Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, November 12, 1870, Image 1

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    ; ' p tr a Y v? v ft f p :
" .hn J&QIiY" 1.
XO. 3G.
""Ts Issued, Eyery Saturday Afternoon at !
JDaUatf Polk County, Oregon; i
4 5Y:P, Ct SULUVAfl,
OFFICE Main street, between Court and
aiu iunu) ipu uvvra tuuia 01 iu i ueiuutce, .
STOOLS W)PIE3i-0ne Tar. $2 50; Six
llonths, $1 75 Three .Months, $1 00.
&Hbcr(jtion wf be paid ttrictty i. advance
0 a qaare ( 1 Ii nWor 1 ess) , a rs t i n scr t'n , 3 09
Eab subsequent insertion ...i 1 00
v : A. liberal .deduction will be made to quar
rlj and yearly advertisers. ..
r Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
r annum. "" J
Transient advertisements must be paid for
tn advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid qnarterly.
'Tk.l t .f frAlvAM AB.ri-Anfr f A 111 A
tSlanks aud Job Work of every description
Tarnished at low rates on short notice.
5 EBUMl advertising bills must be' paid
monthly. t
A Dot Upon the Sea.
jnunino vvj- uui." . . ' .
1- . fProm the Boston Herald.
.fNinety1days aro, a tioy boat,! les
lhan twenty feet in len'th. and carry
trig two meii and a dog, left Liverpool,
nsland, with the avowed purpose of
Tfte bold and hazardou? project was the
subject of iducU amusement at the time,
aud about 5 o'clock ...yesterday after
.noon the tiny craft was signalled ap
proaching our ' harbor. At G o'clock
the Collector's tug started down the har
:bor,aod met the ventarfcsoine marines
tat -about 8 o'clock, opposite the tower
fight, and towed thetu t this city. The
boat ireh 5 has thus accomplished a
novel, is named the Bity of llaupa, is
twenty feet in; length over all, six feet
beam, andtwo ; feet? eight inches in
depth, fdrawipg two feet of water. She
nn (cwl-rifdi and rrpad sevt-ntv
j :- f " - - r-
yardSiOfcaufasjris fitted with a twi
iladed steam propeller, worked by
tjanlf and her hull is of wood, the
boards being only on3 half-inch in
fhtckness. In this miniatureNship are
all the arrangements for cooking, ifcc,
and the capacity for carrying provisions
and waler suffiefent for the voyage
which has just been' so successjully
terminated. . -uy -
Consisted of two men, John Charles
Uerkeley, the commander and Nicho
las J'rimeraz. These arc the two men
who, actuated, as the former said, by a
' mere whim." were induced to m tke
this attempt, which few could regard as
rany thing but foolhardint ss, after seeing
destinies,', and Vh ung their lives by a
.mreithread. Thformer has followed
the4ca from boyhood, and has led an
fiVenlfuP lifeVI He saved two lives off
it. n . -c ir . . i. ou.u e a
' teoiber, 1858, for which he was award.
d a medal by the British Humane So
ciety. lie is an Irishman, and has a
liome in Dublin."1IIis companion is an
" Austrian. ' Oi -'-Thursday, the 2d of
June, these ! daring- spirits launched
their frail bark. and. accompanied only
Wa dog, left Liverpool. In t ten days
tlhey utt intOf Queenstownj where they
were "obliged to remain four days, in
order;?tOhve jcaulkingj done, on
rtrcHr toat, which was leaking, and left
i oa the;16thhaving onbtard one
ton of ballast, and 600 weight of coal.
