Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, March 25, 1871, Image 3

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Money Market.
Latest New York add Qnotation8.........1ll
Legal Tenders in Portland :
Buying... ....90 I Selling 91
Dallas produce and Commission Market.
Corrected Meekly, by G. B. Stiles, People
Merchant, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon.
WHEAT $1 V busk.
" Sks$l 37 $1 50.
CORN MEAL 4c. ft.
BEANS 5c. p tt- r
BACON Sides. 12 lie V lb..
" Shoulders. 8c. to 10c. ft.
HAMS 14 Q 16c ft.
PORK Dressed, 6 cents.
Pickled, Sc. to JOc. ft.
BUTTER Firkins 20 25c B ft.
Rolls, 35 to 37 ft.
EGGS 20c do. ...
LARD Rulk, 10c; tins, 12K
POTATOES From Wagon, $1 Zo bushel.
ONIONS $1 50 bushel.
APPLES Green, 50e bhl.
Dried. 5 6c ft. -
CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 25c ft.
C1IICKEXS-2 50 $3 B dox.
TURKEYS 75 l each.
Wood Wanted.
Those indebted to the Oregon Reppblica
will confer a favor by furnishing us some
wood, winch will be as good as cash to us.
The Dallas Literary Society has adjourned,
to meet again the first Thursday in October
Mr. P. C. Sullivan has just 'returned from
Salem, where he has been tending Session of
the Circuit Court
Mr. T. B. Newman has been replenishing
"bis stock of tinware. Call and see him one
door south of the Pft Office.
Young Nichols, who was injured last week
ty the kick of a horse is rapidly recovering.
No serious results are now apprehended from
the casualty.
To headquarters is always the place to go for
fresh supplies. G. B. Stiles is always ready to
.supply the groceries and provision which may
be needed by oar citizens.
Mr. James Cooper, one of the party of gentle
men mentioned some time ago as starting from
here on a trip to Eastern Oregon to prospect
for botnes, has rcturaei on account ot ill
health. He left the party at the Dca Chutes
river, all well.
The waters have subsided, so that we now
get our mails regularly. The weather, which
for two weeks has been very stormy, ha? be
come more favorable, and the farmers are flat,
tering themselves that they will soon bo able to
Cjmmence seeJitg.
We call attention to the new advertisement
,of Messrs. Bolter, Wortley & Co., to be found
in another column. These genUtmen are de
termined to keep a full assortment of such
goods as are demanded by our people, and to
ell at prices that will jstify them in selling,
and others in buying.
In jpsing down Main Street, a person's
attention in attracted by a display of fancy
bridles, Ac, hanging in front of S. C. Stiles'
harness shop; but friend, if you want any
thing in his line, step inside, and you will see
that the " Squire" dcs ffot always "put the
boston the outside."
It is not to be inferred that because Mecsrs.
Uobart A Co. change their sign occasionally
that they spend any time in doing this that
ehould be devoted to business ; for if anyone
will step inside their establish men t, it will be
plainly seen that their stock is equal to the
demands of the market.
Parties have been busy all the week taking
depositions in the cas of Delia Lewis r. D. F.
Lewis. The point at issue is the possession of
eighteen acres of iS, deeded by defendant,
whieh he claims was done by mistake. Messrs.
Sullivan and McCain attorneys for plaintiff,
J. A. Applegatcand C. G. Curl for defendant.
Messrs. N. A J. D. Lee are now receiving a
new supply of goods for spring trade. Always
on the alert to furnish the people with what
they want at reasonable prices, they will e7er
be found ready to accommodate all who favor
them with a call with good goods at ebeap
Attain we have to remind our friends of the
fact that it is contrary to our positive rule to
publish oommunic-ations without knowing from
what authority they come. Please bear this in
mind when writing articles to us for publica
tion, as we make it a rule not to publish anony
mods correspondence.
The question of organizing a Brass Band is
being agitated by some of our citizen. Those
interested in the matter would do well to ap
point a meeting to take the initiatory steps.
