Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 19, 1871, Image 1

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3 f J
VOL. 2.
NO. 24
8Jhe (Drcjgau Jftcpubltran
Ji Issued Every Saturday Morning, at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE Mill street, opposite the Court
House. .
SINGLE COPIES One Year, $2 00. Six
Months, $1 25 . .Three Months, $1 00
For Clubs of ten or more $2 per annum.
Subscription inut Ins paid ttrictty in advance
One square (10 lines or less), first inscrfn, f 3 00
Each subsequent insertion 1 00
A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly advertisers.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
k Transient advertisements must bo raid for
in advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job .Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice.
A Splendid Chance.
We will send the Dallas IIettbltcax and
Dem crest's Monthly, which is itself $3 for one
year, to any person irho pays us $1
Demorest's Monthly stands unrivalled as a
Family Magazine. Its choice Literature, its
superior Music, its large amount of valuable
information on miscellaneous subjects, its
practical and reliable information in regard to
.the fashions, and artistic illustrations, give it a
ust claim to its well-earned title, " The Model
Magazine of America."
Erin cation.
From the New Jersey Mechanic
Education in our country j a prime
necessity. Our theory of (I over n merit
requires that, for its successful support,
the people , shall know enough both to
govern themselves and to share in the
Joint government of one another. Re
publican institutions distribute among
ithe many what monarchy reserves to
ths few. For this reason, Education
Jiesat the base of popular liberty. The
ignorant, vicious an 1 degraded must be
-.ruled by force. The enlightened, vir
tuous and upright classes voluntarily
maintain order of themselves, and exact
it of others.
Our public school system was estab
lished and is supported for the purpose
jof securing to all American youth a fair
.average knowledge of the elementary
branches of instruction It aims t-
qualify the rich and poor alike for the
various ordinary callings of every day
lite; and, as a system, it ha worked
well. If not always peridot in p r
tion, still it bears the marks of having
been plauned by about as much wisdom
:as usually enters into human contriv
ances Of late, however, this system has
fallen short, precisely at the point
where its advantnges are most w.nU-d
Jt lacks the power to benefit them who,
for various reasons, are growing up
without any education worthy of the
.name. Sensitive as Americans are to
.everything which may be supposed to
interfere with personal liberty, sMli the
question will have to be met before long
: Whether or no there should be a
Compulsory education ? Ought there
to be a law to enforce the rights of
ignorant youths to receive the advan
tages of some schooling ?
We think there ought to be such a
law. Parents are, indeed, the natural
and legal guardians of their children.
But they are not exclusive owners of
iheir offsprings. They cannot do with
them in all respects as they may please.
They cannotdeny them food or shelter.
They must take care nf them. Tin
fights of the children, and the rights of
the State, defended by righteous law.
The State not only guards the rights
cf children to a certain extent, but,
'when the children have become grown,
then the State claims it right to use all
paale adults. Accordingly, it enrolls
them its militia, or puts them in the
jury box. As, then, the State docs in
terfere with the domestic affairs of
households, and forbids unnatural cru
elty to youth of tender years, why
.should it not ward off and prohibit, that
.style of cruelty which enforces ignor
ance upon those who have a, natural
And social right to receive knowledge?
Hardly can a more grevious wrong be
xlone to young lads and young misses
than that which is done to many of
them, by withholding from tlieir eyes
the light of knowledge. A compulsory
education would remove that wrong.
Furthermore, as the State expects to
claim service of all its adult citizens, on
what ground can the State be denied
the privilege of preparing the rising
generation for the duties and responsi
bilities of citizens? Whatever hasty
prejudice may affirm, it seems to us
plain enough that every year supplies
additional force to every argument in
favor of compulsory education.
It is well known that lazy, thriftless,
ignorant or iutemperate parents, iu
great numbers, put, even upon their very
young children, the task of securing, bv
beggary or by ill paid work, a daily pit
tance for the ndvaiitage of their oppres
sors How uurnerous the class of chil
dren thus deprived of schooling may
be we do not exactly know ; but at any
rate it is large euough to swell what are
styled the dangerous classes with fear
ful rapidity. Children having such
parents, and being subjected to such
wrongs, ought to be sought out by the
activity of the law. The State cannot
afford to bring up an ignorant aud per
verse crowd of juveniles to make war on
its peace and its security. Yet that is
what is being done, and will continue
to be done, until we have education
guaranteed as & birthright to every
child in the community old euough to
use aud enjoy it.
