Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, November 19, 1870, Image 1

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. 1.
NO. 37. , ,
She D r tjiu Ujcjlui I i i an
It fitted Every Saturday Afternoon at
. I Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. s j
a :, JYP. C. SUtLIVAt). j
OFFICE Main street, between Court and
Mill streets, two doors south of the Postoffice.
"SINGLE COPIES One Tear, $2 50;
Months, $1 75; Three Months $t 00.
Sbt9riptioH muit be paid ttrietlg in adeanee
One square (I04ines or less), firstinsert n, 13 00
ISactl subsequent insertion- 1 00
A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly advertisers.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum. j
"Transient advertisements must be paid for
in advance to jnsure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly. j
3 Legal tenders taken at their current value, j
, Blanks and Job Work of every description
Tarnished at low rates on short notice.
Ml .advertising bills must be paid
' monthly. 7', " j
The-jCTirl of thc Period, j
From the Technologist.
rroof of the utter fal
lacy of the Darwinian hypothesis is
found in the character of that specimen
of the genus homo thst is familiarly
known to ns as the "girl of the period "
If we accept the universal testimony of
the writers for the press, we must
"arrive at the conclusion that.the chiU
dren of the virtuous woman have disap
peared, and that no representative of
the wise and diligent housekeeper, so
faithfully pourtrayed in the thirty-first
chapter of Proverbs, is now to be found.
.And yet it is evident that the law of
self preservation was obeyed in the
very highest degree by tbis same virtu
hous woraaii of Solomon. ." She girded
her loins with strength, and strengthen
ed her arms." "She was not afraid of
Jhc snow for her household, for all her
"household were -clothed with fcarlet "
"She rose while it was yet night, and
he gave meat to her household and a
portion to her, maidens." Acd yet, in
pite of her strength, good fopd and
'good clothing, her descendants have all
disappeared That the children of her
wbo evinced so muchcapacity o pro
vide for herself and otheF8hould be el
'ibwed off the stage and crowded oat of
existence by the progeny of the strange
woman and the fool, shows not only
that the battle is net to the strong nor
the race to the swift, but also that the
ability to procure tjte means of subsis
tence is no measure of the tenacity of
existence possessed by any species. If,
therefore," we Believ'e these scribbfers,
We must conclude that natural selection
is a delusion and a snare, and that the
.Darwinian hypt thesis has no better
foundation than the " airy fabric of a
vision " , .
As, however, the girl of the period
has b id every newspaper writer under
the Yeepest obligat'cns from the fact
that, during the times of the greatest
.derth of mater'als for articles, she has
furnished, an ever ready theme with
vnich fill a column, and thus to earn
the usual penny-a-line, we will endeavor
to discharge, in some small measure, the
'debt that wo 'owe to her by giving at
Jeast a little earnest consideration to
'the j rominent circumstances of her
case.- 'lhe subject is a noble and a
worthy one j and therefore, abandoning
.badi nacre and nonsense, let us consider
4,a aH f efoasness an earuetasss . ,, ,
1 Tljecrj; that .earnest and noble
women are daily becoming more rare ;
rtbatthe p?es of the brave, hearted and
fgent?e are usurped by the frivolous and
dissipated,. is one that is by no means
ipejr. Iwo 'hundred years ago, the wits
jfEinglancl 'indulged in the same cant,
find said the same smart things in re
pard to the same matter ; and long 'be
fore .that time, the prophet had asked
fthe people of his ofay why they said that
3tbe former days were - better c than
tihcee," and rebuked them roundly by
telling tbem that they "did not con
, eider 'wisely concerning this matter."
We have heard many reverend gran
M&f'bolti. wijhjand without pcfticoats,
dwelling at length upon the degeneracy
vf the 3 men' and women of the present
day; no days I'rke1 the' old days; no
such wise mem now as those who laid
.their sag hands on -their young heads ;
bo fuch mothers as their mothers, and,
inferentially, no; such .young men and
women -now as they were in their
PWA?! with such cant ! - The
akici are as bright to-day as they ever
were aiace human history began to re
cord the changes of the years; statistics
show that the men of today are larger,
.itrOnj;er,idonger.Uved. and less vicious
than those, tbatlircd five hundred years
ago, and. amongst the women there are
hearts : as brave ? and f trae,"natures as
warm and affectionate, minds as inteili
gent and souls as noble, as ever existed
amongst our grandmothers, of either
sex. Our girls may, perhaps, dress
more gaily, and perhaps they enjoy
amusements more keenly than did the
women of the last century ; but what of
that; If the chemist of the period is
able to produce aoniline colors so brilli
ant as almost to rival the fimed Tyrian
purple, shall his sister the girl of the
period be condemned to-wear dingy
madder? And it better education and
wider opportunities have enabled her to
enjoy a Chickeringor a Steinway piano,
is it to be supposed that she will remain
content to listen to a shepherd's reed or
a cornstalk fiddle? These old croakers
forget two things : in the first pTace,
that the grandmothers of the period
were once girls themselves, as wild as
any girls that we have now; and
secondly, that the greater refinement,
the higher education, and the nobler
views of the modern girl, are things
that the old fogies who have. descended
to us from a former generation are
totally unable to understand. That the
girl of the period is perfectly able to.
