TOW!! COUNTY & HEWS. DALLAS, SATURDAY, MARBII. 2, J872. Money Market. 'Latest New York Gold Qnotations ...Ill Legal Tenders in Portland: .Buying...... 90 J Sellusg.l. 91 Dallas Produce aud Commission Market. Corrected Weekly, by 0. B. .Stiles, Peopled ."Merchant, M ain Street, Dallas, Oregon. j WHEAT $1 10 bush.? i OATS 2i 75c. JJARLEY l FLOUR $6 $6 50 bbl. -:. SkaJ AS .fill 1 7A CORN MEAL 4 o. H lb. :BEANS fo. n. ;UACONSides. IS 15c lb. ' Shoulders. 8e. to 12c. lb. "HAMS 14 $ 16c p lb. iPORK Dressed, C($7cts V S A a jv "V StL ncKieu, sc. to io c. f in. DUTTER Firkins 25 :30;-f lb. " Rolls, 35 to 40c. tt). SGOS 373fk doz. LARD rT$ulkl5, e ; tin?, 18' POTATOES From Wagon, $1 bushel. ONIONS $2 bushel. .APPLES Green, 50c bhl. Dried, 6e Tb. CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 25c . CIIirKKNS 2 50 (Ri $3 doz. TURKEYS 75 $1 each. DRIED PLUM-fi"l65--Jb. WOOL 33ic. tb Remember tie Republican Precinct meeting rta-day. Let all to rn out. Bradley A Ruloffson eo mo out with a eard vwhich may be found in another coluini. If you do not want gray hair, use Hall's 'Vegetable SieiUian Hair Renewer, which will not stain Uie skin , -or soil linen . We understand that a tax has been levied for the erection of a fine school bouse in Distriet No. 21 ; or what is known as the Townscnd ifitighborheod. Messrs Bolter A Wortley are still receiving accessions to tiieir splendid stock of dry goods groceries, ete.t which they are offering at very slow rates for eJh. W. H. Teal .A Co., .are eitll .manufacturing some ot the t very bet backs, buggies and wagons which hare been offered intbis market They are gotten. up .in ..good sty le jind built for durability. Mr. J. Baxter, of TodepenlJenee, lost 200,000 feet of logs during the late freshet The logs were on the bank of the river a few miles above Biina .Vista , and in such a condition that they could not be secured. T. L. Nicklin will be in Independence next Monday, wberehe will remain but short time His reputation as a skillful Dentist is well cstab. dished, and those wishing work in ills line will do well togive biui a call m soon as possible At the meeting of the Trustees of La Creole Academy last Monday night, Messrs. R. Clow and John Scott were elected to nil the va. tcuneies caused by the decease of J. B. Ripgn .nnd the removal from the couuty of Mr. Cha .Moore. More than the usual interest .is manifested in the cause of Education throughout Polk Co. this season. Districts aro refitting old scL0 houses, building new one and endeavoring to secure the services of competent teachers for the summer term. Remarkable Cure?. Dr. Aboro, at Portland, ja performing some wonderful cures of a!l kiuds of chronic lie never fails to cure ail kinds of sore eyes, granulated lid., etc., nasal catarrh, lung diseases, nervous debility, etc" J'ainpklcts sent free. For Rent. A farm on upper Salt Creek. A good, responsible party, applying toon, can secure this farm on reasonable terms; There is in the barn a .quantity of good hay, which can be bought at a fair price. Apply to H. Ilagood, Dallas, Oregon. Mr. Win. Howe has a comfortable dwelling tionae about a mile west of town, which has bien unoccupied for some time, A short time .ago Bome unknown party effected an entrance .and tore off the canva38 lining, amounting in jill to sixty yard. No clue has, as yet, been .obtained to the perpetrators of the deed. Several young fellows from the Luckiamut'3 were on trial before " Justice Stiles, during the fore part .of the week, tor larceny. The facts ivs we learn thjcua .are : The young men of that yart of the county have been tricking each other for some time in different ways. Taking falters, bridles, saddle-blankets, turning horses loose, etc., has been indulged in by one clique At the expense of the other, until i t got to be monotonous. The night of . the ball at Inde pendence, this game was carried on and the in jured party resorted to law. After one young man was fined $25, the