Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 02, 1871, Image 3

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Latest New Y .r". 'Uld Quuta-ms.. Ul
ijfinJ Toil lir; hi 1 r;l ot I:
r.a 9 i sciiui- 01
Oilla i'.-tLi.rjaaUJvaaiHKi "x-
Corrected Weekly, by tr IJ Stile-. People
Merchant. Mam Street, Dall a, Oregon.
WriEAT SI 00 bash.
tt.U' 7.'e
KL'JUt.-$f B bbl.
" Sk $1 75
COR MK ,-4i.B.
KHAN." 6 j $ lb
IJXOO.V Si k. I I 15 lb.
lirl!..r., ,S- I . lil$. fo.
II t ' lb '
tlv -il-j-. l. a t,j u-
Pi-klol. 8M. l.'h- $ lb.
B U ' r r E P. - F i r k i n ' ft fa "it) ; ft lb.
II .l!s. '.'5 tb
Kfir, -. !
l.iD-!Iiik.73F; 15
I'or TO Fr .in U r$ bushel.
DN'IONS . tea's "p ill.
A Pi'Lti -51 re n. :ic ,3 bhl.
Dfijl. Id- tb.
cuv:r:-n?ow orj;..t. 20 23j n.
iMiiKKX-; -i mi 03 s: "fi a..z.
TUllKKY" 7i t --ncli.
JtUtKli PLII-. 1.: J tb.
wool r; !b
,rir Plena noiiee thii. I'liosa in arrears
it her for -itb$eript on or a tverti.Miij, ill !
fer a fivor by enllin a I 8;ttiin-;. It is a
Kin all niii-uuit to eaih but i 1 the aggregate
amounts to a handsome siin to us, and will
nable ua to make curiam impravtui-nU
Business directory. Those in crested in tho
Imsi ic-s ot our no' ti ' can glean something of
the hui ie.ss 1 bcrj by referring to our
44 noti.o of u'li'ertiers" in another column.
"Hera we go again" win. h best pictures
in tho State a, the West Sx'e Car Those who
don't bolieve it en r.iU aa I i'm .theiUJelves.
One door e.t of tho (Vi-ti r ' Flu.
W. II. Cat'erlin hereby informs tho public
that ho woulJ like to e-jrj a 1 1 .'r one. of
hi laaj;hter, ae I 1 1 years in a go nl family
hiving no small !i Mr m I liv'm in or
c!o?e to somj tvi w icro li ; coul 1 have a 1
v.mt.igca for schooling.
Atnng the visit iri . 1 t in during tho week
wr3 (Jen. Palmer anl Cbarlei- Whi'e, frnni
Siletz, J. J. D ily fr.:n I! 1 n Vifta. Willi mi
Jli I w ty, ass.'tr of Polk County. Hon. Den
11 iy Ion an l in my t 1 -c ui.i th jin sev
erai tr in -.,r.. 3 mi of w a m were- lately from
jthi? Jv'i.t taking a vhm of tha country.
Oe:t. P ihn ;r, A 3nt at fi.i.-rr Hcerva
i a. w n in tr.t on Wrc !nesliy wiglir. II?
i:i.".-ii 1- K11 cronj 1:1 t 10 11 riv'J vati 1:1 arj
exu'Wet', i'J rv..-ry i'i 1 r i in a llu(ihing
cm litt 1 1. ;1j r x . . t iliu Sik tz
wn! 1 coiu'ii te 1 r 'iji.r 1 1 m . w.-r for the ie
"f t!c : 1 i.-t 1 .
Oe m Phitlin. . Z-tn 1 ? .. ;ing with
the 11 bbios Traveliig T 1 ?b '! lny la-"t
wjak, in 1 one of hU 'e ;t badly t 1 e I in lliu
cylinder. le ir." werj M't t.i'ui rd tb if. i'n , ta
tio 1 w . I l bo "iCos sry. ti-t aer if
m r j favorab!o, 1 d ' i' '1 ' j i ' mi re
c vjr with .it any td. n ; If .-i v rn '
of hi ' v
Yii have received .Yo. 1 of b 11; 1! E iM:
Cit- -i tr "f f..is.s:i : A A I-Vrry. of Sab ns
wliieii nf itii- :!i ' bipity rcconnt if i'ie
fi"i!itie f T 1 ''-. gl .ltd ( tsi - .1 1 n -t
"f-s (f 0 -') It v- g-iiif'y'' to ;be in
t rest r ,.it i m t .if it. 1 our real ota'o
dvnleri in ixhibii'mg i!it a IvnnMgtn f o ir
Under tbo c.x'U ?.cnt C i-ct by tlio an
nouncemcnt that Ben. HoJ.'adjy !i 1 i bougM i.fT
the P. T. Co., and ih .t the frt-i : ' t.nil would
b- rai'd, w'j if djcMn-l ! fO cent per
bushel during the ftiro part of the week. This",
however, wa only Kmpor iry, a it mon rose
to its for ikt figure., aod U now jetdling readily
At a dollar.
