Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, October 08, 1870, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
m. 32.
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V -
, J Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OIITCE Main street, between Court an
MUlfctreeta, two doors south of the Poatoffice.
r SINGLE COPIES One Year, $2 50 ; Si x
5Monlhs,l 75j Three Months, $100.
Smktcrijition mutt be paid atrictly in adcane'e
ntnnAreflOlinesorlessl.flrstinsort'n.SS 0 j'J
,T?.Lih unVunniient insertion ........... 1 .0:11
A liberal Reduction will be made to quar
rrlir and yearly advertisers.
Profeasiooal cards will be inserted at $1 2 0 p
.jp.eittniiuin. Li A,
yTanStenadvertisementsimist be paid fo
5n 'advance to insure publication. All otbe
MadvtrxUing bills xnut be paid quarterly.
Lfal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
farai8bed at low rates on short notice. j
i$.ll advertising bills must be paitl
monthly. '
Josh on Waterfall. j
. . . . s
,XT rather like waterfalls.
I kant tell why, enny more than K
3ca tell why I love kastor ile but kasj
tor ilo is good for lazyness in tho sysj
I don't like lazyness or no sort not',
even in muskecters.
I want ray muskcetera lively.
But aul this iz foreighn to my purj
T)Ote. ' . i
I like waterfalls they are so eaz
-anxl natural. " f
They attack all the sex.
Some they "attack with grate fury
vVile others they approach more like a
jsicge,' Working up slowly.
" I saw one yesterday.
It want no bigger than a small Frenc h
It had attaked a small woman ( f
cmlyO summers' duration.
Sha waz full ov recreation, and whe n
she bounded along the sidewalk (it w, is
-on the west side of St. Clair sireet, in
, the city of Cincinnaty, fornenst Uak.er
: & Davis' ycllcr soap store) the wate r
fall highsted up and down in anoss;il
. Jlating manner, resembling mutch the
sportive terminus of a bobtailed lar ib
in a grate hurry. , j
" I also saw another one pretty sohn,
TjrhtcK belon sred to a mature matron. !
She might have saw 75 snmmCj rs,
lier hair waz white as flour (Perki; ns
?'A". worth 15 dollars. a barrel, do!.iv
red) ; but the waterfall was black.
I asked a bystander how he accot:;nt-
lur mat.
He said "it was younger. M
I also saw another one pretty sbon,
which was the property ov a gushoc
She wa about V) years old, and was
- caz ripe az a 2 year peach.
She swept the streets like a tliii, ig of
life. I
Men stopped to gaze as she paj ascd,
and put in a new chdw ov tobaccoj
Little boys pocketed their marb les in
silence. , .
Her waterfall was about the siz e ov a
- iorn basket turned inside out.
It waz inklozed in a common j skap,
net, and kivvered with blazing; dia
monds ov glass. , !
It shone in the frisky sun li; ke the
tin dome on the Court-house, walre the
Bupervizors meet. j
Jut I rather like waterfalls, j
It haz been sed that they woo Id run
oat;'-but this, I" think, iz a error, for
-they don't show no leak yet. i
" : In the lancnafre of the exnirlncr Ca-
, o o " r. 2.
nadian, on our northern frontie r, I say
rive ia oag a laiei t
I Getting jn by Count. Hnd ford's
v JmilTtA VfTA Kin trine af Rnrinffinl nml
fiiarge party heard them cheap. Said
COS of them to the door, "tTust count
these fellows as they go in' "Have
,yori ' got 'em counted ?" inquired
-. aw a v n rt rn mm i a iir lt r w r
liad. "Well, good evening,'f remarked
5 - one of them and left. It h needless
to arthat the unfortunate door-keeper
Jnfifthie "to' identify tho fellows inside.
made nothing by his motion in the
7- count. v. ;.",.) I
ti New Tork paper tella! of a physi-
vcun in Maine, wnoconiraoiea toe naou
4 r of chewing tohacco40 years ago! He
has at various times abstained from its
use ntirely from -two to jix months at a
; time, but in every instance he has been
-driven back to tho weed hy unmistak.
bla indications of dropsy of the chest,
which usually passes oft fn a week or
.-xtwo after. the resumption of the habit.
iQi , ""'. i ":"" . 77''" :, -';
7 Some people think the war wilrcheck
"I ;ne supply of German tovs for th hhl.
Or' t. J s. YV ... ' 1. 1 t
Why Aunt Sally never got Married.
