Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, October 29, 1870, Image 2

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    $ h t.&t t j o H tpnbli r a tr.
. . .,, ,, ',' m, , n. ,
The Cause otuTec: peraiicc.
Bills have been introduced into the
Legislature now in Session to regulate
the sale of spirituous liquors, which, if
passed, would have had a tendency to
prohibit the sale and uso of that poison-
ous liquid-to a great extent;, but the
could not pass and become a law; and
why ? because men elected as our pub-1
lib servants fear they may incur the
displeasure of a certain class of indi-
aiduals in society who deal in, and
freely use tho poison. Now, in our
judgment, this is a great mistake.
Thousands of men, who possess good
hearts, and who desire to do right, and
bo useful In society, arc entirely over-
come by their uncontrolled appetite for
, . I
liqour : and while they are cognizant of
the fact that they are destroying their
. - - . . . . . . i
usefulness, and are in the path which
leads directly to destruction, yet they
intend "to reform, and wish in their
Tery hearts that thi community in
which they live would devise some
means whereby the destroyer could be
placed beyond their reach. And some
men seem to be perfectly iufatuated
with the idea of dealing in spirituous
liquors : and many men who do not use
U frt atMXi nnA vorv Cove wrlir mnt-n nn I
ph e wa j w v wuv mju e i
use of it at all ; yet many of tho.e men
would rejoice if the Legislature would
pass a law totally prohibiting the sale
of tbe article, for then they would
engage in other business.
Then there is another class of men
Ivho know that the general sale and uc
of it nave become a gTeat evil, aud are
fist poisoning the minds and budies of
both mclr and women, but they deiie
to ''traffic it for gain; and they arue
well, buy from false premise?, thnt soct
ety has no rtght to prescribe what a man
shall eat or drink, an 1 at the same
time laugh at the timidity of the law
maker. -
-The fact is, a large majority of the
people of this, country, including the
e t t A .1 :
and are victims of, this deadly poison,
acknowledge that the vending of liquors.
as carried on at the present time, is of
no benefit to society generally, but is
productive of great evil; that it is the
; direct cause of more than one half of
: the crime committed in our communi
ties; that it fills our jails, penitentiaries,
insane asylums and poor, houses with
miserable inmates; that it makes bad
men, bad women, bad children, and
poverty-stricken families; and that it
takes from the pockets of the tajc payers
annually a large sum of money to pay
thc expenses of running our Criminal
Courts, in order to punish men tor the
crimes they commit while under the
, " wv v . - i
And, yet society permits it; and how
long will they sutter this great and
growing evil, when it- is well known
ffiat tVto vtrv mnn idTia nro cl'iuna tn
. - . . . . .
iuui, wuuucvui nicy Bits ;uiiiniicu uy
the Courts for any crime they commit
tinder its influence, curse the commu-
nity for allowing its use, and really and
actually charge society with the cause
of the aU, whatever it may be. VV e arc
satisfied, then, if our legislators would
take a correct yiew of the matter, they Jacre8 for -a long time; for there is just
would come up boldly to the mark, and
Jut stop to this acknowledged evil, as
wo uvo w iiiauy vfuici ciio ui iuiuuj
importance ; afid that in doing so, they
would receive the blessings of all pood
men and women in socit ty, including a
large portion of the very class who are
dealing with, and are being destroyed
this monster. And to pay that a
man s natural right to eat ana arm k
. ' i l
whatever he pleases cannot be interfered
"nrfth, for the general good of society, U
to say that you cannot interfere with
his natural rights at all; and this prin-
ciple would at once disorganize society,
ana man wouia relapse into paroarism.
But some men, admitting that a major
ity in a, community ought to possess
the powerAto control and regulate the
conduct of men, . meet us with the
argument, that the majority in society
at the present day does not desire to
? prohibit tho sale and use of spirituous
liquors We answer, give us a laU
if we are mistaken, then we will yield
L the point. Let a law be passed that will
require the consent of every inhabitant
ia tho precinct, city or ward, as the case
may be, over the age of eighteen years,
both men and women, to vend epiritu
ous liquors therein, and then, if they
consent by petition, Jet it be soldj if
thcy do not, then will the evil end; if
this cannot be done, then we demand
that none but puro liquors shall be sold,
and that the same penalty shall be
attached to the act of selling poisoned
liquors, as for selling poisoned or dis-
eased meats. Most certainly these de-
mands are reasonable ; but we believe
that tho time has come when the people
of this country are fully satisfied that
the vending of spirituous liquors is an
evil of such magnitude, that it ought
l.now to be stopped.