There is nothing more enlivening in a commu
nity than a good land, and we see nothing to
binder having a good one in Dallas,
We learn that our " artistio" friend Catterlin
Is still taking impressions of the fair and an
fair, in the town of Independence. Also that
; some parties (name unknown) have started a
Tin -shop in that place. We are always pleased
to heir of the prosperity of oar neighbors, ami
and sincerely hope the above-named place may
continue to show her Independence by a rapid
growth, whether she ever secures the honor of
being the county seat of Polk County or not.
Telegraphic Summary.
San Frnacisco, March 20 Arriv
ed Steamers William Tabor and Oriza
ba, San Diego; Colorado, Panama.
FlourMarket unchanged.
WheatSale of 400 ska. choice at
82 .37 J. Good milling is quoted at
82 40.
(Barley No sales: quoted at $1 3Q(a
Oats Markets steady at $150(5
Potatoes Bodegas are quoted at
81 90, and Iluiuhuldts at$l 90. Salea
of COO sks do at 81 85.
Bacon Arrival to d ly of 2,000 lbs
Chicago side. This is the first of that
description received, and is of excellent
quality. No price has yet been fixed.
Paris, March 20 The situation is
unchauged. Fresh barricades have
been erected.
All traffic has ceased.
The Nutionales have occupied Forts
Issy, Vanert'sand Bieetre.
The Police Lomiutssiners who arres
ted Gen. Chauzy so maltreated him that
he had to be seut to the hospital. The
Commissioners subsequently signed the
release of Chanzy and Turguet
The approaches to Paris are guarded
preventing invasion.
! Washington, March 20. Attorney
General Chambcrliu, of South Caroliua,
eas arrived here as the bearer of a letter
from Gov. Scott of that State, making a
formal request for troops and aid to en
force the laws. Chamberlin says that in
some districts of that State it has become
impossible toscrve any civil process, and
the authorities are unable, by reassn of
the Kuklux. organization, to enforce the
laws. Gi-v. Scott requests a regiment
of cval y, 1 8, o.ving to the peculiar
manner m which the Kuklux operate
infantry is as efficient as cavalry.
It is rumored that Morton will short
ly leave the Senate and perhaps take
Boutweil's place.
Secretary Fish has received the fol
lowing by cable :
' London, March 20.-rDispatch just
received by messengers from Minister
Washburn at Paris say that the Nation
al Guards Committee is master of Par
is. The Department of the Interior of
Justice and Per lecture of Police are
occupied by the Insurgents (Jens
Vinoy, Thomas and Lecotupete have
been murdered by the troop. The j
election for Communes takes place to
at r a a
morrow. Ail members ot trie inters
Government have gone to Versailes.
I follow with the whole diplomatic
corps." ''(Signed,) Mo RAN."
New York, March 20. Ten thous
and five hundred immigrants were land
ed at Castle Garden, being the arriv
als of the lust week. They were quar
antined on account of the small pox.
Irish imigration is rapidly on the de
crease, while English arrivals are more
numerous. A very large French emi
gration is expected this year, and Com
missioners are already making arrang
ments to meet the wants of new comers.
London. March 17. In the Hou.e
of Lords, to niht, Karl Carnarvon rela
ted that, of 300.000 barrels of powder
stored in the Government arsenals, all
but 800 barrels were worthless, and that
the Government has been paying for
powder twice its costiuitsown shops.
He deplored the apathy of the Govern
ment at a time when the State of Eu
rope made war more than possible.
London, March 18. A Times spec
ial of Friday morning t-ays that Mont
mart re Battailion 134 prevented Battall
ion 22 from taking a post on the ram
parts, because it was not devoted to the
Napoleon has not arrived. The Em
press is disappointed. It is supposed
that, owing to a mistake, the telegram
remains at Dover, waiting.
Paris, March 18. The Government
is considering maritime and mercautile
law. The first questions treated are:
Excess of taxes on bonded goods and
revision of the navigation laws. It is
said the new loan is intended to con
vert the loan of 250,000,000 francs,
contracted by the Tours Government
but there will be no demand for suple
meutary interest, except from persons
who avail themselves of delays accorded
by the new law.
