Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 16, 1871, Image 3

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    towm & cquhty HEWS.-
Money Market.
Latest New York (JoM Quotations... Ill
Legal Tenders in Portland :
liuying . DO Selling ...01
lalla Produce and Com:uis3i:n Market.
Corrected Weekly, by (1. 1. Stilus, Peopled
Merchant, Main St reef, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT l 00 'fl bush.
OATH 50 a "
FLOUR n (3) $;5 50 f"X hbl.
" Sk$l 02 ff, SI 7j
CORN MEAL 4-. ; ii.
IIRANS IK '- lb.
1SACOX SLle. U a I3n lb.
sp. to loo. lb.
H AMS 1 1 a Kk- !b.
PvHUC Dresiel, i cents.
Pickled, S. t I0e. lb.
15 UTTER Firkins 2i oA 2aa lb.
ip.iis. ;;o i1 lb.
E(RJ3 25c f doz.
LA I! I) Hulk, 1 le ; tin.-. 15
POTATOES From Wa-on, $1 "A bushel.
ONIONS 5 cent ",- pound.
APPLES l J re -ii, 5..... . Mil.
" Dried. 10.: 'p lb.
CHEESE Now Ore rn, 20 'Y-ft 25.; lb.
Oil !' KEN'S -2 50 f$ $ 5 V do.
TURKEYS 75 .ft cart'.
DRIED PLUMS lf,4 tb.
WOOL 3:i:', c lb
jT-ir Please notice thi. Those iu arrears,
cither for subscription or advertising, will con
fer a favor b cawing and settling- It is a
small hi.)itat to each, but in the agr'-gat--
amount to a handsome sum to us nud will
enable na to make certain improvements
K. A. Graham, cf Salt Creek, plneed us un
der obligations for a bit of fiae apples of it
variety unknown to us. Suffice k I say they
were splendid, twenty of them making nearly
half a bit a el.
Dr. Jo35up ine rm- n that ho !o -.it - l
permanently in Dallas, lie b. aao;-l hej'
self of all faeilities b ah iu San FraiK-i.-vo an 1
the East for advan?crant in lu proL..-.tf.u.
and now coaics am .is t us a a re- l.-a
physician Mi eard will appear next week.
The advertisement of Anderson & Broirn.
well known a a reliable firm, may bo fonud in
another column. They have on l.ud and ar
constantly re;ivin, sup.-dic3 of stove-i a a I tin
v:ire, whih tley are fdVims at prie.-- w'd
defy eompetiti-'n. Tho lea!i;u; in Salem
t inm-Ulu better than to yive thtiu a call whet
w'a'aiisg anythiii iu their Sine.
Wo learn by private !ett, r from Port! at d
that the well known p-optilar ne r- hant at
TIT, First Street. Portia d, Mr. C. S. SUv.-r.
will soon be en route to the E-a :'t for a L-f.-?':
ek f new prood". As be i. a i:tau of .rra
fxerl-nce iu hU bui:.ess nn l uy.i fur ea-h.
the public may rest ns.mred that th.-y can oh
tain good bargain by Riva'g him a .;ti.
Mr. J. W. Uilh-rt. of Sa';m. ?mmr-n.vd t
write an advorti.;cn tnt for our cdumr!? thi
week, but in ally gave it up as a bad job, a-! le.
bad'tfo much in hU line that tin.; and vp;e
forbade the mention of the half. Observe tin
fpaco he has reserved, and think low many
different varieties of boots and .-hoe mk'ht b,
there mentioned, then give him a call, and you
will sec that we have tied exaggerated.
It ii an old maxim that live business men
understand the value of printer's ink as a me
dium through which to make thc?ir business
known to the public. Judging Jrom tin
standpoint, it U evident that the. proprietors t S
the Overland Store are wide awake and nvan
lysines. A virit to their empi rium will ?M
isfy anyone that they are up with the times,
and the crowd of people visiting and trade; -there
show that those win) go there trade, and
and tho.e who don't wish they had. Noliee
their diilerent advertisement, and when iu'
Salem, be sure toea.ll at the Overlaul Store.
Are we all wormy? It would peem go, wlia
watching the operations of I;r. vau Don Cr-h,
now in Sale to. " '"e h:irve seen and know
whereof we testify" when we ?ay that the Dr.
has extracted from a man's stomach i tape
worm off) feet Ion-, From the system of Dr.
Smith, of Salem, he extracted fiOi) ; froru Mr.
Cra'g 800 ; and from Mr. Eaves 1,100 live
w'orma. Some of these parite had been living
for year?, but are Bow in good healih, to bear
testimony to the efficacy of thh-t treatment. Dr.
van Den Berg intends to remain in Salem hut a
short time. Consultations free, at lAn office,
Optra llouie Block, Salem.