The Brooklyn AA in an ab!e
artiele on ' Newspaper work and work
ers," truthfully remarks that there is
no other profession but enjoys immu
nity from observation as to its modes.
The preacher writes iu the privacy of
his study, and can eoticoet platitudes,
or pad out plagiarisms that would be
the ruiu of editor and reporter. The
lawyer consults his client, and organ
izes his campaign in private, bringing
into Court only as much as makes br
his cause and against the case of his
adversary. The doctor plies his po
tions, and launches in his lancet iu
secret. If the patient recover, it may
be the medicine, or it may be iu spite
"f it ; if he die. it imy be pills or Pro
videnee : the physician is seathlcss. i
None of these come to liirht that their
deeds may be improved.
Moreover, the work of the press is;
con tin nous -as well as constantly public.
There is no peace in our war. The.ru is
no rest for he weary. Spue is no
more annihilated by telegraph, than
time by journalism The evening ami
morning arc not merely the first day,
but all the seven. Night is annihi
lated as to alt its quantities of repose.
Kvery minute of every hour of the
twenty four is occupied by some work
ers, doing some work that shows itself
in the newspaper of the morning and
afternoon. Repetition is as impossible
as rest. Facts are ever new. Com
merits must be as fresh ns facts; and
the edition is a remorseless giant that
eats up all the seconds. The making
of a newspaper is perpetual motion iu a
thousand fields. In such a work, de
manding ft ageless effort, permitting no
pause, exacting eternal and ever vary
ing exercises, it is impossible, for wheat
to be unmixed with chaff, for accuracy
not to be impaired by mistake, for
injustice not occasionally to be done.
The Duties ot an I'.uglish l.adjN Maid.
One of those not, to-be-enviod per
sons, a race which may be clashed with
governesses, has recently made disclo
sures throwing a f eculiar light upon
the women of rank in "Old Kugland."
u Much is required from us," she
writes. ' We must, above all, be very
punctual, for fashionable people change
their dress at least five times a day uur
ing the season. We must have pol
ished manners, le no older than thirty
five years, and be always cheerful and
good tempered, although for weeks we
are kept without sleep until 4 o'clock
in the morning a practice which is
equally injurious to the eyes and lutiL'S.
We are expected to cut aud fit, aud to
use the most approved machine, and to
dress hair for the rnorninir, evening
and court costume, as well as for the
drive; to iron well, to read, write and
cypher; to speak French and German,
and, if possible, to have traveled.
There is still another function of a
lady's maid, which is supposed to be a
modern introduction, but which is in
fact merely a revival of an ancient cus
tom. We must be able to mint in ras
tel. not, indeed, after nstiiro hut.
her. To beau til v
must redden the cheeks, put antimony
upon the eyelids, pastel upon thn brows,
introduce belladonna into the eyes in
order to enlarge the pupils, paint blue
veins upon the temples, and use ninoti
paint and pearl white upon the rest of
the skin. We must change the hair to
reddish brown by means of a corroding
material, or of palma vecehio,' which
is now used in preference for that pur
pose ; and we must be possessed of
great skill in applying all these ingre
dients, as their use is universal with
the old and youug."
Letter to the Louisville Courier Journal.
I spent a night with some Irieuds on
the top of Vesuvius, freezing on one'
side and broiling on the other We
kept ourselves awake by the amuse
ment of dodging the falling stones.
About once every ten minutes the old
mountain gave a shiver, then a burst
like forty thousand muffled cannon, if
ever there wa sueh a thing. At each
burst, a cloud of black smoke, in tlu
shape of an inverted haystack, and
about thirteen times the size of the
Gait House, was driven into the air,
followed by a mass of lively flame that
lighted the country for leagues around.
Then boys look out for the atones.
