ID t-4 Ji VOL. 2. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER'S, 1871. NO. 86 he Drt30u $cubliran Is Issued Every Saturday Morning, at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY It. II. TYSON. OFFICE Mill street, opposito tbo Court SUBSCRIP1ION BATES. SINGLE COPIES-One Year, $2 00. Six Months, $1 23 .Three Months, $1 00 For Clubs of tea or raoro $2 per annum. Subscription mut be paid strictly in advance ADVERTISING RATES. One square (10 lines orless), first insert'n, $3 00 Each subsequent insertion 1 00 A liberal deduction will be made to quar terly and yearly adfertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient advertisements must be paid fr in advance to insure publication. AH other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. A. Splendid Chance. We will send the Dallas RurrBUCAV and Dkmre9t's Monthly, which is itself $3 for one year, to any person who pays us l Demorkst's Monthly stands unrivalled as a Family Magazine. Its choice Literature, its superior Music, its large amount of valuable informat on on miscellaneous subjects, its practical and reliable information in regard to the fashivns, and artistic illustration, give it a just claim to its well-earuel title, "The Model .Magazine of America." Jt'i'isiosi of Ji a racier. From the New Jersey Mechanic. It is but a truism to say that there .can be no success in life without deci sion of character. In spitt; t IV Quincy's protest, we believe that John .Foster, in his celebrated essay. iii n t exuberate the ituportanco of that quality, though we admit it is not fctiictly a moral power, and that the .tuost inexorable dcci.o'ion is u tieh more closely connected with physical diil- r ences of temperatuetit than with anv superiority of mind Decision of mit.d, like vigor of body, is a ;itt of (5oi It cannot be created by human eflort. It can only be cultivated It has I con truly said that, as resolution, or strength of will is a primary power in man, there is no higher power that can give birth to it, lor this higher power would necessarily involve the existence of the lower that was to be produced. But every man has the germ of this quality, which can be cultivated by favorable circumstances and motives presented to the mind ; and by method and order in ihe prosecutions of his duties or task1, he may by habit greatly augment his will-power, and beget a frame of mind bo nearly resembling resolution that it would be dfficult to distinguish between the two. Here, as elewhere, 44 the .statures of the perfect man," is attained by a slow gradation of travail study, effort and patience. The whole armor can n not be put on at once. The first victory will render the succeeding ones asier, uatij the very combat will be desired for the luxury of certain con quest. " The angel of martyrdom, is brother to the angel of victory." But, whether inborn or acquired, decision is a quality vitally important to him who would get on in the world. Even brains are secondary in impor tance to will. A vacillating man, no matter what his abilities, is invariably pushed aside in the race of life by the man of determined will It is he who resolves to succeed, and who at every fresh rebuff begins resoulutcly again, that reaches the goal. The shores of fortune are covered with the stranded wrecks of brilliant ability, but who have wanted courage, faith and decision, and have therefore perished in sight of more resolute but less capable adventurers who .succeeded in making port. Hundreds jof men go to their graves in obscurity, 3vho have been obscure only because they lack the pluck to make the first effort; and who, could they have only resolved to begin, would have astonish ed the world by their achievements and successes. The fact is as Sydney Smith well said : " That in order to do any thing in this world that is worth doing we must not stand shivering on the bank, and thinking of the cold and the danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can. It will