Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, December 24, 1870, Image 2

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85 he Ortgon-gcpablltan.
"The Message."
- ' I :
The President Message wo have
received, but is tod lengthy fori us to
Dublish it entire. It has the "."usual
r appearance of such documents nothing
particularly striking in its character.
After iidiilginiursoti)c remarks con
cerning the peacl and prosperity of the
ine the , recent troubles In the South ;
It is to be regretted, however, that
a free exercise of the elf ctlve franchise
has by violence and intimidation been
denied tq.,cUizens,iri;f:cj:ceptioDal cases,
.andi-in1 several "of Uhe States lately- in
rebellion, and the verdict of ' the people
has thereby beSuverse'S"r
He next enumerates the difficulties
connected with he f protection' bf -citU
: Eens.ofout own .and other nationalities
- in 'Paris who ad appealed to our Mi
ister there.- for protection during the
impending difficulties in that country,
and states that' this 'lias' beeri :ccm'6
plished to the entire 'satisfaction of the
Government of North Germ any. lie ex-:
presses gratification at, the ro establish
ment of a Government in France, dis
connected with the dynastic traditions
of Europe.ahd its near approach; to the
nature of our own institutions. Of the
request made byjha-new Government
of France'for usto mediate, jointly with
European powers, in TJ the in terusls of
peace, and finding that nothing could
be done ' to hasten the consummation' of
peace, he eaya: n; :, v.i
" I deelinedfon the part of the Gov
ernraent; tp take a step which -T could
, only result in injury to our true inter
ests, without advancing the object for
whjen our intervention was invoked.
Should the time come when the action
of the United'? States can hasten the
return of peace by a single hour, that
actioo;Wili be heartily taken. "
He then notices the different procla
mations issued from time to time,
defining the duties of the , United States
to prevent the violotion of the neutral
jty laws. . , ... -., , ,
Me referred to the massacre of Fre hch
and. Prussian citizens at Tientsin, and
iheprobable causes which led to this,
and the nianfler of its settlement. M The
slave trade 'o'tf the' eastern coast of Af
rica,- and. the boundary line neaf Pern
bida between tne United States and
British America, next receive attention,
and he then comes to the settlement of
the Alabama claim s con cerni dc which
i-j--t v-jv- '
u I regret to say, no eonclrsion has
been reached for adjustment of the
claims asaiDst Grsat Britain, growinjg"
' out of the, course. adopted by that Uov
ernment; duriiig the. rebellion. - The
Cabinet of London, so far as its, views
have been expressed doemot appear
to be willing to. concede that Her 3Ia
jesty'B Governweht was guilty of negli
gence,or didt' or permitted any' act
during the war, by which the United
States has just cause of complaint.' Our
firm and unalterable convictions are
directly the. re verse. ."I therefore . re
commend to Congress to authorize tho
appointment of Commissioners to take
proof of the amounts, and ownership of
Tesseisfl ana meir, ciaims, ana tnat
authority be given for the settlement of
these claims by the United States, so,
that the Government shall have the
owriership of the private claims, as well
as the responsible control of all demands
against Great"Britain. -Whenever Her
Majesty's Government shall enters
tain a desire for a full and friendly
adjustment of ': these' claims; the United
States will"enierrupotf 4 their consideraf
tiotf thr an earnest desire for" a conclu-
aion, consistent with the honor
digtrity dfboth nations' : ;;
The 'condition:,, of the Cubans ig
briefly; referred '- to; the extradition
treaties, Xne Venezuelian claims, the
disposal of the claims of the Lloyd As
pin wall, and the conference - of; the
Minister i' Spain and the allied Soutl
American . colonies, held an f Washins
ton, for the t settling of difficulties be
tween: their respective Governments,
- their mutual adjustment and its efiects,
are briefly noticed, aud then the acqui
altion of San Pomingd ! comes in and
receives a.very, lengthy notice the pith?