Fireg are iii r i-i 1 in bv mo int lii.a b ck
of town, and loncid.rab'e !'.' if b-igiin
tained tiiereby. OAs vxwx nitno l Blu livvorth
lost seven thouan 1 n.JW r ailJ Tuosdaj night,
and quitd an am unt of rails and other f roperty
'n i t i iiiiiinent dagar of boi 1 tlc-ifroyed,
u it. j a liujjly ri 1 sit i! l c kiio t eboc!t tbo
fury of tb li.-j. Tiu ''. m i distinctly si tn
froio t v 1 luring i'i-.- night, aa I i 1 dajtiuio tho
i.- is 11 lod i t It tnko.
Polk County o rwi.ud . Tho man Parker,
who was comuii.tjJ t jail la?t wjck f-ir steal
ing blankets frto tho Allendale Mill Company,
broke jail Sun lay night and fled, taking tbr.o
pairs of blankets from the jail belonging to tbo
County. He eejined to have a mania fur blan
kets, and as tbo Kile ndalo Company wai too
jnucb for bim, he concluded to try his luck with
tho county and see if be wjull oma off us well
AS others who have fallen into tho bands of our
county lately. Tbe cxpeiiment was eatisfao
lory (to bim), for tbo winter will toon be here,
and be has bis blankets.
A man wboso name wo have not learned came
kito Polk County during tho foro part of the
week selling the metallic white wire clothes
lines. Our officials were consulting tbo propri
ety of detaining biin for selling without a
license but be "smelt a mice," and left. Tho
same day be left, a man named Riley, from
Salem, oame In and undertook tbe same game,
but the authorities were bound to be quick
enough .'or bim, mid xo had a writ served on
bim at once. He consulted Ben. llayden, who
said tbe law required six days' notice before
the servlco, and told tbe man to leavo bim a
few of bis lines to lighten bis load, and "git;"
ADd be "got' leaving the county the eame day.
Telegrrapiiic Summary.
Paris, August 28. In Hie Aom
lly .M- lUvot. in ihe tepnt of th
0 tnu t tt'i! upp'Ktitcd to emptier the
r'n r( li jim'.ii itr.rt ut' Thiers' jMvvor.
ru'lu lew by Mibniittiiiu; the I'oSlovvitiyr
it'o: tie a l e '.mi in .mi iiiij its utiwptiii ) :
'l'h; Ass.Mi!!y tMiisitlcriii irwlf e.-i-n
le i t.i e iin-titutit p.iwei-i which h:ive
i". ' mi I'XvT ;ieJ, .m!tfy l'm u fii ?
ul eireu ii sia ices, anI ttHiflerin
ihit iiitviiiwhile tin? relative .strife exist
oig iiistitutiiMis icijuire ic to J.-ca
First h tf Tlner t ikes the (ill.? ur
President, it ml co'ttinnes t exercise his
executive piwur uu ler authority ! the
Assembly Seeiuul, that the Pre.-iJout
pruinn jjitc an ! ensure the execution of
ilie laws p.issoil by the Asscuiblv; tint
he resnMes ;it the scnt of the AsseiubU
tn that he participates in its cleliliura
tion on viiii; nntiec of his uiteiiuuii.
.m l that lie apjiouitor 'lisaiis Min sters
aul l.o responsible to the Aseinb!y for
his acts." Pui'.iure declares that rite
decree lacks expression of conti ieii'-e
in Thiers, and oiovc l that it be auifud
ed by the ad litio 1 of an eulogistic para
i:t h. After a Kent of jrreut exeit
oient the debate on cou.-iderat ion of the
report was set I'or Wednesday. It is
reported that the coin in ttee had previ.
ously considered and rejected Diil'oureM
amendtneiit. 'the .situation is critic il.
Madrid. August 2S. Kui Amedem
and the Crown Prince ot Italy reviewed
the troops. ye.terd y.
An Amnesty for political olf'tices
will be issued in October.
IJcilin, August 8. Tlie Pru-siau
Ci-ot" Gazelle cotilirnis the repot that
a second meeting of the Genu in on I
Atisliiau Emperors Ins been arraigned
and tatcs tiiat it wid take place prob
ably ou September seventh, at Silss
bur-:. Emperor Francis Joeph will
bo accompanied by Von IJnest, to e n
lirm the bus's laid at Gisteiu. for relic
tions whereby Genu my and Austria are
to assume a juiut altitude. Italy h is
unciMistiHitionally agreed lo the .sum
policy, and coiuiii'inie iti u:s have p iss,-l
between the three joverutueiirs lookin-g
to the establishment of a complete un
dersf a nd in";.
Halifax, August 2S. All the eres
are now here for the ri"at o.red rn- !
t icnuie otf on the tenth ol 'Oetob 1
With the exceptio 1 of 1'ri r, all the
ere ws Win lit sni 'it h Witei. The 1'iMt
b.ut bein; larir titan the resr, the.
bave ihe alvanfa'e in louh wafer
l h" Taylor Wiiitiup ere v is the iavor
i.'e. 'J'hf Pa i crew is rither a tvo
ite, but Americans are freely bok
in .Vmiricjii crew. w!o are ioW:Jij
well. Ttieic is a lOj I deal : Ct '.n-j Oi
Paris, with the re-ei v.iU hi, htiwev-
t!a! if tho crew does u it -far , o.vi
torou.ih w itc"t bet.s will be olf.
