Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, December 17, 1870, Image 4

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Prayer and Potatoes.
"If a brother and sister bo naked and desti
tute of food, and one ' of you ay unto theni.
Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled not
withstanding yott give them not these thing
which are needful to the body, what doth it
profit ?-sJamjs 2; 15, 18.
An old lady sat io her old arm chair, -'
With wrinkled visage and disheveled hair.
u And hunger-worn features;
f?ot days and for weeks her only fare, '
As she sat in her old arm chair.
SltljT TIAAH .VMflr.AM
But now, they were gone; of bad or good -
Not one was left for the old lady's food, r
Of those potatoes j :
And she sighed And said, "What shall I do T
Where shall I send, and where shall I go,
For more potatoes f
And she thought of the deacon over the way,
Tha deaeoQ so ready to worship and pray, - !
v-t Whose cellar was full ot potatoes,
6h said,?! will send for the deacon to come j
He'll not much mind to give me some
-ifsuch a store of potatoes." 1 l-'fl
And the deacon came over as fast as he could.
Think iug to do the old lady some good,
- i , , But Qevcr for oneeof potatoes ,: -, ; ?
He ajked her at once what era her ehief want,
Aod she, simple soul expecting a grant, -,
, Immediately auswered, "Potatoes."
Sat tha deacba's religion didn't lie that way V
lie was more accustomed to preach and pray
. , Than to give his hoarded potatoes
So not bearing, of course, what the old lady
'-''.'" ' - -i ,. . said. .
lit rose to pray with uncovered head. -
But she only thought af potatoes.
ile prayed for patience, goodness and grace ;
fiat when he prayed, "Lord give her peace,"
She audibly sighed "Give potatoes."
And at the end of each prayer which he said,
He heard, or thought he heard, in its stead,
That same request for potatoes.
Deacon was troubled knew not what to do
vIf very embarrasang to have her act so,
And about those carnal potato. ... j ;
-So ending his prayers, he started for homo :
The door closed behind, he-beard adecpgroam
H, give to the hungry, potatoes !"
And the groan followed him all the way home
In the midst of the night it haunted his room,
i0, give to the hungry, potatoes !" ,
He could bear it no longer ; arose and dressed,
-From his well filled cellar taking in haste
-A bag of bis best potatoes. -
..Again he went to the widow's lone hut:
Her sleepless eyes she had not yet shut,
But there she sat in her old am chair, ...... '
With the same wan features, same waa air; .
Anil ffArnf in Yi a wwttfpvirt ah 1 1 a lwk -
A bushel or more, from his goodly store,
r v j Of choicest potatoes,
The widow's heart leaped up for joy, -Her
face was haggard and pale no more :
Now," said the deacon, "Shall we pray ?'
Yea said the widow,'! "Now you may."
-And he knelt him down on the sanded floor,'
Where he had poured oat his goodly store,
o raver the deuion nr&VHif .
r er f - j
As never betore his lips assayed.
No longer embarrassed, bnt free and full
He poured the voice of a liberal sou?,
A no tbe widow responded a loud "Amen 1"
But said no more of potatoes."
And would you hear this simple tale
Pray for the poor, and praying prevail ?
tThen preface your prayer with alma and good,
deeds :
Search out tbe poor, their wants and ueeds :
Pray for their peace ane grace, spiritual fuod.
For wisdom and guidance, all these are good;
. But don't forget the potatoes !
"Saw for Swine.- While all other
domestic animals are regularly supplied
with salt, the hog is generally neglected.
He requires, however, to be as con
stantly supplied as the ox, the horse or
the sheep, and suffers as much from
privation as either of the above animals
ido. Ills food is almost invariably given
to him in a fresh, unseasoned state, and
to this ' we may, doubtless, attribute
thany of the virulent and fatal diseases
t 1 1 . 1 1 . '
to w men ne is suDjecc, ana wnicn su
er all remedies, however skillfully ad
ministered. If the food is not regularly
r' . m' ' m a
.seasoned, tnere should be a trougn or
. box in every sty, to which'salt may be
deposited regularly for the use ot the
animals., Seasoning the food judiciously
would be much the best way. As
reasoning the food of tbe hog is men
tioned above, let it be understood that
salt only is here alluded to, for if any
person should try seasoning with pep
"per, they will make a great mistake, for
as much pepper as will sumce for sea
flomn? & man a dinner, will Kin a nosr
Sentinel. - ,
is iA.$oy Accidentally Shot. Dr.
