y & It c 0 r c's o n gl e p u b I i t n. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. DALLAS, SATURDAY, AUG. 27. TU-igham Young's Wealth. x-vM The prodigious wealth of the Salt Lake aristocrat, Brigham Young, says the" Denver Register, has been flaunted in thejface of the world for ten years, "as an offset to his multifarious crimes - against civilisation and humanity. He has been held up to view as one of the able&t executive minds in the nation ; a man capable of vast achievements a ruler who moved the one hundred and ififty thousand people of his dominions a- Hke automatons, and made all things within the radios of his power move to Ibis bidding. We have been told that he was the second largest depositor in i the liaok of England, had millions in j Jjondon real estate and costly build ings without number ; held the balance of money power in New York and oth er cities, the lowest figure of his enor- ,.moua gains being placed at seventy .millions. ; -The falsehood of that crochet s ' Wealth was sent abroad in a quiet way, by and through the horde of proselyU f . agents scattered through the UnU : ted States and Europe, and for this purs'-: pose: When it was decided by the church to establish a gigantic co-operative Institution, with, branches extend ing through the capital city, and to every settlement ojf the empire, agents were sent to Chicago, New York, Bos ton and Philadelphia, to purchase stocks for the multitude of stores proposed to be opened. The seventy million ro mance preceded them, and dealers vied with each - other as to who should sell the goods 4 on credit to the chief of Zion's co-operative establishment. Mer chandise' of every description flowed into the territory in an endless stream, and the thousand stores were stocked. Holiness to the Lord" furnished the trade mark ' by which all Mormons were ordered to buy. Excommunica tion from the church, which is virtual outlawry, was visited upon all who dared to violate the ediet by trading "with a Gentle. Tho' institution has thus far made no dividends, and the Eastern merchants who sold it goods , were sol in return. When they - sought the whereabouts of the glitter ing seventy millions, no part of it could be found. . ? -. , .Twenty-two years ago Brigham JToimgVwith.few hundred moneyless "followers, entered the Salt Lake valley. tJTheirrfirt years were full of toil and suffering. . They continued -poor up to the arrival of v Johnson's army, sent tthere by Floyd and Buchanan This expedition put money into their purses, jand revived a thousand paying, enter prises. Then came the war of rebell ion, which was quickly followed by the gold hunters of Montana and Idaho. IFor the first time since their lodgment -in the valley the Mormons began' to prosper and irigbam to grow rich un der these .promising combinations. . (Thus it is seen that he must have made : his seventy millions, or the major-part ef it,if at all, since 1862. Ourof the - funds thus acquired he has been com cllecl .to' keep a number of musion- -arieMin the field, 'at home and -abroad, , and; pajr out large sums for the expense of getting.foreign sheep into the fold. "His tithings cannot -be over $150000 cper annum, and Ve doubt ii they' are that much; - -:-- -; His foreign deposits cannot be large, jrossib!y a million or two, but he has a - tight grasp on all estates, goods and ef fccts.of his subjects, which ,may be 80 or 40,000,000ccrtaiuly not more. :4 Salt JLake city u to-day, . though I four times as 5 large, is not - so expensively I built as Denver. . The buildings, are all 1 pdobe;: :andi most of them are of the l eheajer kind. A few on Temple St., f the main thoroughfare, present an im " posing appearance, but they are built of concrete or adobe, and stuccoed oil ait. into square diocks to represent cut stono. ? i -, ; Take away the forest of shade trees, ' and the town would have no attractions whatever. , If, with these' facts in view, the world cannot figure out where Bricr- hamV; seventy millions! came' from, it must find Kmart mathematicians, and get deeper into the archives of Mor mondom than . we have been able to do -silVWno NEXTOn Thursday of last frweek,while Eva,? daughter ot.;Jos. AlP.cterai, of Sfeubcnville, rwas lighting a .