St. J i!iu. Aiiiiiu ".M If. is u i I f.
stool that the Paris ere.; will not r.w
in the llali'iX resell unless the Wir.-r
:s suio t b.
Paris. August 2:).-ni )','
deptoiestb ' intro inetioo of i)ei us -iuindn
1 (it
'Ihe Sudr that 'Jbieis j.oj.,-o
ivoidiu the I'epo' ot I he ( ' ot 111 i t . .
lie will spe ik no Welo 's lay
The ie ft I? -! t an i f.. -ft te (
bid a no it i ni; I r t h i'fts ! r
v-si in'.iy i doiltr rat- " li folni.- i-i.i:
verfain Paris pip. rs are to o :
ceuted f f p 1 !i'; ig f 1 n "V-
The French d M?.t! 1 f I , ' 1 .
Ill'- (: ICt Ui t;( i ! O OI"
Ijoi.l'i'i. A'-.;!-: 2' --Tii" !;
c m-til a! Za iiU .. wi - : i. 1; i I ,
iuustone. the At' e.'o . p : - s; v
iy inakitiL: llis Wa. ho ,.ra 1 ! .
Tin Si fid nil -t ite tii.it MilU' o.'V
toe Injglish (,in:Uii--iotier nnoer to
Ttcatv of Wastiiiitou receives no c in
jicnation . '
By a jietrolnni explosion at Iten
Since, a vessel Was burned.
Paris. August 18 -The Pnuss a
will ev.icu ite the Forts ir a I' lis p-i.-.-ibly
by ihe iinh of S ( 1 in r
Ljiidon, August ''.) i'h- fog (),
prey was lost olf Dundee, an I six par
suns drowned .
The Me unship Prussian, from Q o-s
beck, ran down a id sink the steamer
Aber. It is believe all.i'o safe,
Tho steamers, Oity of h oi Ion. () eni.
Algeria and Assyria, Iron New York,
and the Ohio fioin Ualtimore, have
arrived out.
Madrid, August 29. Vessels from
New Providence and Caba are qurran
tined. London, August 30. Napoleon and
family visited the Grat Etsleru yes
The Kin; of Bolgiuin returns to
O-stend to morrow.
One hundred and thirty Germans
struck work at Newcastle yesterday and
paraded the strecti. There was no
Duke de Atmnle-t declines the Presi.
dency of tho French Republic.
The Vienna Free 'rent says a treaty
of peace was formed at Gas: icn, Austria
Germany, Italy and perhaps Russia, are
Duke Montpensier, who is in France,
offers to testify before competent Span
ish authorities relative to tho death
of General Prim. Ho is at present
detaitied from oin to Madrid by the
death of his daughter.
London, August 30, Tho brig Ron
dicjr, from Cronstadt, has beoa lost and
eix persons injured.
our .-.m n risiHti.
We lie re with append -'t l'sf- !,!J'
1 I v e t i S i 0 : ' pa-W' '" w .'
1 w!M! do not M..e h' r j ' s-
St of t!l it, 1- t ' '-V ' : : " -
ts i c ' ' ' 1 '!' ' f
-t ilistaue 10 " " '! ' : '"
d-:ttir '! eX'iepT '1 '';'"'- -it Hi
;U(f O'liV touM'a e when p '
siek, which does not often happen in our
very healthful 1 -e t . '
M " (Ml WT-4
n I'tiT, vrrt , ,t i
Itrorn. W. r
Lee, V. J. I) "
Cbirk. It
Eiii. M. .M I" 're.d.!
Ui . U A
Silver, C.
stiiu.-. j r.
Hrlrtiulsou, E. A
V. .U
.suu FraneM -o !
1. a wr Kim.
Cdi . -I. D illa
Sullivan, P. C 4
I) t y, J .) i 1 i 1 Vi-ta
C ol C. (5 Sakm
tlrubl.S J. C Dallas
leil.i s W. t K"la
A uM- .m.- , W , .M ouii nitli
1 'lark. Dr. J ...... ..... Nov York
Pi-rcc It. V Ili.ll. I... N Y
ore lists.
Pi kingluii, J. B : P.-rtland
Wi . ( lias Salvia
'ieh-.l A C.ad ''a i r
1, D .i.abl A C .. M h ill-- '
Hoi-, iV-tiv A Sou.. ir o 1 t.aie . U I.
Iluili n gt-.i, . 1I .totter s I'i .h-imu
llduib .11. II. T. Xvw Yak
W.VUoX M IKKUS, H ,. vi K oil I lis If
tSarrison, S. T DjUji
Hu ll, ir is in A t' '
Ti.il. W. 11. A C "
Sloci.-. A.1.1 "
II 1 to.