"Now, Aunt Sally, do please tell us
why you never got married t You
know you said that once when "you was
a girl you were engaged to a minister,
aud you rrmiscd you would toll us all
about it some time. Nowj aunt, please
do." - : 7;'
"Well, if I ever did see such girls
in my, born days. Its tease, from
morning till night. You must know
all about everything you haven't no
business to know anything about. Such
inquisitive, pestiferous critters as you
are ! When I wa3 vounsrL cirls "was
different; they minded their own busi
ness, and didn't go sailing around with
a white string of beauxs, getting their
heads tilled with all kind of nonsense.
I never dared to ask my aunts, mar
ried or single, about their affairs.
Pretty i mess I'd got into if I had.
When they offered to tell rrie anything
of their own accord, I keptj my. mouth
shut and listen. Everything is differ
ent now-a-days; young folks have no
respect for elders. But os.T see Tni
not going to have any rest till I do tell
you, why just listen, and don't let me
hear a word out of one of your mouths
till I get through." j
. "That's riirht, Aunt Sally, go ahead,
do, and we'll keep perfectly still."
"Well, you see I was about feven
teen years old and I was living at Uti,
ca, in the State of New York. Though
I say it myclf, I was quite a good
looking girl, 'and had several beaux
The one that took my fancy most wa a
young minister, a very promising young
man, and remarkably pious and steidy.
Fie thought a great deal of me and I
kind a took a fancy to him; and things
ran on till we were eugaged. Onrt
evening he came to me I remember
it as well as if it were only yesterday.
When he came into the parlor where I
was alone, he came to me and but,
now, pshaw, girls! I don't want to
tell the rct." i f
"Oh,.unt Sally, for mercy's sake
don't stop, tell us what he did."
"Well, as I said, he came up to me
and put his arms around me and rath
er hugced me, when I 'got excited and
somewhat frustrated; it was a long
time ago, and I don't know! but what I
might have hugged him. back a little.
Then I felt bat just now- clear out,
every one of you, I shan't tell you any
more." j
"Goodness, gracious, no,i Aunt Sally.
Tell us how you felt. Didn't you feel
good I And whatdid he do next?"
"Oh, such torments as you arc ! I
was like any other girl, ana pretty soon
I pretended to be mad about it, and
pushed him away, though I wasn't mad
a bit. You must know that the house
where I lived was on one 'of the back
streets of the town. There was glass
doors in the parlor, which opened right
out over the street, and no balconv nor
anything of the kind in the front of
the house- As it was in the summer
reason these doors were open and the
shutters drawn to. I stepped back a
little from him. and when ho edged up
close I pushed him back again. I
pushed harder than I intended to, and
don't you think, girls, the; poor fellow
lost his balance and fell through one
the doors into the street, j Yes, it's so. !
As he fell I gave a scream! and caught
him but I leclare I won't tell; any
more. I'm going to leave the room."
No, no, Aunt Sally. How did you
catch him ? Did you hurt him mnch."
"Well, if I must I must. He fell
head first, and as he was going I caught
him by the legs of his j trowscrs. I
held on for a minute and, tried to pull
him back, but his suspenders gave
away, and the poor young man fell clear
out of his pantaloons into a whole par
cel ot ladies and gentlemen passing
along the streets." j 11
"Oh, Aunty, Aunty. Lordy, Lordy 1"
; "There,' that's right, squall and gig
gle'as much as you want to. Girls that
can't hear a little thing like that with
out tearing around the room, and be
having in such way, don'tiknow enough
toeome home when it rains. , A nice
time the man who marries one of you
will have, won't he? Catch me telling
you anything again." 1 f ''" " "
"But, Aunt Sally, what became of
him t Did you ever see him again V
"No; the moment he touched the
ground -he; got up, and left that place
in a hurry, I tell you it was a sight to
see how that man did run. Father
happened to be coming up the street at
the time, and he said he never saw any
thing to equal it in his ? whole life. I
beard others gay he did the fastest run
ning ever known, in that part of the
country, and that ho never stopped or
looked, behind until he jwas two miles
out pi i town. V Hesontme a note a few
days afterwards saying! that the en
gagement must be broken - off, as: he
could never look me in the face again
alter what had happened. He went
out West and I believe he is preaching
out in Illinois. 'But he was so very
badly frightened at the time he never
dared to trust himself nrar a woman
again. That, girls, is the reason 1 1 ev
er married. I felt very bad about it
for a long time, for he was a. real good
man, and I have often thought to my
self 'that we should always been happy
if his suspender hadn't 'jiveu away?"
