Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 10, 1870, Image 3

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DALLAS, dArURUAV, SiiPf. 10, IS70.
llKLitiiors. Eiahop Wrlghtman will ocaupy
the pulpit in the M. E. Church to-day, at 11
o'clock ; also to-morrow (Sunday), at the samo
hour. "'
Biuuoe Cottbact. Tho contract for build
ing tho brhlgo across the Luckiumute, at Hel
wk'k's, was awarded to Messrs. Blodgett A
Cooper, for $1,190.
Tostlh Wouk. We have received a three
sheet poster advertising tha Oregon State Fair.
The poster was pviuied at Stinaon's, in Salt m,
and is eual to hid best jobs. It is printed in
three colors.
Eixsn'oALE Goods. The pri prietors ef the
EUeudale Woolen Mills are meeting with de
served success. They have been getting out a
good class of fabrics thia summer, and are now
receiving orders from all parts of the State.
"We have seen sonio of their beaver, made for
winter wear, which we consider superior to
anything heretofore produced in this State.
Mill Improvements. The proprietor of the
Dixie flouring mills is giving his machinery a
thorough oveuhauang, as well as adding there
to. A new turbine wheel is to furnish the pow
er. Tho mill has been considered as one of the
best in tho county. With the improvements of
this summer it will be second to none in the
State, as far as making a good article of flour
is concerned.
Ciieip Wa;ons. Mr. Teal desires us to say
that ha has ou hand and for sale, 0 two-borsu
wagons, one eighty-hundred vaon, one thor
oughbrace and ono light express wagon. These
wagoi,s must be sold this tall so as to allow
more extended operations next year. Mr. T.
has been without a good blacksmith tor some
time, but now has one whiles forte is horse
C nrxTV Co cut. There was no civil busi
ness before the Court tit this term, though' the
Probate bu.iaMS W;n eou-iderahle. A license
to sell spirituous liiu rs in quantities less than
one quart was granted to Wm. Clinghain of
Dallas, fr the term of one year. Assessed,
SlOC. J. W. Smith, ex-SLerifl', made his fin.l
settlement with tha county. The contract to
furnish the county with fire-wood was awarded
to Jos. Liggett, at $2 75 pr cord.
Coxfersxce. The fifth session of tho Co
lumbia Annual Conference of tho M. E. Church
South, convened at this place on Wednsday
last. Bishop W. M. Wrightman was present
to preside over tho Conference. Itev. J. Em
ery was elected Secretary, and J. W. Stall As
sistnnt So retiry. The number of ministers iu
the traveling connection is 15. Four new min
isl'srs were admitted on trial ut this Conference.
We are unable to give any church statistics
this week, a- thosu items are not made up as
we go to ; reis.
Arccsr. Mr. Tho.. Pearce's weather record
for Angiist shows that there were 2 t clear, 5
cloudy, and 2 rainy days. The rainy days
were the 20th and 21.t, and S-K Oths of an
ineb of rain fell. The wind came from the
ouh 7 days the day that were cloudy and
from the north the balance of the tune. From
the Cih to the 17th the atmosphere was so filled
with smoke that the sky was obscured nearly
the whole time. The mean tctr jcrature for
tho mouth was 68; highest mean S39, on the
3d, and lowest 57, on the 20;h. The mean
temperature for August, ISW, was 61 ; high
est 07, on the 10th, and lowest 527, on the
20th. In that month we had 7 rainy days
with 2.30 inches of water 20 clear and 4
cloudy lay
What the 'News thinks :
Almost a Christian. Mr. Su'li
"vah,of the Dallas Republican, gets off
some goutd views occasionally condem
n.ntory of the principles and practices
of the 'Radical parly. lie ought to he,
what he comes very near being already
in principle.-a Democrat. I looks like
'Stultification all the way through, for a
man to be sincerely opposed to Chinese
and Negro suffrage, and yet claim alio
gianco to -the universal brotherhood
If our views be sound, then you
'should come and work with us iu op
posing evil wherever it is found. The
News admits a slight difference between
iu and modern Democracy, and we, in
return,. thank God for the variation.
Jhc News thinks it sees something like
stultification in our way. This is a
mistake. You know, Mr. News, that
loyal men have a right to differ: and,
vjvhile it is true that Sumner, Trumbull
ond many other great minds of the Sen-
;te go the whole hog on the question of
"universal brotherhood," yet Mr. Will
iams only goes half way, and tho poor
jest, ha'f at that. We are honestly try
log, 3Ir. News, to correct tho evil of
our own organization. The future wil
reveal how well we shall succeed.
