01 - ' s t '- i :'! ti t y irii - --.-. ;I 1:1 "5!" .t; .f ft rug o n t p b U n. PALLAS, SATURDAY, MARCH. 2. A Street Incident. "TkAleg aid arm f 'Twas at Bull Ben, 4 i. Tho second tbt yourecolject? We gTe them lota of reid-hot fun, , And some to sparei air, 4. expect ; s Ir one weak more iny t me was up--You see how X waa njeked. 7 Wait till I fi up this machino, ? I'm tired of grinding that old airj You pee, my chum was young and green. An.d put himself right in my caro ; Though fu'l of fi?ht as jaiiy ono Who Blung a musket there. . f And glory, that was al his cry ; , He got it, too 1 ior ou mat a ay, Ere half the hattle had jgone by. Face to the front, alt cold he lay ) And quite a lucky thin for him, I often think and Bay M Poor Charley ! Thank you, ma'am, you see 5 t. Our fellows gave a. splendid charge; Wh'u ! then a Miuio struck my knee Tbislump of lead 'Taint extra largo; Just then another took my arm j! Of course that settled me. Some days I wish I'd gone as well ! l.-'.f f To beg one's way is jitgbty tough. sWbat I'ye been through, no tongue can tell ; Wanting a meal to eat is rough. For his Politician, Uncle Sam ; r, o ; Ain't got berths half enough ! : r'iet alone his Svhlier$ f That tune takes, -. There's something ia it stirring, grand, Somehow the crowd it always wakes ; No better air was ever planned. ' They don't forget us after all ! Qod bless that sweet, white hand P But for this music-box, I guess -I'd bare to give it up and die. Proud that I served my country ? Yes, I doa t go back on that nut I ! Though for the glory of it well J 'You're off, old boy ? Good bye .... Sunday; Headjng. : V T ; It takes all our learning to be simple. Repentance is the Yuy to escape per ishing. , r ' An honest death is better than a -e flisbonest life. Qod Qnlj looks to the pure, and not to full hands. Without the rich heart wealth is but au ugly beggar. The childhood shows the man as il znorning showa the day. There arc two kinds of mercies ''"" mercies in hand and mercies iu hope. Vice stings us even in our pleas arcs, but virtue consoles us eveu in ' our pains. ; ' As lore without esteem is volatile and capricious, etecm without lovi is languid and cold. X", Flatterers only lift a man upas the ir, eagle does th 2 tortoise to get some V.; thing by the fall. ; Let prudence always attend yon? : pleasures; it is the way to erj'y tin , -J! tsweets of them and not bo afraid ot the consequences. ' A the fire-fly only shines when on the win?, so it is with the human I ' mind!-when at rest it darkens. A guilty conscience is like a whirl pool, drawing in all fur itself which , . . - would otherwise paa by. : You may glean knowledge by read , ing but you must separate the wheat Jrom the chaft by thinking. Fools with bookish knowledge are children with edged weapons. They hart themselves and put? others in pain. All great things aredonc littlehy, lit tle Atoms make worlds. The greatest fortunes consist of farthings. Life is made up of moments. . A mind full of piety and knowledge is alwajs rich , it is a bank that never fails ; it yields a perpetual dividend of happiness.