The hot weather has produced some
tall stories ; this is one of them ; "By
a single incident, a pair of 'egg mer
chants at Indipcndence, Iowa, last week
unintentionally became poulterers on a
large scare. 1 he porter suddenly heard
a nois in the store-room, where there
were 60,000 dozen of eggs packed away,
prepartory to being shipped east, and on
going to see what was the matter, found
720,000 chickens running about the
floor. Thev had been hatched by the
More than 500,000 people bear testi
mony to the wonderful curative effects
of Dr.- Tierce's Alt. Ext. or Goldon Med
ical Discovery. It cures Bronchitis, and
the worst lingering coughs. As an An
ti-Bilous medicine for "Liver Con plaint"
it has no equal. It permanently cures
constipation of the bowels, cleanses and
purifies the blood and thereby cures
Scrofulous and Syphilitic taints, and all
dioases of the skin, as Pimples, Blotch
cs, Boils, Hashes and Eruptions. Sold
by druggists.
The Breath or Flowers! The
breath of the rarest tropic fl jwers, fra
grant and imperishable, is transfered
into that mast exquisite of all modern
pcrfumcs,f Murry & Lanman's Florida
Water, suited alike for the handker
chief, tho toilet and the bath.
As there are worthless counterfeits
offered f8r sale, buyers should ask for
the Florida Water, prepared by Lanman
k Kemp, New York. 510.
Bristol's SarsaparilIja'andTills
Are prepared expressly for the cure of
hose diseases that have their origin in
mpure blood and foul and vititatcd hu
mors, and for 35 years they have proved
that in all eruptive skiosSiieascs, in all
miasmatic and scrofulous or cancerous
liseases, and in every form, of uleeroo
and scabious disease, those two great
;emedies never fail in effecting a cure.
?A man commenced digging a well in
Woodford county, III., Iat week, but
gave it up at the depth of nino feet,
believing it was useless to search for
water in that spot. An hour or two
later, there was two feet of water in the
hole, and next morning the water was
running over the top. The owuer con
cluded not to sink another well.
The Prince of Wales is twenty nine,
the Emperor of Austria forty, Louis
Napoleon sixty-two, the King of Den
mark fifty two, the King of Greece
twenty-five, Victor Emmanuel fifty,
Kini? William of Prussia scveutv-three
and Alexander, Emperor of ltussia,
fifty-two. .
An Enemy in Your -Mourn. Do
not put an enemy in -your mouth, to
steal away your teeth. Beware of de
structive tooth washes, and tooth pow
ders, many of which are base imitations
of Sozodont. Insures a life lease of sound
teeth and fragrant breath, by adopting
the fragrant Soiodont.
A Distress i no Courjn causes the
friend of the sufferer as much pain as
the sufferer himself. Dr. Wistar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry will certainly cure
coughs, colds, arrest consumption, and
that speedily. Wnen did it ever fail?
The story of the. woman who has not
spoken to her husband for twenty years
which has fbeen going the rounds of
the papers of late, has just received :a
satisfactory explanation. The woman
has not had a husband for twenty
years. ,T. U'7
"Can you steer the mainmast down
the forecastle stairs ?" asked a sea cap
tain of a new hand. Yes sir, I can,
if you will stand below and coil it up."
The captain didn't catechise that man
any more. ; 7 ,-7; ' . !
. . - - -.-
"Spaldino Glue," handy about the
house, mends everything, u; 7rYv'":i
A box containing a black bear was
received tt an express office in San
Francisco the other day, with this - in
scription : "Black Bare, W yew don't
want to get bit, kepe yer 'fingers buten
thrsraxj".- . : . - .-a .7f j
Dead Locks
A JUew Sino-
-A cat serenade.
A Mantle Shelf A lady's should
ers. x
Six,,languages derived from the Lat
tin are now spoken. The most import
ant is the F rench. 7
Queen Mary Stuart's Watch was
made in the shape of a skull and adorn
ed with precious stones.
The London Medical Press says that
tight boots are ascertained to have a
most i injurious effect 00 the vision. ;
"Bcdad," said an Irishman, 'if a
Yankee were cast away on a desert isl
and he'd pegin selling maps to the in
habitants." 'V- - ' : ' ,,: iJ
Law is like, a seivc, you may sec
through it, but you must be considera
bly reduced before you can get through
it. " - . : -.
Squeezes There are 12,000,000
sets of corsets imported into the U. S.
annually, paying 85,000,000 of revenue
tax. Corsets are the main stay of the
Tall Tree. The tallest tree yet
measured is an Australian, of the myr
tle family. It is 480 feet high, but in
diameter it is inferior to the big trees of
John Miller, a prominent farmer liv
ing near New Albany, Ind , is suffering
from a peculiar disea.se of throat that
prevents him from swallowing anything
and he is slowly starving to death.
A wealthy citizen of Lowell, Mass..
became insane, lat week, 1
nuencc of the death of hiatrTfe, - and
hacked his throat in a shocking way
with a razor. .
