Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 09, 1871, Image 3

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    7om & cou.ttv nEws.
Money Market.
Latest New York Gold Quotations.,.. Ill
Legal Tenders in Portland:
Bujinj;.. 90 J Selling... .91
Oullas Produce and Commission Market.
Corrected Weekly, by 0. 15. Stiles, People's
Merchant, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT $1 00 iji hash.
OA T S 50o
llAULEY $1 "
"FLOUR $6 $6 50 bbl.
" Sks$l f2 $1 75
CORN MEAL 4;. lb.
riBANS-6o. tt.
BACO Sides. 1:5 15 lb.
" Shoulders. .S.v to 10c. lb.
H MS li I6e lb.
POUK Drossed, 6 cents.
Piekled, 8s. to 10c. lb.
BUTTER Firkins 20 (ft 25c lb.
Rolls, 30 lb.
"EGOS 25o d.
LARD Bulk, 14u; tins 15'
POTATOES Frora Wagon, $1 bushel.
ONIONS 5 cents pound.
APPLES Green, 50o f bhl.
" Dried. 10c lb.
CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 25c lb.
CHirKKNS 2 50 $ $3 p dz.
TURKEYS 75 $1 each.
WOOL 33Jc. $ lb
jZ&S Please notice this. Those in arrears,
either for subscription or advertising, will con
fer a favor bj calling and settling. It is a
small amount to each, but in the aggregate
amounts to a handsome sum to n?, and will
e nable us to make certain improvements
The Fall term of the Dallas School will com
mence next Monday,
County Court has been in es$ion during the
wreck. There was but little buiine-s ou the
We bearot considerable sickness through tno
country. Fevers ;md Diptheria seem to bo tho
prevailing complaints.
Mr. J. L. Collius, who w been confined to
his room for some time with a severe attack of
fever, is ii3.ua able to be out on the street.
As a party of our townspeople were on their
way home from the coa.t this week, William
Kennedy killed a lar;e black bear weighing
about three hundred pounds.
W. II. Catterlin is fittiug up his West Side
Car, preparatory t g 'i-i' to the Stato Fair.
He is in readiness to furnish a few more pic-,
tares for anyone wishing therabefuie he leaves.
The fire in the mountains near town is still
raging, and is doing much dam ige. Tti - gtc.ua
saw mill of Cox &, Clark is in imminent din
ger of bing destroyed. The machinery Las
been taken out, and everything U being re
moved that can be, to a place of safety.
We have on our table a beautiful Boouet,
presented by Mk. M. M. Dodson. This esti
mable lady has taken great p-tin to collect a
variety of flowers from all portions of the coun
ty, and we think we can safely say, ahe baa the
greatest variety of flowers in the couaty, tf not
in the State.
Mr. William Mc Cnne.of tin county, thrah
d twelve hundred and forty bushels of good
clean wheat from twenty-6 ve acres of land.
This is the bt.t .yield we have to report y-.t-If
anybody in the county can beat it, let us
bear from them, and if Polk County cannot
.furnish the highest yield of the State.
"Mr. E. L. Delashniutt has favored us with n
specimen of fine peaches, raised on his farm.
He also brought to town some of the finest
apples, potatoes and tomatoes that wo havj
peen in this market. Mr. D. i leading off in
the practice of improving farm stock and r -ducts,
and deserves credit for tho active inter
est he displays in these matters.
Mr. J. W. Crawford, former Clerk at tho
G rand Round Reservation wad in town Tues
day, ami reports everything quiet in that local
ity. Tho resignation of Capt. I.afolktte, and
the appointment of Mr. Rinehart temporary
Agent, has, of course, caused a change of em
ployees. Mr. Crawford is fupcrceded by a
gentleman whose name wc have not learned.
Linn County Fair. We acknowledge the
receipt of a complimentary ticket to attend the
fbove-named fair, which commences on the
26th of this month, and continues to the 30th.
The list of premiums ia quite lengthy, and tho
premiums themselves very liberal. Tho associ
ation have taken great pains to prepare their
grounds, and so arrange everything as to make
.the Fair a success. This we hope it will be.
At the races Wednesday, Whitley's horso
,was the winner by about twenty feet. Both
.parties were very sanguine in the outset, and
,30100 bet all the money they had, and all they
could borrow. We understand Whitley won
about fourteen hundred dollars, and didn't run
-much cither. Delasbmutts, aftir betting all
their money, bet " Portland" against what they
supposed iia equivalent of coin. After the
race, the " Portland" which was bet proved
not to be the city, but a favorite . hunting
hound which belonged to Jack Dclauhinutt.