Millions of tons are thrown hundreds
of feet in the air, most of them falling
back into the crater, but many, varying
in size from a heu's egg to a tobacco
hogshead, and you must dodge gen
erally easy enough, us they are of a
white heat, and nhow as plain as rocket
stars. They tumble down the steep
cone, hissing aud steaming in the snow
thi big ones breaking iuto fragment
and flying like a bursting shell. Now
boys is the time, ten minutes interval.
We ruhh up to the very edge oj the
abyss and look down to see further par
ticulars see Xante's luft-ruo" but
you spoil your boots ; I did. Yousing?
your mustache ; I did. And you wish
you were safely out of it , I did. You
turn away sneezing, as if you bad acci
dentally ignited a box of loei focos un
der your nofe. For a moment all
dark ; then the long, twinkling rows o!
gas lamps in tho streets of Naples seem
to spring out of the ground under your
feet, though miles away ; then you see
the lights about the little towns about
the base of the mountains in all save
one, and that ona the largej-t. Fmiipeii,
with its great old tempic, magulfieetit
theatres, ulo.-e built streets and vast
arena, is dark; the grim skeletons j
lying in their ashen bed alone keep
their vigil there ; their eyeless sockets
need no light. No sight that ever 1
witnessed can equal a clear sunr.se from
Vesuvius. No one can imagtna its
grandeur; but you must try to, for 1.
dare not attempt & description. As we
stood gazing down on the roofless
houses of Pompeii, the sun lighting its
grey-covered wall Torre del Grt-eo,
with its earthquake shaken walls I
said: " We have nothing like this in
America." " I am glad of it," said one
of the pirty ; "It's awful shabby;
don't think it pays." That young man
wis from Henry County, Indiana.
With a pretty general destruct tm of
boots and clothing, and the aforesaid
loss of one of the handsomest mustaches
in Naples, by your humble servant, we
got down Kifely. Not so with another
party who ascended from the Noli
side. One of them h id an arm broken
by a falling stone ; another a leg, in
netting down. If you wi.-h to know
how to g t down, let go your hold and
you'll come dowu.
Postal Mok ky Okdkh System. -The
operations of the po-t.d money-order
system are Vf-tly m re exten-ive
than are generally supposed. The late
report, of the Post-Master General shows
that during the last year orders were is
sued in the cityjaloncjamounting to more
than 050,000;nrders wn paid amount-'
ing to more than 83.800.00l), nearly
37,000.000 were received a remittances
from postmasters, and drafts of postmas
ters for more than $.'1,400,000 were
paid. The system has proved remarka
blje safe in its operations, only $8,000
out of'$2.'),24' ,027 remitted bysmall of
fices to larger ones, to meet issued orders,
having been lost during the past year.
The convention recently negotiated be
tween this country and (treat Uritain
for the regular exchange of money-orders
will no doubt prove the initial step
toward the extension of the system to
all foreign countries. Under thi con
vention the maximum of each order is
fixed at fifty dollars.
The abundant crop and the excellent
quality of wheat this season willl find
a ready market in Europe. In Prussia
and Franco the grain crop will be en
tirely too light to feed the people.
Nearly all the seed has perished.
England is generally compelled to
import for her own use, and will be
certainly obliged to do so this y?M
while in Asia the crop is a total failure
and gaunt and famine invade tho land
of . tho Mcdes and Per&iaus. In wes
tern Europe the crop prospects are
some better. In addition to our ability
to aid the suffering, the receipts of-our
farmers will be swelled by good prices
and an active market.
We furnish the Republican and
DcmonsCt Monthly for $4 a year.
Duluth Phenomena Curious breaks of
tho Water at L,ake Superior.
From tbo Duluth Minnesotian.