matter was compromised nd the parties went home wiser And it is to be hoped better, Cor the experience. Whittling. All kinds of weather during the week, No Portland mail on Thursday. Dem ocratic Club meeting last night. Republican precinct meeting to-day . Republic-! ends its jecosd roliune this issue, Those indebted lo us will learn something to (our) adrantago by giving us a calL Prof. Rutan met with his ringing class again this -reek. He is preparing for a public concert to be given soon. The school At the Academy opened again JasX Monday. Mr. Chas Moore, from Benton Co., was In town the fore r art of the week. The po iitieal cauldron is beginning to .bubble, hence the crowds around the Court House. Nearly every Democrat in the county is an office-seeker, or has a friend who is, so look out for button holing, Albert 0. Yates, of Salem, gave us a call last Monday. E. II. Sullivan, a young man of our town, who has been attending the Willamette Univer sity, for nearly three yeara, while scuffling with ft room -mate, a short time since, twisted his neck in such a way as to severely injure him and will probably prevent his return to school for some time. He regrets this, as the school is just on the eve of an examination. There is a move on foot to establish a public library" in town. This is a good move aud should bo made a success. With a good library and pleasant reading rooms to visit, many a young man who now resorts ta.saloons or passes his evenings around the stores, -would be saved from takiug the first step in that course which njftea leads to the gallows or Penitentiary. Correspondence. Articles written for our paper should bo .short, as our space will not' permit any lengthy dissertation on any one -subject. The communication on our first page, al though lengthy aud in opposition to our pub lished views on the question submitted, is, nev ertheless, worthy of perusal and wo' would re commend our readers to read it carefully. Mr. Geo. Gomegys informs us that the farmers are becoming more than ever convinoed of the advisibility of plowing in the fall and then turns ing the soil again in the spring before seedine. With this view a largo amount of plowing has been done during the fall and early part of winter, and if the spring is favorable an un usual amount of grain will be sown this season We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the National Business Col Jege of Portland. This has become one of the permanent institutions .f the country, and un der its present management cannot fail to meet -the demands of the pablio. Young men desir ous of fitting themselves for business, should not fail to secure the advantages offered to them in this institution. Aecident. Miss Ester Nichols, while going down stairs in hor stoeking-feet last Wednesday-morning, ran a sliver into the ball of her left fot. The eliver penetrated diagonally to a depth of about three iuches. lu an effort to extract the sliver, it was broken off about the middle. Dr. Grubbs was called, who administered Chlo roform and then cat out the remaining piece, Xho pain came near causing lockjaw, but the pativnt is now doing .welL' We were shown, tha othjr dv.b M; j-f H). bart Jt Co., specimens of leather manufactured by Cbas. McDonald, at tho Dallas Tannery, which for firrnnecs and quality of tex'.uro can not be excelled. Mr. II bart informs u.stlat hw bought of Mr. McDonald two sides of leather whieh amounted to 2t 10. They affirm that it is superior to any they have Lirctofuro been able to procure in tin. Stato. This looks lik business. .Mr. M Donaid keeps ci.ii'tantly on hand a full supply of the very best qu-ility of leather. The Tannery is to bo refitted this spring and enlarged o tlm: its capacity may come nearer meeting the dem tuds of the peo ple. Mr. M. ha served five year at, the tn nin and currying art umlrr in-b ntarei, an. I also worked as journeyman 'in different Stale, and as he is au experienced and practical tan