ft It e 0 r t g o t f Plilitu' DALLAS, SATUllDAY, MARCH. 9 --- yOIi MB OltEOO.N ttBPUBiUCAH. ' The' Prisoners Qt the llastile. OTwm night; the reekiag battle'i o'er; In ailence bushed the cannon's roar. v The ghastly dead lay ou the field. Xo4soue not dead yet, tried to yield To Death's cold clasp To some, ' Like brooding angels softly com, fjut fe were wounded in the figh t. Cast into dungeons dark as nij;bt. Tired nature now gave way, For we bad battled well Uiat day. '' U'e sank to sleep, 'mid Qlib and slitaej flow long we slept, or at what tiidu The morning broke, I could not toll, T was dark as doubly d vrkest hell. 4t length, I to my father fpak-, J ajjobk hiin thrice, he did not wakej I turned hita on his slimy bed, fet o'er bis heart my tiod ! he's dead A glimmer faint now broke the &loom, And threw a bar, across the rooi, h Of golden light, dim did I trace V The features cold of lather's facri; ' Cairo, and peacetul, with a injile , O'er spreading. It would beguil f r Me almost iuto the belief ' JJe were not dead, That griof ! , Had tnrned wy brajto ; I raised hut head, 'JJiit long ere this his spirit fled, pespsjr now seized upon my mind, .Jlore f was leftby U uiy kind, ' glowly to die amd the gloom, ' Prink to the dregs a telon's doom, 'iff 'A spider from a niche came out, v" All bloated, grim, and gazed about Astonished, at intruders that Could find a way to this dark spot; V 1 lie nearer came, then on my knee Crept softly up, surveying me. I J he twinkle of his glittering eyes, t other time I would despise. But in this darkness, ultu and gloom, J gae hiip freedom, mude him room 0T crawl about my form and look Jill, tired at leneth, he sought his nook. I sought about the prison walls, i'or spade or shovel; then with calls, . plead aloud for aid to come, ' (The cbil! and dampness made me nuub) For I would faiu belore I died, : Jkly father from the yermin hide. Time flew on ; the day it fled ; I ! The sunbeam shown with deeper red ; I The rat from out the crumbling wall?, -,ifi Kan frightened. Then, with uujid trail, ,f ' ' CJoser came Oh ! horrid thought ! " They would eat tbe dead. I wrought ft With all iny strength. They fled Away, and left mo with the dead. X shade came o'er my window bars; raised my head, the glittering star Had began to deck the sky. )la! What is that ? I heard a cry, A mournful, wailiny melody : r I looked again; my Wain awhirl; The ry bushed ; a little jirl r sat in tbe niche, outside the larj, " And gaxing upward to the stars. In a. sad ud wailing strain, . Thus uttered sweet her low refrain u the bratyble by tbe brook, - . . In a loved and shaded nook, t Where the early Sillier bloom. ' V. Round ti base of Mother's totpb.'' A she sang, I closer drew. That might get a clocer view, Of ft face that sang so sweet, Aid hare, mavhap, a chance to greet, And ask her aid. I ke to her. " I trembled as a deadly fear seized my frame. ' Tbe vision fjcj f It was my sister, long since dead ; As it fled I head a cry - Call "father, father," from the sky, Welcome, welcome to Hud on bih." ' This was the last of earth I kuew, Till wakened by a cherry ring, .:; A door flew wide, and to my view, Exposed lay all