DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. M'O. NO. 42. f,twffiiitilirK..?iw: . 1. la If sued Every Saturday Afternoon at jjauaa, roue county, Oregon. BY P. C. SULLIVAN. OFFICE Main street, between Court and Aim streets, twe aoors souta of the Postoffice. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. SINGLE OQPIBSr-One Tear. $2 50; Six Monttia, i 7; Xnree. Months, $1 00, Subtcriptio wu pai&ttrictlif f adeattes 1 ADVERTISING BATES. One square (10 lines orless), first insert'n, S3 00 Each subsequent insertion-.. 1 00 A liberal deduction will be made to quar terly and yearly advertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per "annum. .-- ; In advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. 3UAli advertising bills must be paid monthly. A Splendid Chance. We will send the Dallas Repcblica and Dkmirkst's Mosthlt, which is itself $3 for one year, to any person who pays us $4 : - i Dbmorest's Moxthlt stands unrivalled as a Family Magazine. Its choice Literature, its superior Music, its large- amount of valuable information on miscellaneous subjects, Uj practical and reliable information In regard to the fashions, and artistic illustrations, give it a just claim to its well-earned title, 44 The Model Magasine of America , j" ; r The 'History' of the Lu ciihr M at eh. From the Technologist .. Few things afford a finer type of the results oi modem civilization than the little splints " which' we use to procure a light, : and .. then bo carelessly throw aside. The laboratory of the chemist is introduced into our very households j results which hut a few years ago were only to be produced . fey men who had long pored over crucibles and retorts, are now ootainea oy cuuaren ; ana tnc product of deep alchemical research becomes a daily, we had almost said an hourly convenience, i Other inventioLs are on a grander scale and assume more magnificent proportions, but the lucifer match excels all in constant conveni ence. It requires no special engineer or chemist to operate it, as do the loco motive, the steamship the telegraph, the printing jjreaa and the spionmg jenny. No bright brass work, no costly gearing, uo elaborate ornaments sur round it j and yet, if the question were between the telegraph and the lucifer match, we doubt not but that if the latter were buried in oblivion, it would abstract more from the general conve nience and comfort of society than would the former. The tclcgTaph woutd be missed by thousands, it is true, but the loss of the lucifer match would carry inconvenience and discomfort to every man, woman and child that has ever even heard of the telegraph. , But the match possesses much in itself that is intrinsically beautiful and interesting. We wonder if it has ever occurred to our readers that all the three kingdoms of nature contribute to their convenience every time they use a match ? To form the little covered tip, animals gave their bones for phosphor ous and glue ; long and tedious voyages were undertaken to volcanic regions, probably to Str emboli or CHrgentir to procure the sulphur wbicbUs a constit uent of most matches ; while, tor form the splints, our own American forests jgave their tallest and noblest pine ome tree long the pride of the forest, And beneath which the Indian and the sSeer iiad found shelter-for it features 4ho' very best of matches to make the splints ( of timber. " Truly a match, trivial though it seems, is interesting nd beautiful ;, but then most common ihincs woutd be interesting and be'auti- Tnl if we only examined them. The .difficulty is i that l:we' Walk through a vorld of interest and beauty with our -eyes ehutr Manyf doubtless, remember the time when we had no matches j but our. younger .readers i haye, : probably never known a time when we were without this essential requisite of mod- ern housekeeping, and probably' they wonder bow people ever . gox aiong without them. So we feel confident that, to old. And . young," the history of toe matcn can not jau to do lniereauug, as on the one hand it calls op the