Elder S. C. Adams gave an exhibition of bis
Chronological Chart and interesting lectures
cm Sunday and Monday evenings of this week,
lie baa taken great pains with this chart, and
as an assistant in the gtu ly of hPtory, particit
larly BiblhMl, it is iu valuable. Wc understand
the elder purposes visiting Dallas again soon,
which we sincerely hope he will do. and givo
all an opportunity of hearing him and Beting
his chart. Th'w chart has been so often des
cribed that it if not worth while for un to enter
into details concerning it, but would advise all
to avail themselves of the first ofportuniiy of
examining it.
Whitlinga. Mr. Wo r tley, of the firm of Bol
ter, Wortley & Co., has gone below after goods.
Win. Pilling, of Salem, gavo an Elocutionary
entertainment at the M. E. Church on Tuesday
evening. Kev. O. W. Brarnson, of Perrydnle,
gave un a call on Thursday. He leaves for
Walla "Walla on the 1st of October. -Mat,
iBrown hag opened anew grocery store on Main
Street The District School commenced on
Monday, M. M. Oglcsby and Ml Witten are
the teachers. G. B. Stiles has a frcuh lot of
nweet potatoes. Mr. Baldwin ia building a
new house the weRt end of town. Win. Brown
i opening a fine lot of gooda. Subscriptions to
the "Kepuclican" are coining in daily, and
everything generally lively.
Telegraph s c $ urn cu a ry.
London, September 11. A rncot
ingin supj.ort of the Newcastle strik
ers is announced to be held in Trafal
gar Square on the 'twenty-fifth instant.
Tlu steamers b'pain, Calabria and
City of l'aris have arrived.
The Journals of to-day discuss the
success of Chinese lah;r in America
in its relation to the recent .strikes in
The newspapers comment savagely
upon tliti many disasters wlucii have to
cvntly belalleu llriti-h shins-of-war.
The victory with the Ward ciew in
the Saratoga regatta is the general top
ic of conversation, soun journals ex
press the opinion that the race was"
won by Ward's crew because of the
stake boat an arrange meat which has
been discarded in lloland.
Colonel It nvland, the neerodited
American Agent to assist etumigratiou
arrived .vw. IU goes first to Seandi
uavia and Cenuany.
The American hip Lovtdlo, from
llambnrj, has arrived ,t ('ardi'T, with
tour of her crew dead frem cholera.
The vessel was quarrantiued
It is ivnorted that the entire ship-
buiMing; icjit of I lull Is trausl-'fred to a
J company whose leading olh -ers are
Spencer, ltobinsou and .Naval contractor
'I he I'Veneh and S.viss ( Jovernmenis
will be represented at the formal open
ing of the 3 lout. (Ynis totieel.
Folk wing are the prineitul condition i K'
of the treaty made b. tveeu Ilut:! and !
i'nr-sii at Vers'dlh-s earlv this year :
- niferviOition or ot i.v i"M-.
i L '
w :u-t with th.. t -'nr.;ji:,o.
a sperui .-d iiiiiip er of ti ; - and .-l.ip - .
The c n i r e! itoe; lwvrs w re to me.ke
peace tin the follow in tertus: Au-iria
was to renoi;ues, in favor vf (iennanv
til of 1 ahcniia; Moravia, Silesia, and
Ihiehy i' Salzburg. Au -fralia was to
uoioui-e-e. iu favor of Ku-ia, the pruv
:nees of atlieia and 1altnatia. When
ihe-e (diatige.s bee.uji.' aeiaainvdishtaj
facts, it;ssi i was to cede five towns and
harbors on the Rdfie Sea and irirt ol
i ',.ilr! t n . I ,-., j . f
., , . ., I i , f
treaty ot I aris as mill, antl p.ede
aerself t-t armed participation in eon- I
pi st in: he 1' i t with a f ree cptal to j
Ku-sia, ad to a sub.-eim ui parti tier. !
f the Cofi iucred tei r.Jot v la u-ia
as fi . ii a was J,-i'anee iu 1 '.
Auott-ta, Me., S.-eeu.lo-r, 11
A i
i' oubiU-a l tneetsnf
v, bein- lield to- i
n..sil to re p.; re o ver ; 1
'-''' in f!i
-t it", I h-a i-'-m tt'kabie triuin;ih iu thi
it'. T!:e lb-publican n,:j rit v
M$e city ss nca toy i :,r-.- time"
A eV r was in ' lull .t ceo
n. at a -
Ti o
tiine towns shv
n e thou-ai; ).
.i a iv. .'jej wi.e iU '..viMi
Portland, M S- nt.anh r U Ho.
t urns fiotn . one hundted and tw.
iiht town n'wcii I't iieuu IWJ'J.I ;
Kimhall ; making the Uejedd..
cati n;:.jrity j,d-7. Lat ear thes.
