J G VOL. 2. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1871. NO. 41 3?he (Drtrjffu UtcpubUrnn Is Issued Every Saturday Morning, at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY R. II. TYSOX. 4 OFFICE Bouse. Mill street, opposite the Court SUBSCBIPTION BATES. SINGLE COPIES One Tear, $2 00. Six Months, $1 23 Three Months, $1 U0 For Clubs of ten or more $1 75 per annum. JSultcriptioit mut be paid Wru ty in advance ADVERTISING EATES. One square (tO lines orle.s), first insert'n, $3 Each subsequent insertion.. 1 00 00 A liberal deduction will be made to quar erly and yearly advertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient advertisements must be paid for n adrance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job AVojrk of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. TUB SAI.K OP PATKNTKD TICI.ES. AH- As we contemplate the few homely articles which form the outfit ot an edi tor's tahle, it occurs to us to enumerate how many of these exist in their pre sent convenient form solely on account of the stimulus of a good patent tys. tem. To begin with there is the inkstand patented. So is the ink it contains So are the penrack, the penholders and pens. So are the ruler, the eraser, the blotter and the paper fasteners. Yes, and so are the paper files and the port folio, and even the pas burner, by the aid of which, these shortening days, we arc able to protract our labors some what into the dusk of the evening. All these things are good after their kind, and were purchased as beinr most likely to be convenient for our use, out of many other patented articles. If we, in the limited furniture of an editorial sanctum, can find ourselves so much indebted for comfort and conve nience to patented articles, surely it were not a hard task for the farmer, the artizan and the housewife to count up a host of things, which not only minister to their comfort, but without which they could scarcely now proceed with their business, and all of which have been patented. Very few of these things would have been produced without the hope of gain held out by the patent system. Those who will take the trouble to , see how many patented devices are in constant use by them, will certainly be better prepared to appreciate the value of patents in themselves, and will not be so ready to throw odium upon the flvstem on account of the practices of an occasional fraudulent vender that infests rural districts. It has been complained that there arc many of these who pass through the country, under the pretence of sell ing rights to make or use and sell patented articles of various kinds, but whose sole object is to defraud the simple, and to make money by dishonest practices, Thus we have heard of a case where the exclusive right to rrake and sell a machine for a certain town was sold to three individuals in the same town. "We have heard of other cases where parties, in signing a supposed agree ment to pay a stipulated price for a machine at the expiration of a given time, under a proviso that certain re sults should accrue or the article should be returned, have signed negotiable notes which were sold at a discount, and which they were compelled to pay when the scoundrels, who took advan tage of their simplicity, were far be yond their reach. On account of these and other frau dulent practices, many have been vic . timized and become disgusted with patented articles, and will not examine useful and important inventions, which it would be for their interest to pur chase and use. This is as silly as it would be to denounce watches because eomo rascals sell pinchbeck for real crold. TIia titter absence of common and necessarv precautions, -in the transac tion of all business displayed by the dupes of fraudulent vendors, enables pretender and cheats to bleed their purses. Let our rural friends never sign their name without being sure what they are signing, consult their lawyers as to the validity and "intent of the contracts they propose to make, take the affidavit of parties proposing to sell patent rights that they are en titled to sell, and that the territory bargained for has not already been sold, and employ such other precautions as careful business men alwavs use, and they will render, the occupation of these land sharks vcrv unwholesome in a legal point of view. lhat the simple and careless shall become the dupes of the shrewd and unscrupulous is in the nature of things If a man should lie down to sleep in an exposed situation, and wake up to find his pocket-book and watch abstracted by some prowling fluff, . ho would scarcely blame anything more than his own folly. So if