.J .7; a Z r' ' ' 1 1 ' " T '. v ?"! " r - . . ;. .. ;. ... , . .. .. . ,. fc - ' ' , ' ' 1 v I i , -' ' - '- "' ' ' - ' ! " '" ' -A ! ' '..- . . - -. ' t i . .-". " :-' . v.. . . --...,, . " 1 - - . - " 1 " " : - -... " " ' ' . . 1 :V ; - e : : . ' ' " l' " - ' ' ' - -"' " , '' " ' 1 ' ' " ,"" ' ' " ' ' "' . ' ", J I.I.I "' ' "' - I. 'I-. I- Ml II n . I -1 . VOL". 1. DALLAS, OREGON,. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1870. NO. 38. Mr Is 'lisaed Every Saturday Afternoon at Ball!, Polk County, Oregon. BY PC. SULLIVAN. OfFIC13--MaU street, between! Cot and Mill streets, two doors south of thePoetoSce, SHS3CRIPTION BATES. , ' , : .SINQLB COPIES One YeariTSe) 'Six' louths, $i75Throe Mntbt,.$I 00.. ' - J!bcripiio wuiat It aid'4trictt Mt,afoc AD VESTISIHO 'BATES..; : v.. One square (10 lines or lesa),&r8tiDsert'Dt 3 00 Each subsequent insertion........,.........'.. 1 00 A libeTaltdedaetiottlwill be made to quar terly and yearly adrertisers. ' ' Trofesiional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. '''H-'"'-' -1 " "Transient -adTertlsements must be paid for in advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly.; Legal tenders taken at tbieir current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. . . iSSuAli advertising monthly. bills must - be paid Catcli irife Cold. From the technologist. O ne of - the confessed evils of im proper arraDgcmentaof veotilatioq U the danger of catching cold. We are told that:, our room is close and illy rentilated ; up goes a window, in come.-, a draft, and we catch cold. Wo are told that 5 we should not allow such a draft through our - apartment; down goea tho window, aud we arc stifled Daue nature, like a kioa parent, ap- t)lea the.ratan ,to, refractory children lie who "sets his foot in a trap, m u t oot complain, if, the trap spring and catch his foot Put "a bird into a room wherv . there is a closed window, and it, will fly a hundred times against the, gliss un able to learn that it cannot go through where it can see through. Just so it is with human ) beings i about taking cold. They will catch cold a hundred times, and then go for the one hundred and first tiratrd -do-thiei same-iWogj They can not learn to awaiVdanger lijlho-y do not see at stare theif- bluntly in the lace. ; numanbcingsl will, of course, reason .: but reason ing is a habit, and they 'never form the habit of reasoning tovprvent tbldsItis the simplest thing In the world ; just as simple as taking a drink of water. It is si dj ply the act of preserving. . Preserve an eren tem perature, lie who does this will never enffer from colds. The artists, or pro fessors, -who endeavor to preserve fruits in this natural state, strike first for the temperature at - which they can not sour, then for 4 evenness at that point. The same must j be done to' preserve health. Fiud the normal condition, that of pleasantness and comfort, theo pre serve an equable temperature, and there will be no danger. It will be said that "it cannot be done. It is granted j but till, theoretically the I wo points men tioned must first of all be fixed: first, what a proper condition of the system is ; and second, resolve to' maintain It, OIa course, thcrewill be variation. There must be exercise, and sometimes violent exercise, i There will he excite ment; passion more ok less vehement. All persons' will f be 'violent at times. . The thing wanted is fa, aceppt the fact, nd act acctirdiDgly. Keep as near the normal condition as possible j but when necessity competa a 1 risioK 'above or falling below the proper point, use dis cretion to reeoter - JbVeeze an apple, and thaw it oat gradually at a low tem perature, and it can not be detected as liaving been'fffbzen )while;tifit ,be thawed rapidly jit .a 'high temperature. at;become3pulr3KjEnas8t)ecau5e' the udden change breaks downthe struc tural Tells. Freeze jrout -ear on aoold tfayl pack it in snow till IfHhaws. and it will be nearly as well as the other. s2p one - could tell- that it Iiad ' been tfrozen.;t Butthaw it qnickly in a warm woBj-and' ttie twine&of pain will be snostsjuisite, "white in "the end It will ppear ,as if it had been boild. j The truth is, there will be extremes." Some body will get behind and have to run ior 'lue'traio ory in la fit of aukiety, liasten for an omnibus, a street car or a ferry-boat, when another goes in three or five" minutes, making haste useless. x'copio will ge caugnt in xain-siorm. 