Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, September 03, 1870, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
Is Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
Dallas, Folk County, Oregon.
OFPtCEMaia street, between Court and
x Hill treets, two doors south of the Postoffico.
SINGLE COPIES One Year. f2 50; Six
Montis, $1 75 J Three Months, $1 00.
. tSbcriptM mutt be paid ttriettjf-in advance
One square (10 lines or less), first inscrfn, $ 3 00
Each subsequent insertion..... ...... ......... 1 00
-A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly advertisers. .
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
I per annum.,, .
Tjran8jent advertisements must be paid for
in advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice.
EfU Ml advertising bills must be paid
monthly. .
A West Side Champion.
Portland, Aug. 25, 1870.
Ed. Republican We notice in
the Portland Bulletin, such laudatory
accounts of Williams and Holladay
and diatribes about railroads, that we,
without power to resist, have become
cren more, suspicious of them and their
measures, and we have tried hard to
look upon the act3 of those menwith
charity. I am a Republican and feel a
great interest in the party, but I have
lired in Oregoo since 1844, and feel a
greater interest in the success of the
country than in any man's promotion.
And, aqain, we have been personally
interested enough to carefully watch
events. We, the people on the west
side of the Willamette - river, should
have had a railroad running to the Co
lumbia river long since, had it not been
for some reasons which I will give, and
then leave the subject for better
" ' You are aware that ihe original Ore
gon railroad bill provided that the road
should terminate on the Columbia river,
and that, through the efforts of Judge
Williams,. Portland was made the north
ern terminus, deceiving many men in
Oregon and Washington City, who,
thinking Portland on thft Columbia
river, while it is 12 miles from the up
per and 30 from the lower mouth of
the Willamette ; and, at an expendi
ture of thousands of dollars a year,
vessels with great difficulty reach Port
land in high water, and drop down to
the Columbia to load ; and all of thU
extra expense comes out of the people
of the valley.
And again, when the people were al
most in possession of a railroad upon
the West Side, by a slight turn of the
wrist, it was gobbled away from them,
after paying out their money, to the
great detriment of their families ; and
by the untiring efforts of Judge Will
lams in opposition to Mr. Corbett, the
land grant was set aside to Ren Holla
day, of California, and the road com
menced upon the East Side, where it
can never become the main thorough
fare, ; and with the threat, also, that the
road is not likely to go south of Eu
; geqe. Uity. This is railroad develop
pent with a vengeance.
And again, when the Pengra bill was
before Congress, and the Central Pa
cific Railroad Company were prepar
ing to build a road from Humboldt to
;Engene City, McMinnville and on to
the Columbia river, Williams' amend
menfc defeated that measure, by com
rolling the road to come through South
crn Oregon, after a large grant ot land
. ha4 been donated by Congress for a
railroad on the same ground, virtually
damning the whole affair.
Now, let us see for one memeut, the
profit a railroad would be to Oregon,
coming directly from the Eastern
States.: It would develop a large dis
. trict of country in the Goose Lake val
. ley-arid cast'-of the Cascade Mountains
to Eugeno City ; thence down the beau
tiful Willamette valley to McMinnville,
where no grant of land has ever yet
been given, and on to the Columbia
river : then to connect with the North
Pacific Railroad; making a competing
line through Jthe valley, giving an out
let to north, cast aod . south, without
being to all eternity a tributary to Cali
fornia. ; -,
With citfe? springing up in our midst
to compete in purchasing our produce,
we could, with our natural resources,
compete with California and Washing
ton Territory.
We hope the people of Oregon will
wake up to their interest and see that
the Pengra bill passes in the1 original
form, so as to save us from the Iron
grasp of a monopolist. If they neg
lect so important an enterprise, their
children will rise up and curse them.
And now we will take James O'Meara
at his word, lay aside politics, accord
ing to the lively example ho has given
us, and advocate men ami measures
that will develop the country, and none
other j and we suggest, offer induce
ments to the Central Pacific Railroad
Company to come here and build our
great truuk road; we will give tbcm
land and sustain them in business ; we
stand ready to encourage all 'internal
improvements ami defeat none.