Cbapmaa. was sent for in haste jester
tfajr moroing ' to attend a boy a couple
of miles below the city, who had acci
dentally shot himself with a shot-gun.
Toe boy, a son of Mr. Bevis, was out
with a shot-gun, with which he under
took, jloltntbf. a V. fnce.- When ? he
jumped to the ground he held the gun
near the muzzle, the barrel lying across
tSfc. As he pulled it toward' hita
the" natader cattght on the rail and
exploded the charge, the boy receiving
a great part of it in hw breast The
gun war so ranch above him that the
hotranged down; glancing from the
breast bone, and -so down along under
the" akini some of them coming out as
16V aa the hip. Dr. Chapman extract
ni about fifty bird shot from the boy,
and he is reported as doing well. The
-case -is conclusive as to the utility io
the human anatomy of a breast bone.
Oregonian. ,
The Statesman of Saturday has the
fHwiTir river news : The steamer
Dannie PatUm came up from Oregon
City last evening, making her first trip
men ; beiDff refitted and - lengthened,
and in the quickest time ever made on
4he river 5 All the boats are now run
n.ng. bringing up lots of goods and car
.iu: down full cargoes pf wheat and
fl sur. The Succ $1 came down Thurs
vj with 2, JJU b ishels of wheat for the
Si' av Mills. The river is not highj
i)8l itis at a good boating stage. .
.A Practical Juke on a Pair of Lover.
" ; (From the Oregonlan.) ' " , ;
The other day a marriage took place
at Astoria, under circumstances which
were quite as. romaDtic, if not aa
agreeable, as the parties could have de
sired. The couple had arranged to
have the ceremony- performed ; at the
church immediately upon firing of the
steamship California's gun, the steamer
tein expected to arrive from Portland
about 8 p'ciock on Friday morning, and
they were to go immediately on board
for a voyage to San Francificol Friends
of thepartiesahd the ParsOn Had been
invited to hold themselves in intsant
readiness to repair to the church upon
the firing of the steamer's guu. So,
all retired Thursday night prepared to
rise as early at least as the morning
twilight, to participate in or to witness
the interesting ceremony. Meantime,
the powers that be, at Portland, bad
postponed the sailing of the steamer
from Jthis city to Friday evening 4
fact, which our Astoria friends I were,
of course, 'not informed. t But it was
the destiny of . the happy ; croom and
bride expectant to be married even
sooner and .with quicker dispatch than
they anticipated. A boul three o'clock
Friday morning, long before the rosy
God of Morn had begun to rouse him
self, the startling roar of a cannoo
broke upon the stillness of the night,
putting to flight the fantastic vagaries
which will play bo pcejv up and down,
through and through, across and around,
io the brains ot the people on their
wedding eve. Soinnus fled instantly
from the couchside of the groom ; fled
from the couch side ot the brido ; out
into the open air ; and up the steep
mountain's side, o'er the hills aud far
away, to sit again upon ouly such eye
lids as were beyond the reverberating
echoes of that loud mouthed signal guu.
Astoria was broad awake, and Astoria,
in its cokctive personality, with a widely
beating heart, eyes , wide staring into
the pitch darkness, sat bolt upright in
its bed and exclaimed in tremulous, his
sing whisper, "What's that I Can it be?
Yes it must it is tbe steamer's gun!"
In an instant Astoria was out of bedf
and peering anxiously, inquiringly out
of its chamber toward the river, which;
was rolling darkly, sullenly out to sea,
and again, that tremulous, hissing whis
per, 44 What's that ? Can it be t Yes,
it must beit is a light upon the
dock ! Another light ! They move to
and fro the steamer! the wedding!"