London, March 21. A Times spec
ial says many were shot without trial on
The 'Nationals threaten to shoot
Thiers, Vinoy and Aurcllcs, if captur
There is a strong action against the
insurgents among respectable inhabi
tautsl The Red Central Committee is alarm
ed, and seeks the mediation of the
Mayors for the appointment of Admiral
Saizsett to the command of the Nation-
ales, and Versailles resembles a camp
stragctically occupied.
The city is crowded with Deputies
who arc sleeping in stables.
It is officially denied that France has
requested that prisoners in Germany
should return tnrougn Switzerland. ,
Napoleon arrived at Chislehurst at
two o clock this afternoon.
Versailes, March 21. Twenty thou
sand troops are in the neighborhood of
the Chamber, lhe Assembly resolved
to appoint a Committee to consider the
state of France and put the Uepart
ments of the Seine and Qise la a state
i of siege.
The Potato.
A curious conversation, the substance
of which we borrow from the Cosmos,
took place at the late sittingof theSocieto
Central d'Agriculture on the history of
the potato. Marshal Vaillant stated that
he had found a treatise, dated 1749,
containing some very curious partic- J
ulars about that tuner, ana mat,
consequently, it was a mistake to
say that Parmentier had been the first
to introduce it into France, since all he
had done was to extend its cultivation.
M. Boussingault assented, and said that
Parmentier found potatoes in a field on
returning from the siege of Mayence. On
his return to France, he took great
pains to recommend their propagation
as au aliment. M. Iluzard quoted the
pastoral of a bishop of the 17th cen
tury, recommending the cultivation of
the potato to the whole of his diocese.
N. IV. eo acknowedged that Parmentier
had uo other merit but that ol conquer
ing the prejudices then existing against
its adoption as human food. Indeed the
article Pommes de terre in the " Grand
Eucyclopedie" (1705) says the potato
is eaten by the peasantry in various
provinces, but that it is a coarse and
indigestive food. Such was the belief at
the time; and Parmentier succeeded in
destroying it by a curious stratagem.
Having sown a field with potatoes, he
had it guarded by gendarmes, giving out
that the plant he was rearing was a
rare and delicious exotic. When pub
lic curiosity was sufficiently aroused, he
gradually neglected all precautions; so
the peasants of the neighborhood used
to go by night and steal a few tubers in
the field; their taste was found excellent,
and in a short time their cultivation
spread, and the rich people began to
have potatoes on their tables. This was
greatly owing to Parmentier's activity
in bringing his favorite plant into hon
or. One day he presented1 himself at
Louis XVI Court with the simple flow
er solatium tuberosum stuck in his but
ton hole. The King asked him what
it was, and received thereupon all the
desirable information, which he found
so valuable that he immediately intro
duce! the cultivation of the potato into
his own dominions. The courtiers, of
course, imitated his Majesty's example,
and thus the neglected plant rose into
high esteem. In Germany, the potato
was introduced about 171U, but only a
a curiosity, in private gardens; it upread
very slowly, arid it was not until the
famine of 1771 1772 that its use be
came general. Oatiynani's Messenger.
Office, Gl Front Street,
EAST PORTLAND in the rant tsirhh l
ealti-s. rnnixf'in? f LOTS. HALF K LOCKS
IMPROVED FARMS, and ralnafcle
uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL part of
the STATE for SALE.
REAL ESTATE and other Property
purchased for Correnp'indpnt. in thi CITY
and throughout the STATES and TERRI
TOR IKS. with screat rare and on the most
LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and
AGENTS of this OFFICE, in all the
CITIES and TOWN'S in the STATE, will
recive description o( FARM PROPERTY
and forward the aouio to the abovo address.
1'ragi ance the most lastiBg I
Fragrance the moat delicate !