In speaking of the California Cen
tral Pacific Company, the Bulletin
a) s :
"By constructing the projected
hranch road from their own Central Pa
cific trunk line, at ilumtoldt, to'Hu
gene City, east1 of the Cascades, the
would entirely defeat the connection of
the Holladay road, even though it were
constructed clear to the Oregon boun
dary line; from Eugene City they j
would extend their road to McMion
ville, thence to St. Helens, all the. way
miles removed from Portland, and from
St Helens to Puget Sound, the Pacific
terminus of tha road."
This is the very thing we have fore
seen and said Ren IIoJ1 Uy's only
salvation is to defeat tboPigra and
West Side road. People of the West
Side, can you now sie how you are be
ing sacrificed ? A road from Califor
nia or from some point on the Central
Pacific to Eugene City, then down on
the West Side to St. Helen?, or As
toria, i3 the road we must have or be
ferever left out in the cold. And, in
the same article1 from which we clip the
above extract, we find the following :
'The re-election of Senator Williams
will be a decision in favor of the As
toria, Portland, and Southcan Oregon
What inconsistency ! Let the mourn
ful veil whicfr covers a multitude of
sins fall and hide from the sight of hon
est men the sable heart that dare con
ceive such monstrosity.
In the eleventh numter of the But
lelln we find the following on the ques
tion of Senator :
"As we view the race, there will be
two or three wofully mistaken aspir
ants, and it will not surprise us if, after
all, some person, now barely if at all
reckoned in the party slates, shall prove
to be the honored victor. We shall re
frain from the mention of names here,
but we are very confident that one or
two, who now are almost certain of
election, will find themselves so badly
beaten, and by one so unexpectedly in
their way, that they will recover from
their surprise only when too prostrate
to rise and too powerless to interpose
either in their own behalf or as against
the success of their freshly -raised but
triumphant competitor."
This most certainly cannot mean
Williams who is probably being deceiv
ed. Rut who does O'Meara refer to ?
We can think of no one-iave his mas
ter, Holladay. Go in, Ren ; we some
how like your style after all, and we do
not attach any blame to you in this
matter, and would -think it wisdom jn
you, if you have to elect some one to
the Senate by purchase, to buy your
self in, and then we shall suspect you
arie s:na.rt at least
We see by the Bulletin of the 24th
inst., that some hidden creature is at
tacking us through its columns. Every
charge it makes against U3 is an un
blushiug falsehood. He talks about
mr candidate ! We have no candidate
except we want to seejEome man elect
ed who will not, for any consideration,
rob one portion of the country to en
rich another, and a man who will carry
out the will and wishes of the people,
and not drag us, as a party,' Step by
step into irretrievable defeat. He
proves himself to be the very kind of
a man he is attempting to make us out
to be, for he says that all our shots fall
harmless. If that be so, why occupy
a whole column in that monstrous sheet
to answer them? Rut we have told
the truth, and it hurts; that's what's
the matter. Now, we do not knew who
this sneeking communicator is, nor do
we care, but we venture the assertion
that, when he's known, he will turn out
to belong to tho canine species, licking
the dust from the heels of Ren Holla
day, and an enemy of the pcor le ol the
West Side.
TheCohhlkk Mkndkik The learn
ed genius who edits the Dallas I2epub
lit an raises a great whirraroo over the
use we recently made of tho old verse
about "Pr. Fell," and undertakes to
display his erudition as to iu authtnr
ship a question wo licit her raised nor
referred to. In doing this the fellow
has brought confusion only on himself.
He ridicules us for not having known
that Dean Swift was the author of the
lines. Now, mark the plight into which
our intemperate critic has plunged him
self. It was not Dean Swift, but Tom
Brown, who fitht wrote the verse. We
may add that in the epigrams of Mar
tial will b found, perhaps, the lines
from which Brown borrowed the idea
uf his "Dr. Fell" verse. Our Polk
county censor ought to be more circum
spect in exhibiting himself as a lite
rary cbbler. He seems to possess all
of the graisncss of speech which char
acterized Dean Swift, but is devoid of
a single idea worthy of the Dean's
poorest mumblings. Bulletin.
