DALLAS, OREGON; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17; 1870. VOL. 1. ISO: 41. SESS38S SJItt (Drt jVu IJUpMiran Is Iasuoi Every Saturday Afternoon at Dallas, Polk,Cpunty, Oregon. BY I. C. SULLIVAN. OFFICE Maih street, between Court and Mill streots, two doors south of the Poatoffice. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. SINGLE COriES-One Year, $2 50; Six Months, $1 .75 ; Three Months, $1 00. Sbacri'2tion mutt It paid strictly in advance A9XERTISINQ RATES. Oae square (10 lines orless), first insert'n, $3 00 Each suUse'inent insertion.. 1 00 A liberal, deduction will be made to quar terly and yearly advertisers. . Profusion al cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. . Transient a Irertisements must be paid for iaadraiic toi insure publication. AH other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Lqz tenders taken at their current value. Blanks nd Job Work of every description furnished at low rartes on short notiee. T-S-Vll advertising bills must bo paid monthly. A Splendid Chance. 4 We will .send the Dallas Rbpcblicas and Dem rest's Moxthlt, which is itself $3 for one year, to any person who pays us $i Dkmo rest's MvTnxr stands unrivalled as a Family Magazine. Its choice Literature, its superior Music, its large amount of valuable iuformat?oa on miscellaneous subjects, its practical and reliable information in regard to the fashions, and artistic illustrations, give it a just claim, to its well-earned title, "The Model Magazine of America." Wcsn&n' Progress. From the Revolution, . Allowiug that iu all ages the tCD dency of mankind Tiaa been to leap from one extreme to the other, the law of mitid appareutly following the iui mutable law of matter, that action and re-action are always equal in opposite direction?, as woman in her develop ment has been '"persistently held in abeyancty so now perhaps the tendency U to rush .too rapidly or too far in an opposite direction, aiming at too much t once, not using woman's usual cau tion aud conservatism in attaining the end desired, startling numbers of both sexes "by an appeal for the privilege of frunclii.se, which is so imperfectly un derstood, by the majority of the sex, that it is rejected because of a miscon ception of what they would arrive at by so important a step. Not that they are more iguoraut than thousands of our adopted citizens who, having less humility than women, avail themselves of the privilege, but because, as a sex. they 'respect the opinions of the world very highly, and, being the conserva tors of society, they fear that they shall infringe on some law of etiquette or or good .breeding by a participation in a movement which, in the knowledge which they now possess regarding it, 'does not seem to promise them any im mediate benefit. ' Probably a more ex cellent plan would have been to educate women up to the point of an apprehen sion of the increased cares, duties and privileges of the franchise, to show them what the franchise has done, and what it ha? failed to do, in all ages, for the benefit of mankind and the amelio ration of the race, that absolutism is 4nimical to progression, and the same principle holds equally with nations as with individuals: also to show them 4tbat it is a recognized principle among mankind that it is inexpedient to place oneself, for all time, unconditionally And 'without reserve, in the power of any individual or body politic, whatever tnay be the standing of probity, By ibis course, the progress of those who advocate franchise would have been somewhat slower, but far more sure 'Less opposition would have been roused; .consequently, the -point would have Deeri gained more easily. We confess .that the time for complaining of the "abuse in - man by the oppression of woman has gone by ; the topic has been -fully discussed, grievances examined Into and redressed, until almost every cause of -complaint has been removed, woman being more highly favored in Ameriea than in any other country. "With1 pleasure, we acknowledge the chivalry of American men, and their willingness to grant woman any reason able demand, 83 also their liberality in era n tin e to the sex most excellent educational opportunities y yet we must cousider that in consequence of the .great change faking place in society, because of the enfurration from every part of the globe to these United States, in a few years at furthest it miv not be the native born American citi ; ?cns, descendents of the patriots who fought and bled and died for freedom, that the American woman may be priv leged to look for legislation, but to a class not always the most enlightened in views, the most liberal in sentiment, the purest in morals, or the most patri otic in principle, who aid in legislation before becoming truly Americanized-; by which we mean, accustomed to our peculiarities, institutions, social life, our broad comprehensive educational sys tem, acknowledging