v-Toiva&cpiirmriEY Urn e DALLAS; SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1870. Latest New York Gold QaoUtion;t.......lH! Lal Ttadeft la Portland : ... ; Seltiost., .,.88l ?&I2at Produce atii Commission Marks! . Corrected Weekly, by G. B. Stiles, People's Merchant, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. - , tFHEAT--75e bush. OATS 30 35 v ' BARLEY 60 - FLOUR-$5 S5 50 bbl. " Sks$l 25 $1 37. CORN MEAL $3 to $4 bbt. " 'BEANS $5 6 bbl. 'BACON SMes. 14 16Btt. ;HAMS 17 18e lb 'B TjTTER -26 ; 37o lb. EQQS 30c do. LARD Bulk, 12 Jo; tins, 13 14e. -POTATOES From W?on, 50e bhL APPLES Green. 50c bhl. Dried, 4 5c p lb. ,r CHEESE Nw Oreeoo, 20 25e S5 !b. CHICKENS $2 50 ds. TURKEYS 75 $1 each. New goods at J. C. Bell's a lot of beautiful wSUrproof goods for ladies. The Statesman has an excellent article last Wednesday's paper on " Iu1y United."" in We noticed a very nice lot of wall piper and bordering at Nichols A Code's drug store. Call and see it. 1T notice the return of Mr, N. Lee, one of our merebants in town, this morning, who has been absent seeing to matters on his farm about 2i miles from the Tillage. , Prichi5G. Rer. A. W. Sweeney will again far or-n with OQe of his good sermons on next Monday evening at 6J o'clock, at the M. E. : Church South ' Go and hear him. There will be a Sociable at the OJd Fellow's Ball, Dallas, on .the 10th inst, fur the bene fit of -the Christian Sabbath School. No efforts will be spared to render everything pleasant and agreeable. All are invited io attend. Our stirring townsman, Asa Shrieve, is re building bis blacksmith's shop, on the spot of the late conflagration. This is an exhibition of the right kind of pluck, men in Dallas. We want more such We were glad to meet the Rev: D. L. Spaul ding this morning on the side walk, and to know that he is fastrrecovering from bis late illness, and able to be out. lie stil appears quite feeble. We call attention to the Produce and Pro vision Market prices current, prepared by G. D. Stiles, and also to the fact that he has re eently received a large and splendid apart ment of sugar, coffee, tea and family groceries generally, all of which he offers cheap to the public. , , William Bard n, of Grande Rond, called at ear Sanctum last evening, and informed us that the ggnerslbealhis good in that quarter, an $ that all. is peace and-quiet, save a report which was going the' rounds as he left, that small pox had made its appearance among ta? Indians. u Judge 8. II. Myer, of this county, has re cently migrated into the state of matritnon, where we hope, like all pioneers to new conn tries, be vwiir-be "delighted with the scenery, and "his pathway strewn with flowers. The Judge has our beat wishes for a long and happy life. If yon desire to purchase good carpet very chespj go to John C. Bell's, at Brown's old . stand. And if it is ? the new sty!eof window enrtains yon want, the most convenient, cheap est and durable you ever saw. go to N. A J . D Lee's, Emmon's old stand. But if you want family groceries, then go to Laughery A Col line; and if yon doat find wiat you deire there, then go a few doqrs south, and call on G. B. Stiles, who always has every thing you -want, and then if you have any money left, . ftep in at the next door north, and you can purchase the best and cheapest saddles, har nessandl jbridlcs or halters you have ever met with, of S. C. Stiles ; and after you haver- chased all yon desire, if you have no way of j getting them home, and are in a great hurry about it, so that your wife and children can have canle to smile, just get across the street and call on oar very pleasant friend Tom Richmond, and he will furnish you with a splendid rig, and the' nicest little fellow to drive it in the country "T SraLBiwo'ii Glpb" will mend yonr ways, or