:ttuetii;vi;.so,iVt! a ie uhlieati majority
OjOJ, heing a lipublieati -4 iin of 1,
'.'.". The Legislature will .how a
-!iy:iit Democratic' o;siu (,vr last year
the Restate, soio l t,,,enty eiht It ;.uh!i
eai 8 to three Ileinocrats ; 'i'!u; II n o
,-tood oni hundred and thirtta-n llej nL
htatiH to thirtyxviejht. Democrats.
l'alis, Sud( rnher 11 , uiv
svA'eii (fanes, st-v(oity live cemtiiues.
len. !o:p etoinker U. (ko
ninety-three aiid ou-: iVu.ih and ninety I t!
. . . . . - !
t rec and three eights
1 ' 1 . . 1 , , ,., . , .
ew ot-k.-jfeioP-r II h.e Pan-
C)U:l',i'i liO.ifl JotS (Jo; ( r y ( r I) U i e 1 1 f j-
fepvin;4 live hundred and ti ft y tii erotul
t ha.'qjofs t'tom the tiiitiijlet of war at
A new elect loti xv ,,., ;f, tfl((
Department of the Hoinc, (leneral
l'As;.y hityiop; eho-en to lt in the As. !
Houihly from Heat V Whine, where h
wan also (dected.
Accord in i; to the Sfrahur Zc'hnuj
the (icruirtn jicnal cede will ho jutro
tinced into Alsace utjd.Lon'ainc before
the 1st of 0 dolor.
Some continental journals state that
the heirothal of the Princess Marv
lOiizahcth of I'msHii to the ( i t a ml Duke
Alexii of Ilussia will hcloro lorp J,...
officially itunouncr'd. 'Jho IViticess in
the elde-.t danghter of Prince Frederick
Charles. '
Loiil .n, FcfdetJiher 10. The strike
in Newcastle is virtu dly defeated. At
leant hail the usual numher of opera
tives are at work, and full compliment
will he obtained within a fbrlnioht.
Napoleon arrived at Torrjoay this
morning.; He was received with much
Paris, j September 11. Thiers pro
poses that the Assembly take a reees.s
from the 17th instant to the first of
It is now decided that the evacuation
will commence at Fort Charenton,
which will be the first point delivered
to the French by the Ucunau Com.
v New York, September 10. Ti e Ga
zctle nay.s the present sdtuatiun in France
causes .much '-affliction. Garabaldi
speaks with contempt of Victor lluo,
LotiH Blanc and Jules Favre, tuid'
declares them old and worn out. His
won Hiecotti will. noon return to Cepiera
to be married. Menotti has devoted
himself to tho export business, and
seems to have denounced politics.
Madrid, September 11. King A ma
de im has recovered.
The Chicnoro Post states that a eitU
zen of Wisconsin has invented an auto
matic machine that will cut, bind and ;
deliver grain in a bundle, and that this
problem, which for many years has
excited a deep interest among agricul
turists, has at last been solved. The.
machine in question was tried last sea
son at Fond du Ltie, Wisconsin, on six
(liferent firms, in order to test its
adapiibi'ily to rough, smooth, bill-s.de
;i!el level ground, and also to different
K-ntLs of grain, whether grassy, tan
gle 1, or well cultivated. The result
rst ibh-he I the fact that the work
could be sati.-faetorily performed, and
the per cent, of failures averaged five in
the hundred, the machine having cut
and bound one hundred thousand bun
dles. This year the same machine,
with improvements, has again been on
trial near Waukesha, Wis , and the
results were highly satisfactory. The
machine was put in operation in a field
of o. it.-, of about thirty-live acres. The
gr.du varied in height fiotn six fei t in
the most ferule to ten inches in the
poorest parts, and was cut and bound in
IjUti5:'s "'(" "f" .Viuans body
to the size of his arm, and iu some c is
mere whi-ps, owing to the shoitne-s id
tin; sfraw. The butts were laid a
suiootiily as it" cut across with a kuil'-,
and th. per cent age of failures was iu-
iga !i a'i!. Sub-ct jUen! !y the machine
was phe;vl in a iudd of wheat, whhh ir !
eut :. . I bound at the
rate of fourteen
The in;. chine- it is stated.
4'o;k lo-rL-etly, and I
a - u;raui
wu h the t xe r tio-i of i.ot
, Hvj: iti !oe'; atel M.-tekiu-e;, 'i ;, uire
! :- :i-e..l in fym- if. tlie LuaUo, it
is r. p.oh.si, are cLietviH, l.iei c-.jt oe'v
'.' cnts an a en.
II. Kelly has b e iu ; the editor of the
daekonvdle S-.ttlwi.
.-v rv ii: i ,
r.. d- learfirr Votk ('. Nor!hrrt P !
:tterah u t:..- c..,..u j;i,vr
H iui'i.
v:ii ox tealis.
. v t. -u::um
n L-.:t t .,!!.-r M,o.