W. T. Wilson, of Ohio, is on his way from
England to Eugene City with a lot ot Cots
wold sheep, which he proposes to null, He wil
probably be there early in October.
v The Eugene Journal Bay that land in Lane
county has rapidly advanced in valuo during
.the last three years and farms could have been
purchased four r five years ago for $3 to $
vi wio are now selling at f 15 to $20.
. From tbo Eugene Journal of Saturday : We
mrinu mat purveyor General Applegato
hs$ let surveying contract h! nfa
John W. Meldrnio, J. B. David and Newman,
each lor f 3,000, bting the largest amount which
can te let to one man,
A Faithful Servant.
Jauies O'Meara devotes nearly every
leader in the daily Bulletin trying to
convince the people that Hen Ilolladay
is a great and good man. Now, Mr.
Bulletin, if that be true, the people
will find it out in due time, and you
can dispeuso with your expensive iinstU
tution at once. !
But we call attention to the eloquent
language of tho editor, in one of; those
leaders. Here it is : ! '
"in contrast to tnce men. 31r.! UoU
ladav amassed his largo fortuno in oth
er portions of the Union. Tho attrac
tions which Oregon offered to men of
capital and of giant energy and I great
public spirit become known to! him.
Our people published to the world a
warm welcome to those who would
come here and embark in that class of
stupendous enterprises which the State
most needed to push her on to a bright
destiny, and in which the wealthy men
resident here had refused to embark, or
were indisposed to venture uponi At
tracted by these resources and cheered
by these expressions of welcome, 31 r
Ilolladay came. Speedily he perfected
his pl.-inst and proceeded to the accom
plishment of the grand scheme in which
lie embarked that of constructing a
line of railroad from Portland to con
nect with California and the great over
land railway. Mark the consequence.
All alonu: the line of the road real es
tatc, which a year before could have
been bought for hundreds, rose to a
valuation of thousands of dollars
Tracts which had been a source ot
trouble if not of loss to their possessors
suddenly made those owners rich
Farms which had been a drug at pre
emption prices rose in value from ten
to even one huudred dollars perl acre."
Where is the great fortune amassed
by this giant mind, and brought to Or
egon to save this peoph from starva
tion ? O'Meara ,seenn to think that
everybody in Oregon is situated like
himself, dependent on Ilolladay fur
their broad and butter. Now, we ven
turc the assertion that Hen Ilolladay
his mide more money on this coast
than he ever expended, two to one.
Let any man figure the amouoc made
by that monopolist in freight and pas
fengers brought to Portland alone, and
he would have a larg r s ira than Ben
has ever expended iu Oregon.; And
why should he bo paid a premium to
come here and make money more than
any other man? "Stupendouj enter
prises, in which the weal by men of Or
egon refused to embark.". Isn't that
brilliant? "Attracted by our resources
and cheered by our expressions j of wel
come, he Citne, speedily to perfect his j
plans." Vcs sir, and he did J perfect j
them, by getting our West Side land
grant and impoverishing the ! people,'
then purchasing our franchise of the
West Side Company, to whom Con
gress had donated a second grjint, and
with an air of triumph, bid defiance to
our complaints. ".Vnd his grand scheme
ocoustructing a lino of railway from
Portland to California." Xo, Mr.
O'Meara, if he did come hero and per
fect his sheme to construct! a road
from Portland to California, why now
threaten the people of Southern Ore
gon that, unless ihoy vote for Williams
to go back to the Senate, they shall
have no railroad? Ain't you overdoing
tho matter, Mr. Bulletin. !
"3Iark the consequences." Ves, Mr.
Bulletin, the people of the West Side
have marked the consequences to their
sorrow, and it is true, as you say, that
all alon the line of the railroad real
otate has risen from hundrcls to thou
sands of 'dollars.' Thus you have dc
monstratcd, by your logic, just; what we
ha"c all the timcVchargcd, that the peo
ple of the West Side have been robbed
of their millions. And their farms
which ought to have been ready salo at
from 820 to $100 per acre, are offered
to-day for from 5 to 815 pcr jacre, and
no sale. f Will the people be convinced
when the Bulletin agrees with us?