anything els that needs-unending. What ii Quillaya Saponaria ! It is a tree, tba . bark of a Chillian Tree, which yieldi,vwhen macerated, a fragrant veg etable sdap with cleaning and antipntreseent propertiesnot peiesed by any other vegeta ble prqduetioRf This Bark a a prominent eon itituent of the celebrated , Soron )T, the most opular'dental preparation ever introduced in America. - ; ' . ;. " Sfaldiho'b Glue." stickiest thing out lTrom Alex, JY. i Dougherty, -Jf. late onto tht Dedieal Director U. ti A.f Newark. N. J. "Having , been made acquainted with the composition cf the preparation known as Sot ODOHT I have for some time past permitted its nse in my family, where it has given entire sat isfaction. .It . U ..an elegant toilet article, well worth of the ecomiums it has received. JBSA profuse and many times exceseively offensive discharge from tte nose, with "stop ping up" of thenoee -at tkne impairment of sue sens or smell and taste, watering or weak eyes, impaired bearing, irregular appetite, oc- Cit ona! nausea. nresMure and nain over the . eyes, end at times in the back, of the head, oc casionally chilly sensations, cld feet, and a T, J1 1 1WK1,U(1 nd debility i.xre jytatooi wbieh are- common to Catarrh, yet all of them are not present in every case. Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh lUroedy eures Catarrh In its worst form . fttt l itages. It is pleasant to use and .contains sr .Cn,Uo d8. Sent by mail M S $i& X nlY Address IL VPierce "Telegraphic Summary, j London, Nov. 2 Paris journals say that Bavarian prisoners ho have been taken, have ben found to have explo sive bullet iu their possession. They ulsb say they expect the bombardment of Paris to cotnrrrence any niomnnt The report of the capitulation of Da taitie reached Parts on the 27th, and caused intense excitement. One paper the Comfnit, charged the government with suppressing thenfornuation. The citizens were enraged o that they de stroyed ail the-copiesof that p;pr, and; sought to anest the editor Garibaldi ca'ptured 1,000 prisoners from th Prussians in a late engagement. The Prussians are reportU to'be moving northward from Jura, followed closely by French forces All the French of ficers talcen at Metis are ordered to re port at Casel by King Willisim. . : London. Nov. 2. The Tribunes I correspondent in Pstris. says it is itnpb. i sible to make out whether the Prussians nit-an fo bombard the city or not. LondOn, Nov. 3. Thiers was ad mitted'' to audience with the King-of Prussia. The conference lasted three hours. Bismarck, replying to E il Granville offers of meditation through the Prus sian Miuister, says there will be no ob struction offered by him t-i the French elections. The Prussians have commenced movements northward to Soissons. Frontbo State man Recorder's Court. Hefore his-l Honor the Recorder, yesterday, 5 case of drunkenness were arraigned and propt ily attended to For a wonder they alt paid up, and went on their way rejoicing. All things considered times are improving. In spite of the small pox excitement' busines in the Record er's Court shws life and activity. .Keeping it Ur Tuesday, rather late in the evening, the wood-shed of Rev. Mr. Dojne's honse, was discovered on fire. Mr. Doaac accidentally .made the discovery and gave the alarm in time for the blaze to be extinguished without much difficulty. Whoever is doing this incendiary work seems to have a passion for setting wood-feheds and empty elables ou fire. State of Health We feel grafe ful at being able to state that the heatih .if our city appears to be as good as usual." Mr. J. Dennis, whose case was probab y the worst, -is improving, and Messrs. .Hunter and Thompson, of the Legislature, are both eynva!e.eing rap idly. There have been other cases, in eluding -Secetary Chadwick, Hon. Mr. Psirter. Hon