V. P.- j. .......
H O f n, t
i SI'..1 .-' . I' !' n
K..:'r P.s- i
F :
M v.r.;,i ,M'K;.'I,ivVt, A
j:x rii:r
d . -I lu
,,,,.,,.,., u- , i
P . op. j
' o oi V t" i , V. i .Pl
Gr.-crrtes, juy (od s, Itcot a;il'.ch.a,
orl ev.Tvthin found in a ir-t-d V;tri is
' .-.y "it fiiO -;o.-r. ,v . i iPj.t ii ! tio !f ;
ojvai.T i'.o, to r-M-w !;..,r p. :e-.i;a u:i t.c
oh" vOl beeorP,tl!y s, ! -:.t I.
All kind of Pro da.-., take a at thr l.'heM
o' t re .
i'.iiius An,'. :,, i7I. W. P. JPPWV.
.5. C Eaff.Ir.-lPfo, j3.
b. i i p x i -- o 1 1
'':!- !f in P'.rPooP Of -ooi.
IP. r i P-.'-V- 1
1 1 H. ' H.-e Ii..,. ! -,, 1
ti'. P Pi . 0 00 jo ir oh
... 1 ... . I..-. ... , .... 1 j. ... ) !
!.!. . .O, - I . O'., It 1 !Ot , ji, ( I nil! I
hi,, ,i j,,., ,.f piU ,.i:i, )
ii is s;c OitiOo
AU p'.r.Pi o,s on t',e Lye and Kar i.iad.r iu
ti." UOit. Sift-jfi iiiid ('iiithp iu iili.tr.
.PPo'-P l'irt, h.-niiijj i! 1 1 lie. P'imty :eii
ftl'ddPfy d' the !ifiir;,j .y,.r i-oo-rOd.
Itetess f.-r I s s pi .;- J i .o.ii o. p,, T (., f,. c
Lane, M. P., i'roP ..f- Snr;f.r.v. ni.d ICd-. iii
I...'.. Tt 1, i . t
"f th.Pp..; "die. an I f,.r hi,, wr.-'s in tr-ati
lo.....ii , ,M jr., I .o.('i ,UI:l'..lio'. I lilVi'l
parn-nf.- Jo over IPei oio : ffao-d i v btoi Hi
San IVaioP.o; .p.-, t,, po. -i, P..p,
l' .:!! ; !. Woo iP "Ui! Oi, P.-..., Pim" mi'.,
L-h'i A!o : on ?o r, Es.p, Poiqeaiile, Y. T.. i.id
'iiiiey otiu rs ta thi.- .North ..' ,.-?. l!,'.r..:t
r, tf a ft I.'?.'- f
V.'han the mind an 1 body ar tired by over
exertion or by !orv; s' udy, a f aii in wbfeh luo
hern uii.-l a halt iiotrlij ..( Mrft.v ,t l,f
it.Oi'if ProuinA Watku, will n-.-iiivioriito the
piijo'i' ii! powers'., and inijiart a di Piiti ul bauy
iiney nd idearnesrt t the tuind.
T'P' To prev. tit diippointmcut boyers
le.-uld nhviiVK a -U for the Florida atr prj .1 r i
S.y Laoinan &. Kemp New Vorl, thi.-r,' b.-ino
worthies- counterfeit., pusscctsiu no ay of the
above projietljes.
require a powerful det-?ritiit to r' in v( them
from the svoae.n. Bristol's s.irsaparil!a. poMse -pes
all the neeeosary pop-rt ies, lt gearehin-;
purifying and heaPrpj powers spervlily eh uie
the depraved nature of the Fecreliofis and the
bloW; nio lernt.iedos, s of Bristol' IMU, taken
at. Mim time, puro out tho foul humor!- f-et
Iree by the t'arsuparil la, and ainr.eis elTn'ted.
;i. p
A ruroi't" body is a delicato much Inc. cubjnet
t many aihneiits ; but a woman is subjeet to
many more. Iler litte ailments, her nervous
news and "notion," and headache, although
they seem trifling to men, are really disorders.
For eostiveness, dyxpepHia, general ddbiiity,
f.iiin in the baett and loins, nervous and idk
beadaehe, impurity of skin, and all troubles
classed nil 'female complaints," J)t, Wai.KKh'h
CAMKonstA VfNi.0 au BitTt-ui.s which are purely
veoetable, and may be palely given to thej-noat
dcliejite.j are a. sovereign and ppeedy remedy.
U.a d in tint, ',t'iey aveit Htrious disease ttrengti
en the system,
I'Virty Years' 1'xpeilt'nco have tested
the virtues of Dr. JPVP,r .(.o of WiU
VLrrr,), and tho result, is that it U tho best, rem
edy extant for pulmnmiry nnd lun; . dienr.s,
enbracins a whole range from a flight cold to a
fettled consumption. Were it not for its
merits, it would long ineo have "died, and
made no sign.' 2J3w.
Orice, Xo. til Front Street,
P. HAL ESTATH in this CITY and
KAST POUTLAXI) in tU mot dedrabh. b,
ealt)fo, ponyistin of LOTS, If A LP BLOCKS
and BLOCKS, UOLLSL'.S and STOilHS ; also,
IMPROVIM) FARMS, and valuable
uncultivated LANDS, lueated iu ALL parts of
the STATU for SALM.