4ind be foaked with pure water distilled - by nature' evaporator ; -5 somiaorehip pingCharlies will get upse in the snow, with their beloved ; Maggies " some aow-white vdueks will sport in ihe iriny surf until nature wards with a chill, to desis! ; from one and all of these sources, and from ( many others, oldf ;w4li come. That is a iact j it will Pco. Everybody's children aro wayward sometimes, and Datuo Noture's t7itb the rest; and, thanks be to Heaven the old; lady knows just;wben and where to apply the ratan. It ia all no use trf counsel people to beware, to be careful, to avoid danger, ' Mothers and doctors have done this very thing for fife thousand years, and the business of warning is larger now than it ever swaa before Doctors make more money to day from people" taking cold .than they did fiUyryfars ago, while marble-work- ers and grave-diggers reap- more from' this. source, than from jny o't her. .Is it a fact, therefore, that it is .useless to give advice lKis' true, advice, like m'edicinc, is easier to give than take, and, like most things that cost nothing turns out to be worth nothing. It must cost'aomethingto be really of any value Still the all-important fact remains, that there is a right way to return from all the excesses above enumerated. And to return, to recover equilibrium after violent exercise or exposure, is the most important part, of 'health-keeping. A little of thatuncommnn thing, common sense, is the only requisite. X - The human frame was intended for activityto run fast and to run slowly ; but it must be managed A locomotive, can be run vecy fast, but if stopped in stanianeously, jrhen going at a high rate of speed, it ls. unjointed as badly as if it had had inflammatory rheumatism for seven years. A skillful engineer, hovever, tones down his, s eed gradu ally ; and in this lies the whole sreret of not taking cold. It is exposure or carelessness after exercise that brings on colds. After walking, or running, or dancing, or any exercise that quick ens the circulation a little current of air from a window, a crevice, from an open door for. a "few minutes, just to cause a chill, is sure to produce a cold Merely stopping on the street in a cur re ni of; air of at a corner, where the wind breaks or makes an ahgle--U ccr tain to do the job Any sudden subsi dence of active forces of the body in a temperature that chill?, will produce cold. The little co.mmoh sense that" is needed, and for; the lack of the exercise of which so much money is paid to doctors, is to preserve an eqaable teni-peratuTey-tn7 havngexerCTsefreelyv recover the proper state gradually and without a chill. Thin is attained in a mot simple andeasy manner. After exercise, always seek rest in a sheltered place, where you will be warm- never being hasty to remove hat. gloves or cape, let perspiration subside before disrobing, if in-doon, and if out-d(Krs, always Jceep gently moving t until-. the usual cofiditton it attained.- Let the aim be evenness ff temperature, anduo all.' cases of free'. exerci tone down gradually. Never be afraid to exercise Ireely, but be very careful to manage the force judiciously that is developed Itjs well always; to keep cool, but it is better since all must grow warm some time.4 never to cool off .too quickly. The mother, wjio spoils her child by indulgence, often says, u keep your temper, my child' Dame Naturesays to her self-indulging brood, " Keep your temperature, my children." t Nature's maxim contains the secret of long life and enduring happiness. Ubey your parents, is the law of. phy sics, as well as of morals. The counsel of maternity a counsel as old as, the creation, hoary with an age of sixty centuries, given by fond mothers to burly sons and gushing