DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 27. 1870. NO. 26. VOL. 1. 1 " M i, i s 4 Ii Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at M'Vvical special tonfiorto the bill isued Every Saturday Afternoi Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY SULUVAH & GAULT. OFFICE Main street, between Court and Jlill streets, two doors south of tho Pos'toffico. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. SINGLE COPIES-One Year, $2 50; Six Jlonths, $1 75; Three Months, $1 00. &btcrijption tnu$t leatS''irictly in advance , ADVEBTmNCbRATES. . . One square (lOJines or less), first insert's,, $3 00 JSaoh subsequent insertion-..... v 1 00 A liberal deduction will be made to quar terly and yearly advertisers. ' Professional cajda will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. ; Transient advertisements must be paid for In advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must bo paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. Blanks and Job Work of every description famished at low rates on short notice. 7 3J-All advertising bills must be paid '' monthly.. IV II AT SONG SIIALI, IT HE t What shall it be? What fong Wilt win your fancy, dear, And move your heart to'sing As mine i-i mov;d to hear? r Shall it be gay or sad Bright as the linnets' strain, Or full of unwashed tears, That dJiideu lifu -with pain ? I touch the l:oys and w.vt. Watching those dreamy eyes, That hide their thought, as stars Are hiJ in bluest skies; N furtive flash betrays. There is no tell-tale gleam; H!p me then, dc-ar, to try And read your waking dream. Say, shall the song be ripo With manners of the past, With rosy blossoms shod, With sunsLio erercast? Shall scenes and sounds that were In pleasant memories strong, And song give life Bjjaia - The day j when life was song? Shall sadder fancies 2nd . An echo in the tone . 'Till we are moved to. weep i, . O'er sorrows not our vwii ? -Or shall hcroio deeds Move us to fierce delight, As wben a clarion thrills Tho pulses of the uight? Shall laughter bubbUng rie, Like streams that seaward go, And, prodigal of life, Wrestle to overflow ? Or, 'neath a deeper spell, Say, shall the musie move, Stirring the hearts of alt - Shall it discourse of love ? Ab ! dreamy eyes that hide Their burning thoughts so well, A burning cheek reveals, A tilcnt lip can tell, What need to ask the strain That joulb to youth will bring? Lve it baa ever sung, Love it ever will sing. An Immense Contract. The most extensive contract ever awarded in this State was negotiated in Philadelphia, on Friday last, between the Central Improvement Company (of which Philip Collins, hsrj., of this place and his two brothers, Thomas and Peter were members), and the Shenandoah - Valley Railroad from Shepherdstown, via Charlestown, Front Royal, Lexing ton, &c., to the Virginia and Tennes see Railroad, near Salem, a distance of 33 miles. The whole line, which will ' cost nearly 9,000,000, is to be com- pleted and ready for the cars within two years, and our word for it there will be, no failure, either in time or manner, on the part of a firm composed pf such men as the Messrs. Collins. We wish Mr. Hoi lad ay would ope fate upon the principle above set forth. But he thinks the profitable way to build railroads is to commence but nev er complete one, and always bo in a great hurry and bustle and employ a great number of Chinamen abbut the pitting of every Legislature, -and es pecially where they only, meet once in woyearp, ; ; . vX The following is the seventh and last pection of the late naturalization law : Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the naturalization law Are hereby extended to .. aliens of African nativity and to persona of African descent. r , Approved, July 14, 1870. ' ' Docs James O'Mcara and his mas ters (Holladay and Williams) endorse tit? and docs tho Oregonian findorso the principle and policy t If not, .' would it not be well, for that journal, l according to its own idea of tliipqa, ! to Identify itself with the Democracy ? V tgubscribc. for jo JUWCAN. S which passed the House of Represent- atives at its last session, brought for ward by Bingham, from the Judiciary Committee, to regulate the mode of de termining the ratification to an amend raent to the Constitution of the United States, as an argument in favor of our leader of last week on that iuhjetit. By this bill, if it should become' a law,' but under Divine Providence wo ttope it never may, tho Congress of the Uni ted States