etooknjtbr northerly rrutefthe
. MOtt laiitaken by the 0ambria,5the
. prevailing winds .being westerly, and
for the first thirtyfive days they suffer
ted a great deal, being kept wet through
mtoitiQi&tly Shay were -also , i t T-
-on flieijJrstspart ,of the .voyage, and
were compelled to eat their meet raw,
nthicCadded to thoirdiscomfort, and
'' helotbiiicourage themT1" After be
' in eighteen days;.: put, hvy-s became
fthortof tfre' wpodand 06. means of get
ting a suppfy. At this time they luck
ily picked nr a barrel containing about
fciur gallons of tar, which was a perfect
viuu eMUt.iuey 4 Using i no ur upuu mic
-deck's, and the, t:irrel for fucH On the
4th of Jufyj tllcy celebrated the day of
the" Great .Republic1 drinking the"
lieaim ,ot . i'rcsideat . -Grant in some
jritue Irish whiskey, with which they
weresupplied.;f Ou the evening cf that
teft0.?", a neavy galethrough
r - Si i ev6r; thY rode "fcly Oti
the 28th of August, they lost one of
their crew, the dog, who died from
"vi " 1 1 'ii inn i mi in minimi
scurvy. They had a great deal of very
heavy weather, but the little bark bore
Jierself nobly, and the men themselves
expressed surprise that she rodo the
heavy gales so staunchly. She was
and the pumps, .of which they have
two, were kept at work constantly. In
the severe gale of last SaTTirday, they
experienced thn hardest time of the
voyage, but suffered no disaster, save
the carrying away of the jiugcr boom.
The largest uuniber of miles made in
one day was one hundred and fifty
three, i which was mude in th" firt part
of the voyage, aud thermal test eleven
miles. The average speed was four
knots an hour. A number of vessels
were ' spoken on ; the voyage, among
which were the bark Kadcliffe, on the
28th of June, bound to Quebec ; the
ship Moxwell, August 9, and tho
homeward bound steamer Russia on the
24th of August. From the first of these
two they took in supplies of provisions
and water! Two whales were very
neighborly off Cape Clear, coming near
enough to bo touched with the hand,
and giving the voy-g rs some alarm lest
they should.upset their trail ship. One
of ' Mother Carey's chicken's" attended
ihem from the time they left Queens
town till they pased George's Bank.
The men say that they had the most
prf-ct confidence in the success of
their enterprise, and in the - roughest
Sale could go to sleep with the greatest
composure. Only the 'lateness of the
season prevents, them from returning
home as they' came. Their original in
tention was to go direct to New York,
but they concluded to put into this port,
and will go from here to the former
place, and will remaiu this side of th
Atlantic till another summer. They
were towed to Long Wharf by the tugr
and there can bo seen this smallest of
all crafts that ever traversed the broad
Atlautic. r
To Stop Usino Tobacco.- Dr. Bio
Lewis says: " I know I do not. echo
the voice of the world when I pay tha.t
the use of tobacco paralyses and dead
ens the moral sensibilities almost more
than auy oth r habit in which civilized
men indulge. Gentlemen, I advise you
to clean yourselves aud quit. I would
iveit up. It i a nasty disgusting,
ruinous habit. But somebody says,
i can't give it np ; I want to, and have
tried, but I can't do it." Can't you ?
Then I would'nt. But if you really are
so enslaved that you cannot gt t out of
your chain v I wiH help you a little
Stop to-night; don't use any to-morrow.
The first day will not be so very
hard. ; You can get on pretty well the
fiit day, as everybody knows who has
ben through the mill, as I have been.
The second day is pretty a 1 In the
afternoon of the second day your mem
ory is a little doubtful; you can't ex
actly s;iy whether it was two brothers or
three brothers that came over-; you
can't exactly say whether your grand
father came from the Ivjst or the -A Vest
when he settled here, t ut be patient
the second day. The third morning
comes the tua:. Now go and tako an
old fashioned alcohol sweat until your
skin is nearly parboiled. Then you will
be quite as comfortable for one day as
you could wish. There is no dryness
of the mouth, no disturbance of-the
secretions. You are perfectly comfort
able for one day. The next day you
are in trouble again, mt not so bad as
the day before. Take another sweat,
take even a third or fourth ouo. Sweat
ing does no't hurt people ; sometimes it
is good for them. Take three or four
thorough sweats, aud then you will go
oft under easy sail, and will have no
further trouble from your enemy."
The .same may be said with respect to
alcolol. ' ''''', "7 " " "
How Tp 'Break off Bad Habits.