' L
Separate Supreme Court.
This oucstion has "been discussed
considerably lately, both in and out of
the Legislature. The Oreqonion seems
to think that tho Legislature has no J
" i .
power to create a separate Supreme
Court at this time, because the late
census shows a population of only
ninety-oue thousand. Now we are fully
satisfied that the late census does not
8h0w the population large enough by
Ut least one fourth. In the second
place, the Constitution of Oregon is
silent in relation to the mode of asccr-
taining the exact population of the
State, and no partrcular officer or per
son is made or constituted a judge;
hilt the Lpisl:l tllTP. TtOSSCSSin? the I
- - - -fp g CJ 141
highest power of the State, is the sole
judge of the whole matter. And in tihe
third place, it would not he considered
a very violent presumption to calculate
that at the next regular election, there
would bo the number mentioned in the
Constitution. ! Aud again, the language
of the Constitution on that subject is J
not such as to warrant the conclusions
of the Oregoiuon. That instrument
docs not forbid the passage of an Act
creating a separate Supremo Court
until tho State shall have 200,000
inhabitants, only by implication. The J
language is: 41 when the inhabitants of I
the State shall amount to 200,000,
the Legislature may provide." Ntw the I
question is, could not, and would not,!
the language be construed as directory
only. Section 10 of Article 7 of the
Constitution etauds alone on that sub
ject; and we arc satisnea, irom me
reading of that section, that the power J
rests with the Legislature alone, and
that whenever they see fit to take the
responsibility to provide for a separate
Supreme Court, their act would- be
Then thore is but one other consider-
atj0D) ana that is, the question of expe
diency. The question of power being
first settled, the question of policy only
remains. Aud will it be contended
that the policy would be bad ? Is there
a legal. man in Oregon who does not
conUemri the present system ? Arc
itinnts satisfied with the present
arrangemcntf uy no means; ana ine
pcopie generally are dissatisfied with it,
ye are aware that Borne men object
on amount of expense, but that objec
I . ' 4.:..l.. i -nmnvnA ainon I
) .. .
I the pCOIuC uaVC UCCOme SO WuullHy illai
tney can gjve 200,000 to a company
0 jj at Oregon City, and
iarge am0Unts to assist others to amass
fortUncs. And then we have plenty of
mcan, to pay the Court heavy salaiies,
.because we can draw on the 500,000
u8 much reason in saying that money
expended for salary of the Supreme
1 1 ;yun is leguiuiaieiy iaiu uui lur iincruiii
improvements, as there is forsaying that
I money donated to a person or company
to tuild locks or railroads, which shall
be the property of the person or com-
pany,when completed, that builds them,
ha properly laid out for internal im
We hold it would be constitutional
and right for the Legislature now to
make provision for a Separate Supreme
Court, and hat they would fail to do
wnat tn0 people demand if they ne-
giected it.
Wo call attention to items on
the third page, noticing crime, as an
argument in favor of our loader in this
Rome has fallen by the hands of the
Italians, and the power of the Pope
lorever qone, we hope.
Dyeing for love coloring your mus
I tache to please a women.
Let Them Have It
; A portion of the inhabitants of the
City of Portland are urging the Legis
lature to so amend their City Charter
as to allow them the privilege of do-
nating to Mr. Holladay, or some other
man the sum of $300,000, or some
other sum ; they don't seem to be. par-
particular as to the amount, so that
they ean havetthe privilege of giving
something to somebody in a legal way.
Now on account of their great anxiety
to be liberal, we say let them have it;
and more especially if it will hasten
tho time when we on the west side
are to have a railroad; for wo have
been looking for tho appearance of the
iron horse until our eyes have grown
dim, aud we are weaned of waiting
For the sake of peace, and for the
purpose of getting rid of the blood
suckers, let the Bill pass- and then the
noiso wil1 case i aDtJ those wbo haVf
been so anxious to give something to
. ......
somebody will be in the same condi
. ii . t . .i i. .j
uon iney were oeiore; cy wno uessir-
to PaJ a Ux levied uuder it will pay,
anu tnose wno ao not ucsire 10 pay win
not and there wiU 1)0 Q0 Power t0 com
I1 themthe law will simply be a
nuuuy we nope tno ucsi owe uau
roa(1 (if onc is evcr Du,lt) wil1 HrmU
Dat0 afc Portland. We should be very
sorry to have it terminate at any other
point in tho world, because Portland
would be injured thereby; and that
daCC bctO? the Olllv 006 iu the State of :
any importance, of course they ought
to have the terminus, upon the pnn
ciplo That unto everyone which hath
shall be given, aud from him that hath
not, even that he hath shall be taken
away from him." Surely no man ought
to be uukind enough to oppose the tcr
ruination of any railroad in Oregon at
that delectable city. Portland has no
rival but McMinnville. We think Mr.