- Chart on. 1 ' If misfortune comes info Tour house. -r-i be patient and Kinilo pleasantly, and ; it will stalk out again, for it cau't bear cheeriul company. The road that ambition travels is too narrow for friendship ; too crooked for rlo?e; too rugged for honesty, and too . dark for conscience. "VVe recognize goodness wherever we find it. "Tis the eame hopeful influ ... ence, beautifying the meantat a the greatest service by its manners, doing roost when least conscious, as if it did Dot. ,M ,,, ; . cTbe rnin of most men dates from iOme vacant hour. Occupation is the armor of the soul. There ig a satiri cal poem in which the devil is repre sented a$ fishing for men, and fittirif his bait Co the tastes and business of hiajgrey ; but the; idler, be said gave hjaTcd trouble, as they bit the naked hook. - ; p I ' 'A loving heart and pleasant liountc nance are commodities which a man should never fail to take home with him. JThej will best season his food and soften his pillow. How pleasant it would be for a man that his wife and children couia iruiy say 01 mm : "lie never brought a frown of unhappiness across bis threbhold. Of all the blessings that gladden our earthly pilcrimage, sympathy is the Jweetest; of all the gifts of God, a friend la chief. T Tho man of science has his associates; the man of crime has his ac complice; the man of pleasure his cam panton; and in all those there is sympa thy, but no friendship; that cotnprehends in enduring affection restini; on sympa thy; it cannot endure if built on things that are passiug away, or that shall burtt up. Fads and E'aeicic, The color of parasites Fawn. , Cap of Liberty The widows cap. A fruitful vehicle . sloe coach. Ilandy book-markers Dirty fingers. A "narrow gauge" road The road to Heaven. " True patriotism Marrying a pen sioned widow. Write to a Congressman and you are sure of a frauk reply. Good potatoes and corn have their eyes and ears about them. rferdstrasseneiscr bahnwagen is the German, "for short, "for hurse car. An artist is not as strong as a horse, but he can draw a larger object, A western paper tells of "poverty's lingers staring a wou n in the face." iirigham Young hi s steadfast faith in .the im-Utah bility ot Moriuonis?n. The Washitiiiton Capital alludes to the diplomatic difficulty as lie Cod-fish war. "I tell .you, wife, I have got" the plan all in my head," wAh then,! its all in a nutshell." It is said of our new western poet that though hisi songs are "Sierras" he is always "Joaquiu." j Why were Adau and Ere ejected from Eden ? Because they were dis posed to raise Cain therc The boot and shoe trade is the sefest to engage in- Every pair made are soled before they are finished A physician has discovered that the nightmare, in nine cases out of ten, is produced from owing a bill to the priu ter- l)r. Aycr, the distinguished pillis?. has just Lout a handsome palace for himself a sort of Ayer-easflo as it were. Western New Yorkers call red hair 14 Schenectady color," on the, flimsy pre text that Schenectady is a little beyond Auburn ! A woman at a revival mooting, in Ohio, said she found her jewelry va. dragging her dowu to hell, and ssu gavt it to her sis&r. At a recent fiir in Pennsylvania, a ueotleman ubtained a do' Jar premnr.n br 44 best archangels." It was in the Poultry class. Had Pennsylvania boys ak the u-her for a seat in church, and whi!? ho 1 marching solemnly down the aisle, tl t 'silently steal away." A Georgia luundic.- of e lor u j 1 becuUfu some paper col hi is which .-In tried to renovate " wash a 1 tu ilnulc:, tor true." Alexis was so young when h; f.i'he? declared ?n ancipatieii, that, tlu ic i talk of taking him to Lung I'itich foi the hake of showing him a ,-urf. An ilinaturcd contemporary .a? tha Khode Island goes fur narrow gu i'i.m railroads tecaiisehe wants loth rail. to lie within her territory. The Pi u tea stoned to death ore of their medicine men who Jailed to cuie two invalid chiefs. Youu iwiieid graduates are advi.