may propose any amend mcnt to the Constitution it -sees fit, even to perpetuate itself in power j re fer it to Legislatures then in session, who had been elected by the people without any reference to the proposed amendment, induce them, through con siderations of money or promise of fat offices, to adopt the proposed amend ment instanter, report it to the Secre tary of State, who would immediately promulgate it as a part and parcel of the fundamental law ot the land, and if the people should be unanimously opposed to it, elect their next Legisla tures upon that issue, and should con vene them before the requisite number of States had ratified tho amendment, still they arc, by the provisions of this bill, debarred the privilege of undoing what the former Legislature had been purchased to do, their will completely thwarted, and the people compelled to submit to a law repugnant to their cherished institutions and which they hate. If this be Republicanism then we have misunderstood it. Wve say that so long as the present system pre vails, let the pcoplo of each Stato say, through their Representatives, at any jime before the requisite q umber is ob tained, whether or not they want an amendrocBt to pass. , No harm can re sult from the latter course, while by the former the people can be. completely cheated out of their rights. We here place ourselves on the record against the passage of the law. What journalist or public man in Ore gon favors it ? but let our proposition of last week prevail, and then the people can ru, as they should, and one more relic of monarchy will have been erad icated from our institutions. EARTHQUAKE IN THE MEDITERRA NEAN. The Grecian Archipelago has again been disturbed by a volcanic up heaval, and with terrible results. For two thousand years, we are told' fearful convulsions have from time to time changed the face of nature in that region. Islands have suddenly risen out of the depths of the sea, and as suddenly dis appeared. In the recent earthquake, the Island of Sintorin, which 'belongs to the group of the Cyclades, celebrated in the poets, and which since 18GS has been consuming with hidden fires, was riven throughout its whole extent, and its capital, Thera, reduced to a heap of ruins, while an adjacent island! was swallowed up by the Mediterranean. It does not appear that this latter was inhabitated,' and we can only lament that it was not the home of the Greek brigands.'' ,?f Santorin is a corruption of St.;Irrne, the name given to the island in the third century of the Chris tain era. ' Io ancient times it sent forth: the colony that founded the Libyan city of Cyreno. Its chief production was the vine, which flourishes best in volcanic coun tries, and from which the inhabitants madeone millon gallons of wine annu ally. The full extent of tho calamity of last Friday will be known only when accounts can reach us from Athens. ' " " 1 1 tt Following are the business transac tions at tha Roseburg Land Office for the mounth of July: Cash' Entries 3,245 71; under the Homestead Act, 2,437 10; Donations, ' 5,275 04; Agri cultural College Script, 320; Land War rants, 320 tota. 11,508 75, , A m - II. Beaslv, of Douglas county, lost six hundred bushels of grain by Ore last week. The grain was stacked near the house, and is supposed to have caught from sparks fVom the chimney. V f There is now a population of over 300 in Goose Lake valley. " About twenty if .amiliei arrived there last month; ' :" ' " , - i t-? uL K-.iua 1 A Joke ou the Choir, Many years ago there was in the East era nart of Massachusetts, a worthy D 1)., und although he was an eminently be nevolent man and a good Christainyet it must be confessed that -he loved a good joke much better than even 1 the most inveterate jokers.' t It was, before church organs, werc niuch in use ; it so hannened thatthe choir of the church had recently purchased a double bass viol; Not far from the church was a large pasture. and in it a huge tdwn bull. .One hot Sabbath in the Summer he got out of the pasture, and Came bellowing up the street. About the church there was plenty of untrodden grass, green and good, and Mr. Bull stopped to try the quality; perchance to ascertain if its location had improved its flavor ; at any rate, tho doctor was in the midst of his sermon when 'Boo woo woo,' went tlie bull , The doctor paused, looked up at the singing scats, with a grave face, said: "I would thank the musicians not to tune their instruments, during service tliue; it annoys, me very much.'' The people tittered, for they well knew what the real state of the case was. " ' ' - The minister went on again with his discourse, but he had not proceeded far beforo another "Boo woo woo" came from Mr. Bull. ; "' ' The parson paused once more, and exclaimed. 