rough it, perfectly able to live in a log
house, milk the cows and tend the ba
bies, we have no doubt, for we have
seen her do it on more than one occa
sion, when necessity required. But if
she should prefer the coarse associations
that accompany a life of what is called
ronghiug.it, to the refined and elevating
influences that in the nineteenth cen
tury have made our Christian homes
the nurseries of modern civilization, she
would deny her birthright, and prove
false to the intellectual and social op
portunities with .which she has been so
marvellously blessed. When Mrs.
Stowe and her sister hold up for our
admiration and imitation the women of
their young days rdays when a bride
was married with sheets and table
cloths of her own weaving, with coun
terpanes and toilet covers wrought in
divers embroidery by hor own and her
.sisters hands" they seek to recall
times that have passed away, we hope,
for ever. As these ladies well observe,
these remarkable women of old were
made by circumstances ;" we can only
idd a hope that neither the women nor
the circumstances will ever be repro
duced on this planet. In their own
departments, for the tired muscles of
the weary worker, men have su'tstitut
ed muscles of iron, sinewn of steel, and
nerves of brass, propelled by hearts
and lungs that can never tire while the
coal fields of 'Pennsylvania bold out;
and shall we' condemn our wives and
daughters to the humdrum of the spin
niti: wheel and the distaff? No. in
deed Even the sewing machine is bad
enough, and it won't be long ere some
of us succeed in harnessing the physical
forces to it, so as to give the tired limbs
of the sewing girl a holiday.
It is a singular face that we often
meet people who, having come down to
us from the days of stage coaches, two
shilling postage and whale oil lights,
are anxious to revive the habits and ed
ucation of these old times in the days
of gas, telegraphs and lightning express
trains. Their highest ambition is to
have clean linen, make good butter and
save money-r-points that are all very
commendable, but that do not altogether
fulfil the requirements of modern civil
ization. These people forget that a
wider civilization involves wider neces
sities. They tell us to limit our de
sires, bung ignorant of the truth, that
the extent of our desires is the measure
of our culture, and that their advice is
like telling a man to cut off his feet
when he wants boots. And so persist
ent are these soi disant sages in recom
mending us to restrict our desires and
"simplify" our tastes, to confine our
selves to the gratification of homely
pleasures, which, with them, signifies
the obtaining of mere material necessa
ries (and pork and beans at that), that
we often feel tempted to turn from
them in disgust, and to exclaim : " Give
mo the luxuries of life, and I will
dispense with the necessaries."
These , thoughts have been forced
upon us by the evident changes that
must take place in the education, of
of our young women, as well as of our
young men. , While we deprecate any
system that would, tend to convert t&e
latter into mere - tenders of machines;
much more should ' we .condemn any
system, the tendency of which would
be to degrade, the, former below even
this humble level, and convert them
into the machines themselves We do
not want1 spinningmachines, v sewing
machines or knitting machines for
wives ; we want women, ajd that all
abound us there is abundant material
for the production of good women, ma
terial which it requires.'4 but proper
education to develop, we feel perfectly
satisfied All this twaddle about the
degeneracy of women is the silliest kind
of noo-ense :
That we .are in a transitory state ;
that in passing from the rude culture
of our forefathers to the higher educa
tion that awaits us, wo have reached a
somewhat anomalous condition, no one
can for a moment doubt. Hut the fault
lies wifh the times, and with the pecu
liar conditions of human progress, and
nor. with the girl of the period. Beneath
the anniline dyed "garments of to day
there are hearts as . true and warm as
ever beat be ueath the linsey woolsey of a
hundred years'agq; the eyes tljat luxu
riate upon the beauties that fill our
modern homes are as fond and bright
as thoe 'hat watched the shadows on,
the log walls of our ancestors ; and the
fingers that draw delicious music from
the piano, are no less deft aud gentle
in the sick room, than those that spun
the coarse garments of by-gone years,
and miked the cows that grazed, in
long past meadows.