KMAL KSTATM and other Property
purchased for Corre.p'.i:de'!t.i, in th t'lTV
and throuurhi.ut the STATES and TKKUi-T)1H!-S.
wHh yr.vit car! and on the most
LLV rTO. And O.-ueral FINANCIAL and
AilKXoV BL'SINKSS traasa-tcd.
AOP.XTS f thi lOFPKK. in all the
CITT!-:: and TOV..-t in )! ST TK. will
r,o ;i.t- a.--sfipnis .t r.ut ri,oi i.io i
and ior'ar 1 tfcj S'Mu,; t lac above ad hiss.
.time if -'-1 f- '
m K K -,';. i IM f
J . r - a - .
. c ' zz cr Z'l n . .
id'.v 10 cfito 1 r.
At thr ..-..a) 11 .,a-.'ai ,.f t'. Di ir!i.. wh'.-:
- ; rv i-M ao a'i k of the '"ii e n, t a K
a te.trp iouf i t P.i'u Kider in -u.-nr ;o I wa
ter, (a-.t if e-MiV.-Sii .i,t.) at: 1 (hen I a?ht ffre'y
the ck.-av --h ;o.d b .w.d with th- P in F'-,';!-.-r
i ih
ro.-,HL" 'io ..v -v .H..r!i:i.v u,:i"i!1- .o.ionit ti'MKi S VI?JfS. b 1 in San
tii the p:- "tt i reii.--1. Iu. exir.auc ;'.., i 1- ran- t-c, t,il. a;i::r cur lm;t ih'i, miles
! iv-.i or iu ;t- Ii.if,-uu!i!u!5 u,.iy be jov-ru at a ! pf..-i!. cur thank- !ur (ho hb.-ral patronage
; .-. ) ,. h-vc t . iv - i Pt :sor' than '21 years dar-
" !t r-nslv, l.'is no V!. i u whi -h ;.iai"'i hav..- uv.-a .-?-. lily en-
-o .: r ( '.iio' tio', l .a-d in ?!;. Iru;f b'an!-"s in faltJ-rn; , a-
i ....!'- - P( i,is.: SO .Ui 1 "'.- tlflV In C il -'(' I ."(. ! t I' C T.On 1 f it tb
a.; t '-..V;: . ;x v. i;h t; j ..f in. W ;'?t'ti Vai-.P-it.i.t Vo-.'.-ar D'att-rs1,
tn .' W Ispo -x'lral- j ii"W s.rc:l-i V;r thi l"uit- I St tV-w and CtU!I
" T' !iin, and laf bcVi'U i, V 8M liV:-.-:t.;l i ucV jtt
iP i a W I T'.'.rfha.-h.- oi,r ntir? time to aid bu-osc-.
a ... ; , ii .t Pass Ki;.i, ! VP- sir.- t;d.'-t I'rii,: Firm m th Pe-Pi-
1 V ij-t. )?.t thi- old v one, rofp!i!) ui uadt-r Oh
i; . . e .o .( I (.,, .. , . ;. j., . t . .. : ,, . i.u' c 1 !-'. .Oi-i nave tie
.-. ;d ii.j .lake in I ohpo.,.1 t ; o;r iar;.'f. pfpf fvoar-. as, ! woo
. ; ..... i . . i. . : . l ; . i -'.
.i rj 1 1 pfr b-.p'.. j ii.;- b a rare oj.j -rlanipv f r ii-cii wit!
' .W'Ht'.-y. t o.--l oO'i jii-eP.ib'.: buiui'..
. i o ., P. .
! ' o.
o jo'' i
r--1'.-,- 4..'.
i ;..o i .
V. O O.
. . i . j'.
is-- i.
i v Pipr.mt ii .ii-.ft.
- -r-" apt t
t.-y t.i j,, r--.fio
P.-P- i r t rt'.
M o '
i'l i oi;. t .i ii ,
.0 I ! ! w-.p. i.o ,.v..-
.- ,0 ..,; ,,, ., (',.. ,. ;,.ir;p
'--v ta o t'., e c in be (-.,
op, i.y . jo o- r 1. ,
,t i'Ii
1 .' :s
0 pi i.o.i a! p,, i
h b : ot ofi !;o. -f .,;
Ir-eii d :-.'.-.. and
s no, ..e m . t .to, .! .. t,;.-ir f-..i..a o 3, r--
' 01 . oii.ito. I-. o: j."..-..: ihiuufivc? ii.valm.r
P ;o 'o-i ,r ..pv, :
1' i - !" t- to -' t i - i.v that no!" thiol h'Pt
fi V.,-: e: ili.'ed worid lo rd an iee;.
