Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, March 30, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL. 3, m. L
WHOLE HO. 108.
Slit rtsou 3JcBublinn
Ht Issued Every Saturday Morning, at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE Mill street, opposite the Court
.House. - ;
SINGLE COPIES Ono Year,. $2 00. Six
Months, $1 25 .Three Months, $1 00
For Clubs of ten or inqro $1 75 per annum.
Subscription mu-tt be paifl strictly in advance
One square (lOlinos orless), first inscrt'n, f 3 00
Each subsequent insertion.. 1 00
A liberal deduction will be inado to quar
terly and yearly adrertiscr?.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
is advance to injure puh.iea'ion. All other
adrertiaing bills must be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Jf.b Work of every description
furnished at low rates en short notice.
Contain Original Store-". New Muji", IIeie
bold. Matter?. OYnera? and Artistic ! Literature,
jind the only ReliaMc Fusion, wHi FiU
Patterns. Yearly, onlj' :?.'' If. web' thn !n
did Clinvno, Isx't Shk I'rktty," itt', l:.vis.
worth $8 Oft, pent pot free t e:i :h mb-eriher :
or the Lnrjre end Elcjant ('..- us, after Je
ltoMK TnoMl-s x. Hiaw-ithn' We.ii., ,i.o 15
x 2'r. price, $1500, f .r $1 CO cxirli, or both
Chrojuos with the Mijaxinf, f r $5 0 D post-
irce. Published by
I'ruttdirr.tj, AVer York.
A splendid offer tf our Sub.riWi.i : Wo
-send the above Pup'i'.-ir aid V.!,u .!! Mj,i
aio'j.'fur one year with tb $s. r) i;Lr.w. to
gether with our piTer f.r "ly K ; tn'.C' r $ (M)
extrt. Hiawatha . Wo -r fr jf " will
end D !nreat' Monthly f r ye.vr, b-th
Chromes, and th OtiKf." Rrrt i:i.J(".s. Or
for $: it w v 511 srJ the Pi- it eucas
,and Demorcst' M'ti!isly fr ovpycT.
Thif is a Fr!endvt Ohanve t secure th Te.t
SisjnT.ine, Klctii'.t t'iiroin and a -..nt
'untv r f"r nearly hall" tin v.i'u . fv-n-l
the amotint t. flu efle--. and the Mv-.eit." and''
Jirutnos will be promptly f.rv;irde 1.
JOURNAL, is in every respe.-t a l'ir.t
Class Magazine. It'' f.rtn-I.-! ;:re ..i'tho liicrh -n
.yitercst t all. It tcarl.es wh.it w arc a. id !".v
o make the nK'?t of o:ri 'vv. 'l";e i.f ri
tion it. coiit:it'i! on Jhe Lw. f Life and !li:i!fh
i. well worth the price f the M iazinet rv-ry
I'omi'-y. It i published at f i O't a ywr. I.y
a rptx'ial nrran.crro.cnt we are ot.r.bU-1 t f"er
th PnRFNC.ioGHAi. J: us At. Preuruiii tor
f new Mihricrihvrs to tin; t):a:;i?s I'Ki'i hi.icas,
or will furnish the rnni;..-!.( x;mai, Jut 'N i
and Okf.gov Hkitrmcav t ectl-r f. r $1 I 0.
We coi;inii.nd the Jui'nv.i. to all who wmit a
ood Magazine.
