Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, October 22, 1870, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
3J lit D r t jg 0 u 3) g "u b H r a n
, ! Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
. Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OFFICE Main street, between Court and
SIUl streets, two doors south, of the Postofiice.
' SINGLE COPIES-One Year,' $2 50; Six
2Month8,$L 7a; Three Mouths, $1 00.
Sultcrij'tion ntuxt ie jaid ttrictly in advance
One square (10 lines or loss), first insert'n, $300
Each subsequeat insertion.................- "1 00
feJA liberal loduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly adrertisors.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
In advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their eurrent value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice,
rfyu Ul alvertiiing bills must be paid
Miss Uaight.
Ilelice Haisht laid down the 'brush,
after fmaothiog her hair, and loooked
steadily at her face in the mirror. A
cold shiver ran through her frame as
"fsheWntinued to j;aie at the picture re
fleeted there. "What will Philip say
and think when hecouaes to as again?"
fehe murmured. Shadows crept over
her large cyis. She mved one of her
hands restlessly over her face, and then
pressed it tightly to her forehead.
JMrs. Haight'a voice was heard in the
hall below. Presently she turned the
handle of her daughter's door.
"Nearlv three o'clock, Ilelice, and"
Ir?.:Haight paused, and then walk
ed into the room. "Ilelice."
'Well, mam ma?"
"Teasing yoarsclf with the same old
it it i
,joiiseraDie aouois, acari .
0elice raised her face. A. tear glit
tered on her long lashes j she brushed
it away petulantly. "
"How can I help thinking about it,
mamma! for: how can Philip love me
' now, with those horrid small pox marks
so deeply indented upon my face?"
4 I "If his manly beauty had been mar
red at the fearful battle of Cold Har
Vor, would your love for him wavered
in consequence?"
X'O mammal" JNIiss Ilaight'a pretty
forehead flushed. Tears of indigna
tion started to her eyes.
"You have faith in yourself then
have a little in Licutenint Stewart,
Ilelifce," Mrs. Uaight answered gently.
".If you do not hurry," dear, the Sani
tary Kooms will be crowded," she coo
' tinned ; and as this will be your Erst
. Visit" there gince your illness, it will bo
less embarrassing to face a few."
Ilelice did not reply, but tumbled
over with nervous haste the ribbons
and collars in her drawer.
'Ilelice II .'fight is coming this after
noon' was being said at the Sanitary
Kooms. , ,
2 "Alice I'urke saw her yesterday, and
declares she is quite a fright now' ob
served someone. . :
"It's nothing to us if Lieutenant
Stewart doesn't think so when he
comes home on his furlough," chipper
ed pretty May Sternes.
"I always said beauty was but skin
' deep.,f' Miss Stukely it was who made
the observation ; she was remarkably
'plain-looking herself.
May Sternes glanced up with a saucy
light in her dark eyes. ,"Not to be
encered at if it is but skin deep," .she
-j&aid, looking towards Miss Stukely. i
- 5 A flutter of -conversation ensued.
T)thers ' came in presently ; among tho
fjatest was Miss Uaight. May Sternea
made her way to her directly, and,
jhile assisting Ilelice to remove her
ounet i whispered something in her
ear.' V- .' v'f-. . ,
Jliss 'Uaight did not start, but her
x face grew deathly in its hue. Her
Jashes drboppd as thongh they would
never lift themselves again.
"May's pretty lip quivered, but she
"said carelessly, in an undertone, "Don't
be V ?si'lfr goole; Ilelice." " "She drew
-out her tiny Geneva watch. "Uorae, I
? will give you three minutes in which to
epjooth your ruffled feathers."
a; ilelice smiled a faint sickly smile,
.. and bowed her face until her cheek
I mtcd. on May's bright hair.
J 3 Hllow did you hearf who told you?"
'ffhp asked, I in a steady. voice. .' -
, :"Your three minutes arc not up yet ;
y on have been -expeditious," laug
May. "Now listen, ilelice 1 - T
hed I
? -Bent a telegram' to Aunt Miranda, last ;
. evening,: saying tha$ in1 two or three1
.daySi.we might expect .him, and that'
Lieutenant ? Stewart; who had his fur
lough ; granted - a : month or two earlier
than was looked for, would accompany
him. Hut mum was to! ho the word,
as Lieutenant Stewart wished to sur
prise Ilelice. I said, right on the spot,
to Aunt Miranda, how like a goose you
would be sure to act under such a sur
prise at this time be break iug your
engagement with Lieutenant Stewart
on account of -having lost (ahem ?)
your good looks by small pox or some
such ridiculous fandango you would get
off to.hinr with your first breath f hurt
his feelings, misunderstandings would
spring tip, a fierce firing ensue, a
smashing carnage follow broken bleed
ing hearts bringing up the rear.