daughters be fore Moses was . hid jn the bujlrushes, or Balaam's ass preached the goapel ; a counsel fragrant; with all holy associa tion as it passes ddwn the ages from lip to lip; a counsel stamped by he hand of Him who made all things upon all things He has made is, My beloved chidren, keep cool. ' i Minister Mot ley Peremptorily tteealled .from f2iiglaud ' - WASinNGTO.v, D. C, Nov. 15. On Fridav last, the President directed Secretary Fish to send a cable dispatch to London peremptorily recalling Min ister Motley as Minister to England. Moran, .Secretary of Legation) is to act as Charge 4'Affaires until a new Minis ter appointed. Th e Prcsiden t gi vea as a reason for immediate action, the necessity forao instant decision on the fishery ewtrbveriy with Canada, !and other differences with1 the British Gov ernment, which he does not feel in clined totruBt to the manageoienlt of Motley. :;y r-z ;x:.ri J.: -i. i,: An Iowa inan tried1 tbV tiss altieigh 'bor's wife'biii' -befoire ; h5 edt IhrouRh - the lady hit him on the head 1 with a rolling pin, and put him out t of doors Thehusband took a revolver and went to mm lor ii.iMuu, mu uvic to settle it by taking the villian's note ssm: whihiha traded off for a corn plough. The -man k who holds the nete carif collect, h giver c'aimmaj that lie did not g value received. Political Reform. It is apparent to all men that a radi ical reform in the running machinery of the Government is' needed and de manded the patronage of the Presi dential office, and the connection of Congressmen with the same, is a source of great corruption and extravagance, and mulcts upon ; the Government horde of servile incompetents, who are a serious detriment to its interests The Federal City has become infested with I Indian .rings, -.and .a- thousand other forms of leeching the publie Treasury. The franking privilege niustbe abolish ed, the civil service reform effected, and the tariff policy so shaped and exe cuted as not to favor one branch, of to dustry at the expense of another, nor to enricn speculators, under cover oi tuc protective system. These practical treasures of reform are needed the people perceive the existence of that necessity -and as soon as tne para mount and superior issues of national credit and national security are fairly out of thejway, the people will rise in their might, and will demand the pas- s.igeand the enforcement of the leforms we have spokeh of. The above is from the Toledo Blade. r We are lad to see a disposition in many of our best journalists of the pre, sen day to proclaim the truth, no mat-, ter whom it-affects This laying" off of blind partisan prejudice by leading men, is an omen of strength and better days The Blade is right when it says," U is apparent to all men that a radical reform ia the running machinery of Government is needed and demanded. Ac.,' and it should have added to its .list of reforms, the abolition of all life offices in the Government ; the rVht of all who exercise the elective franchise to vote directly for President and Vice President; the establishment, hy fun damental law, of the supremacy of the general Government over that of an in dividual State ; and the permanent set tlement of the proper qnaliScation of a voter in; the Governmcut, based upon the unalterable and natural line , of race. All these reforms, as well as those mentioned by the Blade, it is ap porent, most be made and effected, atd that speedily' or the experiment to es tablish Republicanism here will prove a signal failure. And when the people shall stop to post themselves a to what their servants are doing; and as to the condition of their Governmental af fairs; and shall learn to disregard ap peals to their prejudices, made by ig norant, silly, coriupt and wicked dema gogue's, who care for nothing, save their own aggrandizement and self-promotion; they will rise Nin their might, assert; and exercise their . sovereign power, and demand and enforce the re form of which we speak. The Blade then adds : t The point wo wish to make is, that the Republican party,, being in power, can