Vnd tbgu there were eager and hurried
!.liincs; ha3ti!ytnade tuilettes; inesson
gers nurrymg ana ; scurrying tnrougn
the town fur the pars n, the brides
maids, the grooiuiuieu and every body
eUe ; a snatching uf . umbrellas, band
boxes, reticules, trunks, carpet bags
anoV etceteras j a quick tramping of feet
to the church; a hurried taking of
'Mil umi.titi mi th!4 man ' tn Intra.
u a eva s a , ( m aw ,H wr w y
protect, and cherish, to love, honor aud
obey, and all that ; and then farewells
and a hteing away down tn the darkness
and rain, to the dock. Arriving at the
dock the party f jund not a 'steamer,
not a living soul io sight, but a iono
dimly flickering lantern which, in its
solemn, silent loneliucs, seemed to
have no connection at all with the liv
ing world, and to have nothing to do
but stand and sputter and flicker out
the tag end of a "brief candle." The
p.wty so hurriedly assembled there
stood a moment in blank amazement,
and then the fact began to dawn, till at
last it burst it j full force, upon their
minds that they had been sold. One
tremendous kick sent the offending lan
tern, doubled Up and used up, far into
the black darkness which hung over the
river, whence it went down, down
among the laughing naiads. "Our
army in Flanders swore terribly," but
not with more unction than did one
or two of the party as the whole truth
flashed upon their minds. Somebody
knowing of the intentions ot trie young
neoDie. had risen while it was yet not
daylight by a long chalk, had charged
and fired an old rusty gun, and then
had rushed for a while afoUnd the dock
to create the! belief that the ; steamer
had come, and then had hid away to
enjoy the result. It is hardly necessary
to say that, after waiting as long as they
felt like it, the party finally retire dand
waited a day and a" night for the
steamer. . ;', ' V . '4
The $12 Lever Watch, No. 13,580,
purchased from Chas. P. Norton & Co.
80 Nassau-Street, New York, January
5th, has been carried by me, over six
months, with a total variation in time
of only 26 seconds, without the slight
est regulating, and presents the same
brilliancy of color as when purchased
Sec. American 8. M. Co. N. Y
New York. Julv 30th, 1870. 3.3m
I have for the past eight months,
constantly used one, of the $15 Norton',
Oride Gold Lever. Watches, manurac
tured bv Chas. P. Norton & Co. 86
Na8sauStreet, New 'York, - and found
the total variation in its time but one
half minute, (30 seconds,) and it re
tains the same appearance of gold as
whan rjurchased. Several ot our men
use them with the same results.
oheerfnl recommend them for correct
ness and wear. ; , -. - ' -..- - .
3i.3in r Erie ltailroad. J
A Uailroad Jflan Ahead
of ISailroacl.
It isjRenerallj understood throughout Polk
County that I am Belling goods from 25 to 50
per cent, chraper than any other Store this side
of Portland; Now I do not offer this 5 as an
advertisement, but simply as an explanation.
When we' have a ltairroad from Portland
South on the West Bide of the River, it wiU
opn up anew era for .the citizens of the eoon
ties through which it will pass. Every, man
can take his wife, leave the "children with their
uncle, go to Portland and gather op a Tall list
of supplies, at a very trifiii.tr expense, and at a
figure far below country prices, providing there.
were uoi merchants, through the country up
with the times. But there will be plenty of live
men in the arena. All the old fogies will have
to give way, buy themselves a little farm, and
retire toquiet life. ThiaMs not sarcastic, bat
downright truth, as history of the past proves.
Aud I expect those that are now little children
will relate to their children in time hereafter
how that, in the olden time, over there, on the
hill just across Salt Creek, at , Ed. duff's old
Store Ilotse, M. M. Ellis inaugurated the now
practice of selling goods at Portland prices,
and paid the freights himself. Come and ee
me. You .shall be entertained in a first class
manner, with first clas goods.