"Aunt Miranda must have a fancy
for such Taae appearances, for she flatly
told me not to interfere ; Guy would
think we had broken faith with him ;
but I declared I would prepare you for
their cooling, even if it should dis
please his high mightiness, Master Guy,
and his grand highness j might wring
my neck into the bargain if he felt so
inclined. Aunt Miranda's . last shot
was that I had better stay at home the
next two days and mend my stockings,
instead of going to tho Sanitary
Rooms. j
May looked very beautiful as she
stood there, her little head poised on
one side, her cheeks matching the deli
cate cherry ribbons at her throat. She
was a little out of breath with her rap
id chattering, and her eyes half flash
ing defiaoce.
Guy Sternes. watching her from
without, at a side windowof the Sani
tary Ilooms, thought, as he had often
done before, how pretty land piquant
she was in those sancy moods. The
slight, elegant figure standing beside
May looked familiar to him, but the
high'y colored scarred face deceived
him. . I-
"Ilelice is not there,'! he said, re
tracing his steps, and speaking to Lieu
tenant Stewart, -who was half way up
ihgjiill. I saw Cousin May though,"
he continned, a warm glow spreading
over his sufiburnt chek. i-"As usual,'
she was in a flutter of agitation about
something." I
4,I urn glad Ilelice was not there,"
Philip btewart said, as he shook Quy
hand at the cross-roads, j He strode
rapidly on to Mrs. Ilaight'a house
The veranda, with its cool, green sprays
of vines, looked deserted. Through
the open door he made his way to the
music-mom. A little riding glove had
been neligentlv thrown upon a pile of
sheet music. W ith a throb of pleas
ure, Lieutenant Stewart recognized it
as belonging to Hulice. 'Many slight
indications of his tasto and refinement
were lavished about the apartment.
He gazed at each and all, a teneer ex
pression softening his frank, dark eyes,
and throwing himself down into the
low, easy rocker, elosed eyes, head
leant back, tried to "count the ways"
!'the depth, breadth, and height"
his soul eouiu reach in loving Ilelice
Height. Her fair, soft beauty rose be
fore him like' a vision of delight;
sweet, half shy brown eyes, the deli
cate, passionate mouth, the quick,
sparkling smile, which chased the
calmness from her forehead. There
were no neutral traits about Ilelice
Haight. . Bright, beautiful Ilelice.
The thought broke into words upon his !
hps. A smile came down upon his
face, his cheek drooped easily against
the stuffed back of a rocker, and still
in dreams did HelicVs wondrous beauty
mingle. , ror hair an hour Philip
Stewart slept. The long, tedious hill,
and the August sun had overpowered
him at last, unawares. M A
When he did awake, he ! slowly un-;
closed his eyelids, scarcely knowing
where he was. Ilelice stood directly
before him, a faint, sickening fear
creeping over her heart, as her eyes
remained fastened on his countenance.
The descending sun threw a resplend
ent glow over the room, lighting up
her motionless face A quick sob part-
ed her lips. Her eyes grew dark with
a nameless uncertainty and terror; but
when Lieutenant Stewart, half catch
ing his breath, held out his arms to
her, saying:,; "It is, yes, it is my lit
tie Ilelice," the sob grew into a strong,
passionate cry.
, He did not wait for her to come to
him, and when the trembling lips were
quieted, and the sobbing fcreath came
evenly, he said,, holding, both of her,
little hands to his heart : 'So Ilelice
has been doubting the ' strength 6f
Lieutenant Stewart's love for her?"
Helice did not speakfolded safe
thero to his great heart Freed from
the tormenting doubts and fears which
had relentlessly pursued her since her
loathsome Ulnas; her content and hap
piness were too great for utterance 'i, A
fluttering sigh told of past anguish and
Philip Stewart looked down upon
the face nestling against his shoulder.
A keen pain was at his heart. HeMce
had ;. been the fairest blossom of that
little town, and he had been most proud
of her beauty. 8he had been toasted
at his tent by gallant comrades. His
brow became overcast with earnest
thought. : Presently he said, aoftly:
"Ilelice, little Ilelice."
