Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 16, 1871, Image 2

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    8h t D r f 3 on $cp'blir au.
IZow Chapman Crows,
That ambitious, noisy fowl, which
occupied so prominent a position iu the
colunius of some of our cuuiempora
ries but a short time since has drop
ped his feathers and slunk out of
si-;ht at the news which comes to us
from some of our sister States and
Territories, The reports IVjui the land
of "tar, pitch an Of turpentine" (Nor. h
Carolina) came so pregnant with uteaiw
iug, that as he remembers the frequent
application made by his own party of
the former article, and his own downy
covering to the persons of those differing
with them iu sentiment, he slinks away
in terror, lest the experiment Le kvcis
ed. The reports from Montana show
that the " ltocky Mouutaia Dird" 1ms
not forgotten his native cyiie, lut sill
cliniis to it, determined to maintain
its true character as the land of the
free. The yellow nugget which he
lately attempted to swallow in the
Golden Slate has stuck in his throat,
and leaves him in such a sickly con
dition, that it but remains for him to
mako " one more departure," and the
old maxim that "true principles will
never die," will be effectually rcfuttd,
so far as the time honored principle
of democracy are concerned, aid
Chapman" will Le forced to give
one long, sad, dying strain, while his
opponent stands by enjoying his dis
tress, and calmly admit ing the way he
ItGUES! KNAVliS! t 1 M)I.i;KS I
The Democratic ress ot the country
are endeavoring to draw the attention
of the people from the real political
issues by the cry of knaves, swindlers,
etc. The principles which underlie
their party arc such that it is impossible
Jor them to be understood will. out
meeting with merited defeat. 1 he re
cent elections in Maine and California
prove conclusively that this old cry is
a dead letter ; that the commoti prac
tice of calling hard names withcut
proofs of prttligacy and knavery, are
things of the past; and that if any
party would be successful before the
people, it must resort to something
other than slander and abu-e. While
we do not claim that the Republican
party is entirely free from the contam
ination of dishonest men, yet we do
claipi that the wholesale charges of dis
honesty which have been made against j
it are false in themselves, and the b ci- j
sions of the people so far have proven j
that the people so onderst..ud them. j
The returns from California show a
decided victory for the llepublieans. j
JJooth is elected by 0,000 majority. ,
The Legislature is sufficiently strong to '
insure a Republican for the next C. S. j
Senate. Notwithstanding the frequent j
threats of the Democracy to defeat the I
Administration on the ground of fraud
and incompetency, yet when the matter
comes to a vote, we see the people
coining up with one voice and de claring
their approval of the acts and record of
the Republican party. Such will, wc
hope, continue to be the case until the
frauds of "Tammany" and all the minor
rings" shall have become things of the
Reverence the highest ; have pa
tienee with the lowest. Let the per
formance of the meanest duties devolv
ing upon you daily bo the evidence of
, thy religion. Are the diamonds too
distant, pick up the most precious
stones that lie in your pathway. Are
the accomplishment of great deeds be
yond your capacity, be content with
minor 'achievements, and from each
learn the great lesson of life, and be
wise; for the perfection of wisdom and
the end of true philosophy, is to pro.
portion our wants to our possessions,
and our ambition to our capacities.
The world uses 150,000.000 pounds
of tea annually, and 781,000,000,
poundsof coffee. China furnishes nearly
all the former, and Brazil over one half
of the latter. Over 140,000 pounds of
Java, an dl8.000 of Mocha is produced.
'The United States consumes nearly one
third of all the coffee produced in the
world and the English the greatest tea
drinkers in the world. The Germans take
rank next to the American coffee-drink-ers.
Docs Protection to Home Industries
liciulU iha laimcrf
One of the main questions in politi
cal economy at present, is the one of
protection. The llepublieans, as a
party, have ever favored the careful
protection of home industries. The
Democracy have opposed if, and with
their " time honored" cry of " Free
Trade and Sailors' Hights," have en
deavored to piove.to the people that,
they were right and the protectionists
wrong. We hivo heretofore given
many reasons why the industries of our
country should be protected, and we
now wish to state in brief a few advan
tages to accrue to the firmer. ." We
are essentially an agricultural people"
is a saying which has been accepted
by many as tru?; but need this le so ?
With the facilities which tlrs cvuntry
u'Toiri fr manufactures, may ve not
tear and manufacture, independent of
the outside world, anything wo need?