Understand the reason, and all the
reasons, why the habit is injurious
Study the subject till there is no ling
ering doubt in your mind. .Avoid the
places, the peisons and tha thoughts
that lead to the temptation. ?T Frequent
the places, associate with the persons,
indulge the thoughts that lead away
from temptation. Keep busy ; idleness
is the strength of bad habits. , Do not
give; up the struggle when you ! have
broken your resolution once, twice, ten
times, a thousand times. That only
shows how much need there is for you
to strive. When you have broken your
resolution, Just think -tho matter over,;
and endeavor td I understand why itf
was, you failed, so that you may be upon
your guard against a recurrence of the
same circUmstauces. 7 Do not think it a
little or easy thing that you have underr
taken. It is folly to expect to break oft
a habit in a da, which may have.beco.!
gatlMjfing strength in you for many
m inn mi. mmi'M n Mi mini mil i
The hork fevere In Canada, the New
ISfTgUnu States aud Sew Vvtk. f
Sciif.NECTAbY (N. Y.) OctoberO.
This city was visited with a severe
shock of earthquake at a quarter, past
11 this morning. All the inhabitants
rushed terror stricken into the streets.
The excitement is intense. " -Much con
fusion prevails) .and it is im possi ble tu
ascertain whether aRyi$efiouaAdraage
had been done. , ' a ! . . . . .
" Cleveland, Oct. 20. A very yist
bio shock of earthquake was felt here
about 11 o'clock, ' lasting fifteen or
twenty seconds. The National Bank
building, Atwater Block, and other
large buildings swayed to and fro,
causing persons who occupied the up
per Stories to flock iuto the: street)?
The greatest consternation prevailed:
The shock' was also - plainly fclt in
Meadville, Pennsylvania. . .
Montreal, Oct 20. At a quarter
past 11 o'clock this morning, a heavy
shock of earthquake wa felt here. The
buildings rocked to and fro, and every
body rushed , to the streets iu alarm.
The shock , was felt throughout Canada,
BiiUN'sWlCK (Maine), Oct. 20, 2 p
m A severe earthqnake shock ha
just passed, throwing down a portion of
one of the chimneys of Adams Hall.
The general directiou was north easterly
antl south westerly. The duration was
from thirty to forty seconds
Erie (Pa.), Oct. 20. A slight
shock of earthquake was felt in f hi
city a few minutes after 11 o'clock this
morning. It was so perceptible at the
Ward School No 4, that the windows
in the building rattled, and in some
instances the books and slates were
sho.tk out of the children's hand. The
scholars all left their seats and ftVd to
the streets. It wasa so felt on the bay
and in some other parts of the city.
CciNCiNNATi. Oct. 20. Information
iudicatea that the shock of the earth
quake was greater iu some parts of the
city than was supposed by the first
report. , In one large factory, the oper
atives at first though the foundation
was giving way. and caught hold of oh
jects to steady themselves, as the build
ing swayed to and tro At one of thi
largest iron, foundries, the men first
thought their tools were coming toward
tht m, but soon discovered that it was
the buildiug in motion; there was
alarm,: but business was not long suspended.,-;
Conneantville, Fa , Net 20 At
11 o'clock this morning we felt two dis
tinct shocks, like that of an earthquake,
from two to five minutes iu duration.
Many persons ran into the -street in
fear of buildings falling, and some were
quite sick horn the effects. No damage
walone to building?.
Trrt-aviLLtv IV Oct 20.-- The
sho k of an earthquake was very per
ceptibly feit here this niofniug. People
ruD into the streets in great alarm. It
lasted but a few seconds.
Detroit, Oct. 20 The earthquake
was rery forcibly felt in this city at
about 11 o'clock this morning. Reports
'from various parts of the State would
indicate thai the waves were very geu
erally felt.
Other Itfcctlonw.
Th other elections to bo held this
year will be in the States and on the
dates as follows : ! ' "-f.