T. W. Davenport and others, who seems to have had the chieke ipox, I'tit th-y were . not much h file ted with it. No excitment exists in town a ou snia 'Ipoi. ami wc . write this item fo the betifii of readess anu friends eisowhere. Another Veto. We learn that th hill which wa passed to complete the drainage of State Unds in Unin coun tv has I'cen vetoed by the Governor. Yesterday heinr the last day for his ronsideration of the bill it must have bee filed with the Secetary of State, ut at a late Ivour. so that wc cannot give points save thnt (he Executive is s;iid to- consider that the lands alluded to are swamp lands and were improp erly located as St ite lands of other des sctiption. . FLORAIIXCKNSK. The frarrance of frenh tl iwers i arceaWo and plens&ent to even the most ftiriius; and in the genuine Murray A Lakak's Fi,oriiia W 4Ter we have this floral fragrauce in all its refreshment purity and strength. Ldit per sons and invalids are greatly southed and ben efited hyUs use. pQ" An there are worthless counterfeit buy ers should alwaysntik for the Florid Wtr prepared by Lantnan Jk Kemp, New York. Hmy Voices from California. "My experiene sati.xfirg me that BrNtol'i Sar- saparilla and PilU are the best and only reme dies for Scrofula." S. R. Harris. Santa Clam. "Bristol's Snrsaprillahas cured me of Rheu matism after every thing els had failed." . P. KsJM.r, .S'otiora. "For the fist time in years I am free of sores and eruption. I uwl 9 bottles of Bristol's 5arsapanll and 5 or Pills " J. S, Jokes, Pet&himn b9S. : ' The Fire Dollar Sewing Machine purchased by me, January, 186, from the Family Sowing Machine Company, Nassau. Street, N. Y., baa been in almost constant ue e ver since. It has not been out of order once. Has cost nothing for repairs, and I find It simple and reliable in operation, and always ready to sew. Those friends of rioe who use them'wirt the new improvements are very mucn pleased. The one I have I would not part with. MRS. ANN W. CUTIIBURT, 428. West Soth-Street, New JTeiOt. 34.3m ' I have for the past eiuht months, cuflstao'tly used ooe of the $15 Norton,, Onde Udld Lever V ntcl'CH, manufac tured by Chaa. V. Norton & Co. 86 NassauStreet, New York, and founJ the total variation in its time but one. half ruinate, (SO secotids,) and it re tains the name appearance of jrold as when purchased, beveral ot oar men use them with the samo results. I cheerful recommend them fur correct noss and wear. HORACE W. WJIITAKKR. Erie Railroad. 84 8a Robbery of a Staof. Salt Lake, Oct. 25. The stage Trom Pioche was stopped last night at 11 o'clock by three highwaymen, eight miles from Ncphi, Utah. While two ot the roD-j bers held shotguns leveled on the dri-: ver and passensiers, the third emptied Wells, Fargo & Co.'s treasure box, took the registered -letter sack, robbed the passengers of about $1,500 in coin, and then decamped. The co'ich contained five passengers, two of them children. Sheriff and a posse are now in pursut of the thieves. Chronicle. The $12 Lever Watch, No. 13.580. purchased from Chas. P Norton & Co. 8 Nassau-Street, New York, January 5th, hns been carried by me over six months, with a total variation in time of only 2G seconds, without the sl'ght est regulating, and presents the Ram, brilliancy of color as when purchased. JAMES It. WILSON. Sec. American S. M Co N. Y New York. July 30th, 1870. 313m WAItRIEU. MY K R LOG A N". On the 27th ult., by Kev. B R. Baxter, Hon. John II. Mjrer to Miss Mary C Logan, all of Puik County. CUnNBUTLEU. On the 2d of Nov., at the Hesiaeuce of the Bride's Father, Mr J. B. V. Butler, in Monmouth, Plk County, Oregon, by Ira F M. Butler, J. P., Mr. C. C. Cuhn, oi Albany, to Mis LyJiaTutler. , 1)1 El. On the 29lh of Oct., at this place, of Con. uo)ption,"3Irs. Serena Jane Liverraore. aged 27 yvarr, leaving a husband and two children. SPECIAL NOTICES. WIT, 1,1.111 DtYIDSOIV, Office, G 1 Front Street, PORTLAND - - - OREGON. JReal Eistixte XeaIei- Special Collector of Claims. A large Amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND PriH-rty for Sale. Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investment in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all description promptly collect ed. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinks of Financial and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will plee furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in eaVb of the priodipsl CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. 13-tf. XJUA. .V X J f 1840 U - - U, FOR Tills I'Y ?VnAHl Ha that well-dTown, standard and popular remedy PAIN KILLER, raanufwtured by Perry, Darin A Bon, Provl- lc nee, R. I., been bf fori the public, and in that time has become known in all parts nf the world, and been used by people of all nations. It remains t-djy that same ewd and etfici e'nt remedy. Its wimderful power tn retiring the most severe pain has never been equalled. and it has earned its wirid-wide popularity by its intrinsic merit. Nu curative agent has had so wide-rpread a sale, or given such.univers atif!ttim. The various ills for which the Pain Killer is an unfailing cure are too well known to require recapitulation in this adver tisement. As an external ind internal medi cine, the Pain Killer stands unrivalled. Direc tion accompany e ich bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Price 25 cts.,' 50 cts., and $1 per bottle. 33 4w flume Question f,r the sickly and Debilitated. I it worth while to endure penal torture after every meal, when indigestion can be immediately relieved and permanently cured by so agreeable a remedy as -HOSTETTER'S STOMACH IS ITTKRSf - Don it pay to bo compelled by debility and languor- to abandon active business, when brain, nerve and muscle can be braced up, and the Whole system restored to a healthy condi tion by a course of HOSTETTER'S BIT TERS? Why approach the dinner-table daily with a positive disgust for all 'that is savory and leliclous, wuen a vigorous appetite for even the plainest fare Is created by the use of 110! TETTBR'S BITTERS f Is it wise td live in this bright world as If it were a dungeon; gloomy, discontented and miserable, when the worst case of hypocbron dria can be cured in a week by such a pleasant and wholesome ezhilirant as HOSTETTER'S BITTERS? Can it be porsible that any person of bilious habit will run the risk of reinitteait fever or billious colic, when he can tone and regulate tbe great secretive organ with HOSTETTER'i? BITTERS? Is it not a species of moral , insanity for any miner or planter in tbe interior, Mr any traveler or sojourner on the placers, to be witho itthe best known antidote to the effects of poisoned air and impure water, HOSTETTER'S BIT TERS? ; ; , . Considering the harassing and depressing nature of the functional derangements to which woman is subject, is it not astonishing that any invalid of tbe feebler sex should hesitate to seek tbe -relief afforded In such cases, by tbe genial operation of j HOSTETTER'S BIT- These are questions of deeper interest than any of the political dogmas dt the day, nod and those whom they concern are, invited to give theui something more than a passing thought. U3 4w WELCH'S PREMIUM 8ALM0N BEST In market in kits or barrels.! f v For al at COX A EARUART'S, NE W A D VISR TISEMES TS. Jflotherg, I've Found It! 11" OR YEARS I HAVE SEARCHED FOR a remedy that will CURE your children by removing the CAUSE, and at last I can say "Eureka." TRY IT. c;a nn i ti i fivl tm o i ai . This is a pleasant antacid, and in large doses laxative; in small dose, an astringent medi cine j