Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 02, 1871, Image 2

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    lu ' rejon Scpublitau.
Still Wc Go.
This number brings us to lie 'middle
of tho second '.Volume of our paper.
The difficulties of establishing a country
paper have, wc hope, been met and
successfully overcome, and wc can now
congratulate ourselves and the people
that the Republican is one of the
permanent institutions of the country.
Wc would not by this, inculcate the
idea that we can now sleep upon our
past achievements, and rest easy with
the assurance that all will g well
without any further effort. On the
contrary, we feet the responsibility
rcstinir upon us as the conductor of a
paper which is rapidly assuming a res
pectable standing among the journals of
our country, and feel disposed in the
future, as wo have done in the p?!8t.
to make the Republican, a welcome
visitor to every fire-ido in the land.
Republican in politics from a ket n
sense of right, we have taught, and
shall continue to teaeh, those tenets
which, in our judgment, are best calcu
lated to secure us as a nation, the
hLhist position among the nations of
the earth, and quiet and contentuicut
among the people. In all discussions
of political or other questions which
may come up for - exposition with our
brethren of the press, wo shall ev r he
willing to grant all eourtu.-ics which
may be justly demanded, avoid all
thie innuendoes and scurrilous abuses
which are too common among new pa
per.". Wedded to the right for its own
sake, wc propose to speak fearlessly on
all questions pending, regardless of the
censure of those who may choose to
differ from us, with all due deference to
their opinion. To those who have
patronized U9 liberally, we feel truly
cratcful, and hope the confidence placed
in ua ti ay tot bf. forfeited. While tic
cepting our expressions of gratitude
for past favors, we hope all will hern in
mind that " the laborer is worthy of his
hire," and those who art d liiiquint
will step forward and " give us our
does." This will enable us to work t.j
more advantage, and trivc us a Letter
opportunity to avail ourselves of facili
ties which are now beyond our reach.
While some of our cotemporaries have
"gone where the woodbine twinth,"
we still have our flag at the masthead,
and our colors flying, with a feeling of
confidence that the future will he even
better than the past, and that for years
to come we may be enabled to say, as
in the heading of this article, "S;ill
we Go."
The wish to live without labor seems
to be universal. From the cradle to
the grave man is scheming and con tri v.
ing to assume a position where he can
supply his own wants and the wants of
those dependent upon him, without the
necessity of laboring for them. A
glance at the opcralions of men, how
ever, show that without occupation man
is miserable. Labor is the best appe
tizer, and toil brings with it those
choicest of blessings, health and enjoy
ment. The very necessity which coin
pels man to labor saves many from the
rust of sloth, and keeps them in the
paths of virtue, who would otherwise
easily be led into the train of vice and
crime. While the rich arc rolling in
the lap of luxury, wasting their strength
in idleness, doing nothing that will
accrue to any benefit to themselves or
ot ers, the persons whom the fates
have designed should live by the sweat
of their brow are perfecting plans, and
carrying out conceptions which are
advancing us in the scale of civilization,
and raising us to tho proud position tf
thy leader of nations in the vanguard
of the arts and sciences. We are far
happier in the sterility which compels
us to labor than wc ceuld possibly be
in the enjoyment of any pleasures
which could be spontaneously fur
nished. Toil is a thousand times re
warded by the enjoyments which follow,
and the pleasures which it brings.