Sir. Will Km Tatem, who lives about four
miles eust of town, informs us that on Thurs
day afternoon of last week, his barn, together
with its contents about twenty tons of hay,
nearly seven hundred bnahols of oats, seventy
bushels of wheat, and a considerable amount
of other property, was entirely destroyed by
fire. When first discovered the whole building
was in flames. The only way in which be thinks
the fire could have originated was by matches
keing left ir the hay by threshers who hod
lept there a few nkhts previous. Loss about
i,oov r
Tc I r&ra pluc 'nmisia iy .
Paris. Septemhi-r 4 U-in-j1 tho
first. aiinivrs:iry of tin; ' tl'iivnf ill f
the Empire ami projl I'liutiou of tlio
llepfiblic, mt.itarv r.tc.iutins w tv
taken :iir;iin-t ruty tniltf.iry ilitm n-.;ta
tion ; but tho tl:iy pisted ijuiotly ;i imI
u listurbanco.-j aro apprehou Jdl utty
where. Tho dmrming of tho Nntionil
(iinrds in tho cities of isoutlioni France
will bein on the lii'teenth iust. Troops
have been concentrated at points in
the South in .suck a in inner as to insure
prompt ohedie'iee to t ht law. As mmm
as the di.s imminent is e tinplete l the
state of siene will be rawl.
ths Assembly to day, the .Mi'ii
ter of War informed the Ohtmber that
a Commission hud ben appointed to
investigate the capitulations lurin," the
late war, ami that they would meet on
the fifteenth iust. It wiil investigate
the events in chronolnievil order, tak
in; U the surrender at Sedan first.
A Hill providing for a tax on new
papers was ad.tpted.
At n Itailway accident on the North
ern Railway in Franee ten persons
were killed and au immense number
Vienna, September 4 It is officially
stated that Minister Von JJeust, At
drassy and Iforennart will assist at the
Conference of Kmpcrors at Sal-bur
The Emperor of Austria leaves for that
city to-niurrow.
IJerlin, September 4. Uihlen ha
been relieved as (lovernur of Alsaee
and Lorraine and promoted to the rank
of tiem Til.
a.M..tTu, ..mTicu..- i ue '. mm
lan convent...,, met t-.-d y at Aider..
-are. .Messrs. W etim.ro. ot .New o k, :
Uevell, of Chia.-o, and Vui anem aher. J
i . i i t i t
ot 1 miaiielpma. MmweH tlie pr.ress j
of the Christian
Assoeiatiou in Atncr-
A fishinar schooner foundered in
Petit land Frith, and five persons
It proves that the number of police
injured in the riot ye-ferday was ex
aggerated Oaky ( were bully injured
and eighteen slightly. Tvventyevtu
rioters were arrested. There yvere dis
orderly persons in the stret ts all tiiuht
sinin Mditiotis Sottas The police
station is smeared with blood of the
Reilin, September 4. The Emperor
Wiliiatn, after his intervi-yv at Sals
burg yvith Empervr Francis Joseph,
will go to Munich, when? he is expected
to arrive on Frid y or Saturday of
this week.
Havana, September 4. Advices
from Avecib) to the twenty second u t
report a fearful hurricane at tLe Rah i
mas. The American vts-cls t',nie,
(j. V. V i'.iia ii. iitnl (.'aroliua. and the
English vessels Lily Rod and Nellio
Mows were yv reeked. A I h atids huved.
IIou Kng, September Ii A dis
astrous typhoon visited this city yeer
terday. Twelve vessels were drivam
ashore, an 1 mu;h damage yvas done on
Dublin, September f. There wis
fighting all night. The pobce wis
driven into their barracks, but received
reinforcements and charged the crowd
They were driven into their b macks
again. The rally was repeated several
times, but met wiih the ame resi!i
A bir ofiion throyvu fr-mi a public hou-e
led to the nteiing of' the hou' a:nl
ciptnring of the inmate An ;ttehipt
Wis made ti resct? them by the ni b
in which a ri t l i - v I l !i h -i-e
was completely w reeked oy tin; in ii to
frantic r.-ge. ii iH'of ri.e polo- en
gaged were irsjared. P. i-oi!er n r na
tionai songs all n:ghf. Tiieiv s yr-.i
-xcitcment, and iner-:inig ' Pro
fiteered, tol.ee hi-M'd, H'-.t w
It- I
t e l the rioters
Paris, Se;fe!is'.-r I - - fh p.
oi me mil to
til im: If
t t i r
tM.-bitjo- to thf I ifi't ii if i ,. ;, r-i i
. )
this City hi Ix'eO iM-i-c-eny,
The :iin n-hin.j: . ilU-o!n?I n
the N.itioniil (iu iiil x- I'-mti ;u-. it d
with jijiprcht'iiiittis !y iimuv. io i ' .
fcart-d tittt tlir- uH!.-i.inru will t it r -nv .
large number of men into the l itcnit
tional Jrfocioty.