-ed not to Mttlc among the Pi I'tes. A justice of the peace down in Ken tucky sentenced a reporter who had se verely criticises hi- vl(.L?on to be flg ired and imprisoned on bread and wafer Our reponvrs don't want to emigrate to Kentucky. I wdl consent to all you desire." -aid a young lady to her lover, u on con dition that you will give what you have not, what you never can have, and yet what you can give me." What did she want? A husband. A new style of obituary item brief but to the point has been invented, thus: " John Smith, of New York, re volver:" G. Jenkins, of Philadelphia, third story window ;" " Annie Jones, of New Jersey, laudanum." " Tis strange," muttered a young man as ho staggered home from a sup per party, "how evil communications corrupt good manners. Pve been sur rounded by tumblers all evening, and now I'm a tumbler myself." " You must not play in the. street with tho boys now, my dear; you arc seven years old." said an old lady to her grandchild. Hut grandma," was the innocent reply, " the older I grow the better Hike the boys." Alexis stopped at Maderia, and in consequence did not arrive till the 9th of November. Wo have known men before , who stopped at Maderia and went into Port, wouldn't come wni till morning in consequence. A man in ttoston, on getting soda, was retiring from the sto-e without the usual ceremony which follows that op eration. " Recollect sir" said the pro prietor' " if you lose your pocketbook, you didn't pull it out hero." Charles Matthews, going into an mat ing house for lunch, heard us ho entered and sat down, seven orders given i in quick succession by a throng of custom ers. One called for a basin of ox-tail soup, two for mock-tur:lo soup, three for pea soup and one for bouilli And the waiter dashing to the speaking-tube that communicated with tha eook. bawled out with immense rapidity, "one ox, two juocks, three pcaa and bullv J' W. II. TSdli & Co., Wasow &, Carriage .lEakcrs MAIN STIU2I2T, DALLAS, Aroon hand with their WAtiGONS and BUG OIKS at their .M Stan.l this Soring as uuual, and intend to sell t hern very chop ior Cash; tho Prices ranging from $130 to I ISO. Tlu-v have nl.sn nn hand for sale plenty of wagon maU-riuls. Give him a cull and see them All kinds of work in their lino done to order. All kinds of IltaclmiiUhitiir done cn nhort notice, and in a workmanliko maimer. Horse Shoeing $2 0, vmh down. Thankful for past patronage, tluy soluit continuance of tho suiae. j y-tf Dallas, May 6, 1S t. PLANTATION Hitters. millS WONUKKFUL VKSHTA1LE KK- JL etorative ts the sheet anchor of in leenie and . debilitated As a tonic and curdial for the aged n4 languid it has no v.jul among stomaehics. As a remedy fur the nerrous weukne.4 to which women iro especially sub ject, it is supervening every other sliuiulant. In all climates, tropical, teiuperato or fi igiJ, t act b a fpci itU jn every ppeetes oi disorder which nndjrinincs the b'.J.Jy strength and breaks down tho animal spirits. lEXiCAN rflUSTAtlQ 11 til r1 EM T.i FOIt MAN AND 1SEAST. tiofiaI!v fvxv articles have ever had o etensve a Jale, while none have hern more umvcraiiv hrnelUial than the cele tirattNt 2 K X S V X M J- resi, AdtitN, liore and 3io mcNtst inimals, are al tv:ij x 2irJ;!e t: nccsdeuj, and it i wale So ;iy, that ni Irunily ran pa a in v.U" M'aMtn ui Ih on I noiiio f.end ol emollient hriti nreeswary. St Iiccomcj a t:s:iSter oil : imnortasire.theii tof.ettire the tevsl. Ov..-r tSrce htjfidred livery tab!'!t in the city ..f .Vc Y-rk at. .tie are ihsii th IIKXK'H mi xTivti i.iia;M't! allot wliicu jt gives ho nu,i! ;". if'.ilion. CAl") l'N. tb' i tiuht? is wrapwd in a fit;' nt. i'l pi.