea, let by the
Day or Wrclu ,
Carriasc, Wason,. Sign.
Dune in the most Workiaa.nlUte manner by
n. v, siiuivcR. ..t
Shop upstairi over Tfohart 4 Cvl Harnesa
Shop. ; ?-
11 c.tnptete Stoek of GENERAL MKB-.
CIIANDIZ.E, consisting in jpart of (
Ery tiQQilx, 3 1 '
CiJIass, Qiiccnsirarce
Tobacco, Cigars,
And all articles found in a GENERAL VARI
ETY MOUE, I would respectfully call th
attention of tho Public to my EatablUhmenU
Highest Cash price paid for
I UUS A xn PEirm
It. A. RAY, j
Eoia, Folk Co., Ogal ,
tfi-tf " !.
E3B.T2K & BACEIttliDEn,
03 Front Street, Portland, Oregon!
Circuit, County, and Justices Court, con
stantly oh hand. AI, Bonds, Deed, Mortgage
and liUnks for use in Bankruptcy cases
Advertise'-: -,
T.y usinj Irtdterhcftdii, RUltioit. ' ttafia, CirVa
lar., Princil Envelopes, cto, G;v us a call, or
lend in your order?, 4:ual2