Alabama........... November 8
A rknnsa? ..,.,.. November 7
j' Connecticut First Monday in April
...November 8
............. .... .. v.. .... ....November 8
L. . a, n n
t.. ....... ..................... Aeeeiiiorr n-i, o
IUiaois. ........... .......................Novfmber S
Kansas.. ,..,....,.-..... ...... ..Novenibqr 8
Kentucky.. ...............o.NaVomWr 8
Louisiana:.. j,V.;..;J; -..: J.November 7
Maryland ......... ,U....November 8
Massachnsctts. ...... ........... November 8
Michigan....... ..................... ..November 8
MiisonrL.. ......... ...... .......November 8
Nevada;............. I.... ...November 8
New Hampshire. .....Second Tuesday in MarehJ
New Jersey...... i...w...,..,.,Novcmbor 8
New York ...... ...............November 8
Kbode isfand..';.'; ........ ......... ....November 8
South CarolInft..;U.;::.:;;.l.,...i;.October 19
Tanne88ee.;....,......t.. .... ;, ......November 8
Virginia...... .........November 8
West Virginia... .......J.October 27
Wisconsin ......November 8
; '.'luf P. fishery of Sah i. Francisco, has
published ,a pamphlet called the Ad
yertiser's tyvide containing a descrip
tionof all those towns and cities on
the. Pacific Coast ih whibh : newspa
pers r are publishedi -It Ms ah interest
inp and valuable .work, l and cosis bat
50 cents.. All , sboUldTc have , it. Wi
'caijf atteutioa to the advortisemcoV of
Mr. Fislier ported, up" iri 'oEoniee." We
aro under obltgaTioba for a copy of Iho
Proclamation ' by the
. I'resiacut.
f Washington, Oct. 21. The fol
lowing proclamation was issued by the
President today : v .
'. Whereas, It hehoo'ves a people sensible
of their, dependence on the Almighty,
publicly and collectively to ackoowedge
their gratitude for Ills favor and mer
cies. and humbly beseech forttheir coo-riuaance-;
Wu kkkas, The people of the
U. S. duripg :lhe,yj2ar about to end
have special .cause to be thankful for
the geqeral prosperity abuud inceatid
exemption frdro, pestilence, foreign war
aud civll'strife , . now, therefore, bo . it
known that I, U.S. Grunt, President of
the Uaited States concurring in many
similar recommendations of the Chief
Magistrates of States, do hereby recom
mend to all citizeo-i to meet in thejr
respective placed, of worship on Thurs
day, the 24 h day of November next,
there to give thanks for the bounty of
Go! during the year about to close, and
to supplicate for a continuance thereaf
ter. .V .
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my h ml nnd caused the seal of the U.
S. to be affixed, in the city of Wash
ington, in the year of our Lord 1870,
and of the in lepea Jence of the (Joitod
States the 85th. U. S. Grant.
By the President.
Hamilton Fish, Sccfy of State.
The Mtssetiger ' thinks one of the
most absurd perform mces of the tims
is the manner in which people at pub
lic meeting seek religion. It siys:
Kxcited seekers arc agnixing and
shouting and praying for faith without
any well defined notion of the fact or
facts to be believed, the evidence upon
which they rest? 3 The spiritual guide
at such meetings is generally boisterous
nd sontioies, impu lent, if not - irre
verent, in reminding the Lord that He
has made Certain promises and requir
ing and almost commanding Him to
come down now, and fulfill them.
Wilt the Messenger be kind enough
to inform us, as to the correct aud sure
, , t , -,
way to seek pardon, and how we can
brin about regeneration, and a new
birth in a respectable manner, t lie end
of which shall be Heaven.
A Sensible Prayer. A " nice
youag man," ho had changed his
mind for another, asked his affianced,
on the evening of their appointed mar
riage, if she would release him from
the eniragcment. She replied, in pres
ence of the party assembled : 44 Yes,
emphatically yes, and I am so thankful,
let us pray" When, alh had kneeled
down, the Jair young girl in bridal robes
prayed in a firm voice. , She asked for
strength to bear her humilities, and
cntinupd ' ' Have mercy on this new
wife. Whilo I thank thee, Oh God; for
my, deliverance from .such a pitiable
creature, I would ask thy blessing upon
his poor wife. Give her grace to bear
thb-afHicttoti of such a'h'usband. Keep
him from drink and may he become a
better! man.-U Watch over,; me, our
Father, and preserve me from ever ap
proaching io nearly to uttsr ruin. Give
me strength to retaVn to my homo and
preserve my sex from such men."--Revolution.