Xf which is, that our interests demand
4hat;wo should, form an alliance, ?or
secure annexation This, he siays, may
be done by a conterenco of Coramis
tfionerg; appointed by, our Government
and the authorities of San pomitc
the same aitwas idohe upon the annex
ation of Texas Of the advantage of the
- acquisition of this Island, lie remarks
;f Sao; Domingo will become a largo
consumer or me proaucts ot tne .nortn
V 1 r -a PL
ru laruis auu mauuiaciuncs.
cheap rate at which her citizens can he
fmnifihed. with food, tools. and machin
iurnifihedtwith Jood, tools. and machm-
ery, will niake M necessary that Ihc
One hundred millions of our annual
ports, besides largely ioereasio
He next recommends an enquiry
, , . . n.i . I
i 7a. ill ivfiiiiii.arHrifiii ill iiin iiiiiiiir-ni
iu iue revenue, u inu piuauuu uiuua-
mnnt A? ' At AviAAti H AtTuiiminf ' s 1
;.The remainder of the .Message is
devoted to the usual routine of such
documents. 'Taken altogether, it is a
fair statemeut of the present s eon-
dition of affairs, and such recommenda-
tions as he deems for the best; ;iiow-
ever much W may differ to hU pot.
(jcy .in f s.ome of his measures; yet.we
must admit that it has a fair ring,:: a
One point which, attracts notice
is, the apparent indifference to the set
tlement of Uhe Alabama claims.' Wc
were led to believe that when the pre
sent Administration came into power,
those claims would , be pressed, .until
they were settled to our satisfaction;
ut now it seems that the amount of
W5fi I9 ?: c?fetci:by, P.0'
raissiOners, and held in, the hands of
the Government, qnt 1 .Ufr iSI8jeStJ
Government shall entertain a desire for
n inn ji n i inpnniv nil nuimnnr. ni innan i
- - '.j j
claims.1 So it seems that we are not
to have asettlement of these difficulties
anau ano ocems u proper to entirely
aDrogate tnem, according to tne tenor
of the Message, we must submit. It is
to oft nopeu tnai a stana may pe witen
by the . present Congress that shall
bring this vexed question to a climax,
ana seme it to tne satisiaciion oi tne
American people.
; a ne acquisition or can jomingo is
au " very preuy on papei ; ana u our
11 .t . t i ? . i
object was the acquisition of ' territory
only, it might be an object; but even
then there is plenty of territory nearer
liome, fully as valuable as that island, 1
r . . l ... . L. i
nat can e .more easuy aitamca, nu .
the , acquisition ot,Sao Dotmogo,: like
that of Aiasfcu. will " cost more than it
will come to.
... I
Frnm the New York IPJiW
, , , a , . ; w" '
.1. tj x . j
evervihiriz oefore them in "south Caro-
hna Governor, liieutenant-Uovernor,
all four " Congressman, and an - over
wneiu, ng .aju.i,y --
Snfttt. the flover nor. i is re-elected bv
33,534 majority, being almost " double
the majority by which President Grant
carried the State irf 1808. A. J. Ham-
sier. necrro, is eleeted jLieotenant-Gov
eraor: Jos. II. ilainey, negro, to Con
gress in the First District; It QriH
Larcre. ncirro. in the Sccon
' . ii 4.T 1 n -w
Klhot; negro, in the lnird; and A. Jj.
Wallac,, .white Republican, m the
Bourtn. Eleven otn oi me oi otaie
t3 i on ( .Ln ii
Pentativea are negroes, and this; added
to a negro Lieutenant-Governor negro
Sccetary of Slate, negro Justice of the
hupreme Uourt, and three nogro uo n-
olina a rathcr,dark political aspect
LI I 111 W tJ VUV V. ! wa-v avMA
at present in more "senses than ohe.
.We ask our Madera in ' all candor
tins xne con.emp.atcu - u w
the Uuion Organization ? - If eo, wo
acknowledge we were decieved.
The TFriSjnMta' issue xf the
snstaiug. the Administration, and ob
taining the oihees, and the sooner both
thche. are dropped the better
; Does our contemporary mean by this
assejtion to inculcate the' idea that we
must- drop'' the support of-the;
ministration, for fear of rousing a party
spirit; and engendering party sCrife ?