viTid associations of early life, and on the other.it will reveal a great many, new facts. . ,V Beyond all question, fire wag a direct gi&from God to man, whether at the first sacrifice, or at an earlier period, we know not. And, curiously enough, al tradition points to this origin of fire The Moslem tells us that Gabriel in structed Adam and Eve how to make bread : and when ; an' oven had been made under his direction, he fetched fire from Hell with which to heat it Tlie. Angel, however, took the precau uou 10 wasa tats ure seventy tiaies iu the sea, as otherwise it would have burnt up the earth and all that it con- tamed. s -f . ,1 We must here distinguish between a mere knowledge of the existence of fire and a knowledge of its use. Volcanoes famish examples of fire by no means rare, and woods have often been set on fire'by the lightning stroke. ; Yet man might know fire as an element long be fore he thought that it might be ren dered of some use j and the ancient accounts have scarcely exaggerated the importance or difficulty of the discovery. lhis is indicated by the fact that van ous nations have been found to whom the use of fire was altogether unknown This was the case with the inhabitants of the Philiipine and Canary Isles at their first discovery, and .also with vari ous tribes in Africa and America, who consequently fed on raw flesh. The inhabitants of the Mariana Isles, dis covered in 1521, had not the least idea of fire. When they first saw it, as introduced by Magellan's people, they regarded it as a species of animal which fed upon wood. The , first who ap proached were burnt, which inspired great fear of the terrible creature which could painfully wound with its strong breath. (Kitto.) ; DrBart&s, in his u Weekes and Workse " gives the following account of Adam's discovery of fire : copying the account given by Sanchoniatho of the production of fire by the robbing to gether of two trees, "he tells as that Adam, who witnessed this, fled with terror when he saw the ruddy flame arise from the copse, which was soon all on fire. The flame pursued him till a naked plain arrested its progress. Recovering his courage, Adam turned back, and observed with interest that cheerful glow which the heat imparted to his frame, and the speed with which it drien his damp clothing. Amid the cold of the ensuing winter, Adam often thought with regret of this, and, since this fire was not again kindled among the trees, tried a thousand ways to achieve its production. As we have previously remarked, Sanchoniatho tells that men first found out fire by robbing two sticks together, and that the forests of Tyre took fire from the branches of the trees rubbing against each" other daring a severe storm of rain and wind, a result which is evi dently impossible. For, although sav cgc nations still obtain fire by this pro cess, it i tedious and laborious, requir ing constant friction and dry material circumstances very different from those of a storm of wind and rain, with its fitful gusts. The labor required to pro duce fire by this method will be appre ciated on a perusal of Dr. Marcy's account: " The most difficult of all methods of making a fire, but one that is practised by tome of the Western Indians, is by friction between two pieces of wood. I bad often heard of this process, but never gave credit to its practicability, until! I saw the experiment successfully tried. It was done in the following manner: " '-1 : Two dried stalks of the Mexican soap plant, about three-fourths of an inch in diameter were selected, and one of them made fiat on one sido; near the edge of this fiat surface, a small indentation was made to receive the end of the other stick, and a groove cut from this down the side. The other stick is cut with a rounded i end, : and placed upright upon the first. One man then holds the horizontal "pieco upon' the ground, white another takes the vertical stick between the palms of his hands, and turns it back and forth as rapidly as possible, at the same time, pressing forcibly down upon