exceedingly useful in all bowel afTaetions, especially of children. It is a safe, certain and effectual remedy for Cholic, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, &wimer Complaint, Griping Pain, Sour Stomach,' Costiveneas, Wind ou the Stomach, Crying anU Fretting of Children, fn Teething, there is nothing that equals it. It softens the O urns, and renders Teething easy. It Is no humbug medicine, got up to sell, but a really valuuble'preparation, havingbeen in use for several years it recommend itself. Do not give your children the "soothing syrups," tor they stupify without doing any permanent good. Prepared by Dr. W. lVATERIIOH8 MONMOUTH, 0REU0N. For Sale by Druggists. The trade supplied on reasonable terms. Hundreds of Testimo nials can be given if necessary. 13-tf DR. W. WATER HOUSE. C. M. PAKMKXTKB. 1 r. J. BABCOCK. rranr.iEMTER h babcock, manufacturers, audi Wholesale and He tall liealera iu Commercial Street Salem, Oregon, HAVE ON HAND THE LARGEST Stock of Furniture, , Btc!fiinsr, AVintlou -Shades, lIoIl.mtN, and PAPi:tl-IIA,alICa8 To be found in Marion County. All kinds of I'irture Frames, Coffins and Caskets made to order on short notice and at reasonable rate. I'ARM ENTER A BABCOCK. Salem, March 23, 1870. 4 tf T II K OCClI)I).T A !, Formerly "WESTERN 'HOTEL." Corner of First and SIorriMiti streets, PORTLAND, OREUON. Messrs. SMITH COOK HAVE TAKEN THIS WELL KNOWN House and Refitted and Refurnished it throughout, tn akin it by far the BEST 110 TEL IN PORTLAND. N. It.- Hut and Cold Baths attached to th House fur the benefit of (Juests. SMITH A COOK, Proprietors. Portland. Afrit 14. 1S70. ?:tf lKA'lOA aV IIOOX Wtinleaalr and Retail dealers in ROOKS, STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS. WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF int'rming the public that wc have jutt r cired a large iuroice vf Wall Paper, ft( all styles, direct from the manufactories in the East. Our stock is tbe Iarj;est ever oflercd in this Market, Which we will se'l at wholesale and retail CHEAP as any other hmi in tha Ft ate. YEATON A BOON. Salem, Ogn., March 10th, 1870. 2-tf ISoTlG i fbTirTB r o . POL MANUFACTURERS, sam;m ------ OREGOX. glen's Tap Sole Sewed Boots ...ft 00 Men's Double Sole, Sewed Boot. 13 00 2 m Men's Single Sole, Sewed Boots...- 12 00j a Mn'a Tan Sole. Peeeed Boots 11 -5 6 rr Men single ooie, i cggeu ,v w ... .j, S Men's French Kip BooU....... 9 00 O t Men's Kip Boots, Oregon or Call- O fornla leather..... 7 00 " vf .- r. PNinrh Calf Sewed Ox- iUVU - - fora lies... 7 00; "rlch Calf Pegged Ox- Men's Best FrV ford Ties....- CO fflllE PEST BRANDS OF FRENCH CALF used in all our boots, and every, pair warranted-to give satisfaction. We also have tbe largest and est selected stock of vEastern and California in ade Hoots and Sboes which we offer at -wholesale or retail at prices which defy competition. , ' OAK SO LE LEATHER, FRENCH CALF, KW AND UPPER UOE FINDINUS, Shoe Machinery and everything generally f-ond in a Leather and Finding Store. Gold coin paid for HIDES and FURS. ; GILBERT BROvS. Salem, Ogn., March 10, 1870. 2 6m Durcaiis, Tables, Bedsteads, A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen And Parlor use, ItAW-IIinO BOTTOM CHAIRS, Of my own make. Nliopnear Wajnnlr3 mi I I INVITE TnE PUBLIC. TO EXAMINE my stock. I shall be pleased to show you my good, and better pleased when you buy , Nw Work put up to order, and Repairing I done at th Uweit cash price. s ; " 37 O. t7I2&$ NE W A I) VER TISE.VENTS: I'litST PR.TIIU.!I " a ( ' ViiO FiMILY W SEWING MUD INK. $12 50 clear prof t per day. $75 00 per week. $300 per month made kast by any Lady or G E5TLKM an iiitrodueiug Uiiu tKVixn and Ori oinal Old Favorite. - With it? many new and practical addition, making tbe mit complete combination of Valuable