Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 13, 1870, Image 3

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Folic County Official Directory.
Polk, county covers an area of about 1,230
qitare miles. Number of voters. 1,227. Acres
of land under cultivation, 03.270. Value of
. asisesslo property, $1,521,51:1. The Lund
Office for this District is located at Oregou
CityOwen Wade, Register Hcury Warren,
Receiver. .
7 COCNTY OmCEKS. Jtuhje, J. II. Myers ;
CoinmiHiiitr, J. K. DelasKiuutt, Wrh Jones;
herijf. S. T. Bareh ; Clerk, D. J Holmes; .1.
er, Wm Ridge way ; Twuttrer, R. M. May;
Si-heat isnperhiUtfleut, L. Vineyard; Surveyor,
A. P. Butler: Coroner, Dr. J. E. Davidson.
Post ' Of hob Towxs. Bethel, Bridgeport,
Buena Vista. Dallas (evuuty seat), Eola.'urand
Ronde, Independence, l.ucktaunite, Lincoln.
Lcwisville, Monmouth, Rickroul, Salt Creek
and Zsaa.
V. B. Mail leaves Dallas for Salem on Mon
day, Wednesday and Fridjy at 7 a. in . return
iug sa-ue days at 6 p. iu.; for independence,
. each Tuesday jnornhig at .6; for Salt Creek,
each-Tuesday. at 1 p. m.; for Lafayette, Mon.
tlay and Thursday at 3 p. ui-, returning Wed
nesay and Saturday at 10 a.m.; for .CorvullLs.
..y "Wednesday and Saturday et 10 a. m., returning
Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. "
M E. Clntrrh.J). L. FpnuMIng, pastor.
Services at their church, north side of Mi!!
street between Main and JefTerson, as follow?:
First Sabbath' (ia each month) in tho evening;
2d Sabbath, at It uVloek a. ia.;' H i Sabbath.
.Iu the evening. Regular prayer meeting each
Wednesday evening. Sunday School every
Eubbaih at 9 o'clock a. ta.
P.iipt'ht Church. J. W. 0born, pat or. Ser
vicej at their Church, corner Court and'JciVer
on .treets, the Third Sabbath in each mouth.
- Chrii;.,n Church. T. F. Campbell, pastor.
Services at tho Baptist Church second Saturday
and Sunday in each month.
, Jfftuodfct I.),imp,,l '?mrrh ( S.trt?,). R. 11.
Bxter, pastor. Services the l"i,t Sabbath in
f fh mnth at their Church, southeast corner
. Wuhit iu and Church streots.
AVitt PrtKACit. Rev." (J. V. Branson wi'd
occupy the pulpit in the M. 1. Church,
, to-mirrow at 11 ocl.t:k, a. m.
Tar,. CotXTY Covn. This trihtmsl ha
been In ?e?ion al last we k. The bu.-iness fr
the most part has been confined to trying civii
acti-jns aad admtnitr?tor, busine?j.
ATarw. The weather the patwoek has been
' unusually warm, and lear!s na tiuffeting m rt.t!s
to speculate upon tho cau;.' of the unror.? n
abl hint, but ?uch labors dj Let hritig coo!t;.g
treczes. :
. ,
Oct or D,Nr.n.-.Mis, Mary oodward,
who was accidentally poisoned hxU week, ha
tn f;ir recovered that her phyicia prn :.hihm
her out of danger. T Lis ill u-j
iu news f.;r
her many frionJj.
: Amitt Ccr.ca. Mr. 'tleorg- tiet-.-holl, wh
. btiitdtng the Christian Chureh at Amity, k."
" here 'lasi-'wcek and informs w that he ha-
' ibo frame n? and th; r f on. Tho building
. will be compteUd this fall.
Sasit Axn Doorrs. Me.'sw. Campbtll .1 Eg
of thU place ha been awarded thi contract of
1 making the nafh and doors' fvr the Amity
Church. There U ten etghteen-ljht window?,
.the g!a? bcia. twelve by twenty iavbe. Th
win low., therefore, will be about three and
. a half by eleven feet iu fir.'!.