the Bible as the surest basis of true national greatness, aud our inherent independence, respect ing ourselves, most thoroughly yielding graceful deference to each other, exact ing no more than wo are willing to grant in return, or even, in many instances, before becoming thoroughly familiar with the Constitution and law of the land of their adoption. Again although changes have been made in the laws to insure the protection of woman, yet it must be remembered that the honor is not due to legislators alone, but to the noble efforts of a few self sacrificing men and women who have toiled indefatigably to so mould public sentiment in behalf of woman, her needs, and her grievances, that in defer ence to that sentiment legislators would be compelled to act ; and they still continue their unwearied efforts, regard less of the opprobrium or opposition they eudurre, not only to secure the permanence of what has been granted as a privilege, but to ensure a greater good by merging that privilege iuto a right, as it would become, if the power of defence was superadded. The as sumed fact that a few gentlewomen, by simply appealing to the wisest and most respected men of the nation, can influ ence the repeal of any law bearing unjustly on the sex, speaks volumes for the success of these noble workers, in so guiding public opinion in favor of woman, that so great an object may be attained by 0 slight an influence ; in so arousing woman to a sense of her powers and obligations, as to lead her to converse and write upon the subject: that, too, with, a reasonable hope of receiving attention. We remember well the time when to have advised woman; to so energetic a course would have aroused far more surprise and indignation than does the appeal for suffrage at the present time; nay fur ther, for example, a woman in the olden time, who expressed a desire to retain the control of her maiden - property after marriage was esteemed as selfish, deficient in womanly faith and confi dence; now, as the result of legislation, thousands of women, not one whit the less womanly, have the disposal of their own property, no unpleasant remarks or feeling being elicited. io necessity exists of revolution; we shrink from it instinctively. Woman has hitherto glided gracefully into the responsibili ties and enjoyments' of the privileges granted her; and should more privi leges be granted her; and should more privileges bring more responsibility, from the long experience of the past, wc do not fear but that she will sustain herself with honor and dignity in the future. The inalienable right of suffrage does not belong to all women in a greater or less degree than men. It is exceedingly questionable whether all men are capa Die ol seit-grovernment; and on a sub ject which has agitated the world for ages, and is still acritatincr nations, it ' T O J behooves us to speak very modestly. The history of modern times only repeats the experiments of the nations of antiquity. The problem seems as far from solution as in the days of Greece or Home, and there is a constant strug gle for power, and as constant resist, ance now as ever, aud it will so remain until the glorious reign of Immanuel shall usher in universal peace. Yet while we are of the opinion that the restrictions to the .franchise should be much closer than at present, we cannot conceive of any reason why-, those restrictions should bear on sex. They might reasonably bear on position, cul tivation, morality, nationality, property. or a state of minority, each one of 1" J! !.. . wine ii uisquauucauon8 assumes a de gree of inferiority in the party so deprived ; and they could be brought to bear equally on both sexes. Woman, answering to every Qualification requir ed of men, is precluded from exercising the power of franchise ; and wherefore? Because it is assumed that she would be induced to neglect important, duties. .Permit us to dissent from this view of the subject Woman s conscience is not less keenly alive to duty than that of man ; and we have failed to see that the attendance to political affairs judici ously exercisea, ever crippiea anv man's energies, or absorbed too much of his time; on the contrary, by giving him an active interest in the affairs of i his government, he , has become more , energetic, more self reliant, more capa ble of sustaining his relations to his fellow man. But even when he makes an injudicious use of his privilege, irfhe deprived of it? Is it urged as an excuse against him? Woman; as a class, has never yet neglected her dnties; she is ever assiduous, and her faithfulness in the past is her guarantee .for the future. It must be admitted, in refer ence to progress, that the tendency is to extremes at the present day ; and if, as is asserted, that " true progress is alow", except in its lastsstages," then woman's progress has been slow enough for the past six thousand 'years, to prove very conclusively its