The Democratic parly is in a slate of
titter bewilderment ;ia to its povsihiiitics
with ref't-retice to the. e'mtp 'residen
tial election, whetl.tr in . thu tuattcr of
jf!(diticai u:cef!S or inisrrhicvous plotting
o divide the IejuMic:irj rauks. !(
Southern winpr is ;;.s a.-iti-iiational atid
seditions In .cpirit a. ever, though ready
to 'co operate with th'j Xortiiem wing
in nr.y device that jtiay pos.sihly c fleet
the overthrow of a ha!-d loyal admin
islratiun. The main point of union be
tween them is, at all events, to prevent
the rc-nornination of President Grunt;
tmt if that cannot, he d"ne, then fo de
feat his eleetion if possible by iiiduein
certain disaifected Republicans to hiio
into the field against him, Mr. (Jliase,
jMr. Trumbull, Jlr. Sumner, or some
other prondtieiit Uitmber of the domi
nant party, by the lending asunder of
which there is the only chance of suc
cess. This is hih praise for the Pres
ident that he has so admini.-tered the
liffairs of the country as to make himself
more distasteful to the rebel and uejjro
atirip; chrucitt?, Nt-rihand South, than
ony JJepublican yet artfully sucsted
is a rival candidate. T'in fact is im
yncnsely in his favor, and it is of far
reaching significance. Whatever may
have been his mistakes or short-comings,
tJip recent State elections prove that his
general policy has been in accordance
with the views cf an overwhelming pop
ular majority ; a ud so acceptable, in
deed, as to make it questionable with
leading Democrats, whether it will not
b6 extreme for the Democratic party to
attempt any distinct organized resist
ance at the next Presidential campaign.
Of the twenty-two States that have
nade their annual trial of political
strength, fifteen are Kepubhcan and
seven Democratic j tho former casting
ono hundred and seventy-one electoral
votes, the latter fifty-one, including Now
Hampshire and New Jersey, which in
all probability will change sides next
year, thus reducing tho number to thir
ty-nine. No such cheering results could
have been obtained, if our national af
fair had not been satisfactorily managed,
as a whole ; and it probably means that
the people are resolved to extend to
President Grant a second term in office.
For any Republicans, therefore, to con
spire against him cannot bring victory
to their standard, and can only end in
subserving the factious purposes of that
party whose triumph is to be dreaded
by every friend of freedom and human
ity. ".Take any shape but that "
It is idle to say that there are scores of
men in the Republican ranks who are
better fitted for the Presidency than the
present incumbent. No doubt there are
hundreds who place this modest esli-
mate upon themselves. Rut if any
one asserts that there is a single other
who, put in nomination iusdead of
Giant, would poll as largo a popular
vote, and so insure the continued as
condency of Republican ru'e, let him
marshal and present his facts, it he can
to sustain his declaration. I Vr.id ven
ture, in this or that locality, some one
might obtain even a larger .support ; but
surveying the whole, country, ami reek-
otiitig up the sum total of public sent',
metit, what oiher man, houwer ii i t"t i
or tuci itorintis, can reasonably hope to
receive so lug, a portion of the suff
rages, of the American people an Pre.i
dent Grant?
' he newspapers of the counfi v are
the liii
i reii noe J exponent oi pui.ue
seuttuieit. Oi course, all those ot a
Democratic stripe are. bitterly opposed
to Grant's re-election. Of the great
multitude of Republican journals, can
half u dozen be .named thai lire openly
arrayed against him, or iu favor ot try
ing another candid ite ? It ts true that
the Now York Trl!m,iC V
uiui j'oiii ih d
to h:s being run, and that pnper oas a
very exten-ive circulation: t,ut se.sng
that its editor is more than Avilling to
be the Resident's su vees-or. : it's or.io
ions on this suVject are It a Li u to the
Mi-pieiuri of pcr.-onal bias.
1 write !? dl?.iii't. resto 1 huker on-
not a pirtizan of the adjniiiisTrliori ;
and far be it from mo to say that it ha
c.vnmitted oo error-', nor laid i'.-elf
open to rebuke n regird to fon.e ap
oitittticnts, and to gr .ve Ciltiei-m re
sheeting some of lis measures, liob-ed,
I have more than once taken occasion
to testify strongly againt the; t-xtraordi -n
iry course Pre-ident (irant has pur
sued touching the annexation of Sm
Domingo, and. as T think, the unwar
rantable use he has made of; the navy
to consummate his scheme. ; Doubtless,
he deems himself fully justified iu what
he has done; doubtless, ho con-idtrs
the acqui-ition to l.'e ieMred on national
grounds. Rut, certainly, the general
feeling is that nothing could be more
ill-judged or more uncalled for ; so
clearly is this peiceived by the Presi
dent himself that iti exact accordance
with the avowal made in his inaugural
message, he shows his readiness fo com-p-y
with the will of the people,
in any ease. Accordingly, iu his recent
annual messige to Congress there is not
a line nor a syllable in reference to his
favorite project.