Fires are reported in the mountians,
in almost every direction, by State pa
pers. The new Odd Fellows Temple in
East Purtland was dedicated last Friday,
One of iho ins: illation's of tho hums
which deserves the hearty support of
every wo'! wisher of our State, is the
maintenance of an animal exhibition of
tho products of the State. A visit to
the Fair Ground of a State gives an
opportunity for judging of the advance
ment tho people lavc made in nil the
various pursuits of life. There we see
represented all the varied industries of
tho country. The mechanic is there
with his inventions j tho mauubietnrer
with his fabrics; the farmer with the
products of his fields j the horticulture
with his cereals; the chemist with his
compounds, and the busy housewitr
with the roofs of her haoiliw-ok 'I he
youthful maiden vies with her g-d
"rand ma in the contest' fur exci Si in
in the culinary ami other dei-ai t in ot
peculiar to her position. The j-ati h
work quilt and the dutinsk entititt i p no
are siile by side. The apple purr and
the qmrtz crusher an- placed side by
tide for the untie and comment of lire
passer by. The Yankee patent churn
and its golden product alike claim and
receive attention. There i-hmihl in fai t
be nothing manufactured or ptodueed j
in oir State but thould there be rej re
sented. And for what, we uriv be
a.-ked, should all this be? Simply for a
place of resort for the young and the
o'd, as a kind of holiday? Only ibis,
and nothing more 7 Wc arswer, no.
The pride of every artizan, f.tu.er and
. , . , ,
IHUUM I, I IIIU I Ill-Ill -II II IHilli , .- '
be, to be represented by some ;!tt:e!e
which they can look upon with pride
and say, This is my own maniif icf uie.
invention or product on." The li-t of
premium-) offered by the State Agricul
tural Society is quite cxten-ive, and li e
inducements for a good showing vciy
lint the expectation ef receiving a
ptemii.m for articles should not be the
only tiling which -hoitld induce tie
people to pitu trze this institution, but
the iib a ol showing to the vei at
larg - that Oregon is equal, if not sepe
ri r. to any other Stale in tin qua ty
0 her ' products, if not in qu.m ity,
sa .uid prompt cveiv-uie to do ii, ir
bcsf to make the exhibition one of in
terest. Strangers are constantly cniu
iiiLT to our State, and intuy ot tlo ui wdl
come to visit it State Fair; and these
I .. lis. . nlM.iki. .....I. .... I . .ill. I
form their conclusions of the various
inilu-t l it s of the S'a'e by the number
arid quality of nt tides on exhibition
Let it uot be said that they oo away
with any less exalted opinion th .11 they
should, simply through nrg igeue- on
the part of the jcojde to Aww tii
they had Let the people sec to it -hat
the industries of tin? State are all well
represented, and that the Oregon State
Fair of 1872 i equal to that of any
Other State in the Union. We have all
facilities for in iking it so; let us sec
that no efforts ate spared for the accotu
plisdnnent of that ohj ct.
Moi)i;u M.uiti.u.i:.
M.rs. Stanton's views of the marriage
relation stid divorce is that the partner
ship should cease at "the will of either
partucr. This is viewing this weighty
matter in a very ifidilferent light. Un
der this new dispensation," parties
would be getting married and divorced.
and divorced and 'narriid again nt
every change of the moon, if not
of;cn?r. Tho law would be called into
requisition with such frequvney for
such cases, that there would be no time
for the dispensation of justice in any
thing else. Uctter dissolve the marri
age coreuiony entirely, and let men and
women make partnership contract! for
this, the same as in the ordinary lutsi
ne-is concerns of life, aud ibe offspring
well, have than taken care of by the
State, with a tax )cr capita, imp srd on
all citizens for that t urpose. This would
give nil an opportunity to pursue the
even tenor ol their way unmolested.
Women could, plungu into polities, and
men into the wash tub, as circumstances
might dictate, or their own inclinations
direct. The expense of tho parson's
fees and lawyer's dues would both he
dispensed with, and tho now oft wit
rjessed spectacle of orphan children
homeless and friendless would be a
thing of the past.
Initialory steps havo been taken for the
formation of a Firo Insurance Company
in Portland.
Portland has a reading room for the
accomodation of the pubiio.
ie people '.' our:8taie, !e whole,
have had but Tilth
Of o i ex pertence in
railroatttng. ami as a sequence must be
on their g iard lest they allow them
selves to be inmused upon by iinileis
and spi eui,itoi. who will map our rail
road' and In.iM termiriu! cities (on
piper) and by islnwiuj; up the inevit
able future ill a p! ;iM U aspect. :Mii!
people out of their money in !ir, invest
ment that is wli..l;y v.ilu- ie-s. These
schemes h ive been prieticrd in. the
Kist and West. Nollb Mid South and
will Continue to be pivnoired until tlo
people reinse to ni! i onize sneli aur-s.