men attempt to 'eTCT-""-cutc contracts, and take upon tficm obligations of which they know nothing, without trustworthy edvice, they must themselves take the burden of blame if they get swindled. This, however, does not exonerate the swindlers. In many eases they might be brought to justice, were it not for indisposition to pursue and punish them. Such a course, though a duty to the public, protecting both honest seller and buyers, involves some trouble, and it is much easier to " take it out" in maledictions against patents and all who traffic iu them. Scientific American. A Long Xkkdkd Invention. J k. Magie, of the Canton, 111., Register, has perfected a neat little automatic machine for showing stations on rail roads to passengers riding in the cars It is m the form ot an oblong ease, to be attached at either end of the passen ger ear, in plain view of all the inmates of the car, and on the taeo is given the name of the station next to be reached Jy an ingenious contrivauce, as soon as the car i asses a station, the machine shows, the next station, and' so on. It is very ?tmp!e and perfect in its opera tions, and quite inexpensive. The ma chine nut only show the stations, but will also indicate the distance of the station from a certain stated point say the distance of the station lrotu each terminus of the road. The contrivance is capable of imparting a large amount of information. Placed on an exrres train, not stopping at way stations, in addition to giving the name of the sta tion, there can be added the words 4 train stops," or " train does not stop," or "tram stopT twentv minutes for meals," &c. We understand the C. . k Q- railroad folks are so well plcnsed with the machine, which was only p r fected last week, that they have con cluded to nut it on all the passenger ears. It is certain that the traveling C7 public wilt blcsa every railroad line which adopts it, as it is something the need of which has been long and ardently felt. Peoria (III.) Transcript. It.usiNu Fast Horses. In reply to a correspondent, the St. Louis Jour' nal of Agriculture says : " We cannot recommend you to make the raiting of last horses a speci ality in your business True, fabulous prices are paid for extra steeds more especially at the present period ; how- ever, it you consult the will take the trouble to experience of men who have started out on this nlan. vou find they pofneps light purses as a gen eral thing. Far better would it be were you to raise fast roadsters and rapid walkers, and leave 2 LVs and 2 2Us for others to rear. Knglish history re cords a fact that you would do well to ponder on. Out of every thirty colts from thoroughbred stock on both sides but one proves extra fast." The Discovery of the Open Polar Sea Confirmed. The following, dated October 0h, is a translation of information received at the Navy Department, from Dr. A. Pctermann, of Gotha : "The telegram dated October 3d, 1871 which announces the return of Capt. Weyprccht and Lieut. Payer, of the Austrian army, states that in the month of September an open sea was found from 42 degrees to 70 degrees cast of Greenwich to the northward of 78 degrees north latitude. The upper most point reached was 70 degrees north. On the meridean 47 degrees east was found the most favorable state of ice towards the North Pole, with a probable connection with the open sea north of Siberia, towards the east. This appears to be the most favorable route towards the North Pole. Dr. Pctermann remarks : " The best part of this telegram I cannot understand, but I have reason to assume that Oarlland, which was dis covered last year by Count Zcil and Theodore Von Henghir, extends south ward to 78 degrees 12 minutes north The Payer and Weyprccht expedition was made in a small bailing vessel, and at their own expense." C')Hii.siM)Ni)i:(i:. Till: HliCI.PTlON OF AI.F.XI. Ki. IlKi'U hi.tcan : We have sum med it up We are aware that we cannot give the Prince the rcceptiou that New York can : but we can do our ' level best." We have iriven him an invitation, and he is coming. Faustasa Flexingion eau brush up her chignon, twist her augelio snoot into a seraphic smiie. A'iomhtiH do Lowvaru can wax ni.s twenty-seven hairs ou his upper lip, and prepare to simper: " Aw, me dear Prins, how do you do ?" For I tell you the Prince is coming. Mrs. Angelica (.lUshingtou, who has six marriageable (lUshingtons, can roust old (Jush. round and iectuie him, until he invites the Prince to dinner, not that she has any hopes of catching the Prince, but there are lesser lights in his wake The Mc- Toadys, The Do Fawners, the real, gen uine dirt eaters and slop suckers of the Old