There are xixty thon:i!il troops in
the city, , ConMnt putrol k;jt nn.
Lyons, Marseilles and linJeans an;
SlleiJ with troops.
London, September 0. A terrible
explosion occurred this morning in a
coal mine near Wigan, iti Lancashire.
Fifty persons wi re at work on n eam
of the mine at the t i in ft of the acci
dent and were cut off from tho outer
world. tt i.s feared all are suffocated.
A party sent down to ascertain I ho con
ditiou of the men who are in the mine
are still down audit U thought have
perished also. 'I he t o ghbut hno i is
thronged with relatives and acquaintan
ces of the supposed victims
The Dublin Sunday riot will prove to
have bcn premeditated.
The wounded Constable McCarthy
i.s dying.
The Earl of Derbv made a brilliant
speech on the land question yesterduv
at Liverpool.
Eighteen thousand persons sailed
from Liverpool in August to the United
It is reported that the Marquis of
Lorn is to be Governor of India and
the Marquis oi Laodsdowuo Governor
.of Irelaod. '
Tit- .Wsv V-ifk .. ' i.1'if in ;t r--
(.-('ill.' !Si;.' iif(lt i
i.-ivur jT i i .t'tr
i t '.m I 1 ir .;" f ur I in-
Am 'ii; oilier things it re-
in ii ks :
" I le in iy; nt have sihTi - l a!) th.'
p ilitiei ins a task whi- h n i! l b.dlle
the wits of an arhan'd ; v-;; he ureit
heart of the Republican pait i wilb
(leneral Grant, as a tin. man and faith
fui executive ; and, unless he shou'd re
verse his antecedents, it will stay there.
The Democracy will h ive to hunt for a
candidate ; but the Republican party
wil! m-eil tn ilo im liuntiuir- i tic mm
fur the hour is already furnished to its
hand. Though we expect to support
wh t ever e indiilate the Xati mal Re
puMietn Convention may select, we
take this opportunity of expressing our
iiiinioii , iiud it is. th it I Jlv.s.ses S tl rant
the man whom the t'.c ppilt of the
pirty y v i I deni an I, and wli un it- vniet
"vill re ! ef to a M'cnd t.-rni of Hie
Presidential service. The politicians, if
any there lie. who i le I'atniili or Imp.
in otln rivi.e, had better clear the track
and prep ire for the re. -.tilt.
Till: AhtMNK. -U.iud-o.iiC as have
been iill previous numbers of th s
marvel of cheap art workmanship, the
number now before us (for September)
excels them all. and fully bears out the
statements made at the b-innin of the
.. . i i ! i. ... ... i. . i
eai oy us jiu in i-iieri :ii;il no jiihii
shoii'd be spared to maintain the hili
exec lie n-.' they had then attaiuul."
Ti:e enjr.ivins in t!ti- number ale reabv
-ii'irrb, and
m ll iusfaucei
Mle ll u'.Vii t;( ,.. ' he l.ter.irv tn itt r is
I1(,r . c(lt -i-aioii.- th .it unal, and all i
(1ji(1V,t 1 M1)M-nlh !s at -SJ .'D a ye n
wjll(.;, a, i,u.;u,i...s a ,.i, e'.rou
ui,,m. 01 (j j.i,. tlc ,IilM,t.v. The
prospect ii! fur next year is in the pre.-s,
and We believe that it is the intention
of it.s enterpri-in; pub!i!i rs to make
the Aliline fur the e -minj; year s t il
aliea I oi uhat it is at present, as it is
now :!i. -ad of ail other public ition
The Publishers are .J i- button iV Co.
Mueity St.. New Voi k.
A Mfrti l.y!ntn.! Man. litre i.-
an ;u'e -tint ttoin an Xs hane of a mm h
marrieil man vvho ii id a Very lively run
of I nek :
Ve hive fieijii.-titly In urd of men
who h id ill luek in m u ri ie;'but Th -s.
l'iam-is, of Alb m y, It n l-cn p.it!i u
Lnlv nuf .rtu at in f it it. n-ltttoti. U
f i -t Wile killed licreff ol yei a.;
9 JCtrs after ids M-coml -p ot-i; r,.n
aay from hsin, and died in deuiiit:on
to IHmim; t y e . rs I it ter Ins i h u d en
Mrt w; s dr iwn d In his feu lb
h;l neite W i k die 1, an 1 h -.hivmg been
eoiivifted ot lie iii'irder yv ; -it to
nristtu for I fe, hut par lone 1 out. in 1
anottier u. e.ei" the ut.U ptrim-r ol his
hoom in sd-n.ini y di s i ;i : e,.re i ; and
very recently tie ."'sxth wedded id d
irs soul sought p.' icr an 1 oblivion In
hanging herself' to a Led pot.