j 'inoi so ''i.i'i- mi. ;u 11 ?iipj.. ii iae
-frPi; 10, o, p,i ;( i.I;r and nP. ad', whP'i thr
f,.f pic of ! p ioi!o jii"' ifoi-i.ri. Ill f.t'-p
a pi.r- w i,("H"-. :i . mo-sriti.-.. tonie i- the
.! t ! o i .o . ! ; :a a ;.',, ioif y 110U.11 and
j i . y h iv.- P.- ;.;P. in !(. -!,.!;. p Ss.ol.idi
J tot:, r. I" ;i -o.-i p do-. p. one, i. it ini
! p-r!s p'TKoi' i ',; 'jtoiij-iii to .-'.-ik "vsteti nd
lo'ta't. d-. ii. ife r.. s ,! o o .,t,4. If- rvjo.t.i
.ii 01 ar 1 it vi
O.I; i i: f . .1 - t' t . o-, . ;
. ! . : .... 1 1 .
I r
to) VO
I ii-i o Pierd 0. 1
p '- . ." ' ; "
mt:..f.!Ji, i. ihv o'o - .f ev.iiro ; m, r tnv j
have ,PS O;o r p.o . I ia ti t ! 'eai, , or been j
, o 1, ., ., 1 , ... 1
! oPooo. i..,; ::;,So."., ev;:,.;.i i- ;
.... ... : . .1 , . ... .: . . ... . : I
.(OOt. -:... O O i O . : : , . . , I , I I O'l I O
t:. . .. . -v , , , p.iv it!l ;f; ,r r,, i
It-n liiitninr t-r.-i.-i retro.-. i- p .--,nt!y
. . I .. II .: ( '0;O, . Uao. f,)( J..;-- ij.;
i.or'y jepf-tj, Po- .!.o:i oi! f.r tb.- I !Pi.- i'-O- .
A Po. i .a.', vi v .P ol P; . o r r: " ' '. n
. :' o -r ' i i --.1 p-rP;, ! '. o .. .!. ;!.
't ;e t ;'o liiiPi ,i , ,:,ir.
p.,'- ;:o f t f a -? t t
?ni MV Fi:it;xpo A XI) BATltX.
r v..ul I !ay l!.ai i hae ro-h.tPi my Shop
oil i 'I
saip; i.f ..;m::j,
W! . r I am pr--p.tted to do all kinds .,1
VVAOX UOt?li AM) uour;.
.s lit II id Nvi OX S2IOIM' XOIIC5:.;
, I have Iot ' my pr..pert by Fire, tho,;,.
indebted to m for woric wid eonPr a favor
by paying up iiniuediatidy.
A liiend ia n:el, Ps a friend indeed.
ASA .-HivLVJ'.
IJOOK I S IX 1Sl 1 i ?
Blank B'iok Manufacturer.
HA 8,1 '153, Oitl;.)N,
Having estubolted a 1'irst (Ts
P.'" - Bookbimtepy in ippem, is now
( H.V'JS.-' Vf Pr,dlfl,'d to do all niaiuier of
11 work known to the trade.
Ilnaziues, Newspapers and r!usio Bound
in auy do.-irad Stylo.
Old Boole Ee-Eund.
BLANK TD01CS of every description, with
or without Printed I leading's, Manufactured to
BLANKS of every kind Ruled ami Printed
to Order.
In Gmwold'a Block. 2:P(lm
I p not cuHleiont tinio to collect all tny
Library. All persons, therefore, who have any
of my Books in their possession aro hereby
requested to leavo thorn at tho III-: run tie AN
OOh'o. Dy eo doing they will confer on mo a
great favor. W. C. W1IITS0X.
V II E A E! V EI A !!!
Cheaper th:n IWcv III
n o I, t k it, w n r t e y & co.,
Have removed their STOCK OF GOODS to
Dalian, and are constantly receiving NKW and
WKLL SKliKCTKD GOODS, consisting of
ljadiesi' Dress and Fancy CJoods,
3Icn and i:.yn' Clothing,
lla'..s and (.'aps,
lioots ami .Shoes,
Iadii'S nd Cliildi ciis sheca of every
StIe and Size.
A full lrk f firocerics rntistaiitly
on liaiul,a!s,i Hani ware and Crockery.
Woolen Coads Sfattulaof ured at the
l-;ii;;ulilc SI ill, such as
Beaver. " as iiiiefes, I!.ird Times,
Twteds, l''iaituels and HLutUcts,
Whieh we .,51V r at Wh-kaU; and Uetail.
Tliivln? a desire to Iocut permanently in
! Dallas we -.iil deal fuirly ar.l j.-tly with 1)
win. Miry it..; or u with ti: -ir j,:Oron:i'''. e
,;!! I. ;'. tJoodt er ?.:t r v Produce, for
which we will pay the Highest Price.
Ciing on your Ke;gi and Sutter
EA..t..,. ,m e.. Aii-.-ii u 1 '
y: a UdUuJiolO,
( . ' i 1 ' - -.., j
lit- i -
i i a v. : o '. ... . i -.- ' . r v.. uh
' ! ? t ; a i t ;j v iltil.i.-
I r ) '-. pr-i-AV a'ss
t-, IP-; M.i-lr' ? 1 N ij.iZf,
.'. . -f j. i - u i - j. a . o.