ner, claim- that be caa manufacture leather e (n il or superior to any otlur t urner in the State. Tho.c wishing to set; f-pecimetis of fie leat her can be accommodated by ea'tir it tb tannery, or at too chop of Jlirj. H;!art Jt Co- .11 a::rji:i. HARRINGTON WOODWARD, At th residence of tht bride's father, nuar DaHs Feb, 27th, by Kev. J. Jamc. Mr. If. Harring ton aud Mi.s Mary Woodward, all of Polk Co. A Polyglot Business. The wide-spread in fluence of American skill and enterprise ha. outstripped the comprehension of American. themselves. The fabrics of our mills clothe the ravages ;of both continents. They wrap the loins of Africa, and the tawny skins of South American pampas. But wider sMU are spread the products of our skill in medicines A lata visit to Dr. J. C. Ayer AVs labora tory and offieo in Lowell, showed us that the whole surface of the Lalitable globe pays its tribute tbere; there they cater to and servo the requirements of all nation;-. Their publications are in many tongues that widely -severed peo ple use. Their letters must be read from and written in many tongues, for which there sits a long range of correspondents with the indis pensable accomplishments for .their duties Their daily mail of half a bushel of letters brings bo in advices, orders and remittances from the circle of the world. We were overwhelmed with jnma.ement. and our readers would bo by an in spection of this wonderfully extensive health dealing enterprise Holly Springs (Miss.) Conservative. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH". Indipoflition to exercise, difficulty of thinking or reasoning or eoncentrating the mind upon any subject, lassitude, lack of ambition or en ergy, discharge falting Into the throat, some times profuse, watery, acrid, thick and tena coous mucous, purulent, offensive. Ac. In others a dryness, dry, watry, weak or inflamed eyes, ringing in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, lceration8,doath and decay of bones, scabs from ulcers, constant de sire to clear nose and throat, voice altered, n-asal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, Ions of appetite, indi gestion, dyspepsia, enlarged tonsils, ticklinj cough, difficulty in speaking plainly,genoral de bility, idioey and insanity. All the above symptoms are common to the disease in some of its stages or complications, yet thousands of cases annualyterminate in con sumption or insanity, and end in the grave without ever having manifested one-third of the symptoms above mentioned' No disease is m re common or less understood by physicians. The Proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay $500 reward for i esse of catarrh hih he cannot cure. Sold by K.11 dJujfgists, or sixty cents to it. V. Pieroe, M. D., 133 Senaca street, Buffalo N. Y.; for it A pamphlet sent free. Beware of counterfeit or worthless imitations. Remember that the genuine has the words " Jt. V. Pierce, M. D. Sole Proprietor. Buffalo, N. Y.," printed upon the wrapper; also has Dr. Pierce's portrait, name and address on his private Government stamp upon each package. More 'big red apples" this week, This time from Mr. Tick ens . John Cook, while playing with the hammer of a gun, was hanging on the gun rack ia b!is father's house, let -go, whieh im mediately diseharged the gun, sending the bul let 'through the side of the house. Nobody hurt It may bo surprising to the natives of'Oregon to see so maoy towns where ouly a few years ago! was barren wastes, but their surprise is nothing compared to the astonishment expressed by frs. A. M. Swain's patrons, at the perfect fit of their garments, Give her a call. The Blind. The Oaiettt, in its last i-sue. calls the attention of the public to the fact that a move is on foot to estab li.ih an institution of learning, for tho blind. This is a want which hasjong been felt. It is true the numberof bliild in our State as yet is small. This number j however will continue to increase, and