X-W Y ork, eigir -tores muv project
the figure of a yMing gentleiiiin in a
dre-siug g ivvii. wi'h id hi ie sitle whi--ki-rs
Th i h s erode l olf the trad.
tioii.il Indian, Negro, gsri of the p rmd,
and (Jen ir.ur.
acid paper, which is n -v m o-h
packing I roh m.-ir-i, fir l he
I :'( -e t S ' : ii g t In-,n t : i ; nt
m ele 1 V ue 'bin;' 1 ii o
.i. a
i e le i?, and I ion
J -, - V ; t ; - . e .- i . .
t u ' i 'i !
i !; ii .
li u- ,.!e f.
"e- U e 1 -
it il
e! :
. ,
: i :
i .1
u f i . : i
W ! ' h
', il : e
; i ,-
'I Ii!
? il
i - ;
iii i i :
v : 1
a ie
-Ah ! tn
nilii i j ",
b-'-r (1 !'"'
ii -: :.
' .1 i) ( l ' ; feit
ir.i ' Ml UitW .t fis-Mv'ri I'l. "
ty ink le-l lr t;iik r -iii'-i' wiili
t leit Jiele.j; r.t.-f. ii.it- rl'.-niv, i,itd w.a
e"A :!i t' ;'!.! vo-tii!i'-.x - .iiiiti 1 1
; , i i v -
t-r-i .-!eni! I niwiv ii-k (or tlin i-'imi-bi 'Vah
jiroj.cn-e.l i.y It ii.iii ni ,t Ki:iii. S. Y.
T.io !a;aach iiiiit the S.ivee
are t.bo i'ii -rt i t orms e! lie... ini.lv,
ler lie, litii ti r .ii-.i m -. K,; i tie. in t r . n
f ie r
vie.,riH, a ltd all will bu vell ; uie-vv th h :
bii etl-urlereU mik.I th ) wii il..s nyxiuia in iei.
lh-istxl'rt Hiiifti.iini; nii.1 ,uai io.jie.1 IMI
aie jin-an:.l exire-ly to a-t on (lie liv.-r ttiu.l
ptoinach. Kvery biii-m-i di.voriK-r ami "V...ry
tl raiiKutiiotit nf tho iiiplivo lunclioim aro
coutr'WtiMl uml ftruiitbeiiud by Uiimo iwn jfrcat
riincilit.:-!. 5sti.
It in sai l that if a u!T of ai,- ,v iro to bu
blown into a vein of aii uniuial, .Jealli woul.l
iinttaiitaiiuoiHly follow, bi -au-io circulati u
wottl.l bo Mop 1. Tin; blood in ikm tho toitirj
circuit, of tlu hum in li .dy c v. ry ncvcu iniiiiitc.-
a.el wh.viovvr tuii ciii-ui iie.i, h imp uIm 1, or
a;.y of ie i-liaiiiit.h aro clo -,1 !,y ini.untio.
wlii ;ii oulit to b cari iod i if li.-.;asi i ovtr,
or a . dm -n-dcrd of tli ; iivuror ktdiuv. T j;r.f
l.i, or .ly-jHii.-ia. Tojr;t u( nnd r. iu.v tl.c
fourco ol lliy diMi -luty, th old aii-l luiaii
blo iiriiii.r, iJii. VVai.k.ck's (Jamiuh.ma Vi.ik-
ti lt litTTt'.KH
orty oar i.:x,,,., itMI,.e h,.,v test, d
tho virtuoM of ,-. W, ,, !(, f Wid
Vh-mj, and the rusuk fut a h tlu l."if.i rum
cdy txtant lor rmiiUMiwiry and loo- diM-uMiH.
ubriicmg a wholo r.ji.-o ho,,, a f .x. ,...id to it
Bottled . connbiuiitliii. Vire itnot for H
utorits, it would long einco huvo "died, and
jaade no sign." 213-w,
Ojfl -e, .. (t jnmt sircct,
UK L T'sTATK in tl,i CITY nod
KAST I'OHTLANMHn if.m.Mt doirablo h.-c.ilii'-.
c ny'H!iT of LOTS, II ALT tihOCKS
ar.dlSLOCKS. IDUSKS andSToltKS; al.n,
IMl'ltOVHl) FARMS, nd valuable
uncultivaii-d LANDS, l.,cated in ALL parts of
the STATU f-r SALK.
KKAL FSTATR and other Pr..p.-rtv
iiiirc!eid for ("orrcp ei b-nt-i. in thi- CITY
,-,nl ilir-u-Iiuut the STATIN mil T Kit ill -TOitllN.
w'-th '-,. a f:ir nti l on i!iu inot
LKCTI'D. And a S.fif-ral I-'INANCIAL and
A(!i;.NTCY li':SLi:SS tr.i.Ha-ted.
ti i: rs ,,f t, oi fum:. in ,,n ii,,.