Tree Planting.
From the Farmer.
Mr. Miller, of Milwatikie. has
promptly responded to the inquiry in
regard to the proper season for planting
out fruit trees and shrubs. lie says,
if the soil be friable, mellow and drain
ed, the fall is the best time for doing
that work. He has had the experience
of eighteeu years in orchard planting,
aud he ought Jo be able to .settle :the
'Mr.' Miller says that but few of our
best keeping apples can be sent to dis
tant markets. We jude, from hi$
remarks, that some varieties are failing
in keeping qualities. Among them is
the IJotbury Husset. This apple never
apjM'fticl to us to be trae to its name.
It i not of the shape of the Massa
chusetts lloxbury llusset. and does not
possess its aroma or keeping qualities
at leas', this is cur judgment. In the
Hast, some apples are failing as good
keepers, and fruit culturists are seeking
among the multitudes of new varieties
presented for public favor, others to
take their places. They profess tohave
obtained new and promising long keep
ing varieties. "
Sonic pains have "been taken here by
nurserymen to procure scions from the
bearing trees for propagation. The
disposition of ournurserymen is to kee
up with all fruit improvement, either
on this or the eastern side of th
mountains. The American I'ippin or
Grindstone Apple keep well enough,
but it a poor subs' it ute for a good ap
ple If a f irmer desires an orchard for
family usr, he should select trees to be
in season from July to the next June,
if possible. In this ca-e he requires
many varieties. If he, wishes fruit for
drying, he should make se!ccions -that
will answer his purpose. Sweet fruit
is not popular as a dried fruit; it should
be sub acid always. If the farmer de
sires late keeping fruit, for sale in dia
t int markets, the list given by Mr Mil
Icr unil we have other late-keeping,
marketable varieties is probably ih
good as any. For home consumption
and market, we want varieties of apples
ripening successively from the begin
ning to the end of the fruit season. A
small orchard well cared for, will pay
better than a large egleeted orchard.
IIve for Wistjni Pasturf.. Iiye
will grow - on any " moderately rich
ground. It should be sown in fhe fall.
After it has advanced so as to stool
out, it is not greatly damaged by" the
tramping of a reasonable amomt i-f
stock Indeed, the crop of the com
ing season will bo rather benefitted
by turning stock upon it. In the
spring, after grass has started, stock
cm be taken from the rye, and a good
crop will be secured.
Sometimes farmers ehooe to turn
hogs and cattle into their fields of ma
tured rye. HoiS and stock will im
prove greatly by this treatment. The
straw will prove an excellent manure
for'the ground, and plowed and worked
in well will greatly enrich the soil.
This is a Southern and popular prac
tice! Farmer. '
. The jate Jeremiah Mason was once
engaged in a famous trial, in which
some good 1 Methodist brethcrn were
concerned, v One morning; when the'
Court opened,' an over zealous friend of
his client's cume to him, and in a solemn
whispered : fllr. Mason, Mr. Mason,!
had a vision last night. Gabriel ap.
peared lo me and told me that Borther
A was innocent. No mistake about it,
"Very well:' said the man of law. not
so much hs lifting; his thugehead from
over the table on which he was writing,
"very well; better have Gabriel, subos
naed immediately. ; ' u J i i
took to .Your lixtra's" Ciirla.
About hal past l o'clock yesterday,
says the Memphis Appeal of Monday,
as people were returning from church,
a lady, dressed in the very height of
fashion! with a gorgeous Grecian Bend,
of " magnificent' proportions, tripped
down Main Street in Jthe most approved
style, like a cat treading on egjrs. Just
as she reached the corner of Main and
Jefferson Streets, where 'the" " gentles
most "do congregate," a newspaper,
n eat ly fold e d , sli p ped f roni u n d e r ; h e r
skirts, and fell"on the sidewalk. A po
lite mackeril" saw it fall, and called
but to her that she had " dropped sum
thin," but she kept her eyes fixed on
vacancy, aud moved straight ahead
without appearing to hear him. A few
steps further, another wad. fell from the
same region, and there wasa diminution
of the size of the hump on her back.
