Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, October 21, 1871, Image 1

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i, 4 t I
1 1 0
Vol. 2. .
. m 331;
Slit (Drtjgflu llrpuMiran
I Issued Every Saturday Morning, at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE Mill street, opposite the Court
SINGLE COPTES One Year. $2 00. Six
Months, $1 25 Ihree Months, $1 00
For Clubs of ten or more $2 per annum.
Subxaription must he paid strictly in advance
One square (10 lines or less), first insert'n, $3 00
Bach subsequent insertion 1 00
A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly advertisers.
Professional card3 will be inserted at $120
per annum.
Transient advertisement? rnu?t be paid for
in advance to insure publication. All other
advertising; bills must be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value
' Blanks and Job Work of every description
famished at low rates on short notice.
A Splendid Chance.
"We will send the Dali.a TIepi'bmcan and
Dem quest's Mokthly. which is itself $3 for one
year, to any person who pays us $1
Demouet's Monthly stands unrivalled as a
Family Magazine. It choice Literature, it
superior Music, Us larjre amount of valuable
information on mUeellaneou
nun. iheru are also other reforms in
Government that are to be brought
about. How is all this to be accom
plished? This is the great question
that is going to be submitted to the
American people in the next election.
The war is over that contest is over.
Now, what political organization would
be safest for the American people?
Hereafter, where shall we look ? Shall
we look to that party which brought
the Government to civil war to preserve
the Uuion ? Will you look to that
party which ruined the credit of the
nation, so that it could not borrow
money at less than 12 to 30 per cent,
per annum; to that party which inau
gurated the doctrine that to the victors
belong the spoils ; to that party which
now de.-ires further to depreciate the
currency of tle country by issuing mil
lions more of it? If it is believed by
the American people, no matter to
what party they belong, Republican or
Democratic, that the Government of
the country will be safest in the hands
uf these men ; if they believe the men,
many .if whom sought to destroy the
Government, will be more likely to pre
serve it than those who fought for its
existence ; if they believe that the men
who ruined its trade will be more likely
to improve it than they who, when it
was ruined have already re-established
it to a great extent ; if they look for
reforms to them, then it is the duty of
the voter to go to the polls and vote
with the Democratic party. But if the
people of this country believe that
practical and reliable information in regard to
the fashions, and artistic illustrations, give it a eC0l0,y has been introduced into the
jnsk claim to its well-earned title, "The Model ;e TV1CC since the Republican
Magazine of America."
Civil Service HcJorm.
public service since me net
party took" possession of the Govern
ment; it they behove that the Govern
ment is stronger to-day than it was
when they took possession ; if they be
lieve that liberty is more secure, and
the rights of thz citizen better pro
tected ; free speech and free press in
all parts of the land, better secured
The followiug is an extract from a
speech of the Hon. Lyman Trumbull
before the Republican tate Conven
tion of Illinois. It touches more point- than under the other organization, then
edly upon the civil reforms needed it is tbeir duty to vote with the Rcpub-
... , , i licau party. The ship of State ten
than anything we have before seen, and J . , . , ,
J n years atro was crippled it had been
we recommend a caretui perusal by our fUn ,,riOU th0 quicksand and rocks, and
readers : was falliug to pieces. The Republican
" I am now speaking to you simply party took possession of her. They have
as Republicans, I am s caking to you been sailing the ship of State for the
rinzens of one common country, and last ten years, not only over the bois-
T wi.-h the Democrats were here to-dav. terous waves of tile ocean, but through
as well as the Republicans, for I speak the terrific tornadoes of civil war, and
for my county and for the -legislation they have brought the noble old ship
that is best for its people; and what upon a peaceful ocean, where she now
benefits the Republicans will benefit rides, strengthened in all her parts
the Democrats too. 'We want an lion- magnificent in all her proportions, am
est and efficient Government ; we want there she now rides in peace and pros-
officer to' discharge their duties, and perity ; and there is outside the Demo
we want competent men. and men ap- cratic party, beating around among the
pointed with reference to their compe- seas, hither and thither, driven by
tencv and their nullification, and not overy wind of passion, taking a new
with reference to the personal service departure, aud now seeking to find the
thev can render to the individual who old ship. If you believe that they can
happens to be for the time being sent man her better, and sail her more
to Congress from a particular district, safely, put them in possession'of her;
Pm-itv is what we want in the Govern- but if you think men who foved her
tnent: and we want a reform !n this are the best to etecr her hereafter into
direction, too, gentlemeu. This goes a the haven of prosperity and peace for
eood deal further, and I wish that the the American people, then keep at the
time and your patience which I know helm the men that upheld it.
it will not at this time would allow
me to talk to you for an hour upon this
pubieet, to show you how far its cor- It is well known that marriage here
" -. . . ...
