Y h t ) r t 9 o n IUj u b J i t a h. 1 1 ' - COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. PALLAS, SATUKDAYNOV. 19 - The Lock JBill. 1 , Jit Is most astonishing to notice, the .time and labor spent by the Herald in tryin to satisfy the people of Oregou that the rassi"e of the Lock Bill was a very wise Dieasure, and advantageous XO the State, and the School Fund in particular, and that it was strictly con .titutonaU Now ifjT all J the Herald contends for bo true, and if the thing be so plain, 88 it attempts to make it, it is truly wonderful that the extraordi nary talents aud precious time of tho editor should have been spent filling the coluras of that paper ulmost daily, .ever since the adjournment of the Legislature, in defence of the measure. "The people of Oregon read lor them .selves, and a proposition so plain, can be understood bv them without the in tervention of contiuuod exhibitions ol .... , ...... j . . . - - - ;such profound legal lability as is (bund in the columns of. the Herald, both as .editorials and communications The Herald, and those who contribute tc its coluuinsclatru,, with an air of confidence not of'tcni exhibited by legal men and journalist' that the said Hill is strictly in accordance with the Con. jstitution and the Laws of Congress We published "the first article on that i object during the Session, and claimed that such a law woulo be a palpable violation of the Constitution of Oregon, and that there was ino power whatever to authorise such a proceeding; and we have seen no cause to change oor opinion, If the position taken by the Herald he correct, then the people -of Oregon, ever since the organisation f the State, have been very ignorant of, And slow to understand,' their rights ; because it. is undeniable that men of all parties have had, or entcrjfpeil but one opinion n poo the subject until very recently' all have understood that the 500,000 acres of land riginally donated iojthe State, for interpal improvements, were, :tj the act of,; the people of , Ore gon, and the Act of Congress admitting .the State into the Union, absolutely and legally dedicated to the School Fund in this State; every foot of those lauds was selected for that purpose by the proper officers, and with that understanding, the selections were sent to head quar. ters, the proper department al Wash ington City, and there recognized as school lands; the selections, approrjid by the department, and returned to our local land offices in Oregon as pchoul lands; placed upon the records at those offices and designated' on the plats as uch;: officers have been duly appoint ed to make sale of those lands as school lands and a portion of them has been actually sold as such-r-and now, at the expiration of ten years, it turn out, by the overpowering logic of'iha Herald, that all who have had to do with tin matter, the members of the Legislature, our State Officers, Land Officers Gov ernment Officers'! at Washinfon City, and Members of Congress were either fools or knaves, save and except the late Legislature. Now we desire to call atteution to a few facts. Everyone who was present at the late Session of the Legislature, and beard the debates on that subject knows ibis, that the argument on both sides, for and against the Bill, proceeded upou the assumption that 4the question as to whether Congress had given its assent to the diversion of the fund from inter nal improvements to school purposes was -a doubtful and debateable one ; and es pecially those who favored the Bill, and claimed the right to appropriate the lajod to interna improvemeotsdeclared ' in both houses, that the matter was in doubt. And we claim, if that position be correct, that it was a plain violation of the Constitution to appropriate the money for any other purpose other than that directed in that instrument, be cause each i member of the Legislature was sworn to obey the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Oregon, und our Constitution declares that the proceeds tho 500,000 aerea f land shall be et apart as an iridic ible School Fund, if Congress shall coo- fieDt'.. '-Theu, most clearly, so , long as tftere remained in the miud of a mem .Der ox Hie. legislature doubt as to phclhcr or oot jress hud given its4 j ueut, iiiu&icertaiuty he unisi be bouu si i .'Y .