C'TILS ;,.,. roWNS ii ih STATK. will
r-i- d--r;!.!.m of V l!M lM'.Oi'!" KTY
and I'Titard lb" ;'lil-. ! tlej nhiv; addrcrfe.
i t
U-0 f !U70
l'I3 0Lfv5t A .
HOW f v't iu: IT.
t l'i" ' -H o -i -mu -at f th-i !i iri'i i. whii-'i
;i ! w v . J
-,- h- an aM.ti-k f th. 'b ". ri. t.tV.-
a tf-,ip -io : ul of Iun IC t ' ! -. r t -i a-.;:ir aa 1 in-t-r,
(iet if i't) v tMtirtit. i o:d t'.t'tt frei'ly
ti ft-Ti-fb iin j '''!! with ibe I'.elu li' -f-r
t-lcar. Slioii'd tin; dsarrbt or c-r.uii --nlimi-rp'-xt
t!o liiMi- i-ry 'n or tittvi-u ititMt:- un
tii p.tio-!it i r-In'Vf . la -ir-!ii" i
twt or lii-nu t!.a4-uolitai. Ui-.iv lie jikiu at a
Thf 1' iifi Ki!'-r. a. i r--ly. 'ba no t-oti il.
fie..:-. t t'ii : t. S'lo-o-r t' -oi;! liss' . I v -
1 1 .-i i. l . uU r . A?bio it it - i'i on.-
l.iku- it if.t ruin, sm i li.ti'oiog with ii
!. lv. It i-'H -n it i i-m-. h ii -xtrm;-
i f iij'oh-l to 1 r-. l.tiri. S, ,1,J.( .-,ni
S';f4,ii I'.-r 'e-k I ! i t i i e . 1 I ..o:l.,t he
d .'t t4:l t try tt. 1.; ; ?. it i a lt Kn t.-
it;r--t"ft "".;;' f-e-b lio't!.-,
"Iti. i Ki. '-l It k l i !- il.l dv.iU r 1?! Mil
1'ri - -. '- r 'i' 1 SI j! r b t i..
l.v iio rai.i tli-.iith.
who t ;iv Kr-co tav.-r ' i by f :r . v . ! , 'r-..:
-.niit-.ii i, an 1 t inr..ii., fr ti-.i arc a,.t t-
i.. i.-ct ihrt i-rweuJ-..K't t.i-.-e--.ir v t . s ers, i vt
iln- i r,- i oi
- . ...,.... I 1 1 , .. .
' it .... in j
Site in .r; bi i'env .net r 'ut Mel
tie- in o-
u- l lo m 1 t , ;'i i.-t ov-'
s by b i -.Mr.- I'.'t i cM m i t he. u i-n ;il j
iv. s,;:. f -;.. t know t i , f!e V ct I ii n j
i ivi .,r. .- i ei -U..1 !.. i v ,i i.iti-T uo '
I i.- lie ',. Ll.ii i.'i. II - i, j.?i-' I ul flu it !
e h, !. Hilt; l I h f. it- r !. , i - I
t lilt', a" 1 Vlo;-i -w-i fiotM dt-f - :'el
ISM!! , t i,f Hi o t j,t. . o.- i 'l T l',.S'i.J tl .if"' I
.,it-h t-it'tutt ( !oi;-p..i.: iin.iit-e,Vv- r..v.iiiu r- j
uiiie, io l .it i .,( r .i iv- j
It i u-.t (" in o h t . s y t ieit ! -re t'i.iti U i!f ;
the (' oil- of the en j!i. I w l ! 1 l.t-od Tl o.'.- j. J
lopiil t..ll.', t' e i,,l. - til- ill to oej...t Hit j
jiir i ii iij.'Mi t!e-sr 'i -.ii - -t'i'i m:ni, wij i -o n..-
f.ir.t Stt.i of liiH r- .! x ..ft-.-i-:M. In f.o-t,
a 's;re. iooi- 'tii-v. i:t. .--'o..- toi(- !h-
i;r,HI i -1( ier.t'i-.ll of !)j. i'(- V tlllMlO-l-, illld
trie v h ii V - the ;iri !: Kl H ' iet Ir rV ,s;-mi i.-l.
Ititt-Tii. It t- il ' .itiiiteii li! ii inr, i. f i! i,-!,-
,'ir!- p. rm ti t-tit str ntb t w.- tk !y-tt.-,n :nd
illV-irafru .let I -.t t l-Oif illl'I'I'H ll r.'--"!t ,
si -it ii it t H. m:ch b a,- i iii V iii"r--;ed '- -
rtuvt: Jr.-j. if - tl ii ! v.
o r.u
sin ftr ;i - tli ! ' s
t'. ! )) I. . o i
if e
i i mi r
1,1 t;..
i , or !' t;n
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. il. ..I
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I I- i 1 .
