Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, March 02, 1872, Image 1

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    TBTSf mim ti lllllllHIIIIIMllll SWUM .'It HM J
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, i- -4- a i - . Mr---..
VOL. 2.
; NO.. 52
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She Ort xjorif jrjcp ubi if an
la IssuedEvery Saturday korning,
.... , , Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
: J BY 11. II. TYSON.
;JF.FICE Mill street, opposite the Court
House. . I
SINGLE COPIES One Tear, $2 00. Six
Moaths.il 25 Ihroe Months, $1 00
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A liberal deduction will bo made to quar
terly astd yearly advertisers.
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advertising bills must be- paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Clanks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice.
(Contains Original Stories, New Music, House
hold Matters. General and Artistic Literature,
and the only Reliable Fashions, with Full Size
Patterns. Yearly, only $3 0, with the splen
did Chromo, Is't Shb PitKTrv," aiie, 1:5 x IS.
worth $S 00, sent pt tree to each "feub.criWr ;
ir-tbe-Larpe and tlcgant Chromo, si'ter Jk
i rohw TucufM s, Hiawatha's ViKui); eizei 15
x 25; pric, $15 00, for $1 tK extr or both
Cbrouios with the Magazine, for $5 00 post
free ' Published by
SUSjX'roatifwy, AV York,
A splendid offer to our Subsrribeis : We will
,end the above Popular ai'd A'aluable Maga
zine, for one year with the $S 0 Chromo. to
gether with our pair for only $a ; or, fur $ I 00
jxtr. Hiawatha's Wo iu, Of for $5 50 we will
send Dcruoret's Muulbly for one year, both
Chroreoa. and tb Okec.uv KkpibUcas. Or
or $3 5A we v ill ' kcuJ the Kki-i blican
yand Deuioreafa Monthly for one year.
This is a Splendid Chance to secure the best
Magatine, Elegant Chromo, and a good
County Papej lor nearly half the value. Seud
Abe amount to this office, and the Mtiazinc and
hromos will bo promptly forwarded.
JOCRiAL, is in, every rfj.ct a Frt
Class MagAsiue. If4-ticled are of the his;hesv.
n teres t tc all. Ittaueitw what we are and how
4o make '.he most of ourselves. The inforuvi
jtion it contains on the Laws of Life and Health
is well worth ibe price f the Maazineto every
Family. It is published at S.5 0' a yuar. II y
0 special arrangement we are timbied to ofiVr
ihe PHREXOUKJifAL JotuxAt. as a Premium nr
4 new lubscribers to th Oki.oox UKPrni.icAM,
jor will furnish the Phkkxolocu-ai. Joi hvai.
,and Oregon Rkpcbmcam together for 1 ;0.
We commend the Joi bsai. to all who want a
ood Magazine.
Wo 221 a is '. Ii?2Ss.
Editor Rkfjjiilican.
r The suljcet of "youanfrt Rights lias
fceen attracting considerable attention in
the United States for the la-t twenty
year,-and by reference -to aneknt and
paodern history it will be found that her
positiooj in different agfs and nations,
has beeri niultifarious. It will be found
that in proportion to the ignorance and
fcarbarisui of the various nations of the
arth; from the creation of man to the
present-time, in that very fame ratio
Jias woman .been . maJe to sulfur, and
in many iustances has been reduced to
the Tcry lowest decree of servitude
possible to the. most abject slavery. In
stances arc on record, where the nun
had the full power over the life and fu
ture destiny of the woman, as though
ahe were a dumb brute, and the woman
had no redress before law
But on the other hand we see, as the
JJible, Civilization and Christianity have
been made known, that the condition of
woman has been ameliorated, and that
Jn the very same proportion has she
been elevated in a direction approxitna
ting an equality with the man, or the
male part of mankind, which, we be
lieve, ie her true status in society, as de
signed by God in the creation of the
world. We find, by reference to the
history of the creation of the world, ah
found in Genesis, the , first book of the
Old Testament, or Rible, that man was
'the last from the hand of the Creator.
.The language of the writer of the crea
tion isas.follow8 : " So God created man
in his own image, in the image of God
created he him, male and female cre
ptcd he them." So it will be seen from
tie reading that the creation of woman
was coequal or co extensive with that
of manTor God in giving them direc
tions commands them to multiply and
replenish tfcc earth and to subdue it.
lie also ive them dominion over every
living thing j over the fowls of the air,
the fishes of the sea, and everything
thatmoveth or creepeth on the face of
the earth. So in the creation of Adam
Are the elements of tf oiran, for further
OP in the history we find that Eye was
taken from Adam and was to be a help
meet. Ry some it -is argued that from
this cause, of her being taken ' from
man, that hc is not his equal, and
should be entirely under his subjection,
thus establishing the usages of which
we spoke iu a foregoing part of this ar
tiele ; thus depriving her of the rights
of life, liberty and the pursuit of hop
pines., which would be in direct coik
flict with the Golden Rule, as laid
down by Our Savior while on earth, ks
a standard! by which' we are t govern'
our action toward our fellow creatures :
" As yc tvould that others should do
unto you do ye evsi mi unto theni'""'
We are tuught thit this rule covers the
whole ground both of the Law and of
the J'rophets -and if so which we be
lieve, it is sufficient, and our laws should
be so dispensed without regard to sex,
for we fiud Christ in all his teaching
uses the term " man" in its its genuine
sense, meaning the human family.
We find, also, in the book of Gene
sis, a more explicit account is given in
another place relative to the creation of
man, and what were the commands
given him by-his Creator relative to the
dressing and keeping of the Garden of
Eden, also of what fruit he w is to eat.
lie wus to eat of every tree of the gar
den except , of the Tree of JCnowirdge j
of that he was not to oat. Ry consult
ing this history in regular order, we
find that the orders that were given to
Adam on this matter of dressing, and
eating of the fruits, were even prior
to the time that the Lord God caused
the deep fdeep to fall upon Adam, at
which time he took the rib and made
the woman Rut notwithstanding the
sileuce of the history bearing upon this
point, we are of the opinion that the
woman had by sotnc means .received a
knowledge of the orders upon that u!
j.'ijt, either through Adam or from
God. We learn through the ' history
is it progresses, that the serpent, the
Devil, or the Evil Spirit, as you may
ehoose to cull it, or him, apr ro-iched
I he soi t on this sui ject. h
ptared to know that the tree tlut wa--daeed
iu the center of the g m.'en was
forbidden, and that they were net to
at or even touch it, lost they die.
Notwithstanding this, whin theser
pcut had reasoned with her, injorniiu
Iter that she or they should not sureh
lie, but be as Gods, knowing go.d and
evil. And when the woiii.in siw that
ihe tree was good for footl, nod that it
v.'is pleasant to the eye, and a free to
be. desired to make one wise, bhe took
of the fruit thereof and did cut, and
.rave also unto her hu-hand with her
md he did cat. Wo are informed that
after they had eaten, their eyes wrc
peno3, cl? , and when Adam and Kve
were walking iu tlie daruen ol hJen,
iu the cool of the evening, they heard
the voice of God, and were afraid.