; tt itr i . - ir..t . i a : i
K iicuce tuoie a mue nanu to ins
cheek and listened.
"Ilelice, I love you now oven more
than when I went away. 4'
May Sternes coming up the garden
walk, and through the long veranda
window into tho music-room, heard the
words Lieutenant Stewart had just ut
tered. For an instant her eyes were
riveted on his face. Then she came
hastily to his side, and resting her hand
lightly on his shoulder, said, with all
but a gush of tears :
"You're a good man, and a great
man, and I love you . next to Cousin
Guy thcr,e!"
Philip Stewart caught her little hand
before she could move away, and draw
ing her to him, looked laughingly in
her face
"Why, Miss May! how am I to un
derstand you, unless y.u change your
name to April? The last, time I saw
you with Master Guy, you were declar
ing you could not bear him, and sent
him roundly about his business."
"We have decidedlo call it quits,"
May said, breaking away from him and
walking demurely out of the room.
A Novel Institution. In one of
tho densely crowded streets of the
Seventeenth ward, say the New York
Commercial AJverther, there exists a
rery queer institution. It is denomi
nated an "Academy of Tonsorial Art,"
and has quite a large number of pu
pils. The head of the concern is a
venerable German, who has been in
this country for a number of years.
The object of the "academy" as its
name implies is totcach the "art of
shaving" not notes, aa in Wall ftreet
but the masculine face. The pupils
are nearly all youngsters or as they
may be called "shavers" who pay the
old man a small sum for instruction.
They are not allowed to operate the
faces of customers until they can, with
a sharp razor, cut the rind of a water
melon without "damaging" the interior
The feat is more difficult to accom
plish than may be imagined. If any
one doubts this let him try the experi
ment. When the youngsters are able
to perform the operation successfully
they are allowed to graduate, and deem
ed worthy to enter upon the duties of
a barber s assistant. Post.
We think that that kind of "shav
ers" can be be tolerated very well in. a
community, provided they are taught
with the "art" temperance, virtue, and
good morals generally.
ii n i 1 1 hi i
"What are you disturbing tho whole
house with your yells in this way for ?"
demanded a Saratoza landlord of a
guest whom he found late at night
seemingly ia active pursuit of invisible
foes, and yelling at the top of his
voice. "1 m shouting the battle cry
oi jlea dom," answered the juest, as
he went ahead with 'his search and his
yells. .. , , " k . ,.;..f
He probably caught that flea, pro
vided it was not "Paddy's flea."
A Train or Cars on Fire. The
steamer New World was delayed last
evening about three-quarters of an
hour by tho non-arrival of the .Marys
ville train, which was behind time at
the junction. The delay of the train
was occasioned by the burning of three
trucksr loaded wthb ay artd aban dohecl
at Knight's Landing by the Marysville
bound train. An engine and "caboose"
car came to the rescue and conveyed
the San Francisco passengers to the
junction', leaving the Sacramehto-bound
passengers to .wait until the obstruction
was removed, ine enure cirgo o:
hay and the trucks will be a total loss.
I A 'smart girl in Minn. popped the
question to her lover, asked the consent
her j)areD ta, procured a marrige license,
ordered the wedding breakfast, the car
riage to convey them to the depot,
and had a private conversation- With
the parson all the same day;' The
young man had occupied seven years
it the effort to ask her , to have him, and
shad failed every time J ;
In alitetarylcircle'somo one asked if
a certain author, who wantonly injured
his reputation was married; "He is
only wedded to his fame,", was the an
iwer. Then he makes a bad . ha
A Hill Providing, f ir an Assistant Treas-
'; urer. '
, A bill has passed the Senate which
authorizes the State Treasurer, at his
discretion, to appoint an Assistaut, who
shall have power to perform the duties
of Treasurer, and, as a compensation
sor such Assistant, the -.bill provides
that the Treasurer shall receive one
half of one per cent, for all monies re
ceijd by him, and one per cent, for
alWdisbursemenU made by him. Thia
gives the Treasurer one and a half per
cent, on all monies received and paid
out by him over and above his regu'ar
salary. This, in our judgement, amounts
to about this : He will handle about
four hundred thousand dollars the first
year of his administration there being
on hand the money for two years pat
and the balance of three years he
would handle two hundred thousand
per annum; thia would amount, during
his term, to one million dollars, giving
the Treasurer the f am of fifteen thou
sand dollars for his services during his
term; add to this ais salary, provided
by the Constitution, of eight hundred
dollars per annum, amounting to three
thousand two hundred dollars, added
to tho amount provided in this bill and
we have the nice little Rum of eighteen
thousand two hundred dollars, which
goes directly into the hands of our
Treasurer daring his terra and payable
quarterly. This, to say the least, is a
very ingenious way of avoiding the
CoLstitution ! and raising the salary of
the Treasurer to four thousand five hun
Ircd and fifty dollars' per annum, in
stead of eight hundred which the peo
ple have heretofore paid. This may I e
all right fur Democrats, but it is re
renchment with a vengeance, and this
i the way tkt crushing burdens of tax-:
ation so loudly proclaimed by Demo
cratic stump orators is to be lifted
from the shoulders of the sturdy yeo
raiory of Oregon. r
One of the arguments most frequent
ly advocated by those who oppose wo
man's suffrage is th it the majority of
women do not themselves desire the
the franchise. IIut granting this to be
ho case, docs it prove that a thing is
not desirable fur a eUtss because that
class may not happen to desire it?