The people of Harrison County, Ind.
were excited a few dys since by tho
discovery of a vein of goll.by laborers,
who were engaged in sinking a well.
Thur excavation wiH be continued.
A little boy f years old, and a little
girl S, wcro looking at tho clouds one
beautiful summer evening, waching
their fantastic shipes, when the boy ex
claimed, "O, Minnie, I sec a dog in the
sky!" "Well, Willie," replied the sis
tcr, "It must be a sky terrier 1"
It is not what people eat, but what
they digest that makes them strong. It
is not what thyr read, but what they re
member, that makes them learned. It
is not what they profess, but what they
practice, that makes them righteous.
'How heavy you walk ! exclaimed
Mrs. Mackwhack, on hearing her hus
band tumbling up stairs the other night.
V Well, my dear," was the gruff response,
"if you can get a barrel of whisky up
stairs with less noise, I should like to sec
you do it."
A man, who on being told by a gen
erous farmer that he would give him n
barrel of cider asked if he would bring
it to his house. "Certainly," replied the
farmer, "with pleasure." "Well;" said
the grateful recipient, "what will you
pay me for tho barrel when tho cider is
gone,?" ;:.-,7.
The oldest man in Jo Daviess coun
ty, 111., according to the census which
nearly is completed, is'Mr. M. Hireman,
of the town of ward's Grove, aged 103
years. Mr. Hilcman is a native of
Pennsylvania. ' 7
Somebody told Joe, before be went
out camping, that benzine would keep
off mosquitoes 1 and f black 1 flies Joe
took a bottle with him, and after - sup
per covered his face and hands thor
oughly, not omitting his whiskers and
hair. He then filled his pipe and lit
a batch for a good smoke. Joe is now
all covered with blisters and sores about
the head, and staysr in the house. 7
A Qoak cress, jealous of her husband,
watched his movements, and one morn.
ing actually' discovered the truant kiss I
ingand hugging thescrvantgirl, Broad
brim wasnotJong In discovering the face
Of his wife as she peeped through -the
half-open door, and raising with all the
coolness of a general officer, he thas ad
ctressod her? "IJetscy theo had better
leave off peeping or thee will came a dis
turbance in the family." , 1
They havean oiselcss street pavement
in London. A part of olborn has
jjeen laid with a smooth,"patcnt as
phalt." over which the wnoefs of oabs
and wagons roll without clatter. The
Daily News 'demands" that a 1 fair trial
should be given to this pavement, and
indulges in dreams of the day whe tho
traffic of London shall guide through
streets "as noiselessly as the' gondolas
of'Yonicel..,;; -Ari.i i ;
AW y &l CoiiiiNcIIor-at-Tiaw
McMlnuvllle, YainhtU Co., Oregon.
Particular attention given to the study and
practice of Criminal Law, Collection ol Claims,
Notes, Account, etc. .
Physician and Surgeon,
Dallas, Ogu.
Ilarioe resumed practice, will aire special
attention to Ob?tetncH, arwi the treatment of
tho dieeafea of Women and Children. .
fiifO See at his residence.
r II. IV JKOi f, ill. U.y
Phywician and burgeon,
Dallas, Oregon
OFFICE At Nichols' Drag Store.
W. D. JUl'l'IUES, 51. D.,
Physician and 8nrg:con,
Kola, Oregon.
Special attention giren to Obstetrics and
Dicaes of Women. . Itf
J. 12. DAVIIMON, 51iD.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Independence, Ogtu J
T. V. . Eiiihrcc. ;
J3Br- Office at residence.
. a. tiei -; -7
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Will practice in all the Court of Record and
lofcrior Courts of this State.
OFFICE In Watkinds A Co's Brick, up
stairs. ; 1
Attorney Sr. Counsellor-At-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in alt the Courts of the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Dallas, Oregon.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Ileal Estate. 1
Physician and Surgeon.
i ' ' . . . i , i ' .
I.ewlavllle, Polk Co., Ogiu.
Has recently returned from the Atlantic State?
And offeis his professional serriccs to the citi
zens of the County. . .
Particular attention giren to Female Dis
eases. -' 2-tf
KlVffGiaT & "liORD,';
Corner Commercial and .state Streets,
: ;Oppoiite JLadd v flush's llauk,
Will practice in the Supreme Cnurt and the
Circuit Courts of the Second and Third Ju
dicial District?. 2tf
aso. b. ccRnsr, . j b. ucrlet.
7CURBEY cIllJRL -Atforncys-At-iaw,
A t Vy& Co citixello r-a I- L aw,
Lafayette, Oregou.