This we do not a "solulely wi.h to do;
yt, operating upon the principle of
self protection, we wih iu our dealings
with the oui.-ide wurld to keep on the j
safe side and hold profits in our own I
, , . t-
Iavor. (.an this Lm: done lv a tree i
trade policy ? Wc think not. 'i hrough-
out Europe the population is dense, and
advantages fur agriculture are very
limited. The. immense population ren
ders it ncccsrs.'irv that, something other
man a-irteuituru mut-t ue resoricu to to
?uittdv the wants of the io? ulaee. !
,vl ,
iney naturally turn their attention to
J 1
manufactures, and as laoor is very low, i
manufacturing can Ikj done very cheajdv. to the fact tint we are not acjuuiutca h'rom the Cht'n'htn Ad,u,eite we cull
With the va.textentuf rich iJnd at our M tc e mpany, and that we S loliovv. : I'ndc-sor Mcdibney will
, ,, , , .! cannot m to see them, and that one of I ri" i'.-ieal seh-ol . on eilnes.
ct UiHiaiol, the auncuitura! resources of ; , e . . . ... .... , .. ri)Vf 1.vrt,.4, t,.-(hr ,,n ttU
' " . , . the company sit.s himself - i heopholw i ,,a ''ext. i eriiap no ti at n r on ut.s
our country are almost iuexhauiftible. j f c Shultz " and Uiat our bell muzzled ! t-u;1t can excel him iu the success
Here the free trad, is would come in I shot gun was busted last u-nr sho..tiuir ! ful management of a mu.-tcal ela-s.
and say, if this bo .o, - let us turn uirjI U ut a skunk by moonlight, ,rV The roadn southwest of the city are
, . f. , .,
attention tu the cult aauit of the sod.
and furnish raw material, and let tho.-e
uianutacture wno can do it the cheap-
est." The danger of this poli.,y is
patent tot-very thinking mind. Were !
, . , ;
we to j ussue tins tuoicv i.-.w-.- i,
manufacture of our own, the prices of ;
mafcri'd woul-1 be eonfrollcd cn
r;s w
tireiv nv 'l. iiotr it. i in pt;
- .t
oi f.roi jru jcts would be u fft-c r i f
the d'.si.i.'ice to which thev v.ouii
have to Le transported, and thus vc
would bo inevitably thrown umhr'lbe
entire control, and absolutely : t the
mercy of foreign capitali-ts?. Lv . ry
observing man of th!K State knows the I
dUadvantagea which the farmers have j
Ii , i c c I
abored under in be i teg so far from f
manuf.iCturing centres. The cost if
trans; ortiriir, atel the danger attt nding J
it, W'l-i i p:-".?i drawback, and iiothir-jr I
v. ', ) in mi il.tegt-r o
speedy decomposition could be rearet
for n:atk"t vviih any pn Sit. Tlie man
11 i i u i i ': II ! :'-!S .lie nuw uui
oc- i
veh pied and the re-u'r, I.irgc cities i
being built, render it advantageous to j
the hoitieubufi-t, as well as the lare
farmer. This develops tl
m d :!e relit !
interests of the e m.trv, and proves
the advantages of prod cttou, as U
saves us fio;u coming iu dinct com
petition with , the pauper labor of the
old world, brings m nearer to the
point at which wc can ?y that we
truly a fice people, and places u .
upon the high road to national pros
perify to a gi eater extent than could
possibly he attained by any other
mimii wni i'.m imm ii m mnw i ii"frr ru
The Safest TpAOf; in a Tin n !:
Bl'OUM. A writer in Harper 's Monthly
s'tys : ' To stand hy the side of a con
tinuous conductor, of a sufficient con
ducting capacity to afford free transit
to the electric charge, is the safest
position which a person can take. A
borne with a good lightning rod passing
down its wall is exactly in that condi
tion. J J tit to he near an imperfect
conductor, ns a tree for example, or
form part of a broken chain of conduc
tors;, is, on the other hand, the most
dangerous." In a house which h not
protected hy lightning rods. Prof. Wells
says: "The safest position a person
can occupy is to lie upon a bed of hair
or feathers in the middle of a room.
The middle of a carpeted room does
very well, provided there is no lamp
harming from the ceiling. It is pru
dent to avoid the neighborhood of
chimneys, because lightning may enter
the room by them, Boot being a good
conductors For the same reason a per
son should remove as far as possible
from metals, mirrors arid gilt articles.