-x .i. rrr- . .uric. anu govertieu oy ine terms oi me fctitution, w hich constitutes it an irre ducible School Fund; and whilo that "Monbt remained,' to cast his vote to ap- proprjateit to any other use, wouid be a plant violation of bis'" oath, -ka wtll as a violation of the Constitution, because the provisions of our own CoLStitution, fixing the disposition of the fund, must be obeved, at least until aI doubt is re, tn ved as to the assent ol' Congress ; for it would be just as palpable a violation of the Constitution for u member to say that he entertained doubts as to the consent 'of Congress, and at th same time, vote to- appropriate the Fund to any use, except for school-purposes, as it would be for him to ay that he knew Congress had assented, and then vote to divert it from the purposes named in the Constitution. 4 ; i But there is another point which, in our judgment, sets this whole matter at rest, and places it beyoud controversy which is this : the people of Oregon when they adopted the Constitution, declared that they desired to set apart the proceeds of the" 500,000 acres of land, and a I so the five per ceut. of the proceeds of the public lands, which had, by the Act of Congress of 18 41, been donated to the State for internal im provements. ' as ': an irreducible Sehoo Fund, and they absolutely did o appro priatc it in that instrument, provided Congress would assent. That Constitu tiou was presented U Congress, and it declared, by a public Act, that the State of Oregon should be admitted into the Union with this Constitution without any reservation whatever Now, we claim that this act of ad in is sion alone, was a complete ami direct assent to the proposition in regard to the fund in question, and Cmresa so understood and expressed it Now if we are correct, most certainly it was beyond the power of the Legislature U divert this fund to internal improve ments. Let it be understood that, in the act of Congress donating the lane to the States then in the Union, and to all new State that should come in thereafter, there was also donated, for the same purpose, five per cent, of al the proceeds from the sales of public lands within the same By a reference to the Act of Congress admitting the State of Oregon into the Union, it wil be seen that the first 'section admits tlu State with her Constitution unqualified then, in section four of the Act recog. nizing the fact that their: assent hat been directly given in section one to the '"proposition in onr Constitution, setting apart not only the proceed of the 500,000 acres, but also to the five per cent, of the proceeds of the sales of public lands in the State for school purposes, and, understanding that the two funds last-named did then belong to an irreducible school fund in this State, roposed to the State of Oregon, that if she would consent, by a r evolu tion irrevocable, to set apart every lGth and JJGth section in each township for school purposes, 72 acres of land for a State University, 10 sections to com plete the public buildings, all Salt Spring, not exceeding 12, with G oe c tions each, to bo appropriated as the Legislature might direct; and fifth, that five per cent, of the proceeds of the public lands in the State bo, set apart for public roads and internal, im provements, then the foregoing might be used for the purposes named in said section four of the said act of admission, Oregon did, at her first Legislative Ses sion, pass an ordinance accepting the foregoing propositions, and it is only by that ordinance of acceptance that we have any right to day to the University lands, the lands to finish or erect'public buildings in the State, to the ldh and 8Gth section for school purposes, or to the five per cent, for public roads and internal improvements. Any man with a thimble full of brains can easily see that we use the per centvofsthe pro ceeds of the public lauds in Oregou by the authority granted in the Act (if ? ad mission, section fourr and not by the au thority of the Act of Congress of 1841, originally donating the 5 per cent. If, thcO Congress did not directly give her assent to our, proposition by the Act of admission, will the learned editor of . the Herat f, or his legal adviser, " Vindex expliin section four of the Act of Con gress admitting Oregon into the U.uionJ.'jmd Lee? , if they have, wo ilonot the Hraid m como to the JSffii'Mlf;iilffliflIl "wiou that tinTMeuibers . of, Cou,' gjets who parsed the Act of admission were all fool-, m it: intimates that all have been who have dealt thus far with ie school lands. : ' 3i