.::; : 3-tf. '
a. r. acssELt-, I c. r. ritRatv '
Real Ettate Attorney. , Notary Public
Real Estate Brokers and
Collection Agents,
Northwest Cor. of First and Washlngron
; .:; -.7 Street, ,.y ; .
Special attention given to the sale of Real
Estate. Collections made in Oregon and the
Territories. '"" 7- 'i:-',;-'- ;i: ,
1 Property, town jots, improved farms, stock
ranches, lands, Jtc, situated in the best portions
of Oregon and W. T.; for sale on reasonable
terms. . ,? , "-' 3-tf.
Car rinse and 'brriainental
sij.S IO & PAIIV TIE nr I -
CommercU Ttreet,
V.'Sli !
5':''"" l.s-t Opposite Starkey!
,;,-21,tf7.-1 ,
!Bloek,1f i 1
i xUi A.:'-F-FORRE8,
Att'yA: Counsel I or-al-aiy.
Lafayette, Orfron.
V7 7;;fs.;;iwa
Physician! Surgeon U Accoiicher,
v nuena Vista, Polk Co., "bgiu,
, ; Will attend promptly to professional call!,
-t: t
J liN lS'I SiiH I.ODGC Nv. O F.
& A. M., Dailux, holds its regular com-muuic-atiotiB
uu th Saturdav precediujr
the FuU Moon in each month, unites ihifmoon
fulls ooaturday- -thin on that day, at oc
O'clock. , 7.:' - . f 5 . --..-.;!
Also, on the second Friday in each month
at 7 o'clock, 1. for the purpose ol improve
ment o: the Craft in Mafoury, and tor euch
other work as the Maeter may from time to
time order. 7 ''y-yi 7 ..7 1 i--v;n::.-
All Uretbren in good standing are invited to
attend By order of the r 7 - W.
X Sisrved to customers on short notice. ' "
' This estahiishment does not dipue tangle
foot cr auy thing of that character. -fj : .
fl-"CaIl at"tbe Gm.-j':'';,,(
Bureaus, '
JLounsrcs, . - i
. . Tables, . . ,
7 Wedsteads,
A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen and
I'ailor use, vx"
- Of my own make. Ji,
5ho n ar Wa y in i re's I7HI 1
X. my stock. I f bail be pleased to show you
tny good j. and better pleased when yon liny. l
Nevr Wurk put op to order, and Repairing
done at the lowest cash price. - t
Slain street,
Dallas, On.
I r Jl:tlers, Crgars, Candic?, Oystersr
and Sardines will I served to ecu tie-
r . .
men on-the outside of the counter, by a gentle
man who has an eye to "biz" on the inside. '
Ho come along, boys; make no delay, and
we will soon hear what yon have to say. w
32 7 W. F. CLIXGAN;;
Importers and Dealers in .
TneJJLarffcst Stock and the Oldest Fur
niture House lu Portland, j; ;j
Farmers Attention!
JL nearly twenty Tears' practice in making
wagons in Oregon, we feci
as good work as can be had in any part bribe
Iron-and Hickory Axles,
(Thimlile Skeins)
On hand and made to order on short notiee.
Lumber Wans...........J..,..si50V8O
Express WagonB...........;.,$i-5225
Call and examine ourr work. Repairing
done on short notice and oii reasonable terms.
fimeon r. uarrison;
t ASA SHRKVE. - ; j'
'Dallas, April 14, 1870. r i ' f.Sln
,:f ; SPIUNO TRADE, ,7,
Is nowopen and, lor sale at our store, on JJbe
Corner of Front and Mlii Strceta, bal-
- ! us, Oregon. ' 1
we invite the' attention of our patrols 10
our New Stock, consisting of, 7 T ?
Dress Geods,y - n . v t.h bv;
7..:: v.;: Clothing, U , j
-.:.;.-k:.J n U:Ji'-Croderyt
Groceries ' , ,
... Boots fyStwe . . . .
.1 ' - School liofiks. ' f
In fct everything fdund In Retail Stores,
At Prices to Suit tie Tlmek
Country Produce t&kea, la eiclianfre , for
. - - n--J- t " : t i .
? ''.1 i n rj'r'
: Those having old accounts "ar requested to
call and settle by CA8II or NOTE. 1 -
We thank tle; publio for their liljcrel jet
roimgc in the past, and hope for a continuance
ox ine sama. j. :.;', i;-s v'ittvist 1
: r IJ. J. P. LEE.
Dallas, March
4he law 6rra of Vineyard "S Butler iskhij
uj uissotvea or raaiuai consent. . ,
' ; ": r' 7 :'v :. l; YINEV