What Jlismarck Says About
France and Russia.
The Gastein correspondent of the
London Telegraph gives the following
account of an interview with Rismarck:
Correspondent Prince, I need not
tell you that all Europe had its eyes on
Gastein, and it is eager to know what
deople do there.
Prince People bathe thcro and
ake care of their health. Well, I will
tell you. The King and myself have
really come for the baths, but we are
only too glad to receive the Austrian
officials, and to assure them of our best
consideration. With Austria we had
no quarrel, even when she began her
ill. advised war in 1800. We beat her
off with the paltry ransom of two milli
ons. All is forgotteu and forgiven, aud
we have so many iutcrests in common,
that we must be friends. As such we
receive ana are received here by the
Austnans. We always wish to be
friends. With the French we uever
were and never will be friends.
Correspondent I wonder if you
Germans know how utterly you have
beaten the Krench, yet how bitterly
they hate you, and how they believs
that they can efficiently attack you very
Prince Neither their people nor
The Flying Trapeze in the air.
One ot the most extraordinary and
almost incredible exhibitions of human
intrepidity and daring was last Monday,
the fourth inst., witnessed by the citi
zens of this place. It seemed to be
equal to. if not surpassed in thrilling
aud painful interest anything ever at
tempted by Sam Patch br Rloudin in
their wildest efforts. An individual
named Donaldson a tight rope walker
aud "magiciao," as he styles himself
who had on the previous Wednesday
made a baloon ascension in the ordinary
way (the first baloon ascent of auy kind
he had ever made iu his life), repeated
his performance on 3Iouday last, but
this time with no basket attached to
his baloon nothing whatever, in fact,
but a common trapeze.
Upon this he seated himself with the
greatest coolness aud composure and
went floating away into space, to the
astonishment of a large crowd which
gathered to see him. Rut few cheers
greeted him, as the spectators seemed
spell bound with fear and apprehension.
Alter ascending to a great distance,
he commenced throwing out a number
of circulars which he had attached to a
hoop below the baloon, and which in
the clear atmosphere appeared like
twinkling stars surrounding the baloon.
their papers will leave us in ignorance producing a novel and pleasing effect.
of these facts; but if they prove, as hjut this wa nothing to what followed.
they are trying to prove, they are not ! t ti10 height of some three hundred
enough beaten, we will doit at once. In fet ne commenced balancing himself ou
fact there is a question even to-day of haek on t,e bar of the trapeze, and
our sending more troops into their ter- going through other fearful revolutions,
ntory. I hey are murdering our men e tDCD deliberately slid from the bar
now in some provinces, aud protect heaci downwards, and catching himself
ourselves we can and will. 1' ranee is by the feet, aud remained suspended
always asking for titno for payment aud fr several seconds in that awful position!
other concessions from us, aud if we xhe appalling sight was one never to be
ask for anything, the answer is, no in- forKOtten by those who witnessed it. A
.? rf . i. - -.1: . . 3
sirucuous. i uey nave uui j. mau, pun- tjirlu anj a 0W murmur ot horror
tical, civil or military, and they know t,asse4 through the immense multitude
nothing, i ne oiner uay we woum nave wn0 were lookinc on with intense m-
iven way on the question of the ratifi- terest. and manv hurried away from
catiou of the frontier, but they bluu- tne sight giddy and faint. The daring
dered it, and the time is past. aeronaut, however, went through" his
The correspondent theu spoke of evolutions successfully, and, regaining
Russia. 31. D; Ri-marck utterly con- his seat, went soariug rapidly and steadi-
f upwards. V hen at the height of
peror, a matroi good works, wno three-iuarters of a mile, he had the as-
. . . . I ft
has not yet completed them, notably tounvlintr nerve to repeat his perform-
the railway system a man essentially aQCC at g0great a distance he could only
of peace. Russia, too, is so vast a be clearly visible by the aid of glasses.
