Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, November 19, 1870, Image 4

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    h c r g 0 n lUpu K 1 it it il
Dallas,; Saturday, nov. io.
Robbery lu Isast Portland. '
The Burke Ilouse, in East Portland,
as robbed on last Friday night, by
jsyme unknown party. 4;The !robbers
have not yet bsen discovered. We give
the statement of Mr. IJurke, the pro
prietor of the hotel.
JIr. and Mrs Burke are quite aged
-people, and it ia oaly lately that they
have taken charge of the house They
sleep in a room adjoining the kitchen,
,the door of which is generally left open,
in-order that the cooks might be called,
it it was found that ' the fires were not
lighted by a certain time in themorn
ing. ;Mi$s Perbis, the chambermaid,"
occupied the same chamber with Mr.
and Mrs, Burke. The. room contained
a trunk; to which there were two keys,
one i being kent by Mrs. Burke, in her
dress pocket, and the other one left in
the trunk. Some time during the night,
it seems; the thief must have entered,
-and, from the mode ot his procedure, he
must have been well acquainted with
the premises, as well as. the habits of
the family? lie went to the dress, and
; took out the key, thenj extracted 84 12,
.which was at the bottom of thc.trunk.
Of this amount, 912 belonged to Miss
Purbis, the chambermaid, and was
jplaced in an opposite corner to that of
the larger sum The trunk contained
besides, a gold watch and two gold
chains, the watch and one gold chaiu
"belonging to Mr. Bryan, a boarder, iu
the house, and the other chain to Mis
i. :u - j
- uiuij) vifiu cum ten suvuj, auu si
uJvcr table-spoons. ? These were left
untoucned, the -Object ot the burglar
being apparently to select nothing by
which he would be discovered. No
one heard- him while he was in the
Toom, and it was only the next morning
that the robbery was discovered. A
boarder, early in the morning wanted,
change for a twenty dollar piece. Mrs.
71. searched her pocket for the key,
but could not fiud it there. Thinking
it had been lost among the beds, she
.hook out every one of then?, and after
an unavailing search, she looked at the
J rank, and found it locked, but the
Straps were inside. This excited her
suspicion, so she sent the young man
-for a chisel to have the hinges taken off.
-On, the trunk, being opened, and the
noney discovered to . be missing, an
alarm was given, but up to this time
the police have been unable to fiud any
trace of the thief. The loss 'falls
heavily on this aged couple, as all their
IHtte store-was taken, nd Ibey were
left penniless, , one twenty-five cent,
piece being all that was left to them
the next morning.
A Man slangs Himself, because
Wife ' Rcttb to Cook Mutton
: From the Ottawa Evening Star.
Joseph Brbsseau, a French Canadian,
aged 5o, came home on Saturday ntght.
About half-past 9 o'clock, bringing with
him a leg of mutton, a portion of which
he asked his wife to cook fr his sup
jer. She refused, sayiDg the fire was
out, but added that tea and bread and
Gutter was at his disposal. This recep
tion appeared to affect him badly, and
he muttered words which were soon to
be verified,' in a terribly tragic manner
V. Pll eat no more of your food," said
he, as he prepared for bed. He said
his prayers and laid down, his wite
shortly afterwards joining him. Mrs.
jBrfitaean states that she awoke about 4
o'clock in the morning, and was startled
at finding herself alone in the room.
,Sbe went to the kitcaen, which leads
ff from the bed room, and found the
door.obhtructed. Becoming akrined,
.she .searched the bed room and pas
agea, T)ut seeing no signs of her hus
barfd, returned to the kitchen door, and
ibrciog it with all her might, managed
tooeesra herself in. Imagine the poor
woman's terrer at finding that the ob
tmction wai nothing more nor less
than the dead body of her husband",
which hung by the neck to a small hook
'dose to the door. She immediately
raised an alarm, when the neighbors
came rushing in, and the body was cur
down, but life was extinct.