C. M. 1'AIttf ENTER. j F. J. BABCOCK.
Manufacturers, and Wholeaale arid Re
tail Dealers Inj
'Commercial Street," alem, Oregon, "
Stock of.
Holland, and
Tube found In Marion Connty.
AH kinds of Picture Frames, Coffins and
Caskets made to order on short notice and at
reasonable rate.
Salem, March 23, 1870. 4 tf
. formerly "WESTERN HOTEL,".
Corner of I'lrbt and Morrlou Streets.
Portland, oregon;
Bfeeara. 8MITII A COOK
Have t
Ho use
taken this well known
and Refitted and Refurnished it
throughout, maklojf it by far the BEST HO
" N, B. Hut and Culd Baths attached to th
House fur the benefit of (luvxts.
Portland, April 14, 1870. 7:tf
U Uolale and Hetalt dealer in
V inn
oruiinff tbpubUo that wo hare just
recired a larg tnvoiee of
Of alt Ivies, direct from tho manufactories in
the East. Our stuck is tbe
Largest ever cflercd Li this Market,
Which we will se'l at wholesale and retail
CHEAP as any other hou In th .State.
Salem, Ogn., March 10th, 1870. 2-tf
1870. Cilhrrt Jlros. 1870.
HA1.E3I - . . . . OKIGOX
Men's Tap Sole Sowed Boots,--....!! 00
'. Men's Double Sole, Sewed Boot...... 13 00
M Men's Single Sole, Sewed Boots..... 12
5 Men's Tan Sole. Peceed Boots 11
0 fi
w '
Men's Single Sole, Pegged Boots
10 00
Men's French Kip Bouts..
9 COS-
'rrs Men's Kip Boots, Oregon or Cali-
fornia leather.
! J Men's Best French Calf Sewed Ox
i ford Ties ......... n .....
7 00
i Men's Best French Calf Pegged Ox-
ford Ties t, 00
used in all our boots, and erery pair
warranted to gire satisfaction. We also bare
the largest and best selected stock of Eastern
aad California made Roots and Shoes which
we offer at wholesale or retail at prices which
defy competition.
Shoe Machinery and erery thing generally
found in a Leather and Finding Store.
Quid coin paid for HIDES and FURS.
Salem, Ogn., March 10, 1870. s 2-6m
A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen aud
, l'arlor use,
v Of my own make.
Shop hear Way mire's ISlilJ
1 tny stock. I shall be pleased to how yon
lay goods, and better pleased when you buy.
New Work put op to order, and Repairing
none at me lowest easn prjc.
; S7 ' : " m C. .X7IXXS.
. - XC THE .
IVervous and Debilitated
Protracted from Hidden Causes,
to render Existence Desirable.
IfVou are suffering or hare suffered, from
inroluntary discharges, what effect does it I
produce upon your general health? Do rou
lee. weak, debilitated, easily tired 1 Does a
little extra exertion produce palpitation of tbe
heart ? Does your liver, or , urinary organs, or
your kidneys frequently get out of order?- Is
your urine sometimes thick, milky or flacky.
or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick
scum rise tv the top? Or is a sediment at tbe
bottom after it b as stood awhile? Do you
hare spells of short. breathing or dyspepsia?
Are your bowels constipated? Do you bare
spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the
neaar is your memory impaired? li your
mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do
you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of com
pany, or me 7 Do yon wish to be left alone.
to get away from everybody ? Does any little j
thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep
oroken or restless? Is tbe lustre of your eye
as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as
bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as
well? Do you pursue your buiiness with tbe
same energy? Are your spirits dull and flag
ging, given to fits of melancholy? Do you
feel as much confidence in yourself? If so do
not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Hare
you restless nights ? Your back woak, your
knees weak, and have but little appetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia, or liver com
plaint? "
self.abuse, venerral diseases badly cured, and
sexual eicesfcs, are all capable of producing
a weakness of the generative organs. Tho or
gans of generation, when in perfect health,
ricl YouEcferTliifik
that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering
successful business men, are always thoee
whose generative organs are in perfect health ?
lou never bear such men complain uf betnc
melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation f
tbe heart. Tbey are never afraid tby cannot
succeed ta business ; tbey don t becuute sad
and dUeouraged; tbey are always polite and
pleasant in tbe company or ladies, and look
yau ed them ngbt in tbe fsce none of your
downea't looks or other meanness about them.