Robbery is stamped in living burning
capitals upon this whole railroad trans
in the samo article wo find these
sickly lines applied to Ben Ilolladay:
'As a man of unbounded energy and
vast enterprise, aa witnessed in several
of the great operations he ban success
fully conducted, a goodly number from
the Western tier of States Have come
to Oregon, solely because he llias chos
en the Slate for his last grandest cuter
prise. ;
Call the Doctor, we want an emetic
quick, Tho idea of sensible men
coming to Oregon to live just because
Ben Ilolladay has concluded to reside
?1 QueryWon't we lose more than we
gain in consequence of Ben's coming.
We desire to' call' the attention of the
Oregoniany Bulletin, Seuator Williams
and the few radicals of tho Union Re
publican party in Oregen, to the fact
that the Republicans of Iowa,j in con
vention assembled, have solemnly de
clared in favor of striking the word
,;whito" out of the naturalization laws,
wherever occurs, and this sentiment is
endorsed by tho Toledo Blude. Would
it not be well for you to como out very
soon and take a stand with those bold
and noble advocates of universal suf
frage, and so keep pace with the pro
gress of the age? It won't do to lag,
gentlemen, in these great progressive
days of universal suffrage.; There is
great danger of retrogration, gentle
men, unless you come to time, and that
speedily. We insist you shall not per
tuit this gigautic car of progress to run
over you. Get out of the way or jump
aboard, gentlemen; revolutions never
go backward.
A writer foraleading paper published
in Alabama, makes frequent use of such
expressions as this : 4,Xo sacrafice of
Southern honor or Southern manhood."
Now, that is all wrong. Southern hon
or is no better than Northern honor, or
the same article iu the West. No man
in the United States has a right to
teach sectionalism. We are all Amer
ican citizens together, whether we live
in Oregon, Iowa, Alabrin or 3Iassa
chusctts. This sectionalism nearly cost
us the life of this nation, and we think
it is about time that our public writers
and speakers should stop making such
unfortunate speeches
A plank in the Iowa Republican
State platform says :
0. Resolved. That we arc in favor of
such legislation as will protect the peo
pie from the oppression of monopolies
controlled by and in the interest of cor
So the Oiu )N Republican is not
alone in fighting monopolies, and the
people of Oregon will mourn when it
is too late, over their present cry of
vive fa Ben. Ilolladay.
Tclcgrraplnc Summary.
London, Sept. 3. The battle nfS
dan commenced on the morning of Sept.
he 1st. The Prussians completely sur
rounded 3IcMahon's armv in Srdm
Napoleon was made a riHncr. 31 c 31 a
hon's whole irmy of 100,00'J men capit
ulated without condition. The Prusiaus
h id 2-10.000 men engaged or iu reserve j
the French, 120,00d.
London, Sept. 3. -Paris telegrams
report the utmost agitation and excite
ment there The people are gloomy and
depressed, as the' last hope of - the Na
poleon dynasty has faded away. Tro
chu daily grows stronger in the confi
dence and sympathies of the people.
Th committee of defence is still work
ing steadily for obstinate resistance, al
though the general opinion is that Pans
will not suffer a siege.
Rumors are current that a republic
will be proclaimed. Gen. Trochu is ru
mored as its probable President.
A Sedan dispatch, via Bouilon; Sept
2d, midnight, says : The die is cast, so
far as 3IeMahon fine army and the
fortunes of the Umpire are concerned.
All is over with Prance. 3Ic3Iahon is
seriously wouiidcd. Roads are terrible
The French left everything, flying ev
ery direction, throwing away arms, the
Prussians pressed .resolutely torward.
lent on cutting off the retreat toward
Belgium. Prussians used the bayonet
with dreadful effect. It is said the km
peror will be sent under strong escort
to .Madgcburg, out ins unai uestinai:ou
is a secret.
Paris, Sept, 6. Bazainc sill main
tains his position in 3Ictz, notwithstand
ing ihe great strength of the army guar
ding that place, and preventing his es
cape. The total force now bearing arms in
France, including the National Guards
and the Garde 3Iobile, is seven hundred
thousand men. Paliko and Cliovereux
are in Belgium, having fled before the
crisis pending the dcclaratiou of a Re
public. London, Sept. 0. Declarations have
already reached Paris lrom foreign
countries and several States of Kuropc,
congratulating1 France on the successful
ond peacefnl formation of a Republic.
Republicans are already leaving Soudan
in great rmmbcrs for France. Victor
Hugo reached Paris laet night.
Paris, Sept. C The corps of Gen.