Fragrance the mot exquisite I
Fragrance the most refreshing I
Are all combined in Mijrrat A Laxman'h
Florida Water theotilj recognize I perfume
of fashion. a
S8A there are worthleM counterfeit barer
hould alway ask for the Florida Water pre
pared by Lanman A Kemp, New York.
Boili. Pustule's, Illotches and Humor
are all evidence of bad blood, and no matter
what medicines are taken, if they do not pnrify
the blood tbey cannot cure the diaeaae. Bris
tol'a Sariftparilla is the safet, and surest, and
the bestof all blood purifiers, it has been tried
over 35 years, and always successfully. A few
doses of Bristol's Sujjar-coatod Pills, taken at
same tim, will greatly hasten a cure.
aj"Dorit think because snuffs and strotijr o
poisonous soiuuons wm noi cure Catarrh, thi
tou cannot he cured. Th tirnrtrit. r n
Bage's Catarrh Remedy offers $500 reward to
a case of Catarrh which ha can
costs hut 50 conts for a package which prepares
one iuu pini. poia ny druggists, or send 60 cen
wit. ii. v.rierce 133 Seneca street. Buffalo,
1., and get u through the mail. A painphl
tree, me uenuine baa Dr. Pierce's private
U. S. Government Stamp on each package.
Sane at last I " For five years" writes
centlcjman at llarrisbure. Pn.. r ...
wild goose chase after remediej for dyspepsia
l uo ittnou nri ana last enough ' infallible
curv w nusi ajouy Doat, and the inoro I
swallowed the faster I got no better. Luckily
or rather providentially, it came into my head tc
try Dr. Walkers Vrakta nn v...,,, 1 n.
TKna. This was about five months ago. In less
than six weeks not a twinge remained to remind
-me of the complant. I am perfectly well, and
have only one regret--" tkat I did net ditcov-
vr me true tjteajtc sooner
He v adveh tise meats.
life mum COMPANY.
ORGANIZED ......... igfg.
Director' Office, No, 20 Court Street,
DANIEL SHARP Vice President.
This is among the Oldest of New Eng
lanU Companies,
And the Lowest Coin Company Extant
Ii videncU Declared
A it 11 11 a 1 1 y.
A Loan of IO per ceuu when I)eIrcd.
the Uulon Mutual Lifo Insurance Company by
failure to pay the Premium when due, but arc
continued in force by the NOX FORFEIT UKH
LAW of the Blato of Maachuetts.
Exanples showing the Working of tte
flak, oKDijuar urs.
Fob, Example: A party inuring at tho age
ot thirty-five premiums all eaih.
One Annual Premium will continue policy in
Jurcv'2 ver and 3 ttais. .
Two Annual Pixmiutai will continue policy in
furcn 4 years and 12 days.
Three Annual Premium will continue policy
in force 6 year and 27 dav.
Four Annual Premium will cuntinne policy in
f.rc cars and id day.
Five Annual Premiums will cntinu policy in
force 10 year and i6 days.
Two Annual Premium will continue policy in
fore 2 year aud 210 days.
Three Annual Premium will continue poliey
in forcw 4 year and 2."l days.
Fire Annual Premium will continue policy in
force ? yar and day.
ExAMrtK: Premium all Cah Plan Ten Pay
ment Life. On Annual Premium will eu.
ti.iue policy in force, as a Turin Puliry,
ab-ut three years.!
ExAwriKt Premium 40 percent. Note Plan,
Ten Payment Life. Oue Annual Pr?uiumwil
continue policy in force as a Term Policy,
about 2 yearn and 100 days.
Endowment Policies.
KxAwrLK: Premiums all Cash Age, 3a;
Plan, Ordinary Endowment, payable at th
ago of 69. One Annual Premium will con
tinue policy In force as a Term Policy,
nearly 5 years, or 4 years and .125 days.
Examtlk: Premium all Cih Ajje, 3i ;
Plan, Ten Year Endowment, p.iyablo at the
aire of 45 ; One Annual Premium will con,
tinue policy In frce a a Term Policy,
7 year.