nov, wbijlo property is comparatively cheap, and ev erything favorable to tho project, we should give it the attouti'ju which is duo so weighty a matter, audseo what can bo doue. Prof. Ratau hasiaunouueed his intention to lecture here, at uo distant day, upoa this question. The atten tion of our people will thoa be culled more di rectly to tho question. W. C.Wills, Clerk of Dallas School Distriet, gives us the following from his annual report : No. of voters, 122 ; No. male persons oyer four and under 20 years of age, II A; No. females 116, total, 2:32. Terms of school taught, 2; av erage attendauce, 1st quarter, 83 ; Teachers : M. M. Oglesby, Prinoi pal,' Miss Dora tLamson, Intermediate Department, aai Miss Kate Rec tor, Primary. Second quarter averago attend ance, 1 19; M. M. Oglesby Principal, Miss Ida Witten Intermediate, and Miss E. A. Seriber, Primary. Amount paid to teachers from Dis trict tax $693 4;J ; auaouut from County Fuud, coiu,$319 37; currency, $IS 29; expenses, in cluding clerks' fees, for collecting tax-$192 95' Tel egrra ;U bc Sai su aia ry Chicago, Feb. 24. A Times Wash iutoti frjKjcial has the follow in;, which U claitiiet to be a fair rprei'titation f Washington osip: The latest niege of tho political situation ij the nomination of J u-tico Davis, of the Supreme Court, for the Presidency by the Nation:!! La bor Convention. It baa irieatly f'atttl his fri. ii'ls, who aH"ueate his claim a an opposition candidate. lie i. the re cipient of many congratulations on his nomiuatiuu. It in mid it will bo prcsnt-d an the Cinelunati Convention) peadit-u hid acceptance. In th -t movement th y expect the National Democratic Com unUee to ratify the ticket. S .one of the Dom .-'Crats woo do not approve i f Ju -hee Davi' dee!ion, of the Cointitti tio jality of the le:! tender act. pref i the Humiliation ol Senator TritmlmH, I y the Cincinnati convention. A greater (majority, however, of Democrats here, favor any course until alter the Philu dtlphia and Ctneinnatt conventions. W i-hin-toti, Feb. 21. Tho IJouye Coaiuiitfeo on Cioumeree finally agreed, seven against two, o reeomtnendioir an appropriation doubling the China mail .service. Tins, recommendation and com bi nation with the friends of the Australian subsidy it is believed insures tho ?ucccs of both measures. It is probable the bill making tea and c-dFee free ill iail before the Sen ate Its t).i.sae by Ireein importation from delays and the e.peuse attending theboiidiug system, would tend to bring the entire tea trade via California and the route overland. the interview had by Thornton (Minis ter) with Secretary Fish yesterday was sent by last night's steamer, so that it might reach England earlier than the American answer. The Judiciary Committee of the Legislature of New Vork examined wit nesses yesterday concerning appoint ments referred by Judge Cordoza. Nothing reliable can be ascertained as to the purpose of the testimony, as the ses sions are secret. The Committee is composed of six llepublrcans and three Democrats. At a meeting of Irish societies last evening arrangements were made for the celebration of St. latrick's Day. The procession will bo on a scale grander thau heretofore known. The Committee of 22 appointed by the Graud Sachem of Tammany society to reorganise the Democracy of this city, which meets next Monday, is composed of such prominent and influential citi zens as Chas. O'Connor, Belmont, G. Low, O. Othendorf, J. J. Ceseor, S. M. Barlow and Martin Marble. German Democratic General Commit tee last night passed resolutions endors ing Carl Schurx. It ia stated that Attorncj-Gencral Barlow bas withdrawn from the proses cutiou in the case of Mayor Hall. New York, Feb. 25. Judgo Barn ard has mads a protest to the assembl ing of the Judiciary Committee against Samuel J. Tilden, serving as one ot the investia rs of charges against himself, on the ground that Tilden is a mem ber of the Bar association, and as such one of his