Verny reached Lalen on retrograde
movement. m The corps h intact and
falling back in good order.
K London, Sept. 0. England, in eon
junction with France, as soon as a stable
government is formed, intends to de
clare war on China, forsatisfaction for
I late massacre of English and French cit j
izcus, demanding guarantees from the
Kmperor of-China for security Df their
subjects in future.
The Prussians are advancing on Paris
by forced marches.
A uprising is reported in Italy, as a
great war is belived imminent.
The Prince Imperial reached London
this morning
Gen Mc3Iahon lies dead in Belguim
London, Sept. 5 A special corres
pondent telegraph's from Bouillon, that
the battle of Sedan and the capitula
tion ot the rreucu army leaving the
road to Paris open, an advance iu force
has been made. On Saturday the
Crown Prince was fifteen miles froin
St. Quettin, inarching his army for
King William will demand that Nice
and Savoy be restored to Italy, and that
Italy and Rome ro consolidated; Lor
raine and Alsace be given to Bavaria
and Baden, and Saxony, Wuriemburg
and llesse, to be indemnified for war
Brussels. Sept. 5. There are 14 -
000 French troops held as prisoners in
Stektoart, Sept. 5. A large meet
ing of citizens was held in this city to
day, and resolutions adopted rccom
mending that North and South Germany
shall become a tingle Federal State,
with one army, one Parliament and ode
Paris, Sept, 5. The Empress is
expected to abdicate in. favor of the na
tion. She will join tho Princo Imperi
al in Belgium on 31 ond ay. 31ar-hal
3Ic3Iahon was not wounded. Though
greatly fatigued, ho is in good health.
As continued health is vastly prefer
able to th'? hippiest rrcovcry from sick
nes, so is innocence superior to the
truest repentance.
"Ther wan k frog who lired in a rriiijr.
He caught ul iold that he could not fin;;.'
Por. unfurtUHste. Hatrachian! In what
plight he rnuit have been Aud Ye t hi uii-f T
tune w ono that fr-n IwfwH singer. Many
a one tuneful v.ifl anions tboKe who belong
to the "fenu bm t utterly !-! hy "i"l
in the head," or on tho tunjjs or both combined
For the above mentioned "er.iker" we ar
not aware that any remedy w tver deric.l
hut wo rejoice t know that all hurutn einjjer
majr kerptbeir hed tdr aud their throat i'
tune ly a timely oe of Ir. Catarrh
Remedy, and Ir. IVrce Mi. r.t. or :). len
MoJieal Discovery bulb of ttbich are ful l
-44ftte-.- - -
Fatal to the Trelli Are all it! I prep
aration. They mar tl-mh tho enamel, lti
they nt furrly didre and destroy it. T hi
tnild, genial bdWiuuie and preservative Sor,
ndftnt. impregnated with tfae Saponin of th
famous tropical hoap Tree, of Chili, isthe onlv
absolutely fift'e article of it kin 1 in tha market
and proUet the Tvetb frin ill destructive in
flucDc, as well a. keeps thctu free from tar
The finest Ion f-ttIrJ.Thoi emincn'
men. Dr. J. Clark, I"hyicdan to Queeu Vie
l'ri.i. and Dr. Iluihc ltvnoett. Kay that eom.
iiumption can bo cured. Dr. Wixtar knew thin
w .en he d -eoere I htsi Ha'mm of V ild t hcrry.
and experience La proved the ct rrccine ot
"Ppau? Jinffi ilti," handy and oeftij.
ORlcc, No. fit Front Street,
IXeal Kstnte Denier.
Special Collector of Claims.
A large arooont of CIT? and EAST PORT
LAND IV'pcrtT fr Sale.
Also. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LANDS, located in all parts ot
the State.
Investments in REAL ESTATE and other
PROPERTY, ui?do for correspondents.
CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collect
HOUSES and STORES leased.
All kinks of Financial and General Agency
buinva transacted.
Parties having FARM PROPERTV for sale
will plctse furnish descriptions of the same
each of the prindif at CITIES and TOWNS
of this STATE. lS-tf.
Letnot Prejudice usurp your Iteason.