In all eases the condition of safety is
that in which the body eanuot assist as
a conductor of lightning."
We furnish the Republican, and
Demons ft Monthly for $1 a year.
1-Yom our Special Correspondent.
.Dixie. Sept. 4, 1871.
The barn or N. Tut uin, living one
mile south of Dixie, was burned or the
evening of the olst of August ; other
buildings were saved by the exertions
of the Kibby Drothers, who were
threshing In u field near by. Supposed
to be the work of an incendiary. Loss
about SI, 500. No insurance. Twenty
two wagons passed through Dixie on
the 4th inst , loaded with wheat lor the
Kola market. Nearly all the farmers
are selling at a dollar a bushel. The
white wire clothes line man passed
through town on double quick time in
search of au attorney that could show
inm the nearest route to the county
line. An impertinent young man
asked if his legs were a simple of his
"lino;" whereon he waxed wrath and
n marked that tho people of Polk were
" (em Poo's." A ay young gent,
with a very nice ' lock" passed through
town the other day. He tried to vic
timize sumo of our young idt-as, but
they classic illy remarked, ''Nut for
Joseph," as tht3 game was aged ; they
could not, consistently with the teach
ing of thiir maternal grandma, nibble
at the aforesaid g une; but they would,
rather thin see the young sport K-avt
the burg without a game, l et him a bit
that he could not ride a goo 11 v ' le-'e'
t',at p'-mbliatel up and down theieu out of the ground at Tillamook
aue in e;ucn oi Miav provenuer, as ne
iw i ; t ei t . , ,
mcuitafeil a tani on Ciark m potuto
putch. During the dead hours of niuht, j
tlie '-sport," ft;.-t went i'or tlu kule s: ed, !
but not finding the same iu his pocket, I
wilted, and joiirmyed on. j
1 our correspondent received a eanh- j
d'itial circuhr from the Kocky M out j
tam naia .oie company, onoinitr iu.m'uiu
! i'n t-.. ; t ........... i. ., ..i .... ......,,............, i
or any kind ot a st:iiiii for one tilth of ;
,i " , i , v 1 . ,. ft
thtir act mil cot. JNow it is our chief j
dcliuht to buy thinirs cheap, but owins
! ntnuut ; ami oUo :s receiving lie i w'uu,,"o""H- " j
! . .; ' , ,,, , t . i... ... . illirili, i tl. I
iatort s.iid t-ircuhir will do well to do'h.-r. l bnujet burned. I he I . J
! u. n i n t ... t:. :.. . District Court. Deadv.Iud':. adi-.iirncd I
'I, 1 .. KC I . UVi!i " lltilt !
j Dixie, has seven thor. u-h b d horses
training for the e cuio- ;..te 1 air.
a,r'"" u,"cn
w bleu at ; n
t , , ,
LCi n xhii.t( d in ihe St.ao
o?u Sunday the " 1 'net , Mr. M umms
:o i .J nliii 1'ver, j..i of Disk- in
I ..! Dot t ii u.
tl. : (. , '.. -i rift the V
ai iv i ii i H si I .i i i n .' 1 '
i e
; ' io a
i.eo :
I 'Jl . i .
.uii-'.iO i
' ii ,.i -.tit. ivt rj. .. j-r j;m
V n ; int UIk U,iS p.o.-.,--I
! f h t.i been sll-5g-.fi
1 th
;Hl t. it ' SiIM! i n i. .j
hi- (h ath f r i
tu ut ti until t! eotiraef i, titled. Wc
rouM : r -ptctfully sug'jT't IVof. A r
'h r-oa as a suitable personage fur the
Ol I '.U I. A M Tt)HI
Cin .tl-af Xty V.i'k Prices.
an-l Staple, CJothiri
l o!i an I Sl.-. i. Piirni-loii J.-i.l. rt at !
j I- n r P rites than tl.cjr have Put iKt, i it !
o - ,n. j
ua.n; foir superior l t-:t itsc", tiatringon-f
" ivi :i 1,-,'li? Faem Home?, wn-ou j
... ... . i
hhd l, "a' T "U r '"r";"! ''tK'1
:tl rati s notch P)wtr than the pre. ; now enr-
1 ri-nt in Urp5fin. oaviiiif an wo tlo trom .viaue-
fu-tarer ,! lea -lio Itnnonins it iuf -s liret !