(lolladuv's demands are vacry modcr-
ate indead. We had predicted some
time since that it would be $3')0,000
If that gentleman will but aet apart
enough of his looie change to build a
railroad from some point or marsh, ter
mioating at Dalhs, we will promise
that an equal amount shall be raised
herein tweaty-four hours.
, The Weekly Examiner of San Fran-
cisco says, that the democratic prty
j9 proud of its ..record," rebellion aud
au j that it deltghia in the name rebel.
because it claims that Washington,
Patrick Henry and John Adams were
rebek, and is constantly harping con-
cerning-the rights of the State, and de
clares that all Hepubficans, or members
of the party in power are Craitors. Now
the reasoning proves just this, that it is
right for any citizen of the United
States to be a rebel, because Washing-
ton anj hig compeers rebelled against
the mothcr count r on account of op
prcssion ; that becau;e it was right for
Washington to resist the home Gov
ernment, therefore it is right for us to
resist the Washington Government ;
and consequently m man can be a good
citizen, good Democrat or patriot, unless
ho opposes the Ooverument which pro-
ho opposes the Government which pro
tects him ; and, consequently, in our
late war, all who fought for the South'
ern Confederacy, wcro patriots, liko
Washington, and all who defended the
old Government were Tories. This
accounts for tho action of the late
Legislature, in reference to Gen. Sher
man, and the great cry lately in the
Democratic Press about tho patriotism
of Gen. Dob E. Lee. And how, as to the
doctrine of. States' right, we venture
the assertion that if the editor of the
Examiner will define his position on
that subject, he will prove himself to
be a confirmed Secessionist. Come,
Mr. Examiner t wo have had enough of
your generalities; tell us what the
Eights of the State are.
School Fund. V
It 8Cem9 that the School Fund ar'lS-
ing from the Sale of the five, hundred
thoonbd .ero.. of land ia to b. diverted
from its legitimate use, and is to be
i j . ul-L-.
parceled out among monoy sharks
but there is a power behind the throne
that Will VCtO the payment Of the
uiouuy. ;
The Lftfislaturn ha no rower to thus
appropriate the School t una, ana upon
. . . .
the shoulders of those who have at-
tempted it, let tho responsibility rest,
They will bo rebuked in thunder toe.
i on tho first Monday in Juno, 187
, The Herald seems to be very much
alarmed about what it calls the Holla
day swindle. We see no particular
cause for alarm ; the Herald man, nor
any one olse, will not be compelled to
contribute to Mr. Holladay unless they
desire. If the Bill should pass, it will
not bo worth the paper on which it is
written. And we think, Mr Herald,
that you ought not to complain at the
amount demanded by Mr. Holladay,
providing he will take that, and agree to
make no other demands ; and then, you
know, the great benefits of Mr. Holla
day's being in Oregon. A treat many
people are coming here on account of
his being here, and the especial benefit
results to Portland, because ho is lo
cated there. Why, Mr. Herald! we at
Dallas would give him a thousand if he
would come and take dinner with us,
and then permit us to publish it to the
J. H. FilYER,
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE in tha Court IIu. 34-ly
J. C. GRUB8S, M. D.,
Offer Li Services to tbe Citizen of Dallas
and Vicinity.
P. A. FRK5CI1. I J. MeMAHoH.
Independence, Polk Comity
AU Kind of IllackmUhlfir done on Short
Notice, and to the SatUfacliou of Cuetouicrt,
and at R aftonabU Kate.
Special attention paid to llrePhoIt)g.
It 12 31 i: !! in; It!
Ha been ItK-FlTTED, and no natn is now
pared to make ail who may call Cvtnfurlablo
and Happy.
A good Stable i kept in connection with the
Il.mw. Call and c u.
Dallas, PotkCottuty Oregon.
Thin InntUution will h Keofenej on Man.
day, the 3Ut of Octutwr. Tbe Teacher re
ilctertniued to do crerTtbing in their owcf . t
inak this School veeaud l none, of it gritd.
in the Suto. They rnct)y iicit th hearty
Co-operittion of the Cvoatnunitv, nud m Liberal
Patronags from tho Public
Pbim art,' rr Term ......t 00
Commox KGLi!n, per Term... 6 00
Higher K.icli!ii. tr Term 8 00
LatiYt or French Language, Two Ifcdlart
Theie figures will We greatly reduced by the
application of the Endowment Fund. Ail
Students entering the School will share equally
the benefit of thii Fund.