prosecutors. Legrattd Lockwood, a promineut Banker, died this moruing. The Senate Committee on Private Land Claims to day heard tho argument in support of the claims presented by Gen. John A. Sutter, the I'ioneer set tler of California, who asks that scrip be issued giving him authority x to lo cae some ouo hundred and sixty thou-- and acres unoccupied pnblic lands in lieu of compensation for his Sobrantc grant of 22 leagues, which was rejected by the United States Supreme Court. Sutter claims he will bo able to adduce uew evidence -to establish his rejected grant which secures other lands instead of those winch have lon been occu pied by settlers and bona fide purchasers at Sacratueuto city. The committee also heard the argument of counsel for MeGioroa't in favor of his claim, it hav iun been rifored to the Committee on Private Laud. Claims a few days ago. I Ooughlan is urging an appropriation of a half milbou dollars fur t he eou.Urue tion of two exeavated dry docks at Marc Island. :lIoughtoufs time, giving Valentine .standing in the court to establish the ti tle to the Petaluma eite under the Mir anda grant, and substituting lauds elsewhere, rf the titles were sustained, passed the House with Oouglan's amendment, roviding uo decree shall be effectual until Valentine, filing a deed, giviug the 'United 'States trust for settlers on the Miranda grant hii inter est iu the same. Couglao hopes to pass the coolie bill prohibitiug Ferrile contracts, and private laud claims; also for the relief of ex -Ambassador Koss Drowne. A motion t n process for giving 13, 5U0 for the wotks at Alcatraz, S75.OU0 for Lime Point and .885,000 for Fort Point. The Superintendent of the Na. val Academy reports flattering conduct and process of the Japanese. Corbett iotroduced a bill extending citizenship to all persons born in Ore gon before the treaty of 1840, children of British fathers. The number- Is said to be large. New York, Feb 24. A dispatch to the Ierull says there will be a delay of several djys in di.-patching an answer to Lord (iranville's note. The rc-u t of mumamxm m.vm ::jm.a m juu I'roduct- Jaret. From the I'ortlauJ Hulk tin wc cull the folio. v ing: J'lwir There has been coosidcrablc demand for Mitall lot.s for local trade during the pa.-t few days, but uo large sates uor change iu ootaiioi:s. We pioto : Fxtr.i t iod:trd brands at S -." " id)! : choice c.::itry, 5 1'tUt. V) bid, ftupciiiuc aiJ uut;iide b;amU. i)Zi)rji)i). i'uat wi; hoot .-al A oiiLs- We ji Jte the oiT.i'ng j-.riee s at 51 3 )'-' I p. r ceo ul it aee.idiug to iur-ety, t- ,'f or L s. Fgj;' 1 oe receipt? tioui tlte eoitiitry have oegaa, aud the prospect! are tht prie.s will go hwu to a. low liguie. ;.Jj I ci' .Sa'e-i were ma io cents per dozen; this morning at h Chickens It ceip's were quite free oil .Saturday, and prices went down lo i;ti per d zen. Potat.K.s Th5 market i- ovtr sup plied, pviees low and sales light. We te, aeeor liug lo a icy,8i 10V'U Vi) r-r Celt i a . ?iri i" rnticisco, Feb. 27 -Flour .stock of Xotwith."tao Jiiig the tie tv v rtr in 1 1 1 i i- L ' f vil t ,! ! i tsi jvi .I'li'l. til come forward from that State. The steamer whieh arrived last evening brought 2,1'JO barrels of extra. Sale oftA tiarrals (ietiessee Fxtra, $0 50. j The gold t ales lor best brand are as foliows: Superfine, 35 C-)(r 02 , ex- tra, J?o .ilOO rJ Wheat bale's of 200 sis good mill ing at S2 oU . 1.5U0 ks fair Io good, 32 1 ,('. 2 20. A lot of 100 tons eSioice was purchased by millers to-day at 82 22 i 1U0 lbs. Barley The extremes of the mar ket are SI 40($1 f5. Oats Sales of 500 sks choice at 1 75; other qui!. ties sell at 1 55Qt) 1 70. Hay Small sales within the range of $lti(f20, though strictly choice wheat would bring 822. Potatoes 50.0 ks Petaluma sold yesterday at4050c, and small lots of choice Sweets, 62 50 ; llumbolts 75 (80. Feed Consignment of feed middl ings sold at $31 on the wharf. For tho very best photojrrapbs to Rrad Iey4. Itulof on's Gallery without STAIRS, .-ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, 42J Montgomery, etreet, Sau FraneSaco. TIII llI)CIi IU!I,C fllHE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS UNPOP J ular rule at the late Agricultural Fair, although a source of frreat annoyance to visit ors and of vexation to Marshal.1, was . not en tirely barren of good results, especially to the people of this vicinity who are sagacious enough to profit by tho facts developed. It seems that in ejecting parties violating the rule, the Marshals found great difficulty in some cases by reason of the clothing of the offender giving way, while others more roughly bandied were removed from tbe ground with out tho least injury to their clothing. TLis mytery was solved by the Marshals when they found on investigation, that tho clothing which tood firm under the sturdy grip of the officers Wits purchased (with the exception of one velvet euit)ut tho store of Murphy t Croas man, in the bank building, corner of State and, Commercial M., Salem, whero a g o l supply o the tfUino kind of clothing is always on hand together with a fall ft.-mtnu-nt of fashionable hats aud gents' furubhing goods. 3:Hf. C. II. cox. ILis on hand and for - Pale, SADDLE TKEKS of all siea and the 1 et quality. Shop near Way mire's Mill, Dalla?, Oro gon SPECIAL NOTICES. WIIiLIAM DAVIDSOJV, REAL E ST ATE DEALER, Office, Tio. til Front Street, PORTLAND OREGON. "REAL- E STATU In f.! 'CITY and EAST PORTLAND in tbe mo.-t desirable lo caliies. consisting of LOTS, HALF H LOCKS andliLOCKS, IIOrjSL-5 and STolli;.-; alio,' IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located 'iu ALL parts of Uio STATE for SALE. 'REAL 'ESTATE and otficr Pmpcrte purchased for Correspon lettts, in this ('ITV and throngbout -tlio STATES Urd TERR! TORIES, w'tb reit faro and on the moat ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS" ' i HOUSES and STORES LEASED, LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS 01 ALL DESCF II'TIONS PROM PLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of tbi OFFICE, in all th CITIES and TOWN'S in tbo STATE, wil recivti descriptions of FARM PROPERTY au.l ioiHk.rd tLu aino lo tbe above address. 1840 f 18 70 1 v M CeiOKBS SKV. HOW TO CUKE IT. At the connncnf emcnt .of tba Dianhoe, which alwsys precedes an attack of the Cholera, tak a teapoi)fuI of Pain KiMerin sngar and wa ttr, (hot df convenient,) and then bafhc freeh tlie stma'"h and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Flmald tho diarrLoe .r cr..mps tontirni' repeat the ilosi; every fen or fifteen mitiuies un til the patient m relieved. In extreme case.1 two or tcure toa'poonluls may Le given ut a dof. 7" The Pain Killer, as a remedy, Las no equal. Inches of ChoK-ra. Hummer Complaints, 'Dys pepsia. Dy st nter t. Acihiua it cures in one tiihi by taking it. internally, an-i bathin with i' f r'(ly. Its action if like m i'U wfc-.-n external ly apphcJ to Oil S.res, Btirts Scald, an.' pr;i.;? I.r ?iek Hcudai-hc and Toothaeh don't i.ul to trr it. In thvrt, it is a Pais Kill KK. fiirecii o- nf"Tfjiffiny frli bottle, Thu P.iu Kilkt iold by all dealers ia Med I'ii'tc, 2j csaU, 5'i v-v-sitj.i l I $t per bottU- IV hat t.vprsJa may Ciid In. In li,;. ti'.c i not dauf r'.u., y the faculty lr! ,: s r.i ! t in ii.-.-lf. whi.e it remains raos in, ; it fti n ; Jott 'ok ;.t the .!,( fjoer.cis to whirl i; ui.iy Iea-1, and often )-!' lead whvs it become rb.r.iic dista.c. A park of tire I a mal thin. A pre surf of the foot will -ut it ut:i breath will cxtirgnish it. Vet it may tire a piw. tier ill. jr kioille a flame that wi'l consume x city. Io like asiinner iniocstion may produce iixtriti ; cbneer 1 the toiiiitcb. Congestion iuo oowcis, poptxy, ijvtr aisca anl many other J:oj;--r .! tu lilU.J. Is ii nt wirt then to chek it in the gum ? Nothing is more cleiriy and jmti.