-tt s i-'tgrav tMi . W- UVt i -1 1, k , cln !. iti tra-b- n rk, " M hX W s Ml STAN 1.1 M M i. i", " c ;ta i i ai r:j. sb. - .jfvach r. Tn.. !.-!bort.j pi piivt-r's tiv ' ri-if'i M.i.- lU-vtnne .taiiip. at. I ot tue cf!iuii Up. j o d bv dru l .s y; t i , i rniNii ! ,1 H V r -1 f The criglnat-r f tti u;di'-ui . .liusK t; bjva r- I ati ?.,,.. ,". iiirrrtomy ;;U-T" ot " .Vm. ' w.-.t 'C? . j jif,M,lin than w. er i- i- t' -Ulbtn..d ), one mvdi.'kue. 'llm ex'vUurK of ti.i i. t i j, mo I iti the variety t.t' .t.tutiie .liv.c? which it l,i. b' n b ui.d t- cw.jit'r. In U cure Ii mii'', S' i ' r t?'nj, and trU -ii.t -it of 4'ntn.H!-j'-,i-t. it h;" a"t'a;(.-: tb- mv'titiil f.i.-niJy, un-i i- ir i' "! ' ; t J;v ik'i.tti r a.'U;i.' it thf. f-t':-f 'd,,i .,. lj i, iht KJ Vtiiieit 11 I tl. ,Tr t tu?n, it ntr.uh-ns tb. ity.rfui ai,d .i'if 1 th'i bboi. L'y ,! ijrf nt stii I !&?' ,'f- f'l'""f fturif'tfitt j fit if? t lit it ' r t $ ii I ,it t f t iu ! be t'rI, 'Jntt to a iitt!i!:Hi llititth J'in'ftt f i'. uj,tit.i, .V.ett uriitl iiraci, Jli't rl pt-o'1. y-hiUiif and Y t i ! l,-'ii-- , and tKnr if teet arc 'tt'lt' ( AO't vifofwu h'ti'1' n -ff r,tnfitiitii. c f tabl ibi d. '"J '', Si "i'l l'fr, I'irrr S--tf ,S. '' ur ll'tnH Siiit, in (thort a'l tl.c t;tuiWu 'lin jifw eau.Mid by '' LI,, irc 't. I by tbi powt rtii!. ponfvir, mt4 inviotwtin tudtcine. t'-r ',r ff (',, iil.tXntS' Hiiii'V lh"H iiH Hl)d ll.'UiiH'ii i't-ntij-Httv. tt I a j r do- d lu; dr?d of frfct nud pcnnittfuit cures Vfhere ofher iiiodicittu It.t 1 trti'o d. The ro ri. tor ,fIVr.- 1!) r l for a, medi cine t!i-ff will ftjual it in the core of the disease fur whii'h it i renmnieniied. I'eware F rnn,t- fit W tntithU itnihttinn. hie th.lt my (5oV erifinciit St irij, which a ,','rr jnriinlc "J ftnuim in , in upon the outride wrapper. Ttiin niedtcifti i .V Ih niiii ttune Auihtf Jirr !-:Ulr. Prepared by It. V. PI I.IU'K M. !.., m! Proprietor, at hi. cheiolal Laboratory, l.'U Seneca street t, IJafTalo, N. Y. June 3d,13-3m. The standard remedy for CotlthJ, III linena. Sore Throat, Wlwopliii t'otifjlu C'ronp, Liter Complaint, llrouehltis, I!leodI? of tl.e Limp, and every nn'ri ibui of the Throat, I.tuis aiid Client, lutlud iiil t Vumjtloti. Vi.tar It.Usani does not dry up a Cough, hut loosen it, clcauscs the Lung, allays ln ltatb.ii, thus removing the cause of the com plaint Vonc genuine unit s' sign ed I. mills. Prepared by HUT Il ly. tKO IV 1.14 tN, lloston. Hold by lti;i)(iTOV, IHK Tlir Ti'.ll t :., Nan l-'raiichco, and by dealers generally. Ml-I Forty Years I'xpcricnro have touted the virtues of ;,-, U'tyrr9 Hthm of Wild ('urn, find tho result is thnt it In tho best rem edy extant for ulmonary find lung - diseases, enbruciuif a whole ranco tv.o.i a alkdit cold to a Lww -w T!-.. .i?J "-. XfJrk asse,tle,i :"""nition. Were it not for its merits, it would long since have "died, and made uo sign." 21U-W. PI05EER m ASDJSIOVB STORE, Front Street, one Door South of Post OUce. Dallas m - m - - - - - Oregon. T NOWINO T1IEKE TS A 'MARKED J'diliorence between articles of TINW'AHE manufactureil by me, and that made by manu facturers in Portland and other large cities, for hiptuent, 1 have on hand both my own make and also that of factory make, so that people may take their choice. Al stock consists in part, of Stoves of all kinds, Copper, HraSH atid Iroti tVare, Wire work of all descriptions Sheet and Calvaiiized Iron, Stove Boiler, Tea Kettles Milk Pans, Dippers. Lard and I. utter Cans, Heaters, Japanned Ware a general Assortment, Cooking Spoons, A variety ot Gem Fans, Porcelain lined stow Pans for Frnit, Broiling Fixtures of N.