and "tmefiil imjtriire metif ever effected iu any one machine. The embodiment of extreme simplicity, efficiency and utility, entirely different in . model ami deeiyn from any low priced machine. It is tbo moBt tertn'ceable, eteoaUt and relia hie Family Skwiso Machiwk erer invented, gives perfect satisfaction wherever introduced. lias receiv ed I'kemicmS' Stood the feat of 10 yeare, and is fully approved of by every family wbu have tbe in in uso. Is noieefee. makes the strong and beautiful Elastic Lock Stitch wiih wonderful rapidity and Cbrtaimty. . io, .anything a needle will GO TnitoiGH. from tbe fncut t ibe thickct fabric, firm and ne-it, with e sr. L all kinds of tilk or threal direct from thenpuuV. ia improved with new at If acting feed ijtrimj tentn, evif ynidcr, nod um lLo adjutbilte 8TKAI3 RT NKKDLK. pcrjtrndienl-tr motion, with powerful Urer uetiim. lN-sgcHcea all the yod qifditienof the let high .priced maehinen con densed, without their compl Uution or kault Sample of tewing SUNT KHKK, on receipt l etamp. For certificate, etc., see dkscrii'TIvk. pampiilkts, mailed frre. A thorough practical aewing machiue for fiito'dy im. "Tribune.'' A very strong and reliablu .nat hirKv at a !.w price.- ''Standat This beautiful sewing machine is ooe of the mot itigeriiis pie-s ot inci-hsui'in ever in veiled Democrat," Ga. Worth many ttiuts its coPt to any family, N. Y. Weekly." It is quhe anew mact.iiie with its many late improvements, and sews with aptoniiibing ease, rapidity and neatness. ' Itepnbliean" X. V.- Single machine, ut turn plet, wslected with care, nm familt rsn, with t verytbiog couplbtk, sent to any part of the country tper express, packed in ttrong wtodeu bujc, ruEK, on receipt of price, $i 00. trafo de livery of good gnarnn'ctd. Forward eah'bv KEOISTERKIl LETTER, Or 1. O. MOSKT OKDKR. at our ritk: Affente want d, mule or ft male, everywhere. Ntw pawpbleta, couuiuing extra liberal inducemetit;', sent rnrr.. Address Familt .Skwixo .MACniseCo., Oflire 86 Nassau SruicKT. New York. 31-ly IlKPOta. j . Mkp.wi.n "IAIN STREET, INDEPCXDEML. INE WINKS. LIQUORS AND SEOARS erveI"lo customers nbert notice. This establkltment Joes sot diapenfti tangle foot tr any tbicf of that character. ftfr C ill at the (itm, HEDGES A MERWIN. .11 m. For Male. iQA ACRES OF LAND ON SALT -rOll Creek, !n Polk County, fibt miles from Dallas; 32u aires fenrtd, 100 acres in cultivation and 30 are in Timothy Meadow ; well adapted to stock raising. Price $7 per acre. Inquire ot . Iltifcstll A: Ferry, - Portland, Oregcn, on D. f. C. C AUI.T. . Dal'as. W-tf J. w. csawroRD. I T. B. SKWlliX. riOXEER TIX IXD STOVE STt BE, Front S?xet, one Door So ith cf ; Post Office. Dallas Oregon. fjlHK !NDERSIONED BEG LEAVE TO 1 infonn the citizens of Dnilaa ad vicinity that they have replenihed their stock of tin ware, and have now oij baud a largo arsurt mcnt of Cooking. Box and rrror Stores, Tinware, Copper, Briiss and Jron Ware Of every description. Also a ?arge supply of Sheet Iron, 0 Zinc, U Ire, c- I 'Having proenred the services of a fir'-rla$s workman we arc n-w constantly mnufjictur Ing all kinds of tin furnishings for stoves and for farmers use. Siifh as .Store Holler. CoflVe and Tea Pots, Tea Kettle?. Milk Pans, nippers, I,ard and flutter Cans. And in fact, all articles of tinwnfi usually found in store an tinware tore. all op vrbich we offe for sale at prices that will jnptify pur chasers to patronize us rather than Salem or Portland shops. Special attention will be gircn toj Job Work Of all kinds. In connection with the stove and tin store, we will continue our III E AT . ill A It K KT, Where wRl be kept all kinds of seasonable meats, both FRESH and SA&T. In exchange for goods in our lino we will take ail kinds of country produce," such as Butt r, Eggs, Chicken, Flour, Bacon, &c. 1 We Invite the 'public to call and examine our stock. CRAWFORD A NEWMAN. Dallas, March 4, 1870. 