The trial of Margaret Waters, the
Infamous woman who made ft her busi
nets to take infants to nurse, for a con
sideration, and then to get rid of them
by starving them to death or killed
them "by giving them drugs, was con
eluded at the Central Criminal Court,
"London, on the 23d of September. The
trial occupied three days. She was in
dieted for the murder of an infant three
weeks old, found guilty, and sentenced
o be hung, Sarah Ellis, the sister of
the convict, then pleadod guilty to a
misdemeanor for conspiring to obtain
money under faiae pretences, in con
nexion with the children.
All the leading hotels and restaur
's ntg in ffew Yoric have advanced the
iprice of champage,1 owing to the scarc
ity of that luxury in that market, & a
Tesult ot the European war. The do
mestic manufactories, of which their
rare several on Long Island, no doubt
rijlrcome to the rescue.
The it all road Robbers Caught.
Reno, Nov. 10.-
Yesterday, Chap
man, one 'of; the "men who: broke open
the express box aud robbed it' of 41,
600; near Verdi,on the Oontral Pacific
Railroad, camo down here on thatraiu
from the west, in the same car withjthe
man wlu waa; searohing for hiin, with
out the ' man suspecting , Chapman s
presence. He deliberately went into a
saloon in the upper part ot the city,
pulled off, his coat, and sat down by the
fire. About twenty miuutes afterward,
officer Edward, with two of the rob
bers he had in, charge, stepped into the
saloon. . One of the robbers said,
Why, Chapman, what brought you
here?" Edwards put his hand on his
shoulder and said, 41 I want you." A
considerable portion of the money was
recovered, and there is no doubt now
that all the robbers have been arrested.
Trucker, Nov. the 11th. Parsons,
Squeers, and another of the gang who
robbed the express car near Verdi, will
be taken to Washoe City, Nevada, by
Capt. J. J. Green and J. E. Dooly, on
a requisition, from the Governor of
Nevada. All parties engaged in the
robbery are now in custody, nnd nearly
all the treasure recovered, without
firing a shot. The officers recovered
yesterday afternoon 811,700, and to
day $750 more, about one mile from
the robbers' general ffendezvom, where
a partion of them resided for eight days
previous to the robbery. The principal
actors in the affair were parsons, Davis;
Roberts, Carkil, Chapman and Squeers,
the latter of whom gained some natori
ety. at the time of the Baldy Green
stage robbery in Six Mile Canyon, on
the overland route.
Salt .Lake. Nov. 10. The party
from here on the track of the Central
Pacific Railroad rubbers, are about G5
miles south-west of Salt Lake These
men had passed some new half dollars
of the San Francisco Mint of 1870, and
had rolls of greenbacks, which led to
suspicion. Later information states
that two of the mail robbers were
caught last night by Mormon authori
ties, twenty-five miles west of this
city. They are on the track of the
others. In the saddlebags captured
with the robbers was found 8120 in
greenbacks, 8329 gold coin, some
silver, and a package of gold dust
weighing 28 ounces, and another pack
age weighing 37 ounces. One of the
robbers attempted to escape, but was
captured.-r-Nov, 11. The same parly
of Mormons who captured two men
supposed to have been connected with
the Centra' Pacific Railroad robbery,
after bringing the prisoners into the
city, started oat again after the others,
and brought two more in to day. While
they were being pursued, they threw
away their saldlebaga, which have
since been found. They contained a
large amount of greenbacks and Boise
gold dust, and some jewelry, which is
sufficient evidence to convict them ;
also of the Boise, Idaho., stage rob ery,
which occurred on the Gth of last
August- Bulletin.
Two families, the occupants of frame
houses, norrowly escaped destruction by
a land slide a few days since, at Mount
St. Vincent, on the southern bank of
the Peostcukill, N. Y. 150 feet of
earth was carried into the creek
The people of Berlin, it is stated, are
already beginning to count up the cot-j
of the war, which is estimated at
080,000,000, distributed as follows:
expenses of fitting out the armies,
8250.000,000; indirect losses. 8150,
000,000; compensation for the recon
quered territory of Alsace and Lor
raine, 840,000.