Dallas Hotel
Oct-hlci. la!
10: i. hur.iTi: .u;i;ms.
Dai i l-ioi, Win .
11 1 - si. !' i r . A, V . 1 ... 1 ,
Tv U. 11.
... llalia.s
I'.-rt! .ii.. I
... D..n..
I 1 s: i i 1 a v 1 i t i 1 1. 1 its
Will., w. v. D .: -
1" ,,1 ui i.t. r A n.lji.i-:, S. hi
s foo.i i:i'. !Hi'Vt .te."
Ilol-att, 0. W A V- Pall
-Illcs, C
i!l. i 1 I. vM.ul S.
Call) J b M, f.M. M , .-h, l)..f. A ..... ).!!..
I'.li l.'ll -ll I. T. l.iV.Ti St li",.- ........
VirfMifia M inn!' i in 1 i 14 (' Soi Y-
Kinrai I. -I. II.. Pti. I .i r ' !
SauDbfrty Win, t'.irp'.'t U', ,,c, 1
Siin.r, I'i! 1. i:, ,
v u. '.I . p ..,, ': . 1 . - n ,
'11 . M, 1" I -v i- : I 1 . it 1
.s III i til, 'A" . s-;.(!U i', If. .
("'. l'. . I
1) : I t Oi : .1 M (. 'i
I'arkil. '' . i t ' '-
M .r - P. ! - ..-
I l. -r -.
I I I i . Is .
)'' !',.' : : - .'.!
D :l
I .,.-. ,s
E :
I" ' ;
! ! t
- -' r . S
! i 'i -. - '
c.V j ii s:ue . j. .
it 1 1 '
!i J . 1 1 1 I'I i f I I
Vi;,lf a Opr. ' I I 1 1 "i mi . in d i ii i II 1 ! V ex
el.ioih 1 : ( Jt iii !e:i ii I.iik a! !f !
t'(Uife i ore. ja"i 1 1 n .i t i.o'.h.--
win, ssr (' z 'be ! r." i a 1 -v
t 1 1 I it :, - -f ', . t i '1 e .-. -'t . ' ! i : .
I. r fnii's hi i lo- !-i!i-i -ii If i . i ! i
all 1 t !l " 'i'i'- i v 1 l -i h ' I W i - i'
ill C i'ti It I id nr". . .TV 'V-' ''
M hied i. I'm m.;- -5 I s ,,r , ; I r ...
The New U d! ...i C.M a v I
htyrt ill it u se nn in. irtiiiin:: ii.eo In
tir.sf voyage in a while .ship, leeently
arrived at his port, found a vairin him
a letter front tho exceutor of his father,
who-had died during hi son's iihsentv,
announeitiir u hoqucst of ahout S'lDjOO j.
The heir wh of course? pleased at this
substantial token of his father's Jiffo'
tion ; hut to the i-u.:;;''-! ion ihit, !o
would now jrivo u tbe sea, repho 1 :
"No; shall look after my pronerty.
and I lien prohihly ship for another
4wha!ino; voyajje."
Mix a Uapo..tifnl of MuitiiAv A Laxhav's
Fi.oninA Watkr in ntuinbU-r of pure, noff wa-
it, and you bare a tooth-wah far atiperior to
nil tho lotions nnd den ri fife ever ofl. rd far
pnlo Tt will not injure tlm enainid: will hc.il
all ten IcrncM or orenfii's of the jrnm r in mih,
and will impart a most delightful fr.itanco to
T-f"As there are worthier cniinf. i f.it.. buy
cr. nhmild nlwiysnnk for tlo Florida Water
prepared by L mm m & Kemp, N. Y.
At 35. tho avcYaje A tneripan discovers that
ho hn nn " infernal atnmah," and thereupon
Roes into tho hand of the doctors for tho rem
nant of hi life. This is too true but many
persons discover it before that age, ber-moo
they havo abused theirs, and have waited
until diecaso became seated. Prevention i
better than cure, but Dn. Walkeh's Campor
ia ViitROAii Bittrhs will bath curd an I pre
cnt dys pepsia, disea-e of tho skin, liver,
kidneys and bladder, and all disorders arisinz
from impure or vitatod blood.
O : "1 'lit 8--,-. f.
I'M; r'AVfi e!.:,:'N.
UK M. R-T-.TI: i 1 -hi, rn V nn.l
i:RT P0!I !'T, 'Ii i . , . ,.t !.. ; ,,!,. 1,
Cilii-4. foi.4;iu; ,.r l.OT-5. Mtt.F UI.Oi'TCS
nod BLOCK s I iU-?ns nn l ST.iPJ;s; ).,.,
IMPnOVni) PVHMsJ. nd raluable
imctibiva I I, !, local.-1 in ALL teirt of
t!u STATU f-r SA LH.
ljr:L FSTATK nnd otb cr Pronortv
j.nr -b-i-1'! lor r .n l.it in I'.in CITY
111 ibr..iirb-Mt t;.,: STVTHs ., , TKURr
TOItfK?. w'.i'i "-.(if .-ar til ..ti th, mn-n
adVan i'aih:oim tkhms,
IIOIT-s f.;-? .,,,,1 STOUT'S T.VA-?I-T,
N'Pf.oTi NTI-'D. -O..I rr,MM ill'
I.KCTr.Ji. And a 1 nf-r.t TIVAXClAL nnd
AO K M'Y IJ'r-tf.VK-U fr. i-a-tu I
Aat'VTs f '11,54 OI-P'CI!. in nVi t'o-
(?rrrK tukn-! ih- statu. ui i
ru -iv .!.?! -rijei nui ..f FUM PI10PKHTY
and foriT ir I i'i . s in t tlj a 1 v ; flddrcs..