! hvn that i e-u .-tI ur s-.l.t M
uo re o. trai .o ra!es than it wo wt-ro to "
ttii in in Uo; ordinary way
As t!i f xj-etti-f., fuch ti3 coinriiiiouona, profits
ina'lo li.v joLUi-r?, deahrs and brokers, aro
avoi lei by o.j, mr ciiytotm r., inrtc t I of hav
ing to pureUitft!' go,P that may have pascetl
thr.otgli half a d'.jun hamhs thtrchy increa-
ing she pih-o f ih g.-mt, (all of whj -h tit tl
t it'l fonitvj out of th: r,nitnicr) can safely rely
n huying thtir g-iulH of it at a moderate) 1
vanre on the uauufat.-turwr' and importer
prices, Wc s-baU sell -our gnmla on iho one
price system, nrol hall t any time ho pleased
to show our goods and give aKj itUoritnili'U in
regard to price?.
Uoing immediately eoiineeted nitk the well
know whoh'salo Prooneo und Comnii' ion
IP.ut! of Cohn, .Martin A Co., of Han Franels
eo, the mut extensivo on the Pacific (,'iast, wo
aru prepared to buy for e& on delivery, and
to mako advance on all description of country
prtKliicov Wo will in all casta pHy for 'prolaeo
tho current San Krari'"ioo pitees, less, however
the actual co?t of shipment. Wj shall estahlbh
what lias been notoriously wanting in Salt m
a good 'reliable market and wo will in variably
on delivery of tbo produce, pay cash.
Wo will buy Jutter,- Chtrf Eyj, 6Vee,
Iff, I).tk, Tui kt'),flidt C,f!fkhi,.S!i'rj.ki,
Tailotc, I'um, Homemade SV, Grain, Wool,
(:, Foil Cash ! For Cash ! Foil Cash ! Coti
signtnenta of all kinds ge.lieitcd for our San
Francisco houf-c, on which liberal cash advances
will be ma do.
N. Ii. Grand lto-opcnipg of tho Overland
Store Sept. 1st, 1S71.
The Jacksonville Sentinel learns from
Southern Oregon that the country round
Laugels' Vulley is fast settling up, and
that it is estimated that there ia over
0,000 head of stock in the valley and im
mediate vicinity. Grass ia abundant
and a largo amount of hay has heen put
up for emergencies.
Subscribe for the Republican
Slate Item.
' Gleanings from Stato Exchange.!
Prom the Corvallis Gazette wc glean:
Eli Mason, who was sent to the pen
itentiary for the killing of Silas White
at Philomath, last spring, was pardon
ed by Gov. (I rover last week, and S it- j
urday returned home.--A stranger from
California was arrested on the streets a
few days ago on the suspicion of being
the person who broke jail in Dallas a
short time since hut on proving his
iudentify was released.
The Herald reports three hundred
and thirty three new buildings created
in Portland this season.
The Bedrock Democrat nnnounr
the destruction of the new Acudi'i
building, S-pteiuber iM by lire, loss
the contractor about $1000. Suppo.-cd
have been the work of an incendiary.
The Bedrock Democrat announces
The AHnny Ihphier comes out in
a new dress, and tells us. that it will
next u-stne larger proportions, Success
attend it. Its old dress was worn out
iii a g od cause and we have reasons to
believe its uew gaib will share the same
fhe lst Side u;tv5 the following
ut to crack." A Modular evidence
of Oregon' antiquity was recently tak
He.uH. u appears tliat some men were !
j- i i i i i I
grading a road heii, and wlicn twenty- 1
five feet below the wurfaee one of tj,em
exhumed a copper Uowie knife over j
tw nty-two indo s long, two an 1 a half
inches wi le by thri'e-eigths of au iu :h ;
thiek. 'J he euri--tty was M-nt to C. j
II .up, of Pajn-n, who ha it in bis
I lore i. an atiotiier mv-tery for
i. .. i i .:.... i '. . . . i : ti. .
knife - m ole of the be.-t copper, and
. , , . 11 V ,
the work wai dona iu a -superior style.
' , - j - j
to the 'eighteenth iustait. Sixi u-e i f
City I'ubee for August was Ho" ; re j
e ipt, $l,:;ts 'JJ.-T he Fi.eme.is An- j
uu:l l'at ade, on Moo.hiy lat, is r. por- J
U ! ?n u ilstpo-iisg iir. 'i he p-..tf seats j
;it I Jit In-ane A-ylum nun.Ver alout j
mi.' hundred and ioi.j" ti.e, - v,!i.i.h .