A steamboat genius has invented a
plan for assisting boats over bad barsv
Ihe plan of this genius consists in util
izing the balloon. A large number of
these are to be carried on all boats, with
necessary conveniences for inflating
them. AVhen a "boat approaches shallow
water, she is to be hoisted by the bal
loons sufficiently to enable her to pass
over.. " i & 4?.
The National Eclectic Medical Asso
ciation, in its meetings . at Chicago,
adopted a resolution declaring fctffale
physicians entitled te all the rights and
immunities of the profession, and to
equal recognition as practitioners. This
admits them to full membership in the
Natiooal, State and Local Medical So
cietics, and authorizes them to take
part in medical consultations.
A Paris paper gives the following :
.The Surgeon General is reviewing the
Garde Mobile. A young gnarde steps
forward. u And on what ground do you
claim an exemption V asked the sur
geon. ';- I have the palpitation of the
heart," responded the "guardo. " So
much the better." said the surgeon, as
he turned towards the next, " if your
heart palpitates for your country.
The very latest thing in. the advertis
ing line, is that of a lady who, through
the newspapers, seeks for employment
as an " ornamental guest.' She will
assist, at dinner or evening parties, by
her grace, and wit, and beauty, contrib
uting to the entertiiinment of guests,
aud she will do everything in the high
est style of the art, only she demands
that a handsome compensation be made
to her Jar her services.
The Jesuits are leaving Rome. u ; f
The children ot Robert Burns are
still alive. '
Isabella of Spain has gone to! live in
Giving a man
him a brick.
a hard name -calling
Work on the Oregon & California It.
R. is progressing very fast. '
Dr. Livingstone's friends are still en
tirely confident of his safety. , i f ;
Mr. Cobb has married Miss. Vebb
He kotw that they were to be joiued
as soon as he spied her, ;
Mr. M. Halstead has returned; from
the theatre of war to tte peaceful soli
tude of his sanctum. ' ;
' A practical joker at Troy was recently
arrested and compelled to give bail
lor borrowiog eu umbrella. ;
Memphis has a saloon called V The
Bullet," the whisky at which is war
ranted to kill at a very short distauce
A child was born in New York ..one
day last! weok, in a public carriage,
while its mother was on the way to a
funeral. Blade.
A young lady - of sixteen, who had
worn short dresses all her lfe, positively
told her mamma that she would wear
them no longer. 1
Henry Ward Brcecher owns a 825,-
000 house in Brooklyn; a 820,000 farm
ii Peekskill, nnd half of the Christian
Union news paper. V
Gen. Lee married the adopted grand
daughter and heiress of Gen. Wasl
iiigton' by whom he had five sons, all
of whom were in the Coufederate ser
vice. The wife of the Hon Geo. H. Pei
dleton is said to be one of tho tnmt
prominent ladies in the brilliant circbs
of fk-hion at Torquay, the preseit
retreat of Eugenie. i
To make a man a drunkard, gire
him a wife who will scold him evy
time he comes home. To make a
woman a scold, give her a husbaid
who comes home drunk.
In New York recently, a lady fell in i
a fit and was sent to a hospital, where
the medical attendance relieved her of
a set of false teeth she had partially
swallowed, and she departed coualcs"
Broking ''Well. I always make it a
rule to tell my wife "everything that
h:ipens.,' Smithkins Oh my par
fellow, that is nothing! I tell my wife
lot of thiugs that uevcr happens at
The Detroit Fret Pres my that the;
excit merit " along shore" in relation to
the alltged action ot certain p trtie.- in
hoisting the Kntih fljg ovtr the 8f .
Clair Fl its Canal Improvement Work,
a stinficant of the desire of the people
on both sides of the line for annexation.
The auroral display on the night If
the 24th ult. was nowhere more brili i
ant than throughout. Cal. A disj atjh
form Visaiia, says : " At time whin
the oierra Nevadas were in the fob
yronnd, it pre-enfed the appearance of j
a ch-iiti of vulcanoe blcchin forh
limit's of rini-tou fliine Crows
gathered on tho streets abhorring i ;
jiiie uite alarmed."