Notes on Htidowsnetit Policies,
Kxawm.: Premium 40 per cent Note Age.
35; Plan, Ordinary Endowment, payable nt
the age of 50. One Annual Premium will
continue puticy in force as a Term Policy
about 3 years.
Example : Premium 40 per cent. NoteAge,
35 ; Plan, Ten-Year Endowment, payable at
the ago of 45. One Annaat Premium will
continue policy in force a a Term Policy
about 5 years.
Hates, Assets to Liabilities.
121-97 12101 12157 127 00
Ixtkrkst ItKCKIPTS FOR 1869. $240,670 14
Losses Paid is 1869. 201,190 0u
Imtbrkst Reckitbo is Excess or
Losses Paid 39,180 14
A88BTS THIS DATS. OtBR 6,000,000 0
Losses Paid to Date .........1,679,433 00
Dividends Paid in Cash toDate...951,318 55
ItfsuRAscs on 14,000 Policies
l! Force over 30,fl00,000 00
Thfs Company is not restricted to investing
its funds in the New England States. Freni
the Iteport of the Auditing Committee, we find
that $ 1,600,000 Is now loaned upon estates in
the City of Chicago and near thereto, where
rates of interest are nearly or quite equal to
those of tho Pacifio Coast. -
There is nothing desirable in Life In
gurance which cannot be secured
. by a Policy in tJve MUTUAL
S. W. Cor. Cal and Kearney Streets,
h. if j o h ri s o n & e o.,
General Managers," Pacific Coast,
Short Notice by Mrs. Celicie Ellaberry,
near Waymiro's Mill, Dalian.
AHMsin:i into.
Ei'iiest A: EZtSiAlYJISON,
Drugs. Chemicals,
Essential Oils,
Dyo Stuff and
General Merchandise,
By lhe Package-Only.
Cash Orders for this or any Foreign Market,
will receive prompt and Faithful Attention.
Miners. Manufacturers and Wholesale
Trade Supplied fur Cash,
No notice or attention paid to Orders for floods,
if there is no provision made for the payment
of the suu.e.
Terms Net Cash, on Delivery, In U.S. Gold
N. B. Consignments of Oregon Produce,
Grain, Wheat, Flour, &c, Solicited.
45 tf
p.. h. mcdonald& co.,
Cc'l t o t-t-nt'ojj of DtalT to tfc'Irlas-jfSftwort.
nK.'.t f No!v Arrived" (inoUi, r,r. p"M-t li
part c f t! o f.-iUowthiJ articl-. toc-t. -r with
t-r-ry thi ' l f ? t in a ri n.j plitU V.'IIOl.L-
luruxT l -sfftx r,.
n.KV-rA r !": git
Fnmnu, i.s,
Slf KKK IfFT-lf,
vni'o' vt r ' n t'.rt lrrwfft Crr'.i rr.ccs, and
aro t:,-t-.rtr.lnr-d t., 1 1. be unU-rtvuL
n. ii. ::cdoxal: l co., z 1 1 laxclsco, cal
I'oit sali:.
PUB DRUG BUSINESS. lo-;, 1 in Pan
PranrtRt'o. CaL Alicr -ur be.t w i-h". awl tx
presing our thanks for the 'iirrdti airoiar?
we have-received for ior" than '2 Ti.r!, dur
ing which prriod we have h?in slradiljr en
aed in the Drug biii e.! in California, v
Ix-g to fv in couic'jUcnce of the rapid growth
of Dr. Wa!k:rss faiil'-rnia Viiii-rtr Uitteris,
now spread onr the I'nitcd States and couu
trie far l't-yond, we are riWt!'!iiE.t;d to devote
our ewtire fituc to said htiMot i-.
V r tho Oldest Vrnjt l irm on the I'acifie
Coal, and t!;; otiljr one, ronfimiou ou lor th
the same' proprietor fiti.e lt", and have de
tertuined U Mil our large, pr-rprrou. and well
eetahiiched buiie on avof.i!e terms.