Students will not be admitted for le
period than a Half Term. Charges will be
made from the time of Entering.
No deduction made for Absence, ezeept in
case of protracted Sickness.
N. LEE, Ckntrman Ex. Com.
WM. HOWE, Src. of B''rd.
12 50 elenr nro fit pT d. $74 00 per teeet.
$H00 iter mfk made A$T by any Ladt or
Ur5TLema introducing mis wki wb o uki
oial Olii Favorite. With itf many e and
practical addition, making the most campjete
camhmation of YalMnbie ana yt mitrvn-
mtnf erer effected In any one machine. The
embodiment of extreme simplicity, efficiency
and utility, entirely different in model and
detijn from any low priooU machine. It is the
most MrvicmbU, ettgant ana reciaoi jt amiut
Skwixo Macbiick nw innmttd, gires perfect
satisfaction whererer Introduced. Has receir
d PueMieMS' Stood the test of 10 years, and
is fully approTedixf by event famtiif who have
them in use. If no!ele, makes the strong and
beautiful Elastic Lock Stitch with wonderful
rapidity and CERTAUmv .Vetes anytAiajf a
needle witx oo throow, from the mcI to the
thtekeit fabric, firm and with ease. Uses
ail kinds of silk or thread direct from tkfpool;
la Improved with new lelf-acting ted, prig
teniton, '(r gnider, aod uses the adjtnM
STRAIOHT HRRDlK ptrpendieular motion, with
powerful lever anion. Possesses all theoorf
q hi lit it at tbe butt high priced machine con
densed, without their complication or FAULT.
Sample of tteing SRST FRER, on receipt of
limn. Pot certificate. .. Se PBSCRIPTITR
pamphlets, mailedrre. A thorough praetical
a very strong and reliable machine, at a low
mechanism ever invented. DcmornUn Qa.
Worth many times its cost to any family.
lJ wJkty." It is quite a new machine
with Its many late improTement, and sews
iiti'..ni.itil .... vonlilit And neat n ens..
lUpHhliean," N. Y. Single machines, as tarn
tlet. selected with eare. von FAMtLT use, with
tTerTthinir complrtr. sent to any part of the
country dot ex Dress, packed in utrong wooden
i oox. FHBK. on reoeiDi oi uriuu, w.
ufery of ood g. Forward cash bv
bbgistered letter, or i u. mohet ordeh. at
I ntin rtht. A mnti wantt (1. mala Of female.
everywhere. New pamphlets, containing extra
86 Nassau 8trset. Mow York.
Ilaviog been the first to adopt the plan of
affording persons raiding at a dittanCe the
opportunity of obtaining fintt-claa Watches
for their own ute at Wholesale pricks, and
being also tffe original inventor and $ole
manufacturers of the Widely adrertised unine
Watches, of which there are so many n'a-
tione, and now tbe inventor and ROLE proprie
tor and manufacturers of the kew material,
which we bare named the okto Gold Metal
and secured in Jezal form), tuperior to all
other metal, and fulhj equal in brilliancy of
color, weight, uear, etc to fine 18 karat goia,
and to be obtained tbroagb ji o other source.
We have concluded to resume tbe retail bui
ne, so successfully conducted by us from 1857
to 1865 in connection with our wholesale de
partment, for the purpose of placing again a
reliable line of our pecialititbefote the public.
In the United State for the Liverpool Watch
Co., we are authorized by them to close out a
large line 'of European Watch R8, Chairs, Ac.
now in stock, for Cah, ml price sever be
fore krowjt, A 1, BEACTircL in degn, reli
able for accurate time, LCRABLE, and of the
afef ttyle. EyehT Watch will be retailed at
less than cot of Xmjtortatton, and forwarded,
securely packed, ihk pair, to any part of the
couutry, on receipt ot price. Mo.vet ean be sent
to OS BY EXPREE8H, wtlh order for lutpre
Co. to RETt'KS (iOODg OR CASH, WD1CD Will
secure prowptne, and safety to purchaser.
Among our list will be found
A Beautiful Ekolish silver, solid dou
ble CASE WATCH, genuine EnyUh full plate
jeweled movement, adjusted regulation, steel cut
bands, engine turned nerl, correct and er-
viceable article, large or email ijrc, in complete
RUHxisa order, with an ehgant (Jests Vest
Chair, Locket and Key, all complete, maLed
FREE for $5.