Ilewar Is for sr eei;d nets of cour.te
re advertised in the Germ in pipei.
One paper h is a lit of the.e priz,
which extends tlnough several c
urnn. l he re wards comprise rccor.
pinse in money, amounting in son;
cases to many tliounds of thalers, b
ndes gold medals, rifles, gold watch4
carriages, thousands of botilcs of wiol
and innumerable other articles. i
A fashionable individual, who i
patronized the Uoston hotels ratliM
liberally for ome time past, witbo
.. ... . . 1 j
troubling himself about money matte
was discovered to be an accomplish
swindlcr, a few days ago. and was tak
; u- ' i.."..i-?iuff. e t
iiiu.iaipu; mc uimu ui luiiue, 11 1
Waa supposed to be a Uerman Uout
until his trunks were found to coohh
nothiug more valuable than'f brKa,
lories, not precious, ana pieces or
wrapping paper.
Mina Jara Sl.erraiD, a youn- Uy
i - j I
claimino: to be a native of New Ytk
has recently been swindling tho " &
nuekij" on ratheran extensive sck
She claimed to he the' representativeif
some charitable institution that has b
existence in name, and succeeded to
collecting a large amount in subven
tion, t She wound up her career in ce
town by placing a revolver to the jr
ol the young man who carted her bf
gage to the railroad depot. j
A lawyer of Detroit advertised Ut
fa would procure divorces at reason ae
rates. A Wiscoosia woman . emplojd
him by letter to get a divorce for r.
lie represented that he, had vprocud
one.' and she married auain. A k
days h go she learned that be had tab
no steps in the watter, arjd had' -
sconded, leaving tuany other victis.
The woman was glad to learn that br
marriage with husband No. 2 was vjl,
as she was already disgusted with ia.
Nervous and Debilitated
... ..,.... f
Protracted from Hidden Causes,
to render Existence Desirable.
If you are suffering or hare suffered, from
iovnluutarjr diachargue, what effect, doen- it
produce upon your general health? Do you
feel weak, debilitated. eaUy tired? Doea a
little extra exertion produce palpitation of the
heart? Doe your liver, or urinary organs, or
your kidney frequently get out of order? Is
your urine aoinetiuiea thick, milky or flacky,
or la it ropy on settling? Or does a thick
scum rise U the top ? Or is a sediment at the
bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you
nare spells. or shor,t breathing or dyspeptia?
Are your' bowels constipated? Do you hare
spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the
t i .. it . . . .
neaur it your memory impaired r is your
imna constantly dwelling on this subject? Do
you feel dull, listless, juoping, tired of com
pany, f life? Do you wih to be left alone,
to get away from everybody ? Does any little
thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep
broken or rentiers ? Is the iustre of your eye
as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as
bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as
well? Do you pursue your bu tineas with the
same energy? Are your spirits dull and flag-
8g given to fits of meJaucholy ? Do you
feel a much confidence in yourself? If so do
not lay it to your lirer or dygpensia. Have
you restless nights? Your back weak, your
knees weak, and have but little appetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia, or liver com
self.abuse. renewal diseases badly cured, nnd
sexual excesses, are all capable of producing
a weakness of the generative organs. The or
gans of generation, when in perfect health,
Oiil YoiiI3evei'TIiiiils:
that those hold, defiant, energetic, persevering
fuccessfui business raient are always those
whose generative organs are in perfect health ?
. You nevr hear such men complain of beinc
melancholy. if n?rrouuc., or palpitation of
the heart. They are never afraid they cannot
ueec! ia Itusiiie ; they anal becuuie sad
tnd discouraged; they are alwavs polite an I
rieasant in the company of ladies, and iWk
yau ni tbrta right in the face none f yur
wncat looks or other ttieannef about them.
I do not mean those who keep the organs in-
ikied by running to excess. These will not
bt also those they do business with or for.