When the Lord obtained an audience,
Adam began excusing himself by say
ing the woman thou gave to be with me
gave me of the fruit and I did eat. We
do not find that the woman used any
persuasive means to induce her hus
band to eat, but it is quite likely if we
were allowed to go back of the record in
this matter, she may have at least made
the same the statement to him that
was made to her by the serpent. At
all events we find the woman excusing
herself by saying the Serpent beguiled
her. It appears then, that after a
thorough investigation, as regards the
whole matter at issue, that tho Lord
God commenced by passing sentence on
the Serpent, then upon the woman, and
lastly upon Adam. As regards the
punishment of the Serpent and Adam
we shall pass it by as we have to deal
more strictly with the sentence passed
upon the woman. Her sentence was
hard and in the following language : UI
will greatly multiply thy sorrows and
conceptions; in sorrow thou shall bring
forth thy children aud thy desires shall
be to thy husband, and ho shall rule
over thee." We now come down to the
common seose reasoning as regards the
punishment inflicted upon the subjects
of Ibis forbidden fruit. The different
sentences passed on each had a bearing
of its own, and shows that all parties
were alone, responsible for their own
acts in the whole transactiDn. Rut if
the meauiug be as some seem to think,
that because Adam said, she is bone of
my bone, and flesh of my flesh, aiid In
consequence of the announcement that
husband should rule over her, and that
she shall have no say as regards mat
ters pertaining to her own welfare and
happiness or of thai of the government
in which she lives, then those savage,
heathen nations, to which wo have be
fore alluded, were right, and wc of the
Christian, enlightened nations are
wrong. Now, if,, because a woman is
married to a man, it was intended that
she should lose her identity. and be
come entirely dependent upon him for
knowledge and support and must be
governed entirely by "his wishes, disre-
her own will, then it would
seem strange that any c-nlisihtened. man
or Christian nation could give their :on
sent to the punishment of a woman uu
der any circumstances whatever; let
alone the idea of a just God -ondeu!U-ing
her to endless ' punishment,: when
she bus been acting under aud governed
by a superior representative all the
while. Justice, common sense mid
sound reason, together with the Divine
teachings of Christ in his sermon on
the Mount, in laying down the Golden
Rule as:a.igu:idi to our treatment of our
.fellow -man, who-h also iue;ins woman
used in iu true Generic seuse., If tho
idea bo correct, that many appear -to
hold, that the, man is the true re pre
sentutive of the wou:an, he of course
should be made responsible tor her acts
and sufier ihe penalty of misdemeanors
and crimes perpetrated by her, but such
is not the case, lie stands back and
lets her represeut herself, ho not being
willing tjrepre-eut her only in such iu
stances as are to his owti personal in
terest. --
We hold then that woman has n
individuality of her own, aud if sorshe
is a part and parcel of us, and of the
body politi J ; and could not be' dis
peuscd wth without depopulating the
world. Cou-i qiu utly she u of the
family of mankind, and if so should be
cutitled to all the lights, privileges and
iuimuuities of the male citizens of the
nation or government iu which she
lives. Therefore, iu a 'Republican form
of government, hkj ours of the United
States, she should be entitled to the
right of suffrage, to hold office, practice
law, medicine, wr follow any other oc
cupation he may see fit, having no re-
strictions laid upon her more than those
of itie male citizens under similar cir
cumstances. We have now thoroughly
ecminitted ourselt upon the equality o!
woman with u.an, and have presented
reasons for tho s;nu, that are suilieient
at least to our mind, to guarantee ou
position. At the same lime we are awan
that we come in direct conflict with
ome of our best men who view thin
through different glasses. Rut we can
not help that, knowing that every hu
man being i- n'.-pou-ible to God for tin
right, as God gives him to see the right.
The opponents of our p?itiou quofi
freely from St Raul's writing, urnl
probably their strongest and most ufi
repeated quotation will be four.d in
1st Cotirnhiius, 1 1th Chapter ami :Uth
and JJfjth verses. To wit : " Lei out
women kerp silence in the Churches,
for it is n a permitted unto them ti
-peak ; but they are commanded to b
under obedience, a also -aith the law
And if they will learn anything let
them ask their husbands at home: for
it is a shame for a woman to speak in
Church." ly reading tho preceding
part of this chapter, it will be fcund
that Paul was talking to the Corinthi
ans upon the subject of tongues and
prophicies. It appears that there was
considerable contusion caused by the
diversity of tongues and that Paul even
requested some of the men to keep si
lence. It appears by reference to the
Acts of the Apostles, that they were
continually annoyed by jnerseeutors and
by qm stious asked with a design to en
trap them. It is held by some that in
this instance and at other times, the
Apostles were frequently annoyed by
fast women of ill fame coining into the
Churches and propounding questions
upon subjects irrelevant and thus creat
ing disturbances, consequently, Raul's
sharp reproof as above quoted, knowing
at the same time they had no husbands
at home of which to learn, lie this as
it may, and by giving its full force of
the meaning, and supposing ic was ap
plied to the virtuous,' married women
belonging to the Church, it simply de
fines the usages prevailing ia the
Churches at that time. Rut we are of
the opinion taking in the whole tenor
of the Scriptures iii connection, that
Pauls' design i was not to deprive good
women of speaking in tho Church, for
we find the Apostles' in other places re
eoomiending to the Churches a Phoebe,
a Priscilla and others to tho confidence
of tho brethroti as teachers and preach
ers. Now, if it was the design that
women should learn at home of their
husbands, what are those to do who
have no husbands or what will be the
condition of the women who have ig
norant ones ? We opine under such a
teaching that many will live and die
without knowing j much of the glad
tidings of salvation; and many things
that it is proper and expedieut for her
to know. iWo are among thoso that
believe that it is essential almost above
everything; else, that woman's mind
should Iuj well stored with useful knowN
edge of all! kinds, including domestic,
scientific, political and religious. Much
depends upon the early training ot the
offspring of woman so much so that it
has become a proverb in the. world;
'That as is the child when it leaves
the tutelage of its mother, so is the
man." in an enlarged sense of course.