not do to be perpetually calculating and adjusting nice chances; it did all very well before the flood, when a man could consult his friends upon an iutended publication for a hundred and fifty years, and then live to see its success tor six or seven centuries afterwards; but at present a man waits, and doubts, and hesitates, nnd consults his brotlici, and his uncles and his first cousins, and his particular frierds till one day he finds that he is sixty five years of age. That he had lot so much time in consulting first cousins and particu lar friends, that he has no more time to follow their advice." The world was not mae for slaw, squeamish, fastidi ous men, but for those that act instan taneously and with power. Obstacles and perplexities every man must meet, and he must either promptly conquer them, or thy will conquer him. It is rarely that the comparative good and evil of different modes of action are equally balanced ; and he who would do anything to the purpose in this world, should perceive the tlightist inequation of the beam with an eagle's glance. The Times Charges. The New York Times in a recent ar tide concerning the urea t frauds in the city government of New York, does not claim to be partizan in its eharges, but A. Oakev Hall; Ilieh .nl Ji. Con nolly, Mr. M.Tweed.and iVt r Svveenev, an isaysifanv Uepub cancan t.e provi-n to be in the rinu' ii name- him too l., feiring to the fnu lueit imU it fir ud-. ; sas: A Demo ra if iii.tid t . -Ii i tne bills, a Democratic .Maur p; io- d, them, a Deinoeratic A-uiit'.i ( ( ' Sy s j app untee) audaed tin. in, a Democratic j Controller sigtn-d the wnirains and ,i Democratic Chamberlain paid (Ii in Dut if Halt ami Cuii..ii were sl;nkcd at the iii!iOM of ti e i i i' of Supervisor ( they e a; could not proven') they ow to he, wh) have ilirv m er lu ceiled lli-' frauds siuce the 1 Id went out of exisienee ' Why !) Hot publish t be : C ti ' h as th- .'aw icq u; Why ha fil-ed to publish ill in .-ir.e , or e 10 any person t look at ib.-iu ' man of Ct nitii n s n- e n im 'n t Jiey ; e n i j i V e, -i - j j. j d : In I t in i eo ; 1 i was r- e t'i-i' tii v -it u .1 !!; j.oi ii under tlo o! I IJ'ii i oi Supes o nnd ui!e'i(b-d !o co i'hmo' if umier tlo new- Have (hev e ;itinocd ir rn i u te.ey Continuing et even now Tn same tnen role the 'ity n ,w tb it vu-i 'i it then. Some of t em have be n ci vated to still more re-poos. Me po-itiou. Have they all suddenly In-come h'one.f men W e say- no ; and in rouei u-ioii we put to Mayor flail and to t'o low IJoar.J of Suj ervi-o ne -im; i q'-c-n n which we have already a-ked thie times without getting any n spoi se : Did or did not the Board of Su pern ors, of which the Mayor I'le-idcnt, approve and pas. in the forepart of l.t.-t month, a bill of one McKetiny, of the Twenty. first Ward, for SiS.OOO, pur porting to he for carpenter work in the Farine Court, which work any one of a hundred carpenters in this City would be irlud to do for S7U0." A BitAVt: Woman On !a-t Sunday eveniiie a Mrs. DefTenhaeker, residing in Siuslavv valley, left home, with a child about one year old, to meet h r husband who had early in the day cone to the house of a neighbor. The road lays through thick brush, and she had proceeded about a quarter of a mile when attention wa.-i attracted to the singular action of a youn do; which accompanied her. She .stopped to admire and wonder at hb clownish gymnastics. II cr wonder, however, was soon changed tr con-tcrnatiou, for on looking up she discovered in a tree at a distance of about forty feet from the ground, a lare cougar in the atti tude of springing upon her. She real ized her dangerous condition, and knew the safety of herself and child depended on her coolness. She fixed her ejes upon the monster and retreated until flic reached a Geld near the residence of Mr. Barlow, where she shouted un til Mr. A. J Barlow put iu his appear ance. On learning the .state ol affairs he procured a gun and speedily P"t ' end to the "ineccf'which measured 9 ft. in length. Emjene Guard. Posing a Ikdaio(iuk. " Sally Jones, have you done that sum 1 tci you?" " Nothir ; I can't do it," 'Can't doit! I am ashamed of you. Why at your ago I could do any sum set me. I hate the word can't ! for there is no sum that can't be done I tell you." 41 t think, thir, that I know a thum you can't thifer out." " Ha ! well, Sally, let's hear it." 