How many men, from ladlr cured diseases,
frm the t0ets of M'If-ln ud excesses,
hve brought aofUt this state of weaknes in
tlm orgaus th
'JT "
at has reduced the general sys-
to induce almost every other
u tease-
spinal affections, snicide, and almost every
otbor f.irtn of disease which bumsnity l a-'
to, and the real cu of the trouble scrcly
ever su peclrd, and have doctored for all but
the right one.
I Disease of these organs require the use of a
Fluid Extract
is tbe reat Diaret5c 0J J certain cure for
wopsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints
General Debility, and all diseases of the Uri-
narJr 0"Kn whether existing in Male or Fe-
" Til TV . wn,nun8 Ma n
"er of how long standing.
ir no treatment is submitted to, Consump-
n ' Insanity ma ensue. Our flesh and
b.,OM.l "r? "PPrted from these sources, and
lty depends upon prompt
me neauu uu aappmessj ana mat ol I'oster
use of a reliable
ttpi itunr ft'C rvin in tirtnn,.
xxux uvvuv
Established upward of Nineteen years,
II. T. HELMnOLD, Druggist,
594 Broadway, 1. Y.
',)' . AND
,folhTc,ltil SLPIiilii.
Trioa $1 25 per Bottle, or 6 BotUes lor
$6 0, delivered to I any address. Sold by
all Druggists everywhere.
unices done iipin steel cn-
g:ravcd wrapper, Willi iac-
SltHilC Of IMV riirmir.nl
Warehouse, and iiicd
Cor. Main and Court Streets' '
Thos. G, Richmond, Proprietor.
Stand of Mr. A. H. Whitley, we have re
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner a
will satisfactorily meet every want of the com
munity. , ..'?..,...
Buggies, single or double. Hacks, Con
. cord Wagons, etc., etc, , . 4
Furniahcd at all hours, day or, night, oo
short notice. i .
Superior Saddle Ilorsea, let by the
V " Iay or . Wtek ; ,
This is the mt thorugh bUo.j 'purifier yet'
discovered, and cute all h union from the worst
Scrofula to a common Eruption, J'imjilet and
li!oU:hc oh iht face, iind truly or rviojh iin,
which are such annoying blemishes to many
young persons, jivld to the use of a few bottles
of this wonderful medicine. From one to eight
bottle" cure Si!t lift rum, Erinipelit, $c.ud html,
Hiny Worm, J)tih, Sc(tty kruptiuu of thetikin
Scrofula Surt; VUtrm nnd " Canker" in the
JfuHth nud UtotMuch.. It is a pure medicinal
extract of nafivts roots and plants, combining
i harmmy Nature's most sovereign curative
properties, which God has 'nstillcd into the
vegetable kingdom lor healing the sick. It is
a great rcstort-r for the strength and vigor of
the system. Those who are languid, leep'eas
have ncrroMS apprrhetmiouit or fears, or any on
the affections syiutouitttie of treakm!, will find
convincing evidence of its restorative power
npU tr-al. If you fet-l dull, drotray, debilita
ted a Oil tit tjmmleut, have frequent Jleadach,
Mouth Vitt badly iu the looming, irrtynlur
appetite and tn;fne coaUd, you are sufliring
from Torpid hirer r" liilliousness," In many
caes of Liver Complaint" only a part f
these symptoms are excrieticed. As a remedy
for all euch caec, Dr. t'icrce's Golden Medical
Discovery has no equal as it effects perfect
cure?, leaving the liver strengthened and
bealthly. For the cure of lUhitual Constipa
tion of the llowtls it U a'never failing remedy,
and those who have ums I it for this purpose are
loud in itit praise, in Dioitchia), Lung dineafes
it has produced in any fruly remark aide cures,
where other medicine ha 1 failed. Sold by
oruggitn at l.tO per bottle. Frrpared at the
Chemical Laboratory of
1L V. riKKCK, 51. D. Buffalo, X. Y.
JNov. li)-3iu
drTTg s t 6re7
Xortli went Corner Main and Milt SU..
formerly belonging to W. . Lobb, atul
wishing to live and let live, I wii! ?tll at !
rates, FOR CA811, every tiling in my line:
DrtisTK, PnCiit ttcriicaiie.