The boy yelled after her again, .' I say,
Missis, you're losing all your 'papers 1"
The only sign she gave of hearing him
was a quickeuing in her pace, as it she
were auxiUi to gjt away from thosj
diggings as soon as possible. A kind
hearted lady, who was walking behind
her, and understood the situation, at
this moment hurried up alongside, aud
whispered to her that she was losing
her bend. Tbis information caused her
to turn into a friendly stairway near by
to repair damages ; but just as she put
her foot on the door-way, an enormous
bundle of papers, a huudred or so in
number, dropped from her skirts and
rolled on the banquette. The "mack
eril" indignant at the treatment hehad
received, and the apparent disdain with
which his polite attentions had been
met, on this rushed forward, and seiz
ing the bundle of papers, startled the
Sabbath stillness on the streets with,
KreV your extra ! Latest from the
seat of war !" The lady, it is needless
to say, didn't stop to take an extra-"
Affecting Incidents.
The late terrible floods at Harper's
Ferry developed much individual hero
ism, The Bev. Dr. Button and famity
lived in a brick house on 'Hart's Island.
Ou Friday night, the foundation of his
house began to give way, and stepping
out into the hall, he was struck by a
falling timber and fell senseless to the
floor. Mrs. "'Button signalled to the
house immediately opposite, a strong
building, and from the second story a
rope was thrown to her. She tied this
around one of theservant girls, and she
was drawn across the street to the op
posite house, through water fifteen feet
deep The rope was rctnrncd, the other
servant sent over in the same- manner,
then the still unconscious husband, and
last the heroic wife herself crossed the
flood, after she had seen her household
safely over.
James Shipe, of Overton's Ishnd,
took his wife, to whom he had been
married but five. months, an his back,
and swam with the flood, hoping io
strike a tree or some other safe rsfuge.
Ater struggling wiih the current for
about 500 yards, he caught at the
water tank, on Hall's Island, and he
attempted at least teu times to gt hold
of it, but the 'waves washed him away.
IBs wife entreated him to let her go,
and save himself. " Vou are not pre
pared to die, my dear husband, and I
hope that I am," were her last words.
He next caught hold of the branches of
a floating tree, on which he supported
himself for a few niintitcs, and lifting
up his wife's head, which he had been
unable to keep above water, ho found
that she was dead.- Post.-
A Family PoisoNKD.--On Friday
last, the 7th inst., the family of Jese
Brothers, living two milaa north of
Miteheikille, near Trullinger Grove,
were poisoned by eating i tomato butter
that had beca cooked in a brass kettle.
The family cn ists of six pcrsorns a- d
it is feared wo or three of them will
It has long been known that the
cooking of such -stuff -as tomatoes in
brass kettles is dmgerous. Iowa stale
lie !g iter.
A facinatin youth, of Louisville,
was vetj badly sold by the matron of
the KeatUoky tato I?risonv in whose'
daughter he seemed to cvioce a very
strong interest, while travelling in a
railway car. Thinking that th flirta
tion had continued Joag enough, she
suddenly changed her eat bb the side
of the young man, and whispered in
his car, Sir, you are a total stranger
to me, but. I feel it my duty to inform
you, in order to warn vou of im pending '
evil, that that young lady is just out of
the i State iPrison ; ' A - passenger was
seen to alight, at the next station. 1 '
.Subscribe forlhe ltlepuBLiCAN.'
Att,y & Cotin8elloral-Law
Dallas, Polk '' County, Oregon. ?
OFFICE in the Court House. ( 31-ly
Js Ct GRUBS, rT. Dt
Offers bis Services to the Citizens of Dallas
and Vicinity.
P. A. Fbkch. 1 j J. McMahos.
Independence, Polk Uouuty.
All Kinds of Blacksmithlng-tloneon Short
Notice, and to the Satiefaction of Custoujf r,
and at Reasonable Hates.
Special attention paid to IIorse-.whoeIog.
Oct. 27, 1870. A ilcAlAIION.
V It 14 Al H M II lilt! , ..,
TirXT TUB ' .
II aa been RE FITTED, and no pains is now
spared to make all who may call Com for table
aud Happy. '
A good Stable U i-ept in connection with the
House. 1 Call and see us.
jr. it. sixes, m. jdm
tMiyxician and 8urgcon,
Dallas, Clgn.
Having returned practice, will gire special
attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of
the dim.-ae of Women and Childien.
PiPUCice at bis residence.
. W. D. JliPFIUliS, M. '!.,'
Ph y i cia n a n il Su reon ,
. " I2ola, Oregon.
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women. ltf
J. IZ. DA VI !., M. D.,
Physician and Snrcon,
Independence, On. j
T. V. 15. Kinlirce.
JT Office at residence. 14yl
- - hr- .
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
halem, m:(;o, i
Will practice in aH the Courts of Record and
Inferior Courts of this State.