I do not mean I bote who keep the organs in
fluted by ruuuiug to excess. Tbceu will not
only ,
but also those they do busiuets with or for.
How many men, from badly cured diseases.
from tbe effects or sir-atue and , excesses.
h ive brought about this state of wraknexs in
those organs that has reduced tbe general cjs-
tetn to much as to induce almost erery other
tdnal affectiofts, suicide, and almost erery
. - .... , . i l. i
other rrm r dieae whicti numanny i n
to. and tbe real caune of the trouble scarcely
ever supected, and have doetored for all but
the right one. '
Disease of these organs require the use of a
Fluid Extract
is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for '
disease of the - Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel,
Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints
General Debility, and all diseases or tbe Uri
nary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause originating, and no
matter af how long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and
blood are supported from these aourees, and
the health and happiness, and tbat of Poster
ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable j
remedy. ;,. tt , ::.-:
Established upward of Ninctcon years
... ... - ,, ,,'.,
II. T. HELMIIOLD, Druggist,
594 Broadway, IV. Y.
104 South Tenth St.Phila.
Price $1 25perBottIa, or 6 "Bottles for
$8 60, delivered to any addreti. Soli by
all Druggists everywhere. .
unless done tip In steel en
graved wrapper, with lac
simile of my Chcntical
Warehouse, and signed j
Cor. Main aud Court Streets,
Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor.
Stand of Mr. A. H. Whitley, wo have re
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner as
will satisfactorily meot every want of the coin
munity. r. ' J--'iJ 'bv-y.X
Buggies, single or double, Hacks, Con
cord Wagons etc., etc., t ;
Furnished at all hours, day or night, on ;
. . short notice.
Superior Saddle JJorees, let by the
uay or yreeii.
4 i - ! T. O. RICHMOND
This is the most thonrgh-blood purifier yet
discovered, and cure all hntMort from the worst
Scrofula to a common 'JSrvption, I'implei and
iSlotthci on the act, and cay or rovyk $kin,
whieh are such annoying blemishes to many
young persons, yield to the use of a few bottles
of tbis wonderful medicine jrrom one to eigm
bottle cure Salt Jihtum, Eryiipula; Scald head,
Ring Worm, JJoih, Scaly Eruption 6 the Skin
Scrofula Sore, Ulcer aud 7aMei-" in the
Mouth and Stomach. ' It is a pure medicinal
extract ot native roots and plants, combining
i harmony Nature's most sovereign curative
properties, wbich uod nas tnsiuicd into ine
vegetable kingdom for healing tho sick. It is
a great restorer for : the strength and vigor of
tho system, ihoau whoare languid, sicepicas,
have nervoujt ajjreheuin or feari or any on
tbe affections symtoiuatift of tceuktiem, will find
convincing evidence of its restorative power
upon trial. If you feel dull, drotrty, debilita
led and denpoudiut, have frequent Headach,
mouth tattre baaiv in me moruibg, irrryumr
appetite and tfwjne coated, you are suftVring
from Jui ma Liter or" mUiou4jutss, in many
cases of Liver Coiuplaiiit" only a part Of
these symptoms are enwerlenccd. As a rt mely
for all ucti cases, Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
DUcoverv has no euual as it ejects perfect
cuf7 leaving tho liver strengthened and
bealthly. For tbe cure of llabiiual LonuUpa
tion of the Bowels it is a'never llailing remedy,
and those who have used it for tLi purpose are
loud is its tirade. In liiotichial, Lung diseases
it has proituced many truly remarkable cures,
where other luedKioo bad laiiea. ooia oy
oruggiU at l.iu per bottle. Treparcd at the
Chemical Laboratory of
R. V. PIERCE, M. U. UulTalo, K. 1.
Nov. 10-3ni
Xortlmeat Corner Main aud Mill Ms.,
AX. formerly bviubgiuz to W. S. Rubb, and
Withing f live and let live, I wir st-H at
rates, FOR CAbIl,veryihmg m my hue:
Drug, Patent .Tlcdicincs,
j And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, put up
expressly for ilcdkiual ute.