And all kinds of ITUK I.IgrOUS.i utop
expressly for Medicinal use.
rr.iti'L'.Mr.itii: of am, kimk
.trt, S-nfft,
Crrttitt Tartar,
JHnl Sf-ciL
Domestic Duett,
Wn&hiny Pored ern
And everything elc that is kept in a FIRST
1 MCIUH.H ,fc C;OIIi. DruggiMs
The standard remeav ior Cotiffhs. In
fluenza, Sore Throat, U hooping
Cough, Croup, I.irer Complaiut,
Itronchilis, 111 ceding or tlie
I'Utia, and every afT rtlon of the
Throat, linffs and Chest, includ
ing Co' sumption.
Istar Ilalsam does not dryup
a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses
the Lungs, allays Irritation, thus
removing, the cause of the com
plaint. Vone genuine unless sign,
ed I. HI FTT. Prepared by HI r II
W. I'OH'I.H t MtllV, Huston.
Sold, bv KEIniXOTtW, 1IOS
TKTTUR CfK, San I'Yanclsco,
and by dealers generally. IG-Iy
ill nm r-nii a nniAmniR
IIArULCUIl Id A filiauntK Ut
. B. --STII.ES'
- .-. i
Is on Main Street, opposite the Court House
New Store ! 3Vew CJoods! J
I am now prepared to oflar i mnA
- wA , . ........
t s r t - m M . . - - '
I design to keen onlv the choicest and best
articles and sell at a small nrofit for eash or
t r .
Our motto is quick sales and small profits.
. - 'i''
' '
JDr. C liA nK'S Idofi
i v z jBenjiidicg, ;;v
- - i
strength to the aged and debated.. IU
especially designed for young men Who , h arf
wasted their vigor by excesses of every kit)d",
and all persons whose.liyBtemsVhavcbome,
weak by imprudence, are completely; restort
by its use. Price One Dollar.
ILi' blood from all impurities; inch as Scrof
ula, Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors
of every sort. Bad .Breath. ; f Offensive -Pew-.
piration, Foul Feet, Catarrh Discharges; from
the ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throaty FaJling of :tha
Hair, Ulcers, Boils Pimples, Blotches, ad U r
diseases or tbe sum. it is aiso Deneuciat m
diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Orgafls.
Price One Dollar. ; - ; ;n ;C
pain ' of every description ; IIevdie,
Earache, Toothache, Stomachache, Backache,
Pains in the Breast and Limbs; It is invalu
able remedy in "all Nervous Disorders, and no
family should be without it. Price One Dollar,
PR, CLARK'S ELIXIR is a eartabj enra
fr all weakness of the. flenito-JJjriaJy
Organs, and., discharges of , a ; muco purulen
nature, Leuconbaoea, Gonborrbosa,, Sperma
torrhoea and Seminal Weakness, are speedi
cured by its use.; Price One Dollar. ,. i
PB. CLARK'S REGULATOR, for female,
only, is guaranteed to correct all special
irregularities of Single Ladies. Married Laf
dies are accustomed not to use it when in a
certain condition, as its effects would be too
powerfuL Price One Dollar. -' -. ''V
All of these celebrated remedies are prepared
from Fluid Extracts, under our, immediate,
supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure.,
All afflicted persons should send a carefully
written statement of theirailments ,.to ;Dr.,
Clack, and the proper remedy will lie, sent-
to their address. lr. U.'ark cs.n ne eonsuiieo
personally at bis offie, and will furnish all the
necessary accommodations o paiicnis, wnw
place themselves under his care. AB letters
adddred, , DR. J. CLARK. 1
' offiiccV 170, Broadway, New York
Ilr. afulien Ferrault
Dr. of Medicine of the Fatuity of Pa
ris, Graduate of tbe University ot
Queeu's College; and Physician
of the St. John JJaptli-te So- .
eicty of San Francisco , .