"Ne sutor supra crepilum ' Trans
late that, Jemmy, and then tell us
where's your gal?" Miss Tom Brown
was a naughty, naughty 'gal to go and
steal his verses from somebody else.
Ain't you mistaken Jcmrny; wasn't
Johu Smith the Qui who stole those
lines from the Rrown gal? It won't
do to go too Sicift, Jemmy, even in
railroad matters.
A Silly Vikw. It has been inti
mated to us that to oppose Senator
Williams was to oppose the principles
of the Union Republican party of Or
egon. Now this position is so weak
that we ought not take the time to
write one line to refute it; but we sug
gest to those gentlemen who stoop to
such an argument, that if to fight Wil
liams is fighting the Union Republican
party of Oregon, then are not the Ore
gonian, the negro suffrage pigtrainor,
and Statesman, when they fight such
men as Sumner, Trumbull, Morton.and
all the great minds of the Senate, fight
ing the Union Republican party of the
nation? Solve that problem, please.
- .
The editor of the Belle tin a short
time since was very averse to throwing
dirt. We desire to call his attention
to his reply to our answer jespecting
his girl in the verse, and modestly ask,
who now is throwing dirt? The Bul
letin man seems also to bo much exor
cised in respect to our learning. Now,
Mr. O'Meara, everybody acknowledges
your great erudition, but somewhere
in holy writ it is said, that a certain
notable remarked to St. Paul that,
''Much learning hath made thee mad
and long since it has become a notice
able fact, by men of sense, that one
half the fools in the oountry wero high
ly educated. -'
A Reason. A little boy in a Dan
vers school was asked by his teacher for
some reason why women should not
vote, i and triumphantly answered,
"Cause they Tire afraid xf caterpillars.
Telegraphic Summary
A cable message to the -Sun rays:
Tn spite of what the Government says,
there, is no , communication with Ra
zaino. All persons without means of
living, ?and all those whoBe presence
can interfere with the defence of Pari,
have been expelled from the city.
The sTdits at Rheims, after two days'
fastingjitiered a Government train.
-LoKIjOI- Ag 20. -McMahon U
tryins.to reach Raztinc via Montmcdy
and Thionville, but the Prussians have
cut through tho French communication
at Varenncs and Dun.
Rerlin, Aug 20. A fonrth nrny,
under the command of tho Prince Royal
of Saxony, is f'rtnitix , to co-operate
with tho movements on Paris.
Parrs, Atig. 2G. La Public say:
Prince Charles is moving on !ari-, n d
unless checked, will reach there in six
days. All reserves are called out to de
fend the city. Strasbourg and Pfal.s
bourg still hold out against the ProS
cans. Part of Stciumctz' army has
joined Prince Charles' and the united
forces have advanced on Paris, the Rail-,
road from Montmedy to Sedan has
been destroyed at Morsn. The Prus
sians attacked Fort St. Quentin (part
of the fortification of Metz) ou thj
A report received via London say
the Prussians are marching on Rbeim
and were expected there on the 2 4th
Prussian cavalry is reported to have
been at Dammerlin and Chateau, ouly
50 miles from Paris.
A London report says Razaino is
certainly shut up in Metz with G0,0f.)0
nifn, while the Prussian forces sur
rounding it are 250.000.
London, Aug. 27. Large rcinforc
ments have Jeen sent to McMahon,
whoso tactic appear to gather up and
recruit the army and with new levies
to sweep along the Relgian bonier and
offrr, battle after which he will, if sue
ces?ful, effect a junction with Riz iine
north of Metz. If it succeeds, this
move of McMahon's will strike the Prus
sian line at tit. Alvold. This is believed
to be the object of McMahon's strategy.