, .-Capt. . Lafoi.i.kttb cash d uf onr oCicr ye- '
ierday frota the Agency. The Captnin i look
ing gay and costive. Ho repnrf. the machin
ery at the agency in good runuing ordr, at.d
if we arc not miM.hcn in our id.?crvriions he
j, an ap-cr.t nlnt i-pcratious have r-.ol been
equaled ; he U the rtht man in th riht place.
Jly the Ctsptaiu'i po'.ittcal lib ha brg and
Coot) -I?rr.. Judge WL-fun l:ft yc.Mer.hiy
on the ftae for Idah i Territory' t ars-ime tie
dutL-3 of bis o.Tiee. Ve y many pcr.-ont hae
. left our midst Vt.Pcfck thoir fortur.cft in other
i climes but none have ever left u,imro deeply
rcretted than our frit n 1 " Ci-ri" as he waa
at , .....
familiarly called. Hens he I n? lived for eight
year?, most of the time in official position, and
the roary regrets which have been expresse-1 at
losing; him, irrespective of party, speak far
ore in his favor than any feeble words or oar
can cxprcsi. Few men have ever had so much
to do in public life and mule aa fewenfcraies as
he.. While even' hia political enimica wcr
queeiioncd Lis devotion to the party which has
always endorsed him, ai't t which he has
. always proved a tried friend ; yet the sorrow
;at his departure seemed io be as general with
them as with his political friend. It will be
a lonic.time before the people of Paila3 will
"forget W. C. W- whose aid eo many of
,them have eo often invoked, and never in vain.
To the good people of Idaho we commend him,
together with his interesting family, and know
thattbey cannot he disappointed if they admiro
4he kind of friend we do in Oregon. To our
rend we can only say, farewell.
- -Femalb v BoAitDi0 ircHOOL. We have re
reived a circular from S.II. Marsh, of the Pacific
University, at Forest Orove, In which be
announces that ho can furnish nccommodation
tto tblrty lady hoarders. The rooms are large
and airy, and suited each for two occupants.
'Tho price of hoard per term of thirteen weeks
t 15 President Marsh will take a personal
- pvendgbt of tho establishment, and tha young
ladies will he members of his family. The
"Paeifio University is on of the best schools in
? he Stajta, and we now of no place where stu
dents will mako greater improyement than at
Forest Grove.
' Notice. Raving sold my entire interest in
the late firm of W.!C. Bbowx & Company to
J. C. Bell, I take this method of thanking my
numerous friends, and the people, generally, for
;tieir rery kind and liberal patronage during
2th ?My ycar I have been engagsd in the
.fcnercanm business in Dallas. All accounts
duo tbe firm will he found in the hands of J. C,
I Bkix, at the old sUnd, who : is authorued to
.;, HttJe'somo of them. 1 f - -
W. c. Brows,
New Weekly. We have received the first
number of the Oregon Bulktht, made -up from
the Daily litdlethu Tho weekly is a One paper
and large, and will givo satisfaction to its
patrons. The editorial work shows that the
managers have not spared labor or expense, and
tbe mechanical department is not inferior to
that of any paper on tho coast. Wo bespeak a
liberal support, for it is uucw.-papoi 'deserving
of success.
Tna fall term of tho District School at Dallas
will commeuco oh Monday, tho 22d of this
month. Ji will bo a two months' term. There
will he the same amount of school money to
apply that there is in a fufl term. The tuition
will, therefore, bo cut down, and schooling will
bo ihcaper. ' t.
Coastvaius The half cooked people of
the towns in this valley are going to Ocean.
Beach by -the dozens. Quo day this week two
buudred persons left Salem on the way "to the
, Smoke. We have been treated to dense fogs
of smoke this week for the firit titiic this Finn
mer. The disagreeable cloud seenis to come
from beyond the Cascade Mountains.
; J
A Change Must Couie.
Our litest advices from Kuropc
makes the fact evident that there must
bea change in the government of France
or at least, in the rulers. Napoleou is
truly ia a critical condition. Iu front
. . . . ,
he has a vurtonous nemv. hi tli? rear.