Ti e () f n til ti, in an ;.bie aiiicU:, in a
recent number handles this subject, in
the foll-ivviny to. inner ,
" One of tie- many ways i f making
a good ibiiig. ilenh.pcd in these 'alter
times, is to lav ' II a town muko a h..w
ot suiM'!ne Joi ti inilto.ti ami
town lots at lie; " tri inio'is" at iio
ri:rnu i'l iltvr prices Such an infii-
j prise now ;ij p :i to l r moL r v at
to I t
tlie new tie i iiUtolis ojilhii Cluim i i
('iy, slflt li d lubw ll mi ! he Cobitubl a
river. It is said that the site etnioaco
1 fdXKt acres, which, if su iii led ami
M!d. ou!d yi'!d a oetty I a muh ol
mon 'V. r.' n it i lie lots shotou nnir
mo e th in one li Hi lied doll os each.
tin- experonrnl would be higlry sue
ce-tul. '1 hose who have eruniieneed
this eneipiise, with speculation in
theer cis. Could Wtl at. ml to spend a
few thoii-add dollars in unking a sur
vev id' :n Iiu ojio iry poifc f.ir a nppo:
s'ti Mi'' laibo.il; lor if peoido wmibl
"d) bite at it, the speculatots co .ld s.dl
the lots at iho "tenonitis for a suill-
e i iiit sum in the a-rejritc t K-t i
numla r o! pour but eute pris?n pecu
l itois up as capitalists. Hut we do not
think that p o; lr Wl I invest with much
cut hu-iasin at the n w emj oronn- This
sol t of tiling i ""eltiit ' a little innnitii
nous It :s sM-.diy sosjerfni thif
the ol.jcn i- iim in I. .ild a ladioad at
all, but situpH to sell Irrmbal o!s and
1 1 1 if a 1 i l II. e lots a) c iiisj.o-.fd ot the
ih's rai!ioad will be beaid nl no mole.
If is a pretty well' settled fief thit rail
roads can't be lonlt h on smf ol
mair'r. ;i il that no Allolm i. iinid t
the j d Hut almost ..n, In iy c m talk
id Luildui r.ilioils tl is stated ti at
corner lot- a' (! du -i oa (atv :ir
iiof )
i:oiiig u.'l w.i 1 1 i in h iIm: tapidity
who his a pretty oood iniieaM n that
the common mud. though s.tnewhat
ojtlie ed just now to sp dilation, is
never heb .-s a'.-o teinperid b) prudent
!i . tan. it t:
Med 'nr.. I science, .-iited by t "ound
const it in ooi .iinl a go. id -uppiy of iraio
substance, can eitiui tlo- peileiin ii c
ot a imr.icle to ios coy It h !. .
pictty gem raily di e de that when 'he
liraiu ot a iio oan i io t ps iced tv a t
loli lgu slll'stamt -t . i .it
t 1 1 i I c ' or a claw iiiii lO'i th
ot ill it be n 1 mi.iii'W i il
iiilli o.I.d . lie iiiii. il i s
f 1 1 on, a
eX .s? eJn e
Mi l Ira y
t o. r ,im
InlldU -W I ( is WlMie the il .lll.n
hllitl his been mi haifot lOJUted
to ihttet Mrs ho g, mi vU . e i s at
l!U tjallod JVIYcf, td !, wdl te
I erne lo t I il t!,a! e. lit.' loth of last
(June I h laiy alio i. d I ws ;s .ti Uti
ill a tl o-l eje.u.iiy ih inner ty In r ii'
yort'i.'d ims ?ed In - wrefeh u-.t d i
tda wli atntnt t i i t.'oe pus of bcif ;ug
o'lt the WDSiCiH s Iil iiiis ,Mid sue; i ded
to home extent. i'hetv er,- infl eU j
with tli: cruel iustiutnent ' wo complete
fta.'! ut i s id t In- sk nil. . Tim firt w e mi
the hit side of the head, near 'be
crown, win tc the weapon h id ciushed
riht through, catting a principal b iod
vobi I, and literally scaltcriuo Mime f
the brain Mi ',: iriee on the floor. Tois
Wtiund lift a in i t tiisfj. iook'ng f;ic
tU'e. thi'.uga wh eh the loam , in
a shot king ni 1 1 1 io r Aioiihcr teirdie
blow hid shattered the temporal bone,
jast forward of the upper lobe of the left
ear, tun) buried the hammer io the
handle in the brain. Several other
wounds wer. inflicted on the scalp, and
the hit arm hid been broken Of
eoittse, tlie singeiius who were called in
gave up the cum; :is hopelc-s. Tlie'.!