, V i K - I?
:-4-n 15570
si o 5. n .
now to einr: it.
At the r..:n n t-i "tn -ut .r tb Di irl'i e, w!ii a
a1w.i.Vi r?fi- los an a't.i'k .f tho ''h .'er.i, tak-
a nuifiil t.f Pai l Ivtllar i i s I ir i'i I w
ti.r. (ii"f if -r!iv.iii..it.) an 1 t'nn ba'lia frcj!y
die slotn irb n dd hound with ib p.in IvUl. r
i l.-:ir. ...ii'l the tliarrb(C rTiU'.s ri.Titmuc
r--o tb: itii fvorv o-H .r fi ' tern ininn't! ti'i
li. tt; . i--i t m rvliurod. In Itf.'mi! ra-.-..
. ..r ui v lie tc;inmiiul ill y l-u j;ivtu at a
I lit- Pain KiPi-T, n r -no-dv. bi no i-qn i!.
In" oi ..!' i "it .'era. -v. u ai -r ' tn ' i'or. Dv-
l i . 1 i lit.-1 v . A s b m t ' cur ia j o i ;l: !
?.v tiknijT i! int. i m.U v, .in I lo'Vni t'h it
lii-.lv I (- h it "i M Sis:'- lii wli 1 1-i OH !
'v iij'j.b'- l ' "i i s-r, liariM, S.-ild. ioi I
M.r.i i. fr t-.-U li s 1 1 ' aa I T-'Mthru-bc
I ..'t ! il t.. try it. in rt. it i a Piiv Kil.l.
i .;
l'i;ci"'i -t: n.-' niian v e h ! ttj.
lb? P.ih. KiU.i m .! l,y u,i .U.ilorsi.i M - I
i. I't.-s
2i i j) . i-i . ! 51 ir '!
l'.i'ilii'r.ilil Ileal til.
I , b't-i u !.-!.'l ! I",; tr. ''li-n lhi-f
': li.iV,' i- ;i i.iv r t by i.aitirv H.t'i 'r .-.
- : i .i i .it to i i ..-..-..a Ir r.iit i.f- n. 1-
' r? !! ;. i r saf r mi 1,1 .-f - ly t Ja f'cri'.'
.r-. i it !. to.- 0 . In I t a a r
U i.i r I. i v i.i I r '.? i in '. , 1 h hi
. . 1 1 . i ! i i. i t i i , -i s i j.i- ins
j . i ' 11 III. '1 H ? 1 l I I 1 !, .- .;-.i I"
a -i- ' t ? I kl I'l it '-V . . -
1 I ; a v t-t 1 ii'f t !ji. " V a j.-.i r u .
i , i , i i -.-.', : i..r i- . 'i i .-
. ' .. : . ;. 1 ' ' - 1 : .. :l - - .
' .t ' i : ' 'i I' -. i
! . , - . l V t
A ui ..I, i . . :. ' i !
j.l, j.,,1 l.. . : .M ! i
i...a i Hi.:.: a
1 1
!-;s pi -e O' I t i -t' ! th"l.
; '- I ; '. I I
i v ( , i i1 : . . ' . -
si it , . ) i s. S .t 4 .uj'lijr;.,
n I ' have l-t all tnypr i;iort by Fire, t!eo,
in-btble I to in j for w..rk will c n for a lav.r
by p ayii p itiiuiodiately.
A friend in noed, t a Irion 1 iu Lvd.
12 .",al
19. HHSU Vi,
Mo.l-iP, Wiikoij mill
C'.-iiiih r,
DjiIIis, lolk ii n t v. Orison.
4 4
B nut su'ticiunt tiino to . 1 1 t-1 all mv
Liorary. All per.-! mi., therefore, who have any
of tny Hooks io tlnnr possesion nre hereby
r.qmate' to l.avo iheiu at the RkitisMi'An
OHii-i-. I'y duin they will eoufVr on inu
great tav..r. W. 0. WllHuX.
I a -a in
l'"orty Years I 'xpei lem o bvo Iim.iI
ihe virtihi of .-. IFiito-' liitU'tm of W'ihl
Cherry, and 'I j ruouit U that it i tho bt rem-t-'dy
cstai.t for pii.iLuinoy tout lung ili.-casi t,
nlirai inu; a whole r.mo Iroui a snilit eol.l ! a
nettled L-onsuiuitiuu, Witro it u 'f for ii.-
merits, it would loug tiiu-o have ''died, nini
made no sin." 2l3-.