truth, and rapid enough in these later days to justify the asser tion. What this last progressive move ment, the franchise, may do for moman, it is impossible to tell. Probably not so many benefits will accrue from it as its 'advocates promise, nor as much injury as its opponents predict. To those of the sex who are eminently domestic, and are not led to the exercise of ability from any pecuniary . consider ation , to the sheltered, protected woman, surrounded by every desirable comfort, and to the daughter of wealth, it would probably bring but little change, but to vast numbers of women who depend upon their own resources, it would probably be of the same rela tive value as it if to man, which seems to be considerable, from the jealousy with which it is guarded, and the evi dent disinclination on the part of many to share its possession. It is quite cer tain, however, that ever since the first agitation of the subject, woman has been elevating herself : that she has developed uiore individual ability with in the past'few years than in centuries before. We have now among women, physicians, sculptors, painters, true artists, merchants, agriculturists and architects of no mean grade, who, but tor this opportouity of developing espe cial gifts, would have wearied ly per formed the duties usually assigned to women, conscientiously no doubt, hut without that keen test and positive en joyment that character'! res the move ments of those who find in their labor scope for their powers; that whicr in its mere agitation has done much for woman, may hold large possibilities in its full realization. A single legislative act, even in our memory, raised to the inestimable blessings of liberty millions groaning in bondage What legislation has done, legislation may yet do. This progressive movement, from its first feeble inception, has followed out the natural order of progress, rising from the smallest beginning to its present gigantic proportions, performing all that it has promised in behalf of women, and we see no reason to doubt its ability to carry out the designs in the future, if permitted to teach Us final consummation. In reference to the promised purity of legislation to bo obtained through its operation, in the absence of absolute test, we can only say that in franchise woman will carry out the established principles of her organization. If it can be proved that she possesses a finer organization than man. that she is actu ated by higher principles or more faith ful to the dictates of conscience, then it is not unreasonable to infer that legisla tion will bear the impress of theso qual ties. But lastly, it is an absolute cer tainty that the elevation of woman compels the elevation of the race; it matters little how that elevation may be attained, whether through religion, ed ucation or chivalry. Look at the con dition of woman two thousand years ago ; note the influence of Jesus Christ exercised for her advancement ; observe how steady, yet slow, has been her pro gress ever since, and see how perfectly the elevation of the race has kept pace with that progress, until in these latter days those nations most favoring her progress stand first in ths rank of enlightened civilization. True, her ad vancement has met with opposition at every step. We remember the doubt and fear expressed that woman would fail in the faithful performance of the duties of wife and mother, if she receiv ed as liberal an education as that of the opposite sex; that doubt has no exist ence now. Look at those nations where woman has not advanced a step for cen turies. See thousands of the sex sitting in profound ineffectual darkness, being able neither to read or write. The calumniated flag of progress has nevtr been unfurled over their devoted heads. No necessity there exists to stifle the cry of excelsior, for all is silent -deep, uninterrupted silence. Woman is pas sive, quietly subordinate; I no aspiration; no hopes scarcely that of immortality, animates her existence. And has she not dragged the race into tho dust with her ? Is it not deeply humiliated ? But it is said that objections are not raised to her development, her advancement in knowledge, or to her lending aid in advancing the cause of purity and uprightness. Thus far shalt thou go, and no' farther, has echoed along ! the toilsome pathway at each progressive step, up to this point of privilege ; yet onward has been the course, overcom ing the doubt t and prejudice that existed at the innovation of past expe riences and time-hooored customs, until now that course so commends itself to general approval, that even the oppo nents, who demurred the most de cidedly at every change, accept the present position with evident satisfac tion, the echo of their voices, however, still vibrating alongthe onward course no farther no farther. Schullz'a Capture. The particulars of the capture of Schultx are thus given by the Yreka Journal: Scbultz