For instance, in India the English
minorities resolved to put an end to
the hideous practice of the suttee
the burning of the widow on the fu
neral pile of her dead husband. The
abolition of this custom was strenuous
ly resisted in India, not only by the
majority of the people there, but by
the widows themselves; for they felt
ihat by a failure to sacrifice then s lues
they were disgraced. not only in this
world, but would suffer for it in the
next. ;r: '-' '' ,
i- Si'
The above extract is from the Kcvo
lulion, and the reasoning speaks for it
self J ""'''
We think, with that paper, that if
all races of men arc to be permitted to
exercise that moss sacred right within
ihe jurisdiction of (he United States,
it is not only silly, but absolutely wrong
to exclude our mothers, wives and
daughters, who arc far more capable
than the' wild 'African or even the Mon
golian to exercise that privilege, be
cause they understand much better the
workings, of our government; ;and to
sty that'they do not desire it is no an
swer to the proposition to extend the
right, for if there wer'o thoso who de-J
sired not to vote, the privilege would
not compel them.
; A"Di8TiiEssiNa Couau causes tbe
friend of the sufferer as much pain fts
tho Bttfferer himself. - Dr. Widtar's Bal
aam of Wild Cherry will certainly cure
coughs, colds, arrest consumption, r and
that speedily. Wnen did it ever fail t
" ' ' 322w
A New York drummer, struck ! with
& pretty j;irl out in Mount Oarnel, 111.,
solicited jpcrraisson to call. .She cheer
fully gave it, Taddingi ''but you'll go
home bald-headed." 4 5 ,1 " r -
Wheo Lot's wife was turned to salt he
fejok si frcsb .PDQ. 1 ; 1 1 ' '
At Vy & Coil ii tie 1 1 or-a i-La iv
McMinuvlIle, Vamhlll Co., Oregon.
Particular attention given to the i-turly and
priwtke of Crimitml Law, Co. lection of Cluiin,
Notes, Accounts, etc.
J. ft. !.,
Physician am! Surgeon,
Dallas, Ogn. ''-"'
ril&V'tJS resumed practice, will gire special
attuiiu to Obtft.if8, and tti treatment of
the dimiM of Women and Children.
jSErOffic Mt bis residence., , .
ii. Ji:ia,jiis, m.'Ji.,
IMijsician aii'tt .Surgeon.
- Ijla, Oregan.
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
Disease of Women. Itf
J. i;. i IVIl-O., M. !.,
Physician anil Surgeon,
"Independence, Ogn. '
T. T. R. ! mil ice.
P 1 1 Y S I C I A I A: S V It G E O X
JCfr Office at residence. 1 iyl
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Will practice to all tie Courts of Record and
Inferior Courts of this State.
OFFICE In Watkinds 4 Go's Brick, op
!air. I
Attorney t CounsellDr-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Dalla. Oregon.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Real Estate. 1
L. J. WAUDL A W, HI. f.,
Physician and Stiicon,
Leu Isvllle, lulk Co., Ogtu.
Has recent! jr ret urnod from the Atlantic Stages
And u&Ms bis professional serriccs to the citi
tens of the County.
Particular attention ircn to Female Dis
eases. 2 tf
X. B. Ktir.UT. J W. P. LORD
Corner Coninierrial and State Streets,
;Oppoite Iadd Hush's Hank,
, 9AI.I2M 0liC;0
Will practice in the Supreme Court and the
Circuit CmirU of the Second and Third Ju
dicial District.. . 2tf
azo. n. ctruet. h. iirnLRT.