it. The point of the upright stick wears away the indentation into a fine powder, which runs off to the ground in the groove that has been cut ; after a time it begins to smoke, and by con tinued friction, it .will at length . take fire. i--; ; i-.: .;,.!: ' -This is an operation that is difficult, and requires practice ; but it a drill stick is used, with a cord placed around the center of the npright stick, it can be turned much more rapidly than by the hands, and the fire' produced . more readily, The upright stick may be of any hard, ; dry wood but the loweiy horizontal stick must bo of a aoft, In flammable nature such as pine, cotton wood, or black 'walnut, and it, must be perfectly dry. The Jndiaps work tbe sticks with ths ' palms of the hands, holding the lower piece between the feet; but it is better to have a man to hold the ; lower piece, while another holds the drill bow." t t ? r -j In addition to this' original process, various have been the devices by which men have sought to rekindle their household fires when they have gone out. The blacksmith lights his forge with a red hot iron, made red hot. by rapid and dexterous strokes of the ham- mer. The philosopher, dealing with morthsubtle agencies, accomplishes the same end by, hammering air a singular statement, yet one that ts literally true. Ironj when hammered, becomes red hot, and will set fire to shavings j air, when strongly; compressed; becomes so hot that it will ignite tinder, oo.tbe philo sopher takes a brass tube, fits to it very accurately a piston, with a suitable handle, and then attaching to the lower end or the piston, a pieco of tinder, he drives it smartly to the bottom of the tube. If the operation is dexterously performed,, the tinder will always be ignitea. ine sun, too, nas often Deen the origin of terrestrial fires, and his rays, concentrated by a burning glass or by mirrors, have often enabled men to imitate Prometheus. ; Domestic Happiness One great cause of unhappiness in the domestic circle, is the deception used by both parties before marriage. The endeavor on the part of each to hide his or her real character, and to appear to the best possible advantage, not thinking , that after the by menial knot is tied, that they wtl appear to each other in their true character 5 The young gentleman, m essaying to secure the love of his inamorata, never ushers himself into her presence unless he is in prime condition j" by this we mean, unless he is in good humor, good health, and well calculated to in terest and please. And while proceed ing to her place of residence, if possible, he procures a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a choice book, a periodical of which he .knows she is fond, or some other token of his regard. With these. he would of course find her, or at least soon cause her to assume, a pleasant appearance; and under these circum stances the two pass a few hour, during which they mutnally exchange those expressions . of tenderness, . which are common among lovers. In this way they pas on for months, and in some cases for years, their only study being to deceive, and their only and inevitable doom to be mutually de ceived. Where ourtship is prolonged for 'years, the friends of both p&rtie commend their exercise of judgment and discretion, and justly too, io the matter, and if they do marry, the world says their alliance was founded upon good qualities that each perceived in tho other." Tim ts right and proper; but the difficulty is, the gentleman has, n many instances, If not in all, created n the lady a desire for positions in life which it is impossible for her to ever attain, enjoyments which she can never procure, and excited expectations which, in the very nature of things, is impossi ble for her to ever realize. He has pic tured to her the bright side of life alto gether, without ever saying one syllable of its dark phases ; he has shown' her the sunshine, without ever mentioning the clouds; he has allowed himself to dwell altogether upon the romance, without bestowing a thought upon the realities of life. The unavoidable result is. the lady, when the vail is drawn aside, and she sees matters in their true light, is disappointed, thinks she has been deceived, finds fault with her com panion, and, in many instances, yields to the legitimate results, and becomes gloomy apd despondent ; and following this, as a natural sequence, are unhappy marriage, domestic discord, and, often desertion. .