-w and the Mos Improved Pattern, And in fact everything that can b found in a that eaua Tiu an J Stove Stare. JoI Work Neatly Don and Promptly Attended to. 50-U T. Ii. NEWMAN. IVrhafm thoe that have experience can tell, and i.erhan it woul l be t your tntvrest i k KomciMio that known, where the Itiofi ami Uare DrcBB Good, those Ladies' Hats that are the fa-hion direct from Mr. C. Levy's thone Elegant Hots of Ladles' Fun, and those Nsw 6tyl Skirts that apcard to uch advantage over th'se liijrh Laced Ladies' Boots, manu factured at Prottnan, Donovan k iiillahan', Portland, Oregon, of all of which you had u-b a lavih display by the Polk tVuuty ladic- at the Oregon tate Fair. Or t ertian, gentiemep you would like to call and examine for your selves those Kk-ant Fitting SuiM of Gent S Clothing, whiie I bow you a r ine Art incut of Gent's Furnishlne Goods. And whti it conic t Yankee Notions, lancyuootu, Jewelrv. Flue Tobaccos aad Cigars, Gro crieiof U lscri.tion tat-namcd Hrictly at Portland i.rice my r.iMomrr bear witut- u( the Kxcellcucyaai CU-v-apuees. ALSO, Sole A cent fr P.dk County for the Boot n 1 Shoe Manufactory of PrtUnd, Oregon, the ficrllcnt 4'iitity id w ho" ds ri creig ti' h an excitement all over the State and Pa c fie T-rr'tories. Trd. iucrettJFinjj every day t L4. Clcde (fyrwertv Clutf Store). M. M. KLLIS. l'roprb tor. 3 3 AVi.V'5 pt stni i.aihip anh j complete Mock ,f tiKNhHAL MLii CllAMI.i, von.tiu.j twjpiirl of Dry InOotlM, Ttifi.icco, CUarw And all ,-.ri"foun l iu a 0 1'M'K A I VAhl KlY M'OHK. I w"!d r j'.c U'c'dy '! t!o attention of the 1'tiblic to ny Y.r t.,o'iihuicut. jdlihcst Cfth -i ice pi I fr 1 Cit AMI IMllniV. R. A. HAY, S.k Co., 0Sn. in tf von Tin: xnir.NT m;pin. We rcpe tf;i!'y call the j-itentb.n .f th Public to our WcH Selected Slock '( Ladle Dies C:m!, I.adlca' and Mi..es Hat, ;ciit l urnUhlng ;ootU, t.luve, t.ailci) llarduarc, ; I ore lies. School It ok. Stationery, Vc. , In fact ISvrrjlhlnrr; IV-und In a I'U! iSUmu Hetall Store. Wo ean nr-sure enr Patron that we will l. up with the times. Come and Pxsmine 'our Stock before p,r cbacdng elsewhere. Country Produce taken in exchange f ' Goods ! N. A. J. D. TtV.V Dallas, April 22, 1871. 1-tl E3 B: X VI '13 K A I! ! .Cheaper ilia ii EvcrIM no L,Ti: it, wo n r i. is y a co., ELLEWOALE kST0IlE, Hare removed their STOCK OF flOOPS to Pall, and ar conetantly rtccivinj? Nl'V and WELL SELECTED tlOODS, eonsis-ting of I.adlos' Dress and l'anry CJoods, Men and IloyV Clothlnff, Hals and Cans, Hoots and Shoes, l adles and Children' Shoes of every Style and Size. A full Stock of CJrocerles constantly on hand, also Hardware and Crockery. Woolen Goods Manufactured' at tle Kllcndalc Mill, uch as Heavens, Cassimcresi, Hard Times, Tweeds, I'lannels and Itlankets, Which we oflfer at Wholesale and Retail. Having a desire to locate permanently in Dallas, wo will deal fairly and justly with all who may favor u with their patronage. We will exchange Goods for Country Produce, for which wo will pay tho Highest Price. Driug on your Eggs and Batter. L34f : TO '.'.THE, VVZHAV. ALL KINDS OP WOUK, SEWING A. Washing and Jronjng, Ac, done by Mrs Burnett on short notice and on reasonable terras. All orders left at the houee, outh wet part of Dallas, will be immediately attended to. The Great Medical Discovery t Dr. WALKES'3 CALIPOS2?IA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds of Thousands pfH Bear testimony to their "Wonder- i? .sr fat Curative Jiffecu. 