. - .
" .
i discontented populace. Without the
ability to rdau a succesrul otmnsi-n,
his cxeelletit ditdomtti- nbilities avail
, ... i t .
I'll r.oinm, lie will certainly have to
" . J
give up the throne of France The
very cilamity that he hoped to avert by
a fcrcljn ,, U ,,n lm. -A
jv , . . (. . . .
Dictatorship is spoken or, ct-rtuirr it is,
t ' , . . .
nwjl."'.'m tpaVi fr l.'.t va ni-i r.rmv anil
his family hn already fl,d to forcrgtt
countries i;te tnttmatum of thi Prus
slans is realized, and the lionaparte dvI
' ' -
nnfy j.s dethroueu. V, til that brini:
J ,. . . .,,
peace. luni aums wui teI.
Till-: editor of th-; St-:fe$mitn ?ay,
, , v
yr.rs.nga vrc were o;Toed to Negro
sfTgC, and t.ut a m 'J -rily of too
II' publican party In Oreg.m were, a!-o.
opposed to it. Iat tbi.tg-t have changed
fj'r.ce th.it time which make it ulsjlutelv
nece.siry th tt tv should extend tlu
s;ior,ige to toe Afriean rae, aad it ha
become a dead istt-. V.'e deny any
-.ieb tse-c ssity, nnd the Sfrf't-sm ia catw
: w.t I.. .-t... .H-rf .f .U....'
issncs in politics U a fool, and if all th-
St't teaman says be true, then ho simply
prove that we have not changed our
.principles with every wind that blow?
Talk about fix year n.so, turn to the
lie of yonr ji ipcr but three years r.jr
md you will fiad ir oppo.c I to lite ex
fctiivti of tho suffrage loopp.tf.itc races
in common with all otl.cr Pnioti papers
iu the Slate, hut now beiu lost in your
vacillations, you charge us with nut
keeping pace with prore?s. How can.
tcmplihlo to talk about progress iu a
direction visibly wron ttiny mm ol
".ood scno. How lon-4 U it Mnec vou, Mr.
editor Siuteni(ni declared to those y n
pretended to be friendly with that yoi
wore person dly oppo-ed to ibis radical
ism as much as anybody, but that under
the peulitr circumstances you were
compelled to endorse it. o.stcnsitlj 1
Talk ubiuit sentiment, principle and
prorc-s ! And what arc your princi
ples ? do yo 'endorse the leading men
and measures of tlfe. party, Greeley,
Sumner, .Morton, Trumbull, and the
late naturaliz-itioa law enfranchising all
Africa l I f you do, ?ay it, and the people
will abandon you j and if you do not
endorse it, say that like a man, if pos
sible, and then let tho Oiejonian say
whether or not you ought to go to the
Democrats 1
A printer, not lon since, bein flun
by hia sweetheart, went to the printinir
office a:id tried to commit suicide with
theshobiiaa stek, but the thinpf wouldn't
off. Tlie devil, wishing to pacify
him, told him to peep into ine sanctum
where the editor waa writing duns. to
delinquent subscribers. He did so,and
the effect was magical. He said the pic
ture of despair reconciled hiru; to his
fate. ;
A niember of the Wyoming Legisla
ture seeking to sustain a point of order,
jerked his coat off, with "Mr. Speaker if
some reliable man will hold these duds,
I'll teach hira that he is out of order."
The point was sustained.
Fires are raging in the Blue Moun
tains, bndOrand Itonde valley is almost
surrounded by this clement -of destruc
tion. ; ,.
Max Mailer has been appointed post
master at Jacksonville to succeed Ji M.
. Button' ''He will enter upon the duties
of his office soon.
Telegraphic Nuiiimary.
Paris, August 9. This city is fear
fully excilcd over news from the front.
, An official dispatch says McMahon's
Chief of stall wus killed.
A great battlo ia expected at Metz,
a the Prussians are making force
marches in that direction.
The Proclamation of tho Minister of
war approved ly the -.Ktnpress declares
Paris in a state of seijxe, and orders im
mense preparation for its defense, ealU
innj the people to arms.