1-tf GREAT FX 1 T 12.TI 12 ft T ! .Parjw lo be Roinbardcd ! BUT. NOTWITHSTANDINO. THERE will be found, at LAUOHKRY A COL LINS' tbe best assortment of Family Orocer ies ever offered to the pahlic.which can be had by nil who love good things to eat Our terms are asy, and our motto, "Small profits and ui'k sales." '. 'Remember, 'Main Street, Dallas, at Brown's old Store Room. 33 tf LAUGUERY A COLLINS. Afliiiiitratorfi) iolicc. 'Notice is heredy given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by County Court of Polk'ooqnfy, Oregon, Admin istrator of the, estate of Jas. R. Rigs. doecat ed, late of said cunty, All persons having claims against said estate are bereby not) fled to present them, with proper ; vouchers, within six months from the date this notice to the said Administrator, at bis residence in Sl in, Oregon, or to J. L, Collins, his Attorney, at D as. EUFUcS A. RIOOS, AdminUtrator. Palis, Sept. 24, 1870, 30-4w THE - HEW FOOD.' zA - f. J-.- , " SJ1 r. For a few cents you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a packagoof SEA MOSS FARINE, inadorom puro Irish Moss, or CarragccK;' ivhich will raako Eistccn quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char- lotte Russe, &c It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most dclicions food in the world. It , makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and ? delicate food far Invalids and Children. - ? A Glorious Change II THE CHEAT WORLD'S TOJflC Plantation Bitters. Tliis wondrrfwl vegetable chorof tEsc fcrjilci unci lc!;ili-" latcdl. h toS naid cordial" Tor llic ascd rn:l languid, it no cqittil ainoagr elooi acliics. As ;i rcssacdy for iUc zicrvoua wcaliac. Io whicli women nic -especially sub ject, it is ' fiuptrftediiig c'cry oilier f;imulant. In nil 1H mates tropical, temperate, or ftiid, l n:ti-nH n specific in every specie of disorder which utsdcriniae- the Iodily Ktrenfth mid fcreaSis (Sown ttw animal spirits. For sale Uy all Eru5;si3ts. 25-1 y CAPITAL UVERY, 'STAB LE.Uv iu rear of the Capital Hotel 'ComeTi" s.vi.i:."!, onncoN. - . HORSES AND CAH1UAOES TO LET' in rfanftble terms. Special atteutioa . paid to traiuivnt nl binH'n- "rse. BOOT 11 A PLAJdoX DON, 2 tf " Proprietors.;,. O! A LL THOSE WHO ARE INDEBTED am. to the undcrsictied most either pungle Abe CAIf or jrira tlt-ir NOTE. Id rase of a future to d cither, tbtro will bo buw.nees fr the legal fratcriiity. B. T. NIC II 01.. July lfi. Tro. 20 tr The Wicapest Store in polk coum; THE EL LEND All's TO 2 1-2 Miles West of Dallas, HAS EE EN TILLED WITH TnR ( l.nTet and Vtcst gtck of guods ever .bmnglit into Polk' Ccaraty; Wbifb wo -propose to sell LOWP.R than any other utore.. in the ooty,far CftSH r : PRODVCEi for which we will pay the highest ; Sarkvt prtve. , ,tOar ftook ronf'sts of evfry description of goods getierally kept iu first class country stro". 1 '..! Also cooftautly on hand a large assortment TiVccds, ' v asilmcrc8 ancl IlariUTisneS Made in tho EUcndak Mills, which wLUl -sell wry cbe." Eilcndalc, July 0, 1S70. 19tr ' . tratvioid A: Ireivm:uiv .: ' of tub ' " : ri3A'RER TIX & STOVE STORE HAVE A NEW AND SELECT STOCK .op Jfnpanrd Ware Porcelain Uned Ptew Pot lor 1 rait, a Cireat Variety oi Gem.Raus, Trewed pattls fbr Tart. Cooking Spoons, HfTp Heater, "roll ing tflxJurca of Improved Pattern, . Hulling piua, Ac, &c, CRAWFORD A NEWMAN. Dallas, April 15 70. . 7:r IVCITIC1S. Ti HOST! TNDETiTED TO THE FIRM OV W. C. Prwn Co. aro rqnstd to -coma fot ward and stllo their otvs ana aronrnt. as Hi business., of thoJaU. firm tnit) set without further dt lay. . ' W.'C.'RIOWN.A Co, Pallas, Ogn.t August. 24, 1870 : U tt it : . "w i, rr. r.is 'j m ar.f -.' r ' t r. jl. .. a I j. i sr "v 1 :