however, d.d what was possible under
the ciicuiii":.inees to give ihe unhappy
woman some relief fiotu her aLouiy.
II I1 I I . . . ...1.. I li
tri. v. . iiinn 1 ei 111111 e in iv aucnoco,
1 i.i- 1 11
lir -in. I In hid udii,i.lH 1 ,1... I.......M :
cd from day to day, until linnl y she
tdiowcd siirns of rallying Then the
Hurocou did nil that lay in his power to
assist, tho process of nature, mid the
woman ia now stctually convalescent.
She has lost the power of speech, and
her face is partially paralyzed; but
Dr. Lewis thinks that time will work a
change for the better in these respects.
The caverns in the nkull aro to be filled
with silver plating. Looking at the case
from any liht, it is certainly one of the
most wonderful in the annals of surgery.
Chicago Post.
...... U ,1 "II I , fllllTII,. JlltJ Illici t
We learn from the Stutetman that
Don Jose La Vega, the smallest man of
the 000 in tn ho. in SnI nM BSr 'PI...
nort that whrmt .l...Ii.i .......
is unfounded, SI find $1 021 (C.
paid. Mrs J.BlakelyiscunvwsiDg
for her popular history of tho war.
-Stale fifems.
(JloaninH rr.im .Statu lixcdianef.l
Four horse coaches aio running be
tween 'jorvatlis ami Albany. The loss
by fiie on Ju g Thorioii'- place wa-
only fif een doil iis. - A young in ill
named O alia r. one day last week ac
cidentally -hot and killed himself, near
Soda prin;s m Jinii (.J.iunty. as We
leal o lioiu t be ( 'ui vallis ( Zittt'.
John Thicker has been sent to the
tu aoe A y in m iioin Li' u County.
From the Dnunciatic Krtr. The
Woods in the vicinity of ll-linday's
Addition caught fire i uesday, the lirus
iiiele sin, until now they iXtcnd a
mile or mole picstiit.ii;: in 'hi: uighr
tiiou a brilliant sp ctaele 'J he only
t.iiuai: y( t rep rted is that, f the
buniiug of eo il wood cut- th su'nuicr
and not yet h tilled out of the woods,
which it said to bj very cousidvTa
From the Albany Demirnl; Dipt
M ifth 'wsol thiseoiutv h is a spin ul':
black mules that weighs jointiv 2 511)
p Uuds M itch 'riu. if you can. An
other railro.tJ s'alion is to be built six
mile above this dfy on Uiir-I's I'ltui
Tvn dc ots I'n ih' am) pas-enjicr
are to he c reefed then; im mediately.
Mr. Hurl donited ten acre- " find
and f.ie liiiiroad bought ten acres 'imr.
fr .in bun. This wdl in ike thre- station-
'el ween Albany and Narrisbutg,
viz: Haird's. Shed s and llalsey
Mrs. (,'arrie F. Vouuj;. Lima Ie
Force tjoiiien, are let u li o i u d j j , n i
ti.Wu- . f the S tie Won. lei il they
n il! vi-ir Dallas :
A oinau stinek a n an with rock,
during I lit: recent flic in Oregon ('it v.
and injuied him fndly. lvgh'y-ix un'u
are etnp'oyed .-u the L eks at Oieon
('ily. Toe proprietor o Ibik'T's lin-.
oraui i is In paint a picture ol Wil'.nn
Cite Falls to add to his cXlbltiosi. so
says I he A''ii-'" ixe
Fioui the Oregon S'n'inel we le.iu :
On I. si Wcdne-d iy itic d un id ih
Ko-ue U'Vcr Mining 'oi.piuy gie
W n near the sh-.tc. and the v 1 1 1 i - o
tile "IVer Soon A lhed out ,l 'CIV
I a. -sc.