'orty me u m.oe.-. 1 J
l!ieh ply dlit !o-. been d:sc'vet.d in
a hugi: wvli boMtg us' by fh- C'.tv o!
I'oul.tsd. The U'lirl.n sa)s if ilU
ab,,ut' two bits to the pin. Will th" )
e'lfy fathers oak digjing for w.aer, and
' il.i in i f : s ' till
:u.u :
! 1'roni t!ie Oreo ?f,ii an wo cull as fol-
i !ows :
Leslie's Illustrated new.-japer has a
wood-eat' UiuMrution of I tl.ttu t frorn
u skt teli by tv T. Coleman of this ei'y
Mr. Coh man says his sketch w;H not
iVdiow d iu the engraving, m several
particulars. The Kazmo hotel, one of
tlo most ci'iistiieilous buildings m 't ho
t,.vn, des not appear. at all ; the 11. II.
()fi ofiiec. iu the illustration, bus an
..akwjnl neakctt r-tt instead ot a ncaf
t . ... .
!n;U,sar,l ; atid the Kpicopid Church on
Ith" Vmt "f ,,he, l,,lir lf A J
pwo tuJ;o a look at the K ii itni
t ...t hm in m t he it ltJet'iaii t!,i
... r onito MiHiricntlv in ier-ta.-c
i "i f i j . i
tive relief. Otherwise the picture eon
vcys l UTy fair idea of thetoWn. J he
newsonper urn have published sin ae
count of Ka!ann, in whit h it is stated ;
that " about six hundred families" eoti
stitute the population. This is deei
tleillv a whoj'iper. It would be a suffici
ent, exaggeration to say the entire j op
ulation exclusive of railroad laborers,
is six hundred soul-. We doubt if an
actual enumeration would show !!(.
The newspaper statement is not the one
furnished by Mr. Coleman Mr. d.
Stil.el who was out in Washington
county, a day or two since, informs us
that he saw 'J5 persons en route for Til
lamook, with the view of t:king farms
and settling there. They had come
from California, overland, with wagons,
which they had shipped around by wa
ter, themselves going hy thn Tualatin
trail, with their animals They were
foitneily from Kansas. It seems that
immigrants do not all come in by wa
ter via Portland. Our advices arc? that
there has been a constant accession from
California by way of Rogue River Val
ley. A census of the population would
probably justify the highest estimate
made, as to the immigration this year.
John Sizemore is making salt in consid
erable ejuantities iu Jackson county.
The Times learns that a San Francisco
company have taken the copper mine of
Smith. Rigsby k Co , on Fall Creek,
near the Illinois river. The Company
are sanguine of being able to reduce
the ore so that it will bear transporta
tion, and, in view of that, have a large
force of men now employed in cutting
a trail from tho mine through to tho
mouth of Chetco river, at which
point the Company propose to ship their
oro. Tho successful working of those
mines will be of innneu&o service to
Josephine county and Southern Ore
gon generally.
E?. 13. T VSOi,
" itupuniJCA v oiwicis.
Dallas, Oregon.
Special attention given to Sales, or Purchase of
Real Estate, Collection of Claims, Ac.
Agent Union Mutual Lifo Insurance Co.
For Male.
r1KNT ACHES OF LAND, with good House
ft aiit Ham, all fenced and under good Ihin
provetnent, situated in tho Town of Dallas,
I'olk County, an extra rdinary opportunity.
rjpwo iiuxdled and "roitTV six
1 Acres of Lund cno Mile North of Eida,
Polk County, god II'.u-'c, good Double I'trii,
and other Ut;iMhr.:s. A !1 under fence, with hue
Orchard, ami in bih state of cultivation.
j Salem, neir the two Central School
HiMiscK. The Ifuuvts eotttiiis Eight lt-ionis,
alt Pla.-b-rod, with Hard i-'ioi-b, JWu, Wood
House, ami utl couvei: tenets to mue it
tit e i ru hie.
on Wiihouvtt'i ,-'lu;;b. A block of Hix
J.'.tf, ftH-lascJ with li-jard i'cuce, good MouKe,
JJarix, AC.