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3,i j . i r f
mi. ati , ,
' :; . -! i ' e' e Aliei. ' f
s t ieMii Nil ti(it..a:.
il . er e ert !iv l'iie. tie -.
i ..; i to ;ii .r s r;, wi l c eil'.-r a
i y p ;;. iu i'l1 '.e;.i I. '.y.
A friend iu uc-el, tj i ttien 1 in 1 1.
ASA miui.vi;.
2 nm
i3i:in! Brt f?I iimficturer,
Having established a First CIa
liookbitidt-ry in Saicin, i.-i nmv
fjf . 1 ... l . .il e
M. lie. I ill III! an UtilOllCl Ol
work known to the trade.
Magazines. Newspapers and Music Bound
ia any doir.'d Style.
Old Books Re-Boitnd.
BLANK MIOKS'of every description, with
or without Printed Heading, Manufactured to
BLANKS of every kind Ruled and Printed
to Order.
In Uri.wold' lSlock. 2.'5-fm
gp not fuf'i-it;iit tttim to collect all my
lit iraiy. All - r. on-, tliercforc, who have any
of my ! -ok Iu tlunr )ion5iri)duii ar hereby
r. qm sted to leave tlieat at the Utci i-iil.tc N
Ollice. i'y w -doiuj they wiil coutVr on tno a
Kroat favor. W. C. W11ITSON.
. 15-3m
81 K A I I U K A B!!
llEieaiicr than Ever ! ! !
H()I.Ti:it, WOUTLEY & CO.,
Have removed thoir STOCK OF WOODS to
li.Ulii, and nr fonwtantly reeviving NKW and
Vi;LIi HKhMCTlil) (JOOlrs", consisting of
Jadles' Dress autf Iancy CJoods,
3Ieu and Hoyh Clotlilng",
Hats and Caps,
ItjoU and Shoes,
I.adit'! and Chlldretis Shoes of every
Mjle and size.
A full Stock of i roc cries fonstantly
on hand, al.tu Hardware and Crockery.
Woolen CJockN Manufactured at the
1-Mleudalo Mill, such aa
Headers, Ca-i meres. Hard Times,
Ivvteds, I'lannelr, and ISIaiikets,
Vv'hieh Wis ofi',;r at Wielt-walo and Jlctuil.
1 1 t r jr a d-.ir5 to be-rsto fx-ruiantntly in
IhilLi A, v. ill l..,il fairly and jtt.-tly with al!
wh may f.ty.ir n with tber -.'atronaft. M'c
wi!! t'S'-ii:it;.:'.' oii I .r f'onntrv" I'roduce, for
w!u L v. lit yiy tii-j iiiTjjt i'rioo.
C:lng on your Eggs arid Batter.
I .-r 7 U&
1.1 . . ........
-.-.'! ; t -?.Tt''i ef ?;: ? l i5:f-ir lac t-ort.
i l f v'v'v Arr:vr"l " -i-'-tir, .. ji-.t-a In
I i ; ; i '.St.v.t art !) i.i"i- rr Hti
... ,r-,.;t ina htU Mii-tltdWISOl.t-
;.v. i; :t i. liYtnt r.
I - - -- !) . , liiir i M!-rf'.e:n','S
v' n r r: i -'v. j !' ' ' !!'-' . i .'o.aii.--,
. ; ;-e ,.;.: i sjuki : Hi i ,.r,
i - - v ::.; , I I 1: 1'H yti.ll
; f.i.s,i -i M -tIS,
Ve, v. r r t !wr't Oaii I'rlcts, and
,., !!: i ; t - u..s.. th..a.
::. ic::ai i & c., t ri:Aci?eo, Cal-
I'Olt SAM;
l-'t.mei-i-o. (.';.'. Aii. r osir I't ft wi-he-, and tx
j.r. '-'ut our thank 'or th h', ral ..t' riiia
w.- havo i:..t-i r-l for tien than 21 yt-ars, dur-
j ,j: w'hifh i.vriod have Litti a-tt--lily tu
i -'.icd in tL-t lirn buio.." in Oaltforoia, we
. i- in roiij-vjiince of the rajdd jjrowth
la lr. Vt ..iker' aiit'ornia V 'invur liit'eir,
I :,.. : a tad over the t uitt-d JsUtiis and -oun-
' -f... ! I- i .-ve. i, wtr ;ir nn-?iS.it .-d lo i'itvol
j ,ir et.tir-: lion- t' aid huh''r-.