C rcu m Jttrfor,
btJerituss. Sitzo,
Bird Seed,
ii7., Oil, '
Varnishes, liruhe.
J)nm(stic Ihjex,
Washing PawTert
And everything el.e iht is kept in a FIRST
t NICIIOI, 4s COlti. Druggists..
The standard remedy for Coughs, In
flutixa, JSorc Throaty V hooping !
Conglu Croup, Liver Complaint,' 1
Ilroiichltis, llleediiig: of tbe
l,uii8. and every affectloti of the
Throat. Lunga and Chest, in clad- ;
ing Co'aumptlon. :
H lstar a Halsam does not dry up
a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses
the Lungs, allays Irritation, thus
removing the cause of the com
plaint. 'nne genuine unless sign ,
ed I. BUTTS. Prepared by SITII
W. FO W I.I3 At SON, Boston.
TETTER A CO., San Francisco,
and by dealers generally. IOly .
G. B. STIl.ES' :
Is on Main Street, opposite the Court Tlouse
New Store! New Goods!!
I am now prepared to ofler a large and
cnoico assortment ot
provisions, ;
I design to keep only the choicest and best
articles and sell at a small profit for cash or
PRODUCE. -.i , i.' '
Our motto is quick sales and small profits,
. , O. B. STILES.
Dalian, Oct. 22, 1870. 33tf , ;
Br. CLAIZ London
strength to the aged and debilited. - It Is"
especially designed for young men who have
wasted their rigor by excesses ol very wnu,
and' all persons whose ; systems have becomo
weak by imprudence, are completely restored
by its ose. Pricene Dollar. c f f
TFYSR.,' CLARK'S .- PURIFIER cleans tho
JLLV blood from all imparities ; such as Scrof
ula, Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humor
of every sort. Bad Breath." Offensive Pers
piration, Fonl Feet, CatarrhDiscbarges from
the ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Falling of tho
Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all
diseases of the Skin. It is also beneficfal in
diseases of , the Lungs and Digestive Organs
Price One Dollar. :.",''
pain of erery description Headache,
Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache,
Pains in the Breast and Limbs. It is inraln-
able remedy in all Nervous Disorders, and no
family should be without it. Price One Dollar
PR. CLARK'S ELIXIR is a cartain euro
for all weakness of the Genito-Urinajy
ureans, ana aiscnarges oi m bm jiuruar -
... .
nature; Leucorrhacea, .Gonhorrhoea, Sperma
torrhoea, and 'Seminal Weakness, are speedily
cured by its use. Price One DolUr.
XLMonly, is guaranteed to correct all special
irregularities of Single Ladies. Married La
dies are accustomed not to use it wnen in a
certain condition, as its effects would be too
powerfuL Price One Dollar.
All of these celebrated remedies are prepared
from Fluid. Extracts, under"' our immediate
supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure.
All afflicted persons thould send a carefully
written statement of their ailments to vr.
Clack, and the proper remedy will be sent
to their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted
personally at his offie, and will furnish all the
necessary accommodation? to patients who
place themselves under bis care. All letter
adddresad, DR. J. CLARK.
Offiice, 1,270, Broadway, New York
- Si-ly .-
Dr. J ulien Pcrrault,
I)r. of Medicine of the Faculty of Pa
ris, Graduate of . the Uiilverfeity of
Queen's College, and Phyafclau
of the 8t. John laptlte So
ciety of San. Francisco.