It U a fact thai, in tho minds of many per
sons, a prejudice exists against what nro called
patent medicines;' but why should this provept
you resorting to an article that has such an ar
ray of testimony to support It ns IIOSTET
scribe it why should you discard It ? Judges,
usally considered men of talent, have used nnd
do use It in their familes : why should you re
ject it? Let not your prejudice usurp your rea
son to the everlasting injury of your health. If
you arc sick, and require a modioino, fry these
When the bodily energies arc worn out by
anxiety and need a stimulant, this is tho bet
that can bo taken. It is tempered and modified
by byglcn'c herbs and roots, which prevent it
from fevering tho blood ; and henco it docs not
produce a wore temporary excitement, to be
followed by Injurious reaction, but communi
cates a permanent Potency to the entire vital
orgniaiton. Some of its herbal constituents
are slightly soporific, so hat In ensos where
steeplessness is one of the accompaniments of
nervous disease, a doso of it taken toward hod
time will tend to produce quiet and refreshing
slumber. For Palpitation of heart, tremors,
hysterics, fainting fits, general Tostlessnoss and
the causeless fears and dlstressimg and fancios
to which ladies ere especially subject,underccr.
tain morbid conditions of mind and body pc
ouliar to their sex, the liiltcrs will be found the
most agreeable and certain of all .counter-irri-
The constitutionally nervous" may readily
keep their Infirmity In oonstant check by the
dally use of this healthful vegetable tonic j and
those wbox bave "shattered their nerves" a
the phrased, either by Imprudent indolence
or undue physical or intellecual labor, will fiud
in thi vitalizio elixir preWjpt restorative..
- ;,,,. .... -.-0-lT.
X j)U county, twu miles from
Dallas, on the road to Ha' tin, all under good
fence, repaired thm springs 175 acres now un
der cultivation. 25 acres of timothy meadow,
and well watered by springs and wells; three
dwelling houses and one good barn on the
farm, aud two goo I bearing orchards, lielong
ing to this prairie land is four timber lots, one
lot of fir timber containing 140 acre, situated
Ave miles off, and is the nearest timber to the
valley uud very valuable for rails and building
purposes; 61 acres of oak timber two miles
distant: 20 acres of oak timber two mites and
2'J acres of oak timber otio mile distant. These
tracts of land together make one of the best
grain and stock farms in Polk county. Can
be divided advantageously into three or four
Terms, $14 per acre, to be sold together for
cash iu hand. Apply to
ItiiMfeell fc Ferry,
D. M.
Dallas, Oregon.
For .Sale.
4-(3V Creek, in Polk County, e'uht miles
trom Dallas; d2 at res fenced, 100 acres in
cultivation and .'!0 acres in Timothy Xeadow;
well adapted to stock raiding. Price $7 per
srrc. Inquire ot
iiscll fc Ve r r y ,
Portland, Oregon,
II. M. C. G IUI,T,
PICT till (sAIifJiRV.
i. invited to the improved facilities which
1 have recently nude to my apparatus, by
Jthich I am able to take
On e JS i 1 1 i n J2T !
Thus making the heretofore tak of getting
correct likenesses of CIULDHCV a matter
s( n.-nall moment.
-2rrialltry located n Main street. Dallas.
Dallas April 22, IS7. S:lm
Froat Straot, one Diar South of
Post Office,
!alU4 - - - Oregon.
l iof rnt the citir.cn. f Da'las and vicinity
that tby h ive replenished their stock of tin
ivarc, nnd hava now on baud a large assort-
m ul of -
Box and Parlor Stores,
flnits and
Iron Ware
Of every description. Also a large supply of
Sheet Iron,
W Ire, c
Hariri? procured the services of a finl-class
work mm we arc nrT en!trtntt v Dttnufactur
mg nil kinds of tin furnihings for stoves and
for farmer nc. Su-h ns
tove Ilollcra. f'nflce and Tea Pots,
Tea Kettle. Milk Pan. Dippers,
I.ard and flutter Cant.
And in fact, all articles of tinware nmally
found in stove an tinware stores, all or which
wVoffc" for sale at prices that ill justify pur
chasers to patronize ua rather than Salem i t
Portland shop.
Special attculion will-be given to
Job Work
Of all kinds.
In connection with the stove aud tin store,
wo will continue our
Where will be kept all kinds of seasonable
meats, both FRESH and SALT.
In exchange for goods in our line wc will
take all kinds of country produce, such as
Batt r, Egg". Chiekens, Floar, Bacon, &c
Wc invito the puhlic to call and examiue
Dallas, March 4, 1 870. l tf
Crawford Newman,
II or
Japjned Ware, Porcelain Lined Stew
Pota lor I rait, a Great Variety of
fiom Pans, Pressed Pattirs for Tarts,
Cooking Spoons, V,g; Heater, Itroil
In " fixtures' of - Improved Pattern,
llolltuff Pins, Ac., Ac.