'l have twice already requested the musicians in the gallery not to tune their instruments during sermon time I now particulaly request Mr. Lafevor that he will not tune his double bass viol while I am preaching." This was too much. Mr. Lafevor jot up, much agitated at the thought of speaking out in church, and stam iiicffd out : , It isn't me, Parson B j it's th that mischievous townbullT' Wiikhf8 thk AitM.noLEa! A friend of ours had ordered a pair of pan V at the tailors, giving the latter to under Stand that ho was io no hurry for them. Shortly alter ordering them be found it necessary to make a trip to the me tropolis;, and of course wanted the new pants to wear. Accompanied by a friend who is somewhat celebrated for his many practical jokes, he drove up to the tailor's in his buggy, and as his friend was about getting out, he request ed him as a favor to say to the tailor that he wanted those' pants finished by a certain day. The friend promised to attend to the matter, and with a face as long as that of a horse, he called on the tailor and informed him that the gen tleman who had ordered those pants wanted them right away, aud as he was going on a hunt he wanted them cut six inches shorter in the leg, so they could bo "foxed' at the bottom, and the cloth thus cut off added to lengthen the waist. The tailor suppos ing the order for the ; change in the ' style" to be all right, proceeded to finish tho enrment in good shape by the required time. tAtj the appointed time, the owner of the pants called, was handed the completed garment, and unsuspectingly proceeded to get into them. On getting fairly into them, he found the waist reached his armpits, while his . leg was exposed from tho knee down. Seeing the comical figure he cut (ho weighs in the neighborhood of 250 pounds), and at onoe compre hending the situation, he gave one quizzical look at the pants, and then in his shrillest tones vociferated 'Here, -, where in h 's the arm holes I" It is a safe bet that 'somebody will have to pay for those pants before the summer is over and gone." AU bany Rig titer, - ti ' 1 Running a newspaper in tho sum mer time is very much like, a-two bun dred and fifty pound 1 female going throucrh-vlat man s miser? in the Mammoth Cave. " They got through jut can t tell how, v tn. On a tomb-stone at Florence is thi4 inscription : ''Here HesSalvino Armato d'Armati, of Florence, the inVentor of spectacles. May God pardon his sins. 1 The: yea 1317." -:?.v:- c ! "Every man his own angel," is the way thenew flying machine has . been announced" r.tii'Hn.. 1 ; When is1 a Chinese most like veg etable ? .Why, when a cuo cumbers his heady of course. i i . f ; ; j Why are types like criminals f Be cause it isn't proper to ' lock them up wjthdutproof;'--';-,.-:, T- n Telegraphic Stutiiiiary. B&US8CL8, August 13. Advices from Metz, through private channels, teem to confirm the story of the removal of tke Prince Imperial from trance. He has not been seen in court or church since; Sunday. It is reported, oh good authority,. that kugeme has made prep aration to go to England, by way of UCigiUJi, in case 01 neceusity. JjONdon, August ii$ A special to the Telegraph says reports from Carl shue this moruiog anuounee the eapitu- lation, of, Strasbourg after a short bom bardment. , . . Sharp fighting took place in front of Metz yesterday. A considerable force of Prussians advanced into the environs of the city as a reconnoitering party, to discover if the report of the town having been evacuated by the French was true. They were taken by suprrisc by a fire from the batteries, and forced to retire. It would appear that, the Prussian advance has received a decided check at this point, and a great battle cannot much longer be delayed. Paris, Aug. 13. Dispatches to the Minister of War say that a recent reconnoissance made near the enemy indicate that the Prussians have an in vading army of 750,000 men between Cologne and Rastadt. The chiefs of the French army are fully prepared to resist this torrent of invasion. Over 400,000 troops will in a day or two be united between the Vnsgea and the Moselle. The bulk of the French army is now concentrated around Mets, where the first detachment of the corps of