On the whole, rn pertaining to the
best interests of the country, and es
pecially to the preservation of peace at
home and abroad, I think it may be
fairly claimed that no administration
has excelled his own since the days of
Washington. Toward our hunted and
perishing Indian tribes how humane
and praiseworthy is th? policy he is en
deavoring to enforce ! It will ever re
dound to his credit, though it has m ole
him many enemies, particularly among
those who are anxious to exterminate
the race for iiialioian'; and se'fbdi ends
Rut it Ins also made him many f riends
whose approval any man may covet.
Iu a-peaceful and e joitablc adjust
ment of the grave difficulties existing
between Kogland and the United Siates,
by the approval of a Commission of In
ternational Arbitration, what civilian in
in the Presidential office could have
shown more interest or acted with more
alacrity ? As charity covcrcth a multi
tude of sins, so this honorable method
of avoiding a bloody, devastating and
fruitless war, and setting an example to
be imitated by all the nations of the
earth, will constitute the crowning glory
of his administration as the Emanci
pation Act did that of Abraham Lin
coln covering many defects and blun
ders. It is an event to call forth anew-
the gong of the ang?ls as sung at tho
advent of the Prince of Peace, And
how easily it might have been baffled
on his parti as assuredly it would
have been, had an ambitious military
spirit infhmed him to measure weapons
with a powerful foe. Aside from the
question of San Domingo, no one in the
hi"h position he occupies has ever shown
less desire for military display, less in
difference to military glory, or a more
earnest desire to avoid as far as practi
cable, all occasion for blojdly quirrel,
than President Grant. His wishes and
aims have been eminently peaceful
throughout j and where force has been
resorted too, it has been for protection
and defense, as in case of the red men
of the West, and tho freedmen of tho
South. '
It may suit the taste of tho degene
rate grandson of the revered John
Q'lincy Adams to proclaim that he re
gards the present xVdministration "as a
national calamity, because it is mean in
character, sordid in tone, and ignorant
corrupt end arbitrary ; because it is
doing more to permanently disunite the
States than the government of Jeffer
son ever did ; and because its chief con
ceives that there is no means f.r a free
government by a military force." It
may gratify his personal self importance
oracularly to predict that ''four years
more of such education, family patron
age and martial law will so blind the
keen sen-ibtlitios of popular liberty that
our ignoble incubus might well remain
a fixture.
re." It may please him to pan-
tho worst passions of an ignorant
der to
ranoie. to exe;ttn . "joining, men,
remains but a civil war or submi.--ton to
the usurper , and it is difsieult to de
cide which aliernative will in!! ct the
more irreparable oijury upon the hah
its (d free pi'v oi a. motifs." Rut the e
are low speeiu?i,n.- ot arrog mt deangog
1,1 . I M . ! ? . .1.
im, ami can lii.-rHV only
m who ia
lul'''- :n soon uiioianees. i in
iu soeli
111 Vi I ! i r t .
;it the pol!s
as ;i!ieoiy o en
in regard to all uch impst
t ifsio afoi it ts oil'1 ' lioooi able ae
quittal. abiding consequec.e jsf and hih
conttoeiid tiiou.
Whatever private grief's or public re
rots Mr. Tru'jtbu'il. r Mr. Sutn'icr, or
,,!V otlier Rei ub' iean S o tfor jo.iy h ive
: e:
eci i.io
ley and
if ur-'-s
of tie-
be i
iiCiiu H
uo to
ho anv louo t an totolvt.irj
n I hey may make n
pe.tieg ! it
:s not rvi;il v eoiieetv.t.o!
th'f will a', Ve himself
that either oi j
J tie t.i iu
cafsnaw in fui'iheranec td
the toachi-
li i l ti! i M lit .l, I -.". I M "i i
n n i.red de.-net ate by tlic politic il .-igo.