The Iovi,iir- VloimlmUt . f Aur
2X say s :
i r iV i i 1 1 ion 1 1 1
;M ' N iliiker tor t h : t' . li . i
Ilient nt the Sttatli;' liO
la i ' 1 1 -e.el
eoutit y whteh h,Vi: been s
pi it'e I : in lUot of S' .tt; I, mi 1
lo,l-e) lU-lUU aetcs ; am.. Uli! of I n!.
which have I ceo di p d d hy 1 1 tie
United Staff d,'di ' ) -1 1 ' , no euit
Inttn I in the Srhool ee:i n ;7 I I
rT - i (H). A s i oi a - fi.ee tiiiptciii !i
foi w uded t the Si t'iei iry i t .vVa!
the State Lmdt will be ictdy for I m i
lioii. Mi. Hi i kit infoue ns that hIC
issliil a Sat -e tjo tut it y to b -elected in
i Ills futility He Is liitt wifh pa ty
in t'uiis ('o Hit y.
A nun named It ch il d S ot tl a .i
stahhctl , I'oMliod la-t l u ! iy hv
some unknown ity He do d in ..
yery -h ot fioi
W'i w i ii I) ,1
W i- a I
i i i i
I rt.-d- mi s; .,1 it,.i'i
a t he : w .
pa y w u h one t at i I
lii t 'ctiter foi soiu ; ti i e
From the Hum !oirg " eg m
a number .f Irialr- Iniwci-u tin- town
and Oakland ate in bid condition
S 'lue ate almost impi a! e and .ic ' i;
Iv d.mgciou-. .! t es I. ioi.it, y v.
looUitt ttl I Wli i Mniii.i e iln.ie '
ly a physie.'in pioiioanc l .n-js.e .
Til 'i,iV taken lo tlo ie.- .ne Avoiiin
Sr.VtiK UoniJt U.".V. -We Uain.'o, pis
s ii' I oil t in s'a . tho' i he i e !i "f i
tO-I Moitb w...J loi lad fo.nr mUes this side
of li hatua, some four or live tlm is
iind dollars . apfuta d. Th tv yvt re ilnee
robbers. Only one passenger, bes.de
th driver, wn oi tho t.14,: at th?
time A later rumor is etirtent f
the (Heel that oic of the ro'.dn rs wis
eiuhf. and th.it a e,s,,d prospect, exists
ide .pf ttrino the other two Shuhz euirt
be in that loiebhoihood 'time
From the Portland dai ies : A nun
iniined (Jray, wm sent tojiil for tw -u-ty-livc
days, for stealni"; coat fram
the steanur Vancouver. The lite in
the wood"', in the southeastern portion
ol the e'.ty, has occasioned a h..m ot about
lour thousand dollars Messrs. II iw
ley, Iodd &, (aonpany had one hundred
ions iron, steel, etc , and (Jorbelt, Fail
tin; & (iinp iny, had ste?l, etc . on the
Kui'Mit. hna tt, hound to ,Sju rraiicisc i
. , n n ii
from Ltvci 1 00 . iio' mst oil (.ipc Horn,
All shipments ironi rvioland are c ver
ed by insuranet and the probabilities
aro these were.
Schaebcn & Drown, of Vancouver,
arc offering desirable town lots in that
place for G5, for. a few d lys ouly.