Ht-mlttuut and InttrmUtciit rcytri..
Chills and Fever, and Fever nnd Aua uru all
speedily cured and porui mciuiy bauiiti i I Inun
tuefyfttjui by the utic, as dimoted, of lirislai'ci
Sariiatiarili's and Pills. i'lio hardest A.i;ua
CaUo qUicltiy uii itioar u our tiuir iieo.iyg m
fluenco. Tor suio by druists.
'H Illa
NK W A I) VF.il T I is EM EN i $
V IS A ED: 4)11 ISA I9!!
Cheaper than UverM!
ii o i. t n ft, o it r is e v st co.,
Hirs rv.n n th.r ST0-1K OF OOpDS to
ill-M. n i t ur s 1st ritly rccoiviiu NhW and
W 11 L L SHLL'UTKD UOODS, caimisting of
I.adljs' Dress and I'aucy Goods,
Men and liuyk CtotHlU,
Hats and Caps,
I toot a and Shoes
readies. and Chlltlrcns Shoe of every
Stjle and iis.
A full Stock of finccrlen cons-tantly
on ban l,alo Hardware and Crockery.
Woalea floods Maituf irturjvl at the
Illlenilc allll, ti,!i n
Ilcavc.-s, CasimereM. Hard Timrs,
TWi'c.T, I'iaiiin'N and Hlaokets,
Which wo ofcr at Whokfialo and Hotnil.
Ilavinz a di5 re fo locato pTtnini-nlly in
ialla-. will dial fniilv and jn-tly with till
wh i t;t V fa 'or U with Door pa tro-i !'!. V.'o
wil' cX' bao O'h'ds for t' oiotry l'r daeo, f r
whi.-b wo w?tl iy t!io Jti'- J-t Price. ,
Dri:r; on yoir Tgg3 aia Bitter. j
S-f i
t-' ' 1 4 i, ... -
4mh ... ...- 1, ,- , jbrai . ..... i M'1
P.. M, KcDON A LD & CO., j '
U UUJ:U UI .7-
:r.:r:r.::::::, cai., L I
. . . . . - . . . i
' AT. veil t O '.' p't.' I ! l
i i . '. i . :iv.i.' fMirl.r li r t rr ''i
" . , .. . .... ,...,..
,., ! "i i i i i tii:.ii. i iKM.i .
s i " in i.eroitr.
rit.'-. 2 -i-:s---. ;i iM-ifTi' ha:.... .
'. It" . ) . : 29 I ' H IT. I'. I K 1 ' ,
j "?'.- . I j I-- i r i -,
j: : . .; . ! l'..:;-". ? c
T""'''t r'- r ' l-ret fn'i ::;!
- t. .' . i '-.,. -j . c t.- TTi af.
r. :c rt a :.:; c c. r 1 1 aj.c-cc.Cjl-
I'Olt SM
07ft P.IUO B'JSINES. l.ca'ed in San
I'r.iin i.-u. Cal Aficr our bc.-t urihv--', and t-
jtr.-'sioy; or tit. oik 1i.r the libi-ral i.iiri.ua
io b .vc ti-s i ivi-d f .r ui'.rti than 21 year, dur
wiii -h i'.-ri"l ni- bavc Ik-vii Mcadilv :.
i -.fd ia tli lr btiMhtKB in (Taliftnii. .
b-- 1 i i'i .'iii''i,ieii,i' tl'i' r.i)i I r-.wlh
f lir. Wntkt-Mi' a'if.riii Vinegar Uilti'ir,
ii..w sna I i.vi r lbi t.'u.t-:d St i!is ati-t rua.i
!r.' i.ir ii'iud. ivi ars i.ot;.sr i;.iti-d .lit". !
ur .- .H i tiao- tu .o l I.Usivm.
V',' .re. lii." l! U--I lOoj t ir .i . I .- I'j
Co tt, Oi l '.. onlv . tie. i" i a n ' r t
On -amy ot -.pra t t no. f 1 Slit, mid have do
!, i .i.i i .J t. mJI our b.ri'. n f i.-rou, and well
-i.ii 'i -h i h.t i.lj-s . .. I iioraldc tvrm.
ii is u t:itt tpi...i!u..u v tur tueu with
t . . i
1 ... .
im .i i
i U a-tv..ii!a-i lu-fi'f Li.-f..ra cffvivd
l'.. 1 :ir-i'-o! os t tia iri nf
K 11. Mv D ALD t- (V.
H II V l- vi it, I Wb-.b-mV Drti:its
.1. . Si vi'riu. j Sft'i Frati.i ei. Cab
.. P, I': i i a ha! is tuadu we ehall c-m
lii.n, .ar i u; r 'i"a, at il keep A lar-e tf
oi t. 4 ! 'i!i-j a -i i iy oa baud, mi 1 v-ll at
pre-vs t- . t-.-' '!! ( ii "ii.