. .I . . 4 ,t... ....I.' I f .4.. ..f 4. , v 1 . 4
of the the um;s. io ieiru Jit tn th
i t .1 '!- t . .. i ..til
io icirn in ui iHe(j;iie wmh nun.
enemy true wi-d ;us ; what they court--el
it i s:ife to rej ( :-f. ; what they de--ire
to po.-se.-.a i,u-.t. n t be eoncctlcd.
The 1 1 1 1 .-1 device is to insist onlv
upon one term in the Pre-i-h-u'ial of
fice, iu order to put. a stop to political
corruption ;md oflV-ial t-r.il ry ! This
has a virtuosi .u-p et; but il means
nothing more than turning out Grant,
leaving hU suecessful rival and the
paity ( leering h'm to Jin 1 plenty of rea
son.5 hereaf:er why a second term is em
inently desirable. A disinterested prop
osition to amend the Constitution of
the Un'tcd States, so tis to allow no one
to occupy the Pre.-idi ntial ' chair more
than four veers, will deserve grave con
sideration ; but it is fo be que'io:.ed
whether the American people will ever
so tie their hands a.d stulttfy tfieir
judgments as to tnake it unconstitutional
for them to choose the one. tliey d'-em
the best to till the highest oiliee in
their gift. Is it not a r: flection alike
uf.'.u tP.fi r patriotistn to say that they
may not. be trusted to elect as oft-ui as
they will, whomsoever they will to act
as their Chief Magistrate '! If he abuses
his tru-t, or j. roves hiuw'f unqualified
for the station, the remidy is iu their
bauds. This freedom they have en
joyed and exercised- s at isfactory to
themselves at least, from the formation
id' the Federal Government till now,
and it is hardly to be presumed that
they will consent to any abridgment of
it. Unquestionably they will easily de
tect the present "one term" outcry as
a mere dodge to meet a faction exi
An ingenious Georgian has invented
a patent " rail-splitter," by which nn
immense pine log can b? riven in a very
brief time. A small iron cylinder, or
tube, about a half inch in diameter and
six inches in length, in two equal seg
ments fitting closely together, is insert
ed into an oifice made with a common
auger in tho center of the fallen leg
This is filled with powder by means of a
slender tube surmounted with a funnel,
the charge amounting to an ordirary
musket load. A fuse is then attached
and fired, and the toughest log is split
like an acorn. The Georgians regard
it as a grand labor saving machine in
these days when the laboring classes of
the South have their time almost wholly
engrossed by politics.
Two late disbursing officers at Wash
ingtoo, have just been sentenced for de
falcations :jKcndig, of the Patent OfBco,
to a fine of 814,000 and two years im
prisonment;; Marden, of the Treasurer's
office, to $2,000 fine and a years impris
onment. Tho fine in each caso is tlu
amount embezzled.
The lutehmau's ltt;uiedy. .
The following good story is taken
from the Fanner of the 23 inst.
"The family of a good, honest Dutch
man out west having frequent occasion
to employ the services of a neighboring
physician, the head of the family be
eawo uite familiar with the fui iu u.
writing prescriptions.- 'Jhe doctor was
one of those mixtures of the farmer,
stock -raiser and doctor, often preach
ing on Sunday, that we frequently fiud
in the remoto rural districts of the
Western States; but who paid but little
attention to his ! stock, which told against
his pecuniary interests, while the herds
of the Dutchman be'ng well fed and
well housed yvas iu very line conditio!) .
The doe'ov was not slow to observe the
difference, and suggested to tho farmer
lhat he thought something was tho mat
ter with hU cattle, and requested him
to rule over and tell him what to do
for them. The farmer named a day
when h'j would to ike the visit, and when
the d iv came he was oro m.ilv on hand.
it 8 , 'hupr.encl that the doctor was
away. The Dutchman, however, ex
amined the stock very ctrojuUy, and
then looked in till directions tor suitable
shelter and feed without finding either,
lie camo to the conclusion, that hunger
ind c !4, with lack d' care, were the
only leases the cittb." were su'Fering
fr):n.a::4 be cctvred tie oiiie of the
doctor ;ujd wtote the fol'.owiug pre-
serif'ttou -
Take a good sheifcrnm, rj, t.
('hopjad feed u iu, q. x.