' if Vn- , v'i'r
; ' Ballou's M aqa zin e for , Nov km-BERi-t-r
We havlei received the Novem
ber number of BaUou'a ,Magazino, and
have read it; with intorcst, as we al ways
do every month that .Ballou ia issued.
It has the hest variety of contents of
any, magazine in the '.country,. Its ro-,
- -- , ' ,,' . . . ''"''.' - - -
manccs are always wen written, its sea
stories such as only true hearted sailors
can write, and all the reading is original
nod of the best quality. There are 100
pages, loof them with. illustraed sub
jecte, and all .for' the small sura of 15
cents or Slftper year. f, Great imv
provmeuta are promised, for the coming
year.. All .'periodical depots, sell .Bal
lou's ;. Thqmes & . Talbot, , 63' . Con
gress street, Boston, - are . the publish
era. 'ii-i i t.t .
mi - ii - ... .
; Killed.-- A' ; than by the name of
II id ley, was shot and killed, at Eugene
City f on1 Wednesday night, by the city
watchman.'' It was thercsdltof an old
grudge between them..
Atty VouncIlor-a(-aau ,
. Dallas, Pwlk County, Oregon.
OFFICE in the Clirt House. 3-ly
7jeW6RUBBSi m. Dm
Offers bis Services to the Citizens "of ''Dallas
'-1 .- h""' 'and Vietuity. ' : '
OFFICE at NICHOLS' Drug Store;
P. A. Fkesch. . 'r; . J t J. McMxaux.
: ' Independence, Polk County. '
' . AH Kinds of Itlackonilthlii done on Short
Notie, nnd to 'the Satisfaction of Cutoiusrs,
and at Reasonabli)' Kates.'
Hpeciui attention paid to Itorse-hOeliig.
Oct 27, 1870. FKENCU k McMAUoN.
" 5 tt ii M li HI II 13 It I
- TOiT TU8 ; -!
Has been ItE-FlTTKD, aod no pains is now
pared to make all who may call Comfortable
aod Happy. -
A good Stable is kept in connection with the-
House. Call and e u.-4.
- - 34-ly
j. it. siTiisi, n. i.,
P2iyicia:i and Nurcosi,
Harinj? rcramed practice, -will give special
attention to Obstetrics, and tho tratmenl of
the-diieaes of Women and Children.
- jr4r0(Bce at bis residence. t- I ;
tV. u. Ji:i'i Kn. m. i).,
Physician and Surgeon,
; liula, Oregon.
Special attention given to T)bstetrics and
Discasei of Women. ltf
; J. ii. DAVIDSON, M.
Pbyician and Snr
Indepenietire, Ogn.
. it -1
T. V. H. Kmbrcc.
jJTT Office at rest iencc. ' 14yl
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
vTHl pTartlcc-rn all the Courts of Record and
Iuferhr Courts of this State, a '
OFFICE In Watkinds A Co's Brick, up
stairs. - -
Attorney & Counsolbr At-Law,
Ilallan, Oregon,
Will practiNr in all tbc Cort. wfhe Stnte. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Uallaa. Orejjoiu
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1
O BO. D. tCRRKY. .. ' x J ' B. UITQLBY.
LAlMVIiTrii - - - - OREGON.
IT1 A 11 1 O x U A all S &i V,
At t'y A m iimc 1 1 or-a t- Laiv,
Xafacttc, Oregon.
3 tf
K. F, nr.SiRLI.,
llettl EtUitc Attorn
Real Itatc Krokcrs and
Collection Ascnts,
1 ,r - - - i f-.