prolong its days by adopting" and carrying out these economic reforms. They are in exact consistency with its principles and record in tho past. They legitimately belong to, and grow out of, its long cherished ideas. That policy will be the legitimate outgrowth of what it has already accomplished. And we may add, that neglect to accomplish these desirable and necessary economic reforms, will be a proof of incap city or recreancy -suScient to ' warratttihe American' people in dismissing it from power., . The next point we wish to impress is, that if the Republican party do not in scribe these reforms on its banner, the Democratic party will, and with them that party will march to victory; And wo are compelled by truth to say, that the influence gained by certain selfish, managing, and unprogrcssive ' Republi cans over the appointments of the Ex ecutive, seem to be making the march of that party to power by this method a very easy one. At tfceir , bidding, valuable publie officers, scarcely warm in their chairs, are sent back to private life, whoso only offence has been a close attention to business, and an intcgrit i ' and independence of character whic rendered the approach of corruptionists to influence their action Impossible. And that ia all trno. Th mAnta taken by tho Blude are well taken: and : , , . . ,, we desire further to impress upon our party that we- mustj at the .-very nejet fiest-ion of Congress, demand the repeal 1 0f the law which reaches into Africa fot material but of which to make citizens and. voters, and also-inscribo-upon bur banners the reforms we have herein named or the Democratic, or -; some other political party,7will march to cer tain victory. : We have fought the dan gerous Radicalism of onr party, and ad vocafed the proper reforms since the timfcLwhea Lee surrendered to Grant; . . .. .. - -. . and now, f if, the old ship which hajs performed Tsuch noble service, and which aredthe' Government in her death - stangglwith treason, must, go down, we will go down with her, hold ing erect her tattered banner, but with the sweet consolation thaf we have done our duty, by a fearless proclamation of approaching danger, both on the stump and as a journalist. Russia Comliifr to the Proat. There is nothing extraordinary in the circumstance of Russia's demandiog a revision of the treaty signed at Paris in 1850 It would be unjust to regard her doing so as anythiog in the shape of a wanton jattempt to increase the dis turbance in Kurbpe, or; to extend the theatre of, war. There is nothing but fair play and propriety ia her demand. It is preposterous to suppose that a great power like; Russia would - tubmit to the. humiliation imposed on it by that treaty a single day longer than was absolutely tieccssary. According to its provision!, the Czar could not establish any naval or - military arsenal on the shores ; of the Black Sea, nor erect any fortifications there, nor maintain a greater; naval 'force than ten small steamers on the waters of the Kuxiue All thiswasi meddling with his un doubted fights as a sovereign, and had no others justification than the', superior strength of the parties insisting upon it. Neither France nor England could cx- ect thai this condition of affairs would ast fbf ever and, consequontlyj they most haveforeseen an endeavor to do away- with , ttTThey ' must also have known welHfhat they could not take npon, themselves the 1 responsibility of resisting that endeavor whenever it was made Iufact, the treaty of 1 830 wa. only a tern jxrary expedient to prop up the throne cf the Saltan, and in the nature of things it -could not last very long, i Russia would be; wanting in self respect, the national pride of her people wounded, if she did not avail herself of the first' opportunity to break through the ' bonds . imposed upon her. Nor is she open to the charge of perfidy by at tempting to escape from engagements once solemnly ratified. The conditions of the treaty were in themselves unjust, and they were accepted only under the coercion of flfcets and armies, which Russia at the time could not cope with. Then, her mode of proceeduro is equit able. She asks the consent of the con- trading parties to her abrogation of the humitiating document, and if they, or cither of them, persist in the injustice, she will consider herself , at liberty to brck by force that which force con structed.; While we acknowledge Rus sia's inherent right to resist tliepreten sions of any power to dictate to her what ? slaps, she shall and shall not have in the Black Sea, or what sort of naval "or mihtary establishments she shall erect'on her own territory, we are r - ' ' ...... . . -'. . . 