-.fire by pouring oil on it from a can filled wjthc krpsene,. the oil ignited and ! exploded .the can, and . the clothing of -tha girl catching firo there from, she y was so badly -burQed ; before $ the flames , , pould be extinguished that death ensued ,in; three ; .hura afterward. t Her r hoops ,n were rendered almost -red hot by the f)retx The s deceased was aged i about Ievciiteen jean Pitshun Posh, ; viis Among, Jthial tila-'s directions how --lo write for the press, ho says.: nn -Neither condense nor; polish.! nor rrrefine much, Nature nover docs her . . work but once, and yet bow perfect, j Beaold the hollyhock and tho ' sun-; flower! and the freen pea and the new potato also I -They toil not, neither do tbey spin y yet the pest manufacturer in all the world couldn't better them more than you could hold. a chunjc of butter Hb tt hot fork. 1 v ' ' The Otegoni in says: -In U. S. Di trict. Court, Deacfy J udge, Monday, Aug. 22, U. ;S. vs.?Wm. K. Smith. Motion for new trial denied, and defend ant sentenced to imprisonment in Mult- nomah county jail for one, day,r; and to pay a ane 01 oi,uuu anu coses, auu iu stand commited to said jail at the rate of one day for every two dollars of such fine and costs till the same be paid. The Phindedlet says: Chas. Lovel met with a very serious accident on the loth, inst., iu Jacksonville, by falling through a trap door. A"- gash was cut in his throat from which he came near bleeding to death, but medical aid being procured, the flow of blood was stopped, and at last accounts he was doing well. The Umatilla Stage Robbert.- John West and another man, who were arrested in Walla Walla 'county a few days ago, for the robbery of Wells, Fargo & Cos "treasure box; on ' the stage near Pendleton, Umatilla county, had an examination m Walla Walla, and, on proving an alibi, were discharg ed. It is said that there was $10,000 in gold dust in the box. Governor SoLOMON.rGovernor Solo- mon and family, who were among the 1 passengers per steamship UnHainme, v n. A .. mi 1 are uuw iu iub cjiv. xiiev win uepart tor utympia on tne propeucr uauiorma thJa AVAninw. Tl,tUiln O' i Express Robbei The stage, car- . . .. . , ' rvmg W ellS, rgO & UO 8 CXpreSS, was Sioppea Oy inree men, one OI memi" oruuamr ine oioom on your cnee as a tall m-in nn.l tlio nthur torn nf mnrll. bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as urn height aud the express box demand ed. four miles from Umatilla, on the night of tho 17th insL -.The particu lars we learn from Mr. A. .L. Rogers, and are about as follows : , As the stage was travelling, the robbers demanded a halt, the largest of the three saying, "I'm Patrick Urown, the man who killed that s n of a b h in the Blue Mono tains, and you had better hand over that treasure box without any of yodr rr.iV " Tlifl Knr ima tr'tvon nn Ami rli 1 rnhhoisi rionfirtod tvithnnt. ntMinnlino to molest the passengers, some of whom. - - t -'- 1 r I it is said, had considcrerable money I1. 1" 1 1 i 7T,r. ' r: .:.u .1 XT l i .i- I . UUVtlCU IIJBV HVUIU ICUU IU HJO UlILSl VI the robbers, though several arrests have been made, and it is not yet known how much treasure was stolen. 1 he Com pany offers a reward of 8500 for the arrest of the robbers.- Muun tain '2?em- octal. ) .u-7: v j .? ;. Let il neter be forgotterr that when J udge Williams was elected to the Sen ate of the United States, he was most strenuously opposed to negro suffrage" Elect him a second time and, .before his term shall half expire, he will fa vor and vote for Chinese suffrage. Let it be disputed from a respectable source and we shall take the trouble to prove from his nast record what he will do in . ine luiure. The Bulletin is continually talking aoout at certain Democratic members who inclined to vote for Xr. Williams are to occupy another term in the Senate. Mr. Bulletin, who are these members? Let the people know in time, who still have the right of petition. A Eugene paper says the header is fast coming into favor in Lane county as a harvesting machine. : and most farmers are using it. At a spiritual circle the other evening a gentleman requested the medium to ask what amusement was most popular in the spiritual world. Ihe reply was, ,.T " II jueaaing our own ooiiuary notices. A lot of Chinese medicines, seized at the San Francisco Custom House, were received at the Treasury Depart ment, at - Washington, on Wednesday. Various kinds of snakes, among fhem the cobra de capello, bugs and roaches, the skin of the porcupine, fettiS'of an antelope &., are among the collection. These things are used as medicine by the Cnincsetdoctora.! '1 hey are all poi sonous, hence tbeir seizure. I? FT Tl IVT'T fP TT 11 T? I th beftIth od happiness, and that of Poster ? UfAttjLI JL .Jb: nJ'uMX .I-sl depends upon prompt use of a reliable , . JBcdslcails, A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen and l'arior use RA1V-IIIDI2 BOTTOM CHAIRS, Of my own make. Shop near Way mire's iTUU T INVITE THE PUBLIC O EXAMINE X my stock. I shall be pleased to show jrou mf eoods. and better pleased when you buy. ': "New Work put up to order, and Repairing done at the lowest cash price. 37 ' ' -;f ' ;;; "WK. C TRILLS. T , WIL( SELL OR TRADE POR HORSES, JL .!.; .Un mvrAHH.lt A mud PIIO. TOGRAPHIC SrOCKj also my dwelling U ma. aan1 rittllAW Itl IlSlllsiSl Knf T H r 1 1 II I a V Inquire of B. F. Niphols or . s ? r.-: 10-tf CHAS. LAFOLLETT. ADDRESS TO THE tfervous and 'Debilitated WHOSE SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN Protracted from . Hidden Causes, AND WHOSE CA8E8 REQUIRE JpROiflPX TRELTIHEIVT to render Existence Desirable. If you are Bufferinjr or bare goffered, from Involuntary discharges, wbat effect doex it prodoce upon yoar general health t JDo you fee. weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the oeart i uoe your nrer, or urinary organs, or your kidney frequently get out of order ? I your urine sometimes thick, milky or flacky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does s thick uta rise W the toy ? Or i sedhaeot at tho bottom after it has stood awhile I Do too nave spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? , V . P of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head? ! voiir mmr. imn.lr? T. r constantly aweiitng on this subject? io yoa feel dnll, lUtless, mopine, tired of eom- TOtDT. if Hint V Tlrt nn aiik n K. I ! Jj' I',m.,evetryb3r 1 , "y Mul thine make yoo start or lamp? Is your sleep broken or restless? I. the lustre of four ev. well ? , Do yon pursue your bn liness - with the same energy ? Are your spirits dull and flag, gtag given to fits of melancholy ? Do you tcel as much confidence in yourself? If ao do not lay it to your' liver or dyspepsia. Hare yu restless nights? Yoar back weak, your knees wear, and have but lUUo appeute, and you attribute Ibis to dyspepsia, or hrer com plaint? NOW, READER, self.abuse, veoercal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the reneratire orzana. The or- " """" f' "v'" MAKE TUB MAN. Bid YouEeverThink that those bold, deSantenergetie, persevering successiui business men. are al wars those whose generatire organs are in perfect health ? , You never bear such men complain of beinr melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation of the Heart. They are never afraid tbey cannot succeed in business ; tbey don I become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the eotnpaoy of ladies, and look you and tbcm rijrbt in the face none of Ton r uwwueast iwih or outer meanaest about them. t .t . r I do not mean those who keep jbe organs in Bated by running to excess. These will not RUIN THEIR CGIISTITUTIOfiS, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from b ad I r cored diseases. I bve brought about this state' of weakness in irom ine enccis or seu-aouse ana excesses. those organs that has, reduced the general sys- tm to uueb tl to induee limuit everr other disease JJJJQQY - ttVt i ntr PARALYSIS, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every . i i i . l - L.: oiner torm oi disease wuicu ohioiuhj usu to. and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but th richt une. -. Siseasv of these organs require tne use oi a DiureUc. . . Ulelmbokl's Fluid Extract is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for disease of the Bladder, Kidneys,, Gravel Dropsy, Organie Weakness, Female Complaints