'It ith tith thir; If or.e apple cauthed the ruin of the whole human many such will it take to make a barrel of thider, thir T " Miss Sally Jonesi, you may return to your parsing lesson;" Yeth thir." I, A Desperate and Important Political Struggle In North Carolina. A Washington dispatch to the New York I'imt's say : "The political situation in North Carolina is becoming very interesting, from the alleged fact that that State is the battle ground of the Ku Klux in the trial of their scheme to overturn the prescut State Constitutions of the Southern States. The issue, however, which presents itself publicly is be tween the Democratic and Republican parties direct, and the result of the ehction of delegates to the Constitu tional Convention will decide which party shall hold supremacy in the State for a series of years The Dem ocrats boldly avow t heir purpose, in the event of the Convention being called, to be the expulsion of all the present Judges, and the substitution f Dem oeraf in their places, elected by the Legislature,- with a life-tenure. All the judicial officers, down to Justices of the Peace ate to receive the same treatment, and the machinery for Tarn many tattles in vote-counting will be made o:nplete by the Justices being riven the eon'ro! of elections. The ! -lections of tl. kigat s to the Convention i-t. take pi ice Anu-t , I '1 he l!un lif:o,i wih'iil V 'feu !V tVo tllltOS Ot e ..'I-! o '(re. tbeex .- 'n (?t.riti W ioti il V i4 S, lifi ; . ' i b i kiiv w iv ; w..u!d not b a but l!.e itepuldt- ! eacs v; ''- a i.vvi-rlul V, .rt toe'eet r, ,i ... .-.!. t I ! I i 1 l ily ot tne Ueiri: Ite-, m winch (- ihc 'ooven!i 'ti will b - di-sulved ujiliout ai tion; a-.d Mteci s in t.lit at eon-- i M fp i n, ir tiii recur aecouais II. M ti..- 1 I ! t : i;. Mil v e v-v.;, the fbui-i r.its shod hi et i i"f, ((OVeruor t!:tideil Woliid iy i'e-if. arid the Pr sidenr have to tbiM-ic vvtacit w,h ?he o r U Co ll t, td Votld that ' o e j n m .'it f f, ( oo! i,ri I Mie .,:or r .1 I 1 . . . : 1 liiti.ti ! tfe I vvi J z S iu be heart u tl iilit i; o 1 1 1,:-. h ill r lew o Ku Kinx i a . s, i j i ie'.-U. .ilo Wii. mi i.M- iorou-lv in 1 c :i;j..;uu. I to ; s-;'.n, i t to Mi i ; i e. iif pi!bt"sri ('oil ate ndiUk' more t h i io tec Mate 1 lo- ' u cun en!- ; trou'f;..iir tin' coot .-: ha a nation. d s 'u, Itch r: re. :e .a deb a tt!o u ivinx m ot I'lii'iiiM ! them to t'h in -' fiout rl.r ubv!it the wh I.; S.uth." How al Disiacfd ihc I'aniily. A trave'er in the Si ife of 1 iiiuois. ss uie yt ir- ago, eauir to a I.aj cabin on the ; rairies, ;it Cairo, and there halted. He went into the lottise of hs. It wa a wretched atfii ir, an empty packing box ! r a table, while two or three old chairs and disabled tools graced the rc ce. tioo room the dark walls of which were iur; her ornamented by a display of j oirty tin-ware and a broken delf article r two. The woiinn was crying in one corner, ami the man with tears in his eyes and a pip.- in his month, sat on a stool, with his dirty ,n nis re-ting on his knees, and hi sorrowful -looking head snp--porti d by the pa'ms ol hi hands. No i . woro irreeteil the inter o per. -Well ell," said he, "you seem to be in awful trouh e here ; what, up'" ""i ait- ui'i ii.ii.ijti, iieiguoui, sai 1 the. woman, " ami we aint got no patience to see folks now. "That is all tight," said the visitor, not much taken aback by thi.i polite rebuff; k but can't I be of any service to you in all this trouble'" "Wvll we have lost, our gal; our Sal is gone and left us," s:rid the man in tones (f despair. " Ah ; do you know what induced her to leave