22 2sWHAT ARE THEY? CV5 fck-5 )r m a r n n I II 1 Pa Srrtlv Y U a II i t v Mates cf I'oor Hum, WhUkey, PrAf Hplrltunndltefttao L.lquur doctored, sflced and sweetened to plcasa the taste, called "Ton Jca,"M Appctlserf," " r.csiorcr," c., that Ica't the tippler oa to druaeine.s and ruin, but are a true ilcdlclae.uiade from titeNative IlooU and llerbaof California, free frum oil A!cobllo Siliuulnuia. The are tbefiltEAT J1L.OOD IMKII1KU and LIFE HI VIMS PRIN-CIPI-Ea perrcct ltenovstor and Invlaorator of tUc 8ytem, carrj lnc off all polonou matter snl reitorlnar the blood to a Uealtliy condition. Ko person caa take these Ulster according to dSxec? tl n and remain long unwtlb I"r Influinmuiory and Chronic Itliea inntUm nuil ;ui, Iypt-p.ia r IudU gcitlou, ItUloiiit, Uciuiiteiit and Intcr itiillcnt Frvera, Dl mt-nf of t lie Itluod, l.hrr, Kidtieyn, and Itladtter, these lilt lei bavd been tuot ucccfeful. tucb l)i cbkci re causf l I f Villnicd Tllood, which U teeners!!' by "i-:v.M.t vf tlia 1' m lc Organ -. 'JlVl'Kl'flA Oil lNDIfir.STf OX. Il-attache. 15 a la tlid Shoulders, Cougf:, Ttght- ccof tba neit, Idizlncaa.tioue Kructalloa of Ihe f?i.-jnit.-h, Had Uuj ia the Mouth C.liou At tacV. P5p;tr.tlc-a of the Heart, Iu2am:r.atlan of ttio I ungM'aia ta t!ic region of t!e Kldncyg.and abandrcd otber panful yn;i,;touis, tre ILo 1T prtasof Pyp'pi. They lav'orat s tl.e Stfrach and stimulate the torpl tlsvcrai I bowr!, wld-!i renderthemof ua e'juatl d efficacy fa elcanaiti the blood of t !iDpcr:tica, ana Impartlu ucw liTe aadTlort t:.e whole ytm. roit S'vIN IlsElr.S,rmpow.Tetter, fcH Kh?u.;i, r.'otv'.o... lU; !cS. ikutttle. It,ia, Csr'-utii U-, r:!j;.Vo;ja. feaM-Itead.S-ore Kyt,Krjt;-la'i1ltc!, Scurf, rn.-olorationa of (he fUu, tl'iumr a.sd Iis vf the Skta, of v!,terr tM orraiur-;', are literally doff t an Jcarrl' d unt of V;: ;Ui;i ia a rhort tiae by tls u5 of tti'- b turf. Ciin bottle in ancb c will cnviucss lae mwt lacrvdalous of thcix turotue ctci, t:t- a-c the Vit'atel rdo-! wbenc-Teryon f ndl It l;npnritlc burtii;jr thronsh theV;l: ial'lai pies, i;nn tiin r t.re; cb arise it when "you find It vbtruc-cd end !ng:ih in the reins; rb an It w7)CO it ! foul, and y -ur feeling will tell yon when. Keep th Mood pure and Uto health of thafy'tiu will fallow. TIN, TA VV. an t other VtHl?IS. lnr!;ir.jrtn h .ti5n cf t tuaay thoa'ada, arc f fT; ctnally Ucntroycit and r?inovcl. Tor fill din ctluf, read carefully the circular arouad each btUc. J. WA1.KETJ. Proprietor. U. It. MrDON'Al.D A CO., !raifta as4tica. Afronta, Sau Francisco. Cab, aad E2 and Si CoiBiC Street. New Fork. 0L1 rY ALL pnUOU!TS AND DUALEI13. TEE NEW POOD. 'i For a few cents you can buy of yo::r Grocer or Druggist, a racLreof fil-A 31 OSS FAIUNE, made from pr.ro Irisli Moss,' or Carrageen, wliich will mako sixteen ;ur,ri:; of Ilanc 3Iange, raid a liko qusxitity of Futl dings', Custards, Creams, Char iotfo usse, A:c. It is tho cheapest, healthiest, and most (.elicicu:? food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! Tim It IS AT WORLD'S TOXIC. Plantation Bitters, Tlii woiKlerfiil Acffclablo rcslorativc is Ilio fr3.cct-.aii-citor of tho fcclnlc nud lcl;iSi CitccS. Ah a lont.c ;an;l cordial for Use sicil Kti;! l;ss5;il, it lias no equal amM. iossi siclaics. Ah it rcaacdy For lao nervous .. wcakiies to wEiicli womctr. aro cseel:.lly kuV: Jcct, it is Mifjcrfelhij? vvery other ftthatsilant. Ia all Cli mates, tropical, tcas.icratr, or fiihl, it act a si tsjicriflc in every specie of disorder which undermine t8iS:odiiy strength and break down fiiie animal spirits. Tor sale ly All Druggists. 111 r hi ill A:-'-f 5R tits.