The ship canal which the city of
Duluth is constructing across Minne
sota Point, to make a direct and safe
entrance from Lake Superior into the
inside or bay harbor, is likely by its
progressive exhibitiou of facts, to con
found all the theories as to its effects on
currents and entries that have hereto
fore been laid down by both friends and
foes. For the lat two weeks, what is
called the Littoral Current of the
Lake," or the shore wash from the
north-east down the north shore, has
under the continued prevalence of
winds from the north-east, rushed two
thirds of the time iuto the bay, through
this aperture ; as though that being
the first opening that presented itself iu
this littoral" course, it made haste to
seize the opportunity to swell the
waters of the inside pond to its own
level; and then, abrading the iuside
shore hue of Minnesota Point, it has
gone to reinforce the currents of the
8t. Louis and Left Hand rivers the
practical effect on the entry being to
deepen its chat' nel two feet, with a cor
responding increase of depth on the bar
at the end of the uuduished canal, as
actual sounding show. lTuder this
known condition of things, as to effect
of the canal's construction thus far, it
is not surprising that even our friends
of Superior City are in a state of bewil
derment whether the proposed dyke
across the bay will not be a dire injury,
and whether the canal, by allowing the
" Littoral Lake Current" to make a
circuit through the canal and out t the
entry, is wot to prove their greatest
Ibis morning another phenomena of
currents through the canal was wit
nessed one that has astonished the
oldest settlers and the hundreds of all
rauks who gathered down ths point to
view it. Between 0 and 7 o'clock thin
morning, a sort of tidal-wave, more
thau two feet high, uddeuly broke in
from the Lake iuto the caual, sweeping
away the floating or scow bridge at
Lake Avenue, aud the north pier work
or approach thereto, breaking the unun
chored cribs away from their moorings
at the bay entrance to the canal, and
scattering the floating timber rafts into
the bay iu every direction. The cur
rent ran in at the rate of twelve or fif
teen miles an hour, for over half an
hour; then it turned and ran out with
a velocity for about twenty minutes,
carrying timbers and cribs out to sea;
then it turned aud ran in again with
nearly as great impetus for another
half hour, bringing the debris in again;
and so it has oscillated all the morning
to and fro. Communications between
the two ends of the Point are practi
cally suspended, as no one can cross,
except only in the short passes where
the current is on the turn. The reason
why the tide seems to run in a little
longer than out of the canal, is conjec
tured to be that a portion of the volume
of water finds its outlet by t. Louis
This phenomena is variously theo
rized on as to its cause. Last night
there was a tremendous rain storm, with
lightning fireworks, but little or no
thunder, tho rain coming down iu per
pendicular torrents part of the time;
then wind from every point of the com
pass ; nature in a sort of chaos. Under
the operation ot these elements, and
probably of a tremendous north-easter
down the lake, pressing the volume of
the lake s waters to this end, tho so
called tidal-wave has occurred. We
await, with some curiosity, to hear of
this storm from further East.
Declined It. When the Hev. Dr.
Patterson was in England, he dioed
with several gentleman who used a jrcat
variety of language to make him give
up his cold water principles. " Now
here," said one "here, Doctor is a good
old hock, surely you can't decline this!"
"Why, sir, I learned to decline when a
boy , hie, hfco, hoc." The table was
in a roar and the doctor came oil tri
LaujOWTKR. A hearty laugh occa
sionally is an act of wisdom ; it shakes
tho cobwebs out of a man's brains, aud
the hypochondria from his ribs far more
effectively than cither champagne or
blue pills. One of the emperors of
Japan is said to have killed himself by
immoderately laughing, on being told
the Americans wore governed without
a king.
Advices from Duenos Ayrcs say it
is estimated that there have been
27,000 deaths iu that place from tho
yellow fever, lately raging there as an
J. ill. raiujiore,
General News Agent
For Oregon and Adjacent Terrrltorleo.
Also SPECIAL COLLECTOR of all kinds
AO EST fur the Dallas Republican.
Notary Public, &c,
J. C. GRUBBSf M. D.,
Offers hia Services to the Citizens of Dallas
aud Vicinity.
GFt'fCEnl NICHOLS' LruS Store.
34 tf
w. D. i kii:s, m. D.,
Ehyic::tii and Surgeon,
lola, Oregon.
Special attention given to OLtetrics and
'ife:tej of Women. ltf
C. Cl'Kli,
Attorney and Gounsellor-at-Law,
sam:m, oiu:c:on.
Will practice in all the Court of Record and
loferior Courts of this Stute.
OFFICE In Watkinds A Co's Crick, up
utairn. 1
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
Dalian, fregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the FttUe. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Dallas. Oregon.