the growing spring; Kind hands had nursed me back to life, A-fresh to meet the world's mad strife. J. W. & t- ..; ..IVpatlier Record for February, !8;2, Kept by T. Penrce. Eola, Oregon. ' " North Lat. Il 57,' West Long. 12:j 5' Feb. 1, mean temp. 40", rain I...2 in, wind S tt V . - r t f .i .,, .,, 11 "y "' u K i ft n i i . tt 12, ' , , ft t it 1 ' . tt 15,, ,, ; , ; v. .' y. iTi . w 18, ii - tt 1 8 ii f 20, tt 21, , ft 22, .. ; .; , n 23, f 24i u 2 p, tt tt 26, u . i n 27, :,.28,;; 40, rain P.70 in. wind S. 31, rain 2.0Hn.snow; w. S. 22, Snow. a. m ., 9 in. w. ri. y, rain O.IS in. wind N. 40, cloudy, wind S. 43, rain 0..'J0, wind S. 44, rain 0.4'J wind J. 38, raiu 0.17 in. wind S-38,-rain 0 75 in. wind S 34, rainf) 08 in, lighU'wS. 3t, rain 0.80, wind S. 45, fain 0 31. in. wind S. 41, rain 0.53 in. wind 8, 44, rain 0.32 in. wiud S. 43, rain 0.57 in. wind S. 55, rain 1.3'J io( windS. 52, rain 0.0'J in. wit d SY7. ,43, rain 0.08 in. wind 8. 47, rain 0.55 in. wind S. 43, rain l.C'J in. wiud 8. 43, cloudy, wind S. 45, cloudy, wiud H. 45, rain 0.22Jm, wind S. 40, rain 0.04 in. wind S. 43. rain 0.06 in. wind S. 42, cloudy, wind 8. 42, cloudy, wind S. 43,, rain 0.21 is. wind S. ; Rain in inches for the month of Feb. 1872, 13.24. in. snowy days 2. Cloudy, 5. Mean temperature ior month 41" Highest 65", on the 17th. Lowest Vjt on the 5th. i l i : -J Sunda Keadlu. IWhitfield, when "Take care of fire about me," flattered, said : I carry powder None but a fool is always'right. - - af C? must bd a thorough fool who can learn nothing from his own folly. r sAdvice that is given sharply or arro gantly, can 'scarcely be ckpeqted ta be received ith humility or gratitude. , To live nobly we must be noble, and we become noble by resolutely banish ing every unworthy thought and feel jngr - The higher the order of intellect with which one i brought in contact, the less M.one hag to fearj true goodness is all charity, and true genius is least pre sumptous. 'y Every hour comes to us charged with f ' duty, arid the moment it is passed it ih registered for or n gainst u, iu the final 'i accouut which all must give of their ac- Men's lives should be like the day, iU more beautiful in the 'evening; or like the', summer, aglow with promise, or like the autuniu. rich with tho J..... V w ------- v vr . i sheaves where the good works and Heeds have ripened on the field. Iief $ anil E.meics. A warlike tunc pontoon. ' l'eristant-ants mendicants. A sharp penny a keen scenfc. Strange waters Hay ilium. A fetrong liubjt eating onions. The page of equality- equipage A fast-walking stick j-a hnrri-cano What to do Tvith the uneducated classes. Bring 'em to book. A proper dauco for a ;tiuytfdding tho can-cau. i The lock which a woman gives a man to hold him a lock of hair. For a man who is ruined by woman there is no law and no Judge. Why a colored man who lias gas 'couaded like a bruise 1 Because he is black, and blew. It is said that the reason the Siamese tvyius keep away from Chicago, is, they don't want ti be separated. Why is fi.