1 iar irom approving oi auy attacic on tne independence of Turkey. If the people of that country are discontented with. the rule of the Sultan, they havo an undoubted right to throw it off ; if they would prefer the; rale ot the Czar, they have a nght to transfer their allegiance. Hut until we see some good proof that they desire to 'make such a change and-none has vet been fciven to the world we must regard anv violation of Turkish territory on the part of Russia M Bu iiumorai usurpation., ine ouiian has not; been 'insensible to, his danger, and he is aware of the folly of depend ing either en England or France to pre serve the integrity of Jus dominions. Great attention has been paid during the past fourteen jcars to the develop ment and improvement of the. defensive poVer of the country. The Turkish army is now six hundred thousaud strong, is well armed, and in a tolerable state of efficiency. The navy is ex cellent, and comprises some of the best iron plated frigates afloat ; so that a repetition of the Sioope afiair is hardly Within the limits of , possibility. The sum of tho situation is, that Turkey is far from being an insignificant power to deal with, and that if, Russia ventures upon aggression, she will find more serious obstacles in the way than she imagines. Ghronitle. . , , , , - : fvjv;';,' 11 iMuiri 11 in mi. 1 ';,;i ' " Subscribe for the Retxjblicax. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS, dC. J. H. M Y E Rf A t t,y & 011 use 1 1 or-a t-Laiv, Dallas, Polfe County; Oregon OFFICE in the Court House. 34-ly J. C. GRUDBS, fl. DM PHYSICIAN AN1 r8UUCiKON, ? Offers bis Bcrriees to the Citiiens of -Dallas 0 '.i,. f-;Ui aad Ticinity; c: , ' I "OFFIGnt NiendtS' Drag Storev - P. A. FacifCH. : I . f J. MeMAHon. flW BL ACkstilTH HOP, Indepeudeuce, Polk County. All Kinds ef fllacktrmlthltijr done on Short fTotico, and to the S&tufaction of Customers, and at Reasonable Rates. I ? " Social atteutionpaid to llorse-hoeiiijr. Oct S7; 1870." FRENCH I McMAHON. 34-Iy It ii 31 IS 91 IS 12 Kt t THAT THE IHDEPHiDEHCE HOTEL Has been RE-FITTED, and no pains is now spared to make all who may call Cwnifortabl and Uappj. A good Stable is kept in connection with tb House. Call and see us. Oct. 27, IS70. JKREMIAH OALWICK. 34-ly i-iiyHicinn ana snrcon, v: :"" '-"' Dallas, Ogn. Hario? returned practice, will sire special attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of tho diiteMes of Women and Children. -JiBS-Office at his residence. i o ; ; . ' "" YV. D. JKPPHIliS, JI. D.t IM15 sician ami 8tirg:con, JEola, Oregon. Special attention giTen to Olftetrics and DUcaees of Women. . . Itf t i . . " ' J. 12. DAVIDSON, M.D., ; Physician and - urcon. . Independeuce, Ogn. -1, T. V. B. Emlircc. physic iAxik sun g eoiv AMITY, YAMUILL CO., OREGON. . Office at residence. ... '. lii-l .. .. a. CUKL, Attorney nd Counseiior-at-Law, '.Yill practice in all the Courts of Record and ; Inferior Courts of this State. OFFICK In Watkinda. A Co's Tlr'h nn stairs. v , ' , 7 . P. C S U IjI VA2V, Attorney & CDunsellor-At-Law, Dallas, Oregon, ' Will practice in all tbe"Courta of the State. ' " 1 Attorney and Couns ellor at -Law. Dallas, Oregon. Special attention given to Collections and to matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1 ORO. B. CCRRRT. I ClJRaEY,&.IIt7HIJ,El Atforncys-At-Iiaw, LAPAYETrE ; - OREGON. 3tf , IT1A 11 IO.