London, August 9. News from
Pari- rov.s hourly more serious. On'y
official reports are allowed to be telegra
phed. Letters ay the rage amldisip
pointment of the populace of Paris
on finding there had been n series of
defeats on French soil instead of a mil
itary promenade is beyond description.
The people were furious on reading the
I'mt etor's prclatuation.;
Seventeen deputies ; have signed a
call for France to crm.
Mughal jLinu, haibcen appointed
Commander of tho French armies.
Lcbocuf retires , to his lepttmettt.
(lie is Minister ol NVur). Napoleon
stii! remains ill.
J.undon, Aug. 8. McMahon in his
communication with (Jen'l Fu'ih-y, giv
ing details of the capture of Wt-issen-
hour shows that the Trench wcro sup
. . . 1 .! I . I
pn.-cu umi su Uer.u great iy irom i ruwn j
artillery. Gen. Poniy (who wa killed j
iu the lir-t batlh- full at uoon. A
. ... ' . . . t .... ... r ...
t-attle will prouaiy iae ji.atu ai .uiu ,
to-monow. j
LosimN. Aus. 9. .:'') p. m. Ac
t . . t . X 4 I 1 ...1
I coidtti- to the I'aii -Mall Uazette .the
! huiprss huenie is preparing hr iltghf.
: .', - - , ,. , l ,.,
lerirmvo Metz H unuerunt ' a
tlitroUt.l, organize m.
'i'hy Tima -w the Kretieh dkasts r
. t "j" XiSl 1
i refuin - MJuna mil tary uavee and, to
. ... - .. . i- ... .
i !;is illt:e-. Pai ties wi l ranee will make
j . . . . ?ii
j j,is Lao U ahealy ignored in by
which the .Legt-ucy K'uki ; to ruhy tho
- u iira"-,t tlca
. 1 ... :. 1,,. ...j .w
-,. , ,- t ....
teume p.vrr, and an it testing how
,.. UJ y b Jtw;:sed w ith ahoether.
I fbe only tpstbm U whi .nhull Sautter
I iht- word ol ao.l-teation.
! M- z, Au- 8 : levelling. '1 be
; c;RCcntralta to march to
,, Vu--e., Motll.?ins ami i defend th
! rniy.es. No engag.itnfnt to jby.
Paris Aug.' 9. Nothinir i certain
eoytetnistg Autri i. Hu?sia i kteping
vr quiet with promises, Kothing td
ttot ban faVon pfat-f in UUeity, 8nl
n ilitrubance, h sn tC( U red
4 ;
' didriLanCP. has tX'CU redi
'1 he authoring living Utn warned
, . . . ,
at a hoeu'ly "f wot King men inteo-Iet.
m':ikin' trouble. U ok t retaurion. and it
i 41
.. '
PaIMs j.turfiaM smnmnee that Italy
vv i 1 imtiu'diaity '-end tie buiidred thou
and men to a .-;. t Fra:ce.
I'n tn the tinman : The land ad
joining talent on tho ea.t. feem.s to be ( .,,d ilt TK I f l"R 8TO.M t:ii i;ITn:!;
o.min' into m.ukH. and to. be p2U;ci ".b-t:vd in 'h-ir pla.-.. In Cu-f r;U it
ctalsn- raptdiy m price. iWe kutu ,Uy w .....j.rhed. C nhU,
that Thonias (.' tUb; bft't.!it 40 ad"'. thf j thn't ih" xr vs i.r.r.'tn r ioxh i rndo.l!y
tbcr d-iV d 'J. W.tlray, sittiaftd Oi rtb j dij-.lcisf b m. and thai tU eonf.-du-e oS tho
, i "i- - I, -it t i- i tKooh; in it rHiiSv.try and in pr.p.-rtus,
ul. and adjutnmg the i'artth claim, b'f ut.!estm with every paif.4syvr. firc
1. 000, hi ing JiU0 per Acre. om tht cnrn.t lie." tdeuv tin to 'be .the fj.-f. N
!ill)i a" . i'Vi. 1. HohlLiU bought nc dicing prrparathui ftjijotj. M like jpularity
''t, , ' I j j utnoo" !'t -hi'c! and condition?. n every
Henry ho ot a ijuartcr section ol th j t5oj ;- tft U ftM ciifvr. wncrA
old Ike Uakcr l it,. I Cl ltl f-.r .?J pC f tntiorant. a remedv t'r iiititt!f. .t'-cure for
aero. Dr. kill lalt lv b.m-ht 6 acre ol int. nn t t-nt and nmitttft fever?, a pmle
It. shaiH, part ol the same claim. V ,i!rtfe,r dtuva Id -1
but ti'-'arcr it towarc'i town, lor $1,0011 dcfurciit nVm.eif.' for .b-k headache, a ir.i' l
rJJ'J) rcr acre. L itid i to p'enty
around Ndem lor si-cculalorH to have
1 ......