-) ulstl ly ttnblithcd that Hostel, terV ft- mm b Ilittt ri will eradicate dyspepsia ii all i! f age-, Tho tru po'icy, honever, is to ex tini;i.h it in the firt stages with this whole M ine, J wnul, and iilal:ible tonic and alttra tive. It i. cjisoir to juni h a." :irk than a flame and it i c;iir to cure dyspepsia when it is f.rst developed, than when if ha tnadc headway by noslect, and hue. me omplieatcd with other ail tocnt.4. 1 here is not the shad'wf a doubt thst I be bitters are a directly antagonistic to dys pepsi i ) s w.'iter is t.. fire. Thcr-i arc thousand. of cases on record prvi?yg tbi- t'nrt. Therein- is snfe ansl agreeable. . AH the liquors of cmmcre prcseriOuil as tiiinuluuts leave ating behind. Dut tbe stm is taken out of tl e spir itu ois basis ot this groat remedy by vcirttable medication, and, moreover, the stimulant thus medicated is of purify. Of all tonics, taken as safeguard or reio2iJ lur fever anl aguo. billion rt'ini'tents, aud other epidemics. it is the only one that cau uniformly be depen led on. EYE, EAR, THROAT A?-D LUNQS, J. 3?. Pllkingrton-, i?2. D., LATE OF SAN FRANCISCO Has established himelfin Portland, Orcsron. Offices, Xos. S aud -l Holmes' Duildings, First Street, three doors fr"tn Ladd A Til ton's Dank, where he nny be consulted daily, and will treat diseases of the abovcwiauicd organs ar his specialities. All operations on the Eye and Ear made in the inst scientific and caicful manner. Artiirint Kjff, having all the beauty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers for his professional stauding to L. C. Lane, M. D., Pr-f. of Surgery, and Edwin IJentley, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy, University of tho Pacific, and for his success in treating patients to over 1,500 cases treated by him in San Francisco; also to Levi Ksces, Esq., Portland, Wtu. II. Tilton, Esj., Vancouver, John Alexandar, Esq., Couperille, W. T., and many others on thir North Coast " 256m ! Plants ! --SEEDS ! Fruit, Garden, Flower, Shade, Hedges Oaraen, Applound crab, 100, 2 to 4 It, $1; 4tofn$5 00 Pear, St d Extra, ly.i;aftlctt, i. 3 to 4tl per dox 2 50 Secds,PVh.bu.$2: A'ple, Osage new,bu....l2 00 Potatoes, White P'ch lllow. Early Rose.... 2 00 Seedling, Soft Maple, 1,000, $1; Ash, $5 ; Klin ...-2 00 Hllustratcd Catalogue. 1H page, and New Price Litt, IS cents. F. K. PHOENIX IJloouiington, Illiueis. 4Sui2 The ClTV Hoot StoiiB has long been Head quarters fr the Stato of TiuKRia Crt.n bkatkTi Hoots, of which I have VeiW Safe. Parties arc cauti med to e-xmiiiiie and find my name on them, as the country is flooded with a ofre Ilrt, in imitation of-the geuuino article. Every fwir of Tirrel's Hoots sold at my establishment is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction. ! Rr.MKMBKit that tho above hovtso sells no buff or split goads. No shoddy palmed off upon his customers for a superior article of French Calf. All rips, returned in a reason able time, repaired free of charge. 37-tf J. W OILDEIIT, Salem. NE W AD VEli T1S EM EUTS. Ayer'S air .''Visor For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vildlity and Color. A dressitrg hich h nt once agrceifade, bealtby, and effecturfl for preserving "the liair. Faded or gray hair is soon' restored 'to Us 'original color with 'ih e '6fo$s an 1 mm yrtsftness of youth. cne3. falHa?: diair cheeked aud bald ness ofien, though Ddt 'Blwfi, cured by its use. Notliiug can restore trm hair where tho follifiles are destroy or the glaatls atrophied and decayed. But ftueh s remain can be saved foP usefulness by this i application. ; Instead of fouliug the hair with pasty sedi ment, it will keep it -deau and Vigorous. Its occasional will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling 'off, aotl consequently prevent baldness. Frefc from those deleterious substances- wmcn make some preparations dangerous anil inturious 4o the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but-tiot harm it. If wanted merely for a . : 1 HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found eo desiriabk. Containing uiithcr oilnor