Special attention glrcn to Collections and to
matters pertaining U Ileal Estate. 1
Itcal folate Agents
and Real Estate Auctioneers,
IIoue, Wagon and Sign
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
llnilerivoof!, Baxter & C o,
Commercial street, .altm, Oregon,
Manufacture all kinds of wag
ONS after the most npj rve l Ftyles and
the best f workmanship, on short notice, and
12 -3 m
Mailt Street, Dallas.
Second door north of the Drug Store.
Tho un lcrsiarned wishos to inform tho l'uhlic
that he is prepared to do any kind of work in
his line on the phortet notice, and in the best
gfyle. Thankful to hi old customer and
frienl for former patronage, he respectfully
solicits a continuance of tho came.
1.19-tf S. T. UARRISON.
Committee on Railroads
Have decided that as soon as the Oregon
Central Railroad (West Sitle) is completed into
Polk County, they will issue orders to all con
tractors and workmen on tho lino to purchase
all their
Groceries end Provisions
Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies Dress Goods,
Hardware, Tinware,
Or anything they may happen to want of M.
M. Ellis T at Laclede, formerly known as ClufTs
Store. Meanwhile, all farmers, or anyone elc,
will find it to their interest to call and make
their selections. All are aware that I am sell
'nff gods cheaper than anybody in Polk Co.
I buy more Produce than any tico stores in the
County. So bring along your Butter if it is
soft, and if it is solid, all the better.
Yours truly, M. M. ELLIS.
1 have constantly on hand and for Sale
WINDOW S'VSII, ft lazed
and Unglazcd.
All of the Best Material and Manufacture.
Dallas, Folk County, Oregon.
The undersigned, having RE-FITTED the
above HOTEL, now inform! the Public that
he is prepared to Accommodate all who may
favor him with a call, in as good style as can
be found in any Hotel in the Conntrj. Give
me a call, and you shall not leave disappointed.
12-tf W. F. KENNEDY, froprietor.
Inform the Public that they are 'w realf t
do all kinds of work in their line.
paired with Neatness and Dispatch.
WAGONS constantly on hand for Sale.
BLACKSMITH I NU done by an esjexieoced
One door south of Livery Stable Dallas, Ogn.
Saddlery, Waffles
Main tU (opposite the Cour House), Dallas,
Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars.
Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which be is
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates.
-REPAIRING done on cbort jjotiae.
We want Smart and Energetic Agents te
introduce our popular and justly -celebrated
inventions, in every Village, 7Wm and Citw-iu
the World, j
IniUspansable to every Household;
They are highly approved of, endorsed and
adopted bv Ladie, l'hyiim aud Dirie,
and are now a GREAT FAVORITE with
Every Family ivlll Purchase One
or more of them. Something that their merits
are apparent at a GLANCE.
and all who Veep FANCY STORES, wUl Ha
our excellei t articles SELL VEi Y 11 A I'IL,
L Y, gives perfect satisfaction and netting
to all Dealers and Agents.
to all who desire engaging 'in an Jfonorallc,
I!epectallc and Projiable Bminett, at tbe-sama
time loiii good to their companions in life
Sample $2 00, sent free bv mail on receipt of
J. II. KINCAII) has opened a
New Photographic Gallery
In Dallas, where he will be pleased to wait on
Customers in his line of Business at all hours
of the day.
Children's Pictures
Taken without grumbling, at the came price as
Adults. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price to
suit the times.
Rooms at Lafollctfs Old Stand, Main Street,
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, April 27th, 1871
. S. SI Im V E R,
No. ISO, First Street,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of
Ooiniti-v- JPi'otinee.
Ra? Carpet Weaving
for Rag Carpets, and wishiog them
Woven, can be accommodated by catling iu
the undersigned. Orders left at the Store li
Howe Bros, will be promptly attended to. oYI,
16-3m WM. SAiLSBEIt
A Variety of HAIRS for Parlor aud
Kitchen use.
Of my own taakeu
Shop near Wayinlrc'a Mill
my stock. I shall bo pleasd to show yu
my goods, and better pleased when you buy.
NEW WORK put r to Order, and RE
PAIRING done at the lowest cash price. 1
A.tf WTX C. V7IL13, Patio.