was caught in town last Monday morning, shortly after daylight, by Hi Ward and John Hen dricks. It was evident he had stopped at over uight at some place between Hawkhisvillo and Yreka, and it being cold, came to town to warm up and get something" to eat. He proceeded to Wheeler and Baker's saloon to get a drink before breakfast, where Hi Ward recognized him, and immediately woke up John Hendricks' to assist him in making his arrestj They both followed their man to bis breakfasting place, and with a pistol pointed at each side of his head, caused him to. surrender, and fork over , a five shooter he had concealed in his breast. He was first discovered by a man named Wright, who seems to have been in company with him in Washington Territory, aud says he made a pair of boots for him there. Wright recognized him at work at Coultas' blacksmith shop at Cottonwood, when they both went out to have a confidential talk. Alter this, Wright got Schultx'a pistol, and pawned it for sufficient funds to telegraph to Washington territory to find out how much reward was offered for Scholtz's arrest, which was answered, that 8150 was offered in Washington Territory, and $500 at Portland, Oregon. Wright having been drinking, showed the dis patch to several at Cottonwood, and afterwards cme to Yreka to inform the Sheriff, stating thatSchuhz had threat ened to kill him. Sheriff Burgess tel egraphed to Portland, and found the man answered the description, and that, altogether, $1,150 was offered for his capture. Schultz was at Kiley's store, in Hawkinsville, on Sunday, anxiously enquiring for Wright, and was armed with a six shooter, a five shooter and a PSr. The Model Parlor Maoazine and a valuable premium to each sub scriber. Demorest' $ Monthly stands unrivalled as a family magazine. Its choice literature, its superior music, its large amount of valuable information, its practical and reliable fashions, aud artistic illustrations, give it a just claim to its well-earned title, "The Model Magazine of America." You cannot do without Demorctl's Monthly. Yearly, Demorest also gives extraordinary Premiums to each subscriber, among which is a splendid Chromo Parlor Picture, worth 5, or a large and beau tiful engraving, "The Pic Nic," worth $10; or, the jsplcndid book for home improvement."' 000 pages, entitled, " How to Write, Talk, Behave and do Business," bound in cloth and gilt, worth $2 25; or a good Stereoscope and Series of Views; or a good Pocket Bible, bound in morocco with gilt edges; or Mine. Dcraorcst's System of Dress Cutting for both Ladies and Children ; or two dollar's worth of full-size Pat terns; or a choice from numerous other Premiums, which" a ro worth from two to five dollars each, is given to each subscriber, See 'list in Monthly. Also Splendid Premiums for Clubs: Our ney's magnificent Chromo, "Hiawatha's Wooing after Jerome Thompson, size, lh x 25 inches, worth $15 for only J two ouDscnoers, or one ouuscnpwuu for two years. A G rover & Baker Sewing 5lachine, price $55, is given for only twenty subscribers or for ten subscribers and for $25 extra in money. Address, W. Jennings Demorest, 838 Broadway, New York. Specimen copies are sent, post free, for !15 cents. At Waterloo, Linn county, Mrs. Brown lately fouud that one Dan. Courtney pas trespassing on her hus band's land. As he would not desist upon her remonstrance, she took a fir limb to his head and planted a rock in his" ab domen, whereupon he desisted, but af terwards had his conquering heroine ar rested for assaulting and battering him Subscribe for the Republican. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, dC. JOIIIV J. DALY, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, Notary Public, &c, I1UI2NA VISTA. 41-tf J. H. IWYER, Att,y&CounsclIor-at-JLnw, Dallas, Pol t County, Oregon. .OFFICE in the Court House. 34-ly : J. C. GRUDDS, IB. D.,;- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers Itis Services to (he Citizens of Dallas I and Vicinitj. OFFWE-t NICHOLS' Drug Store. P. A. Faascu. J. AleManox. HEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, Independence, Polk County. All Kinds of Illaekfcmlthln done on Short Notice, and to the Satufactioo of Customers, and at Reasonable Rate. Special attention paid to Horse-Shoeing Oct. 17, 1870. FRENCH It McMAUON. It 13 M EM IlKItt THAT TUB i INDEPENDENCE HOTEL Has been RE-FITTED, and no pains ifjaow pared to cuake all who uaj call Comfortable and Hsppj. A food Stable Is kept in connection with the House. Call and see us. Oct 27, 1870. JEREMIAH GALWICK. . 34.1 j " m J It. SITES, III. IX, Physician and Surgeon, 1 :.j . Ialla, Ogn. - Ilaring resumed practice, will give special attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of the diseases of Women and Children SSrOffica at his residence. W.I). JKFFItlCS, M. !.,, . Physician and Surgeon, j Eola, Oregon. Special attention given to Obstetrics And DU4Ms of Women. ltf ; J. 12. DAVIDSON, M. !., r Physician and Surgeon, Independence. 