J-lFe picdicted an Idaho paper oonfirms. Adjournment or Court. The District Court, after a wasonof four. weeks, adjourned on Ut Saturday; Oct 20th. Quite a largo amount Jof busi ness was transacted during the ferni, not withstanding the greater portion vf'th time was taken up in the trial f criminal OtSeS. .It Was the first tPt-m ti( Hnnrt presided over by Judge Whitspn in'this ivnnuij, mm iu saying that, as Judge, he has. given universal satifuct iou thus far. we believe that we express the sentiments of not only the Bar but the people, irrespective of party, who have been brought in contact with his honor in his official capacity.. Though in yars, the Judge, fiUUi the manner in which he presides and conducts the business of his Courtappears to be an old hand on the Bench, at least we should not consider him a new hand at the bellows." Befor the final adjourn men for the term, the Bar, rceognmny, in Judge WhiuYou an able, upright and honest Judge, and being desirous of testifying to his honor their high ap preciation of his character, adopted, unanimously, a re-olution expressive of their sentiments, which will be found In the court proceedings in this issue. We heartily eudorse the resolution, and hope tha Jude Whitsou moy long preside as Judge of the Second Judi cial District. Idaho World. The resolution, Jiaiolt'ed, That as members of the Bar. we reetgnize iu Hem W. C. Whit son, Judge pre-idiug during the term about to close, a;i upright Judge, a courteous and affable geutlemen, whose able and fearless administration of law is recognized not only by the Bar but the people, and we congratulate the I'eoplo of the Second Judicial District upon his appointment to the Supreme Beueh of this Territory aod his assign .ment to the Second JudicKil'Disitrict. I Ou motioi; the same was ordertd to be spread upon the minuter of the' Court and a copy under seal of the Court furuiwhed to his honor. T he Court then returned thacks to the attorneys and officers of the Court and to the jurors, witnesses and litigant for the actof kindness and consideration which thy have so uuiformly extended to him. i. There beiiijr no further business, the court then adjourned nine die. . The above resolution but expresses the sentiment and feeling of all those who are well aequ tinted with the J udge ; and the people of Idaho may congratulate them-elves upon haviug amongst1 them,' and on their Bench. niiii who is both honest and capable. According to the se calh'd Demo cratic organs, it is a cause for general uratulatiou that the Portland lUilroad subsidy was vetoed. Then it is a caue for gratulatiou, we suppose, thtt the prosju-ets of the West Side road are seriously clouded, if not wholly de feated. - Oregon tan . That is right; wo love to see you own the corn, and gracefully acknowledge that we were right in our warnings to the people of the Wtst Side. What now almut lolliday's bidding the roul sooner than any other man or Company would have done. The people will now see, that if the Philadelphia Company had not been elbowed out by Benjamin, we should have some prospect of a road, whereas now, ihe Oregon tan ad mits we are sold out How long will the people submit to the perpetration of such infamous outrages upon their rights? and who now turns out to be the friend of the people of the West Side, Ilolladay and the Oregonian, or the Republican 1 The Bulletin and the Oregonian arc getting into a nice little fight with their neighbor, the Herald They seem to disregard the golden rule, and are per mitting themselves to render evil for evil, however ridiculous the thing may appear. We feel constrained to say, in justice to the last-named paper, that it seems to hold about the same advan tage over its assailants, that its editor was reputed to have gained in his per sonal combat with O'Meara in the street fight. ; Qo in,' gentlemen; we never neiore witnessed a cock or a pig fight in which wb felt such a blessed disinterestedness. !iv , .;v 'ily' - ' Tho Democratic Press throughout the State, commenting upou the death of Geo IV E. Lee, almost invariably call him a patriot, and a great apd good man , 'II aye thejr ever said as much of any federal officer who fought again&t treason now renmember it. Finale of the Hct ftide ltuliruad. The Herald is arguing that the West. Side Railroad will certainly be built, in order. to save to the! company the Portland and Astoria land grant Wo fear it will not As the case looks