Ueneral Dtbility, and all diseases of the Uri nary Organs, whether exfsting in Male or Fe male, irom whaever cause Originating, and no matter or now long standing. . If no treatment is submitted to Consnmp tion r Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and remedy II ELM BQLt)S EXTRACT BUCHU Established upward of Nineteen years, IS PREPARED BY II. T. IIELMIIOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadiray, N. Y. AND 104 South Tenth St.,Fhila. Price tl ZS per EottU, or 6 Eottles for , .r t , . $6 50, delivered to any address, fold by all Druggists everywhere. . -IwViwJU rJkUU UUlivansi milCSS tlOUC Up ill StCCl CIX I I raTCll Wappei Wltll faC- ftiinilc f of ; ;iny Chemical LIFE INSURANCE. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of New G. HILTON SCRIBNER, SIDNEY W. CllOWFUT, Success the Criterion of Excellence. Ordinary Life Policies Absolutely Koii Forfeitable From Payment of First Annual Premium. RPKfJTAL INSURANCE NON FORFEITABLE AFTER TWO AN-1 NUAL PKEM1U31S. One Third of the Annual Premium loaned to the party insured, if desired, And no Note Required. The Business of the Company is on the Hutual Flan. ovM.ka rnnld prove more conclusively how folly the public appreciate the new and liberal features of this Company, and the well earned reputation of its leading Officers and Directors than the IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE Ef1PIRE, Unprecedented and Unparalleled' I ." : BY ANY COMPANY IN ........... Europe or j America. Applications for Agencies in places where the Empire is not already repre sented, will be received only from parties who can give undoubted references as to Qualification and integrity, and should be addre?ed to the undersigned. 1 o. F. VON RIIEIN & CO., ; ; ! Opposite Tbts ltemeiy does not simply riVr for short time, bat it produces perfect ant perman ent cares of tbe worst ns of Chronic Ns1 Cstsrrb, nd trill $500 rrtranl f..r a r that I cannot fur. Cold Jp the bead and Ctrrbai Hr&'lAohe are eured with a few ap plications. If yon bare a discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, storr-ine up the nose at 1 times, partial !om of the sense of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or wcaK, feel dull," bare pain or ptessore in the head, yoo may rest assured that you havo Catnrrh. Thous ands annually, wHhout manifesting half of the above symptoms, terminate in Consumption and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by physici ans. I will send my pbnmphlct on Catarrh to any address free. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itcmedy is now - . SOLD BY MOST PIUTGOIPTS IN ALL PARTS OF. TUE WORLD. Price 50 cents. ; Sent by mail post paid, on receipt of 60 cents, or four packages for $-'J Beware of counterfeits and worthless imita tions. Bee that my vnrate lamp, whicn is a positive guarantee, " genuinci), is upon the outside wrapper, itcmoraber that this priate tamp, issued by the United States Government expressly for stamping my medicines, nas ray portrait, name and address, and the words "U. 8. Certificate of genuineness" engraved upon it. and need not be mistaken. Don't be swin died by travelers and others representing tbcm selves as Dr. 8age ; I am the only man now living that has the knowledge and the right to manufacture the genuine ur. cage a caiarrn Remedy, and I never travel to soil this medi cine. - R. V. PIERCE, M. D. u6-3m .. 133 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Bridge Builders The contract to build . a bridge across the Luekiamute, at Henry Ilelmic's Polk Co., Oregon, will be let to the lowest bidder on Sat urday, the 3d day of September, 1870, between the hours of one and four o'clock, p. m., at the site of the bridge. Plans and specifications can be seen at the County Clerk's office in Dallas. . CHAS. COOLEDG. i 24 w4 ' . ' s ' - Superintendent, Administrators' IVoticc. T&TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT Xj ! the undersigned was duly appointed t at tbe August tern? of tbe L'ounty Court for Yam-j hill county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of John B. Kirby, deoeasod, late of said county j loose naving claims ; against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the said administrator within six months from date hereof. , : ; JOEL A. KIRBY, .Administrator. McMinnville, Oregon, August 8th, 1870. ,-t-;. aug!3-4w i,.r j. ;, WOOl. WAITEB. rWlUB ELLENDALB; MILL COMPANY v if -will give the highest market price for woui, aeuverea at tneir laetory in ,1'olk Co. ? j Their Store Is also open, with a general as sortmen of Pry Goodf Qrqcpries, Hardware, lS-ly , SllWSJSWSiWsWSSiSJIB York. President. Secretary. m&m isj 332 Montgomery Street, Odd Fellows' Hall, Ground Floor, Monageri for the Pacific Coast DAILA8 LIVERY. FEED & SALE 3L ABLE Cor Mala aud Court Streets Thos. O. Richmond, Proprietor. H AVINO PURCHASED THE ABOVE Stand of Mr. A. H. Whitley, we have re fitted and re stocked it in such a manner as will satisfactorily meet every want of the com munity. . . fluggles, single or double, Hacks, Con J cord Wagons, etc, etc, ! Furnished at all hours, day or night, on short notice. . Superior Saddle Horses, let by the Day or Week. TERMS, REASONABLE. i 4 T. O. RICHMOND W. n. TEAL, Wagon & Carriage ITIaker, Malu Street, Dallas. T HAVE ON HAND AN ASSORTMENT of Lumber Wagons, Express Wagons and Buggies of various kinds, ready for sale. . COME Ofl WITH YOUR CASH I . ... You ' aH know what my wagons are ; for I have been well, patronised for the last TEN YEARS, for. which I feel thankful. And the last year tbey went off like Hot Cakes. I am well prepared to do all kinds of work in my trade. I have in my employ the best" Blacksmith in the County, who is prepared to do Shoeing in the best Style, on short notice, and every kind of blacksmith work done in a neat and workmanlike manner, and according to Order, at reasonable rates. ' - Also Painting done to order. Bring along your old Wagons Buggies, and get them paint ed. - W.n. TEAL. Dallas, April 9, 1870. (J:6m Summons. In the the Circuit Court far the State of Oregon, for Yamhill county, ss. Caroline E. Dorriis, Plaintiff, Felix G. Dorris, Defendant. rjJO FELIX G DORRIS, SAID DEFEN- JLr dantt In the name of the. State of uregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, filed against you in the above named court, by Monday, the 14th day of November. A. D. 18T0, which Is the first day of the next regular term of said court, following the expiration of iuo uine preserioea in tne oraer or me judge of said court, herhoof, and more than Six weeks from the date of said order and of this sum mons, and the first publication hereof, jndg inent will bo taken against you for want uereof. And yon are hereby further notified that if you fall to appear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will apply to said court .for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and her, and for the care and custody of the minor children. The issue of said marriage, by order of the Hon. B P. Boise, Judge of said court, made this 25th day of July, A, D. 1870. m -1'-J PlainUflTf Attorneys. FRENCH "KEDX0AL OFFICE. Dr. Julien Perraolt, Dr. of Medicine of tne v acuity o - rls, Graduate of the University of Uufcen College and Physician of the St. John Baptlste So ; elety of San Francisco. DPERRAULT HAS in tunno R. ure to inform! patients and others seeking confidential meaicai auvico iU.u be consulted daily at his office, Armory Hall Building, North East eorner oi monifvweTj and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. 9, 10, 11, first floor, up stairs, entranfc on either Montgomery or Sacramento streets. Dr. Prbauj.t's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to tbe cure of the various forms of Nervous ad Physical Debility, the result of injurious habits acquired in youth which usually terminate in impotence and sterility, and permanently induce all the con comitants of 6ld age. Where a secret infirnw ity exists, involving tbe happiness of ft life that of others, reason and morality dictate tbe necessity of its removal, lor it is a fact that fc, premature decline of tbe vigor f mankoodv matrimonial unhappinees, compulsory single life, "etc., have their sources in causes, te, genn of which is planted in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted long afterward ; patients., laboring under this complaint, will complsia f one