Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, October 01, 1870, Image 3

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tTowa&cou?m news.
" Too LAT.-Oar Illllsboro correspondence is
too late for this irsue. ' 1
Cor Meat- Mr. J 0. Bell has just receiv
ed a nice lot of fresh ground eorn meal.
., More punas.- Mr. B. F. Nichols has gone
below after a new stock of drags and medicines.
JocsTr Cocrt. -The October term of the
County Court meets on Monday next.
J-New Store. Messrs. L. W. Laugh ary and
Frank Collins will shortly open a grocery store
in the building next door south of Messrs.
Crawford 4 Newman's tin shop. :
New .; A d. Owing to many hindering causes
Ywe are not 'able to present to our readers the
new ad. of Messrs N. A J. D. Lee, bit assure
our readeres this firm can exhibit a fine stock
f new- goods.?
Short Paper. On account of sickness, we
... '., ... . ... . .j
:re eompeled to giro our readers & short paper
'his week. We hope that with the aid of a new
printer (our foreman needs rest) next week to
present our usual amount of reading matter.
v Hotel. The Dallas hotel is being refitted
.and improved in many particulars preparatory
to bticg occupied. Mr. L. A. Robb will lease
it againr and we think that in the future we
will not hare it thrown up to us, when abroad,
tthat our town has no hotel.
Improtimj. The physicians tell us that there
Is a marked improvmcnt in the general healthtf
the community within the past two weeks. A
good rain, lasting a week, would be as advan
tageous to the sick as two or three drug stores.
Rain is what we need. .
-j Exousn Fox IIomns. Mr. Thos. Q. Rieh
mood, of this place, has succeeded in getting
two pups of the celebrated English fox hound
breed of dogs. Mr. R's pets are thoroughbred,
and there are no finer blooded animals in Ibo
state except the family to which these belong.
. Loss. Mr. Wells, son of, lion. Giles Wells
of Jackson county, met with quite a loss here
this week. Ho had rid his horse from McMinn-
irille, intending to drive him back with his new
buggy the next day, but before that time came
the horse died of botts, compelling Mr W to
sell his buggy at a sacrifice and ride home in
the stage.' '
Gose East. Dr. J. R. Jesup, so long and
favorably known in this neighborhood, both as
a gentleman and a successful practitioner, left
Oregon a few days since, with his family, for
"New York e'ty, where he will attend medical
lectures this winter. Dr. J has the commend!
ble ambition to be at the head of his profession
r uut vs a proicsson&t ui:id.
' Fob . Favors. We uko' this opportunity to
acknowledge ourself indebted to the citizens of
this place and to thank tbem for the many acts
of kindness they have extended to us in our
late a miction. In no place that we have yet
resided, has such universal good will and syta
pathy been exhibited. Again we thank our
neighbors fur their kind services.
Wii.i. Take PrcTtTttE. Our townsman, W.
If. Cattcrlin, has built a picture gallery here
this summer and raised it on wheels. Hi in
tention is to take it to the State Fair, where ho
will make pictures f all who may pfonize
him. In this connection we will mention the
fine group pictures on ambroiype plates that
are on exl 1 .ition at his gallery. They are the
'finest we have teen. .
Vwrriso. Capt. Sutton, formerly of this
place but latterly of Jackson eounty, is visiting
his children in this neighborhood. The old
.gentleman is enjoying, excellent health. His
ton, J. M. Sutton, late of Jacksonville, is also
here. Jim licks natural, as do his oil paint
ings of Table Rock and the Falls of Rogue
River that a few. of his friends have been per
mitted to see.
Bold Maracher. One day this week, a wolf
made his appearance among Mr Howe's sheep,
grazing a mile from town and within one hundred
yards of the road. Notwithstanding the wolf
was driven away, itwent back to the flock, kil
led a mutton and was leisurely taking his din
ner when Mr. .Howe with his gun arrived, ne
got a shot, but missed owing to nervousness in
duced by his long and rapid walk.
Large Calf. Mr. D. B. Crawford, living
fjnear'MeMinnville, is the owner of a calf that
Is a monster and- for size surpasses any bovine
,of which we have any account. At the age of
xnine months the calf weighed 1,007 pounds,
and measured six feet about the girth, and six
-Xeet seven inches along the back from head to
,lail. The young animal is of the durham stock.
Mr. C intends to have him ou the grounds of
tthe State Agricultural Society during the fair.
Circus. The . people' of -Dallas were enter
tained on Wednesday night last -by Dan Cos
ptillo's Circus. The company. has the best stud
, of trained horses we have seen on this coast,
.also a large n timber of first class tumblers and
acrobats. The equestrianship was excellent, as
vras also Prof. Crocker's performance with the
.African lions. But the main object Of attrac
tion for the little folks was Jule Kent with his
little boss" January. As whole we pro
nounce the performance the best of the kind
we have ever witnessed in Oregon. The com
pany will perform at the State Fair this month,
ind those who enjoy circus going can be reliev
ed, for a short time, of the usual "monotony of
toe place as well a dollar of thir spare cash
by calling in at circus.
; Alarming symptoms of sufiWB fever
Little GirlThere dollv. von mn iu
itill and sleep all day, because I've dot
to ao ana vote." .
Supreme Court Proceedings.
- .7. Monday, Sept. 17 1.
Smith & Davis, appellant, va Ellen-
dalo Woolen Mills, respondents, appeal
trom Marion county. Motion to dismiss
appeal argued and ' auWUtedfaodlhe
caso argued on the merits and 'submit,
ted. ' f
Anderson respondent, vs Bolter, ap
pellant; appeal from Polk county, -argued
and submitted. . ,7 I .
Longworth, ct a!., respondent, vs Ad
ams, appellant; appeal from; Mar jpn
county. Motion to dismiss the appeal
, ... -
jueu ana supmittea. - j -
Tuesday, Sept. 20th.
The motion to dismiss the appeal in
the case of Longsworh vs. Adams, et al
was overruled, and the case was argued
on the merits and submitted. 1
Court adjourned to Wednesday morn
ing at 9 o'clock. I
u ednesday, Sept; 21st.
Judge Upton announced the decision of
the Court its the case of Fulton, appell
ant, vs Administrator of the estate ot
iluutington. respondent. j
When the complaint alleges that the
defendant contracted to pay; and the
proof is, that the contract wai by the
defendant and other, the evidence is fa
tal." J udment affirmed. Bonham and
Lawson for appellant; Willanu aod
Willi3 lor respondent. : j
Thayer, J., announced the decision of
the Court intho case of McDonald, ap
pellant, vs. Evans, respondent; appeal
from Doglas.
When the plaiutid recovers in part
and obtains costs, the defendant cannot
be entitled to costs; judgment reversed.
Watson for appellant, W. It. Willis
- t -
and Kelsay for repondent. j
The Wasco county contested cases
were taken up, and the argument con
tinued, pending which the Court ad
lourncu to Jhursuav moroiui: at nine
Monday, Sept 27th, 1870.
O'lliley and wife, vs. Wilson, action
for injury received by Mrs. O'ltilcy from
the breaking down of the Keats at de
fendant's circus; neglince in construct
ing the seats. Answer sets up accord
and satisfaction. The reply undertakes
to deny tho payment of. $75 and the
surgeons' bill, but does not, it U claimed,
deny such' accord and satisfaction in the
proper ruancr. The verdict of the jury
it is held, cures all defects, except ol
jurisdiction aud sufficency of the com
plaint. Our statute docs not require
the peculiar technical pleading that has
former'y obtained. Wo think the reply
was sufficient denial, and judgment
should not have been deuied. Cause
reversed and remanded. Iluleat for ap
pellant, McCowcn for respondent.
Uriney, vs Starr; notice of appeal
was filed July 2d, 1870, but it had no
endorsement of service thereorK On
the 3d day Sept., Gi days after such fil
ing, Starr's attorney made aud filed af
fidavit of service and attached it to that
notice ; held that such act could in no
event be done without direction of the
court below. In this caso no 'such1
leave had been obtained nor was . any
proof of service it the court below at
the expiration of 63 days within which
an appeal must be taken. The statute
requires that when the notice of appeal
is filed, it must have the proof of service
indorsed thereon. Appeal dismissed.
Logan and Thayer for appellant, Wilson
and Moreland for respondents. -
Watts vs Iljyt, scvico of notice of ap
peal. When a party resides in ; the
county where action is pending service
of notice must be made upon his attor
ney, if there be. one in that county. ' In
this case, the action was tried in Col
umbia county, respondent lived in that
county and notice of; appeal was served
upon his attorn y in. Multnomah county.
Held to be improper and cause dismis
sed. See Lindly Wallis, decided at the
1868 term of the Supreme Court. .
In the comments upon an j editorial
appearing in the Mercury , in j our last
issue, the j! word used as applicable to
the editor of the Mercury wa?j Dot In
tended, and was not discovered by us
until it was too late to correct. We
have no occasion for its use, and no do
sire to use it- '
China.now has ;fully. thirty thousand
Russia possesses at present 599.323
j jaecdle guns. " . . ' ?r " ' 4
Almost every day, says the Itoseburg
Eesigrii strange faces may be met on
our streets. They are mostly persons
from Eastern States, wealthy, land on
the lookout for farms and business lo
calities. . They all -seem to be highly
pleased with the appearance or our ler-
tile country. A
From the Roesburg Eesiyn: Col. II
S. .Williamson, V. S. Engineer, and
Wm. ITeur, of the U. a. army, have
just visited Iloseborg, and after a care
ful examination of the Urapqua river
from the lower rapids to this place, have
decided that it cau, and with no, enor
mous expense, be made navigable. ' t;-
j From the Eugene Guard: Wihon?
with his imported Corswold sheep is at
tending the Calfornia Fairs. At the
J&cramento Fair he took as premiums
$70 in coin and silver cup worth S30.
He also sold twenty head, at prices
ranging from $150 to $350, and could
have sold more at the latter figure by
allow! rig the parties desiring to purchase
the choice of the flock, which he would
not allow, desiring to bring his finest
sheep to this State. Ho will bo at the
State Fair.
The Statesman demands a steam firo
Engine for Salem.
i Milkmen deliver milk at Salem for 30
cents per gallon.
Those burned out by the recent fire
at Salem are preparing to rebuild I at
once. " , ; '
The Washington County Agricultu
ral Fair will be held on the" 4th, 5th,
Gth, aud 7 th October.
The Linn County Fair was held last
week, and was very successful. The
receipts at the gates for the first three
days amounted to $1,215.
From the Albany Democrat: Mr.
Martin Ltider, agent of the Willamette
Military lload O., left hereyesterpday,
with working patyof ten men, for Camp
Harney, to complete the tho extension
of thft-Toad from that point to the eas
tern boundary of the State a distance
of 80 miles. Camp Harney is 200
miles east of Albany.
Telegraphic uiiiiitary.
Lo.vno.v, Sept. 21. --Telegrams from
Tours state that the excitement of gov
erning classes overwhelming when they
received intejlegoice of tho revolution
ary uprising of Reds of Pari.-, and the
seizure of the Hotel De Ville aod gov
ernment stores and arsenal. It appears
that detachment of the regular army,
ojmprkiog fugitives from McMahon's
army, made up for most part of Zouaves
and Turcot, joined the mob in the street
of Paris and commenced revolutionary
depredation. Trochu and Vinov, with
a large force from outside of the f'orli
fications, entered the city for purpose of
quelling the disturbance, and - these
trooops immediately came in contact
with the revolutionists and severe fight
ing the streets, ensued. Results un
known. The enviroris of Paris are now
in ruins from the gates of Feuilly to
Les Terriers.
The government has resolved to de
fend the Loire, and troops' havo been
dispatched to Orleans and Blots.
Brussels, Sept. 24. Toul has capit
ulated, and was not carried by storm as
at first reported.
Iondon, Sept. 26.-Bismarck says
the question of peace has been reduced
to that ot tne possesion or ;uctz anu
Strasbourg. He will treat to no other
terms. ' v
vi Fighting all day Friday near Paris,
is reported from Tours, but acconrts
are so contradictory that the London
press refuse to publish them.
Amiens, Sept. 26. The Prefect of
this Department has issued an address,
stating that.therea but one duty of
Frerichnen,,AwajrJto the knife."
The Prussians are hastening the re
construction of the fortress at Laon.
All hope of settlement between Prus
sia and France has been abandon . The
refusal of Bismarck's proposal by France
will place that country in a wores condi
tion than ever.
Brussels, Sept. 26. Travelers who
escaped from Paris, state that guns arc
firing'day and night
It is reported that the police at Ca
lais were instructed yesterday to allow
no Frenchmen to embark nu outward
bound vessels, whether having passports
or not. vrr .i- -. ; ;'; v
Berlin, Sept. 26. Favredid not see
the King. 'There is nothing oew From
Paris. . . .
, . The headquarters of the Crown Prince
of Saxony, with the 4th army corps, are
at Grand Tremblano, ten miles north of
! Tours,' Sept. 20. The garrison at
Havre was reinforced, and has received
a number of mittraillenrs.?! Tho plaee
is now prepared to defend an attack.
Tours, Sept. 24i- A dispatch , from
Lille dated Sept. 26, has the .following
news, received there by a carrier pigeon
from Paris, dated Sept' 23 : 5 s
Tho division) of Gen. Mordhay, yes
terday attacked tho heights at Ville
Jauf, south of Paris, which were occu
pied by the Prussians Battle begun at
3 o'clock a. m.' ; after sustaining a sharp
Prussian fire some time, our troops cap
tured the redoubts of Mauling. We
occupy them now. The Garde Mobile
behaved well. The enemy's loss h
The same lay a considerable force of
French made a reconnoiter, and drove
the enemy from the village of Droucy.
The same day Gen. Relleraere, com
mandcr of St. Dennis, attacked the yil
lage of Pierrefeth, one mile north of
St. Dennis, which the Prussians had oc
cupied in considerable force. The en
emy was dirven out of the village, and
French troops returned to bt, Dcnn:s
Berlin, Sept. 27. A breach broad
enough to warrant an assault, has been
made at Strasbourg. : h U
Tours. Sept. 27. The following dis
patch from the prefect of the department
of Loir re, dated Orleans to-day, has
just beeu recived by the minister of war:
The generals here, seeing they cannot
resist the overwhelming forces of the
enemy, commanded by Prince Albert,
have just evacuated Orleans, in good or
der. LbSEdN, Sept. 27 Bunine, repu-
diating the republic, demauds orders of
the huipcror or Lujj.rcs to surrender
It is now said theat IJrziine has not
offered to surrender Metz on any terms
New York. Sept. 27. A special tel
egram from Berlin of the 27th says : A
report is enrrent i it this city m well in
formed circles that the Emperor has te
voked the decree which he i.-sued on the
surrender of Sedan creating a regency
in his place as Emperor. He has mere
tore sent an envoy to Mctz to consult
Marshal Bazaine in regard to the term?
of peace. This confirms the statement
made by Bazatne that he should only
treat with the Emperor iu reference to
peace negotiation.
A special telegram frm Marseilles of
tbe 20th says : (iaribaldians to the
number 500 have risen in favor of the
Republic and marched to the seat uf
Government at Tours.
Many KuTer rslhcr than take oauwKiii
tncilirine. All such, wh suffer from cough.
i)Mi, initaliuQ of the l.rtichil tahe, ai'
teulcncj In oMinmjtin, have in Dr. Wwlr'
IUloam of Wild Chrr a rnt"eIy m greablu
to the palate as effcclaal io rcoorins dbvase.
SuWcrite for the Rcpuhlican.
fifllce. No. Ol Front Street.
Real Ent ti t e Den lei,
Special Collector of Claims.
A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT
LA N D Pr.-prty for $lm.
Also, IMPROVKD PAII.M3, and valuable un
cultivated LAND.S, located in all parts of
the State.
InveMracDU in KKAL FSTATE and t.tber
PROPERTY, made fur correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collect
ed. '
HOUSES and STORES leased.
All kinks of Financial and General Agency
business transacted.
Parlies having FARM PROPERTY for sale
will rdese furnish descriptions of the same
each of the priudiral CITIES atd TOWN3
of this STATE. 18-tf.
l,etuot Prejudice usurp your Itcasoii.
It is a fact that, in the minds of many per.
sons, a prejudice exists agsinn wh.it are called
patent tnjdicines: bat why should this prevent
you resorting t an article that has such an ar
ray of tcstifuonr to support it as HOSTET
scribe it; why should you discard it? Judges."
usally considered men of talent, have used aud
do use it lu their fatuites : why should you re
ject ill Let not your prejudice usurp your rea
son to the everlasting injury of year health. It
you ore sick, aud require a medicine, try theso
Hitter. -
When the bodily energies are worn out by
anxiety and need a stimulaut, this is the beet
that can fee taken, fy.ia Unapt) red and Modified
by hygien'c herbs and roots, which prevent it
from fevering the blood ; and hence it dues nut
produce a mere temporary exciteuicnt, to be
followed by Injurious reaction, but communi
cates a permanent Potency to the entire vital
organizaiton. Some of its herbal constituents
arer sllghttf soporific, su 'hat in cases where
sleeplessness is one of the accompaniments of
nervous disease, a dose of it takou toward hed
time will tend to produce quiet and ' refreshing
slumber. For f Palpitation of heart, tremors,
hysterics fainting fits, general restlessness and
the causeless fears and distrussimg and fanciest
to which ladies are especially sul.jcct.under cer
tain morbid conditions of mind and' body1 pe
culiar to their sex, tho Hitters will be found the
most agreeable and certain of all eounter-irri
ante. 1 - 1
The constitutionally nervous may readily
keep their infirmity in constant check by the
daily use of this healthful vogotablo tnie j and
those who bavo "shattered their nerves" as
the phrase is, either by Imprudent Indulgence
or undue physical or intellecual labor, will find
in this vitalising elixir a prompt restorative.
. 28-4w .
Tax-payers of Polk county, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 1st day of October, A. D. 1870, at the
office of the County Clerk of said county, and
with the assistance of said Clerk, publicly ex
a mini) the assessment rolls and correct all errors'
that may occur in said assessment
Daljas, Or, Sept . 1 6th, 1870. J29 3 Aeaessor.
; . , f.:,. - ... .vv:.f ii,r,..
XJV4n IVdk-eounty, fwu inilen from
Dalles, on the, road to Pa'cm, all under good
fence, repaired this fcpring ; 175 sores now un
der cultivation. 25 acres of. timothy lueadow,
and well watered by spring and wells j tfer-e
dwelling bouses and one good barn on the
farm, and two goo I bearing orchards. Belong
ing to this pruirio land is four timber. lot, one
lol of Sir timber containing 110 arei, situated
five miles off, and is the nearest timber to the
valley and very Valuable for rnilf and building
purposes; fil acres of oak ' ti'inber two milec
distant; 26 acres of ak timber two tnile and
29 acres of oak timber one mile distant. TbcB.
tracts of land together make one of , the bi-al
grain ajid stock farms in Polk county. Cun
be divided advuntagcousty into three or four
Terms, $14 per acre, to be sold together for
cash iu hand. Ayply. to
Kusjsclljfc Ferry,
: Dul'as, Oregon.
For SIc.
40 I Creek, io Polk County, t isht uiilc,
frora Dallas; 32 iirs frnfeod, J0H acres in
cultivation and SO acres in Timothy Meadow;
well a-lnpted t stock raisiog. Price $7 per
acre. Inquire ot
nssiii A-grcrry,;:
. Portland, Oregon, j ' -.
'--- ' -Dallas.
2-1 At
J. it invited to the improved facilities which
I have recently uiado to uiy apparatus, by
which I am able to take
fSiw Pictures
One H.ittiiisrI
Thus making-the heretofore tak of getting
correct likencsfcs of ClllI.DUIilN a uiutUr
of small moment.
&ir Gallery located n Main street Dallas.
Dallas, April 22, 1870.
Front Street, one Door South of
Post Office,
Dallas - - - - - - - Orcpsn.
infHTn tbe ciiisens of DHm and vicinity
that they have replenished their stock of tin
ware, and have now on band a large a.-torl-tncit
Box and Parlor Sot cs,
. I .: Tinware,
';; Jlrmt and
Iron Ware
Of every description. Also a large supply of
Sheet Iron,
Zinc f' :j ,.
'-'r: ' ' U Ire, Ac.
Having procured the services of a firMt-cIM
workman we" are 'now constantly nisnufactur
ing all kinds of tin fornidhings for storts and
for farmers . Sncb
Htore Holleni. CoflVe and Tea Pots,
Tea Kettles, !IPk Pan. I)Sneit,
fLard and flutter Cans.-
And In fact, all articles of tinware usnally
found in stove an tinware ftors. all tT which
wo o(Tr for sale at prices that will justify pur
chasers to patronize us rather than Salciu vr
Portland shops.
Special attention will be given to' .
JToh Work
Of all kind.: 'r.:..: .V
In connction with the stove and tin ttorc,
jvo will continue our :
Where will bo kept all kinds of seasonable
meats, both FltESH and SALT.
In exchange for goods in our line we will
take all kinds uf country produce, sin h as
Butt r, Effgt. Chickens, Flour, Bacon, &c.
We invite the public to' call and cxHmine
Dallas, March 4, 1870. , l-tf
Crawford & icwiiiaii, f
,.r ' or THE
Japaned Ware, Porcelain Lined Stew
Pota- Hr Vrult, a c;rcat yaHetySof
C!em Pans, Pressed Patties for Tarts,
Cooking SpodMs, Egg Heaters; llrotl
Inff futures of, Improved Pattern,
Rolling Pins, fcc, kr.
Dallas, April 15, 1870. - ' 7:tf
W. C, Brown A Co. are requested to como for
ward and settle their notes and accounts, as
the business of the late firm must be settled
wlthouLfurther delay.
. -. r-,iri W. C. BROWN A Co.
Dallas, Ogn., August 24, 1870. . , 26 tf
Notice is herert oiven 'that
John T. Davis hns been appointed Aduiinirtra.
tor ot the estate of D. Shepherd deceased j all
persons having claims ngiinst ssid estate are
requested to present .them to the Administra
tor within -six mon.ths from the dnte hereof, y
' - JOHN T. DAVIS, Administrator. .
Dallas, Aug. 22, 1870. 2H 4w
ERPOOL Salt, In quantities to suit, at
. . ; ,C0X EARH ART'S Salqm.
For a few cents yon can buy
of your Grocer or Druggist a
packago of SEA MOSS FARINE,
xnado from puro Irish -Moss, or
Carrageen, whicli will mako
sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange,
and a like quantity of Pud
dings, Custards, Creams, Char
lotto Russo, ; &c. It is tho
cheapest, healthiest, and most
delicious food in tho world; It
makes, a splendid Dessert, and
has no equal as a light and
delicate food for Invalids and
A Glorious Change I!
Plantation Bitters.
Tills wonderful vcgetablis ;
restorative tho shect-an-c2icr
of the fcell?'tm J tlcilsl--'
t:i:c:l. AV :i toiii'2 cordial r
for the asred r.n,l Inn juid, tt
h:i no equr.l ar.is:! stent-;
acliics. A si vvniciiy for iho
ncrvoni ' wea34si"ii to which 1
women are ciceiily ea
Ject, it U fii?er:;u3iasr every
oilier siij:2:3lnnJ. In nil Cii-jnn:c-
tro;:ir::!, icmperats,
or fii;rsc3, it r.rf i m a'.sjsccSac;
in c-.'erj i of tliscrdcr
v!iScSi i:nt2eriski?$ tlas r.odilr
Mreiilli mid reiiUo c2"vss the !
animal spSiHs. For sale ,hy
ull lvuists. '" .H .
. -ly,'
fJTi:r copartner? hip iierctofotie
txitt4ag bitwicn F. II. Slursh A Geo. Fair
gikve is disi lied by n-utual cwnent, anil th
cfTct? thereof, c.iisnu ir f a gti;eral assort-Hit-r.t
of Merchandise, l'ry rtoods. (irocerits,
Notions and fchuosi everjibing will be sold at
public auction for tath iu hand, at their store
at Law'u Arbor. r-lk Co , Oregon. Sale to
c niiucnce at 10 oVlutk ii r,j , oa Tbursdaj the
lift day of September, 1870. j
25 in
U I C; R (i i; FAIR GRIEVE. t , .
the undcrtig-;i has 1 cn duly appointed
by ihc Cout.ty Cnuit f Tulk Cuunly, Oregon,
KiMBfnr uf (be taM wil! mi-l testament ut
Elijah I)tvidsr.n,"dctrKtd. latw of said county.
AH imi:s l:vig t iaiics aaiofct aid estate,
are Lerby i.ntiilvvl tt prcit tLcui with piupt-r
irouchvrs, within ix w nil a from the date of
this nuticc, to the Executor, al his rt-tiileuce ucar
MitLinoutli, in said cmi tv ':
IT.A V. M. liUT LER, Executor.
Dallas," Aug. 1."'.. lt7o. 2a-w4
Iu rear of the Capital Hotel Tamer,
, v " ssai.ksi, oncepx.,
in reasonable ccnis. Fpecial attention
puM to transient and Imsrdinjr
2 tf ProprictoVs.
Sliersfl ?s Snlc.
Hiirlhtf 117'fA.r f" (7T Tnyfor rtaiHHJT. r.
A'. C. Ihnrhaw and. Elixibcth Biudthnw
Dfvndaitt. ' .......
T x
id arrrn rs Trrnr.nv oiven that
bv -virtue of a decree of forecli.souro in
above entitled ' cause, and on execution duly
isMiod thereon, I havs lvvjcd on,a.-d .wilJ.sproa
coed to sell "'at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for gwli coin i f the United States f
America, at tho Couit House doort in Lafav.
ctte, Yamhill county, (rcgort, the real estate
hereinafter dcRvriVed. on Monday, the 6th
day tf September, 1S70, st 1 o'clock ptn. of.
said day, all tho right, title .and in tEt ret t
said Defendants, in and to thu following: pep
crty as descriWd in said decree of foreelosi re,
to wit; Lot No. 3. in JMock No. 53,'in lie
town of Lafayttte. Yambill t-ountyi Oreg-u,
together with all tbe imprcvctnci ts, to bo M
to'satisfy said Excv.tioi, ots and accr: ng ,
costs. PETER l GATES', .4
Fl.i riff of Y'cnihill County.,
Lafsvcttc, Ogn., Aug. 2th, IS7. 20-4 w'
WHAT trot
i 1
J tiV the '-underidgnfcd mnt cither punle
ttio CASH or.gtvo thrif iU l tv, in , rase or a
failure to art either, tutro will be business Tor
the legal fraternity.
. . B.-F.KXCIIOl.9.
''July 1, 1870. 20-tf .
in tnnrki.t--n kits or barrels..
For sale ut .CQ.A EAJUIAIIT'S, v..