you?" remarked the new arrival. " Well, can't say, stranger, as how she's fo far lost as to be induced, but t lien "he's gone and disgraced us," re marked the afflicted father. " Yes, neighbor, and not as I should say it as is her mother, but there warn't a pootier gal iu the Wr est than my Sal ; she's gone and brought ruin on us and her own head, now," followed the stricken mother. " Who has she gone with ?" asked the visitor. " Well, there's the trouble. The gal could have done well, and might have married Martin Kehoe, a capital shoe maker, who, although bo's got but one eye, plays the flute in a lively manner, and earns a good living Then look what a home and what a life she has deserted She was hero surrounded by all the luxury in the country," "Yes, nnd who knows what poor Sal will have 'o eat or drink, or wear, now," "And who is the fellow that has taken hor from you. to lead her into such misery ?" quoth the stranger. " Why, n him, she's gone off and :ot married to a critter called an editor, as lives in the village, ti e devil only knows how thej tiro to cam a living' l(,A'I'. i, CAsliAIl'V. Another of those sad calamities which we have so frequently been called upon to record, involving the sacrifice of human life to the restless flow of the great cataract, has transpired the pre sent week. Two more men have been swept over the FaUs of Niagara, mak ing in all five persons who have in this way perished during the present sum mer. No living person saw the terrible event, or witnessed the agonized strug gle which they doubtless agiiu-t the fate which had overtaken them, but the circumstantial evidence is such as to leave no question but that they lost their lives in the manner stated Alexander Lancilot, a Fiench Cana dian, has for some time resided with his wife und three children on Navy Island, where, doubtless, he has been visited at his home by more than one to whose eyes this record may come. Last Wednesday morning he crossed in his boat to Chippewa for the purpo-e of getting supplies. At the usual time lie did not return, and the distress of his of family grew greater and greater when j hour alter hour pa-sd without bringing anv tidings of him. At Chip: ewa. too, J others were fcen in mouniini; for when the news reached them that Lancilot had not rrturncd to Navy Island, it was made known that he Marted away from th- hore at twelve o'clock la-t Wednesday night, accompanied in his bo it by a u:ui named IM ward Hogar-du-, belonging to that village. The rou'e they were obliged to take lies but a little way above the rapid. Some mischance, the breaking of an oar, or some such fatrl visitation, mu-t have set tiicin at the meiev of the current, whi' h irresi-tibL- bore the haples boat ti th. raj. Ms a.'.d the e itar let's Iril.k, nvi-r which it ifHtlc'l. The and its occu: ants were fiiendt of the l st m n t I'i.iii led ,11 II mi ft i in; o suspense until esteri!av. when al! dubt a to the trole;tl . ecurrt-nce W is set aside by fh li.M'ivetv below the falls of fra ii eiits of their boif. and a fb'Ur sack, ttirli thev er ktiowo to h te h id vvitii them. N ither sf the bodies had i. en rec ere at the time of our infor (uiti' ti Mr- 1. mi iiof was iidir. nod of the di-coverv i f tl.t' eVith of her hti-'"itd's d'ath. and her rief upon icecivin the s id intelligence was be yon.l the power o! pen to pourtrny. Whether or not the o.her victim I lo Hindus, wis a m .in o fimily we have not learned. llJ'i! Kxprcs.t 1)5'. ATII Ili.l'OUi: DISIIOSOK. Twenty-filth Street. V , was in a fever ot exeit inetit yisterd iv, owin to b. birth of a naiulul ruiinr. wliteh ar,t.rwar-J proved too true. A crowd a-sembicd at No '1'Z'l in the above- mimed street, and looked long and ear nestly at the closed windows id" the house. A terrible tragedy bad occurred there one of the last, and perhaps the worst, of the Orange riot. Mr Kuward .T, i. Caffncy, a go.ntl man of courage, soldi ess and dt. termi nation, beloved by everyone who en joyed his acquaintance, a wit and h umorist of n com toon order, was ;1 member of company 11. 