World. Titled, penniless, broken- lown gamblers, worn out Koiies, in other words, the Scum de la Scum of the IJussian nobility. These are what Mrs. Gush. U alter; and then the pleas ure of saying to Mrs. Flimey MeShod dy, whose husband has lately htruck ile or caught a comer in Wall street, who is certain to call upon her the next da? : " Oh, you should have seen my eldt Cherub, my first born, Tirzrah, waltzing with the Prince; and I declare to good ness, the Paron de Seroginwrdlepier was uiteweet on our second angel. He was twice heard to remark that her golden hair reminded htm of tho Aurora Porealis as seen from the ocean, I de clare to goodness, I believe something will come of it yet, and it would kill me outright to loje my Cordelia Duiy." This in America. This in a country where the best blood of either ancient or modern times Ins been poufrd out as water, that Crowned Heads might bo put down. This in a country where none are acknowledged supcrior--only as W'ealth hangs his laurels on their brows This in a oonntry that has pro dueed a Webster, a Washington, a Clay, and hundred. nf others, who have gone to their long aeeountaml left their de generate sons to fawn at the feet of Royalty- Verily, when one reads the dispatches of the manner in which he was received at New York, one can al moss hear the bones of Washington rattle in his tomb. Put the telegraph says that he is coming to San Francisco and, mayhap, to Oregon. We say : let him come. He has a perfect right to come. The same right that Susan JJ. or George Francis had to come, if he will pay his hotel, steamboat, railroad and whisky bills, as they did; but he should not play poker as they are said to have done. Put for goodness flakes, what is there about him that we should go wild over him ? What has he done? Oh, echo, will you not answer ? What has he done ? Put we arc going to re ceive him. We have all the arrange ments made. It is supposed that he will fir.st land at Kola. We have rented a woodshed in that flourishing burg, where he will remain until the first blubbering is over. He will bo met tferc by a fleet of three decker Cayvo sea, piloted by Howlinh Kamps-in- gouger, a native Chief ot the Oalanoo ia's. The procession will be formed on Short-yard street. 1 hence they will take up the linn of march through Hog al ley, when they will proceed up to Bas ket Slough. Here we will erect a tri umphal arch, on the top of which we propose to place in effigy a Russian Pear, standing on his head, while the American Eagle will bo represented as descending from the clouds, and grasp ing the Poar's tail in his beak. On one corner of the nrch, will bo placed a live Chinaman with one eye punched out for the occasion, standing on his left hind leg, with the other suspended at an acute angle, holding in the direction , of the descending Eagle a bunch of rats in token of fraternity nnd national good will. On the other corner will bo a t 1 X" - 1 binomins .youn iiger, nrraaca n i eupkl.and July frceocl; l.old,nS in; his hand an link Weed advertisement and a copy of the New Departure Plat form. At the meaning of this, we will allow the I'rincc I to guoss Here the convoy will browse for awhile, as we have built a IJruah Palace, the carpets of which are kr.co deep. We have tele graphed to Washington for five thous and copies of the Patent-Office Reports, three thousand copies of Greeley on Farming, and eleven thousand three hnndrcd and seventeen copies of Mun gen's speech on Repudiation ; we have also subscribed for the Lone Saver and and Bible Pelter. If we cannot convert the Prince to Republican principles with this panoply of documents, we propose to let hi in rip. P. 8 I forgot to stite that wo had engaged the chs.uijiou grinnist uid cia- tricot theologian, and soul-charmintr Svarbler, Prof. Anderson, to deliver a weekly oration on the British Corn Laws. He will also perform several feats in Legerdemain, among which may bo mentioned : swallowing his shirt and tying his nose and tongue in a double bow-knot. He will also cat his shadow. Admittance, 45 cents in cur rency. The whole to conclude with the astonivhing feat of swallowing a red-hot grubbing hoc. HONKS. ' ...,.. Latest from the Hartford Fire Insur ance Companies. The terrible fires, of course, absorb public attention, and little else is talked or thought of. Hartford will bear her Ehare of the burden, both in the way of contributions and insurance, and will, I think, do it manfully. The smoke baa wot cleared away sufficiently vet for our insurance companies to make a j reliable estimate ot losses, but so mueh is known as will probably extinguish ail but three I he Ltna. Hartford