-,- oe AUVlJk M.A U ur tUb -- life mm mm. MAINE. OUGANIJCED 18-tS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Directors' Office, JT0, 20 Court Street, BOSTON, 3IASSACIIUSETTS. UENIiy CROCKET. Present, DANIEL SHARP..... Vice Pre.td Suiting h. iioLLisTEa..,...secreury TUI i amoiiff th9 Oldtht ot Sew JCn And the Lowest Coin Company Exta PUREL? HUTU A L, Di vatlei3ilj( Declared Aiijiualljv OS THE .CONTRIBUTION' PLA'Hft A3ID APPLIID AFTEK Till IICOIB riTKIH A oau of 40 percent, when Detl red. POLICIES ARE NOT FORPEITED ia the Union Mutual Life Insurance Coppany bj failure in the Prmiuoi when due, but are c lutinuc d in fyrce by the NON FORFEITUKB LAW the State Massachusetts. ICxunplcs showing the Working of tL$ Law. VLAX, OkIlABr LU. For Example: A party inmring at tb age of iLirty-S vc premiums all cash. -f ' Oue Annual Prtioiuqi will continue policy ia force years and 3 ta . i'wu Anuuai Prvuiium wilt continue policy ig l..rcn i vfirx uikA. 12 iluvS. FLrco Aiuual Ptuiiuius will continue policy in forco 6 ytur and 27 days. Four Aiiuuiil Premiums will coutiane policy i l'wrcw S ttr Mnd 4G diiys. t'tvv AnuuA PrsiiuUiS will cuutiuue policy ia force 10 j'caia aud days. s vii:cu 43 tu ft cest. kutb has bezs citiv, i'wii Annua' Prcutiurus will contiuue policy in, Krcc 1 jit At 9 atid 210 dy. furee- Auiiuul I'fvu.iur.. t ill continue polity in lurce 4 vat and ' daya. 'ivo Auui'.nl I'ltiuuij!" will coutioue policy ia li.rte 7 yt ars ttu l 2'.' dy. AA.ri,r : Prciu urn all Oast. Plan Ten Payi uitiit Li'c. Ui;e Auuual Prtmiuia will eon ti..u jolicy in lurce, as a Term Policy, nil nt Uirce j -ears. j Eiivi'tu: Prcuii-j-.a 40 percent. Note Plan, tu: Pjv lucii! Lt.. OtieAnouiil Prriuiuui wil vootibuc policy in force as a Term Policy, pUoui 2 ycas nd ViO days. ladov.ment Policies. Avri.F. : Premium? all Cash Age, 3 5 Plan. Ordinary Ilsidoivrncnt, payuble at the a:f of IjO. Oho Annual Premium will con Xitiiif p'.dicy in f-Tcc as a Terra Policy, nearly o year, or 4 years and 325 days. l AMrt f : Preutiuui all Cath Ae, 35 j PS;n, ln Y ar Lndwment, payable at tha, a je of 4.' ; One Annual Premium will con tinue policy in force as ft Ttrm Policy 7 year. Notes on lindowiucnt Policies, -IxAVPtrr: Premium 40 per cent Note Agtx .'.; Pian. trdinary Endowment, payable at (be ape of i0. One Annual Premium will, continue policy in forc as a Term Policy about U year. ilVAvn.K: Premium 4ft per cent. Note Age 'M ; Plan, Ten-Year Endowment, payable at the age of 4.. One Annual Premium wiH continue policy in force as a Term Policy about 5 ycari. Hates, Assets to Liabilities. ISW5. ISf7. ISf.S. 1S69. 12197 ,12101 121-57 127-00 Iktkrkst RECEtrrs ran 1S6 $240,670 14 Losses Paid ix 201,190 60, Interest Rkceitkd ix Excess or Losses Paid .39,4S0 14, Asskts this Datx Otch 6,000,000 00 Losses Paid to Date..... 1. 79.433 0ft Dividksds Taid in Cash to Datc...951i,31S IxscnASCE ok 14,000 Poucitt In Forck ores 30,080,101 This Company Is not restricted to inTetl. its funds in tho New Englsnd States. Frcn the Report of tho Auditing Committee, we fio that $1,000,000 is now loaned upon, estates id, the City of Chicago and noa'r thereto, wber94 rates of interest are nearly or quite equal, to, those of the Pacific Coast. There is nothing desirable in Lift In surance which- cannot be secured by a Policy in the MUTUAL LIFE 1XSURAXCE C0MPAS1 PACIFIC 11RANC1I OFFICE, S. Mr. Cor. Cal and Kearney Strcttt, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. ' Hv H. J OHN SON & C O.,; General Managers, Pacific Coast, 13. 10 R S E, GUN lilt AX. AG UNT, 0RE00N A WASHINGTON TERRITORY Pprtlaiiil.