0n. 1 j T. V. E3. Enibree. PHY SICIAN & SfjnCTCOX AMITY, YAMHILL CO., OREGON. Office at residence. 14jl C. G. CURL, Attorney and Gounsellor-at-Law, ! MALI-M, OREGON, Will practice in all the Courts of Record and i Inferior Courts of this State. OFFICE In Watkinds A Cos Brick, op stairs. . 1 M P. C. SUaM.IVAIV, Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1 J. Li. COLLINS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. j Dallas, Oregou. Special attention given to Collections and to matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1 OBO. B. CrBHKV. 1 0. HCRLBT. CURSIEY & HURLEY, j AttorneysAt-Law, tAFAYISTTE - - . 3-tf OREGON. IM JLRION R AIUSE V, ; AU'y&Cotinscilor-at-Law, Lafayette, Oregon. :M' ' . - 1 a tr , n.;E, 1. SLOA;;u,;;,,: Carriage and Ornamental ! s i o x p jl i nr t e r , , Commerela Ptrset, : f ? s J Opposite StsrktT's Block,' 31-tf v . SALEM. LL SORTS, OF GOODS SOLD FOR Cash or Marketable Produce at v J. II. LEWIS'S ELCH'S PREMIUM SALMON BEST in market in kits or barrels. - For sale at COX A EARU ART'S. :''r-i:'- Salens. Attention. I Constantly on " hand and for sale at my Residence at Dallas, good Ilimi, Sids, Shoul ders and Lard, of best quality, and ia quanti ties to suit purchasers. M jl am also prepared to aeeomnodate persons with teams, either as travellers, or ycrsous coming to town to attend Courts, or who are on business end desire to remain orer night, j IIEKUY HAYQOOD, At tho Bride. f : 41-2w w PROFESSIONAL CARDS, &C. COX & EAR II ART, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCEftQ xsooncs dlocs, sals: Goods by the Package at Reduced Bat ray 10 -Stf ( Underwood, IJarker Sc Co, 'TWAG OX ) MLAU ERS, . Commercial street, J Salens; ' Oregef MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WAOV. ONS after the most approved styles and the best of workmanship, on short notice, and s AT PORTLAND PltlCE! 21-tf y- Saddlery, Harness. S. C. STIfcES, " Main st. (opposite the Court House), Dallas, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Bridies, Whips. Collars,, Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which ho it prepared to cell at the lowest linvg rates. - .C2TREPAIRINQ done on short notice. AITERS. DO YOU WANT SOMCT Fine Cloth Gaiters? if so. supply your selves at J. H LEWIS8. QUEENS WARE IN ABUNDANCE At J. II. LEWI'S. DAflK EXCHAHQE SALOOHj Main areet, t Dallas, 5sn Xir INES, LIQUORS, 10 hTER, ALE, If Bitters, Cigars, Candies, Oysters , and Sardines will be served to gentle 1 men on the outsiJo Of the counter, by a gentle man who- has an eye to "bis" on the inside. So come along, boys ; make no delay, and we will soon hear what you bare to say. ' t Z2 W. F. CLINUAN. nuRfmm & sholer, Importers and Dealers la furniture: AND , : : u , BEDDING. The Scarcest Stork and the Oldest STar- altare House Iu Portland. A WAREROOMS AND FACTORY COSHER SALMON AND FIRST 8TRIXI8, POUTtAND. OREGON.- iV-tl . EDUCATION A IM LA CREOLE ACADEfslY, Dallas, Polk County, Oregoa. MR. M. M. OOLESBY.. ...Pfrnrcirav MISS C.A. WATT .. ..Assist 1 ., .. This Institution was Re opened a Hob. day, the Slst of October. Tho Teachers are determined to do ererrthing in their power make this School second to none, ot its grade, in the State. Tbey earnestly solicit the hearty Co-operation ef the CoaimantQr,xid Liberal Patronage frcm the Public -8 1 EXPENSES. :, j Prjvart. per Term ............4 Com mux Ecjuis.icr Term. 6 QQl IIicnaH EsoLisii.-pcrTetm.............-.; 8 0; Latin or Frctlth Language, Two Dollars Extra.' . ; ; -. '.'.. Thesa figures will be greatly redaced by tb application of the EnJowmmt Fund. Alt Students entering the School will share equally the benefit of - this Fund. i ; H. v.t". i Students will not be admitted for a lesa period than a Half Term. Charges will be made from tho time of Entering. , '' No deduction made for Absence, txcejpt la case of protracted Slckncve. v f 1 4 1 N. LEE, Chairman x. Ceiii'f . - WM. HOWE, S of S.xxrd. WOOL WAITED, TnE ELLENDALE MILL' COMPAKS1 will give the hightst market price for wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co. Their Store is also opcat a general as-, sortment of Dry Goods, U rocerus, Hardware,' Ao 7: -tr;fr NOTitE xl HOSE INDEBTED TO THE fTRlf "OF W. Q. Brown A Co. are requested to me for ward and settle their notes and aneovnts, as the business of the late Urm xnast be scUlvd without further delay. Dallas, Ogn August 24, 18T ;;;. ;,:2Mf , H 4ENMIX(.VL0DGC Ha.p l sIT" A' Dallas, holds its rgularom sAxnunleatiotta on llm Kafnritav r .. !. the Full Moon in each month, unkea the taim fulls on Saturdaythen on tiiat day, at or o'clock. '' t. Also, on the second FrUiijia etch tnontA at 7 o'clok I; M . fwr tW purpose of Uitprovie- meni oi..w,vw m. Masonry, ana tor suca other work as the Master may fxaa time ! time order. i : . a All Brethren In good standln arelnvite LLMi . attcAd Bj order of the TT W