st an- tl..- til l.:t Ins rirrn on the r.-M
; .,;..J i ; , .. ,.,, v. Oil-, t -oi. t ; "iu-.u - li'eUr tie-
h fj;:," .r--rt.t-r mice is-t'.', at.d have An
m i,,.,!,,: ! t - - il ur i4t;u( j roj crou, aud mc'.i
. . ' i'' 'i -I" iii-.rt . ii t.voraiiv! Ur:u-.
i , nit- ot i.rtiiiit v f'.".r men with
. ...... ...... if-
j -.;-... ej luririn ifo a rotit.ahe busiuv
i , .'.) ii !i in' ji ::.'Ol h-l-rc Ktlvrod. '
j j.-fj ,VUI) i V hK .!,. iru s'tt .
i J. '- i-i it. fan t'ratit-i-ce, Cj1.
! X. V. i i.t l a f.U i made we rhall cm
! ti!on, ai d keep a lare ft.rk
.lie)-..- ..,1 ...
oflr !i e if oi.ii.i.w.i iy ou hand, aud H-il at
j.t ii.'CiS t j ..;y e.uij ci it.vii.
Th: (lr?at ZU'Cte&l Discovery!
r. v;Ai.::rr.'3 oalifosnia
-'.J Handreds of Thousands
" licar .'!!mf.nr to thHr Wonder rr
c' tal Ciu-ativo Effect. 8 2
1 . to
to. M
r. .-. a
ft r-O
63 F A NCY D R 1 N K,r
Vab ef Vaav Ituni, Wlil.kcy, Troof
t-"rirlt unit Ilcfiic tiqiiwrm doctorcd,sriccd
a .1 HWcctrncd ti jtleas.i the tasto, railed" Ton-i:-?,"ArrctUtrs,M
" nctitorcrs," C, that lead
t'.;o t pp'.or oa ta dnmUennoss and ruin, but aro
a true Mcdtclno.madrt from the Native Hoots and
lirrhnof t'aHiornia, I'rre from nil Atooholio
Miiuulnn:. They aro thetJUKAT IILOOI)
ITtrit tr.Ji nn l 1.1F 15 itVINi PUIN-
I PI. 15 u I" rf ct ICctiovator andlnvljorator of
t.i ' 5- j -tc;.'., carry Irg ctTalt poisonous matter and
rc- t-Min- tho lIoa to a healthy condition. No
p rs -,;, tri tbepc I'i'tcrs according to direo
ti t and i-v-maiu Ion;; nnwell.
I "or I:i!i:iniiii:.ioij- nnd Chrouic Kbrtt-mrttl.-tu
mid tJont, 1 wprpnia r lndl
u:-tiwit, Ititioux, ISrmiltrtit nnd lntcr
luiii. ut Frvi'm, Dinrnwn of the Itlood,
t.lvc;-. Kidneys, nnd IUnddrr, theso lilt
tci ! I.iiv ; bv-e:t luobt Kucccpsful. hitch Pis-ranp-i
r.i w r:'.ne t by 'it tntrd Itlood, -which
fa ee i-ra'.!y j-i-uilacd by dcrautfemvut of tho
IKite-t I vo OrirnitH.
It-Md.iclto. Pain la tit's Shoulders, Cough. TUrht
ia-.i ( tliO ("nest, I);;.j:inef.i', Sour Eructations of
tlt-jf-t-.inach, lt.nl tuslo ia tho MmUh Billoit At
tack?, !"&:-.!.: IS-incf the Heart. Inaamasatlon of
the l.u P ila la th-Teutons of the Ki duey,and
ahau.hvd other ,a.tiful dymntouts, arc tho off
l j . ri ;r o f I y ; ;i c .
T'a y I iv!srr;:t;' the- Stunnch and filimulate tho
torpldlivcr and hew vl-i-h i n-lertheai of na
eiua!li d rfU -ary 1 i rlcaasintr t!o 1 l'od of all
ini-urUl. An. lururliag new lii'o a. id vigor lp
tho wholj pystcia.
FOR S ti 1 N I) I H K A S f.S, rrn-.tic,nr,Tet ter,
jsalt Pheuni.r.iotchea. S p..t., flmjU f. Puntulcf.
Boll.t, Curbrtneln, IMii-Worun, fTcald-Ilead, boro
Kycs, r.ry. ly. :,i tc'.t, f'ourf., Ulscoloritioti of
the f-'ui-i, HaiuoiH na. I JKnoaact of tho Skin, of
whatever name or uatur , nro literally dug ut
and carried out of tin pyityin In a rhort time ly
the 'if.0 of ttit jij Ihtiets. One boukt in such
cuiioH will convince liie moi--t lacrtdulous of their
CteaiiHo th.. Vit iated Bl"od whenever you find
lti i.npurilics lom Uii)? thrown tho skl't iaPliu
pks, IJrup'.tefii or Pores; cleani: it. when you
Hud H obstructed nn f1n;ir. in tiia veins;
-rleauR-.i It whim ItlU'-oil, ami your feclintrs w-l'.l
tell you w I on. Keep tho blood puro and thu
heaUh of thy pys .n W ill follow.
riX, TAPKuad other WOStMS, lurking in
the i-yUemof so many t'ua-tds. era effect uaiiy
dest royed and removed. For full dlMctlotw, read
carefully the eJrcnlsr nronnd cnchtwt'.lo.