country that further exteusion ot it What made the ascent more hazardous
will weaken it
the point
Correspondent Russia must either
fall back on her centre or extend her
skirmishers; at any rate she must do
something. I ranee
alliance at any price
et the railways are js that the baloon is a very small one,
carrying but little ballast, and with
only a light anchor attached to the hoop
I am glad to say that the aeronaut
completed his voyage safely, although he
would buy any I n nr twir sppmpd to bn in consider-
Sho isin the 50 Lma flanwr. Tha tarneze struck the
j-, , -
J. ill. IlALTl.TlORi:,
General News Agent
For Oregon and Adjacent Territories.
Also SPECIAL COLLECTOR of all kinds
AGENT for the Dallas Republican.
AU'y & Counscller-af-ljaiv,
Will practice in the Courts of Record and In-
feiior Courts. Collections attended to promptly.
Office in Dr. J. E. Davidson's Building,
J. C. GRUBBS, M. D.,
Offers bis Services to th Citizens of Dallas
and Vicinity.
Y. D. JEFFRIES, 31. !.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Eola, Oregon.
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
Disca.-ei of Wuuitn. ltf
Folk County. Oregon. ,t ;: u?
The undersigned, having RE-FITTED th
above HOTEL, now Informs' the Public that V
be is prepared to Accommodate all who way f
favor hiru with a call, in as good style as can
be found in any Hotel in the Country. Give7
me a call, and you shall not leave disappointed,
12-tf W. F. KENNEDY, Proprietor.
iPi-V ill . U
rz?r :,v Hamper
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1
J. I,. 01,1,13$,
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Dallaa, Oregon.
?pcial attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining U Real Estate. 1
Ileal INI ate Agent
and Real Estate Auctioneers,
1IUI 11 U 001
S. STILES, ' !
Main st. (opposite the Cour House), Dallas, t
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars,
Check Line.", etc., etc., of all kinds, which he if
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates. " '
-REPAIRING done on short notice.
$73 EVER If WE Elf!
lady agents.;;::
We want Smart aad Energetie Agents to-
introduce our popular and justly celebrated .
inventions, in every Village, Town. and Citv
the World.
Indispensable to every Household
They are highly approved of, endorsed and
adopted by Ladid, i'hyieiax and Dietneh,
and are now a GREAT FAVORITE with.
Efery Family will Purchase One
or more of them. Something that their toents
are apparent at a GLANCE.
and all who keep FANCY STORES, will find
our excellent articles SELL VERY HAPlffJ
L Y, gives perfect satisfaction and netting
to all Dealers and Agents.
to all who desire engaging in an Honorable,'
Ht'ptctnUe end Prnjialle Jitutitiep, at the Same J
time doing goodVto tbeir companions in life.
Sample $2 00, sent free by mail on receipt of
IT, PARK PLACE. New York. -
jr. A. A IPI,EATE,
Aft'r& Counsellor-at-Law,
per cent, category. Russian Grand roof 0f Henry Connard's residence on
Dukes have spoken strongly of the fifth street, when Donaldson made a
future, which Europe must fear. skillful lean frcm the trapeze and pre-
Prince I comprehend: but the vented a collision. The taloon then a?-
heir to the throne is never the same cended, and came down again on the
man when be gets on the throne, and other side of the roid in a Celd, and
the Grand Dukes are echoes without was stout striking the top of a tree
origins, bouuu. when Mr. Uonaiuson pcriormcd a
Here the Prince bad to cro driving- ROrnCrsauU on the trapeze rope, and
with his Kmperor. prevented the bar from catching in the
Indiana Democracy. The South
Tupting influence is being carried in has come to be looked upon as a luxury
many instance, aud, fel'ow citizens, it lo be indulged in ot.lv by the better
will be a great deal worse if some other circumstanced. The large numbers of
party gets into power. .Now, we need servants, waiters, day-laborers and
a reform here ; we need a change that others without any regular trade rarely
shall tako away this corrupting patro- marry at all. They find it hard enough
rjage. For. one, I am in favor of a sys- to earn a decent living for themselves.