1 !iU l a rare oppMjtui.ity for ni with
means, nf eisteriifg tnt a profitaMe' tuiuef
with advantage uever l.f"re oIIert!l.
For particular enquire of
K. 11. Mr DONA LD A Co.,
R. IL McDo ali, M h oeal Dn:gg ti.
J. C. SiKSCf.K. J ."an Franeicco, Ca'.
N. Unt 1 a talc 1 made we flail con
tinue our importation, sad keep a Isrjre Moclr
of frh good cntaotty on hand, and sell at
priec to defy competition.
The Great Medical PlscoTerj!
s Hundreds of Thousands ?fH
?" Bear testimony to th-tr Wonder- ; rr
Co ful CuraUva Effect. 8
WMrt I Mnt intY Yg?'
C 9
Via-w oi i'oor i:um, Wiii-kcy. irof
Hllritnntl Xlrfa I.ie.tiwihdoelored.fplccd
a: l sweetened t yU-MS tiio taste, called "Ton
Ic,"" ArrctUciV r.retyrcrs," c, that lead
the tippler on tr !run'cTiaes3 and ruin, but are
a trua Medicine, nadc frotn t!ic Xat'.vo Koots and
Hereof California, trc frnni nil AlrohHc
Si i hi u In in . Ther aro tlioCSUKAT HI.OOD
ii:it'ir.c nad urr.iviN ritix-
Cin.Kni'rf;rt Ko'novator audlr.vlzoratorof
System, earrylnj dfa!l poisonous matter and
rotorliifT t'.io Mood to n honlthy condition. Ko
person ra l tr.'.o tbesc JU'tors according to dlrcc
tl n and remain Ion ; nn well.
Fir Infltunmntory ind Clironle Ithpo
i;intlm nml tJout, Iy nciia r Indi
giMitloii, Hilloun, Ucinliiviit nnd Intcr
mltlcsit Fcirrra-lloaac of llo lllood,
l.lvcr. Kidney, nnd Itlaridcr, t!co Itlt
trr navj been mo? t mrcrsful. Hocli Hia
cnara aro caused by Vilinted Itlood, vliicn
Is Kowrallf prvduccJ by UcraoKumcnt of Uia
llijrrstlvr Ortranx.
Jlcadacuc. TaU In tho Shoulders, Coughs, TlRht
nesof t!.pOirHt,T)i;:lriOM, Ponr r.ructatIons of
the Ptomr-rh, Had teste l- tho Mnmh T3;ttoaa At
tack, Palpitntlon of tho Heart, InCammatlon of
tho Lmgs.l'-iln In the regions of tho Kidu.-js.and
hundred other iainlul symptoms, aro the off
sprlngaof py;ic;la.
Thy Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the
torpldlivrr and fcowcla, wiJeh render litem of u
eqnalled efficacy 1 cleansing tho blood of all
Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor t
tho whole systonu
FOR Hit 1 N DISEASES, Frnptlons,Tetter.
Ball nhenm, Blotches. Bpota, l'lmples. rustales.
Bolls. Cartinneles, Klne-Wonnfl, Scald-Hcad, Bore
JCyca,"Kryslpidas, Itch, Bcnrf. PIseolorations of
tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin, of
whatever namo or natnro, aro literally dug tip
and carried out of the systom In a ehort tlmo by
tho H80 of theso Bitters. O-.e bottlo In such
cases will convince tho most incredulous or their
cnrntlve effects.
Cleanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find
Its Impurities bursting through the skin tnlMm
plos, R-uptlons or Sores ; cleanse It -when yom
Und it obntrnctcd and slusrlsh la the veins?
cleanso It when His foul, and your feelings will
tell yon when. Keep tho blood pure and tha
bealth of tho systmn will follow.
PIN, TATKand other WORMS. lnrkintln
tho system of so many thousands, aro ctfectnally
destroyed and removed. For full directions, read
carefully tho circular around cachbottle.
J. WALKKIt, Proprietor. R. XT. MCDONALD A
CO., Drusrtflsts and Oen. Agenta, Ban Franeisco,
Calaud 82 and 31 Commerco Street, New Tori.