,T. WAbKEH, Proprh tor. It. II. McTlON'At P A
CO., Druggtata and (len. Agents, Pan Tranelsco,
Calaud oJaudSt Coiuuieico Struct, Now Vorlc.
C c c
tit - ' Kh
Front Street, one Door South o
Post Office.
Dallas - - - - . Oreg.i..
difierence between articles of TINWAK IJ
in;iiiufiietured by nie, and that made by miiim-fac-turera
in Portland and tither large cities, fur
shipment, I have on hand both my own rnakt
wild ul. that of factory make, so that oo.l.
may take their choice. My etoc-k cuiiebtx in
part, of
Stoves of all kinds,
Copper, Hi-ass and Iron IVare.J
Wire work of all descriptions,
Sheet and Galvanized Iron,
Stove nailers, Tea Kettles,
Milk Pang, Dippers,
Xard and flutter Cans,
'Wff Heaters,
Japanned Ware a gencrl Assortment,
Cooking Spoons, A variety of Gem Fans,
Porcelain lined Stew Pans for Fruit,
Broiling Fixtures of New and the Most
Improved Patterns,
And in fact everything that can be found in .
lirt c-uss Tin and Slov 3Uru,
Job Work
Neatly Dons and Promptly Attended to.
SO -tt T. B. NEWMAN.
IV. II. TEAL & Co.,
Ur;is:oii A: arriaj?c Makers
Are on hand with their WAdtJONS and BUG
iI!.S at their old r-tand this spring as usual,
mid intend to cell them very cbctp for Caeh ;
the Prices ranging from $1.'!0 to $1S0.
They bav alo on hand for fale plenty of
vrgon luatcrialr:. (jive him a call and tee them
All kind of work in their line done to order.
All kind!' of Hlack-niithing done cn ebort
iioiit-t;, and in a wurkwunlika manner. Horse
Phoning $2 60, cash down.
Thankful for past patronage, they solicit
eoiitinuauce of the tame.
9 tf Dallas, May 6, 1871.
On and after Feb. 10th, 1871, the rate will
be a follow :
ror each Wagon and Span of Horses.. 25e.
for each additional II ore
r r i-a-h HiTfts nni Bujry 25e.
r five eroeidnjcs m Horse and Bogjry
when (.iii.) in advance $1
For each Man and Hort..... 25e.
Or .-is cro-.ins,'iiM in idrancc $1
For .';i :h person on Foot..... 12 je.
Or twelfo croyfitujn, ai J in advance ...?1
Pot ea"hdo!t Anima!.. I2Jo.
For twelve ditto ..$1
Tor each Hoj, 8heop, or (Joat..' 4c
For each 100 ft. of Lumber not in wagon... 12i
For each 100 lb Freight 12 J
; 41-lV
iTAiii.i!iu:n ihio.
Ernest A. liRI,AiSO.
1K ALEtl IS i
Drugs. Chemicals,
Essential Oils,
Dye Stuffs and
General Merchandise .
Jly the Package Only.
Casdt Orders for this or any Foreign Markt-e
will receive prompt and Faithful Attention.
I liters. 31anulacttircrs and XV holes a e
Trade supplied for CaMu
Nor. itiee .r aiention paid to Order for Goods,
if there is no provision made for the payment
of the taiLC.
Terms Net Cash, on Delivery, In U.S. Gold
N. B.-Consignmcnta of Oregon Produce,
Grain, Wheat, Flour, &c, Solicited.
45 ti
AcV5 (floods! IVeiv Cioods!!
Wo respectfully call the attention of the
Public to our Well Selected Stock of
Latllc' Dress Goods
Ladles' and Misses Ilatt,
Gents Furnishing Gooda,
Gloves, Gaiters, Etc
School Hooks,
Stationery, &c,
In fact Everything Found In a First
Class Hetail Store.
We can assure our Patrons that we will be
up with the times.
Come and Examine our Stock before pur
cbasdug elsewhere.
Country Produce taken in exokange for
Gooda !
N. A. J. D. LEE.
Dallas, April 22, 1871. 1-tf
Hvy CiJooils, Clothingr.
DIXIE - - - - OKEGt)N.
- 206m