Th;n if this bo the cae, open all the
fountains of knowledge and let her
drink, aud learn and soar. Rut, say the
opposers of Womau's Rights, this will
degrade her, make her rough, mascu
line ana
vulgar, and
dtstoy her itifiu-
ence in society- As well sing pslams
to a dead horse as present such silly
bo&h to' an enlightened mind, nation or
community. Is it not known that if
the argument holds good as regards
vioiwan, that it will apply with equal
force to man. Rut who of sound mind
will attempt' in this enlightened day and
age, to assume that to make man intel
ligent, virtuous ad good, you must put
him in shambles or leading strings.
We are taught the very reverse at' this
by our Savior. We are commanded to
go ou to perfection. " Ry ye perfeet,
even as I am perfect," is the Riviue
command. Without liberty how can
this te accomplished? No restraints
arc necessary 'only those to protect the
weak, and give all equal chances in
life, without regard to sex, race orcalor.
Now we are about done with this
subject, especially the moral phase of it.
We have been thus tedious ou this part
for the reason that wc have not met
with a full discussion, and there appears
be a great
fear of doing something
wrong in working this reform in society.
Ks regards the Constitutional and legal
hearing of this subject it has been fully
and concisely elucidated by the many
friends of this reform, so much so that
f shall not attempt to add anything
i hereto, further lhau to state that I am
fully satisfied that under the Constitu-
tion ot tne uutteu Mates, women are
citizens iu the full senc of the term.
They pay taxes, help support the Gov
ernment, and of right shuuld be en
franchised immediately.. Aud to those
ihat doubt her right under the Coiisti
'utioti, I would advise them to read
that document carefully. aud if not then
sifi-fied, send to the Woman's Rights
Jiub, at Washington City, aud procure
i copy of the minority report upon that
"object as issued by Reu Roller aud
Win. Laughridge, together with the
ipiuuii o other learned statesmen on
that sul ject 31 any are the side issues
.liming to be lugged to this -'question
ihat are entirely foreign, among which
are Spiritualism, Tree Love and loosing
of the bond of matrim ny, which all
en-ible people cast entirely out of the
question, knowing that if engrafted,
toman would be the suferers, and will
..ot adopt. Mc. M HUDSON.
Hillings on hie Fox. We take
ihe sul joined extract from a lengthy
aud elaborate discussion of the fox, by
.Josh Hillings :
The fox has no moral honesty, but
he haz got a grate supply of politikal
honesty. If another fox wauts a phat
gojse, he will work hard to get the
gtiose for him, and then clean the meat
ail oph from the outskirts ov the goose,
for pcttyfogging the case, and give him
the boues, and tell his politikal friend,
wi h a smile in the left corner of his
eye, that 4 everything is lovely and the
goose hang- high.'
M Foxes come out ov the ground, but
whether they arc made out ov dirt I
kant sware with much certainty. They
cum out ov the ground through the in
strumentality ov a hole, but whether
the hole begins at the surface and runs
into the mountains or runs into the
surface, don't make a kussed bit ov dif
ference. ,
44 Rut philosophers have argued about
this hole business for years. Some ov
them say it ruus in, and sum ov them
are willing to be darned if it duz ; and
right here we can see the amazing dif
fcrenco between their logick and the
logick ov the fox. While they stand
fiteing at the mouth of the hole, the
fox iz stealing their ducks and gozlius.
44 Foxes are like cunning men- they
have but few brains, and but a small
place tew keep them in but what few
they have got are like angle worms in
hot water full of anxiety and mizery."