McMahon and Failley arrived yes terday. The retreat of the troops was made in good order The abandcomett of Alsace by the French causes great anxiety, and dis content at and near Strasbourg. That place is well provided for in war material and provisions, but the garrison, it is feared, will not be able to hold out long. Iowa Wiikat. The Iowa RegUttr of July 27th, speaking of the wheat prospects in that State, says : The month of July closes well agri culturally. Through May and June we thought wa were io a fearfully bad row of stumps. All the prophets and all the oldest inhabitant agreed that we were to have no wheat and oats worth cutting. The opinion became general, and times were' blue. But the proph ets were wrong. Timely showers came and tho crop of small grains was saved. Its harvest has now been in progress for two or three weeks, and is prob ably, taking the whole State over, three-fourths done I u Southern Iowa cutting is about done, stacking well started, and threshing begun ; in the North, this will be tho busy week, and will nearly finish up tho cutting. Of the wheat, there is but one report all over the State, which is to the effect that, while the yield is not so great in bushels, it is of the best, ! being the plumpest, firmest, and brightest ever raised in the State. The crop per acre will be worth more than any we have had for several years, and the prospect is if Napoleon and the Prussians carry out the big job of war they have com menced, that it will bring the most money our, wheat crop has ever brought. Old residents say they have never ' seen wheat of such superior quality in Iowa. ; nonainus Burning Accident. The Portland Advertiser says : "Mrs. Eliza II. Barber, of Portsmouth, N. II., widow of Jethro L. Barber, was burn ed to death Sunday afternoon. Her grandson Daniel had left her about half an hour before fire was disoovcred in her room ; she , was then sitting at - a table near and back to a stove, eating strawberries. Shortly before 5 o'clock Mr. David Marshal, a neighbor, discovi ered smoke issuing from the house, and, and, with others, entered Mrs.' Bar ber's room, found it on fire aud full of i smoke, the ' old lady lying dead upon the floor, her clothes being burned off, and her body blackened and burned to a crisp. The fire was: speedily extin guished, and it. was found that the chair on which she' had been" sitting, was scorched, and ! a oloset door against which she had fallen was badly scorch '" cd and had some of ; the, flesh from her face adhering to it. Her body present ed a horrible spectacle. ' No doubt the fire was communicated to her olothing by the stove.!) Mrs. Barber was seven ty eight 'years of; age, was lame and feeble in health ; so much so that she probably had not sufficient strength to raise her voiee loud enough to be beard bv any one la tho house or on the tt , PROFESSIONAL CARDS, d-C. Att'y Si Counsellor-at-Law McMIuuvllle, Yamhill Co., Oregon. ' Particular attention giren to the study and practice f Criminal Lair, Clleetim of Claims, Notes, Account, etc JT, II. SITES, M. BM Physician - and Snrgcon, Having r k4 vr&eUee. will rite apeelal attention to Obstetric, and the treatuent of the diacaae of Women and Children. 0-Office at hit reiidence. , II. E. BOXPt n. !., rhysician and Surgeon, j : lallas, Oregon. OFFICE At NtehoU Drag Store. So j W. D. JEFFItlES, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 1 )' " Eola, Oregon. 8peeUI attention given to O bate trice and Diiteatei of Women. -. ' ltf j J. 12. DAVIDSON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Independence, On. 1 1 T. V. B. Embree. PIIYSICIAIV&SUItCJEOI AMITY, YAMU ILL CO OEEUOX. Jtf Office at rciidepce. Hjl Attorney and Connsellor-at-Law, j SALFJl, OREGON,. Will practice in all the Court of Record and , ; Inferior Coarti of thU SUtc. OFFICE In tair. Watklnda A Co'a Brick, np 1 i P. C. SULLIVAN, Attorney & Counsellor -At -Law, j Dallas, Oregon, Will practice in all tbe CourU of the State. 1 ; J.X.OLUM8, Attorney a&d Counsellor-at-Law. j Dallas, Oregon. Special attention given to Collections and to maturi pertaining to Real Estate. 1 i J. A. Apjilegale, a!tTOJBE V-AT- liAW, I Dallas. Polk County, Ogn. 1 JT. WAftDLAW, M. !., Physician and Surgeon, T lwIevMe, Folk Co., Ogu- II M recently returned from the Atlantic States And ogeJ bU profeMtonal aerviecs to the citi acnl of the Count. Particalar attention given to Female Dis eases. 2-tf n. a. Kifinitr. 1 w. p. lo an ftTIVICrllT & LOKD, Att'y&Counsellor-at-Law, Corner Commercial and State Streets, i Opposite Ladd A Bash's llauk, " 1 " ntf l.U lltlt.'T'OV. Will nractlce in the Saprcme Court and the . . - o-- 1 1 nui.i T Circuit uouru 01 wt oocwuu id , uhu u- dicial Districts. 8K0. B. VORHBV B. UfcBLKT. l y ka jl a ju m , rarm mrm nmr W(VTFV ; j ; Altorneys-At-Law, I.AFAYETTE: - -'. - OREGON. S-tf MAEIIOUT ; ElAMSE Ve Ali'y&CounsclIor-at-Iiaw, 5 Lafayette, Oregon. S-tf a. r. rossll. P. rEBBT. Hal EttaU Attorney Notary ihlif. Ileal Estate. Brokers and j . Collection Agents, Northwest Cor. of First and Washington ' j Streets, . PORTLAND - - - - OREGON. Special attention given to the tale of Real Estate. Oolloerlons Made U Qragon and the Territories, :v .. - : , ,..;". i Property, town lota, Improved farms, stock ranches, lands, Ams, situated in tho beat portions of Oregon and W, T., for sale on reasonable terms. '; 4' 8-tf . . E D. SliOAT, ; Carriage and Ornamental sioi1 P AITTB n, Ceanafcia ftrset, : i Opposite Starksys TJloek, it-tf t 'I-: . - A v ; 1,- . SALEM, Att'y Corihsellor-at-Iaw, :.i ft f Lafayette, Oregon, rv;'.F.;s. MATTE SPZUy ;... Physician, Surgeon St Accone&sr, Iluena VIta, Polk Co., Ogn., Will attend promptly to professional calls. 7:8ea V JEN NI NGS LODGE No. D :MT A A. M., Dallas, holds it regular eo rXmnnicattons on the Saturday preceding the Full Mown in each month, unless the meon fulls on Saturday-then on. that day, M one Also, on the second Friday in 'each m on ti lt 7 o'clock, 1. Tor the purpose f improve-, ment of the Craft in Masonry, ajsd fer sejeH other work m the Ma-s&er may froja time' to time order. " j ... All liret h re n in gd ttntAtDg are Invited to attend By order of tho W. M, , J EJ1 " SAiLOJe SIAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE. 171 INE WINES, LIQUORS AND SEOARS . served to customers on short notice. , This establishment docs not dispense tangle foot or anything of that character. Call at the Cn.-t&$; SASH AMD DOOR FACTQIW, Corner Mill and -Main streets, Deliaai Higgs &. CaiiiphcJI TTAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Ii; a larce rarietT of Dours and SaKhe. of all the common sizes, and of lie otrsi wurniuaueuip, at mn Factorv. which tbev offer for sale as cheap M such articles can be purchased tdsejrhee They are also prepared to 11 all special or dcrs for work in their line promptly, cheaply and accurately. : . j ; I s Give us a trial, and yon will be satisfied. 2 RIQGS A CAMPBELL. DAflK EXCHANGE SALQOfl, Main sreet, S : : Dallas, ! Og. TIT INKS, LIQUORS, FOkTER, ALEi II I;ittcrs, Cigars, Candies, Oysters! and Sardines will be scrrrd io cent)- men on the outride of the counter, by s gentle man who has an eye to "bis on the inside.' So come along, boys; make 00 delay, we will soon hear what you have to say, 32 W. F. CLINflAaT. HURGREfl & SHiriDUfl, ; Importers and Dealers in FIJIlNtT U'ttlS AND ., BEDDING. The largest Stock and the Oldest fcTfcr ulture House lit Portland. WAREROOMS AND FACTORY CORNEE S AL1I0N AND FESST STRXTT8, PORTLAND, OREGON ) " lV-tf ' Farmers Attention ! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVIKO HAD nearly twenty years' practice ta making wagons in Oregon, we feel coufident we can do as good work'as can be had f n any part of the State. ' ' - . ,. .. . j.j. . Iron and Hickory Axles, (Tliisnl)Ie Skeins) On hand and made to order on short notice. Lumber Wag-ons. ........ ..tI50l80 Ekpress Wajom,. Call and exsmino, our , work. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms, SIMEON T. OARRISON, ASA S1IR EYE. Dallas, April 14, 1870. 7m FRESH AISEtlVAIs ! OUR STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOE j THE SPRIIfO TRADE,1 ts now open and lor sale at oar store, on the Corner of Front and Mill Streets, Dal las, Oregon. : ,. j Wo invito the attention of onr patrons to our New Stock, consisting of Dress Goods, Clothing, j Hardwire, ' ; Croclery, Oroceriee, Boott if Shoes, . . , i School Booh, , : I Stationery, , fe.. In fact everything fonni In Retail Storci, At Prices to Suit tbb Tlncj '- . ... . CQuntry Froduee taken la exeaange for Those having old accounts an rcqnesicd to call and settle by CASH or NOTE. We thsnk the public for their liberal paU ronago the past, and hope for a continuance of the same. ' W N. A. J. D. LEE; Dallas, March 1st, 1870. Ltf ltf NOTICE I - , , r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TITAT the law firm of Viuoyard A Butler la thi day dissolved by mutual consent. ; : , ' 1; J , . i L. VINEYARD, angl3-3w J : ' JI. J. BUILEB,