Northwest Cor. of First and Washington
t 8trects,
1 PORTLAND - - - - - OREGON.
Special attention p;iven to the sale of Real
Estate. - Collections made in Oregon and the
ranches, lamfe, Ac, sittnttcd In the best portions
of Oregon and W. T., for sale on reasonable
terms. , . , 3-tf, ;
a rr in sre a nd Or na m t n I a I
Ooxamercia Ttraet, ;
Opposite Stirkey'i Block,
,2Mf . 'i 8 ALUM,
At Py&Coiinsellor-at-Lniv.
Lafayette, Oregon."
CX. Cash or Marketable Produce at
cox $t :is aishai tar,;-
Goods hy the Package at Reduced Bate
- , myl0 3tr 1
Underi ood, Oarlier & o,
Commercial street, Salem , Oregon,
ONS after the most approved sty lea and
the best of workmanship, on short irrtt, and
' - i , . 21 tf
. i . ' .1 ... 3 . "k
Main st. (opposite the Court House), Dalian,
II aruess, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, CJollara,
ChvHi Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which -he
prepared to sell at the lowest living rate
CREPAIRING done on short notice. -
; Fine Cloth Waiters? if to. etipply ytiurf
selves at J. II LEWIS'S. ,
At J. II. LKWI'fe.
Slain grcet, : V : Dallas, Ogn
f Bitters, Cigars, Candies, Oysters
aud Sardines will lie served to trentle
men on the outside uf the counter, by m getle
uian who has an eycto "bii on the inside.', ;
w"So come along, boys; tuake no delay, md
we will soon hear what you have to sav.
-32- ;v.,:::-v F. CLINOAf.
Impgrtera and Dealfj-s in - i f f j
. .. : AND - r :x.
The Largest Stock and the Oldest VTh
niture House Iu Portland. ' 551
POItTfcASfl, TO13C01C .
.... (, . .... , 1
:, FALL Til A BE, rj ;?.St
Is now open and lor.salo M our tore, on fisa
Corner of I'rot and Mil! Street. Dal
i las, Oregon. '
We irrrite the sttention of our patrons
oor New Stck, consisting of .
Dress Gatxh, " r i . :
Chili mf .'I fist
lhrJwarer :: ,;,r.,4
. . Crocler
Groceries, v
Jkots & tftce. ' '. ' . -' . ' ."!
School ?oolf'.
Stationery, "c.k
. r
In fact everything found in Retail SWeat
At Prices tVsnli the Tirne$, Vr
- t . ...
,- - l . , i . -I-ox.,?:
Country , Produce talicn In ckaxia fo
-. Goods I , ... ... l .
, . . i ,:'''. i A.
Those hnvinp old nrcoimts ar requested f
call and settle by CASH nr 'NOTE, -ii vT
We thank, tho public for. lhir liberal VfJ'
ronage in the past, and hope for' a"eontiiAiSf
of the saiBC. . .!.- ..-! jiJ
2f. A. D, Lt?Ev u
Delias, March 1st,' 1870; :'' tl.ff1 '
1. will give the highest market price- to
wool, delivered at their factory in rlk Cd.
Their Store is slso open, with. a freneral a r
sortmcntof Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware'
u umoTICE. . tenii
nrt., , .:A "it- -! eUi.'l ,.'
B jiums JiNUttKiivD TO THE FIRM fff
W. C Brown A Co. am requested to ieclixj in&
ward and tettle their notp and ar-c.nt,
the tnisinesr of the late firm miijt b W W
without further delay. -o'-r.'
. - w.c.owVAtf.;4
DaJlas, 0gn.f Autnst 3i, 1879.. "-'Co-tr
A i liNNINGS l.lUd 13 So. O I'
TZ)tr' A M' DttUa noM Its. regular efc5
VXmnnicationa on the Saturday rreredipff
the Full Moonin feah taunth, unless fhCtKs
fulls on Saturday then on that .day. at
o'clock. ' "- " v " r
Also.' oa the sceotd- Friday Iri Jeaeh favnif
at 7 o'clock. P'. M., for the purpose of iu'fri've
tncnfof the Craft in Masonry1. Utid-'fot 'Vi
other work; as' the Mattr way f.o ,4i. to
time order. '
All Brethren tn good standing ark InviU u
airtead By ordr of thf W. U
' - . .... - ; ::.-' -