a motioply, t!u. a ten wc have alluueu lo
have bv'ctt mude lor aclual occupancy.
From tho, Albany Register: Mr-,
tjeo. Vtrnon died su l lenly, at her ie-i-tlcnce
about tij:ht miles stmih of this
city, on Thursday night of last week.
She retired at the usual hour, apparen
tly in good health, and wan .found to
have expired, some time during the
night, by her children, who attempted
to wake her next morning. Mr. Vernon
was absent from home, harvesting, o i
the night in question. She-is supposed
to have died of heart dieasc. She
leaves four small children.
Sodaville if the name of a town that
has just been laid out at the" "Soda
Spring, six miles above Lebanon,, Linn
county. Parties in Albany are buying
lots and intend to erect Rummer resi
dences there.
The Statesman says that during the
p;ist fortnight at 8aletn the public
health has not been ns good as previously
through the summer The prevailing
maladies are dysentery,! billious and
typhoid fevers. . . '
D. O. Leonard of John , Bay river in
forms the Mountaineer that a large
nnmber of emigrants from tho V allatuct
Valley have recently passed his place
with their herds and families, seeking
homes cast of the mountains. ;
For Sale.
H:CjKJ Creek, in Polk County, eight miles
from Dallas; 320 ar res fenced, 100 acres in
cultivation and 30 acres in Timothy Mendowj
well adapted to : stock raiBiug. Trice $7 per
acre. Inquire of . ; ; , ;
ICusncII ; Ferry, f : j
; Portland, Oregon, - -
v m. c. cAirr.f;
23 if
Administrators 5 Notice .
the undersigned was duly appointed at
tbe August term pt the County Court for Yam
bill couuty, Oregon, ndminitrutor of the estate
of John li. Kirby, deceased, late of said county.
ThHO having el.iima against aid estate are
Vequired to present them with proper vouchers
to the said administrator within six . months
fr;ui da to hereof.
-. A .' Administrator.
McMinnville, Oregon, August 8th, 1S70.
augl3-lw i
'Notice !
yV ity conintlled t break p house
keeping, and deins to pluco hi children iu
familicM. Any who ure willing to take charge
of one vt tuore of hn children on reasonable
ttriu, tire rejuee-ted to cull on him lit Dallas,
wheru further parti-ul.ir will be imparted. .
Uallup, August 1370,
IVotace to ESridirc Builder.
fht contraft ta loiil I a br'olo utojs the
L Luckiuwute. at IL'ijry .Helmie'jj l'olk Co.,
Oregon, will a let to the lowest hi bl-r on Hat
urdat, the !.iy of September, 1 S?0 , b t.veii
the h oir.i of on.; and four o'clock, p. in., at the
tit.; of th loide.
l'laits und .-ecificnlioriS can be seen at the
County I'leik's office in l.i!ln.
21 ni .Superiiitendiut.
SZiJjfiA.ll l.JIISQ,
Ofhrc, No. CI IVoiit Stre-f.
poutlam . . . OREOON
I'tal Estiiic Dealer.
Special Collector cf Clafnis.
A jir,. ,,( ,f ntV and EAST PORT-
1 nvZ'. ....
, . , .,,,.
cidova'od LA.t. located n a., pari ..d
thr sr'e.
. . . ... t ..... . . .. ., ...
! "V! T fl" -
i "Vi? r V V'T, " rirrr.i
i Ad kiok f 1 ui.uifi.tl and general Ajency
i.umio. ?r..!i? 1. a. ,
j ,ri!i.4 3i;ni.,,, j. it.oI'EUTY f..r .,!.
! w;st piet famW, dre-Moa of .'.a
of thi .Si'ATE.
i I'V SI it rnnt ni-rTur t-.v
t :a-.-n. t'irv. i r.iw i-to'rp:5f f r a few wwl
I in Iii?rf. Thw .!irhig a n thing in hi line
J If"
f in I' ib. Thw lirtii tiihi.; in his line
j f ;! ?!Sm ! Mri m" T'Sflo
i w!j. fe !.p t prrp:rd t- u q pr,tP So
Ml;.ilrt Wuh.ud t pn.rvc atd bfautiiy
ths e.-ta.
... . .... i. . . . . .
Household fUI'Jr Ad.npkd to all
t ;huatt:K.
It would be a h pv thin fr ihr wrll if
nil the l t itnttf t piiM-M ttnl in the r ir ti c
f Uli'd'in" CO'l'd fe" i OUt rtf 'Xlt
l.nodynf ,! hH.: ii:; a- ,r,:9r
l" ., v f ' , . ,.,;
I vvAMRI Mt-.tt lXK "f .iUe,.wnw.t i tc.f
toiv. in tue ott ml cbUi ad dnwt? it i
lite'rallv a ti tt sk.uo'.o srvri.K. M.dh.-r heU.ve
in i. 'Tm-v hod ita jreseot b in. fine '(
tr nb'c,'' a.tfe and pha i;it renlcdy .r;-r th
Vflrioaa'iMUcnt' t" which flu ir sox i e.xclasi vly
ubje t. .VJ' htlievs In' it .because it r-frohes
und invi' r te t!:e l.ody and the mind, and
t..ncs both without vxeltta tiller. 21-Iw
This Remedy does nr,t pimply fcVt? for a
short time, bnt it produce? porfn"anl pwptnan
ent cure9 of the wornt cnen of Chronic Nn?al
Catarrh, and r7 ptf $ 00 rrtfnrtl fr a fif
tfint I enmot curt. "Cold in tho bend" and
Catarrhiit Ileal.tcho oro cured with a few ap
plications. If j'ou bnvo a tlischnrjio from iho
no?e, ofTeufive or t thcrwi-se, stopping up tho
nose nt time?, pnrtinl lo?s of the pcopo of
smell, taste vt hear tog. cj'-'S wittering or weak,
feci d.ll, have. pain or picture in the head, you
may refl n?Fured that you have Catarrh. Thou?
nnda annually. .without mntiifcsding half of the
above ?y'mptom j, tertninute In Con?umptioo and
end in the grave. No di?on?o i so common,
more dtceptivo or le. nnd:rtood by physici
ans. I will send my phnmphlet on Catarrh to
any address free. Dr. Soge'ti Catarrh Remedy
is now
Price 50 cents; Sent by mail .po?t pnld," on
receipt of CO cents, or four packages for f:t.
Iiewaro of counterfeitsj and worthle? itaita
tion?. See that my pr irate ttamp, which is a
pWo're yuarantee of geuuincne, is upon the
4uti!e wrapper. Jtemember jtht this pri ate
stamp, issued by the United State? Government
expressly for stamping my medicines, ha? my
portrait, name and address, and the words JU
S. Certificate of genuinene8" engraved upon
jt, and need not be mistaken. Don't bo swiii j
died by travelers and others representing thcm
pel ve V Dir Sage J J nm.fho pnjy man noW
liviug tjikt has lb kuowlediro and the right td
manufacture the genuine Dr. Sngo's Catjirrh
Remedy, and I never travel to sell this modi
cine. R. V. PIERCK, M. D.