-h-peddiing, morally con sidered, an objectionable business ? Be cause one sells what lie knows has been hooked. Some books arc like smtll, cheap dic tionaries ; you find everything there except what you want. " This is a sweeping catastrophe, a the mm said when his wife knocked him down with a broom." Teacher "If a man gave you a hun dred dollars to keep fur him, and ditd, what would you do? Would you pray fjr him V Candid pupil "No sir ; but I would pray for another like him Odd typographical errors ar occur ring constantly- A papep recently made the surprising statement that "two thou sand ?ar loads of cats had come Kat over Western railroads." Tbe editor meant to say ''oats." A western editor thinks if the proper way 'f spelling tho is "though," and bo "beau," the proper way to sqell po tatoes must be "poughteighteaux The new way of spelling softly is '"psought leigh." The lat definition of th? word t'deutl mnnr.te," and wliich. a usual, ha been attributed to young Alexander Duma', is. dewi-woud? (the half-world) is the world to which u husband ct without taking his bett.:rhalf with htm. A Yankee lawyer, wljo 7.as pleading the cause of a lit 1 1 - b.y,tok him up in his arms ami I t i hint to the j'iry, n( fused in tears. This h .d:gri ? F rt n. til tlte opposition liyer a-k-'dlo' b y ; "Wha makes you cry?" "lies pinch ing me," said the boy. "Hvery tiling his its iik'." stid u philo.-opliicai pi(d sor to his ;i,is. "Of wfiaf use is the dmnknrd's licr rtd nose?' asked one oi'ihe pupil-. ! is like a lighthouse"; an-.'.vrJol tie professor, "to wir.u m of the httio wi ter that passe underneath it." A grocer in l'ranrc not 1 ntr no suberibfd toward a statiif of !f:irp. "Idiot !" said his wife, "what, did you do that for V "Policy, my dear," sai ! he, "I'olicy ! I've read somewhere that he's very fond of cdfeei, and perhaj he'll tratle with us !" In a c!a of little girl in one of the schools of Boston the' qupsti.-n wa asked, "What is a fort 'f'' 'A p'ace to ptit men in." was tho ready answer. "What i a fortress, then '(" asked t lu te ichor. This seemed a puzzle, until one little girl of eight summers answered "A place to put women in." Doctor-" Well, well ! And what's the matter with my young friend Christo pher ?" Anxious Mother 'Why Doc tor, he U not well to-day. He was at a little party last night, and ate some ham and sandwiches, and eocoanut cakes, and tarts, and currant cakes, and jelly pie, and hot bicuit, and calves-foot jelly and ice cream, and and- and" Questions in geography for the Civil Service Commissioners. Why does the noise made by a rust ily swung door resemble a tributary to the Ganges? Because it's a creek iu the 'Jnges How would you change its similitude to an Egyptian river? By putting in NileJ i An Ohio school girl went through her calisthenic exercises at home for the amusement of the children. A youthful visitor, with interest and pity on his countenance, asked her brother ' it that gal had fits."! "No," replied the lad, contemptuously, 'that's gym nasties." "O. 'tis hey '(" sad verdant j "how long has she had -'em V A left handed compliment Young Lady (to Tm with thiu Iegs)-,!