-, -,! .,! vii'l.i Some will, say. , " the lady should have a mind of her owo, and not allow herself to be deluded , in such a man-, :r;" but in the .great mass of cases: she is young and ioexperieoced, .with false views of j life and its responsibili ties, learned from novels, and what she observes in a short experience in the dizzy vortex of fashionable, life. Thcso are both, Calculated to mislead her, until she has 'reached the point in age and experience, which will dispel those idreamyr fancies, and howf Jife ; in. its reality. T fJ.o avoidi these itmhatipyra-. suits, we need ft few radical changes. Ladies and gentlemen 'in? their? inter course vith each othcrf iwith a.view, to wedlock; ; should cease i to- endeavor i to deceive each , other, bnt act their true character.-"V $o not mean, by jthis that the young gentleman j who L eljgh ts in obscene language. and vulgar asser tions, should indulge , in r conversations and habits of . that nature, whUo n .'the presence of ladics; but rather, on the contrary, endeavor to produce a radical change in his tastes, habits, &c., so that he may not only the more easily gain , uuu aiso retain, tne esteem or his lady love. But whatever practices and course of life he calculates , to pursue in after life, he should, by all means, give her to understand them before hand, in order that she may, know what to ex pect in the hereafter. If be uses any artifices to gain tho love of the lady of his choice, he should deem it his duty, as wen as pleasure, to make equally as great efforts .to retain that love after it is once secured. Several years since. while on a visit to a friend, a man of standing and acknowledged ability, I noted the deference and marked res pect with which he and his wife treated each other io their intercourse. While rambling through his garden, in the aiternoon, in company wan mis gentle man 1 asked him how, through a long seriea of years, he had' managed to always hate everything so pleasant, and his family associations so genial and affectionate. u My young friend," said he, " Let me "give you a little advice. If, in your intercourse with the world, you "chance to find a young lady whose affections you desire to gain, endeavor to secure them . by every . laudable means : and always remember that the game means which are used to secure those affections, should also be used to retain them. By using those means, I have found in my own case, that life is one continuous courtship." llefore we left the garden, 1 noticed him pluck one of the finest roses he could find, and, as we passed e up the steps to the piazza, the lady met us, and, with a genial smite that I shall never forget, the gentleman approached her, and handed her the rose which be had plucked, at the same time giving her an affectionate kiss.V The lovely smile on her face, and the look of love and confidence which she gave him as he turned away, more than ever con vinced me of the truth of the assertion, "That life is I what we make it." In view of the many difficulties now ob- ftervablo In social life, it is to be hoped that these matters ma be more noticed than they have been heretofore, and that we may see a reform io these mat ters that will result in the good of soci ety, and a greater enjoyment of domes tic bappiac?s A-rcAai. California "secma to have awoke to the fact that the lottery business U an evil that should be stopped, and accord ingly has taken measures to secure that result. This seems to have caused considerable excitement and contention in the Courts, as well as among the people. This is a step in the right direction. Gambling in all its phases