A Very Handsome Watch in fine 18 kirat
Gold plated Docble Cases imitation of $100
GOLD WATCHengraved or plain, genuine Eng
lieh full plJktc jeweled movement; adjusted regu
lator, correct, and in complete husjixg: order
with elegant UeST's VfcST ChAIX, with Locket
and A'-y, mailed pre paid for oniy $8.
Is Massive Guide (Jold IJ fidde Hunting Magic
Spring Cases, elegantly engrafted or engine
turned, genuine 1ATKT Lever MovEREXT,
jeweled, regulated aud warranted to keep correct
time, aud wear equal to timd. precisely like in
tipjtettraitee, make, fiuih, brilliancy of wiur to
$-00 Gold Watch. One of tbew splksimo
Watches will be forwarded by mail prke to
uny tulilrc, in kandmunc nrorct case, lined
with velret and tattn (Ladies' or Urst'8 ize
Watch), for ouly 512.
Olt KEYLESS WATCH, Wind up fr the
tem, require RO Key, cannot be wound tbe
wrong way, in heavy UKIDK (J9LU loule
Canes, three quarter plate, fine JEWELED LE
VER JIuremeut, Expored Action. Accurate a
a Tiuje-keeicr. Suierir regulated.
SitiRle of sent to any .address by mil. iu
baudtfume mrucco eae for.M...: ......115
Till wtdeiy l-uowu, rcfiahle and elegant
WUh, Si long and Kl'i.LV appkovkd ul bv
tlovKRXREST and K WM:ou kfio Al.x, is now
e lira Md in tbe SkW imprueed NoKToM tioi.K
MtTAl the eery Intent di-rftrrry in the srieiice
of MKTALLI BAY, wUlcb for nardurtm, dura
bifily and biilliancy ot C Lok nitd jfh ha
been found to S ?RPS u other tn-wu mrtnl
It dtes Mot tarnimk lv WKR, erpnre t heat.
motiture, change y elmtute, or 111 artfu "J
ACll'X t !ftr, aod ermaeullu retain it
brant if nl Ol.OR PKILV KQtAL til the jittcKt
gold, and ,i it v k it w: ams wvt. Thi celc battel
WATCH t in MOt.ll d'tnble humiing ot Nor
Tot UhLD MtwTAL, rich in drelgu, arti'tie iu ft
', with magie fpriug puh pin, iuntatiou
ptttmt sr.LP-wiRDixn tirm, improved bevel well,
double joints, engine turned nerl, extra pise
vuby jeweled UK VKR morement; Covered
with engraved nrsr cap, accurately aJjutted
to all degrees of hkat or coi-D, with all the
ltet itoprovemenU, cannot In surpassed for
correct tire-keeping qualitit; and experts
cannot detect the elightemt difference in appear
ance from one of the fluct J00 Gold Watche
and latt n long, wear as welt, and KEEPS as
CORRKCT TtRR. They ore imuiufacturvd mdety
by f 8, and are thoroughly warranteil in eveiy
respect for fire year. A single one of the above
beautiful Watches mailed pre Jaid to any ad
dress, in vetret lineil morocco cie, with key,
ic. all complete, for only $15.
' Watches for Holiday Iteent manufactured
to order. "
Gescinr Americas Watches of all grade,
in GOLT or Sllree Caee, from $18 up to $200.
Other Good Watches equally low. With every
Club of six irt fcAes of any kind, we send one
extra Watch, of same kind free, as a premium to
getter up of the Club. A superior stock of
Genuine Oride Gold Chain, from $2 to $(i each,
warranted fully equal to Gold in brilliancy of
color, wear, Ao. Bills of over $12 collected on
delivery, if desired. All Bills of $12 or less
mutt be Cah, or P. 0. money orders, or regis
tered letters, at our risk. Goods carefully
elected, packed and forwarded pre paid by
mail or by crpre, on receipt of price. Safe
delivery of all good guaranteed. Watches for
warded t' be examined to parties krowx, when
express charge both way are paid. No goods
forwarded went of tbe Mittpp Hirer, with
bill to collect on deli very Purchasers must
pay all express charges on goods sent C. O. D ;