And also, that all must drop" the
desire of obtaining office for fear they
be termed political demagogues? Or,
what docs he mean f Nikawako cumtuzi
' We have received a copy of the
Pioneer, published by Emily Pitts Ste
vens, of Sau Francisco, California. It
is devoted to " Human Rights." Judg
ing from the reading, we would suppose
it to be devoted to Women's Rights"
-these we had always supposed to be
" Divine May sueecss attend it;
I vPe(er' $ Mtw'cal ioi iDec nas made
its appearance on our table.' ? It is musi
cal.' thoroughly so. and . contains some
eontiguoDS islands should have? the e" tuo .T. V T . uaS ponoy uu gcy, .
same advantages; in order to compete canL concerniog thesrecent elections in part of the Prussiaus. Instrid of suU TV u ' ' U4
wjththo .production ofj sugar, coffee, Missouri,; in which thetwriter, after in duingjthe Frenchj as was their policy A HP (0 uS'3E3
tobacco ahd tropical fruits This will duigiDii seiero criticism on the lafe at' first, : they! havenaugualed a new Y V -i "
open to us.aw.der market for our pro- t randinow propose -to treat with OVltltm
ductand the production of our:supply c r t- 41, V. narinr been the firt to adopt th plao of
of these articles will cut off more than "The Democracy of Missouri are as the captured Lmperor as the leader of V(:tnQni fe,idu,a at a dutant the
inst.. under head ng of 'The jNew po itica matters In some way, ana the ceriamiy oi me posiuon ui viue wnue .w...v.u.,.-. " . n n
in8,?"Ttl " "V 4 iT . - - . ..ii ,-w-.S..-i - ! 1- f4"-t tt fr : s- ; I PT Mxpresa charges on goods sent C. O. D j
.'"uses this, to usincbmorenemn I peoplo ahouid inlorm themselves, and man. ' , s . s ; j also for return of money. All Cah orders Tor-
language: be ready.tofmect the crisis. - f ;-.T:j T WT.tMU wiuiJ Address all order., ,
iiiu "u'lvyu.uuuuuu.u nr":. ift .iTIufT "Ji "10 pTtOtef-paTi OUt Mf money." A lit- ; ! g Nassau Street. New York.
. the Hwo' great parties to-day; is other organization, kept too long, in 'tie" for 'mnrea.'; a little fbr tvne; Established 1357.' ..- Si-ir
What Wc May Depend tittou.
wmratiof DariOthooiainea
will have quite as good reason to bo
will niv ' - wwowu m ww i
. . v
a democratic leader un-
der wnom to r ngtic , ine i'resiaential
rf triflt tour.
, The first. part of this extract is aim
ply a sillyj softsoaping,i milk-and-water
style of putting ujp with what is particu
larly . disagreeable, V by politicar dema
gogues, to draw a blind over the more
incredulous, and to hoodwink those who
are anjway dissatisfied With the preseqt
status of aflairsj and, as far as possible,
to prepare them for -the B declaration
which immediately ibilowf. - InHhat
assertion, "we' are given""to'understand
that the Democrats are determined to I
stand byj their nimebonored princi.
pies,'! and that any Eepublicans who I
choose to go into the Democratic ranks,
must gO with the' express understand-
Jim?, that m the (Presidential contest of
W they must come under. . str.i(,hT
out Democratic ticket, mounted upon a
true Ddmocratio platform. "The -
llican',' and?the ''Herald s are both cood l(
. i v . - j ; ; f . j J i
Democratic authority, and we do not
rmnrnn nil r iinri r o- nnn wn nn nni i
.w.-,. ,.v, -m.- : i
feel , disposed to endeavor to controvert
what they say upon this point I This is
uu juh wuak uV .eauimuucu
woma expecu auoso persous wuq uave
been the leaders in the ranks of Democ
wj ior iu? ic yean., ro ur.u.jr
planted upon, the principles contained
in the resolution of '98-9, aDd their
purposes are as unaiteraoiy nxea as tne
laws of the Medcs and Persians, In the
minor, or oiaie eiccuous, as a general i
a t i . r. - i
m.ug, iu?y cvp irow iue view ui
the populace the great principles which
underlie modern Democracy, and join
issuo bnly upon points which they know
will more directly insure them success,
. 1 1 .1 it A- 1 I
ana id tuose caes vney aro, io a cousium
erable extent, successful ; but m a
Unral or 1 Presidential election. when
r : .' . i
otu"- w -vv, i
a. ."' f
matters of great and, vital importance
ntilnn) it nntinna. nrn hronrrht he I
..." I
".Trr" -o- -
fore the entire people, then tne l-e
m rrfrt na ah Aa f hir 1 Mlrtni WlfnAnc
reserve, and themt is that we behold
such results as we , beheld in ttio last
1rtderitia1 canvass When -these creat
q tioDS arise, then they are not wil-
1 1 ? ' - . .. . ...