-Tim, I always admired your courago j I knew when I first laid eyes on you that you were brave to rashness' Tim (coming up smiling) -"Oh, don't my dear. Why do you say that '" Vouug Lady-uWhy, any man has courage who can trust himself long on such logs as yours. A good story is tola of Dr. Q. W. Holmes, who 'having been called upon and considerably bored by a gentleman who had devoted ' himself to lecturing in. New England without much abil tity for doing so, inquired, What arj you about ut this particular time ? The answer was, "lecturing, as usual, hold forth this evening at Iloxburv," The Professor clapping his hands to , gether, exclaimed, "I am-glad of it ; 1 never liked those Iloxbury peoplq." W. II.fT!2AX fc Co., W.ion & Carriage Makers MAIN NTKKUT, .IMLLAM, Are on hand with their WAGGONS anl BUfl GIKS ux their old Stand this Spring as ueutil, and intend to sell them very vcn lor Cash tho Priot-a rungin-j from $130 to $180. They have als; on hand for sale plenty of wagon luaurialn. Give hiin acujind geothem Ail kinilitot work in their linudoue to order. All kinds of Itluvkmithiiig done cn short notion, and in a workmanlike manner. Jloree Shoeing $2 1Q, cash down. Thajikfu! for past, patronage, tfcey folit'it oontinitaiiOti of tho same. y-tf Dallas, May (5, 1S7 1. PLANTATION EBittcrs S . T .-I 8 C O-X . milts WONDKUFUL VKGETAW.E ttK J. (ftorat'oe id the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. A a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it ha o eui! among toiuac!iu4. A a remedy for the nervous wcdktie.v to whi-h womeu are especially sub jcrf, it is mperecpiug every other kttinulant. In all tlimaterf, troual, temperata or frigid, it act s a a jfpLvftfp in every pe-Ua of disorder which undermines the Wddy itrength and r(-jk down tho animal spirit. ISeatitUti! Woman HAUAX'S MAliXOMA IIAI.M give., to the mplcxlunMhe rrtme" of Youth. flubwl .Miar4ii- .-atwed bj hfcat, fsti-iK' an I , X . "tetiient. It mV the Udy of frty t but twf nty. and natural and perfect that f. pM.n delt it nr pU -ati-m. IW i " the r oiirh-t kin i m vi to nvA th j urp ra diant tiur : fi utbfol b' tr. It T.in vr r..ln.-. bU.trhen and psmp?-. "ntan ti'iibi.tg th.it will !r.j rt? th ki the b at. Miioui "ox i tie-l by .-U f'h bnabK l,di-in Ne Y'.rk. h'-a I xn I U ?. t.nly:;, r-tIN j.rr I'-'.ttle. and ii "U tj a'! J.-u.;i.'lt a; 1 Prfu'iH-r, Tho n'rizinnt' r of thi rr.ro.lrfil inrdt.'ine .biiii to Isavh diJf-i'rfl 1 d fo ''., i k-irt ! If)' rs tf .V'i ' '" "t " "," r.,l . rti$ th vrr t-t.r -f!ii;i:-,ed tv. m. hrito;. fbfl eviSfM- of tl. f.tt i;. t'.tun 1 in the variety of m"t otttnat.4 di-a ttiuch it h t-o l "-i l t -i.'pui. in ur vf i:..rl,iu. ,-rt ri.Hy. at'd fhoeajiy ,U.., ,i' CunHH-yfioH, it ho tofiicd t!i' mvtttcal faculty, and hundred of tho ht pty- St'l,UJl ir ilrUHU'H il tjrffttrt W'llifn ,,. wr-j th WbiW it run tlu? M-verej.t ('..uiifj it tr.4ith-n. the ?y!n an.i p'ir!i.- th li" d. I'.V it 'jre,st and thirtjh It-ui'l f,nri"yinif pripirtir it mi r. ail Jfnv'oi ir n the wort! .'