tern which shall allow every community Those who do marry wait until about
to elect its own Postmaster. Why not ? the twenty-seventh year. If he is a
You can elect a Sheriff, can you not ? merchant, he must wait until his busi
And I think it practicable, and I say ness is established; if a professional
to you here to-day that it is my inten- man, uritil he has a good practice or
tion at the next .cession of Congress to position, hvcry class, as a rule, mar
introduce a Bill that shall give to every ries late ; for that which is necessary
community in this land the selection of with the poor, has, from its generality,
me mau wuu is iu nanu out tneir letters come to do regaraea as a custom ior an.
to them. I would like to know whv It is not customary, as in America,
you cannot have your Postmaster just for young gentlemen and ladies to
as well as you can have a contractor of associate much together, since the ex
the mails. You have a man to bring penscs of gallantry are thought beyond
you the mail from Chicago to Spring their means. Young men go with
field, and you pay him for it: and why young men. and live in clubs or bach-
not have a man to deliver it when it elor bands, where each one pays his'
gets here, ana employ tor that purpose own expenses, and lives as economical
the man that is acceptable to the as he can. When they seek female
people, and will discharge his duty, re- company, which is only now and again,
serving to the Government the right to it is at .the public halts or in worse
torn him out the moment that he fails connections. This custom has become
to do his duty. . This is a subject upon so established that it works the other
. which I should be glad to talk at length way, and no young lady who values
Bend (Ind.) Register thinks the Dem
Troubles of Humbugs and Hypocrites.
Committee on Railroads
Have decided that as soon as the Oregon
Central Railroad (WV.t Side) is completed into
I'olk County, they will i?ue orders to all con
tractor? and workmen on the line to purchase
an ineir
Groceries and Provisions
Clothing. Boots and Shoes,
Ladies Dress Goods,
Hardware, Tinware,
Or anything they may happen to want of M.
M. Ellis, at Laclede, formerly known as duffs
Store. Meanwhile, all fanner?, or anyone etae,
will find it to their interest to call and make
tbeir oe'ecttnna. All are aware that I am sell
ing g'Kids rhenper than nn if body in Polk Co.
I buy more Produce than any two stores in the
Cunty. So bring along your Butter if it is
soft, and if it is solid, all the better.
Yours truly, M. M. ELLIS.
ocrats have not been very fortunate The troubles of humbugs nnd hypocrites
since they came into power- in that arc many, for it is not the easiest thing
I ' . . . . i m. f r -
btate. It says : " irst, the editor of in the world to be one and appear to be a "''Ap!
their State organ, appointed to the res- another, and in this connection we will SSS"
I r I
pousiblc position of State printer, runs give the following :
up a bill of 50,000 for six months for Good one. -A handsome bach, clerk
State printing, an4 is under indict in one of our most popular dry goods
ment for perjury; every important law stores, is smitten with a fair resident of
passed by the Democratic State Legis- a neighboring city. The father of the
lature is declared unconstitutional and lady came to Atlanta and registered
void j the Supremo Court decided the at the hotel where our bachelor friend
election of two of the Southern Prison boards. As soon as this discovery was
Directors illegal j the State Officers made, the old gentleman was looked up
disagree among themselves on most and made the recipient of earnest at
questions affecting Stato interests; the tention (euch as all of us have and are
Fee and Salary Bill is such a miserable disposed to pay the parents of the
piece of legislation that a Philadelphia "hoped for,") to ingratiate himself into
lawyer cannot unravel it; and when his parental favor,
the Legislature broke up it left all the Just before going up to dinner the
State benevolent and other institutions old gentleman wanted information of
unprovided for. What would follow the young one, where he could get a
another Democratic victory, should we drink ot good " peach and honey.
J. II. KINCAID dm opened a,
New Photographic Oallsry
In Dallas, where he will be pleased to wait on '
Customers in his line of Business at all hours (
of the day. , , ; , .-,!fi
Children's Pictures
Taken without grumbling, at the same price as -Adults.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Price to
suit the times.
. ; . -:; --.:
Rooms at Lafollett's Old Stand, Main Street,.,
Dallas, Polk .County, Oregon, April 27th, 1871
1 have constantly on hand and for Sale
and Unglazed.