,inSt i0 , comc under, a Ilepubhcan
banner, no matter , wnat ine piatrorra
mav be. nor . support a Ilepublican
rt m.Hprwhr'nrAKA nnminv
! , r , . lt
Vf V'i' . '
i rifna.nnnnroii nrinniniHK. n mi I i J f ' rciiiL
is, they are deieateu.
Thkit is which has kept the Ilcpub
i- ftn -arftf firt firmT ;,nd Manv
r "r-r.. rv. r .ttv
B0 ,B,neD" . t- P , ' .
f to bolt jfrom that organization when it
undertook to inaugurate some of the
eat vital changes which have been
. i . - i : v
'F 7"i - X " w '1 " "
tho lace, and, they . recoitea iroia
U i- rv it,i
pvila. Hut this' state of affairs cannot
always last; a change must.come over
tk. rt..,A...t:. -
Wtitik CMl
th? JfTl 5 "K11
their Old hobbies. upOU which, expon-
erica, has taught itfem. tbey can jnever
i'iirij j t i 1L.V i t 1 '--?'" I'll 1"
iccceU aim wiiica wouia do ruinous
it, ruk'i 1 p i
themand the country . rf successful,
it u 1 . ' V ii 7,1 it
w begin to loosen party shackles, ther
result of which will be an eritiro'siftipg
wr,.Mgm,- p,,,,.
of old parties, organization of new ones,
mo,. io accordance Wi,h the vioB. of
. r J. 1 J. it. . . A T . t t -
our people at. the present time, and who
; ft
Small PiixMr. McMahbri'
taken .with itho preyailmg disease yes-
tordav: He had km family and smrlion
hirn.nUnMVmn1 VAWk.rl.
Ofhisfurnitureremovea toanotherlionse.
im- completely satisfied with the triumph of the French nation, and then leave him opportunity; of obtaining firm-dam Watches
mir i Hratz Urown. as if he were an j 1 A tA i the r own wm whowiam
g OUr JJ. umwu UB 'V hlS people tO fight it OUt lO their bcin- algojthe ORIGINAL inventor and $ole
' ? MYW VfWM r ,umu it isveeruuu owQrWavl Bisma manufaotUrers of the widely advertised Obibb
I - A K l tha hiftilrirftnt Roniihl RAna Af IRT I own, w.a:"'mrVK-saJ'i jDI I9 nv w Af .l,iAh there are bo many imita-
,wiuv - 1 - f ------ - - ---- - - . . i "'viif r " .
just inaae 'fi r DUt "v ? "F 7"i7!3;t ;'v7.a;,v;.
" they were about making a Change, the cnunrnea , uouiuchuj, uut h a iua.- ratrantrd Jolly equal to Void in brtlhancy of
- I - I- m ? -. a-, I . 1;:L I J' fetJLl"!' r i I Aulori wear 'Ac..' ' Hills of over iI2 colteeted on
iiJ great fundamental principle underlying uur..o.u.puu anu deiiVery. JMim. An Bills of $12 ,-.M
fttirr-ff thAtn tiiil in I liiuiieir mio pitn, just ub i muir caA.or r-, v. money oruer, or regis-
.k -Th Ufiftahlican nartv: like anv . . , : . J . 1 c Pi Js'ortom A Co., Importers of Watches, Ac.
I , . i - , : f.--r;.t i , 5 ,. - r . I . ... V 1 - ' " "
power, will become corrupt, and this a little for paper, a litle for roller a ; mj':.T:"- w - -
W!U compel, evcntiailK th membeor 'Httl, f tok'.'nttKwhdfe.lUU. for ; Htothcr Iirc tound It t
.Oi V-t ! " rent! a little for wood, a 1 tt e fbr tha i 1 usi ' -----
that organization to look; to some means w? ,. , fn, ,ufV w,,, ,nT;0liVtt 1WK TEARS I.BAVS SEARCHED FOR
i -:'r;Dni i ' , . s - -tr and a little tor that J DUt COntinaUIIy a 14 UrenedT that will CDRfi vour children
to -free Ihcmselves from the onerous little neretfaiopping, a constant dmn. & rlmoXg lucJkltSSSi
burdens of party. " The more thinking Little by little printers' bills accumu 4Euireka." try it. ? v n
The Situation in the Old World.