and Phoenix. The Ktna's loss is variously j estimated at from two to five million, j and idie is driven to a reduction of cap- i ital stock fifty per cent. The Hartford will lose probably about one million two hundred thousand dollars; the Phoenix ! one million five hundred thousand dol lars, and both may be drivcu to a re ducuon, with the Ktna. The North American," 44 Merchants." " City," "Connecticut," ''Charter Oak" and Putnam" will, more than likely, " go I by the board. It has been understood that tho " Merchants," " City and Connecticut" would be carried over by their stockholders ; but I heard to- 1 day that their losses were so mueh j greater than at first estimated that they W'tuld be closed up The " Putnam" folks have talked of paying as far as their assets would go, and starting agtin under a new name" The Bro ther Johnathan" cuphonim, to say the least whether it is fully decided upon, I am unable to say. It is mueh to be regretted that so many valuable franchises must be given up. Chicago I noun. Two Hcniikki Kir Km'X Con-Ksin..--Two hundred Ku Klnx in all have made voluntary confession of their connexion with the Klan, and have surrendered themselves to the authorities, totally disgusted with their connection with it. Thirty-s-evcn of this cla.'s came in a few days since and made their confessions in writing. Three hundred, it Js estimated, have fled to escape ths" penalty of their crimes, or to avoid arrest, and one hun dred and two are confined in the jail at Yorkville. The prisoners say that they have every comfort to be expected under the circumstance; that they are well treated, have plenty to cat, and that their friend arc allowed to visit them. Capt. Ogden, of the United States Army, has immediate charge of the jail. Hank Nots Pai-kk. it was gen erally supposed that the secret of man ufacturing the fibre paper on which the Government paper was printed was known only to thoe who were under coutraQt to supply it to the Treasury Department. On the arreet of a gaiir of counterfeiters last week in New York, and of another this week in Missouri, a large quantity of the fibre paper was not only found, but the machinery for its manufacture. It is somewhat re markable that the American mind is not equal' to the invention if a bank paper impossible to counterfeit, when England has for half a century had a watered paper on which her u Hank of England'' notes of all denominations arc printed, and which has never yet been successfully imitated. Twenty oneStatcs have voted this year. These are New Hampshire, Con necticut Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, Iowa, West Virginia, New York. Massachu setts, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Miliin: ICn... m:..:-,:' : v ' r Y'h " All but six went 'Republican, and two of these, New Jersey and New Hamp shire, will be easily won back next year. Conceding them to the opposi tion, however, and leaving out all the other States which have not voted, the Republicans have already more than a majority of the -Electoral College. This is a nice calculation for tho Democrats to base their Presidential speculations upon.--Philadelphia Press. A number of surveying parties have been engaged during the last summer and fall in surveying the various mountain passes in Montana. Seward states that the Khedivo of ypt is not loyal fo the Sultan of Turkey. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, d C I. ITS. JVIriUOE3I2, PORTLAND - - - - OHHGON. General News Agent For Oregon and Adjacent Territories. Also SPECIAL COLLECTOR of all kinds of CLAIMS. AUE3T for the Dallas Republican. JOIltf J. DALY, A i Vy &, Counsel ler-af- La w. Will practice in tho Courts of Record and In feiior Courts. Collection attended to promptly. Ofiice in Dr. J. 15. Davidson's Eullding, MAIN STK12I5T, I N D 1 5 1 II XD 15 X C I 1. 41-tf J. C. GRUBBS, f1. D., FIIVSICI AX AN D SUItC liC IX, Offers hU Strvicos to the CUiztus of iJitlias aui Vicinity. OFriC: at NICHOLS' Urui Store. 34-tf w. i), i im, .u. i)., EMiyicinii and Sur-von. liola, Oregon. SpeHiil attention given to Obstetrics iinft Iis."i-i''5 of Women. Itf P. V. SULLIVAN, Attorney k Counsellor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon, Will praftif in all tho Courts of the Ftate. 1 Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas. Oregon. special attention pm-n to Collection ami to matter pertain. ti to Keal hftate. 1 RUSSEL, FERRY & WOODWARD. Krai &.! fc AcuIm and Itoal Estate Auctioneers, Xo. mo. i huxt stiu:i;t, PORTI.AVD ..... 01!1.(;0. J. A. .VlEl,i:ATiE, Alt'y& ?oiiiicllor at Law, OFFICE IN" COURT HOUSE, DALLAS, POLK C0UKTY, 02EGOIJ. 