1Mb regime. t, National Ginnl On Wednesday, the morning of the riot, his young wife locked him iu his room and prevented him from reporting at the regimental headquarters. Believing that there W)tild be no difficulty between the military and the people, he laughed at his wife, made no attempt to break out, and lav down and slept until evening, lie got very much excited when he heard the news of the riot and the loss of life ; he could not be appeased, lie brooded over the matter, and developed ait the symptoms of melancholy mad ness This continued until yesterday, when it had a terrible termination. Having heard that his absence from his post in the regiment was commented on by his comrades, he grew very much worse, and about noon, while sitting at. the dinner table, suddenly produced a razor, which he had concealed on his person, and drew it across his throat. An alarm was given immediately, and Dr. Kdward Bradley, of West Twenty fourth Street, rushed to the scene. Two other physicians afterward arrived, but their efforts were useless. The gentle man expired iu the arms of his friend, Mr. W. H. Stephens, who opportunely arrived. Mr. (Jaffney received the con solation of religion from two pastors of his church while he was yet conscious His death has caused a profound sensa tion, not only in the 9th regiment, but. in the entire National Guard. AT. V. Herald What reason have you to suppose that beer was make in the ark? The knimaroo was seen to .go in with hops, and the bear was always bruin. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, tC. I'OItTLAM) - - - - OHUCOX. General News Agent For Oregon and Adjacent Tcrrritories. Alo SI'JiCIAL COLLKCTOR of all kindg f CLAIMS. AGENT for the Dallas Republican. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iVol.-ii'v Fiafillc, IltJIlXA VISTA. 41-tf J. C. GRU003, M. D., PIIVSICIAN AM) KUIUircOX, OrTcra h'u Service to the Citizens of Dallas and Vicinity. OFFICE at NICHOLS' Drug Store. 34 -tf W. I). JUFFItlivS, M. I., 2'Iiyician anil Surgeon, Iola. Oregon. Special attention given to Obstetrics and f Women ltf . a. CU2tL, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, M.LUM, OHIXJOX, Will jr9Ptifo in all the Cmuts of RecorJ and Inferiir Curts f tui Htate. OFFICEIii Watkiuds i Co' Brick, up itairf. 1 i c. i; 1,1,5 VAX, Attorney h Coun3ollor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon. Will practice in aU tbc Court of the Ftate. 1 Attorney -ind Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas. Oregon. ?pfial Mtetoi'in rivtiu to ColWtiona ftfid to maiur." pri.iinin: t Ileal K.tate. 1 ROSS FEB BalimCDWm Uc:al ECfefaic Acnlw and Real Estita Auctioneers, No. KU. n;ONT STHKCT. POUTI.AXD - - - - - Oltl.COX.I YA33; A!4D C A3 Ft ! A3 E S M 0 ? Main Street. Dallas. Sorond door north of tlu Drug Store The un dom 1 wilics t t inf-'rm tin: PuMi that he i rvartd to do any kind of work in hi lino on the h"rtt st unlic, and in the lu-t ( t v 1 . Thankful to hii" old cn.toi:i;r and friend fr f irmer patronage, ho respectfully ,nH.,iii a continuance of the same. M-tf S. T. GARRISON". C'o;iiati!(cc on Railroads Hare dcri lt that as noon ns the Orcpon (Vrifrnl H;ilrad (West Side) i t omj leted into IN !k Cunty. thoy will i!?u order to all crui trartor and woikmcn on the lino to purchase ail th-ir Groceries aid Provision', Clothing. Boots and Shoes, L&dt3' Dros Goods, Hardware, Tinware, Or thev may happen t want of ?f. M. EI!"m. at Laeiede. formerly known as ClufTi Store. Meanwhile, all farmers, or anyone ele, will find it to their interest to call and make tt cir se'eotiorin. All are aware that I am sell i jjood- chtprr than aUthody in Voile Co. I Imiv more Produce than any two stores in the County. So bring uloiifr y ur Flutter if it is soft, and if it 13 soU!, ail the better. Yours truly, M. M. ELT.TS. 20-3 m mn, door m BUND FACTORY, STIiniST, I) A I.T.AM. MAIN 1 have constantly on hand and for Sale nml IJnlaxctl. DOORS OF ALL SIZES. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMKS, All of the Best Material and Manufacture, ll-tf JAMES M. CAMPBELL. B RATSK A. COOSt, BOOKBINDKR, AND Blank Book Manufacturer, SAM1M, OKIX.'ON, fT?Tr ' ,,avSr MtlHfhel a First Class isooKixmiery in talem, is now prepared to do all manner of work known to the trado. Magazines. Newspapers and Music Bonnd in any desired 8tyle. Old Books Re-Bound. BLANK B00K8 of every description, with or without Printed Headings, Manufactured to Order. ' BLANKS of erery kind Ruled and Printed to Order. PRICES REASONABLE. In Griswold'i Block. 23-6m jr. PR OFESSIONA L CA RDS, L- C. fea -DALLAS HOTEL, COKM.n MAIN AND COURT STS. Dallas, Polk County. Oregon. The undersi?ne1, having RE-FITTED the above HOTEL, now inform)! the Public that he is prepared to Accommodate ail who may favor hiru with a call, in as good style as can he found in nny Hotel in the Country. Give me acall, and you shall not leave disappointed. 12-tf W. F. KENNEDY, Proprietor. RSAE FACTOR V. IUCJII AIJDSON Si CO. Inform the PubUs that they are now ready to d all kinds of work in tbeir line. CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &c. liuilt or Re- paired with JVeatriepa and Dispatch. WAGONS constantly on band for Sale. ULACKSMITIIING done by an experienced Workman. One door south of Livtry Stahlc Dallas, Ogn, 8-tf Saddlery, Harness. Main t. (opposite the Cour House), Dallas, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Ilarnep. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, Check Linen, etc., etc, of all kind?, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest lirmg rates. rCrBEI'AIRING done on short notiee. S7."5 E V 11 tt V XV ELK! HADE EASY, nv LADY AGENTS. We want Smart and Energetic Ajrrntu to intrdnon fiiir frnlfli" und "?nllv i1,.ira ! luliivpiilion... in ererr Vilin-ie. Totrn and f'ifu ltht l'..rf,!. I!?i.oj)r;i?nlih to every Household; Th y are highly ap r ved of, endorsed and adopted 1V I'hixi.i'itt att l iJirinet, and ar now a OKI. AT FA V Oil ITU with t Ik in. Ittrj I'aiufl v.lll Piirchasc One or more of them. S tVin that Iheir merits are nppan-nt at a (l.A.CK. DSUCGISTS, MILLIKZHS. D R TE SHAKES S and all who keep FANCY SUSHI'S, will fnd our exr. Met t rtu'Je- SI2L h 1 7.7.' 1 11 A I'UU LY, give? per feet ? fi.'.i tion and netting S M ALL FO It TV XES to all l"a1crs and Aer.t?. COUNTY' It I t." II T S V RER t" all who dep're enr!jir! in an Honorable, l'jifdnhle find Vrojinhlc Jiusiue, at iLe fame time pood lo tKcir eon panions in life. Sample $2 I'O. sent free hv mail on receipt of prire. SKM FOR WHOLESALE CIRCU LAR. A1HUIESS, VICTORIA MANUFACTURING CCIIPY., IT, VXHli i'LACIS, New York. J. II. KINC All) ban opened a New Photcfjraphic Gallery In Dalla?, where he will he pleased to wait on Customers in his line of Business at all hours of the day. C IiiJs2rc:: iciurcs Taken without grumbling, at the same priee as Adults. Satisfaetion guaranteed. Trice to suit the tiu;ojt. Rooms at Lafollctt's Old Stand, Main Street, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, April 27th, 1S71 . S-tj v. &. & iii vu n, No. 13C, First Street, PORTLAND, - - . . ORI3GOX, Who!e?ale and Retail Pealer in DRY 'CCODl- (LOTIIIXU, LADIES' DllESS G 001)5, HOOTS AND SIIOI.S, II ATS & CAPS, GROCERIES d- PROVISIONS, Highest Cash Triee paid for all kinds of Country IPi'oclviee. 16-4m Raj? Carpet Weaving:. 4 1 V. 8ff Carpet?, and wishing them Woven, ean be neeomiuodated hy calling on tho undersigned. Orders left at the Store of R. Howe Bros, will he promptly attended to. 16 :m WM. SAULSUKRRY. FURNITURE! 4.. Iturcaus, Lounges, Tallies, Bed sic a ds. A Variety of CHAIRS for Parlor juid Kitchen use. " RAW-HIDE EOTTOr.I CHAIRS Of my own make. Shop near Waymirc?s Jlill I INVITE TIIE rUBLTC TO EXAMINE my stoek. I shall bo pleawnl to show yott my goods, and bettor pleased when you buy. NEW WORK put u? to Order, and RE PAIRING done at the lowest eiwb. priee. 4-tf WM. C. WILLS, Valla: