Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 10, 1870, Image 4

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T J '
SFllI? Oregon l C p U b 1 1 C IC It. t
' uOr, a Joker Forestalled.
. .'Sonio time last summer, while can
"Vassln the 'down east' States, Dodge
-(need we particularize what Dodge ?
IXssian K. Dodge, of course) ran afoul
of a. young gentleman tjuite noted for
'ouMiand, practical jokes; and having
heardttf Dodgo, our amateur joker,
made up his mind that when and where
he met the extensively-known andthor--oughbred
wag; there "would probably
-be Jiles about, and somebody's eye-teeth
, would be cut.
When Dodge appeared in our ama
teur wit's , diggings he straightway
weut to work to introduce himself to
the unrivalled humorist.
VI understand sir," said the amateur,
'that you nre not to bo caught napping.
J7vTead and hoard a gieat deal about
your practical joking, aud though I do
not profess to be very smart that way,
jet I've made a bet with some of my
friends '.'that in less than six months I
will show you a -kink r two ; I intend j
to show you the elephant, sir I
"Ah, indeed!'.' said Dodge. "Well,
sir, I'm tolerably conversant with that
species of quadrupeds, having -studied
animated nature fur some time; but I
shall always 4e pleased to learn eome
thing new, although I fear sir, that the
erUcr you meution would hardly, with
tny experience, come undt r the head of
novelty , with me. However, I don't
want to dampen your ehthusi'ism ; so
ym may figure it up, and fetch along
your entertainment whenever you feel
like it.'
The amateur made several small flirts
aX Dodgo during hia slay in the ama
teur's neighborhood, but his efforts
scarcely ever amounted to anything
with a-good "nub" to it, and hence, we
frhall not take and pains to illustrate
Time and Dodge passed along, and
by casually meeting each other iu other
parts of the country, in the vicinity of
the city of notions, quite an intimacy ,
fjirang up between tbe two "sawyers,"
and ifloally one day, said the amateur
3Ir. Dodge, I'm going to be mar
ried."' "Sho! you're joking," said Dodge,
r4ing his friend in the side with the
Lutt of his highfalutin' cancel
Am I though V said the other.
"Guess it Vail arranged the old man
-don't like inc the young lady does,
and that makes it all right, you know.
We're going to New York to-morrow
s?venirtg, to be there married the next
day, and, if jou have nothing serious
to prevent you, I wish you to join a
ftna'.l and select party of the young
J.ady's friends and mine, aud go along."
''Nothing would give me more pleas
fire," said Dodge "than to accompany
jou-bnt eally, I I -that is, the no
f ice somewhat short, the the par
tics, excepting yourself, sir, are a a
strangers to me, and it would be a lit
tle kind of awkward ; in short, I mut
jkpline your invitation."
4,0, no, 'twouldn't do; Dodge must
gocouldn't get off. So the next day,
a small party of ladies and gentlemen
met at the Parks House, and a few
hours afterward the .coach drove them
ilosrp to the Providence railway depot,
where they soon embarked, and next
morning, just as the sun began to peep
over the eastern part of creation, the
Jjride and bridegroom and their male
end; female attendants, with our face
tious and self sacrificing friend Dodge,
who was to act as grand master of cer
emonies, cicerone, &c., coupled with a
voupg lady, a relative 'of the hride
IrooHi, found themselves at pier No. 1,
forth Rive, New York.
"Now, Mr. Dodge," said the ama
joker, "we are all strangers here in
New York, and we put you in command
jof our affairs, to direct our move
ments' . ... Ksacrty that's all right," said
Dodpe, "leave all to me."
"Say, you ! look here!" bawled Mr.
Dodge to one of the noisv, brawling,
pushing, red-faced drivers of one of
pue hundred and nfty cabs and coaencs
and trucks usually besetting the steam
ers landing their passengers at the New
York piers. "You I mean we all go
Iq the Astor House fly around get
the baggage allow mo. Mis -, to
assist you to this coacb ; so all in
drive off. .
In the course of ten minutes, the
bridal party were housed at the Astor
House, jn private parlors, as snug and
pierry as bees.
, podge stepped out to get the parson,
and arrange the ininuthc of the mar
riage, i .
At 11 A. M. the parties were spliced;
good humor, a few tears and kisses pre
vailed : and the party, under charge of
Doc'ge, started out to sec the Hons of
tfotjianij and thus merrily passed the
- hours away, until the hour for retiring
came round, and the parties reparatcd
for the night.
a a but no mutter."
"Did you wish to speak to me, Mr.
Podge V sajd tj)e Jiappy bridegroom,
back as Dodge made tbe brok-
vii can. -
"Yes, that is but no matter ; some
other time will answer. Good night;
God bless you"
And, as if laboring under some un
digested trouble, "Dodge; disappeared
and took a stroll by himself.
Returning about midnight to the As
tor, with a mysterious looking compan
ion, they took seats in j the drawing
loom and sent for the landlord. He
came, a brief whispering took place,
the landlord grinned and j grinned, and
finally broke out' into something of a
laugh and said j
"Well, I don' care you're friends
it's ratuer a good joke it will sur
prise them some do as "you please,
ir." ' j.
The landlord disappeared ; a servant
came in and intimated tliat if the gen
tleman was ready, he'd "show him up"
to No. j
Tap, tap, tap' gently went Dodge's
knuckles on the door of No.
"Who's there?", said a quick voice.
'"Me," said Dodge, "get up quick."
"Heaven's sake, what's the matter?"
"(). get up sir, quick open your
door!" ! .
tkThe house on fire? Heaven's sake,
what's the matter, Mr. Dodge?"
Then was heard a finer strung voice
nervously making the same inquiry,
and soon the door was opened, and the
outlines of a gentleman en deshabille
thrusting out his nose and night-cap.
"Heavens and .earth, Mr. Dodge, do
tell me what all this means."
"Why sir, but I I hope you'll
pardon me, I I confess! that a a
I was wrong, very wrong, in a
"Well, but sir,'' said the excited and
impatient husband, "what is all this
atout ? Come, let us know the worst."
"The fact is sir, I couldn't"
"Well, well." !
"I couldn't go to sleep. I ot up de
termined to ask your pardon; you'li
never forgive me. but a";
"Go on, go on, out with it !'
"31 r. Dodge, are we in danger?"
said the small fine voice of the little
hride, her bright eyes and pretty little
night cap ajrpiring faiutly in the back
ground. " I
"Awful! too bad ma'am I shali
never forgive myself. j
And here Dodge actually threw op
ti e whites "of those big eyes, and sighed
"What danger how--where V said
the married couple in one breath.
"Tell us all, sir!" exclaimed the hus
"Yes, yes, for mercy's sake do!" said
the wife,
Then if I mut T ron-t," sai-s
Dodge " You are not man aud icife "
"What V s;aid the huband. -
"Mr. Dodge aid the wife.
"Fact, I ought to be hung and quar
tered mv fault.''
"What do you mean sir ? You don't
"Yes I do; it's a fact sir."
"What's a fact. Mr, Dodge?" in
quired the alarmed bride.
"Not married all I a sham roy
fault!" !
"O-o-o! Fin I'm"-
Here the husband, as he supposed
he was, caught his wife, as she supposed
she was, just as she was about tc
swoon. .
"31 r. Dodge, this is I a shabby busi
ness, sir," said the supposed husband.
"I know it," said Dodge. "I con
fess all. I regret it severely, sir. I
could not a a I couldn't sleep, sir
got up sir, determined to make all
the"- j m
"Misery you could, sir?" said the
suppof-ed married man. j
"Not at all, sir; I did it as a joke."
"A joke, sir! it's villainous sir!"
"Rut I'll repair it, sir. I'll run ofl
to the minister's."
"Don't meddle any more, sir. Take
yourself off, sir, and leave us to our
selves. Go !" j
The husband was about to shut the
door. This brought the lady to. She
rushed to the door j
"Go, Mr. Dodge, go do go and get
the minister at once do sir !"
"Never mind, now, it's almost morn
ing, my dear ; then we'll arrange the
matter without his intervention," said
the husband.
Rut the ladv was determined insist
ed. Dodse desired them to dress find
come down into the drawing-room im
mediately, and ho would have the real
parson there, and there should boa
prima facie, bona Jide, and veritable
So he left. The discomfited votaries
of Hymen had their other friends
aroused Iron) their drowsy couched, and
the amazed and vexed parties assem
bled in the drawing-room and were
soon confronted by Dodge and a new
parson, who put them over the ground
again in good and substantial shape.
The performance, however, took up
the time until daylight began to peep
through thfl windows at the sombre
looking wedding party, when Dodge
pnd the parson left. ;
After breakfast, the entire party being
again assembled in the drawing room,
Dodgo used his handkerchief about his
lips a few times, and with a slight
a-.hem addressed the wedded parties
. "M r. and Mrs. , I've had my
joke. I will not be greedy and enjoy
all the fun myself, but staro it liberal-
you. Mr.
some time ago that he would introduce
to my especial observation a well kndwn
quadruped in less than six months.
Thero is yet a short time left him to
carry out his determination, and I beg
leave to state, that this wedding has af
forded me probably the only opportu
nity I shall ever have to assure Mr.
that the joker who intends trav
eling with me must rise early in the
morning, and be well loaded with saws,
in order to show to my vision a new
species of the elephant. I regret, Mrs.
, the inconvenience and alarm I
may have caused you, unnecessarily
perhaps, for the first matrimonial per
formance ! was genuine, the lust was
merely a little of my nonsense!"
And with the entire party close jipon
heels, the incorrigible joker made his
exit. ' -
Tor a few cents yoa can buy
of your Grocer or Druggist a
packago of SEA MOSS FARINE,
made from puro Irish Moss, or
Carrageen, which will make
sixteen quarts of BJanc Mange,
and a liko quantity of Pud
dings, Custards, Creams, Char
lotte Itusse, &c It is tho
cheapest, healthiest, and most
delicious food in the world. It
makes a splendid Dessert, and
has no equal as a light and
delicate food for Invalids and
A Glorious Change ! !
Plantation Bitters.
i -
TTsis wonderful vcRcmblc
rctoratU' is ' Uic fchet-aer-clior
of the feeble txtul
taicd. A n tonic mvJ cordial
for the nged nia:i languid, it
has no equal uaioar uiazzi
nchlcv.A n renspsJy for the
ncrvou wiiknr to which
women arc especially nztly
Jcct, it is superseding every'
other stimulant. la till Cli
mates, tro;,irnl, temperate,
or frigid, it nrt a Rperiflc
in every kjmtSci of disorder
which sjadrs'juhie thr I;o;Iily
strength and l;j e;iSts down the
animal spirits. For sale by
nil Druggists.
T1 e ftandar I roinuly nr Coughs, In
lluenza, . Son 'ilinat, lioniilti
Cuph, t'naip. l.ivcr Complaint,
Ilroiichltis. Itleeii'iitpr of, tl.e
I,uiiK, and every afferiioit of the
, Throat. Lmis ai d Chest, includ
iutf Co sumption.
WistarS Hal.m docs not dry up
a Cough,' but loosen it, cleanses
the 1. uus, allays Irritation, thus
rwremovInff the cause of the com
plain!. oiie genuine unlet sign
ed I. I1UTTS. Prepared by HliTII
WV l'OWM? ft 'MON, Itoston.
TBTTiCR Si CO., .an Francisco,
aud by dealers generally. 10-ly
having their mill in pood running order,
mako known to tho eifixens around Uuctm
Vista and vicinify that paid company are pre
pared to furnish lumber at tho following
price: ' $1012 60 per 1,000 rcct.
We have nlo a firit cIhps planer and match
cr, and are prepared to furnish cither plain or
dreed lumber, trietly to order and with
punctuality and dispatch.
A good nMorttnont of lumber now on hand.
JAS. HOLM AN, PreMdent of B. V. M. Co.,
WM. C. LEE, Secretary.
Bucn Vista, Juno 10th, 1870. tfl-tf
cattle or tliecp, iny CAMISKA d IIK
TOGItAIMlIC STOCK; also my dwelling
houfe and Gallery in Dallas. For particulars
inquire of B. F. Nicholu or
in market in kits or barrel.
ForialeaJ COX A E.AIUIART'fl,
' Salem.
0 ww w mn tw
JVcrvous and D'cbililatcd
Protracted from Hidden Causes,
to render Existence Desirable.
If yoa are puffertog or have suffered, from
involuntary discharge, what effect , does it
produce upon your geucral health ? Do you
fee! weak, debilitated, easily tired? Docs a
tittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the
heart ? Doe your liver, or urinary organs, or
your kidney frequently set! out of order? Is
your uriue sometimes thick, milky or flacky,
or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick
"cum rise to tho top? Or is a sediment at the
bottom after it has stod awhile? Do yoa
have spells of hort breathing or dyspepsia?
Are your bowels constipated? Do you have
fpella of fainting, or rushes of blood to tho
head? Is your memory impaired?- Is your
mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do
you feel dull, littles, moping, tired of com
pany, of life? Do you wish to be left alone,
to get away from everybody? Does any little
Shing make you start or jump? Is your sleep
broken or rcstle-8 ? Is the lustre of your eye
hs brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as
bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as
well? Do ym pursue your bu dness with tbe
name energy? Are your spirits dull and flujf
ging, given to fits of ua-laucboly ? Do you
fi-ei as much confidence in yourself? If su do
not lay it to your liver or dysepsia. Have
yu restless nibis? Your back weak, your
knees weak, and have but little appetite, arid
you attribute this to dyspepsia, or liver com
plaint? NOW, READER,
self-abuse, venereal diseases badly rured, and
sexual exeeses. are all capable of producing
a weakness of tho generative organs. The or
gans of generation, when in perfect health,
Did YoiiEevei-Tliinlvl
that thoie bold, defiant, ner;:cti persevering
uece!ful business men, are always those
"bw generative organs are in perfect health ?
You nevr hear such tnen coiupUio of being
melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation of
the heart. They are never afraid they cannot
ucred ia business ; they ib-n't become sad
nd discouraged ; they are always polite an-i
pleasant in the company of ladies, and look
jmi'aivl tbun right in the face nne of your
downcast looks or other meanness about thcn.
Id nt mean thoe who keep the organs in
:UUd by running to excess. These will not
but also those they do business with or for.
How many men. from badly cured diseases
from mo eucris oi si-n-anuse ana excesres.
h tvo brought l.ut this state of weakness in
hose or gnus that has reduced the general sys-
inn so much as to induce almost every other
J isease
jdnal affections, suicide, and almost every
other form of disease which humanity islieir
to. and the real cause of the trouble scarcely
ever suspected, and have doctored lor all but
the right cue.
DUcast; cf these organs requite the uso of a
Fluid Extract
U C II u
is the great Diuretic, and is a certain enre for
(Iiscdso oi tne JJln.lder, Jvtdneys, (J ravel,
Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints
tleneral Debility, and all diseases of the Uri
nary Orcans, whether existinor in Mai or V
male, from whatever cause originating, and no
If no treatment is submitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Oar flesh and
blood aro supported from these sources, and
the health and happiness, and that of Poster
ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable
Established upward of Nineteen years,
II. T. II H 1.51 HOLD, Druggist,
594 Broadway, TV. Y.
. . ;.;-ftp.':-; .
104 South Tenth St., Phi In.
Price $1 25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for
$6 50, deliver ed to any addreu. Sold by
all Druggists everywhere,
unless done up in steel cn
ra vcd.wrappcr, w i t h fac
simile or my Chemical
Warehouse, and signed :
0-ly XI. t. ncwnoLD,
Cor. Rfalu and Court Streets,
Thos. 6, Richmond, Proprietor.
Stand of Mr. A. II. Whitley, we have re
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner as
will satisfactorily meet every want of the com
munity. Iiuggies, single or double, Hacks, Con
cord Wagons, etc., etc.,
Furnished at all hours, day or night, on
short notice.
Superior Saddle Horses,' let by the
way or weeiu
4 - . T. G. RICHMOND
W. H. T 12 AsL,
Wagon & Carriage ITIalicr,
Main Street, Dallas
of Lumber Wagons, Express Wron and
Iiuggies of various kinds, ready for sale.
Yoa all know what my wagons are; fori
have been well patronized for tho lat TEN
YEAKS, for which I fel thankful. And the
last year they went off liko Hot Cakes.
I am well prepared to do all kinds of work
in tny trnde.
I have in my employ the bet ??lackTIth
in the County, who is prepared ?. do Shoeing
in the bcit Stylo, on short not' e, and every
kind of Mnekcinith work done in a neat and
workmanlike manner, aud according to Order,
at reasonable rut-8.
Al" Painting dne to order. Bring along
your old Wagons Iiuggies, and tret tbcru paint
ed. W. U. TEAL.
Dallas, April 0, 1870. 6:fim
Tn the Ctftuit Cutai fur iltt Stttte of Orrgan,
fur Yamhill r'-Mwty, .
" Caroline E. Dortiss, rkintifT, rs. Felix G.
Dorri??. lU-ft-ndnnt.
j dant: In the name -of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand
an?wr the complaint of the Plaintiff, filed
agaiut you ia the above named court, by
Monday, the llih day of Miivtnler, A. D.
1S70, whbh i the trst ily of the next regular
term of said conrt. following tho expiration of
the time prescribed in th order of the Judge
of faid court, and more than ix rrevks
from the date of paid order and of this rum
mono, and the fsrH publication hereof, or jndg
meat will bo tiikt-n ngntot vou lor want thereof.
And you ure hereby furtht-b notified thtttif you
fail to appenr and nwer aa above required,
the plaintiff will apply t said 'court for a
decree dw.olring the bonds of matrimony now
existing between you and her, and for the care
and custody of t!ic. minor children the isue
of said marriare. I!y order of t';0 Hon. . p
Uoie, Juige of sitid court, otadc thi 2jth day
of July, A. D. IS70.
augf-6w. ; Plait. tiCTs Attorneys.
This Itcmely does not simfdy rtUrre tar a
short time, but it produces perfect and perman
ent curei of the wor?t caws of Chronic Xaal
Catarrh, and tn'It py $.00 rttrnrrf fnr n cie
ihnt I rrintt rnc. ' Cold in the hcadw and
ratnrrhal Headache aro cured with a few ap
plications. If yon hare a discharge from the
nose, offensive or otherwise, stopping tip the
nose at times, partial loss of the sen.e of
smell, taste or hearing, eyes waterinjr or weak,
feel d-ll, have pain or picture in the head, you
may rest Assured that you l a vo Catsrrh. Thous
and annuftllj. without manifesting half of tbe
above symptoms, terminate in Consumption aud
end in the grave. No disease is so commyn,
more dt ccntivc or Icps imd rstovd by physici
ans. I will send tny phamphUt on Catarrh to
any address free. Dr. Sage's Catarrh lUmcdy
is now
Price 50 cents. Pent by mail 'post paid, on
receipt of fill cents, or four packages for $;
Beware of counterfeits and worthless imita
tions. See that my jtrimte tnmp, which is a
poll! ire jtl'trcilitfi if y vniurHrm, is Upon tliO
outMde wrapper, lleniember that this pri atc
stamp, issued by the United State? Government
expressly for stamping my medicines, has my
portrait, name and address, and Hie words "U.
S. CcrtiScato of genuineness" engraved upon
it, and need not be mis taken. Don't bo swin
died by travelers and others representing them
selves as Dr. Sago; I am tho only man now
living that has tho knowledge and the right to
manufacture the ytHuiue Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Ilemcdy, and I never travel to sell this tredi
cine. R. V. PIERCE. M. D.
aufi-3m 1.1.1 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Notice to Hririxc Ittiiltlcrs.
The contract to build a bridge across the
Luckiamutc, at Henry Ilclraie's Polk Co.,
Oregon, will bo let to the lowest bidder on Sat
urday, the 3d day of September, 180, between
the hours of one and four o'clock, p. in., at the
site of the bridge. ,
Plans and specifications can bo seen at tho
County Clerk's office in Dallas.'
24w4 Superintendent.
Administrators 9 Notice .
the undersigned was duly appointed at
tho August term of tho County Court for Yam
hill county, Oregon, administrator of tho estate
of John B. Kirby, dcecasod. late of said county.
Those having claims against said estate are
required to present them with proper vouchers
to tbe said administrator within six months
fnm date hereof. ' '
MeMinnville, Oregon, August 8th, 1870.
aug!3-4w ; .
will give the highest market price for
wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co.
Their Store is also open, with a general as
sortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
&e. -., . 2.tf
Cash or Marketable Produce at
Br Jitl i en -Pcrraiilt,
Dr. of Medicine of the Faculty of Pa-H
rls, Graduate of the University of
Q.ueen'8 College, and Physician
of the St." John Raptiste So
ciety of San Francisco.
R. ure to inform patients and others
seeking confidential medical advice that be can
be consulted daily at bis office, Armory Hall
Building, North East corner of Montgomery
and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Booms
Nos. 9, 10, 11, first floor, np stairs, entrance
on either Montgomery -or Sacramento streets,
Dit. Perhatlt's studies bave been almost
exclusively devoted to the cure of tbe various
forms of Nervous and Physical Debility, th
result of injurious habits acquired in youth,
which usually terminate in impotence and
sterility, and permanently induce all tbe con
comitants of old age. Where a secret infirm
ity exists, involving tbe happiness of a life and
that of others, reason and morality dictate tbe
necessity of its removal, lor it is a fact that a
premature" decline of tho vigor of manhood,
matrimonial unbappincss, compulsory single
life,- etc., bave their sources in causes, the
germ of which is plaried in early life, and tbe
bitter fruits tasted long afterward ; patients,
laboring under this complaint, will complain
of one or more of the following symptoms l
Nocturnal Emission,. Pains in the Back and
Head, Weakness of. Memory and Sight, Dis
charge from the Urethra on going to stool of
make water, Intellectual Faculties are Weak
ened, Loss of Memory ensues, Ideas arecloud-'
ed, and there is' a disinclination to attend to
business, or even to reading, writingr the so
ciety of friends, etc. The patient will proba
ably complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and that
Sight and Hearing arc vv eauenea, ana steep
disturbed by dreams; melancholy, sighing,
palpitation, fainting, coughs and slow fevers J
while some have external rheumatic pain, and
numbness of the body. Some of the most
common symptom's are pimples in the face,
and aching in different parts of the body.
Pjtienis suffering from this disease should ap
ply immcdiat.Iy to Da. . PrnnArtT, either in
person or by letter, as he will guarantee secure
vf Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or
tight weeks, !
Patients suffering flnm vencrial disease ia
any stage, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strietnrts, Bubo,
Ulcers, ltancous Eruptions, etc., will be treat
ed successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial
Taints entirely removed from the system.
Dr. PKRRAt:i.T's diplomas are in bis office,
where patients cm see for themselves that they
are under tbe care of a regularly educated
practitioner. The beft references given if re
Patients suffering under chronic diseases can
call and examine for themselves. We invite
investigation; claim not to know everything,
nor to cure everybody, but we' do claim that in
all caes taken uuder trt-at incut we fulfil our
nrouiices. We particularly request those who
have tried this bon.Med doctor and that adver
tised physician till worn out and discouraged, ,
to eail upon us.
Low charges and quick cures.
Ladies suficririg from any complaint inciden
tal to their sex. can consult the doctor with tbo
afiurauee of relief.
Female Monthly Fills.
Dk. rnRAt i.T i i the orly agent in California
for Dr. Uiott's Funale .Monthly Pills. Their
immense sale has ettal -fished their reputation
as a fi iuale n incdy ui -apprat Led, and far in
advance of cv ry other n-uivdy for suppressions
nd irregularities, and other obtru-tiuu in fe
uia'ctf On the rcrcipt of five dollars, these
Pill will be sent bv mail or express to any part
..f the world, suro from curiosity or damage.
Persons at a (iiMancc can be cured at borne,
iy addressing a U tter to Du Pun a a clt, comer
ot Sacramento and Montgomery streets, Rooms
10 and II, or Box P. O., San Francisco,
tating the case as miuuttdy as possible, general
habits of living, occupation, etc., etc.
All coin in tin tent ions confidential 14-ly
Good by the Pack a re at Reduced Rate
mylO 3tf ' - -. - .
Uiitlerwooci, Rarkcr & Cot
Commercial street, Salem. Oregon,
ONS after the most approved styles and
the best of workmanship, on short .notice, and
21 tf
H am e ss,
Main st. (opposite the Court House), Dallas,
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collar's,
Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which ho $
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates.
.if-REPAIRING donoon short notice.
Northwest Corner Main and Mill Sts.,
formerly belonging to W. S. Robb, and
wishing to live and let live, I will sell at loij
rates, FOR CASH, everything in my line:
Drugs, Patent ftlcdiciiicsj
And all kinds of TURE LIQUORS, put np
expressl for Medicinal use. -
Alv Soda, i
Cream Tartar, .
j Soleraus, Sagot
Jiird Seed,
I'aints, Ods,
Varnishes, Brmltei,
Domestic Dyes,
Washing Pcicderl
And everything elstJlbat is kept in a, FIRST
t It. F. NICHOLS, Druggist.
i Fine Cloth Gaiters? If so, supply your
selves at , J. II LEWIS'S;:'
ERP00L Salt, In quantities to suit, at