' Dallas, April 15 1870. 7:tf
. L4 . : '
HThosb inderted to the firm of
W. C. Drown A Co. arc requested to como for
ward and settle their notes and accounts, ns
the business of the late firm must bo settled
without further delay.
Dallas, Ogn., August 2 t,'l S70. 2J-tf
John T. Davis has been appointed Adininutra
tor ot the ostivte of D. Shepherd deceased ; all
persons having claims ng tinst said estate are
requested to present them to the Administra
tor within six months from tho dure hereof.
JOHN T, DAVIS, Administrator.
Dallas, Aug. 22, 1870. 28-4w .
0 suit, at
O EUPOOL Salt, in quantities to suit, at
) Pleasant Homes in a Goodly Land and
Ral Estato Brokers and Collection Agent,
N. W. Corner of First and U'asbiujrtoa
j Htreetw,
I 4 1 ' OR ;
At the Branch Office, '
j IN
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
That is to say, that the lands of -SblnaV0
acarccly attract the attention of the Emi
grant wh- -wishes to purchase a desirable bom
in a fertile, healthy region, while lands iivOre
iron can be purchased for a small amount ?
We now proclaim that special attention will
be given to the purchase and sale of Ileal Be
rate; and moreover, we cheerfully impart the
information that we bave a large amount of '
i r
City Property,
Town Lot1,
Improved, and;
Unimproved Kmmfs,
Slock Ranches,
Timber Lands,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
For sale at ruasunabie terras,
Iu tho Best Portions of the State.
And in conclusion, wo would impress upon
the minds of persons desiring to sell Ileal Es
tate thr.t they incur no expense in placing
their property in our hands, unless aaale ie
fffueted. '
- i ,
Particular attention "is directed to fbe faet
that a lare amount of do sirablo lands can hm
purchased 1 ut the Dranch Office,
I. Jl. C. AfJIsT,
Itcal listae. Agent.
rulilic Sale,
existing between F. H. Marsh A Geo. Fair
srrb ve is diss lved by mutual consent, and the
effects thereof, consisting of a general assort
ment ot Merchant ifc. Dry Goods, Groceries,
Nations, and almost everything will be sold at
puhlic auction for cah in band, at their jtfjara
at Lawn Arbor, Polk Co, Oregon. Sate to
commence at 10 o'clock a m , ou Tbursdaj tbo
Ut day of September, 1870.
Executor's Notice.
the undcrstguud has Iw-en duly appointed
by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon,
Executor of the lat will and Testament f
Elijah Dtvidson, deceased, late of said county.
All persons having claims against said estate,
are hereby notified to present them with proper
vouchers, within six iu-n the from the date of
this notice, to the Executor, at bis residence near
Moumouth. in said county.
IK A 1 M. iit'TLSTR, Executor.
Dallas, Aug 13, IS70. 2i-w4
Iu rear of the Capital Hotel Corner,
-n reasonable terms, fneclal attention
pail to transient and boarding horses.
2 tf Proprietors,
SIicr.II N Sale,
Harriett 'litlr d- Ci i Taylor Plaintiff, r.
K. V. ttraiUhaw emu Elisabeth lirattthaw
thj ntaHt.
Notice is heretiy oiven that
by virtue of a decree of forechisoiira in the
above entitled cnuse, and on execution duly
Issued thereon. I "hare levied on, and will pro
ceed to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for gold coin of the United States 4 f
America, at the Cotirt House door, iu Lafay
ette, Yamhill county, Oregon, Ihe real estate
hereinafter described, on MonSay, the 26th
day of September. 1S7, at I o'clock p. ia.f
sai l day, ell the right, title and in interest f
said Defendants, in and to tho following prop
erty as deseriltcd in snid dccree. of foreclosure,
. Kr 'A in lll.o W V11 in tka
town of Lafayette, Yamhill county, Oregon,
together with all the improvements, to be sold
to satisfy said Execution, costs and ftecruiag
costs. - PETER P. GATES,
Shcrifl of Yamhill County,
Lafayette, Ogn., Aug. 2Ub, 1870. 28-4 er
WDAT v or
to the undersJod 4aust -cither punyle
the CASH or give ihcr NOTl Id case of a
failure to do eitUee, tVero will be business for
the legal fraternity, v
Julj If 1870, 20-ti