Thero is a mild stage of quarreling
almost constantly indulged iu by many
husbands and wives, which is not only
injurious to themselves, threatening
their happiness, but worse than tuus
quitocs to those who are obliged to hear
it. When a bridge creaks and shakes
no ono knows how soon it may break
down and cause great sorrow. So with
people who constantly bicker and con
tradict. There is no certainty th t
they may not fly iuto a rage, which will
result in great unhappiness to themselves
and end in securing the disgust of those
sensible people who have learned
self-government. -Elm Orlou.
V !- - : !,
loss of stock in Eastern Oregon, has not
been eo great as expected.
. , i . a ii o7R:iv". " " "
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.' . . 41tf
JOSsUV J. DALY)!.u i
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ferior Couru. Collections attended to promptly.
vruie-e in u r. j, n. x;avij.on a ISuklding,
.. - - : - ; - 41-tf '
J. C. ORliBBS, M. D.,
Offers his Services to the Citizens of Dalltit
and Vicinity,
OFFICE it NICHOLS' Drug Store.
W. D. JBVKKICS. Sf. I).,
Physician and &nrgcon,
Kola, Oregon.
Special Attention given to Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women. itf
i. C.l'LUVAI,
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the State.
Attorney and Connsellor-at-Law.
Jallas, Oregon,
cpcoiai auennon Kivrn to Colleetiona and to
matters periammg to Real Etate. 1
and Real Estato Auctioneers,
J. A. A PaLElTE,
A Wy& Counsellor aiXair,
C. S. sYJTy .)
No. ISO, First Street,
Who!e?.i!e and Retail Dealer in
Highest Cash Price paid ftr all kinds of
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. ifitf
raster ! FlItE!!!
10 MY FRIENDS AND Pimnvs t
would say that I have ra-hiiilt ,nwVk..
ou the J 1
7oIJINGam prClareJ t0 do a11 kind f
As I have lost alt my property by Fire, those
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hy paying up immediately.
A friend in need, ?s a friend indeed.
mi door m
1 hare constantly on hand and for Sale '
anil lliiIaxcd.
All of the Best Material and Manufacture,
fi RANK A. 0!C,
Blank Book Manufacturer,
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Dallas, Polk County, "Oregon."
; The ut.Ui-ne.l,'hsviiis; HE-FITTED the
above HOTEL., bow informs the .Public that
he is "prepirrud to Aceotnmodate aU.Krho may
favor hiu. with a call, ; in : as god style e ean
he found -in any IItel hi-.-the "Couritry '(itt
tne acull, wti'Jyeu shall not leave disappointed.
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Harness, Saddle?, Bridles, Whips. Collar,
Check Lines, etc., etc, of all kinds, which b is
prepared to sell at the lowest living raUs. - j
BrREPAIRING. donon-hort ndtio.
ricnriiB gillerk
J. II. KINCAID has opened , .
New Phott graphic Gallery
In Dallas, where he will be pleased to wait oft
Customers in his Hue ol Uusincis at all hour
of the day. '
Clalldrcn' Pictures
Taken without grumbling, at the same price sft
Adults. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price 4e
suit the times. "'
Rooms at LafolIeU'a Old Stand, Main Street,
Dallas, Polk County,' Oregon, April 27th, 1S7
G. II. . STflLiES
6r roe cries,
and Tobacco,
Cor. Main and Court Streets,
Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor
Stand of Mr. A. II. Wbitky, we hare re
lilted and re stacked it in Mich a manner af
will satisfactorily meet every want of the com
munity. ...... . '
Ituggics, single or double, Hacks, Con
cord W agons, etc., etc.,
Furnished at all hoars, day or night, on ;
s uort notice.
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Day or Week,
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Done in the most Workmanlike manner by
n. p. siiitivER.
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Shop. -'' - '
75 iE VERY - W. E Ii K !
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Ihe World. '
Indispensable to every Household J
They are highly approved of, endorsed and
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l gives perfect satisfaction and netting;
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time doing good to tbeir emnpanlons in life.
Sample $2 00, sent free by mnil on receipt of
IT, PARK PLACE, New York, i
-.r:i ' u- f? "" 1 1 , n.u"'i j ii-1j