dye, it'Jioe not soil white cambric, and yet lasf long cu the hair, giving it arichlossJr lustre and u grateful perfumb. -4 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & to. PltACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL ' CllEillSTS, LOWELL, 3IASS. PlilCE $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ion I'L'rssFvnrvc; the isjlood. The f?jH'taU'n thje ct'.leut iuM"uliie 'euj'jya, is dei ivitl fruiu iu cures, many of which are truly in irvullou. Iu Vetera t catcs of Scrofulous dut cac, where tbe system deviiied estuiatca with corruption, bar bee puiiflcii aud cured by Scrofulous nffectioas ana disorders .which were atf srravaled by tlJe-scroAt-Ioqn c ontaiuinalion nntD. thevveve aiiiful!y :;flli-tinj, have been radically' cutvil in Hit h jrivat munbers in almost CTery sec tion of the conniry.tliat tbe public t-earcflj need tt bo infotintsl of its tirtuea or uses. Kcionilous piaou is one of 1ic Kt destntctlr enemies of our race. Otlcn, Uiis utntetfu artri unfelt tenant of the organUni undermines fbectrntitutlon, and invites the attack of cniceblinj'or futal Ureases, without excitintra miftpicion of Its jircscnce. ApaiiK it seems, to breed infection Uiroughoutlix body, anil then, on j?one favoralile ocrai-ion, rapidly, develop into one or otlicr or it hideous forms, cHber on thfc surface or anion;' the vitals. In the latter, tuber, cles mav be sndlcnly deposited in the Innrs of heart, or tumors foniied in the liver, r it tbows its presence by eruptions on tbe t in, or foul uker ntionaon tome part -of tbe lody. Hence Hmcc cional use of a IwUtle of Ibis iartMjmrilfn is ad visable, even whentio neti-e t-yjnpiortnf dUeans appenr. lVrsns OI i tel with the foUwImreom' piaints peneraltv tind inmicdiate relk-f, and, at length, cure, bv the use or this .SA JiSJl'AKMl.--J.A: St. AHttiouy' Firr, Jtnr :sVytelr Tctttr, Salt Jihrum, Srald IJtHttf, Jf rjj?rtfwv S'r Ffes, Strr J.'ar, and other eruptions or visible tonus of Srwfttluug diea.e. Aiso in the more concealed forms, as Jfs;ef, Jrt y 11 tart J)ieatr, 7M, J-:flrjff, 2rwafgis nnd tbe various flctmu uf.oeUous of the muscir lar nnd rervoti" syf-tcios. Syphilis or Ve'nrrrat nnd Sfcrrttrint Ii!en arc cured hr it, thongb a lonp time ia required fdt suIhIuIu these ol linate maladies by any nietlicin. Hut lonjr continued u?e of this lueair iie HI cuftt the complaint. I.f ururrhara or White, t'feHw I let tf if ions, and t'emml Dltrnte,. are com monly poon relieved nil tiltimatclr cured br Its purifving and invigorating1 effect, ilintite Irtree tin for each case jiro found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. -llhruntinHftt nnd ilvvt, when causinl bv accnmnbitione ef extraneous knattrrs In the blood, vivid quieklv to it, as also Jllrer Vomulaittt, tnrpUlity, VtmgetlomtrTfimm mat ion of tbe T.irrr, nnd.Irtftofee,wben;arislnc, ns they often do, from the rankling poisons in tbe blood. This SAltSAl'AJtll-T.A. Is great r storcr for the ftrvngth ond vlyor of the system. Those who arc l.antruM and J.ffe. JDcsjwm dent, Slrflrs. and troubled with ?ertws Af prrhrnrtftu or l-'mrs, or atiy of the if fleet ions eymptomatje of Wt Kirnnt. rill find hrwelUU relief and convincing evidence "of 4U tsetUTe power upon trial. : , s prepared n r---- Dr. J. C. 1YF.R & CO.,XwIt, Vrartlcal and Analytitnl ChemUt, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EEltVWIIEEE, The; Will sow everything needed In t family, froa the heaviest to tho lightest fabric. 1 "f; IT IMUX 9IOKR WOBK, .mokl: liixns or wonsi, AI lTTOt WpBZt. Than any other machine j If there is a Florence Siwing. Ma chine within one thousand miles' of San FrauMsco not rorking veil and ? living entire satisfaction, if I am in ormed of it, it will be attended to w ithout expenso of any kind to the owner. - - - ' : . SAMUEL HILL; Agent, ' 1 19 New Montgomery Stree Grand Hotel Buiidtngj San Francisco. iJ; Send for Cirrulara ami samp&s of the irork: Active Agent wanted . every place, - cJ