Pure vatcruin, o ft,
...... im,, ...... i i..,.l..M, r,.r.n f
" i i i i 1 1 o o i n ti iv i f i i in in ii
11 . ...
t oiitliCC ii muejiH iiieuiii;., r; tit eioue
uch ntd new twice a day " ;
This prescription worked woode??. i
It greath rdeaJ the kind hearn .1 d e-
. . ......,..! I I. .. 1 I ..,.1 I il . , ,( 4. I
f or. U'sfoud t he slot K to gomt C'tittit to.i,
. , ' . , ., , ,
Mid t ti l a biryt sn ire m the loii w!j,c!i
. i i : . . . .1 !...
i;el icon Hicnrn u in ooei uo;; o
(..,,.,. - .!.. ,.,v,.S.ii itured and w.ttv Dttteh
A Tiiot.AXft P.tu. r.s
I. ....... - .1 .. .i.4 I ..t .4 ..fnt. .'..t'tf ..II .
n a? (I; -l l Hi. .1 . 11 ..111 ("'I" j
oran. tb.it he never invited any oi:e to;
.11.. i
' I II lay a wager,
said a wag, 1
get .iu invitation ft on him."
'I he wager was accepted, and the
w i ' went tbei".".t day t otbc rich man's
house, about the time he was to dine
and told the servant he m:t speak to
his ma.-ter immediately, for he could
save him a thousand dollars.
S,r," said the servant to his master,
here is a man in a great hurry to
speak to you. fie says he can save
you a thou -and dollars."
Out came the toaster.
What is that, sir? You c?n save
tnc a thousand dollars?"
14 Yes, sir, I can ; but I see you ar.
at dinner. I w i I i go away aud call
44 O, pray, sir, come in and take din
ncr wilh me."
" I shall be troublesome."
44 Not at ait "
The invitation was accepted.
'A soot, as dinner was ovei, and tho
family had retired 44 Well," .-aid t he
man id the house, 44 now to your busi
ness. Pray let me know how I am to
save a thousand dollars."
44 Well, I hear you have a daughter
to di-poso of in marriage ?"
44 I have, sir."
" And you intend to portion her with
ten thousand dollars ?"
44 I do, sir."
" Why. then, let me have her, and I
will take her with nine thousand."
Sequel Dives rises in a passion
and the wag retired as hastily as de
corum would permit.
A G it i: at I n v v. n tion. I m mod ia 4e
ly after the declaration of war against
Prussia proposals were made to the
Emperor Napoleon, by an inventor, for
"annihilating" the Prussians on moder
ate terms. An immense uet of ine
wire, capable of enveloping an entire
army corps," with solid cannon balls at
tached to the corners to keep it steady,
was to have been fired at the foo from
a monster mortar provided for that
purpose. The wire-net would accord
ing to the intentions of the inventor,
have fallen on the body of troops marked
out for destruction or capture; when,
seeing the enemy entangled in its
meshes, tho French would havo noth
ing to do but march up to them and
disarm them, or in caso of resistance
put them to death. Tho rejection of
this new military machine was attribu
ted by tho inventor to " treachery" on
the part of tho chiefs who declined to
employ it.
A schoolboy has written a compo.si
tion on tho horse, in which he says it is
an animal having four leg:?, " ono at
each corner,"
Has located in Dallas, and it ready to
attend to all thfs requiring his astietance.
Ariinifti ioeiu of tho very finest at) 2 bt
Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charges made.
Now in the time to call on the Doctor.
Office, opposite Kincaid'a Photographic Gal
lery. 37-tf
.J on J. DALY,
JUVy &. oiiHcIleraMaw,
Wilt prar-tiee in the Courts of Record and In
tciior Courts. Collections attended to promptly.
O.Ti.-e io Dr. J. K. Davidson's Building,
Attorney k Coun3ellor-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the Stnte. 1
J. C. 6RU3D3, U. Dm
PHY-ilClAX AM MJIt(;i;()V,
Off-.T-t- his S.-rviee t the Citisens of Dalhv
and Vieiuify.
077r;ut NICnuLS- Dru- Store.
iias.i.as, o;u;(.o.