Litest dbt)atcb frohi thOeld'of
ony way tho war can end. That lie
publicanFrance willfight for ever : f
- - -
that the
fall Of I'aris can produce . no
1 .1
effect ; and that the only COtirSO' is,' tO
make terms with the Kmpire, go home,
and leave the French to fijiht , it OUt
. .. " '
among themselves. , ; ' l
This seems to hft ihn nrnhahle finale
0f this great contest:1 As to the estab-
Hshmcnt of an em ni re in France we I
to believe the .eheme at preseot
to be "an impracticable one. Never lias
the French nation been fa as favorable
a condition for the sustentatiou of a
Republic as 'at present After the can
turner tiannlA
the main body of tre arm vi France was
icft without 5 any "organized Govern-
mept ji no military fbrcef any consc:'
nuence. and no visible means of form-
;no. .nd niilnn, en frtm. k 1
with , enthusiasm that has ever been
excelled v 'and rarely en ualled thev
h. :. the 0Mst of ..DouinarV war.
in9mJt ' '2 h,,
Mt u'vu uu.uweuv, vuai la jo- I
c0nj2(j some of the leading powers
coirnizoa uv some oi tne leaainr nowers
0f the world, organized and 'equipped
an army that thvir enemies themselves
that, too, without any assistance, and
but mtJo svmpativ frora other nations.
U jtt0 bo auppoaed that a people who
haVQ 8Uown gucn Uct arjj as thijf
UD(Jcr 8ucb tr?inr circumstances, can
,ong Dc subjected to the rule of an Km
peror WD0 becn weighed in tho
balance and found wanting ? Wo think
Urji, instcad of usinir the watch-
word of Alsace
and Ix)rraine,' has
uurFu ,, .uu bujouiuwu buvivivi,
4 vArkAfi flaw a unfuihlnnfl hA.lA
' Loxpmboorg and Holland j" and
seems to bo coming to Uic conclunlon,
ttat he has no business sou h of the
Uhme Kossia still evinces a resolute
. t. v
determination not to be bound by the
uewrwiujHuu uui w ov uoudu ot iiic
Tpfttv ftf turia Bnr1 MntrrrJtnt, ft
, Z - --T t,to r
1 - ' . ; i
,argo jorce on me uora
crs ol . tne
Kuxine aud Turkey. We shall look
with .interest for the result.'
A Recipe Wanted.
' - ('
xsicyvHiun oaja. ' no irorta
asks:. Uao nobOUV lurnish OUB fnenda
wUh a recipe for folding States after
they are made or -made over on the
I strictest party plan 7 Here is West
Virginia, cat out of the side, of the ; old
I Uoniiaioq tor the; express purpose of
being Radical Wafwnrni, gone
i .1 l .
wholesale: and hard
upon its heels Nevada, lugged into the
Union For tne saraa purpose, goes feame
We suggest Spaldings glue.
Another New Policy;
: .Grant has inaugurated a new Indian
- W Kow U1 ;n. 5
MU,V .
trim fbr crosoeritv, ahd the 'advance4
mentof the poor, Indian.- , Grant s Ad-
ministraUoa has .demonstrated the un
I lata. A nwea a little tor anbsenntion
m a
B owes a little for advertising ; C owes
ii littWand-DWea; Httle?-oa clear
thrnWo-h-thft alnhtthftt and hank and
f through again and many times Over. A
I affttfS Wia Vi1t 1-t rlAa nf. d of lai liio ?
ufh,v,"H "Mr.-V "-"
C thinks his is but trifle and not need
cdfid 0huowu the listlittle little,
...... j
the money goes out, and not a little
comeaf in, until finally the poof printer's
')...n f .j-.ij-j.j
resources are an exnausiea,
resource. ,.re .11 eih.nsted, d :down
air, wnue
reds of UU'
pftid does j but he jrrasps at them in
you owe a Dill the tpnoter r ray it.
f niicTi.--.Tha ehihi of Z. WilRrm. rli
.-.--TT -i:-.
u U" " i
WTO??" I Vt 7 weeks
last evening ui mu uiscao auuwn. as
Old and COUld hardly be elfieCted to re
j - r'fttml- thii vJ kfi:'i
LtssaT :7.'' dfo'iTD
tiont. and now the inventor and sole proyrt
tor and manufacturers of the hew material,
which we hare named the Xontoji GoldMktal
("d seeured - in , IeKal form), ,vPrwr to au,
mtntm. and fulhi eaunl m brillmnen of
eotot, tcet'yh tt wenrt ' ete'H to fine 18 karat gold,
"eare nduded to mmme the Mail buu
nets, to gubcesBfuily conducted by ui from 1S57
to 1865 in f connection with oar wholesale de-
partment, (or the porpoKo of placing again
reliable lime of or tpecialitie before the public.