JLR. ure to intorui patients and others
seeking confidential medical advice tb&rbecan
be consulted daily at hi office, Ainaory II all
Building, North Eat corner ol" Montp Uitry
and Scrsmtnt ttrect, Iran Fiancico, Konsg
Ns. 'J, 10. II, Crt fiucr,. np (airr, cntracce
on citbrr Mooig-ujety r Siciner!lo lrets,
1R. IKnAt tT5 uiit Lae been almost
exclusively devo(dto the tcrc of Ibe various
fur tun f Nervous aid 1'byHcaI iHbilily, ti.e
ronlt of it juriouc habits ucqriyreJ in youth,
which ufunlly terminate in in-fottrioe atd
ttrlliy,and pern akintly induce all ihe on
eoinitant of old age. V here a secret infirm
ity exists. inv.lvi?i;j tbe bapj inefs of a life attd
tbat of others, reason and morality dictate the
necessity of its removal, lor it is a fact that a -premature
decline of the vigor of narhod,
matrimonial unbappincss, compulsory tingle
life, etc., have their sources in causes, the
germ of which i planted in early life, and the
fitter fruits tabled long afterward; patients, .
laboring under this complaint, will complain
of one. or more of- the following y us pUnis:
Nocturnal hinisioris. rains in the I'ack and
Head, Weakness of Memory and Sight, Dis
charge from the Urethra on going to Mo"ol or
make water. Intellectual Faculties aro Weak
ened, Loss of Memory ensues, Idtas are cloud
ed, und thero is a disinclination to attend to
business, cr even to reading, M ritmg or the
ciety of friends, etc. The patient will proia
ably complain of Uiztiness, Vertigo, and tbat
Sight and Hearing are Weakened, and sleep
disturbed by dreams; melancholy, fighing,
palpitation, fainting j, coughs and slow fevers;
wbile'sKine have external rheumatic pain. Sod
numbness, of tbe body. Some of the most
common symptoms are pimples in the face,
and -aching in different tarts of the body.
Patients suffering from this -disease should ap"
ply immeiliat.ly to Dr. I'erraclt, either in
person or by letter, as be will guarantee a euro
of Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or
eight weeks,
Patients suffering fora vcncrial direspe in
any stage, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Uulo,
Ulcers, C"taneous Eruptions, etc., will be treat
ed successfully. AW Sypbilitio and Mercurial
Taints entirely removed from the system.
-Dr. Perbadlt's diplomas are in his office,
where patients cm see for themselves that they
are under the care of a regularly educated
practitioner. The best references given if re
quired. .
Patients suffering under chronic diseases can
call and examine for themselves. We invite
Investigation ; claim not to know everything.
nor to care everybody, bat we do el aim that in
all cases taken under treatment we fulfil our
promises. We particularly request those who.
have tried this boasted doctor and that adver-.
Used physician till worn oat and discouraged
to call upon us. . ,-xh
Low charges and quick cures. .,
Ladies suffering from any complaint incident
tal to their sex, can consult tho doctor with th
assurance of relief.
v kVemale Mouthly PUlsu
Dr. PcHKArLT t.i the only agent in California
for Dr. Uiotts Female Monthly Pills. Their
immense sale has established their reputation
as a female remedy unapproached, and far in
and irregularities, aud other obstructions in fe
males. On the receipt of fivo dollars, these
Pills will be sent by mail or express to any part
of the world, secure from curiosity or damage.
Persons at a distance can be cured at home,
by addressing a letter to Dr. Pkhravlt, corner
of Sacramento and Montgomery streets, itooma
10 and 11, or Box 7S, P. 0., Ssn Francisco,
stating the case as minutely as posoibU, general
habits of living, occupation, etc., etc
All communications confidential. 14-ly :
1 cattle or sheep, tny CA SI lilt A and 1110
TOGHAPIIIC SIOCK; also ray dwelling
bouse and Gallery in Dallas. For particulars
Inquire of B. F. Nichols or
10-tf C11AS.LAF0LLETT. r.;
ERPOOL Salt, in quantities to suit, at