4 " i" ;.n .ii.iCAX liutiu
twi: fft.' t.. i t
. .
.. -:o "trvH. Orders i elicited. Ail tut-i-
; m l r.ituifiy
proujptly uticii Kd U.
f 3 tf rwn"'t fJii l - -'? ,r T ftrrr
; ".il. ,JU4,.; vj iil'LilV,,
1 .
j .f.es.il attention xiveu io r-'dectjunii and to
in.ottr-' p.:r:iiog t-i Krai K.-iatc. 1
OKi i. K ix eoruT jkse,
2 LI. If
v. z 3, v ss n,
No. 13:;, First Strcat,
;:::rLA;, - ... o;tzu;ox,
Wii. :!:'. an. I Retail Dealer in
noors A N! SllUiix, H ATS CAPS,
a n O CA'A'A'N 0 PR O I "fSIOXS,
IIihe.t CVh Price paid fur all kinds of
Comii ir Froduco,
HI tf
if B .'
;o mv fkik.vds and patron.-? i
XT-mid cay lint I luivc re built my Suojj
"Ml Ii4j
Wl-rrc I Htn prepared to do all kinJs of
mioi:j(; us siiour noticc
As T have ii ! my propcrt by Fir tho.c
indt-l n I to mo Ut wurk will confer a favur
by j);jin up iminvdi itcly.
A l'ii'nd in need, .s a triend indeed.
J. M. l AMI llKta.. I A. S. r.U'LKY
mil, noon m
main stancr, Dallas.
1 havo constantly on hand aud for Sale
All of tho Best Material and Manufacture.
-BKEtA&'EC A. OEi",
Blank Book Hinufacturer,
jfrijtXn Hvinjc established a First Claj
jTlMif sh IJokbindery in Satem, is now
Cnr;nL': prepared to do all manner of
-14 work known to tho trade.
Magazines, Newspapers and Maeio Bound
in any desired Style.
Old Books Bo-Bound.
BLANK HOOKS of everydeseriptlon, with
or without Printed Headings? Manufactured to
BLANKS pf every kind Ruled ard Printed
to Order.
In Qriiwold ' Block. 23-6m
Dallas, Folk County' Ortgon.
The ondeifdgned, having RE-PITTED th
above HOTEL, now informs tho Public that
t V prepared to Accommodate all who may
AJt hiiu with a call, in as good stjle at caa
be found ia any Hotel in the Country. Qiy ""
me a call, and you shall not leave disappointed.
1 2-tf W. F. ti K N E D Y, Proprietor.
For everything in th CfKOOERT IilNE
go to
M. C. ! BROWiTS, ,
He has on hand a full supply, which b
offers cheaper than any other Store in Dallaa.
All Stylet of Pictures ot the best -fiuisb,
for tykiu pictures, I iuvite the patrnrw
ne of the public PUase call it the phota
srjhi UaUvry. Mt.in etrret, opposite Dr. Ra-bc-ll'i!
oHlee, D ills. Itf
ro e erieSf
Csrux ntsd Tobacco
Cor. Iaiu aud Court Streets
ThG3. G. Richmond, Proprietor.
.Stand of J'r. A. H. Whitley, we bava ra-fafc-l
and rc sloe ked it in fuch a manner at
will fitisfactvrily mett every want of the com
Duggies, Kingle or iloublc. Hacks, Con
cord Wajrons. etc.-, etc..
Furnished at ali hours, nay or night, a
y fhrtVt notice.
Superior Saildlc Horse. let by tht
Day or Week.
oaxm3XPiL nmm,
Doue in the :uost Workmanlike msnner.by
12. P. StlRIVCR.
Shop upstair? over llohart Jt Co'i Ilirntss
Shop. '
975 K V E2 St . V W E 13 1 !
We want Smnrt nnd Energetic Areata ta
introditco our popuUr and justly celebrated
invention, iu crry Vilify, 7Wa and City i
the World.
IndiupciHHiMie lo every Household ; ,
They are hiuhly approved of, endorsed ad
adopted by Lmfie, J'h yV aud tirin,
and are now a GREAT. FAVORlTIi with
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