ALSO nElNti tiie sole Agents
In the Untied State for the Li rtnroov Watch
Z S &rc,X,X
now in tock, fr at ever .
ablr for Wrfe time, mtiublk, aud of the
iecurely piwkcd, pbb paid, to aiy part of the
5-U r'Jiw-il-a
RT!, TiSi JS!
Among odr lwt will be found ;
UtvAT, "KsBJi fuliu
ft'' "te1:ii,cJ!t
,wm-mde.laror mn incomplete
rBEB fjr4..5
Oou Watch engraved or plain, genuine
faj, f,tn plMe Jetceled movement, &liQtiUsl regxi'
later, correct, and in complete BCMNi-tooHiiicn
With elejant UE5T i V EST vBAlX, WHD loccel
mailed I'BB paid lor nrjr...M....?9.
In MajsJY Oride Oot Double Hunting Jfagic
tyring CA8r, elegantly engraved or engine
turned, genuine PatfkT Lrvr.R MorrMFXT,
ieiteletl. rejrulatcJ and mirrunted U kef p correct
. . t . t i !.IL I
fine, ana wear equat to uota, precweij m
apjtearace,tHake,jMiht brilliancy of color t O
$200 Gold Watcu. One of tbew splbxdid
Watchk will be forwarded by mail prpi to
any tvldfews, in kandaome morocco rate, lined
Watch), for only............ l.
-1 , ,
OR KEYLESS WATCH, IVW. mp from tie
Stem, require no Kkt. rannot be wound the
wrong icoy, In beary OKIDE GOLD Double
Cases, tkree-qvnrter plate fine JEWELKD LE
VER HvrefHt-nt, bljKiKoa Action. Accurate as
a Titue-tkeepcr. Superior regulated.
i j t fi t
1 ' . -
i handsome rooroeco iw ror........
TniS! teidelg ltc, reliable and elegant
WatfhJ'ao lonff nd rri-Lr arPBorrt of by
(;orryMKr and Il4it.AoAt Urncut, i note
encased in the jikw improved 5orto! Gold
MrtAUtbe very Uhch d itry in the acience
f vaTAixoaqr, which for hard, dr
hUUSvA .vWiWjr..of color and potuk b
I been foood to' S0RiAt wf- km, mttnl
It doe Rrtt tarnhh bf WEAR, expoture tt heat,
tnohtnre, change f climate, OT tb action of any
ACitA mr grt permanently tetntn It
beantinl COMtt fCLLT, RQVAL W the
colp. and jtVKB wkars otrr. Th! celebcited
WATrn!w in at.it'Wiwf iSon-
T0?l Oal.D Mf.TAL, nii i Ueilgu, nr(,t,c in pn
ik. with uiaffW! ffirmir rab pm. imitation
I . . .... ...... 1 -,M
t dout.W ioiot.i.ciBo tun ntrl. eItra iixr
I full rlv jnreled LIVrr movement, mveral
- . .
with enRravea oi"T CAi!, accnrauig aajnnca
to ail degrees or hbat or colu, wan an tne
latwt ;linirrtTment, cannot le urrad for
CORRECT -kepi n g qna litie, anil eiperta
cannot detect the tligi'ttt difference in appear
ance from one or the (meet f 203 fa II atche
antl laet a long, ttear icelll and KERflt a
coBRKi-t TtMe. Xlicy ore raanaiacmrett oteitf
by ta. and are thoroughly tcarranted in creij
respect for fire year. A 6tngle one of the abore
beantiXul Vut:ht9 mrjled 'pre jnid to anj ad
1re8,jin rcftvf. lived ,morvvco, cant, with key,
fcc, till complete, for only.... .....$15.