now, it would seem that Governor Gro vcr has killed the West Side'Kailroad. Por this act the Herald applauds him. West Side people will take uotice. Oregonian. The Oregonian had no fears concern ing the West Side Railroad at the time the franchise was conveyed to Holla day, and prior to the sitting of the Legislature ; but now, since Ilolladay has procured '.the ; passage of a Bill by the late Legislature, which he knew beforehand would be vetoed, for the ox pies purpose of giving him an excuse for not building tho road, that paper thinks that the road will not be built, and calls the attention of the people of the West Side to it, all of which is use less, for the people of the West Side have long since taken notice that Ilol laday purchased the West Side Railroad franchise for the express purpose of defeating the construction of a road on that side of the river, aud also of the infamy of the Oregonian, in trying to cover up, in a sickly manner, the rascal ity of that monopolist. The facts are, as we told the people of the West Side at the outset, they were robbtd of their original land grant, and compelled, by the infamy of George II. Williams and his assistants, to give it to the East Side ; and now, in order to make sure work of the whole matter, Ilolladay places his iron heel upon their necks, and declares, through the Oiegonian, that they shall have no road at all ; and then, to hide the deformity, black ness, and magnitude of the crime, the Legislature was influenced by corrupt men and motives, to pass the Subsidy Bill, well knowing that Governor C ro ver would veto it. And the people of the West Side will take notice of all such actions and doings as contrary to good conscience, and as unjust, aud most contemptibly mean Let the people remember, that when the late Naturalization law passed the Congress of the United State in July last, which "'permits the most ignorant Guinea Negto to come here, be made a citizeu and vote, wo asked the Ortg- nitin to exhibit its back bone, by telling the people whether or not it endorsed the principle and policy of the law. Where is the answer? echo answer where? As that paper holds the doc trine that iT a journalist' refuses to en dorse every measure, of its party, ris.ht or wrong, it should go to the opptwitiou, we desire to" know if it r fuses to en dorse this measure, at what tim- the Oregonian proposes to be iuiti'ited into the new order as a life member -of mod ern Deinoeraev. Cause f Defeat. Tbe Oregonian tho present vcar Iiuh been rather a gloomy one for the Itepuhliean jnrty, anl gives its opinion of the cau?c, aseribing it to general apalhy in the party. That's true ; hut what caused this apithy in, the party 't We answer, the operations of our radi cal, fanatical leaders, in extending the privilege of citizenship and suffrage to opposite races, even Jo the Orangoutaug of Africa. All other excuses arc fie tious, coverings of tho truth. Tn the strong Republican couuties of ay ne, Hendricks, 1 ippccanoc, Deca tur, Hamilton and Delaware, thousands of Republicans remained away from the polls, a td tho Journal claims that five counties can bo named in which the non-voting llepublicans would give us a majority of five thousand. The above is from the Toledo Blade, commenting upon the election in Iudi Ana; and what meaneth this? it is the. Radicalism of our own party. We must stop it, or be swallowed up by the Dem ocratic, or some other political organiza tion. . . . Theodore Ttlton proposes that Fred. Douglas shall bo the next Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States. ' . If the, priuciplo of universal suffrage be correct, and if it bo right, politically, to disregard race and color and if negroes should have the same right to vote and holdoflitoin thi Government as white men, and if Douglas be capable, and know , enough to vote u aright," what objection will the nnirersal suffrageists of Oregon, the Ortganiari and Bulletin, ralso to the ; preposition? ; ''-rw NEW "AJ VERTISEMEFT$. Atliiiiiiislrator's JVotlcc. " - .. ' : ..' ? ('-'' -.--r " . . s .. . . foTICE IS HEREBY? OIVEJ THAT at tbe Norember Term of tb trij Court Polk County, N.L. ,Butler wa appointed Administrator of thVestattr of Til F. Bond, de ceased.. AH H)rm having eiaims againut said etate are requeued t present tbe name within six tnonlha from tbe date hereof. N. h. HUTLEIt, j i r f AdminiMtrator, X JJalM, Oregon, ot. 9, 1870. 