5 ly.
-"3 I ki itV ""t tV aV
"2 - s " "ik - ir
R Khr A - JrJ i
For a few cents you can buy
of your Grocer or Druggist a
package of SEA MOSS FAIIINE,
made from pure Irish 3Ioss, or
Carrageen, which will make
sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange,
and a like quantity of Pud
dings, Custards, Creams, Char
lotte Itusse, &c. It Is tho
cheapest, healthiest, and most
delicious food in tho world. It
makes a splendid Dessert, and
has no equal as a light and
delicate food for Invalids and
A Glorious Chaiiire ! I
Plantation Bitters.
T!iN wonderful I'cctable
restorative is t!e h!$eet-aii-cJioror
tSie fce'ili? ais.l debili
tated. As n tonic ::a I cordial
for t!ic aied and lanuud, it
!ivi' no equal among stonj
aclaies. As z resnedy for t!i
nervous weakness lo w'lich
women arc es3cci:slly ku1
Ject, it is su5erxe!iu every
oilier stimtilant. la all Cli
mates tropical, te::er:ite,
or fri;id, it nets ns a specific
in every nccies of disorder
ivltirli tinderininr clieiodily
Ktrenetliaud LrcaUs down the
nnisnal spirits. For &a?e by
all Druisls.
Cheaper tlmn Kvcr!!!
holt i; it, w o it r i. ii y fc to
Have rctnoTed tbeir STOCK OF tiOODS t
Ili m. and are cntnnt)y reetiviuj: NhV and
V V. L L J5EI.KCTKD UOtHS, coi.siitu; if
Ladled' Drpsa and fancy fltKMls. '
Mea and Boya' CIotMng,
Hats and Caps,
Roota and Shoes,
Ladles' and CMldiens' Shoes of every
Mjle ana Size.
A fall Stock of Grjctrics eotittntly
on hand.ilso II; rd ware aud Crockery.;
Woolen C;o ds Slanutactund at the
I2:hItUle Mill, sich i
I!ea eta, C-imercs. Hard Times,
Tweeds, Flannels and Blanket,
Which we offer at Wbolialo and Retail.
Hating a desire to locate permanently i
nail., we will deal fairly ai.d jitly with aW
who may favor u.i.wilh tbeir atriiace. We
will enhatige ttixid tr Couutiy l'rfduco, loC
whieh wc will pay tho Highest lrie. ?
Bring on yonr Eggs and Butter
3-tf '
Front Street, one Door South of
Post OfHee,
Dallas - - - - - - - Oregon.?.
difierenew between urtieles of TIN WARM
iiiunulactnrcd ly me. and that luadeby Nn.
facturvrs in Portland and other large cities, fr
shipment, I have on hand both tny own inaka
and al that of factory male. so that people
may take their choice. My stack conm ia
part, of ; i
Stove of all kinds
Copper, llrss and Iron Vare,
U Ire work of all descriptions,,
Sheet and Kaivonrzed Iron,
Stve Ilollrrn, lea Kettles
Milk Iana, Dippers, j ,
Lard and Hotter Can,
Ugg Heaters
Japanned Ware a gencml Assortment,;
Cooking Spoons, A vaxMy of Gem Pans
Porcelain lined stew Pans for Fruit,
Broiling Tirtures of Now and th Most
Improved Patterns
And in fact everything that vaf Ye foond in a
first class Tin and Stove Store. -t .
JSoh Work
Neatly Hone and Prqrnptly Attendetjl to. '
50-tf T. R. NEWMAN
For nlc.
i lend a lo Wolen Mills fur Sal. Inquire
ot ASA SllRKVE. Dallas, Jan. 27th mi;
H litars Halsam of Wild. Cherry if a
pleasant remedy fvr every wind of u cough, nHil
and iritattim of the breathing apparatus: it U
a safe remedy ; it la a powerful remedy $ U is a'
speedy reine.dy j il is a remedy tbuUiircs 5.