The Great Hciiical IHscoTfry!
d4 Hundreds cf Thousands
f" Ccurttitlmony tot hJr Wonder- b
Co ful Curative liCeCts. . 8 J
t- -r nr "riiriin?".
o -
t a J
o ? n n m 1 1 r n i ni soa
nn r
2 lmpM '
t. 7
f!l MS
si! pi
f M 1M v V V l I IM i !
? ii . . : Kit::.-, Va;w::or. Pro'f
L; ;:itr,niu:U::n:;.- l.:r.::o; ..oci;rcd,criccJ
c .J;,v.-vctc:ic at U:ss I 2 t..-,tc. called Ton
S;V! Arpet.rr.' r.cs-.orcri," iC., tt.tt lead
13 t'pr-lcr ca t) C.:".:::.:v.m.t..cmI rul.:. Lutcro
r. t:.-. j "Ic.licinc.ittr..'." f4-a;:i tacXfttlvs ItooU tad
II::-". jef Ca'.i.'or: , free t r::i nil AIco!:iIle
.;::: :::!r. : n. T:c c:j tasUUKAT CLOOD
: : ;:i:n:.i r.a.i i. ir:; cjivinu pkix-
(: I Vl.ll p r." c: i c.:or.tcr r.::dl::vJioritcr cf
t . ; Cy: : :::.tarr;-;.-3 pottoov.D utttcr ati
r."..-!:la:: V.s I i i r. K.Ul.y cr.uit;oa. No
p:.-3 i cs '. t';C 3 r.S terstccorClas todlrcc
t : i r. . 1 1-. : t a 1 3 : . T u v,- J 1 .
r.i:- Ind.s: i :;ntory nnd Chronic It lien,
t inllrir.i r.ucl J.ttJ, Iyoie;ia r IudU
u?isio:). Unions, Uciaittctit nud Inter
t:;"t:c .it Fevc:v., 1)1 -.ease of tho lllood,
I.vj;-, Ki.hicyti, n:i.l ISladdcr, tacsa lHt
lc:o l ev; b:c l i.iort c;:c;;ssful. Bitch DIa
casei t:-3 c-.::.d b VMintcd Dlood, which
li 3.:crai;7 prj.rd 1 Ccraascmcat of tha
Iiii-si vc rr"'.5M.
I V-s f t . l 1 A 0 11 IN D1C EST I OX.
I"., - I a: 1 la th3 Elioa'.ucis, CourUj, Tisht-
i-cij cf t i3 Cacst, Dziacsc-, Coi:r -EructAtlo-s of
ttu f : x:v.:'i, Had t.v,t. 1 1 t..3 Jloa'.h E.:io-.:3 At
tach.'., ra!p.t:.f.oa tf. 1 13 II;avt, Iii3aax:r.atioa cf
tti -j La I i .1 1 .1 1 1 : iVKb.i9 cfihoU idncys.aad
c!i:;:v,:.-..l ctt.c; r-atut C"n;ptoui3, cr Caa cC
c pr..;.;3'tf DyaTra...
Vn 7 I ir; -i:-..; t'e St--ir.c!i tad et.lma'.at3 Cie
torpid I vcra:..l boi.-oto, v.-Mcti rcn .Icr t'aera of ca
civia'b' 4 Macr.ey 1 1. clca-.isinj f.;c tdood cf nil
Inv.r.i'.l1.. s, aid J;:iia;-U.i3 now lifo cad visor tv
'tao w'a:otyf.t3:a.
Vail Js !v t N I) Xn ASKS. Itrnrt'.oni.Tcttcsr,
Call r.h?a:a, Elotcr.ca. S?otj, riiuiilca. ruauilcs,
Hote. Car juarloa, r.iag-"Vo:-iis, Cc:;U-ncad,r.oro
Eyz-i, I yst;i:U", Hc'a, Ccarf.i, lii3,aIoratioa3 cf
the C-:;l.i, Il i aoro a id Dla.w.ta cft'ia 6kin, of
v;:i:'.tjvc; uav.ii oruat:?r. c;j literally das np
cnAci. .1 id oat of f.13 ayetta ta a c!u; tima by
ta3 v.sj of W:3!X:U'.. C.-.o t.ttlJ i.i Gacti
C3S.- i t rfavliiCJ tlu r.iost lacredulouaof t'aelr
CLC-.53 t:n Vitctai Btoivd trheaiTar yoa find
iti i iip i"lt:c3 b.KRt '.ijr throa.'h Viastvi.i l iTira
plor., rtraptlaan cr fcoica; cleanse it v.!ica yoa
find it obstructed rai l clusSs'a ia tr:c velec;
cleans J It when it 13 f.nsl, aidyonr f;ui:ag3 v.Hl
toll yoa Tv'aa i. Keep t ;3 blooa pura tad tha
liealtti of t'13 cyss.n v,-:il f.'lr.v.
PIN, TA PE a i.i otasr WO R1IS, Inr'an;: la
tlio systam of 0 nany t'lonsa ids, era c!T 'ctnally
destroyed aat r aitovad. For fall filra -t ioas, r a J.
car.'fally tha circular araaud cacaootila.