( to a .Mm n i'it.uh I'tmplt r lit ' ier-urial Ii'He!. .Mineral potnon. Syphilitic and Vrneri l Uieasc, and ttiir ( toctn r erdi3t'd. and vi'n-m health and a onto cttHititHtioU estabHslo'd. A,Vyi'y,r', Siifl I'hmim, Scittt lit turf, Frrrr Sorr, Swiff fr ltfuh Skin, in hort all the numerous di?caes eaitited by faiil hff ot, ar rowjuero I by thi? powerful, pwrifyins; and invigorating medicine. For" Livrr 'implun(," liiiinn IHtcriim nod If.fhiiwtt Citniifitiv. it 1ms pr-durcd hun dreds if perfect and permanent c-urea whore other medicine had failed. The proprietor offer $100 reward for a medi cine that will equal it in the cure of the disease for which it i recommended, liewaro of ci fit and irnihlr imitation. See that my Gov ernment Stamp, which I a Jwt'Alr guarantee of rjmninfH, io upon the outride wrapper. This medicine i. Safd fty l)ni'j(itt atone dollar yrr Imttle. Prepared by It. V. PI BUCK M. L., eole Proprietor, at hi chemical Laboratory, 133 Seneca strceet, HufTalo, N. V. June 3d,13-3m. The standard remedy for Coughs, In fluenza Hort Throat, Whooping -Cough, Croup, lAver Complaint, llroiichllis, lllecdlitg of tlie latnga, atid erery affection of the Throat. JitiugH and Chest, includ ing CoumptIon. Wlstar Ilalsant does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it.xMcansen the I.ungs, allaya Irritation, thus removing the cause of the com plaint. oiie genuine unless alg" od I, IIUTTS. Prepared by SBTII w, roni.i: & xon, iJoton. Hold by KUDDINGTON, IIOS TliTTi'lH tb CO., Han l'rauclsfo, aad by dealers generally. 10-iy PIOXEER TIN AND STOVE STORE, Front Street, one Door South of Post Office. Dallas ----- - Oregon. KNOWING THERE IS A MA UK ED difierenco between articdea of TlNWAHE manufactured by me, and that mada by manu factured iu Portland and other large cities, for shipment, I have on hand both my own make and Hlfo that of factory mko, fio that people may taka their choice. My tock coneista in part, of Moves of all kinds. Copper, ltr..ss and Iron Ware, Wire work of all descriptions Sheet and Galvanized Iron, Htovfi Hollers Tea Kettles Milk Pans IHpners Lard and Hutter Caiif, Heaters Japanned Ware a general Assortment, Cooking Spoons, A variety of Gem Pans Porcelain lined wtew Pans for Fruit, Broiling Fixtures of New and the Mos Improved Pattern, And in fact everything that ran be found in a liist das' Tin and Stove 3tre. .Job Work Neatly Duns and Promptly Attended to. 50 tf T. Ii. NEWMAN. Pvrbap tho?o that have experience can tel!. and I'erhat'S tt would be to your interest to aU eomcoiiu that knows, where tlte Hich and I'.an? Dress Goods, thope Ladies' Hats that are tlx fashion direct from Mr. C. Ivy'a thoe Kleirant Set of Ladies' Furs, and thone New Style Skirt tbut appeared to ut-b advantage over tlue Iinrti Uiccd lacies JDOOiS, mnu factured at Protiman, Donovan A t!'tllahau'. Portland. Orreon, of all of which you bad nud u Uvih dicplay by the I'olk County IwJiva at the trgon t.! Pair. Or pethapc, gentlemen. Vuu would likr. to call and es;uioe fr your lve those Elegant Fitting Suit of Gent' Clotti IltST. whi" I show vou a Fine Art- uenl of Uen,.'i FrtrnUhtng Goods. And whet it come t Yankee Notioni, Fancy Good, Jewjlry. Fino Tobaccos and Cigars. Oro C-iio of ail Ie"riptin--lat-timed yfricl! at Poribin 1 rke-rtny cutotu bejjr witu of the l!xvIUr.ey an I t Lcapntss. ALSO. ;-'o!e Aznt f..r Pdk (.uoty for th 11 ot and Shoe M arm factory of Portland. Oregon, the . tlcnt fpiahiy of in.i goud are cre.tioi: uh an -Xi-st OH-nt