2-tf X1SII, DOOR iSD BUND FACTORY, .11 A 1 X MTKI2HT, DALLAS. 1 bar ronftaully ou hand nnd for Sale aml I ntclaKCfl. DOORS OF ALL .SIZKS. WIMHHV AMI DOOR I'HAMI.S, All of the Beet Material nd Manufacture. lMf JAMES M. CAMPBELL. Or. CEIAISLES VBESO;V, OCULIST,. SAi.r.M, - - - )Hi:i;ox. All who require Surgical Operations on th Kjc", or treatineut, arc invited to give him a t rial. TUonc lvbo do not rceeirc permanent benefit will nut bo required to pay f.r treatment. lie is amply provided with all the modern and improved Inctrii'.nent,. and will make thorough Examination free ot chargo. Carriage, Wagon, Sign, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTO, GRAINING & GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, &c, Done in tbe most Workmanlike manner by II. I. SIHUVElt. Shop upstalrg over Hobart & Co'n Harness Shop. DALLAS, 'POLK CO., OREGON. 27-tf E'KAISK A. OOSi, I300I03XWrJIfc9 AND Blank Book Manufacturer, KAL I .!, OHI.OON, y-. Having; established a Firct Class TjJfX. Book bindery in Salem, ia now Civ':"W " if prepared to do all manner of Magazines, Newspapers and Music Bound in any de-ir?d Stylo. Old Eooks r.o-Boimd. BLANK BOOKS of every description, with or without Printed lloadings, Manufactured to Order. BLANKS of every kind Bulod and Printed to Order. PRICES UEASOUABLE In GrlswoU'i Block. 23-6m 7 PR OFESSJONA L CA RDS, d- C. Jff DALLAS SIOTKIV ( OKNI.lt MAIN AND COURT 8TS. Dallas, Polk County. Oregon. The undr-Msne.l, having HE-FITTED th above 1IO TiCL, now informs the Public that he is prepared to Accommodate all who mar favor him with a r!l, ia ax good style as eaa he f'jun l in any Hotel in the Country. flir mc a call, nJ you .hull not leave disappointed. I2-tf W. F. KENNEDY, Proprietor. CHEMEKETA mouse, WAI.I.M. PRICES OF BOARD REDUCED TO SUIT 11113 TIMES. A share of Patronage of the People oi Pofk h'-tcd. Every attention paid to Comfort of Guests. 37-tf S a d d I e ry Harness. s. c. ST i ib:s, Main -t. (opposite tbe Cour House), Dallas, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Harne.ii, Paddle, Brid!':. Whip, Collars, Cheek Line, etc., etc.. t "all kind, which he is prepared to at the lowest living rafea. rREPAll.ING done on short notice. sr. k v it v w b; i: K ! HADE EASY, Br LADY AGENTS. We want Stuart and Enerp-etir Apenta t intr-due our popular and justly celebrated invent ion in every Villmjr, 7Ww nnd dig im tht H'or.. JnJispen$ah1e to every ll-juschold ; They are bjix'bly approved of, endorsed and adopted by Xidi'c. I'h t'lH ff); Itiriurt, and ar.i now a GREAT FAVORITE with tht-tn. I.vrry Family will Purchase One or toore of them. Something that theiriuerjtf arc at p..ri-t at a GLANCE. DRUGGISIS, HILLINESS, DRESSHAKESS and all who kep FANCY STORE?, wilt find our . xepUf r t ert icle SKI. L YKIl Y II A 1'ID LY, ;hrs periet ustirfafiixn and uettin S M A LI, F O K TUNES t all Dclera and Agents. COM M Y 1UGHTS PRE E to all who do.ire ?nffairine in an Hnnralle, .' p fftf.fr end Pfftfuillt liv-iurfu, at ibeFatne time dointr jro.d to thir e ti'panior. in life. SiMujde i'l W, rt.t free ly mail on receipt of i rii-. m;m roi; WHOLESALE circu lar. ADDRESS, VICTORIA MANUFACTURING C02IPY., IT, PARK PL CI-:. New Yurfc. W lilRB WLLERV. J. If. K I XC A t D has opened a New Photographic Gallery In Du.-, where he wi!l be pleased to wait on CuMoms-r in hit line of Business at all honrt of the day.4 Chihlrcst's Pictufrcs Taken without ruu.bliu, at the tte price as Adults. Satit'factiou guaranteed. Piiee te Fuit the titue. Room a ,t Lafullett'f Old Stand. Mi.iu Stnwt, Dallas, Plk County, Orrfon, April 27th, 1871 S-tj C. S. I V E R, No. 1SG, First trect, PORTLAND, - - - - OHEGOW, Wholesale and Retail Der.ler in BttV GOODS, CLOTHIXfl,- LADIKS' DUKSS (iOODS, HOOTS AND KHOIiS, II ATS & CAPS, OROCERJKS PROVISIONS, Highest Coidi Price paid for alt kinds of lG-4m IZzig V:vpvt Weaving-. A LL PERSONS HAVING MATERIAL f for Rajj Carpets, nd wishine them Woven, can bo aoooiuuiodated by calling on the uuderfipned. Orders left ut the Sture of R. II owe Br"-, will be pr uiptly attvnded to. lfi-Bm WM. SAt LSBERRY. KSTABLlsiiSIID 1SVJ, GENERAL COriElISSION KEFtGHAPJT, SAN V KAN CI SCO, PK At.EU IS Drugs. Chemicals, Essential Oils, Dye Stufi3 and General Merchandise, Ky llic Parlanpre Only. Cash Orders for this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt ar.d Faithful Attention. Miners, Manutacturers and Wholoaale Trade Supplied lor Cash. Nonotieo or attention paid to Orders for Goods, if there ia no provision tnado for tho payment of tho uunio. . . . , Tenus Net Cush, on Delivery, In U.S Qjld Coin. K. B. Consignments of Oregon Produce Grain, Wlieat, Flour, &c, Solicited. 451