I, AFAYliTTl'S - - - - OR KG OX.
"!: 3 tf '
A I Vy&t CoimscIIo r-a t-La w,
Lafayette, Oregon.
3 tf
Henl tUtttte A ttarnry
Real Eiale Rrokers aiul
Collection AciiIm,
Northwest Cor. of First and Washingfon
Special attention given to tbe sale of Real
Estate. Collections mado in Oregon and the
Territories., . . ,-r,
' Property, town lots, Improved farms, stock
ranches, lands Aoeituatd in the best portions!
of Oregon and W. T., for sale on reasonable
terms. . v-j- .! j.f
Carriage anil Ornamental
Oommercia f trsat,
Opposita Stiriey's Block,
tikfayette, Oregon.
JENNINGS I.f))r,E No. O P.
'jf 2f! A. M Dallas, holds tts regular eim.
AVoiai';aUonjj on .the Saturday preceding
the Full Motin in each month, unless the moon
fulls on: Saturdaythen n, that day, at one
o'clock. ' , .
Also, on tbe socond Friday la acbMtnth
at 7 o'clock, P. 1)1- for tho purpose of improve,
moot of the Craft in Masonry, and for such
other worktB,s the Master may fipoi time to
time order.
if AH Brethren tn good statidini arelnvited to
attend By order of tho ,W. M.
Physician, Surgeon & Acccucher,'
Bueua Vista, Polk Co., Oiu, !
Will attend promptly to professional calls. .
" J EM S A LOO.,
JL served to castotners on hort notice. '
,1'bis establishment does not dispense tangle
foot cr thin j of that character.
iF-'S'. C ill at the Gem. -SLs$
A Variety of CHAIRS, fjr Kitchen au4
Parlor use,
Of taj own make. s
Shop near Way ni Ire's Mil I
ray stock: I shall le i lcs.1 to idiow you
my good . and Setter pleased when you lay. : i
New Work put up to order, and Rcpahing
done at the lowest cah price;
-37 WOT. C. -WIXXS.
Main reet, : -: : Dallas, Ogn
Bitters, Cigars, -Cndi;, Orters
and Sardines will be served t. jjfnile'-
men on the outside of the counter, ly a gcufie-'
man who has an eye to 'bii' on the inside.
So (frme along, boysj 'make no delay, and
we will soon bear wbat yoa have to say. --
32 . Y. CLIN OAK.
Importers and Dealers fn
AND , i ; ' . 'yr-
rheHarRest Stock and tte Oldest Fur
nllure IIouoc In Portlaiid. ,
. ptntfl.ANDl OREGON. 1
if ti .. . : ..
Jr'a rniers Attention !
nearly twenty years' prnctice in makinr
wsgons in Oregon, we ferl n.fident we can do
as good work as can be bad in Dy r art of the
State. . ; . , t , ,
Iron and KicLcrv Avles,
(Thtinble MieSns) '
On band and made to order on short cot is.
Lumber Waffo!is..................5l50 ISO
Expresa IVaroKs..
Call and examine our work. Repairing
done on short notice and on reasonable terms.
Uallas, April 14, 1870.
Is now open ana hr sale at our f tore, on the
Corner of Pront and Ilill sticet,l)al
las, Orcponi "
ittvite tbe attention of our patrons
our TSom Stock, consisting of . ' .
Dirss Goc(k, . : i u '
...;t , ' ' ; Clofliwr;.
lliirtivarf, 'rl'-.-T
HooU S?ick , .'...i ;? ,
School VloIp.
, tStanoutryt cfc.t
In fact everything foond in Ketail Stores, ij
At rritea dqhiao X tine a. -
Country JProdura takes ia tichange for
Goods ! ' A
. Those having old accounts nrr rcqnesUd to
..II I ...!.. Ktf nitflt ..V Vfill.V i
f We thank' the pnblie .for thiir liberal pat
ronage in tho past, and hope fur a continaa.n.c.0
of the same.
N. A. J.S). JLEK?
. Dallas, March 1st, 1870. l,tf
JL will give the highest market prico'Tor
VouL.d.e.lLvecdjat their factory in I'olk Co.f
Tlwjir toe -is also opn, vith a fri ntrHl -sortmont
of Dry Goods, UroceriM, Jlatttw'pr
f iu Uiaiket in kit or bml.- ' "'
-For tale at OX & fcAMlAUTT, ;v
' talvm.