n over th State and Pj cifii- Tf fJ.irii f r; l in -r. ao i v try da ut La l'lvd (toriortif t M. M. ELLIS. Proprietor. i'O Cm DOM mtoui-:. AVIN; PPlIfll SLl A LA Hi I. AM1 iuplrt Si-tk of iKNh KAL .M1.K CllANll.K, cuni-tii. in.parl o Dry -oiUj Iax, QuccHMwarr. Ttihacto, t ! a'd rti: r..u I in a (JLNt.UAL VAU1 Kl'V fTtUL. I would t f Mtfo'.ly ll ('.) Attentiob of. the Public my LtbLbHn-nt. lli-lt ("ah riic paid tor 1 CHS M ri:LTIiY. R. A. P. AY. Kola. IVk Co., Ogn. Ifl tf 1-ok tui: iMtii:NT We repctrul!y call tl. attention of the J'nblic t our Well Selected Stock ' f CadiV Drr s Iood, Ladies and Iie Hata, C;t-ut rufJLtg CooiK .lovc. t.alten I .!. M HarHluare, CJroccrira, School Hooks, stationery, r., Iu fact KverytUing IVutid In a I'irst flat. Itetail .Store. We can BMure cor Patrons that we will b up with the times. Come an.i Examine W : Stork before pur chasing elsewhere. Country Produce taken in exchange f r Goods ! N. A. J. D. LFK Dallas, April 22, 1871. 111 CHEAP! CHEAP.! Chcipcr IIi.iii Ever'!!! nOLTKH, W O 11 T Ij is Y & CO., ELLE1MDALB .STORE, Have removed their STOCK OF- flOOlXS to Dalian, and are constantly receiving NKW and WKLL SELECTED GOODS, consisting of Ladles' Dresa and fancy Goods, Men a lid Hoys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Ladles' and Children' Shoes of every Style and SIxe. A full Stock of Groceries constantly on hand, also Hardware and Crocfccry. WtMtlcn Goods .Manufactured at the Kllcndale Mill, such as Heavers, Caasimcrcs, Hard Times, Tweeds, Flannels and Hlankets, Which we offer at Wholesale and Retail. Having a desire to locate permanently in Dallas, we will deal fairly and justly with nil who may favor u with their patronage. We will exebango Goods for Country Produce, for which wo will pay the Highest Price. Crlnj on your Eggs ancl Button S-tf TO TfiSE MJIII.IC. VLL KINDS OF WOIlK, SEWING Washing ani Ironing, Ac, done by Mrs Humett on euort notico and on reasonable terms. All order left at tbe IiOum, south went part of Dallas, will be immediately attended to. The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 23 Hundreds of Thousands 2f Bear testimony to their Wonder- to 5lbt &o rut Curative KlTccta. g I? WHAT ARE THEY?c TIIET ARE KOT A VILE Ur ANCY DRINK, 3? f!e of Poor Itnm, Whiaker, Prof Spirit nndlli-fuac IdquoradocU.red.iplced aad aweelencd t please t!e taste, called "Ton. Jc,, Appetizers," " lltitorcr' c, that lead tUo t'pplcr oa to drcnLcnness and ruin, but are a trua Medicine, made from tlie Xalive UooU and Iierl.of California, free frini alf Alcobvlio Slimulanie. TLcyare t!. V.ll EAT IILOOU PL'KU'IKiC and I-1FE iIVINi 1'ltIN CI PI.K a perfect Juovtor aad Iarlgorator of tUo Fjilem, carrylr.g off a'.l polaonoea matter anl rettoring t!e thoj to a -.hj condition. Ko pern can tal e thee P.itters accordicj to direc ttou and remalp Jong unwell. Fr lufluniinor or y nnd Chronic Itheo trtnliani and (.out. Hjapcpula ur Indl (ration, Itlllou, Iteniltieut nnd Inter rtiitteut IVrert, Dli.cn ei of the Illood, Liter, Kidney, nnd Illndder. thete Hit I ere l-ari Leea most ucccaafut. fucb Di ramrn arc caused ly Vltlntrd Itleed, wh?c!i t jr!'r frrtcc ty dtraRSCEicct of do !'.