The tdrenth of tho Masonic Order
in tho United States, as reported by
the Committee- on Correspondence of
tho Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania,
aggregates as follows : Number of
lodges, 7,495 ; members initiated dur
ing the last year, 41,930 ; total number
of members in thirty-right States and
one Territory, 460,802 The older is
tho trong"st in New York, whcr.t
there nre 050 lodges, and 75,205 mem
i hers. Illinois comes next. With GOG
, lodges, and S3 990 members. Penn
sy1"1 has M lotC8i aud
1 mcmbera
nr. tysoiv,
Dallas. Oregon
Special attention yivju to sjiifes or Purchase of
ltcul Estate, Collcctiaii of Claims, Ac.
Agpnt Union Mutual Id fa hour nice Co.
S'or salt.
fjlEX ACRES OP LAND. ith Kood H amu
I iiiot arn, nil fenccil mel inaler ;imiiI Im
jiroviinoif . fitiMttjil in i lie Town of DiiIIhp,
I'olk County, an vxlrarJinary opportunity.
npwo nuxnuKi and forty six
fi Acrt'rt f hum! one Mile North of l'-olii,
l'olk County, goml lleiiM-, good liul'c Darn,
ion) other Iii;iilinii. All unlcr fence, with fiuo
Orcloit.l, and in luIi ttulc of cultiviition.
Sak'in. near flic two Ciffitr il Si fiod
House.'. Tlio lloiie coniidofl Kiiiht Itoomis,
nil l'l e-lt r. .1. with Har I 1'iiii h, U.irn, Wmxl j
1 1. hit. und all coiiVtnitiici & to make it '
tlesir ib'c.
on Wiibiiicf to slough. A hfeck of Six
l.otf, ciic oed vvi:li I! ar.i Fence, goo J Houpc, j
I'.i i n , ilc.
ISO Ai-r. "eoil lli ii-c, ttto liiin i.
lOciiiiril, Ac, riiuatcd on Upper Salt C.ctk, 7
inilcji Id'tii D.tllad.
aervs uiel-r Icoce, C) mn u lonltr the
pi..w j yr. ot lloiiM. lii.-a, a tot Jjij Orchiird,
situate 1 1 J mile, wvt ot Da i.is.
.Mllu imrlli-wirf! f lielti. t, P ,lk ('oliiity.
"i a in ii-ji uiitv:r cultivation, Ha hi-ten prairie
1 oi.l, n nl Il aicc, l:,irn, Or Inifl, Ac.
uiiiwitcj. oj. turn, ir'i luiiii.er l.r
ie'ii-c, jj or. haul. Iniii' .itt-r lu-ar itll the
year r atiel. .) in i!( h . n t !i iv k i 1 ot siiup.-oii'a
Mi l lie, I'.i I.Uv k I il.jilic.
Fi r I'm lii ulnr najuir of R. II. Tvmi.
l! f:ci uiaeA () rnn:.
f)cuus r,
s.i,i;m. ... oit i..o.
AH w!.o rerjniro uri'-nt O ir.li-nj on iho f
tycs, ot treatment, arc intitel t givo Liui a :
trial. j
Thefo who 'lo nut receive pcrniaui t benefit
Will ltiL llv; k ,111k; . ... v( , . . int.
Il I? -u.l,i iiiii li:i tin. ,t.i it. ti.nUvrU
;im1 unknot a I it.: in m-nis. utfi n.u'inoc
il il -I I . .HI i. ' i lis 1 , f i.t rl,ar;r,
C vi. I'l i, V i. ! t i;
C. J 11 lil K .
iauul'.i direi airt O l:o!i4lr Mini Iti
I all ltais ill
iu x2& i t tn v
Cowmcrci-i! ' trret. tafen. Orc,-on,
wi: -- mi: i.i..i:i
(i i .uid, ;t:tt!
l. !e: l-.ioid i'. 1t , .n i' 't'0V.