Jm. 'J" Acrt's1, fr(til IPmio, two Unnoj,
rtIarl, A., fiiu.iO.it on I ppcr Sail Cjtck, 7
milo from, tidily.
V wtv uri ii-r f.Jiice, tia acre. under the
pnov ; k d lfu., l.rt, n n i tinu OrcharJ,
fiiuuteii 1 Iiii'yS Wt'st ni l.)aii.o!.
4 fa!;m containing; i.-.-.j Acuns. ii
I .Mifi; ii'frth-w.'-t of J-'ciii !, I'olk Cfjufity,
i j'.cri's uiith r cuhiviOion, so acrv.s prairie
i.oi i, .M.,1 Jf.Moi', Pari), Orch.O'i, Ac.
rruuiv.v. i u -n p k i: p a n t s i x t y a c it i :s?
j of l.ni.i, L'iiil acr h loi'lt r font.-r, acres
ii!!iv;ili-il, jfiiiid l.:tr, witij iuuili.-r fr
touiifc, ri tuiii, Iiiiis water nar U the
var rouinl. .'' u i H.uth-w'cet of impsou'tf
ioi i ', Pi.; I.ucki.UiiUtc.
Fur Pui ti !?vtr." cjitjuirr cf Ii. 11. Tyson,
Kro rio ie a v Oi i s i:.
SALUJI, - - - OULitiO.
Alt who require Surgiral Operations i the
Kjvn, or U'eaiiiicu t, aro invito4 to biui a
t r? I.
'1 l!fe who j not receive permanent hcnfcfit
woi ii-t t,L. require. i t pay S r trc.Uiut ii t.
tie ) sitnpiv pi i Ul with all tLc moiltrn
.o. i iioj-ruvff i Ji r uti. ::.'! , ao-i wiij make
ih- r ii,'i4 K;tiniii'itiis ot t-hari-.
liV I.MKK.
F. J. lOBCOt K.
IanufarUars, aiol I hop'-ale aiul ltt-
tail If cult i s ,
It nil it ii ic
Cosr.racrcial Street, Salem, Cre;on,
avk os hand ia: l.l;i:.i
a stock .,f
I Jii'isif ure,
Hoiiam!, and
To !.t found in Mnrhn C'.notr.
Alt kiii'l i-f rift are Ir.ooc?, Colons and
Ca.-k'-ts to ado t rder on fhort notice ami at
rf.'i.n.ih!e ra'o--.
Sii'em, M.tr-h I:!. tsTO. 4 tf
Ilcvoltif Ion in N;tlt i:i! !
Ch'crlasul Store
Worth of Dry Goods. Fancy Goods,
Clotru'agf, Hats, Boots aal Slices, at 5
por cent, arivanco on Atlantic cost.
I4oo(!h 2icciV4'l per C. I,
n. IS. irrif.
Trade at tho "OVEBLANu." where you
get tho MOST GO0D3 lor the
Importers aul Dealers in
Tin rialc, Nlicct Iron, Cop
per, Zinc. Straws 15 lock
Tin, E'oree anil lAit
Oast, Tin and Enameled Hollow
Ware, Manufacturers of Tin. Sheet Iron and
Copper Ware.
A prnRt vnriHy of HEM PANS. OAS. FIX
TUltHS. 1UON AN I LEAP PItfK. of nil
sizes, for (Jus, AVitter and Steam. Elbow?,
Tu, Hoturn Demls. jtop Co-kx. lMui, Uugh
inss, Ninnies, Rubber lkso, Hoso ripes, Rath
Tubs, Ac.
In all its branches done to order at tbo Old
Stand of II. STRANG,
Union Block, Commercial Street,
Ts. s
North-East Corner of
Main and Mill Streets, Dallas.
Will Manufacture and k'i-j CONSTANTLY
ON HAND a lare Astortatcnt of
Cousiitiug of all the
Utfually kept in a
AU of which will be made ot
I'AIRINti d-jue Vj order on tho shortest
Cull and exaiiiij'e our Work before purchass
iug c'rewLstro.
41-tf GKO. W. HOB ART fc CO.
MolIterM, I've Fountl It!
a n-FfiedrW will CUKE vur children
by n-moviijg the CA USE, and at last I cau say
Eureka." TRY IT.