is an evil, a great and growing evil, and steps should be taken to put a stop to it in all parts of the country. When we see such ruinous results following as we behold in the late California and Nevada lotteries men committing sui cide on account of losses sustained, and other fatal results, to say nothing of the depravity of morals that must inevita bly follow in the wake of such practices, it is time , to awake to the importance of proh ibi tory m easures, and put a stop to such nefarious practices, and throw a guard around those who are unable to guard and govern themselves. , The Oteaonian of, the 12th inst. under tho heading of '.The 8ecret Ontr civos an extract from a letter of the IleralcTi special correspondent on the Holiaday Excursion ; and, after making some other severe strictures upon him, eajs, " ho felt as if he had made a fool of himself.".. , y ' ,Ve wonder if the Oregonian and tho Bulletin will, profit by this poor leiiun a vaciicuuo) auu o,wy luuir uuu gensical scribblinga' about Beu. Holla day, and not, like the Herald' i corres pondent, ( continue to make4 fools of themselves, after they see their folly. ; I The Gazette thinks wo need the in structloW proposed to bo given by tho J1mmvTW'8 true, without doubt Of course our young friend of the Qa tette is already too much of a saint , to need any instructions as to his spiritual Welfare, and too wise in bis own con ceit to 5 require it ;upon any other sub j eet.t 5 We have" observed that young gentlemen; sometimes arrive at" an ago when they are apt to imagine there is nothing more for them to learn. - : . r . , , , , . , , , . , . - - PROFESSIONAL CARD& t C. ATTORTJEY-AT-LAV, Motary Public, r;';'r;vBUENA:VISTA.r-:W': 41-tf ? J. Hp, M TE R, j AU,y & Counsellor-at-Iiair, . Dallas,' Pollt County Oregon' OFFICE loJ'tho" Court Hoai 7 "t, M-ly J. C GRUOBS. a D.f PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, Offers bis Serrices to th Citizens of Pallas : f -! and Vicinity. OFFICE t NICHOLS Drug Store. P. A. Fbewch. f ' ' J. MeMAHos. mXI BLACKSMITH SHOP, Kola, Polk County. ; ' -' All Kinds of Illackanitthliiff done on Short Notice, and to the SatLifaeUon of Customers, ! J -a. T VI T : Special attention paid to tlorae81ioelnff. OcU 11, 1870. FRENCH A McMAHON. ; ; ' V- , .- ' 34-ly It E MEM UGBt THAT TBI iriOEPEHOENCE HOTEL Has been RE-FITTED, and no pains ts now spared to make all who nay call Comfortable and Happy. . . A rood Stable is kept la connection with the Houce. Call and see u. Oct. 27, 1870. JKHEMIAU OALWICK. J U. SITES, .'jril. D.. yy Physician and Surgeon, v 4 ; j - ; : Dallas, Ogn. -J i ) narlnr returned practice, will eire special attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of the diseases of Women and Children : jEOfflce at his residence. " - Physician and Surgeon, JBola, Oregon. Special attention given to Obstetrics and Diseases ef Women. ltf J. J2. DAVIDSON, H D Physician and Sargeon, j . .. Independence Ogn - ,f ; .1 fi; T. V. B. Embrcc. PlllfsiCI AN & SUHGEOM AMITY, YAM 11 ILL CO., OBEQON. JZSt Office at residence. Wyl Attorney and Cotmscllor-at-Law, mali:m, OKEGour, Will practice tn alt the Courts of Record and Inferior Courts of this State. OFFICE In Watklnds A CoV Briek, op stairs. I -: 1 P. C. SULLIVAI, Attorney & Oonnsellor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon, Will practice In all the Courts of the State. 1 I. Is. COLMIfS, Attorney and Cormsellor-at-Law. . ...j .r. Dallas, Oregon iv:- '. ;' Bffelii attention given to Collections and to matters perUlnlng to Heal Estate. v . 1 eo. a. ccaaarV""" "'y- " 8.' boklkt. Attorneys-A t-fair, XAPAYGTTI3 - - - OREGON. 3-tf 4 ;;iaACiidi j zz ahise y, . Att'y&Coumell or-at-sLair, Lafayette, Oregon. ; S-tf En!0. r'jSJLOAT, . -V,:iC Carriage and Ornamental I i. Hi SIGN -PAIUfTEn, Comzasreia T'trset, .'.