All . k nt-i "f i..!!;.'. I- r.,:n. . ' He Him
i ' , K. I - MM l' ! i- i . f ,.- - , i .i i.'t .t . .1 ii '
f .i - .ii ?! r.ii.'.,
i it M: i i;;i v, un orK.
s i'i ii. M.ir-a - '. !.") 4 if
J. tl. I'iiiiistl -Tl.
If. m: of a: i n !- i
li 1 .Ojl!,' '") lejll . if e, I' ; , I. . !,.-. J
i ;i i-. x :: a .1 t u m !: - , . ? .-- j
S : I . i I . ' lore tin l . I r III 1.1 i t A ! il ; "i !;',. !
u I o niiiy le i i.!.? ii ! .;i ihii2 . jo. 1 w, ;
m -i ' i-V! "f ia.1 a ' .--n.i i; -j i 'i'i-. ... j
Ail ej, r.i ti'. nil t'n- -"v al Mir neele Ol
tht- iu"-t M l' i li'.i' ;in l i mi' fill tiia'iner.
J ;:!;! -ni' ty t v : I -C ;el l!n K. .nitv a:ul
in M itv ot i In; n.it ii '. i! eye, liirrle l.
Il. n i - f r I.is 'r.ili-.si n;ul sf m I i i x l-i L ('.
I. im-, M. I . Pot. -l .ir-ir. ,01 I '.lviii
l;.u, v. M O. I'."'. -it Aii it'iiuv. I-ni vvr.-itv
i! tlio V.i'-ifi.'. :'i I l"f liis SH.-cf-s i.i tro itoi
jeoit -nt ! er l.'f'il ciims triiilfil I'V I'im oi
Sun l'r.oi'ir.i ; a! , i-i I U.ii-)i, ,
P.-rtluiel. Win. II. Tilt. in, Kmj.,. Vjilchi vcr,
J.ilei AU ji n-1: r. l'.!- . C'ii. i illo, W. T., nn.l
in.oiy otlni.i mi lli is North t' .uit. !5un
In "ash Cillts. to bo Distributed by the
Mcti''oliiitii Csi-li li izc Co.
r.vnuv nt:ivi:r iuvs a i-ijizm
1 i!i Oiff. ... Sltirt.dOl)
t Cm It iJilisi c:u ti, 4C.0i)ll
10 I'O 00.1
2 " " 5,00l)
50 - " 1.000
2i 0 500
1 00 200
:to mo
EK'gunt Itnyow-io.l I'nnn.', ;n l $:$i)0 to$,"')0
75 " iMchnlemiS " 7.) to 100
.1j0 Si-wins M.H'liinos, - - " fid to lTd
60ll (li.l.l Viin-!u;s ..... 75 to .'100
1'ili I'rizt!, Silverware oto. vulucil $1,200,000.
A flnoicc to ilriiw nnv of tho nhovo Prizes
for 2"c. Tii-ktta hscribin Prizes .ro noted
in Envelopes nnl woll inixcil. On receipt of
25'. n Senled Ticket is drawn without choice,
und Pent by mail to any address. Tho prio
tunned upon it will In delivered to tho ticket
holder on payment of One Ihttlar. Prizes aro
immediately eeut to any address by express or
return, mail.
You will know whatyur prizo is before you
pay for it. Any prize exchanged fur another tf
the nt! value. No blanks. Our patrons can
depend on lair dealing.
ltF.FKiiKNCKS : The following lately drew
Valuable Prizes ntnl kindly permit toil ns to
publish them : Andre .v J. Hums. Chicago,
$10,000: Miss Clara Walker, r$altiniore, Piano,
$S00 ; James M. Matth ows, Detroit, $5,000 ;
John T. Anderson, Savannah, $5,000 ; James
Simmons, Boston, $10,000.
Prkss Opinions: Th j firm is reliable.
Wcekh Tiibmic, Dec. 28 Dcmtvo their mc
cess A'. F. Hat-aid, Jan. 1. Just an I honor
able A'cic, Duo. 0.
Send fur Circular. Liberal inducements to
Agents. Siitisfiutiun guaranteed. Every pack
nge of 200 Sealed Envelopes contain onb cash
gift. Seven tickets for $. j 17 for $2 ; 50 for
$5; 200 for 115. Address,
PARKE It, BOND & Co., 40 Broad St, N. Y.
O. W. HOB ART. , . 1. Vf. HOBAIIT.
Korth-Kat Cvrn.-r of
Main and Mill trc.s. Dalta-.