This i. a pleasant antacid, and in larjre Jofc-s
Jaxaiivo; in .ui;tll de. an a-tritirent riieii
line; X',codiii,r!j useful in all bowel a!Tc ti..n,
tt.--i ly of children. It i a safe, certain
and etR-ctual rt-iiitdy f-jr Cholic, Iiibrrbum,
Cholera Morbus Summer C'cioplaint, llriv
Pail), .'-our St..!:i:u-b. Ci!.x i-iut Wind on tlij
St ,ta rtoh, Crvinj; mtl En-Uin ,f Children. In
IVtthiti, thtre is nothitifr that cijuals it. It
ttm (iiiw, and rvndcra Tt.-ethiui,' ta?j.
It i no huuibutr UK."di( iue, got up to i-xll,
but a rt-siUy valuat.io preparation, having been
in ue for M.veral yoarn it r:-oti;JUcnds ite!l.
lio not pivu your chiiirn the 'Vootbiug
M-rups," l..r thirj ktupify without d-Av any
ptriiiantrit pool.
1'npare 1 by
For Sa! by Jru?ffit. Tho trade supplied
on r.-asouab'e 'term.-?. Hundrtds of TtHimo
uialt can be given if ne . esurr.
13 tf liR. W. ATERHOUSE.
T!sis .Space
L V.
Boot a sic! Shoe Dealer
Ir..J. I. I, van !)ea Berg!!,
Irotn I'itiiI,i, the Client
Worm ExterminatorJ
Late of Fan Francisco, Cal. would inforni
the 'n k gt t. rally, that ab.ut forty years cx
t(i!ivc practice of mo ticino and urgery in
Europ; and the United States of which twenty
one h ive been in California, and close observa
tion and great experiments eouse to the cott
ebion that there are more ecato and
cbmnic diseases caused by " w..nn., hydadid?,
animaleulu or other species of t tit,oa. Tho
.ublic genar;tl!y, or tlie prfc.i t at laro, ar
not nwnro of tho number of patients who ars
treftfod by cttiiucnt phtcians for this, that, or
Mich a compliant without any relief. If th
disease had hem understood, a few doses of
Dr. V .V-rmiyn IForw lintinfj would hiXe
immediately cured the complaint, and Lava
Fave-d a groat many lives. Itr. V. has collected
a large variety of California roots aud herb?,
which, by analyzing, close observation and ex
tensive experiments', he can conscientiously cav
that he him discovered new remedies for sue
cestui cure for the following dirases :
jrCJ-Hy."1 pepsin. Chronic affections of tho
Liver and Kidnej f. first and second stages of
Consumption, White Swelling, Palsy, Speru.v
torrhwa or local weakness, Nervous Debility,
Epileptic Fis, Ilheuinatiyin, Neuralgia, Diarr
hoea, Incontinence d" Urine, Uratrel, Flor Al
lots, Diabetes, Dropsy, and all those diseases
which are known under the naiuo of Venereal,
such hs Syphilis, in all i!s forms, Gonorrhoea,
Gleet, Strictures, False Passages, Inflammation
of the Uladder and Prostrate- Glands, Excoria
tions, Pustules, Piles Piuip!.s, lilotehes, and all
Cutaneous Eruptions of tho skin. Cancers Tu
mors cured with or without operation. In re
cent Venereal Diseases, the Dr. effects a Curo
inlt to 5 daja or no charge.
For tho Eye, Ear and Throat, Dr. V. possess
es new aud invaluable remedies.
Dr. V. would advise thoso ladiea troubled
with irregularities of tho Uterus to try his
new remedies and get cured.
Dr. rau Deti KerghV Infalliablo Worm Syrup :
for children. Price, $1 Warranted to expel th
worm s, or tho tuoney refunded.
Dr. J. P. P. van Den RorghVt Hair Tonic
r sine curo to destroy all animaleula) of tho
Hair Follicles, prevent fulling out. and pro
moting tho Growth of tho Hair. Price 1 50,
Warranted. .
3y consulting ana underoinpr a simple
oxatuDiation, tho afflicted cau learn if their
disease Is caused by Worms or not ; at all
events Dr. ven Den liergh cau tell them from
what disoKso they arc suffering.
Consultations and examinations FREE of
charges iu all eases. Dr. van Den RergU
guarantees, tn all cases, to expel tho worm,
and Curo all diseases ho undertakes, or no(
Dr. van Den Bergh will remain at Salem.,
until the 15th of October next.
Office at the Opera House Black Salem.
28-1 m.