-V RAiTflSEY, A I f'j it Counsel Ior-a(-Iiaw, Lafayette, Oregon , Stf K. F. RCH.tKLL, j , 1 Ileal nUtt Attorney. J c. r. fkhrt, . Notary Pvllic ttcal Estalcv Brokers and Collection Agents, Northwest Cor. of First and Washington ; Streets, PORTLAND1- - - - -ORF.GON. Special attention giren to the sale of Real Estate. Collections made lo Oregon and the Territories. , - . Property, town lots, improved farms, stock ranches, lands, &o. situated in the best portions of Oregon and. W. T., for, sale on reasonable terms. - 3-tf E. 0. SLOAT, . Carriage and Ornamental SIG PAINTER, Commercls 21-tf ftrset, . Oppestts SUrkey's Block, Atry&CoiinsclIor-ftt-Iaw. Lafayette, Orjron 5-tf LL SORTS OF GOODS 80LD FOR Cash or Marketable Produce at J. II. LEWIS'S PROFESSIONAL CARDS, kC. , jp- ;C0X:;&;:AR1IAXIT -JS- WHOLESALE &HETAIL OROCEOD Goods by the Package at Reduced Hate mylO 3tf , ? ; , Underwood, Barker: Sc oy Commercial - " street, Salem. Ore gn MANDFACTDRE ALI KINDS OF WAG ONS after th most approved vtyles anA' the best of workmanship, on ffaort notice, ant AT PORTLAND PKICESt . Saddlery, Harness.; 4 S. C. STIJLES. Main at. (opposite the Court House), Dallat, MANDFACTTJRER AND DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, ttollara Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, -bieh be a prepared lo sell at the lowest livlc gates i -m jEREPAIRINO done on short notiefc. GAITERS. DO YOU WAi: r SOMfi . Fine Cloth Gaiters? if so. sVf.Ty yuui-v: selves at J. H LEWIS'S. . Q UEENSWARE IN ABUNDANCE -At J. Ht LEWi; OAflK EXCHANGE SALOON Mala atreet, : : Dallas, XYgn, 1 IT INES, LIQUORS, POhTER, ALE If Bitters, Cigars, Candies, Ov-sters and Sardines will be served to- rcntle-' men on the outside of the counter, by a gcnita man who has an eye to "bit" on the inside. , J So come along, boys make no 'delay, and? we will soon hear what you bsve to say. f , 52 ' W. F. CLlMiASL ' -. . "' . . - '. .' HURGREIl & ; SUiriDLER. . i I Importers and Dealers in : ' The Largest Stock and t&c Oldest Pnr. ulturc House '"la PortlaiMt. ' .- : WAREROOMS AND FACTORY COSHER 8AX1ION AND FIRST STSEETS, . PORTLAND. OH KCON. .rEDUCATIONAIt- iv-w'vss LA CREOLE rfACACint, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. MR. M. M. OGLES BY :......PBwrrplu MISS C. A WATT......(,..'..Assistjjt This Inetltufion wss Tle-opcoed on : Hon- T day, tho 31st of October. The Teachers are I determined to do everything in their power t ; maae tats bchool second to none, of Its grade, in the Stat. They earnestly soUcit the hearty . Co-operation of the Cinnmuuity, und a Libend Patronage from the Public.-: . . -: r Prtvart, per Term t n Commojj Eiiglish, per Term h,t 00 ; Higher ExGLiatf, per Yorm ll.t ........ 8 00. Latin or French Language, Tuo"DoUm .- , Extra.- V$ r:.:JPz SK 9 These figures will the greatly reduced ly iW ppHcation of the Endowment Fund., AU Students enteitog the School will share equally , the benefit of this Fund. : "' ' Students will not be admitted' for less period than a Half Term, Charges will be made from the time of Entering.' , i v No deduction made for Absence,' except 4a. case of protracted Sickness. , K.LEG, tSainvnn Ex Co.. -: I .(, 1 ,WM. HOWE, S.: qf. Hoard. 34 f ITOOli IV A IV TED. milEnKLtiNDALE MILT. "COMPANY I. will give the tsighest 4nrket price for woof, delivered t tlioir Tsctory in Polk Co.r " " -- Their Store is also open, with a general as- soirtmentof Dry Goods, Uroceries, Hardware, Ac. -.( :xf-i i.-iX.ffrt i' i;?; ?. W'5i-f' ; 2t-f'"- i-:r'V;OTIC HOSE INDEBTED TO THE FIRM 0?' "W. C. Browq A Co.aro roquested to., come for Avard and settle their notes and arrornts, -as the business -of tle late lirm tait be settled without further delay. - j -:..-- " ; W. C. RTOWN 4b Ce,V Dallas, Ogn., August 24, 1870 rc-tf "Ay JENNINGS LODGE )Vo. O P. r A. M., Dallas, holds Its regular com fAmuieationstn tie Saturday pnedlivg' the Full Moon in each month, unless the mjooh fulls on Saturday -then on that day, at or o'clock. ' " ' Alse.on the second FrWsyla each tnonta' at 7 o'elt.'P' M.tTor the pvrpoec ef tmprove-. )nent of the' Craft in Mssonry, and for sucHa other work as tho Master may from timet' time order. All Brethren In good standing art invited attend By order of the " IV. JS .