All of the Best Material and Manufacture.
No. ISO, First Street,v '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Highest Cash Trice paid for all kinds Of ' 3"
Country Produce,
Rag Carpet Weaving.
for Itag Carpets, and wishing them'
Woven, can be accommodated by calling on.
the undersigned. Orders loft at the Store of
R. Howe Bros, will be promptly attended to.
ie-3m WM. SAl LSBERKY.
- -
Manufacturers, and Wholesale ajid Re
tall Dealers In , .
Iui-ni tu.ro, ,i;
Commercial Street, Salem, Oregoa, .
All who require Surgical Operations on the
we ou tuiittjnij aiiiiLuu, vyuuiu ue uaiu i en ji uuu i auuw iiimjii, uui a vtr i trial.
o tell." heard that at bar rooms irood liauors are
kept, was the innocent reply.
Girls alwavs lovo those hnva Wwho Ihe old gentleman asked the young
are the kindest, best natured" most con- one to show him the way.
siderate and manlike in their behavior, " terrain ly. mougn i aon c annit
and are not coarse, profane, and loafish myself," replied the teetotaller.
in their talk. The boys who are by . Arrived at the bar tho wants of the
their school or playmates loved the old gentleman was made known, when
I .9 L. 1..1 A.. ll .
to the people if I had an opportunity to
do so, but 1 "Win noi aeiain you to-aay.
I have indicated the reform which I
ielieve to be necessary, and that is the
preform that President Grant recom
mended in his annual message at the
commencement of the last Session in
December) a reform by which men
.shall be appointed to these inferior
..ffices for their qualifications and integ
rity, and attachment to the Govern
.;jneiit;- and uot; because of the political
.eervice they have rendered a particular
her reputation will allow herself to bo
seen alone in the company of a gentle-
mau ueioro sne is engaged to him,
and before the engagement is duly
published in the press the formalities
of betrothing are celobrated in the
presence of their friends. Thev much
wonder at the liberty of American
young ladies in Germany, who allow
themselves to go with any young man
whatever of their acquaintance, being
one evening with one, and the next
evening with another.
Those who do not receive permanent benefit
will not be required to pay for treatment.
He is amply provided with all the modern
and improved Instruments, and will make
thorough Examinations free ot charge.
moet, make the best men.
The Democratic newspapers had a
good deal to say about the million defal
cation of Paymaster Hodge, until they
learned that he was a Democrat, ap
the bar tender, turning to the young j
man, coolly remarked, " I suppose you
will take gin and sugar, as usual, I
Mr. 1"
He "had orter" winked sooner.
Carriage, Wagon, Sign,
1 . ' ' AND
Done in the most Workmanlike manner by
Stock of
Furniture, 1
W i n d o w-Shades,
Hollands, and
To be found in Marion County. ;
All kinds of Picttre Frames, ?q3as an
Caskets made to order on short noUee and at
reasonable rates. , -r , ,
Salem, March 23, 1870. r 5i v 4.tf ?
The factory oDeratives at Lowell.
pointed by a Democratic President, and J Mass., are in the seventh heaven of
removed only on the verdict of a Court exultation. Heretofore they have had
Martial. Siuce this discovery they I but forty.fiye minutes for dinner. Now
have been mum. they are to have an hour: and their 1 Shop upstairs over nobart A Co's Harness
day's work will be only ten hours and Shop.
A company mlnina on Rosrue river three-quarters. ?, Pity the eight-hour rtAi.r.ia pnnr nnrrnv
l employs apoui ivv vmnamea. uaw wwi cover wis mna ci isDor, . - ; v . , .
Bargains X Bargains n-.
Having; purchase 4 Hnitk
New Stock of Goods, I would a41 the'
attention of the Publio to mi Old Stand aiii
Brick Store. ,1 have s fall stock of . . f
Groeeries, Dry Goods, ot daoa,
and everything'found in a firiUclast Variety
Store, My old customers will find it to their
advantage to renew (heir patronage, and new
ones will be cordially waloomed.
All kinds of Produce taken At jtae highest '
market rates. .' , ;
Dallas, Aujf; 3, W,.JJR0WN.
.'..'' '