OFFICEIn Watkiods A Co's Brick, np
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all tbe Courts of the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Lavv.
Dallas. Oregon.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1
ORO. B. C'lRRr. n. nURLET.
- . 3 tf -
I.arayette, Oregon.
3 tf
R. r. I
, c. r. FKItRV,
A'ofnry Public
Real Klntc Brokers and
Collection Ascnts,
Northwest Cor, of First and "Washlngfon
;-'.;. Streeti, .. v
Special attention given to tbe sale of Rl
' iUfl' Collections made in Oregon and tbe
Property, town lots, Improved farms, stock
ranches, lands, Ac., situated in the best portions
of Oregon and W. T., for .sale on.reasonable
terms. , ... ; .;! 3 tf .
Carriage anil Omaiiieiila!
: ;-S rdP AlIWT E R,
Comnjeruia ftrset, t
Opposite SUrksy's Block,
; gl'tf i 8ALEII.
i:y--i:--'&.'Vi FORBES, e
yltt'j &ounscllor-al-Iaii
Lafayette, Oregon. , .
;..ys,..J .-;,... , S.tf
: - ' ' '
Cash or Marketable Produce at i
mo ones DLocir, SAtrrx
Goods by the Package at Reduced Rate :
myl),3tf . .
Undenvood. Barker M Co,
Commercial.; street. , Salem. Oregon
after the most approved styles an
the best of workmanship, on short notice, and ,
, 2Mf J-;;; :V-vt :,
Main st. (opposite the Con rt House), Dallat,
IIarnes, Saddles, E-ruiles,")i'hips. Collars,
Cheek Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which he is
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates. . , .t
REPAIRING duoo on short notice. r
' Fine Cloth Gaiters? if so, supply yonr
selves at J. II LEWIS'S.
At J. H. LEWI'S.
Slain rcet.
Dallas, Ogn.
) I Bitters, Cigars, Candies, Oysters if
and Sardines will be served to gentle-rmmn
men on tbe otitido of the center, by a gentW
man who has an eye to 'bis" on tbe inside.
go eome along, boys ; make no delay, and .
e will soon'bear what you bsre to say. . '
32 W. F. CLING AN.
Importers and DeAkrs.in -1 f
.... AND , --j
Hie Largest Slock and the Oldest For
iilturc House In Portland.
Dallas, Polk C'ounty, Oregon.
MR. M. M. OGLESBY Priscipaj
MISS C. A. WATT.................AstTAXT.'
This Institution was Re opened on Mon
day, tbe 31st of October. The Teachers are
determined to do everything in .their power to'
uike tiiis -School secn4 to nonj, ol .it grade,
id the State. They earnestly soUcit the hearty,
Co-operation of 'the Community ,nnd a Liberal
Patronage from tho Public. 1 : ? ' ' : : a
Pkimart, per Terv. ........$1 00
Commox EsGUsn, per Terra 00
IIiauKR ExGi tsn, per Term......... ........ 8 00
Latin or French Language, Two Dollar.
Extra. ? - 1 '
These figures will he greatly,redueed;ly the
application of the Endowment Fund. Alt
Students entering the School will share equally
the benefit of this Fund.
Students will not be sdmittel for a less
period than a Half Term. . Charges will be
made from tho time of Entering. - ' . ( ;!, ... f . ;
No deduction made' for Absence, , ax pt' in
ease of protracted Sickness.
N. LEE,. Ckairma Er, Com.' 1
WM. HOWE, See. of BynrJ. i?
... .: "- vn
will give the highest market price for
wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co. V
Their Store is also open, with a genera) as
sortment of Dry Goods, Uroccrics, Hardware,
Ac. .;1 ' 2-tf '
W, C llrown A Co.'are requested to come for
ward and settle their notes and aeornts. ss
the busincar of the late firm mist be' setUed!
without further delay. , , , . , . ,
- W. C. EI OWN A C. "
Dallas, Ogn., August 24, 1870 , 25-tf
V vV"i A. M. Dallss. holds Its rnvnlar
Vmntjication,f on th Saturday preceding
the Ful Moon in each month, unless the moon
fulls on Saturday then on that day, at ote
o'clock, , , : (
Also, on tn ond Friday In each month
at 7 o'clpk, P. M for tba purpore of lmprrYi
ment of .the Craft In Masonry, and for, Mich;
other work as the Master may from time jt
time order. :,, ' , . i i: 7.
All Brethren In good standing are invited
ttcd By order of the W..W
' M ft v '