36-4w GOOD ; at oli, pricks. J; Uaving bern the first to adopt the plan of affording pcr.ioni rttidiwj at a dintuHCe the rtpjwrtunUy of obtaining Jirittt-cln Watches ff(their own uie at wholesale pbicks, and being alco the ohigival iarcufof and tole inanufacturerb of the widely advertised OfiiDK Watches, of which there are so many " tw, and now the iveuUrr and olk rori tor and manufacturer of tbu jiew material, which we bare named the VottTo Joi.i Metal (and eeeured in hy-al form). u)rrir tn all other 'mtat, and fllf eyai ill tn-llllancy of elit, wtiijkt, rear, ete., to Que IS kart gold, and to be obtained through no other source. We hare concluded to resume the rrinil bui He, o Oi.'eeifaHy cemducted by us from 1857 to JSoa in connection with our wholesale de partment, for the purpose of i lack ft again a reliable line ofiur jicitt(ilu$ before the public. ALH Hi:i(; TIIK Ml LIS ACEXTH In tbe Vttiml State fur the Li erpool Watch Co., we are authorized by them to eloms out a lare line of Euri.nn Watchks, CilAlwa, Ac. now in Ktork, ft,r 1'uh. at price 5KVKK BK KOHK KNOWN, A I, BKAfTIITL III fifijtt, RELI ABLE lor orrnrnte time, M UABLK, aud of the lttri ttgle. Evert Watch wilt be retuili at LESS tAiw eot tf ImMtrt'itittn, and forwarded, securely packed, ihk paii, to any part of tbe country, on receipt ttfpritr. Mukv can Wsent to I S B V LxeitKESS, icith itrdcr fur Lxprtm Co. to HKTt'R lOOI8 OR CASH, which will SKCLRE frmptne. and saeett to purchaser. Atijoiij; ur lit Will be fnuiid A Kkai iifi l English Silver, Solid Dor ble Case Watch, Hn'ne Enjlih full plate jttctltit mwrmtHt, adjusted regulation, steIcut haudx, tiiuio turned nerl, iokkect aud tr ticfibte urtit-lr, lorjr ur nftll ijre, in complete ri sjiixo order, with an rhynut Oest's Vest Chaix. i.teket and AVy, all complete, mui.eJ EKKE for f.'i. A Vert IIasi'Somk Watch in fine, 18 kirat tloLO pltitnl Dot BLE Cases imitation t,f$ lou oi.i Watch tifraveU or plain, yentiine Ej- HhU full fit'tr jrtrttcl itfirr mrttt, RfljUistnl rgU- latter, coKHt CT. and in emnplete hi xxivg ohDkk with rtujHHt tleT'a Vl.-t Chain, with Ltuktt And A'.y. mailt).! irk paii l"r wy... ...... $S. Tin: oitmi: ioi.i) waicii Is MasRIVE OrUE Hotlf Itouhle llitntinj M'fjic Sprimj Cahi. iejrntly engraved or eupine turtlftt, orNIe I'ATKST I.EVEII Jl OV EM EST, yff-f, rrulatd ol nrmnlf. t-t krfft enrrtct ttme, and trmr i'il precifcly like in rtpfMHtrttttcr, MIAr, fimlmhi brtlliincjf tf color til ?.'Ut tiLi Watch, ouv or thc. kplesihu Watch k will be frwar-led by mail ekkk t ty ablrtij. to hmflntwuc i'rr ca"t lined with rrlret nl itH (i.Ai'ifc' vh Uiisr' VV'aIch), tor ouiy. "..12. , iATEM TI-'.M WINDER, OR KEVIKS3 WATCIt, Wind from the -TKM, require K. V, cauiiMl te wnuod th trrouj iu heavy tU.lUl-. (ttlLH IJouble fuses, thrrr oumtir ftate, fine JEWELED LE- Vi'.K More mext, Kl'rd Ai't. Aeettmte a a Tittf-k'prr. f'uj'vritir rvaJafed. Single one wnt to any ad'irvsi by mail, in haiiltnt;u t.n.roccij rare for... ............... 41 i. Till: NOHTOX WATCH. TlUS wi7y korn. rtlioUc and ttctjnnt Watch, s . long and Ki'i.LV aim-hovkh ot by Oovrwvwkxt ami It ti.Hor iifkici ai.s, is 'CwJ in tho Jiaw iwftromi NoUTUS UoLD MkTAU the rertf tntt't iticorcrg in the science f nr.TAM.rmsv," . which for korlnes; tlnm hiliiy and lo'ilfinwy t.t color and jJiah hai U;n found to Si'Ki'ASS till other known metal. It docs not tarniih bv WAK, cxwure to hfit, miii'lm c, ehoHije if ilimtite, ox the action tf any ACIOX 'T J"tem, and pn'tnvnflif rctitlH its beautiful IUI.OR -. ri'Ll.r Kyt'AI. to the Jttte&t (iOUl, Ulld NKVKK U'r ARS OUT. This eltluttl WATcN 1- "Ol.lK tl inhh hutuiit;! rant , if Noil loN (JoLD MkTAI.. rVt in d, ijn, artitie in JtH" iht with limbic tring jiiih n. imitation potent nri K-w iM'its tf n, iiiiprovetl bevi-1 swell, ..uh c j'iti!. cogiae tonic"! iterl, kXTua nxs full rflg jewtlett LKVKR mort-Mnit, Covered with engrared nrsr caps, cccrit ly mljutted t all degrees of tit at or tHM, with all the latent iinrovctm ,-ts, cannot be fiirpaxsed for CORRECT TIM K keeping qtotlitit; and csjtcrts cannot itetnt the Uj hti t difference in appear ance from one of th tinoft O'od Watcht aul ltt a long, wear us ?r7l, and KKKPs a CORRKCT TtUK. They" or in:Oiufactured tolely by r, and are thoroughly wirrattl in eveiy respect tor fire year. A stugleone of the above beautiful Watches mailed pre paid to any ad dress, in meet lined morocco Yae, with key, Ac. alt complete for only............. $15. Watches (ot Holiday 