, . r 1 r V r ; s ,
, i . .' . e ,
. .. .. ... i. ,T. r.-oh I'r.ct'., and
I j!AI P u t .)., 1 i.a;a: I: o, C'jit-
a oh , I v ,.a'rt s i.ewr '.o t-.tc oStltl.
V r t orii.ao .. fopi- of
K. iP :p -DoVALD A r.K,
IP II ?.! I-:.at.i: ! Wh-h-sae-i Dru,V"i.t,
caa i'r.id''" , 'al.
I tiM.-l our ;,u.,,:u oiM and ke.-o a 1 stock
i ! , 1 1 1 .., ,4 . '!. ! KC.i.l Ci t
i in-a o. t. e.iuj u.iu, an -a k.i ai
pro-es t j i . !. r :iif o e.ia.
The firi.it j.". Heal Disrovfry!
f i Hundreds of Thousands cf
Bear ti'Kt'mony to thf tr Woudcr- n.7P
c 3 Pal Curattva Jitteris. g
i-t f
' p
w z V
ft .-5
a 59
- -
i v-t-v
r i' or i - J & .;v,v-.r. Sar
i . - -4 V ,: '.. J .-. ' I '
M.o.. of Toot- Kuin. Whisker, Vrout
f-. i P s n ml' ft ' .iuuii .etored.f fileeil
aa-t sveeteiu:dl' ilcas t'ae t.iot c, called "Ton
Pi,"" Appetisers" i'es'orcrs," c., that leal
t:i' tipoP-r on to drunkenness ami ruin, but are
a .M-.'iPeSnc, inaite P om t lie Native Hoots anil
l ; i : . f r.Oii'eruia, t rre from nil Alcoholia
Mini i!ni. They ate tae;H KAT 1II.OOII
ITitll IS-.5J and 1.1 l-T. 1 VINO ritlX
i'l ri.K : l" riVct l.'cnovator and Invlsorator of
ta.' t"--i. i,,r arrj'l.-.g T!l poonou8 matter and
r: tho to.'otl t a r. In alOsy condition. K
P -...o.i at ta!.o these Pi' tors uccordhig todireo
t!oa nu 1 r.;eia'u b-og ttnwell.
l"c liitPini:iiilor nud ("ironic Ithou-m-.
ii-.iti nud (.out, Dj njepia or Indi
cii(.a, 1'iliouK, Iteiiiitieut nnd Inter.
i. Piu tU I'Vver, Iln'n'H it tlio lltooil,
l.ivrr, IiPoo' nud IJPidfter, these liit
tv r.i l.avi bec.t juo't la-.ee. Psi'u!. Htictt
caws ar-j ca ! ed by Vil Piled I'lood, which
ia --aer.e.p' (raPired l y derangement, of tho
Djtf'M i f OrsntM.
bvsrr.i'.sj a tn iNDHir.sTiox.
lPad.tivo'. Paia In ?. J-lioiihlorfi, t'onghs, Ti.;!)t-
ii, f tho "'!ic;it,.IL-z'aen., Sour Fructatlous of
the !-t .piarti, r i.l t.-e t - ia the ?Ionth lnUwas At
t u k . r;;"p!ii.tPn of tie Ilr.arp luslamnsaUon of
tin; 1..U'-o;,laoi in tae rce.ious of the Kblneyt-.and
a ! -i i-'r-ol eP-c. paiafnl svinj,..s!iS, aro tlw off
fpri:i;TBf'f l'v:'?i'0,i.
Tii y i':vor- r;?t fi" !!o-n.'li a;t pt.Jmulnto the
t -rpbl l.vera-id bou-eh', .' r.'n.b. r theia of un
( ; '10 1 ef.ieacy 1 i
or.' Po blo-nj ef oil
liuo ;rU ;-c, ae.i i;..pa: ti.-.. i.jvv IP'vS and vigor to
toe W.iouyte:.
I iitl SIpIN t? r.A-'P'P """rio.tionsTi t(r.
Putt Uhen-,11, r.PHelie'J. h ...t a, 1 iaoeu s, rur.tnle.
S; .;i3, Car'nrii '..a-, S;l oo'.Voo.is, f-eabl-Uead, tforc
I'vi -s, 11,-yt '.( '., i : , 'a, Seurr'. p;.c".!arstann of
tie. f.:.pi, TI.iu.otii a vl Piii.aiwa nftlej tkin, rt
wicitcver aani3 or na'.ur r.ra l.tecJly dipf up
nnaeaerhvt .-.tit of Vs pjst.'iii Pi a r!i -r' tun? by
t'ae t:-.o of tin .a. liitter. (H;e P tlla la naeil
cuser. win conviue.s the jnost Incredulous of their
curat I vc effects.