J.WALKER, rraprktor. E. U. McDON'Al.U Cs
CO., Drats'sts andOja. Asnto, Caa F.-n".rireo,
ChI ,cd C: aa.181 Caaiaio CJ Strait, Now Veil:.
Front Street, one Door South of
Post 03ice,
Dallas - - - - - - - Oregon
j I Hifiereno between articles of TINWARE
JS difierence between articles of TINWARE
manufactured by ma. and that made by macu
facturers in P .rf land and other laro cirfe, for
Bbipracnt, I barj on hand both my own make
nnd also that of factory make, o that people
may take their choice. My ftock cotuiatl la
part, of
Stores of all kinds,
Copper, Brass and Iron Ware,
H ire work of all descriptions,
Sheet and Galvanized Iron,
Store Hollars, Tea Kettlcr,
Milk Pftiis, nippers,
X.arJ i:d nutter Cans,
Japmned Ware a general Assortment,
Co)kiny Fpoong. A variety of Gen Pac,
Porcelain lined -tew Pans for Fruit,
Broiling Fixtures of Kcw and tho llioit
Improved Pattern-,
And in fa r-t vcryt!)in that an be foand in .
first c 71 and Store Store.
. . ... . . .
V.... 11.. I., ami Pri.imalv Ao..r.Iia tr
t n . - -
- - - s,- .
mai ?-itti:r; dam. is.
...... , M;.i, ,...:, Wr.r.CiX und UHrt.
....... . -i - i c ... : . : . t
' . i r..s iii. is. i! a . i . . - . !? " t
n i.d int.".l t .'-!! t V t n nrv .-to-.', -t Teh.;
t!- Pii -. s rar.-ie- fr-m P
Tbev letv i'h oh band fur ua.V 'lviy of
w ic'.jj mat rials, lliu; Iiio: a v.! oid them
.v.i ki ).!) d w.;rk i'i Hi ir iin-fd nc ' .
Alt kits )- .f lt.u k.-ml'hlnNr tne Cf rt
i.'-M .
Th ;
a v.urkinar.Jike tuuuuer. H
' . ftish donn.
i : r ia-t patronage, they ki
oi.ntei i .!! c .'i i'.-. same.
9 tf
Dallas My 6. 1
. . ! "rf.-.i-r Feb. lOtb. lS7lTthT7'
1 be
j . ...
i For eacli W asou and . paa t.-f IIctscs.
i' i. . I i:.: I t r
1 or ciru jiianHfei iiuiv ......... ....
1 or -a. a M .r ao.1 Hasry....
ir five r-i.-sioH in lt.ruo and Hur
!.i:a paid to advance.. ... -I
Fir c.ilL Mm and Hor . . -
Or -it er-hs-in.', pair, ii 1 1 'fine? ....... ... i
F-r f -h per--i P . ...... t ' ; -
Or twelve i-r '-ia y, t ij : : " nce........ T"
i . .,-.m-'i A s a .....J ... .....'. i
F..r li'li- !;'!.. .. . , ' t
K.r neb II '!-!. r -i-.t ,...4s
;' i oa. b hi.; :'i ! L .I . ' i won...1"!.e.
i'. riari. 1.-0 Jb Fniut l-J
ns'l'.ltl.I:it:i I8I!.
S V N I i. A 17 C I C O,
!'KU ".;t IN ' . ..
Drujs. Chemicals,; r
Gt'ncx.'! Hiiii'Iic-Udhc,
' tlx iliv S.uUsr- iaiy.
Cash Orders tor this or nny Farciffri Ai ',v: cr,
will receive prompt :! Fiiith.i;i Ai!eti'u:,
"liner. M aoiit vet ires s om! Wr,olesi e
l i i!f s.u. ,.,!.;( f-,.,i- 'a-Ii.
X.. a )U r a?u-ii'.r. pai 1 t Ord 1 U.t ' -dt.
if t: l u- is 1..1 provision ciad-i Fr :l.e pjta:a
ii ; a' "ait c.
rertus Net t.'ah, on IK-U.ctv, i-; U. . (hM
N. B. Consignincnts of Crtpca Yra'.iKt.
Crcla, Wheat, Flour, tcAhiUi.
i a tt
i" aUis! tGO:is..
Wo respectfully call tbe attentioa of the
Public to our Well Selected Stock of
Ladies' Drrss Omni,
I utiles' and Misses Ha1.
Cent I'm i.Ishlnf; flood,
Cloves-, C-aiUra, Kte.
School UnoVa.
stationer-. kc
In fact Everythlns l'ond in a IIat
C'laisH Itrtail Stoic
Wo can assure our Patrons that we will b,
up with the times.
C nio and Kxnmino our Stock before pur
cbiiir.s elsewhere.
Country Produce taTuea la eschanije tor
Goods !
N. A. J. D. I.FK.
'DallasApril 22. 16 1 . 1 -tf
12. SL A El K,
Bi'v StioIs, C:i.hi5i.
DIXIE - - - - . - UUi.V.OX.