'rc'af manufactured to order. . . t Okstink Americas Watches of all grade, in csoli or Sifter Vae, front $IS up to 1200. Other Oood Watches cqnatty low. With' every Club of i.t Wntche ol any kind, we send oac tstra Wvtch of yauie kind free, as a pre ait am to getter up of the Club. A iuerior Mock of (itnuine Oride Gold Chain, from $2 to $6 each, warranted fully enat to (told in brilliancy of color, wear, Ac. Hills of over 12 collected on delivery, if desired. All Kills of $12 or le wt be Cah, or IV O. money order, or regi lered letter, at oi'it iusk. Uoods carefully nlreted, )tackcl and forwarded pre. paid by mail or by exprt, on receipt of . price. JSafm delivery of all good guaranteed. Watches lor warded t-i be examined to parties knowjj, when expreHS charge both way tre paid. No goods forwarded tcet of. the Miitppi Hirer, with bill to collect on delivery. Purchasers must pay all ex pre m charges on good ent C. O. D: also for return of money. All Cah order for warded fret of charge to destination. Cat togne free. Addrecs all order. C. 1. Noktos A Co., Importers of Watches, Ac. 80 Nassau Street, 2s ew York. Established 185. ? v ; ; M-lf PICTUltii IwALfiCEtV. fflHE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC J Is invited to the improved facilities which 1 have recently made to my apparatus, by which I am able to tako . , &ia? RHctures O n o H i 1 1 i ii (X 4 Thus making tho heretofore tank of getting correct likenesses of .VIllLllItlfiN ft matter of small motnt. . itOOallery located on Main street Dallas. .-..fr ....... L W. U. CAITERLtN. s Paila, AprU 22, 1870. - . 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. IS. SILVER & CO., I 'M Vol 136, Tint Street, PORTLAND, - yl - - - ;ORECOK. Wholeeale and Ketail Dealers In DRY GOODS, CLOTMIJVfi, LADIKS' DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, fe GAPS, Groceries &FrbTi8ions. Hlghost Casb Price paid for air kiadi of. Junt Arrived pcr ISaiK ; KEW " STOCK 6r FALL AXD WINTER GOOD? if We respectfully call the attention f the Public to our Choice Variety of 55 ' Ladle' Dress Goods, JHeuk' aud Boys' Salts, Doots mud Shoes Hardware, Croeeries ' it ; School Hooks, Stationer, &c. And everything Found In Retail Stores We can a?ure our Patrons that our present Stock exceed?, in Variety and CheapneeS, any we have ever had, " ' y. ' "' ' All we ask is, fur you to fall ami examine, before trcbatBg elewbere Country Produce .taken" in exek&sg ifer Goods J N. A. J. D. LEE. Dallas. Nor. 16th, 1S?0 I-lf V IVolice. fllhe Partnership heretofore existing between J. J. W. Crawford and T. B. Newman is this day diolved by mutual consent, J. W. Crawford retiring from the Firm. T .B. New man i al ine authorized to receive payment p( til accounts due the late firm, and he becomes rer(iontble fur all the iudebtedhess of said Erin. J. W. CRAWFORD, T. B. NEWMAN. Dallas Oct. 25, 1S70. -,r s 4 v ;37-4w v "IVOTICK! IOTICI3I! FpilE UNDERSIGNED,' HAVING PUR i chaed the interest of W. C. Brown in tbe Uie tui&ts'or W. C. BROWN 1 CO., is now receiving a. f'refh supply of goods both from San Franeicu and Portland, which I will sell at very chuap rates, fwr CASH or - ; 4 ", ; Country rrod nee T' My fetock consists of erery variety of Ladle' Dress Goods; v El oot & .Shoes, I iieeiiwarc, www iiariwarc7 And groceries of all kinds, aod will exchanr wiikat, ; ors, . r. -f- bacon, EGGS, . HUTTEft, V BEAX, : . , ONIONS, - ; 1JAHLKY, and tery CLKAN COTTON KAGS, z : Or any kind of produce that can b cenrertad ii'i to utouey. - ' y : - At Come and examine my stock be fore, porch a ing, aa it is no trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. Wo mean business, therefor earntstly invite you to call and see us. , t 1 J.0. C. BELL. ' Dsllas. Ogn., Sept 3d, 1870. i i 2T-tr AXDLUSO &i BROWN, successors to d. STR..IXa.T 3 IMPOUTURS AND DEALERS IU ; ' stove IrH; OF ALL KINDS, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Brass a Block Tin,- V Force and Lift Puraps, CAST TIN AND ENAMELED Hollow-Ware. MANUFAO't URERS OF Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper Great Varletj' of Gem Pmi, 1 . .' i ' r: ' '.';. Irou aud Leid Fipo of U lii,ifor ;Oa, , Water aad Steam- , ELBOWS, BUSHINGS, dim Tt, " : NIPPLES. - ih.;M RETURN BENDS RUBBER HOSE STOP COCKS, HOSE PIPES , ri V U o, x ISA 1U.1 UUi Id all its branches done to order, at tht Stand . - ... of JJ. Strang ..j Uuloii Block : Commercial .SU, aleia I A f-fc-MD Kt fc I tit HI Hi 1 (