The Prince Imperial is at Rethel,
03 miles from Metz. On Thursday
the headquarters or the Prussian army
were at Rar le Due. The advance had
reached a point about midway between
Chalons and I heirry. The march on
Paris was to be conducted slowly by the
Prussians and there remains no further
Pakih, Aug. 27. The King and
Crown Prince are moving on the city
by way of the valleys of the Marnc
and the Aubc. They commit fearful
pillage and unheard of outrages as
they move aloug.
The Senatorial Tmo. James
O'Meara, the editor of the Oregoniav,
and Sam Clark are in a death struggle
to elect Ren Ilol'aday to the United
States Senate, in the person of George
II. Williams. "When hall we three
meet again."
Youthful Diplomacy. A little
boy who had been told that he must
never akcd for anything to cat away
from home, went inio a ncignoor s
house, when the lady chanced to be
frying doughnuts.
4iO." said he, 'you are cooking."
Aware that he had been well trained
and nnxious to see whether his appetite
would cet the better of his man
ners, the lady did not give him any of
the douuhnuts.
"Well," said he, returning to the
charge, "vour cakes look nice."
"O, very nice," saia the lady "they
are the best l ever cooked.
After playing with the cat a few
minutes, he remaked, "Ana they smell
very nice."
"O, yes, they smell very nice, was
the lady's tantiliziug answer.
- "Well," said the boy, "I suppose if
any little child that was hungry should
come here when you are cooking, you
would give him, something to eat?"
"Well, ye?, I think I should.
"Then," said be, after another turn
with the cat, I guess I must go home
for I am very hungry."
It is needless to add that he got a
f'Oh, dear' exclaimed Henrietta
throwing herself into the rocking chair,
I'll never go to tho postoffice again,
to be looked but of countenance by all
of those men on the corner. It's so pro
voking. What can I doj Sarah Jane,
to stop those awful men staring me in
the face V 'Do as I do replied Sarah
Jane, with a sly look j show your ankle.
Subscribe for tho Republican,
jwauaaesaw. Jim uua jj.'mwj.'". jwjmi
AU'y & ouiiseilor-at-Law
McJIInuville, Yamhill Co., Oregon.
.Particular attenttour given to tbo rtHiy and
practice of Criminal Law, Coilectura of Claiuii,
Notes, A6t'ouat, tc. r
JT. K. SITES, M. D.,
Physiciasv and Surgeon,
Dallas, Ogn. Q .
t n . LI II I I
Having resumed practice, will girc fpecial
attention to Obstetric, and Uid trcatmeut of
tho diseases of Women and Children.
.jsflrOlfice at bis residence.
Pliygiciaii and Surgeon,
Dallas, Oregon.
OFFICE At Nkhols Drug Store.
v. i). j i;ia nn;s, m.
Physician and tircoia,
j ; lZolz, Oregon.
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
liiea( f Wunen. Itf
J. li. DAVfligOX. 31. IK,
Iliyiciaii and Surgeon,
; Iitdcpcndtnre, ogn 1
. T. V. B. Knalircc.
Office at refi lnce. Ilyl
I c. a. with,
Attorney and CoiinseUor-at-Law
'Vill practice in all the tVwrts of Record and
! Inferior Court ol lh a Mate.
In Walkiads
&, Cu's Brick, up
I ;.C. SUIiMVA.,
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
i ' Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts f the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Dallas, Oregon.
Jpcclal attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining W Ueal Estate. 1
i J. A. Aisplejrafe,
I Dallas, Polk Comity, On. 1
L. J. AVAItDf.A W, 31. f.,
Pli ysician and Siirton,
Xewlsvltle. Polk Co., Ogu..
Has recently returned from the Atlantic States
AnJ offeis his profutunal services to the citi
ens of the County.