Waictca for Holiday VKtrMMmanufactarod
to order. . ' ' ' .. " ' .
- Gehcine AwRrjcA 'VTATcitES tf all grade,
in soli or Silver Vote, ftom 1S up to 200.
Otber Oood Watcbea equally Ime. AVith every
Club of six Wutche ot o kind, we MnJ
extra iW'atch of faire kind free, a. a premium to
teredi letters, at, oca sy Good, carefully
i tefcerf, packed and forwarded ir iwirf by
mail br by wr otv receipt of price.- Safe
warded Hb examined to parties
foVwrrded i of the' hJtPI nhrrtmhh
C A R M I N I T I V E C 0 R D I A U
; , r . n
L vT! Peasant antacid, and in, large dosea
laxative: in small doses, an astrineent medi
cine ; exceedingly useful in all bowel affestions,
especially' of children. : It" is a safe, certain
and effectual remedy , for r- Cholte, Diarrhooa,
unoiera aiorbus bummer Complaint, uripins
it-ain, iaour oioiqbcq, wosuveness, wind on tne
stomach, Crying and Fretting of Children, in
Teething, there; it nothing that equals it. it
softens the Gums, and renders Tee thin cr easv.
.Ttt'SS.TiSSSS. iSTfc
oui a reany raiuaDie preparation, baring been
in a for several years it recommends itself.
. ua not give your children the "soothing
syrups,"; for they stupify without doing any
permanent gooa. i
s Prepared by ,
I vPofSaU by Druggists. The trade supplied
oa"reaonable terms. Hundred, of Twfimo
mals can be given if necessary
4-tf I DR.!w.wA
Two Doom South of the Pot OlBce,
Main Street, ; - . . . . - Dallas
Will Manufatare and keep CONSTANTLY
ON IlANL a large Assoi tmcnt of
0 ; Confuting of all the
; Usually kept. in a "
All of which will be made ot
PAIRING done to order on the abvrtest;
notice. '
Call and examiro mt WoTk before pnrcnat
lag elsewhere. . '';-, ;:'.:
41-tf - GEO. W. HOB ART A CO.
J st Arrived per Rail.
We respectfully call the attention of te
Publie to oar Choice Variety of
Ladies' Dress Goods, '
Htcua and Uoya' Salts
Boots and Shoes
Groceries, ..-. -.:-
School Roots,
Stationer' kcy
And Everjthing Foaudln Retail Stores.
We can assure our Patrona that oar present.
Stock exceeds, in Variety and Cheapoe, any
we have ever bad.
All we ask is, for you to all and examine,. -
before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods I
N. A. J. D. LEE.
Dallas, Not. 16th, 1870.
JL chase. I tbe interest of W. C. Brown in tho
late business or W. C. RROWN A CO., is now"
rcccifing a frceh supply of goods both from
San Francisco and Purtiand, which I will sell
at very cheap rates, for CAolI or . , ,j
Country Produce. m
My stock consists of every variety of
B-inflicf' Ires Goods, -JIcii?
I5oo Mioes,
Quecusiu are, : 1
And groceries of all kinds, and will exchange
OATS, - -frr
uAcoN, -.,.:'.
EGOS, . - v ..
JJEANS, v ; .". 'r
onions, vj,;,;,.,,:
BaKLEY, and Tery
Or any kind of produce that can be converted
into money.
Come and examine my stock before rnrcbas-
ing, as it is no trouble to show goods whether
yon buy or not. ? We mean business, therefor
earnestly invite you to call and see us. :?',".
: ; r, JNO. C. BELL. .
Dallas, Ogn Sept. 3d, 1870. " 27-tf
Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper,
i zinc, urasa a.uiocK-, Tin, i--Forc
and liift jPuuVps, fl
Mollb w - 'Wave
Tin, Shbet-Iroii CoppciS
i -;y; Ware. '-ilfV
ii Creat Variety, of Gem Paaav
?'' -'"-' r ' : '
Iron and Lead Pipe, of U slaea, for Qa,
.Watar aad' 8tenv n ..i:.
ZLBOIVS, ry'ii". BUSHINGS, h v:
T$, - . NIPPLES,
;. t- c: v :" f!.. . . Ve-af
In all its branches done to order, at the stand
of B. Strang,
' . . " , ;
TJnloU Block Commercial St., Saleta.
, r
I - ' . A