Will Manurctiire an.i k.tp CONSTANTLY
ON HAN!' m lare At'ortuient f
Consisting of all the I
Usually kept In a
All of wldcli will be linnl -i nt
AIo. CAtf;i4JK TIAWi"i at.il ki:
turxu doiitTt;rr on tti ;,!,-;
not ire.
Call ami exainlpe out V'..rk I. Ut ;.an -ini -.-ing
41 ' GEO. IKMJAUT .t CO.
MotliiTM, I've Fotiiiii l
SIOII YICAIts I have sKAItcili-.li r;;
. reinvrly Him will ClltK u, W,,, ,,
by rniovi., the CULsE, sin.l at l,JBi 1 - ritv
"liurtka." IKY IT.
Thin ii n plofmanr anta'-i-l. und in far-u (lores
laxative,' in t-imi!l if stf. an aringi-irt medi
cine ; n it.linl.v nsefnl in lll.,.wel ntfc lions,
?pc i.llj- t (hil.fren. It i tt afe. (frlain
and ilT-itiial n-uiedjr for Cln.lic. Uiarrhoia,
Cho'tra iMorbiiH. Summer foinj laint, (Jiiping
I'ain, J-nur St. iuacb. Costi vetiem, y'in. on ihe
SOainH-h, Crying ami J-'rtitmjr of Children. In
Teething, there is in.fliiny jia( tf)Ujs j,
mdHii the Ounif, and rtinhr Tutliin easy.
It in ih i liiimliu;' medicine, Ktif up fvut
but a really valuable preparation, lnivinl... ,,
ut o?c f.,r .-cvcral vcar. it nciimi, i !t ,r ,4 i;
lo not give your i biM-vi, ihe -....tliii,
fyrtipi.," t..r ihey Mupi.'y widiout doii,- i,V
peruinix i.t j;o d.
I'r- pared tiy
Mr. w U'AT8-;ES:SK:K.
MONMOt TU, OftK.jON. .
F r ;de by Jtnii-fs. Tlie lr.nl.- M;prt:.',;
'i r. as -liable I. iii.s. fli;i:.Irtd of Titili...
'' tun bo ivi-n if' n'c-iharv.
,;i tf im. w. u A'ii:i:ii ot's K.
g 5 WINfJ Pl'llf If AX ;
A ii So.ck ,f (S....,!s. I u nii ,-, ; ,!,
ill. .i.. I. J ih.J '.lt,:t I IH V 0, I .,,
:oi.-k sn.ri;, I inu' . tti;i so.,.,
Cr- ctriis. D.y Contl. tioa's aad - L v-
;'l I V. roJ.iii; .,a.:,l ; ; ; , . i . t
re. SI v "i I rii-.,ii-r. w.I U i i , i
l Oltlt! I . fie.J-W I. jr p.,t !.:!-, . ; ,
.iv- v. iii hi i-..ri i.il ut!.
All ki 1- ..f p. . J , ,. ,,t!.. .... ,,
' -1 I i il.
.-. An . ::. t-: t w
it. ti. u
FARM rvlAQiitfOArlJWAljr .
ttnt: or ! io lor livery
il.m t;i
Che.ip-.-r .rid 15 ;,-r th vi ;iv,r h
nnl WAOOXS cm Innd nt tun" t e.'t
from, emnracin all r.f f!i lis! keilj.wii'a
latest Improvements for 1S7I.
TIME OIVF.X tmtit nf!-r TInv,- ' when
wanted, nn.l ft WIUTTIA' rtT7vUXTK!T
Civon with ..ar-h an I EVEHY AHl'lCh!;,
"on Daukskiii," if dcsTil.
No "played out" CAMFOHVIA MA
CMIN'ES to palm off on Orji iiiJis if
AGENTS Employed by mo.
Como and seo me and my MACIUNEi
uud kuuw what you aro buying.
Iron and Steel,
Wagon and Baggy Timber.
Prices so Maa caa Seat
m 13.8m