au0-3m 133 Sonera street, Budalo, N. Y,
X ' I. JvJ 'n county, two- mile from
DatUt, on the road to Sa'em. alt under good
fence, repaired this spring; 175 arro now un
der cultivation. 2i ncrcn of timothy meadow,
and welh watered by springs und we'lii three
dwelling houses .and one good barn on the
farm, and two goo l bearing orchard. Belong
ing to this prairio laud in four timber lot, one
ht of fir timber containing 110 acre, situated
five miles off, and i4 the nearest timber to the
valley and very valuable for rail and building
purposes; CI acres of oak timber two miles
distant; 26 acres of oak timber two mile and
21) aerea of oak limber one mile distant. These
tract of land ' together make one of the bet
erain ana Mct-K units in rom mmuij. ..van
be divided advantageously into three or four
Term, $1 i per acre, to be told together for
cash in baud. Apply to
Rticll Ac Ferry,
' o.i '
Dallas, Oregon.
PjsXJ farming iuihj, on j.uesiamuie; -o
acres i.i grain, 6 acre planted with whitehead.
)otd orchard 'bearing, and good rane for
ft -U. '
I'rico $ 1,100, including crop, if sold before
Inquire of
2imscI3 iV Ferry,
Real L'ituto Acnt. Portland; On., or of
V. M. C. O.U'LT,
Da! hi s, t'gn.
13 tf
U ioI;el to the improved facililicii whidi
t have recently imde to my apparatus, by
which i ati abla to Ulte
&Lv Riclures.
O u (i Witting!
Th mals the h 'r t. r.re tak f getting
crtrr..-t iikeue of Cill Llii a matter
d Mnaii in ejunt.
pejMj,dIi.t located M.in ftrct P'lai.
I!!a. April VI, 1S70.
J. W. CRAWt'O&D.
T. 8. sr.wsfAs.
Front Str:st, $no XJjbr SdhI! ci
Pest Gaice,
fi-.!ic - - ni-cm.ii.
BrukVakW W "' ' J
...'...:. ....,,..... .... ',.' ' I
rsitj. vMnvoMiiiM-ai um iiiA.ri ju
that they h-Ave rnU-ni.-hc l tj ir Moi.h of tin
ware, and Lave u tu hjiu .1 k !.re avs' rt-
IHK.t f ,:
BiU and Turk r Stf r.,
Iron IVcvt
Of every de.vcrii th'u. Alio a lai; vf
hcct Iron,
HIrr, A-c.
Having procured lh services of a firit-c!s?s
worhmn we are o:.w cohs'twnttv Mauufjitur
'ig-fl kind of tin furnishings Lr &tvi ju 1
for farmer? c. !?sirh a?
ftTote Ttollrs. C.fne end Tea Pots:,
Tea Kcttlrs, Miik Pan. fippeie,
I, aid aud Ituttcr Cans.
An I irt f.ct, all !irti"lc! of tintrnre n?nall
t'ii; I in ftove an tinware ?tir! nil " which
we ofT-r for ?u'e at price tlot will ju.ify ptir-
!i '. r t (tatroiaizo us rather than Salem vr
Port'and .-h"p.-.
Special altcution will be given to
Job Work :
Of all kind?.
In connection with the stove and tio ttcre,
we will continue vur .
VVhrr? will h kept all kind? of seasonable
m-ut?, both FHEII nod SALT.
In ex.-hane tor g"odj in our line we will
take U kiuds of country produce, such as
Batt r, Eggs. Chicken, Floor, Bacon, &c.
We invite the public to cmII and - exainiuo
uurft-xrk.- CRAWFORD A MiWMAN.
Dallas, March 4, IPth 1-tf
Craw 1'ord A: icu ttinca,
JuKiitC(l Ware, Porcelain I.Inrd Slew
Pots lor I ruit, a ;reat Variety of
Gem Pans, Pressed Patth s for Tart,
Cooking Hpoons, Rgg Heaters Ilroil-
tr.g I'xlures of Improved 8 Pattern,
Hulling Pius, &c., Ac.
Dallas, April 15. IS 70. 7:tf
J. to tho undersigned ni either punjcle
tho CASH or give their NOTE. In case of a
failure to tlo. either, there will bo hu?incwi for
tho legal fraternity. . ?