or more of tbe following symptoms Nocturnal Emissions, Pains in the Back andi Head, Weakness of Memory and Sight, Dls-. charge from tbe Urethra on going to stool make water. Intellectual faculties are Weak. ened, Loss of Memory ensues, Ideas are clouds ed, and there is a disinclination to atteid tct business, or even to reading, writing or tbe so ciety of friends, etc. Tbe patient will proba ably complain of Ditzincss, Vertigo, and thai Sight and Hearing are Weakened, and sleep disturbed by dreams; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, fainting, coughs and slow fevers while some have external rheumatic pain, and! numbness of tbe body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face, and aching in different parts of the body. Patients Buffering from this disease should ap ply immediat.Iy to Da. PeBBaCLT, either; in person dr by letter, as be will guarantee a eur of Seminal Emissions and Impotence In six or eight weeks, . , Patients suffering from venerial diseasa in any sfage, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Bub, Ulcers, Ctaneous Eruptions, etc., will be treat ed successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely removed, from the system. . Db. Pkrravlt's diplomas are in his office, where patients etn sec for themselves that they are under the care of a regularly educated! practitioner. The best references given If re quired. . Patients suffering under chronic diseases can call and examine for themselves. We invite investigation j claim not to know everything, nor to cure everybody, but we do claim that in all cass taken under treatment we fulfil our Erom'ues. We particularly request those who ave tried this bia?ted doctor and that adver tised physician till worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. .. ; Low charges and qnick cures. Ladies suffering irotfl any complaint incident tal to their sex, can consult the doctor with th -assurance of relief. . Female Monthly Pills. Dr. Terra ixt u the only agent in California for Dr.Uiotts Ft male Munlbly Pills. Theic immense sale has cttjilili.bei their reputation as a female r titcdy ttuapprached, and far in advi. f tvvry oihvr remedy lur suppressions and ifrrxslaritics. and tlur obrtructions in fe n'i On' there t-ipt of five dollars, tbes Pills will b sent hy mail or express to any pars if the world, ri.re frow curiosity or damage. Persons at a diMaarc -ii le cured at borne, by addressing a letter to Dr. Pkkbaclt, corner of Sacramento and Moututnery streets. Rooms 10 and 11, or Box i73, P. O., San Francisco stating tbe ca?e as minutely as possible, general habits of living, occupation, etc, etc All communications confidential. " 14-ly COX & EAKIlART,r; WHOLESALE D RETAIL GROCERS XrXOORXTS ELOCXC, SALTEX. Qoods by the Package at Reduced Rate mvlO 3tf l) n tier wood, flarlicr & Co ; WAGO MAKERS, Commercial street, Salem. Oregon M' ANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WAG ONS after tbo most approved styles and the best of workmanship, on short notice, and AT PORTLAND PRICES! 21 -tf J ? ." SadfJlery1, Harness, ' S. C. STI IiES, Main St. (opposite tho Court House), Dallas "IT ANUFACTDRER AND DEALER IN" JJX. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips,. Collars Check Lines, etc., eta., of all kinds, which be i prepared to sell at the lowest living ratesv jSrllKrAIllINQ done on short notice.' DRUG STO?RE.J Northwest Corner, Malu. aud JlUl.Sta DALLAS.OGK.; t AVINO PURCHASED the OLD STAND. formerly belonging- to W. S. Robb, anL wishing to live and lot livo, I will sell at lw9 rates, FOR CASH, everything in my liuer Drugs, Patent IWcdiciiicsv And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, pat aj expressly for Medicinal use. , PERVUMERlliS OF KiNP9t Mm, Sixlrt, : . ; ; Cream Tartar, V. , . , Saleratus, . , ,;'.::;' Bird Seed, '- , Paints, Otis, i Varnishes, Brushes, r, : . Domest ie Dye$ .'.'.'! -Jr7AJ?iV;( Ppvyer$ And everything else that is kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. vs t ItJV. NICHOLS, Druggist. s ALT. CARMEN ISLAND AND LIVi ERPOOL Salt, in quantities to suit, at COX A EARII ART'S Salem. JT1 AITERS. DO YOU WANT SOME Fine Cloth Qaitcnf If so, supply jourt oives s I ?3 J