-,,.;- Opposite Starkey's Block, 31-tf ALE2I. A LL SORTS OF GOODS SOLD FOB 1 Cash or Marketable Produce at I - - . . j. H. LRWIS'R ELCH'S PREMIUM SALMONBEST in market in kits or barrels. For sale at COX A EARII ART'S, ' ,'' -A. ' , Salesa.; r Attention, - Constantly on ' hand and for sale at iny Resident at Dallas, good Hams, Sides, Shonl ders and Lard, of best quality, and la quanti ties to suit purchaser. , , ? , rt l X am also prepared to accommodate- persons with steams,? either 'as travellers or persons coming to town to attend Courts, or who are on business and desire to remain over nictbt. ' HENRY HAQOOD. At the Brldfre. u 4l-2w PROFESSIONAL CARDS, kC WHOLESALE RETAIL CROCERC ' i .... t. Goods, by the Package at II educed Bate ' . myl0-3tf ' .." - -, - :, yv 5 Under wood, Barker Civ r , yyiiyy--: y-l -r ' ,yy Jv-: J t , " " Commercial . street Salenw Oregon .; MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WAO-' : . ONS after the most approved styles and ; ( the best of workmanship, on short notice, and AT POBTXAND PR ICES I - ; ; r Hh :stW& 31-tf: 3 5-'-' Saddlery, Main st. (opposite the foart House), Kail, MANUFACTURER "AND DRALER TR I Harness. Saddles. Bridles. Whim. Collars. . Check Lines, etc., etc of all kinds, which 4m is " prepared to sell at the lowest iitlng rate. , " - ' fSt; REPAIRING done oa short notice. F " G AITERS. DO YOU WANT , KOMI" Fine Cloth CJaiters f if so. cnpply your- selves at QUEBNSWARE IN ABUNDANCE ; ; j At -n:jyi , ; J;' U. LEWI'S, i "i- n m im ' mum . . mi m . m m m m m Main Tee,' : " i j j Oallaal5 Ocn TfriNES, LIQUORS, PORTER, ALEi II Jiltiers. Uiirsrs. Vnvdie. f )vtm men on the ontcide of the counter, by a gentle- . man wno nas an eye to "ton" on tbe inside." - . . . a efea. do come aiong, ooysj make no Oelay, ana we wui eoon near wnai you nave to say. 32 a W. T. CLINQAN. liURGREH a SHHipiER, ,'., t',. Importers and. Dealers ia m."i BEDDING. t 4 i-z . . " ' C ...(. .... . T ; The iJtrpest Block and tlie Oldest Far ! nitar Uoaae In Portland. V S,J WAREROOMS, AND FACTORY? CORNER 8ALK0IT AHD FISST BTSEETfffr PORTLAND, OREGON' v ' u-tf : : . f ,s . j t EDUCATIONAL. LA CREOLE ACADrnY. .. Dallas, Polk County, Oreco. MR. M. M. OaLESBY...;..p'i,nictrii. MISS C. A. WATT.... AssiaTawiC i This Institution was Ro-opcoed on Won! day, the Z 1st of October. The Teachers aro determined to do ererrthin; In their power to, , make this School second to none, of its grade, t in the State. They earnestly solicit the hearty '"I Co-operation of the Community, tvad Liberal ' Patronage from the Public ? - r .. ; "'Ij EXPENSE; -Vifi PRtMART, per Term C. ' Co mm oh EsgLish, per Term o 4. '' ItiGHEB EycLisn, per Term ... 8 Of Latin or -French Language-. Two Dollars" ' ' Extra.? . ,s' 1 . , ; . ,. fv ' f f,; . j These figures will be greatly redueeofby tho .4.t application of . the .'Endowment. Fund. AU Students entering the School anlj share eojaally ; the benefit of this Fund. y . ' . 4 "., . t" -J Students will not be adaaitted fur si, last V period than a Half Term. ' Charge's will made from the time of Entering. V ' '. x y No deduction made (or Absence, axeeptiir i ease of protracted Sickness. . . N. LEE, CXCnm Ex. pern. , ' WM. no WE; Am. Of Board. V '.. iy pom iAjm Jiw TnB ELLENDAtE MILL COMPANrv !fwill give the highest market' rric for ? wool, delivered at tbeir factory in Polk.Co. . ; 4 ; Their Store is also open, with a gcxi'eral aV sortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. IJardwsreJ'i Ao. . j.tf WOTICE3. ; Those indebted to the firm 'qv" Yf, C. Brown A. Co. are requested te eem' fervx ward and settle their notes and arcornts, ts the business of tbe late firm mast be tettfti ! without further delay. . , , 4 rt vr.c. Br own A cV ; Dallas, Ogn., Angnst-24, isya i y . 1 ,25.tf. K : JISNNINGS LODC.n Ko. O 'I'1 fl A.M., Dallas, bold$ its regalsr ob.. "XmunlcaUoiia on the Saturday prtsred irg tbe Ful oon n atu raonta,imtesa lheoao,aJ fulls oa, Satordayhe. oa .tha dsy, at.o,H o'clock. " ' " - . : " . :". ) Also, 0 ho second Kriday in1 each: cacqtil at T o'oloek, P. M. for the purpose of in;rrv- , meni of the Craft In Masonry ' and fr uci other work as th M aster . ma j from tl as ' j. time order All Brethren in good standi iart Invite tend By ordrof tho ' V U attend Harness ii :, H