July Id. 1870. 20 tf
in market in Kits or barrel?.
Forsaloat COX A EARIIART'S, ,
Salem. I
Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Coppef,
. Zinc, Brass & Block Tin, r,t
Force and Lilt Pumps,
Hollow- Ware
Tiij, .SIiccC-Iroii Sc Copper
Ware. Great Variety of Gem Paaa. :
Iron AulZeni Tip, of all sizes, for Qu.
Watr&ai Steam. , v
In all ita branches done to order, at the anted
r 1' Co.n.
Union Block Comuicrrlal St., Salera
1S70. tiiltevvi Bros. J870.
v manufautciu:us, . "
mai.i:m - - - - . . OHCCOK.
Mea'a Tap Svlc Sewed "Boots.- $14,00
.Mcu'a Double Sole, Swed Ruofl....." 13 CO
; j,j Mcu Single Sole, Sewed Roots...- 12 0CS
g Men Tap h'ol?, r.ggccl R-otj...... 11 CO.
.neu twglo a-oic, Tegged Uoots... 10 CflL
i -2 Men's French Kip Rovt......
9 CO
Z:ufn'' Kl' c,oaU Orcfeon crCali- .
s lornu leather - ' 7 CO
-McnN Best French Calf Sewed Ox- 4
u 1J4 ii'.. .... ......... ..... CO.
' 3
fcr' 7Vt French Calf Pcg-red Ox-
Itrd iitjs.,
i C CO
i U. nvd in all our boots, and evvry pair
,..a;:tvd to give atirat.tioa. . W hh.e
lr.yt and 1 et ftlcvud tK'k ot Earli-ru
.nd t:uttf.roia made Hoots and hock. which
wt oCer nt wbutcsaJe ir ft tail at prices wLRh
dtv ciinpetuivj.- -, : ' ,-
CALF, Kli' A.NU UPl'hit
Fhoe 5r.i"hlnery and ever; thing generally
f n-oJ io ;i I.eMiber an1 Fitdins Stor. '
UolJ coin pjid ICr nnd U BS. ,-t?
Fah-ui, Ojn., March U', 1S70. 2 Cm.
hclcsale and Retail dealers iu.
HOOKS, ' .
H inlvrming the public that wc have jdst
received a luro invoke of. v -
Wall Paper
Of nil styles, direct frcru the rjcaacfactorictia
tho Eat. Our stock t th - '":
Largest e.er vflered' In this Mail: cU
Which we wilt so" I at whote?tle and retail
CHEAP as any other how- iu thi Stnt.f.;? j
YEATtiN ,t mOS,
Salem, Osn., March lttth, l?7ih 2-lf
T EI E O C 2 D. E ! TL,
. Formerly "WESTERN HOTEL i
Corner of First nnd Morrison Street,
JL House -aud Refitted and Utfurni-hed it
"throujrhout. rrnklnj: it ty far the BEST HO
N. B. Jlot and Cold Baths attached to th
Heuse for the bentfit of -G?ey1s. " : - t
, - SMiTll i COOK, , f.
Finland, April 14,1570. ; 1 L 7;lf;
- i I i i
having their mill; in good. -tanning cvrdtr,
make known to the cititens nroad Bucua
Vista and vicinity that tnrid coiapuny aro pre
pared to furnifh Imnber at 4ho follywipg
prices t $1012 50 per 1.CC0 .'ccf ;; '- v
We have also a firt class planer end match
er, and arc prepared to furnish cither plain or
dressed lumber, strictly to orders and with
punctuality and dispute's.-
. A good flsfortmeut nf In ruber now on kau4.
JAS, HOLM AN, President of B. V. M, Co.
: ..' ! WM. C. LEE, Secretary.
BaetiA Vif fa, Jutie ICtb, IS70:: , .il8 t
"-'. -"'."'' ' : r ' .
1 ' WOOL WAITED, t-.'.i
"JL,nwU give th, hichfit market prico'or
wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co."
"Tboir 5tore is also open, with )teiraC.
sortment of Dry Ooods, tirorarUa, llardwrre,
Af. ltf