R. ure to inform patients and others
seeking confidential medical advice that be can
be consulted daily at hi office, Armory Hall
Building, Nrth East corner of Montgomery
and Sacramento streets, fan Francisco, Rooms
No, y, 10, II, first floor, up stairs, entrance
n eithi-r Montgomery or Sacramento streets,
1r. I'KitnAi LT'H studies have leen almost
exclusively drr-ted to the rnre of the various
forms ii Nervous ai d Physical Debility, the
teMilt of irjuiit.us habits acquired is youth
wtib uMiallv tetmiiiMte in impotence and
t nlity. aiul pern artnlly Indnce all tbe con
t tnifatitj f ld se. V here a secret infirm"
iy esifts. invidvin; the happiness of a life and
il)4tt.f titi.ers, reason and morality dictate the
neecfsity i.f iis nmovalfor it is a fact that a
j r-mat ure dertine of the vigor of manhood,
oiauinuthial unbappiness, compulsory single
life, etc., have their sources in causes, tbe
rm of which is planted in early life, and the
Mtter fruits tated long afterward: patients,'
!alMrinjjr under this complaint, will complain
f one or more of the following symptoms:
Nocturnal F.uiuns, Pains in the Back and
Head, .Weakness of Memory and Sight, Dis
charge from the Urethra on going to stool or
make water. Intellectual Faculties are Weak,
ened. Lose of Memory ensues, Id are cloud
ed, and there is a disinclination to attend to
business, or even to reading, writing or the soi
ciety of friends, etc. The patient will proba.
ahy complain of Dixxiness, Vertigo, and that
Sight and Hearing are Weakened, and sleep
disturbed" by dreams; melancholy, sighirgj
palpitation, fainting, coughs and slow feversf
while pi-mo have external rheumatic pain, and.
numbness ol the body. Some of the most
common symptoms are pimplcs in the face
and arhinjr in different parts of the body.
1'itients suffering from this disease should ap
ply iuimc'Hat.ly to Dr. Pkk ha r: it, either in
person or by letter, as he will guarantee a core ,
of Seminal Emissions snd impotence in six or
eight weeks, , .'; V . .
Patients suffering Trim venerial disease In
any stAge, (lonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Babo
Ulcers. C"taneous EruptWins.etc., will be treat
ed successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial
Taints entirely removed from the system.
Dr. Perraclt's diplomas are iu bis oB5e,
where patients en see for themselves that they
are under the care of a regularly educated,
practitioner. The best references given it re
Patients suffering under chronic diseases can
call and examine for themselves We invite
iuvestieation : claim not to know every tbiogv
nor to cure everybody, but we do Claim that in"
all cases taken under, treatment we fulfil our
promises. We particularly request those who
have tried this boasted doctor and that adver
tised physician till worn out and discooraredi
to call upon us. --.,. r
Am charges and quick cures. , ;v i . ?sr,
Ladies suffering from any complaint incidetu
tal to their sex, can; consult the doctor with the
assurance of relief. , , ,; ,
Female Monthly Pills.
Dr. pRtiBAfLT ii tbe orly astent In Califorr.ia
for Dr. Biott'S Female Monthly Pills.1- Thek
immense sale has established their repntaUo
as a female remedy unapproached, and fat ia;
auTance 01 every ptner rcmeay lor suppressions
and irregularities, and other obstructions In fe
males On; the receiptor five dollars. tbesi
Pills will be scut by mail or express to any cart
of the world, secure from Vuriosity or damsj
Persons at a distance ran be cured at home,
by addressidir a letter to Dr. PiaaAUir, eoraer
of Sacramento and Moutgom streets Roomf
10 and 11, ur Box 973, P. U., Baa jcrannscoj
statinir the case as minutely as possible, general
habits of living, oeeupation, etc., etc. '
All communications confidential. , aa-iy
catUe or sheep, my CAMERA Slid Pltfl
TOGUAI'IIIC sriiUKi aiso my dwelling
lintiae an A ttaltery in Dallas. 1 For particulars
Inquire of B. F. Wlohols or 1
10-tf viiao. atacuitliblT.'
ERPOOL Salt, in qnantities to suit, at
Dallas, OeU 22, ; Jt70. ; : - -M-tf