also Tor return of money. AU Uah orders for
warded free of charges to destination. Cnta
loguee free. Address all orders,
C. P. Morton A Co., Importers of Watches, Ac.
88 Nassau Street, New York.
EstabHshed 18571 34-ly
. Efficient AcenUThe Portland Papers
mention frequent Real Estate Sales at heavy
figures, negotiated by William Davidson, Esq.,
Real Estate Agent and Special Collector of
Claims. No person has embarked in business
In Portland or elsewhers In the State whose
sueeess and efficiency have been so marked as
have Mr. Davidson's. Ilia Office , on Front
Street is the headquarters of strangers In quest
of Oregon real estate, and no one takes more
pleasure in imparting information to the In
quiring. In this latter view, Mr. D. is a public
benefactor. Snlim (Oreatm) Mercurv, 34-1 w
1 i Invited to the Improved facilities which
I nave recently made to my apparatus, by
which I am able to take :
$ta? IPictures
; AT ;
One Sitting!
Thus making the heretofore task of getting
correct llkene.sesof CIIH.UKI3N a matter
of small moment. t-.
Dallas; AprU 22, 1ST0.
chased tb interest of W. Ci Brown in tb
. . . - 4rr i n II AtlfV L rift I - M
' n - . - M w-v a ttet f VY
late business oi u. ueuu"' vv., uww
receiving fresh supply of goods both fronl
San Francisco and Portland, which I will sell
at very Cheap rates, for CASH or
Country Produce
My etock consists of every variety of . ; :
li.ulicw' Ilress Goodly ,
Men's Clotlnn
Boots & .Shoes, '
Ifardwdre ,
And groceries of all kind!, and will exchange
for " i,i
win: at,
BUTfEK, .,'
BARLEY, and very
Or any kind of produce that ean be converted
into money.
Come and exnmice ray stock before purchas
ing, as it is no trouble to bv goods whether
yon buy or net. We mean bui4nes, therefore
earnestly invite yon to call and see us.
Dallas, Ognn Sept 3J, 1 870. 27-tf
Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper,
Zinc, Brass & Block Tin,
Force and Lilt Pumps
Hollow - Ware.
Tin, Shect-Sron & Copper
Vare. Great Variety of Gem Pans.
Gas IFixiupcs.
Irou aud Lead Pipe, of all sixes, for O&a.
Water and Stexou
iikturs nr.sns
Iu ail its braucbes done to order, at the stand
of B. Strang,
Union niock
Commercial St, Salem
Adusinistrator's Male.
ill sell at public auction, on Saturday the
5th day of November, 1S0, at Dallas Polk Co.,
Oregon, the following described property be
longing to the estata of Jaa. B, Riggs, deeeaa.
ed, to-wit:
One lot of Cattle, '
Three new Wagons,
One old Carriage,
Woodwork of one Thorougbbrace Wagotr. .
One ret of Blacksmith's Tools,
One Fairbank Scale 900,
A larire and complete assortment of Wagon
Timber and lumber of different kinds,
Lot of Sash and Doors,
Lot of Window flla?s, " . ;
Sixty nine setsWlnd Mill Iron,,
Four hundred pounds Sheet Iron.
One large Force Pump and Hose,
Twenty five hundred pounds Lead Pipe, -Two
Rifios and one Shot Uan,
One Navy Revolver,
Sixty cords Wood and many ether things too
numerous to mention.
Terms of sale to be Gold coin in band for
all sums not exceeding $10 00, and for all sum
exceeding $10 00, noto with approved soeurity,
inIiko Goldcoin, payabla six months from
date. .
Dallas Oct. fth, 1870. 32-3 Administrator.
Administrator's IVoticc.
Notice is hrely given that at the October
term of the County Court of Polk eounty,
Oregon, the undersigned was appointed Admin-,
istrator of the estate of C McCord, deceased.
K'avtnt, Utmi inlnit aald eatattt
are required to present the same Cb the Admin
istrator, with proper. Touchers, within six
months from the date of this notice, at bis res
idence one mile west of Salem on the Kola
road. . .. ,. ; '
October Tth, 1870. 32 4 Admlnistratorw
Home Shuttle Sewing Ma
chine! Great ReducHon In Prices !
ite machine is now off red to Ae pjbHo
at tbe reduced prloe of of TWENTY DOL
LARS, and will b kept constantly on band
and for sale at the rooms of 1 4
Biircliard Povrcrsi
.... ' a A.ab h
No 13 oireev, jroruajao, urcyon.
n " av wrh fa n r
at JU lisutiKKJUaj,
33-tf Traveling Agent.
KKP JBLICAN, and aU monies dn fmni any
person must be. paid to P. C. SULLIVAN,
solo proprietor.