- i r Oritana. PYMIT.PSIA R lNDlflESTfOX. ilealche. Pa.'n Iu tho Phoa'Ucrs, Coajflts, TlghU rr of the Jiet, Iixa!aee, Roar Eractatiou of the ftomach, T.d tasto la the Month IMtoua At. tark., Paii'-iBtii-n of the Itfart, Ieflammattoa cf the l.e-,g.lh'a la tht r-nl.st of the Kidney. and a hundred cihcr paifut yif-U'tae, are lUe off. ;rinKf IjMpia. TU j tnifioraU the Stomach and Umulats the tcrptilJT, r a.i.t W '., t.Jch r-ndrtl.cBof an. ciua'.Ud ef!--a-y ti ccaoijr tle Mod of all l:.-j.urit'.'-. aui impartial new Ufe aad Tijjor l i tJ.e Uie ;-fttetn. I'Oit stilV I I s F. .1 S ES, E rr.r ttons.Tett f r. f all i:f-::!i, i;U;;hc. f-i t, II m ;-. Ptate, i-.i.'s. ar '' !. ,".;:i-Wnt ai. fH.-atMtrai. fra Id y.i-U. lU-.;, f-car.'. I)CoUTS.ti'r:3 of ih l!.-,t,i'ra an J !. '-' cfth fk.n.of what? ter t,-xi trr-:f.-.r;, are JIU-raHj? dug rp a-idcrri-d nt f Vi ; -tc;u la a l;or t;:i by tUi its of it. Iv.V'it, One Voitt? Ih aucU rtf m i'l convU.ce the t,t tncrtdulpus of their curst: vc f?cfi. -l-ane the Viisatr I 151fd whentrtt yoa find in In parivit hnrt!f. through theakln lulln. !ft, I-rui'tl i.u. r t-rc; clean-: tt uhrn yo find it vTwtrwcJcd and t!tj;flh la the tc!rj elaae tt It i f-oL and ytwr fccUsa wt'.l ted wten. Kef p f e blood pttre aad the UcaUh ( t'-.- yt'Mit -;U f. i!'. PIN, TAI'Kvi.l c!h?r WOitMS. Inrkla!a j-'C-ni of josnf thonaa?s. are efT-etuaJ!f d Ui,yd aad r nt.vd. For fall d.rrctiona, read can-fall the circular ar )nd csch bottle. J. WALK Efl. r.-t j riricr. R. Tl. McI.)N AI.D & C., D-urct iidfi.-r. AsnW. au Francisco, Cat . and S? and St Coni-nc. ee Street. w Vori bOI.II PT ALL PHI vililSTS AKD DEALERS. THE NEW TOOD. XiJ, .t . A -r'T kc'.r tt '.-,." ,-i For a few cents you can buy of jo::r Grocer or Druggist a incline of SKA 2I0SS FAKINE, matfc from pure Irish Hoss, or Carrageen, vAuvli will mafco sixcc:i quarts of I.anc 3Iauge, nnd a like qv.utity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams Char lotto Kusse, &c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It maken a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! I Tlin fiUTCAT WORLD'S TONIC. Plantation Bitters. Thi Mondrful vrprlnMo restorative is the slicet-an-clior f flic feeble nml de:iili tuted. As a (oaiie mi;l cortlinl for Hie aetl liiitl lutigtii1, it no ((u;il nmons; iioni achics. Ah a renaedy for the unrvoim weaCcaesv to which women are especially sub ject. It is Mtperscdiag every other stimtalatit. Iu all Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it nctv'n a spec i tic in every specie of lbo'der uiilcli undcrmiiacs the bodily streiiStli and break down the animal spirits. For sale by all Druggists. CvS , (II T B - is Ik'A " lif lit" L" "fJr S 3 - fTvnr'c Ksi e ffrbjjcS1 Sd- LW' jV fe-fl C lzi 4 u i i o i mux u. a. life wwm mm OKCWIZUI) ..... 1848. -r CHARTER PERPETUAI,. Directors- Office, No, 20 Court 'street. B0ST0X, MASSACIIUSfiTTS. HEXUY CROCKET. Ta .... . ....... President "XHiiii, bJIAKP Vice ; t WHimo II. IIOLLI8TER ....... .retary. 