Cleans.'! the Vit:np 1 BIao.I wh-tPTcr yrt find
It i lir.pnvlpes Pnrsto.ir Piroa.v'n tho k.1u lal'lm
1'les, JCrapiiouit r tsores; (Psuisjit v 5wu you
hid It otititruetc'l and fluu'.'a'i la ttie veins;
cleanup H wlien It ia font, nad your f.-eHns will
tidl you when. Keep t'us blood puro umf tha
lw H!l Of t'lO pysfMH wilt follow.
PIN, TA PC aad other WOU3IS, lurl-ingin
the py-tiim of eo many t'lo-AHamls, nro cnVrtuatly
destroyed and removed. For full direettoua, read
carefully the circular around caclibottlo.
J.WALKER, Proprietor. R. FI. McIOS.M.D &
CO., PrngglMts and Gen. Agents, &m Francisco,
Cab, and 83 and 31 Comme-co Street, New York.
i. j v t -
111 !pv III
ia'M III
e wr x -
Front Street, one Door South of
Post Office.
Dallas Oregon.
difierence between articles of TINWARE
manufactured y me, nnd that made by marni.
facturcrs in Portland and other large cities, for
shipment, 1 havo on hand both my own make
and also that of factory make, bo that peoplu
may take their choice. My irttiuk cumudts iu
part, of
stoves of all kinds,
Copper, IIr;.ss and f ron Vare,"J
Wire work of all descriptions,
.Sheet and (Galvanized Iron,
Htovc DoilerM, Tea Kettles,
Milk I'ans, Dippers,
l.ard and flutter Cairs,
. I'gg Heaters,
Japanned Ware a general Assortmeiil,
Cooking Spoons, A variety of Gem Fans,
Porcelain lined Stow Pans for Fruit,
Broiling Fixtures of New and the Mot
Improved Patterns,
And in fat everything thai can Tmj found. in a
firfitf.ajjs Tiu and Stove Stori.
. Jo lb Work
Neatly Dou3 and Promptly Attended to.
50-tf T. 11. NEWMAN.
V. 12. TEAJL, & Co,
1Var;o!i & Carriage takers
Are on hand with their WAGGONS and'BHfl
(illiS at thtir old Ftand thii Spring as usual,
an d in! vn d to sell them very cheap for Cah ;
die Prices ranging fruta $d''U to 1$0.
They have alo on hand for sale plenty of
waoon mati rials, (jive him a call and gee them
All kinds of work in their line d'jrie to order.
AH kind of H!ar h-niHhln done cn ?ho
notii-e, ui d in a workmanlike manner, llarso
Shoeing $ J 50, cah down.
Thankful for pa.t patronage, they solicit
eontiauanee of the same.
it Dallas, May 6, 1S71.
On ar d fiftcr Feb. 10th, 1S"1, the rates will
o as (o!Kws :
f r ea.h Wa.n and Fpan of Horses 25c
r.r eu'li addition! Horce.. 6c
t'orea -h Horse and P.ut'y 25c
)f five ros-ii in II rse and Buggy
when paid ia advanee fl
I ,r .m'trig. paid in adrance fl
;?- , r.ri,in on r.,.,f ...
Jr twelve cro.-sinjs, paid in advance... f I
Koi tah loofft Animal 12J".
For twelve ditto... $
For eiKh Hog, Sheep, or tJoji ...4c
For each 100 ft. of Lumber not iu wagon.,.12Jr.
Fur cat U 100 R Freight 12i
irAiti.isni:i lHtfi.
liniesi a. i:j:iiho,
Drugs. Chemicals,
Essential Oils,
Dye Stuffs and
General Merchandise,
15 y I he Packagre Only.
Casdi (tr iers for this or any Foreign Market,
wd! receive prompt and Faithful Attention.
Miners. Maitularturcrs and Wholesa?e
Trade Supplied for Cash.
No notice or atte ntion paid to Orders for Qoodf,
if there is no j rovisiou made for the payment
of the suite.
Terms Net Cash, on Delivery, ia U.S. Gold
N. B. -Consignments of Oregon Produc,
Grain, Wlieat, Flour, &c, Solicited.
4b tf
cvr ;to!: new floods!!
Wo respectfully call tho attention of th
Public to our Well SeWcted Stock of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Ladies and misses Hats,
Cent" Furnishing- CoOds,
Cloves, Gaiters, Etc.
School fl ioks,
Stationery, &c,
In fact IJvcrythlnff Found In a First
Claw, ltctall Store.
We can assure our Patrons that we will be
up with the times.
Come and Ksnruino our Stock before pur- $
erasing elsewhere. - .,
Country Trodueo taken ia exchange for
Goods !
N. Sc. J. P. LEE.
Pallas, April 22, 1871.. 1-tf
K. V Ii A IS. Kj
JHy oo1, Clolliingr,
DIXli: - - - - - - 0IlLGO?r,