Particular attention given to Female Dis
eases, j -2tf
Comer Commercial and state Streets,
Opposite Ladd Si Hush's llauk,
SALliM oitur.ox,
Wiil practice lo the Supreme Court and the
Circuit Courts of tho Secoud and Third Ju dicial
Districts. 2-tf
i Allopncys-At-Law,
. I- 3 tf v: '
At ty & Co n :i s c I lor-a 1- L a w,
JLafaycttc, Oregon.
r. r.nrssBLL,
c. r. rsnnr;
lienl tat Attorney
Real folate Brokers anil
Collection Agents,
Northwest Cor. of First and Washington
. -j - streets,
Speefat attention given to the sale of Real
Estate. Collections mde In Oregon and the
Property, torn lots, improved farms, stock
ranches, lands, See., situated in the best portions
of Oregon and W. T., for sale on reasonable
i terms. 3-tf
i E, O. Si.OAT,
Carriage and Ornamental
Commeroia ftrset,
Opposit Sttrkay's ulock,
2l-tf SALES.
r ; ; A. F. FO RBES 1 ;
Lafayette, Oregon.
i 2-tf '
Physician, Surgeon k Accoucher
' JIueua VJsla, Polk Co., 6gii.,1
Will attend romptl to profeEsional calls.
a ji:mm;s I.odgi: n. o f
Wjf 4 A M- Dallas, lioldu its regular e!tn
riBanicfttion8 on the Saturday preceding
tho Full Moon in each raontb, uulea the moon
fulls on Saturday then on-that day, at
o'clock, r : ' V ' ifirrt ,'
Also, on the second Friday In each month
at i oVktck, V. JS V fr tlia parpoe of itare
ut b Craft in Majonryanfr rtrc
oTbet rtk as the Master' may from t!m to
time order. :!: -: 1 v
All brethren in good standing are invited to
attend Uy rderof the W. M.
J? served to customers on H'wrt "rrrrrt-t-e.
This establiebnient does not dispense tangle
foot cr anything of that character. . . :.Jt,
CU1 at the Geni -j '
- 2Mf ; ; : rt
Corner Mill and Main trecls, t)U
Rigg:s & CainplicII '
II a I i rrra ririot, rif Tiiiitm arirt iBC
SuMhe, of all the common silts, and o
the beat Korktuanship, at their Sash and Door
Factory, which they offer for sale as cheap at
such articles can be purchased elsewhere.
They are also prepared to fill all special or
lens for rurk in their liuo promptly, theuly
und accurately. ...
Qlv'e us a trial, and you will be satisfied.'
2 ninr.g jt campbeli-V
Main street,
Dillas, Ogc.
liitters, Cigars, Candies. Ovstvrs
.mi Saniint-s Will be servrd to tcntJe-
nco n the ootside of toe counter, by a gentle
man who has an eye to ''hi' on the inside. ?
So come along, boys; make no Qclay, and
we will eoutj bear what you have to say. .
33 W. F. CLtNuAX.
Importers and Dealers In 1
The Iarffffet Stock and the Oldest Fur
ii it u re HouA Iu Portland. ,
Farmers AUciition !
raiHE UNt)EftSinXEl -tlAVIKoVnAD
nearly twenty yesrs' practire in making
wagons in Orejffn. we fe-l confident we can do
as good work 4 can be had in arty part of the
Iron anil flicliorv Axlest
(Thimlilc SLcInw)
On hand and made to order on short nottcC.
Lumber Wagons...!....... ,.$150I80
Expre Wagons....... .....f 15(3,225
Call and examine our work. Repairing
done on short notice and on rearcrnblo terras.
Dallas, April 14, 1810, ; 7:3rrl
Is now open and for sale at our store, oh he
Corner of Front and 91 II I Street a, l)al-
We Invite the attention of oar, palronf to
our New Stock, consisting of '
Dress Goods,
Groceries, ' '
Loots A- Shoes:, .
School Books?
lv Stationary, i$it
, In fact everything found' in. Retail Stores,
At Prices to Suit the Times.
Ctftifltry Produce taken in exchange for
Goode ! -y::'K'i, ' "'
Those having old accounts ar requesWi te
call and settle by CASH or NOTK.
We thank the public for tftefr Ilt)crat jjaC
ronagein the patyand Eope for a contlnoanc
of the same.
Dallas, STarch 1st, 1870. ,.1-lf
the law firm of Vineyard A Butler is thia
day dissolved by mutual consent. ' ' . .
i L. VINE AH P,.
V augtS-Hw N. L. BUTLER