1UU is araon-tl,e oldest of evr Eu. JauU Cumpajiies, And tlieXoweat Cui Company Eitant PURELY HUTU At. ll v 5 c! c n il Declared A is nu a 1 1 y. ox rn CONTRIBUTION PLA;it ASU Al'fLISD kWTMB. TBI SSCOSS) faTMBIT A Ivoan of 4( per cent, wbeu Desire. POLICIES ARE .SOT FORFEITED ia the Union Mutual Life Iniuraocs Company kj failur to jj tbe Preiniucn when due, bat aro continued in force by the XON F0HFEITUKB LAW of the State of Maachuetts. iUauples aUowIug tbe Wtrklug of tLo Law. flax, oRMsinr Lira. '"4 For KxAMrx.K: A party insuring at tba s if Liiirt v. fire urtiiiiiimi cm.ih. One Annual Prtrtniutn will continua policy in rcc 2 jeais ami 3 Jajs. Tnu Annual I'rctiuias will continue policy ia tune 1 mud. 12 days. 1'Lrrv Auiiual Premiums will roottcaa policj in farce f jeara auJ 27 daji. : Four Annual preiuiuaas will cuiuiaoe policy ia fvroe S jear aixl 46 days. Five Annual l'tt!uiuir! will cuntiaue poliey ia force 10 years stid id days. S Hit II 40 PCR CEXT. SOTS UA.S E5 CITIT. Two Annual lretniuins will c-ntiuu policy ia ftrc 2 yer and 210 daye. , - fiire Annual I'rriuiumj will cootLauo policy in furcc 4 jcur? aud 2.'! dai. i'ive Ar.iia.il Pi'tsauiins will cuctioue potley ta ittct 7 car aud iO.'i days. ivxjtvpi r : PrcMiMim all Ca.b Plan Ten Pay nti.t I. tie. Oji Annual Pietoium will tou Jinue p.licjr ui furce, as a Term Palicy, ab..ut ttir' year. Kam.i: Premium 40 pr cent. Xte Plan. Ten ly meitt Lile. One Annual Prt isiura will conui.uo pwiu-y in forca as a Term Policy, about 2 years and 10 'J tiayA. Ividowmerit Policies. KxAwrLF. : Preuiiuias all Cash Age, 31 Plan, Ordinary Endowment, payal'lt at the ae tf 50. 0ie Annual Prtujiula will rvo tinuc plicy ia f'rce as a T-rm Policy, nearlj 5 year, or 4 years and 3j day a. . hxAMi'i-e : pTcuiijija all Cab Ae, 35 j Plan. T-n Yeax Endowment, payable at tho ace of 4.r : Oue Annual Prvmiuni will con tinue policy iu trco as a Teem Policy T years. Notes oa Endowment Policies, KMrtK: Prem'Him 40 per rent NoteAjo. Plan, Ordinary Kndowmrnt, payablo at the a:e of il One Annual Premium will continue policy fn fore as i Term Polioy about 3 years. - KxAwri.r: : Premium 40 pec oenfc. Note -Agoto ?.S ; Plan. Tea-Year Endowment, payablo at the age of 4a. One Annual Premium wilV continue policy, in fores as a Term Policy about 5 years. Hates, Assets to Mat) I lit If. 7 1S66. Ififi7. 1S68. IStW; 121 97 12101 121-57 127 00 I.1TKRE9T RfiCEirTS Ton 1S69 $240,670-IV Losses Taid is 1S6Q .......... ......201.190 t0 INTEREST RkCEITED IN EXCESS OF Losses Paid ....39f4S0 14, Assets this Date Oter...,....C, 000.06. 00- Losses Paid to Date Lt;9i433 00 DiriDEsns Paid ih Cash to Dat...W13I3 5 Insubamcb ok, 14,000 Policies J Fonca oraa ....30.t.l9t law : This Compaor is not nstrietod U iBrsstiasr its funds in tl, New Knglai4 StaUs, ?rea tho Report of tho Auditing Committee, wo find, that $l,n00.0(U) is now loaned upon estates ia tho City of Chicago and near thereto, wbera rates of iotercat are nearly or quite eual ta those of tho Pau&o Coast, ' There is nothing desirable in Lift J surance which cannot be secured by a Policy in the MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE COMPAST PACIFIC 11RANCII OFFICC, S. Cors Cat. and Kearney Strtett. SAN FRANCISCO, CALi' v ' ? H li J O H N S 0 N & OiJ., Oenoral Managers, Pacific Coast,- B. M O Il IS, GENERAL AGENT," f J OREGON & WASHINGTON TERRITORY Portland